예제 #1
파일: animation.py 프로젝트: zewt/pymel
    def constraintWithWeightSyntax(*args, **kwargs):
        Maya Bug Fix:
          - when queried, angle offsets would be returned in radians, not current angle unit

          - added new syntax for querying the weight of a target object, by passing the constraint first::

                aimConstraint('pCube1_aimConstraint1', q=1, weight='pSphere1')
                aimConstraint('pCube1_aimConstraint1', q=1, weight=['pSphere1', 'pCylinder1'])
                aimConstraint('pCube1_aimConstraint1', q=1, weight=True)
        if kwargs.get('query', kwargs.get('q', False) and len(args) == 1):
            # Fix the big with angle offset query always being in radians
            if kwargs.get('offset', kwargs.get('o', None)):
                return _general.getAttr(str(args[0]) + ".offset")

            # try seeing if we can apply the new weight query syntax
            targetObjects = kwargs.get('weight', kwargs.get('w', None))
            if targetObjects is not None:
                # old way caused KeyError if 'w' not in kwargs, even if 'weight' was!
                # targetObjects = kwargs.get( 'weight', kwargs['w'] )
                constraint = args[0]
                if 'constraint' in cmds.nodeType(constraint, inherited=1):
                    if targetObjects is True or (
                            # formerly, we allowed 'weight=[]' instead of
                            # 'weight=True' - while this is somewhat more
                            # confusing, continue to support it for backwards
                            # compatibility
                            and not targetObjects):
                        targetObjects = func(constraint, q=1, targetList=1)
                    elif _util.isIterable(targetObjects):
                        # convert to list, in case it isn't one
                        targetObjects = list(targetObjects)
                        targetObjects = [targetObjects]

                    constraintObj = cmds.listConnections(
                        constraint + '.constraintParentInverseMatrix',
                    args = targetObjects + [constraintObj]
                    kwargs.pop('w', None)
                    kwargs['weight'] = True
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if kwargs.get('query', kwargs.get('q', False) and len(args) == 1):
            if kwargs.get('weightAliasList', kwargs.get('wal', None)):
                res = [
                    _general.Attribute(args[0] + '.' + attr) for attr in res
            elif kwargs.get('worldUpObject', kwargs.get('wuo', None)):
                res = _factories.unwrapToPyNode(res)
            elif kwargs.get('targetList', kwargs.get('tl', None)):
                res = _factories.toPyNodeList(res)
        return res
예제 #2
    def constraintWithWeightSyntax(*args, **kwargs):
Maya Bug Fix:
  - when queried, angle offsets would be returned in radians, not current angle unit

  - added new syntax for querying the weight of a target object, by passing the constraint first::

        aimConstraint('pCube1_aimConstraint1', q=1, weight='pSphere1')
        aimConstraint('pCube1_aimConstraint1', q=1, weight=['pSphere1', 'pCylinder1'])
        aimConstraint('pCube1_aimConstraint1', q=1, weight=True)
        if kwargs.get('query', kwargs.get('q', False) and len(args) == 1):
            # Fix the big with angle offset query always being in radians
            if kwargs.get('offset', kwargs.get('o', None)):
                return _general.getAttr(str(args[0]) + ".offset")

            # try seeing if we can apply the new weight query syntax
            targetObjects = kwargs.get('weight', kwargs.get('w', None))
            if targetObjects is not None:
                # old way caused KeyError if 'w' not in kwargs, even if 'weight' was!
                # targetObjects = kwargs.get( 'weight', kwargs['w'] )
                constraint = args[0]
                if 'constraint' in cmds.nodeType(constraint, inherited=1):
                    if targetObjects is True or (
                            # formerly, we allowed 'weight=[]' instead of
                            # 'weight=True' - while this is somewhat more
                            # confusing, continue to support it for backwards
                            # compatibility
                            and not targetObjects):
                        targetObjects = func(constraint, q=1, targetList=1)
                    elif _util.isIterable(targetObjects):
                        # convert to list, in case it isn't one
                        targetObjects = list(targetObjects)
                        targetObjects = [targetObjects]

                    constraintObj = cmds.listConnections(constraint + '.constraintParentInverseMatrix', s=1, d=0)[0]
                    args = targetObjects + [constraintObj]
                    kwargs.pop('w', None)
                    kwargs['weight'] = True
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if kwargs.get('query', kwargs.get('q', False) and len(args) == 1):
            if kwargs.get('weightAliasList', kwargs.get('wal', None)):
                res = [_general.Attribute(args[0] + '.' + attr) for attr in res]
            elif kwargs.get('worldUpObject', kwargs.get('wuo', None)):
                res = _factories.unwrapToPyNode(res)
            elif kwargs.get('targetList', kwargs.get('tl', None)):
                res = _factories.toPyNodeList(res)
        return res
예제 #3
    def constraint(*args, **kwargs):
Maya Bug Fix:
  - when queried, upVector, worldUpVector, and aimVector returned the name of the constraint instead of the desired values

  - added new syntax for querying the weight of a target object, by passing the constraint first::

        aimConstraint( 'pCube1_aimConstraint1', q=1, weight ='pSphere1' )
        aimConstraint( 'pCube1_aimConstraint1', q=1, weight =['pSphere1', 'pCylinder1'] )
        aimConstraint( 'pCube1_aimConstraint1', q=1, weight =[] )
        if kwargs.get( 'query', kwargs.get('q', False) and len(args)==1) :

            # Fix the big with upVector, worldUpVector, and aimVector
            attrs = [
            'upVector', 'u',
            'worldUpVector', 'wu',
            'aimVector', 'a' ]

            for attr in attrs:
                if attr in kwargs:
                    return _general.datatypes.Vector( _general.getAttr(args[0] + "." + attr ) )

            # ...otherwise, try seeing if we can apply the new weight query syntax
            targetObjects =  kwargs.get( 'weight', kwargs.get('w', None) )
            if targetObjects is not None:
                # old way caused KeyError if 'w' not in kwargs, even if 'weight' was!
                # targetObjects = kwargs.get( 'weight', kwargs['w'] )
                constraint = args[0]
                if 'constraint' in cmds.nodeType( constraint, inherited=1 ):
                    if not _util.isIterable( targetObjects ):
                        targetObjects = [targetObjects]
                    elif not targetObjects:
                        targetObjects = func( constraint, q=1, targetList=1 )

                    constraintObj = cmds.listConnections( constraint + '.constraintParentInverseMatrix', s=1, d=0 )[0]
                    args = targetObjects + [constraintObj]
                    kwargs['weight'] = True
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if kwargs.get( 'query', kwargs.get('q', False) and len(args)==1) :
            if kwargs.get( 'weightAliasList', kwargs.get('wal', None) ):
                res = [_general.Attribute(args[0] + '.' + attr) for attr in res]
            elif kwargs.get( 'worldUpObject', kwargs.get('wuo', None) ):
                res = _factories.unwrapToPyNode(res)
            elif kwargs.get( 'targetList', kwargs.get('tl', None) ):
                res = _factories.toPyNodeList(res)
        return res
예제 #4
파일: animation.py 프로젝트: zewt/pymel
def ikHandle(*args, **kwargs):
        - always converts to PyNodes in create mode, even though results are
          non-unique short names
    from . import nodetypes
    from maya.OpenMaya import MGlobal

    res = cmds.ikHandle(*args, **kwargs)

    # unfortunately, ikHandle returns non-unique names... however, it
    # doesn't support a parent option - so we can just throw a '|' in front
    # of the first return result (the ikHandle itself) to get a unique name
    # We then need to track through it's connections to find the endEffector...

    if kwargs.get('query', kwargs.get('q', False)):
        if kwargs.get('endEffector', kwargs.get('ee', False)):
            res = _factories.toPyNode(res)
        elif kwargs.get('jointList', kwargs.get('jl', False)):
            res = _factories.toPyNodeList(res)
    elif (not kwargs.get('edit', kwargs.get('e', False))
          and isinstance(res, list) and len(res) == 2
          and all(isinstance(x, basestring) for x in res)):
        handleName, effectorName = res
        # ikHandle doesn't support a parent kwarg, so result should always be
        # grouped under the world...
        handleNode = _factories.toPyNode('|' + handleName)
        # unfortunately, effector location is a little harder to predict. but
        # can find it by following connections...
        effectorNode = handleNode.attr('endEffector').inputs()[0]
        if effectorNode.nodeName() == effectorName:
            res = [handleNode, effectorNode]
                "Warning: returned ikHandle %r was connected to effector %r, "
                "which did not match returned effector name %r" %
                (handleName, effectorNode.shortName(), effectorName))
    return res
예제 #5
def ikHandle(*args, **kwargs):
        - always converts to PyNodes in create mode, even though results are
          non-unique short names
    import nodetypes
    from maya.OpenMaya import MGlobal

    res = cmds.ikHandle(*args, **kwargs)

    # unfortunately, ikHandle returns non-unique names... however, it
    # doesn't support a parent option - so we can just throw a '|' in front
    # of the first return result (the ikHandle itself) to get a unique name
    # We then need to track through it's connections to find the endEffector...

    if kwargs.get('query', kwargs.get('q', False)):
        if kwargs.get('endEffector', kwargs.get('ee', False)):
            res = _factories.toPyNode(res)
        elif kwargs.get('jointList', kwargs.get('jl', False)):
            res = _factories.toPyNodeList(res)
    elif (not kwargs.get('edit', kwargs.get('e', False))
            and isinstance(res, list) and len(res) == 2
            and all(isinstance(x, basestring) for x in res)):
        handleName, effectorName = res
        # ikHandle doesn't support a parent kwarg, so result should always be
        # grouped under the world...
        handleNode = _factories.toPyNode('|' + handleName)
        # unfortunately, effector location is a little harder to predict. but
        # can find it by following connections...
        effectorNode = handleNode.attr('endEffector').inputs()[0]
        if effectorNode.nodeName() == effectorName:
            res = [handleNode, effectorNode]
                "Warning: returned ikHandle %r was connected to effector %r, "
                "which did not match returned effector name %r"
                % (handleName, effectorNode.shortName(), effectorName))
    return res