def mediaconch_check(inputPath, ingestType, ingestLogBoilerplate): ''' Check input file against MediaConch policy. Needs to be cleaned up. Move logic to pymmFunctions and keep logging here. Also, we don't have any policies set up yet... ''' if ingestType == 'film scan': policyStatus = pymmFunctions.check_policy(ingestType, inputPath) if policyStatus: message = filename + " passed the MediaConch policy check." status = "ok" else: message = filename + " did not pass the MediaConch policy check." status = "not ok, but not critical?" pymmFunctions.ingest_log(message, status, **ingestLogBoilerplate)
def input_file_metadata(ingestLogBoilerplate, processingVars): pymmFunctions.ingest_log( # message "The input file MD5 hash is: " + makeMetadata.hash_file(processingVars['inputPath']), # status 'OK', # ingest boilerplate **ingestLogBoilerplate) mediainfo = makeMetadata.get_mediainfo_report( processingVars['inputPath'], processingVars['packageMetadataObjects']) if mediainfo: pymmFunctions.ingest_log( # message "mediainfo XML report for input file written to metadata directory for package.", # status 'OK', # ingest boilerplate **ingestLogBoilerplate) frameMD5 = makeMetadata.make_frame_md5( processingVars['inputPath'], processingVars['packageMetadataObjects']) if frameMD5 != False: pymmFunctions.ingest_log( # message "frameMD5 report for input file written to metadata directory for package", # status "OK", # ingest boilerplate **ingestLogBoilerplate)
def check_av_status(inputPath, interactiveMode, ingestLogBoilerplate): ''' Check whether or not a file is recognized as an a/v file. If it isn't and user declares interactive mode, ask whether to continue, otherwise quit. ''' if not pymmFunctions.is_av(inputPath): _is_av = False message = "WARNING: " + ingestLogBoilerplate[ 'filename'] + " is not recognized as an a/v file." print(message) pymmFunctions.ingest_log( # message message, #status 'warning', # ingest boilerplate **ingestLogBoilerplate) if interactiveMode: stayOrGo = input( "If you want to quit press 'q' and hit enter, otherwise press any other key:" ) if stayOrGo == 'q': # CLEANUP AND LOG THIS @fixme sys.exit() else: if _is_av == False: pymmFunctions.ingest_log( # message message, # status 'warning', # ingest boilerplate **ingestLogBoilerplate) else: pymmFunctions.ingest_log( # message ingestLogBoilerplate['filename'] + " is an AV file, way to go.", # status 'OK', # ingest boilerplate **ingestLogBoilerplate)
def main(): ######################### #### SET INGEST ARGS #### args = set_args() inputPath = args.inputPath operator = args.operator report_to_db = args.database_reporting ingestType = args.ingestType makeProres = args.makeProres concatChoice = args.concat cleanupStrategy = args.cleanup_originals interactiveMode = args.interactiveMode # read aip staging dir from config aip_staging = config['paths']['aip_staging'] # make a uuid for the ingest ingestUUID = str(uuid.uuid4()) # make a temp ID based on input path for the ingested object # this will get replaced by the ingest UUID during final package move ...? tempID = pymmFunctions.get_temp_id(inputPath) #### END SET INGEST ARGS #### ############################# ############################# #### TEST / SET ENV VARS #### # sniff whether the input is a file or directory inputType = sniff_input(inputPath, ingestUUID, concatChoice) if not inputType: sys.exit(1) if inputType == 'dir': source_list = pymmFunctions.list_files(inputPath) subs = 0 for _object in source_list: if os.path.isdir(_object): subs += 1 print("\nYou have subdirectory(ies) in your input:" "\n({})\n".format(_object)) if subs > 0: print("This is not currently supported. Exiting!") sys.exit() # create directory paths for ingest... packageOutputDir,packageObjectDir,packageMetadataDir,\ packageMetadataObjects,packageLogDir = prep_package(tempID) # check that required vars are declared & init other vars requiredVars = ['inputPath', 'operator'] if interactiveMode == False: # Quit if there are required variables missing missingVars = 0 for flag in requiredVars: if getattr(args, flag) == None: print(''' CONFIGURATION PROBLEM: YOU FORGOT TO SET ''' + flag + '''. It is required. Try again, but set ''' + flag + ''' with the flag --''' + flag) missingVars += 1 if missingVars > 0: sys.exit() else: # ask operator/input file operator = input("Please enter your name: ") inputPath = input( "Please drag the file you want to ingest into this window___" ).rstrip() inputPath = pymmFunctions.sanitize_dragged_linux_paths(inputPath) # Set up a canonical name that will be passed to each log entry. # For files it's the basename, for dirs it's the dir name. if inputPath: canonicalName = os.path.basename(inputPath) if inputType == 'file': filename = input_name = canonicalName elif inputType == 'dir': filename = '' input_name = canonicalName # set up a dict for processing variables to pass around processingVars = { 'operator': operator, 'inputPath': inputPath, 'tempID': tempID, 'ingestType': ingestType, 'ingestUUID': ingestUUID, 'filename': filename, 'input_name': input_name, 'makeProres': makeProres, 'packageOutputDir': packageOutputDir, 'packageObjectDir': packageObjectDir, 'packageMetadataDir': packageMetadataDir, 'packageMetadataObjects': packageMetadataObjects, 'packageLogDir': packageLogDir, 'aip_staging': aip_staging } #### END TEST / SET ENV VARS #### ################################# ########################### #### LOGGING / CLEANUP #### # set up a log file for this ingest ingestLogPath = os.path.join( packageLogDir, tempID + '_' + pymmFunctions.timestamp('now') + '_ingestfile-log.txt') with open(ingestLogPath, 'x') as ingestLog: print('Laying a log at ' + ingestLogPath) ingestLogBoilerplate = { 'ingestLogPath': ingestLogPath, 'tempID': tempID, 'input_name': input_name, 'filename': filename, 'operator': operator } pymmFunctions.ingest_log( # message 'start', # status 'start', # ingest boilerplate **ingestLogBoilerplate) # tell the system log that we are starting pymmFunctions.pymm_log(input_name, tempID, operator, '', 'STARTING') # if interactive ask about cleanup if interactiveMode: reset_cleanup_choice() # insert database record for this ingest (log 'ingestion start') # --> # @fixme # @logme # @dbme #### END LOGGING / CLEANUP #### ############################### ############### ## DO STUFF! ## ############### if inputType == 'file': # check that input file is actually a/v check_av_status(inputPath, interactiveMode, ingestLogBoilerplate) # @dbme mediaconch_check(inputPath, ingestType, ingestLogBoilerplate) # @dbme move_input_file(processingVars) # @logme # @dbme input_file_metadata(ingestLogBoilerplate, processingVars) # @logme # @dbme make_derivs(processingVars) # @logme # @dbme elif inputType == 'dir': for _file in source_list: # set processing variables per file ingestLogBoilerplate['filename'] = os.path.basename(_file) # @dbme processingVars['filename'] = os.path.basename(_file) # @dbme processingVars['inputPath'] = _file # @dbme # check that input file is actually a/v check_av_status(_file, interactiveMode, ingestLogBoilerplate) # @dbme mediaconch_check(_file, ingestType, ingestLogBoilerplate) # @dbme move_input_file(processingVars) # @dbme input_file_metadata(ingestLogBoilerplate, processingVars) # @dbme make_derivs(processingVars) # @dbme # reset the processing variables to the original state processingVars['filename'] = '' processingVars['inputPath'] = inputPath # MOVE SIP TO AIP STAGING # a) make a hashdeep manifest @fixme # b) move it move_sip(processingVars) # @dbme packageVerified = False # c) audit the hashdeep manifest @fixme # packageVerified = result of audit @fixme # FINISH LOGGING do_cleanup(cleanupStrategy, packageVerified, inputPath, packageOutputDir, 'done') # @dbme