예제 #1
파일: operators.py 프로젝트: TreeerT/pymor
def test_apply2(operator_with_arrays):
    op, mu, U, V = operator_with_arrays
    for U_ind in valid_inds(U):
        for V_ind in valid_inds(V):
            M = op.apply2(V[V_ind], U[U_ind], mu=mu)
            assert M.shape == (V.len_ind(V_ind), U.len_ind(U_ind))
            M2 = V[V_ind].inner(op.apply(U[U_ind], mu=mu))
            assert np.allclose(M, M2)
예제 #2
파일: vectorarray.py 프로젝트: meretp/pymor
def test_axpy_one_x(vector_arrays, random):
    v1, v2 = vector_arrays
    for ind1, ind2 in product(pyst.valid_inds(v1, random_module=False),
                              pyst.valid_inds(v2, 1, random_module=False)):
        assert v1.check_ind(ind1)
        assert v2.check_ind(ind2)
        if v1.len_ind(ind1) != v1.len_ind_unique(ind1):
            with pytest.raises(Exception):
                c1, c2 = v1.copy(), v2.copy()
                c1[ind1].axpy(0., c2[ind2])

        ind1_complement = ind_complement(v1, ind1)
        c1, c2 = v1.copy(), v2.copy()

        gc = c1[ind1]
        gv = c2[ind2]
        # TODO this was somehow hardcoded in the old fixture, makes the test extremely slow
        assume(len(gc) == 0 or len(gv) > 0)
        gc.axpy(0., gv)
        assert len(c1) == len(v1)
        assert np.all(almost_equal(c1, v1))
        assert np.all(almost_equal(c2, v2))

        for a in (1., 1.4, np.random.random(v1.len_ind(ind1))):
            c1, c2 = v1.copy(), v2.copy()
            c1[ind1].axpy(a, c2[ind2])
            assert len(c1) == len(v1)
            assert np.all(
                almost_equal(c1[ind1_complement], v1[ind1_complement]))
            assert np.all(almost_equal(c2, v2))
            # for the openstack CI machines this could be 1 + 1e-10
            rtol_factor = 1. + 147e-9
            assert np.all(c1[ind1].sup_norm() <= v1[ind1].sup_norm() +
                          abs(a) * v2[ind2].sup_norm() * rtol_factor)
            assert np.all(c1[ind1].norm() <=
                          (v1[ind1].norm() + abs(a) * v2[ind2].norm()) *
                          (1. + 1e-10))
                x = v1.to_numpy(True).astype(
                    complex)  # ensure that inplace addition works
                if isinstance(ind1, Number):
                    x[[ind1]] += indexed(v2.to_numpy(), ind2) * a
                    if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
                        aa = a[:, np.newaxis]
                        aa = a
                    x[ind1] += indexed(v2.to_numpy(), ind2) * aa
                assert np.allclose(c1.to_numpy(), x)
            except NotImplementedError:
            c1[ind1].axpy(-a, c2[ind2])
            assert len(c1) == len(v1)
            assert np.all(almost_equal(c1, v1))
예제 #3
파일: vectorarray.py 프로젝트: meretp/pymor
def test_append(vector_arrays):
    v1, v2 = vector_arrays
    len_v1, len_v2 = len(v1), len(v2)
    for ind in pyst.valid_inds(v2, random_module=False):
        c1, c2 = v1.copy(), v2.copy()
        len_ind = v2.len_ind(ind)
        ind_complement_ = ind_complement(v2, ind)
        assert len(c1) == len_v1 + len_ind
        assert np.all(almost_equal(c1[len_v1:len(c1)], c2[ind]))
            assert np.allclose(
                np.vstack((v1.to_numpy(), indexed(v2.to_numpy(), ind))))
        except NotImplementedError:
        c1.append(c2[ind], remove_from_other=True)
        assert len(c2) == len(ind_complement_)
        assert c2.space == c1.space
        assert len(c1) == len_v1 + 2 * len_ind
        assert np.all(
            almost_equal(c1[len_v1:len_v1 + len_ind],
                         c1[len_v1 + len_ind:len(c1)]))
        assert np.all(almost_equal(c2, v2[ind_complement_]))
            assert np.allclose(c2.to_numpy(),
                               indexed(v2.to_numpy(), ind_complement_))
        except NotImplementedError:
예제 #4
파일: vectorarray.py 프로젝트: meretp/pymor
def test_getitem_repeated(vectors_and_indices):
    v, ind = vectors_and_indices
    v_ind = v[ind]
    v_ind_copy = v_ind.copy()
    assert not v_ind_copy.is_view
    for ind_ind in pyst.valid_inds(v_ind, random_module=False):
        v_ind_ind = v_ind[ind_ind]
        assert np.all(almost_equal(v_ind_ind, v_ind_copy[ind_ind]))
예제 #5
파일: operators.py 프로젝트: TreeerT/pymor
def test_apply(operator_with_arrays):
    op, mu, U, _ = operator_with_arrays
    V = op.apply(U, mu=mu)
    assert V in op.range
    assert len(V) == len(U)
    for ind in valid_inds(U):
        Vind = op.apply(U[ind], mu=mu)
        assert np.all(almost_equal(Vind, V[ind]))
        assert np.all(almost_equal(Vind, op.apply(U[ind], mu=mu)))
예제 #6
파일: operators.py 프로젝트: TreeerT/pymor
def test_apply_inverse(operator_with_arrays):
    op, mu, _, V = operator_with_arrays
    for ind in valid_inds(V):
            U = op.apply_inverse(V[ind], mu=mu)
        except InversionError:
        assert U in op.source
        assert len(U) == V.len_ind(ind)
        VV = op.apply(U, mu=mu)
        assert np.all(almost_equal(VV, V[ind], atol=1e-10, rtol=1e-3))
예제 #7
def test_almost_equal_self_product(operator_with_arrays_and_products):
    _, _, v, _, product, _ = operator_with_arrays_and_products
    norm = induced_norm(product)
    for ind in valid_inds(v):
        for rtol, atol in ((1e-5, 1e-8), (1e-10, 1e-12), (0., 1e-8), (1e-5, 1e-8), (1e-12, 0.)):
            r = almost_equal(v[ind], v[ind], norm=norm)
            assert isinstance(r, np.ndarray)
            assert r.shape == (v.len_ind(ind),)
            assert np.all(r)
            if v.len_ind(ind) == 0 or np.max(v[ind].sup_norm() == 0):

            r = almost_equal(v[ind], v[ind], product=product)
            assert isinstance(r, np.ndarray)
            assert r.shape == (v.len_ind(ind),)
            assert np.all(r)
            if v.len_ind(ind) == 0 or np.max(v[ind].sup_norm() == 0):

            c = v.copy()
            c.scal(atol * (1 - 1e-10) / (np.max(norm(v[ind]))))
            assert np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], c.zeros(v.len_ind(ind)), atol=atol, rtol=rtol, norm=norm))
            assert np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], c.zeros(v.len_ind(ind)), atol=atol, rtol=rtol, product=product))

            if atol > 0:
                c = v.copy()
                c.scal(2. * atol / (np.max(norm(v[ind]))))
                assert not np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], c.zeros(v.len_ind(ind)), atol=atol, rtol=rtol, norm=norm))
                assert not np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], c.zeros(v.len_ind(ind)), atol=atol, rtol=rtol, product=product))

            c = v.copy()
            c.scal(1. + rtol * 0.9)
            assert np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], v[ind], atol=atol, rtol=rtol, norm=norm))
            assert np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], v[ind], atol=atol, rtol=rtol, product=product))

            if rtol > 0:
                c = v.copy()
                c.scal(2. + rtol * 1.1)
                assert not np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], v[ind], atol=atol, rtol=rtol, norm=norm))
                assert not np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], v[ind], atol=atol, rtol=rtol, product=product))

            c = v.copy()
            c.scal(1. + atol * 0.9 / np.max(np.max(norm(v[ind]))))
            assert np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], v[ind], atol=atol, rtol=rtol, norm=norm))
            assert np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], v[ind], atol=atol, rtol=rtol, product=product))

            if atol > 0 or rtol > 0:
                c = v.copy()
                c.scal(1 + rtol * 1.1 + atol * 1.1 / np.max(np.max(norm(v[ind]))))
                assert not np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], v[ind], atol=atol, rtol=rtol, norm=norm))
                assert not np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], v[ind], atol=atol, rtol=rtol, product=product))
예제 #8
파일: operators.py 프로젝트: TreeerT/pymor
def test_apply_adjoint(operator_with_arrays):
    op, mu, _, V = operator_with_arrays
    if not op.linear:
        U = op.apply_adjoint(V, mu=mu)
    except (NotImplementedError, LinAlgError):
    assert U in op.source
    assert len(V) == len(U)
    for ind in list(valid_inds(V, 3)) + [[]]:
        Uind = op.apply_adjoint(V[ind], mu=mu)
        assert np.all(almost_equal(Uind, U[ind]))
        assert np.all(almost_equal(Uind, op.apply_adjoint(V[ind], mu=mu)))
예제 #9
파일: operators.py 프로젝트: TreeerT/pymor
def test_apply_inverse_adjoint(operator_with_arrays):
    op, mu, U, _ = operator_with_arrays
    if not op.linear:
    for ind in valid_inds(U):
        if len(U[ind]) == 0:
            V = op.apply_inverse_adjoint(U[ind], mu=mu)
        except (InversionError, LinAlgError):
        assert V in op.range
        assert len(V) == U.len_ind(ind)
        UU = op.apply_adjoint(V, mu=mu)
        assert np.all(almost_equal(UU, U[ind], atol=1e-10, rtol=1e-3))