def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mode = sys.argv[1] else: mode = 'sim' defaults.add_epsilon_as_inset = True sim = TriHoles2D( material='SiN', radius=0.34, numbands=4, #8, k_interpolation=5, #31, resolution=16, mesh_size=7, runmode=mode, num_processors=2, save_field_patterns=False, convert_field_patterns=False) if not sim: log.error('an error occurred during simulation. See the .out file') return' ##### success! #####\n\n')
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mode=sys.argv[1] else: mode='sim' sim = TriHolesSlab3D( material='Si', substrate_material='glass', radius=0.5 * 367 / pitch, thickness=116 / pitch, numbands=16, k_interpolation=31, resolution=32, mesh_size=7, supercell_z=10, runmode=mode, num_processors=8, save_field_patterns=False, convert_field_patterns=False, job_name_suffix='_on_glass', bands_title_appendix=' (on glass)', modes=[''] # use (run), not (run-zeven) etc. ) if not sim: log.error('an error occurred during simulation. See the .out file') else:' ##### Si PhC slab on glass - success! #####\n\n')
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mode=sys.argv[1] else: mode='sim' defaults.add_epsilon_as_inset = True sim = TriHoles2D( material='SiN', radius=0.34, numbands=4,#8, k_interpolation=5,#31, resolution=16, mesh_size=7, runmode=mode, num_processors=2, save_field_patterns=False, convert_field_patterns=False) if not sim: log.error('an error occurred during simulation. See the .out file') return' ##### success! #####\n\n')
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mode = sys.argv[1] else: mode = 'sim' # monkey patching: # (don't output multiple tiles along y) # (x and y are switched because of -T) defaults.mpbdata_call = ( 'mpb-data -T -rn%(resolution)s ' '-y%(number_of_tiles_to_output)s ' '-o%(output_file)s ' '%(h5_file)s') defaults.number_of_tiles_to_output=5 ksteps = 5 # width of the supercell: supercell_size = 3 # The bigger the unit cell, the more bands fold in below the # waveguide band: first_wg_band = int(3 + 2 * (supercell_size - 1)) sim = TriHolesSlab3D_Waveguide( material='SiN', radius=0.340, thickness=0.8, mode='zeven', numbands=first_wg_band + 1, k_steps=ksteps, supercell_size=supercell_size, supercell_z=3, resolution=16, mesh_size=3, runmode=mode, ydirection=False, first_row_longitudinal_shift=0, second_row_longitudinal_shift=0, num_processors=2, projected_bands_folder='./projected_bands_repo', plot_crop_y=0.6, #save_field_patterns_kvecs=[ # (x, 0, 0) for x in np.linspace(0, 0.5, num=ksteps)], #save_field_patterns_bandnums=[ # 1, 2, # first_wg_band, first_wg_band + 1, first_wg_band + 2], #convert_field_patterns=True, #field_pattern_plot_k_selection=[0, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16] ) if not sim: log.error('an error occurred during simulation. See the .out file') return
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mode = sys.argv[1] else: mode = 'sim' # monkey patching: # (don't output multiple tiles along y) # (x and y are switched because of -T) defaults.mpbdata_call = ('mpb-data -T -rn%(resolution)s ' '-y%(number_of_tiles_to_output)s ' '-o%(output_file)s ' '%(h5_file)s') defaults.number_of_tiles_to_output = 5 ksteps = 5 # width of the supercell: supercell_size = 3 # The bigger the unit cell, the more bands fold in below the # waveguide band: first_wg_band = int(3 + 2 * (supercell_size - 1)) sim = TriHolesSlab3D_Waveguide( material='SiN', radius=0.340, thickness=0.8, mode='zeven', numbands=first_wg_band + 1, k_steps=ksteps, supercell_size=supercell_size, supercell_z=3, resolution=16, mesh_size=3, runmode=mode, ydirection=False, first_row_longitudinal_shift=0, second_row_longitudinal_shift=0, num_processors=2, projected_bands_folder='./projected_bands_repo', plot_crop_y=0.6, #save_field_patterns_kvecs=[ # (x, 0, 0) for x in np.linspace(0, 0.5, num=ksteps)], #save_field_patterns_bandnums=[ # 1, 2, # first_wg_band, first_wg_band + 1, first_wg_band + 2], #convert_field_patterns=True, #field_pattern_plot_k_selection=[0, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16] ) if not sim: log.error('an error occurred during simulation. See the .out file') return
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mode=sys.argv[1] else: mode='sim' minstep = 1 maxstep = 8.0 stepsize = 0.5 numsteps = int((maxstep - minstep) / stepsize + 1.5) steps = np.linspace(minstep, maxstep, num=numsteps, endpoint=True) # save previous step's data, needed for comparison with current data: prev_step_data = None for i, step in enumerate(steps):"running simulation with {0:n} supercell height steps:\n{1}".format( numsteps, steps) + '\n ### current step: #{0} ({1}) ###\n'.format(i+1, step)) ### create and run simulation (according to mode) ### sim = TriHolesSlab3D( material='SiN', radius=0.375, thickness=0.8, numbands=8, k_interpolation=31, resolution=32, mesh_size=7, supercell_z=step, runmode=mode, num_processors=8, save_field_patterns=True, convert_field_patterns=True, job_name_suffix='_sct{0:03.0f}'.format(step*10), bands_title_appendix=', supercell thickness={0:02.1f}'.format(step)) if not sim: log.error('an error occurred during simulation. See the .out file') return ### load some data ### # load zeven mode band data: fname = path.join(sim.workingdir, sim.jobname + '_zevenfreqs.csv') data = np.loadtxt(fname, delimiter=',', skiprows=1) gapbands = get_gap_bands(data[:, 5:], light_line=data[:, 4]) ### save comparison data to file ### # If this is not the first step, we have previous data to compare # with: if prev_step_data is not None: sums = [] # compare the first 3 zeven bands: for j in range(3): sums.append( sum_of_squares( prev_step_data[:, 5 + j], data[:, 5 + j], data[:, 4] ) ) with open("sum_of_squares.dat", "a") as f: f.write('\t'.join([str(step)] + map(str, sums)) + '\n') # save data for next iteration: prev_step_data = data ### save the gap to file ### # maybe there is no gap? if len(gapbands) == 0: gap = 0 elif gapbands[0][0] != 1: # it must be a gap between band 1 and 2 gap = 0 else: gap = gapbands[0][3] # save gap sizes to file (first z-even gap): with open("gaps.dat", "a") as f: f.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(step, gap))' ##### step={0} - success! #####\n\n'.format(step)) # reset logger; the next stuff logged is going to next step's file: log.reset_logger() ### finally, save some plots ### data = np.loadtxt('sum_of_squares.dat') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # make double-logarithmic plot for every band: for i in range(data.shape[1] -1): ax.loglog(data[:,0], data[:,i + 1], 'o-', label='band {0}'.format(i+1)) compdata = np.power(data[:,0], -2) ax.loglog(data[:,0], compdata, '.:', label='$x^{-2}$') compdata = np.power(data[:,0], -4) ax.loglog(data[:,0], compdata, '.:', label='$x^{-4}$') compdata = np.power(data[:,0], -6) ax.loglog(data[:,0], compdata, '.:', label='$x^{-6}$') plt.legend() plt.title('sum of squared differences between simulation steps') fig.savefig('sum_of_squares.png') data = np.loadtxt('gaps.dat') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], 'o-') plt.title('First z-even band gap for each simulation step') fig.savefig('gaps.png')
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mode=sys.argv[1] else: mode='sim' minrad = 0.2 maxrad = 0.4 radstep = 0.05 numsteps = int((maxrad - minrad) / radstep + 1.5) steps = np.linspace(minrad, maxrad, num=numsteps, endpoint=True) for i, radius in enumerate(steps):"running simulation with {0:n} radius steps:\n{1}".format( numsteps, steps) + '\n ### current step: #{0} ({1}) ###\n'.format(i+1, radius)) sim = TriHolesSlab3D( material='SiN', radius=radius, thickness=0.8, numbands=4,#8, k_interpolation=5,#31, resolution=16,#32, mesh_size=3,#7, supercell_z=6, runmode=mode, num_processors=2, save_field_patterns=True, convert_field_patterns=True) if not sim: log.error('an error occurred during simulation. See the .out file') return # load zeven mode band data: fname = path.join(sim.workingdir, sim.jobname + '_zevenfreqs.csv') data = np.loadtxt(fname, delimiter=',', skiprows=1) gapbands = get_gap_bands(data[:, 5:], light_line=data[:, 4]) # maybe there is no gap? if len(gapbands) == 0: gap = 0 elif gapbands[0][0] != 1: # it must be a gap between band 1 and 2 gap = 0 else: gap = gapbands[0][3] # save gap sizes to file (first TE gap): with open("gaps.dat", "a") as f: f.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(radius, gap))' ##### radius={0} - success! #####\n\n'.format(radius)) # reset logger; the next stuff logged is going to next step's file: log.reset_logger() data = np.loadtxt('gaps.dat') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], 'o-') fig.savefig('gaps.png')
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mode=sys.argv[1] else: mode='sim' # monkey patching: # (don't output multiple tiles along y) # (x and y are switched because of -T) defaults.mpbdata_call = ( 'mpb-data -T -rn%(resolution)s ' '-y%(number_of_tiles_to_output)s ' '-o%(output_file)s ' '%(h5_file)s') defaults.number_of_tiles_to_output = 5 # defaults.add_epsilon_as_inset = True defaults.output_funcs_te = [ 'fix-hfield-phase', 'output-hfield-z', 'output-dpwr', 'output-hpwr', 'output-tot-pwr'] # the knots of the cubic spline describing the # k dependent epsilon function: fknots = np.array( [0. , 0.03125, 0.0625 , 0.09375, 0.125 , 0.15625, 0.1875 , 0.21875, 0.25 , 0.28125, 0.3125 , 0.34375, 0.375 , 0.40625, 0.4375 , 0.46875, 0.5 ]) # the coefficients of the cubic spline describing the # k dependent epsilon function: fcoeffs = np.array( [[-1.26479352e-02, 3.79438056e-02, -1.39127287e-01, 5.18565342e-01, -1.93513408e+00, 7.22197099e+00, -2.69527499e+01, 6.47721598e+01, -7.50651090e+01, -1.26125949e+01, 2.63548544e+02, -2.26207933e+02, -5.13747147e+01, 1.41246898e+02, -3.11230826e+01, 4.84425567e+01], [ 3.95247975e-04, -7.90495950e-04, 2.76673582e-03, -1.02764473e-02, 3.83390535e-02, -1.43079767e-01, 5.33980013e-01, -1.99284029e+00, 4.07954969e+00, -2.95780428e+00, -4.14023504e+00, 2.05674410e+01, -6.39552710e-01, -5.45593221e+00, 7.78596450e+00, 4.86817550e+00], [ -1.70254597e+00, -1.70255832e+00, -1.70249656e+00, -1.70273124e+00, -1.70185428e+00, -1.70512743e+00, -1.69291180e+00, -1.73850118e+00, -1.67329151e+00, -1.63823697e+00, -1.86005070e+00, -1.34670051e+00, -7.23954002e-01, -9.14437905e-01, -8.41624396e-01, -4.46182521e-01], [ 3.64596772e+00, 3.59276316e+00, 3.53955860e+00, 3.48635403e+00, 3.43314947e+00, 3.37994491e+00, 3.32674035e+00, 3.27353579e+00, 3.21923818e+00, 3.16864095e+00, 3.11417266e+00, 3.06004574e+00, 3.03114342e+00, 3.00632747e+00, 2.97673374e+00, 2.95708665e+00]]) ksteps = np.linspace(0., 0.5, num=17) supcellsize = 13 # The bigger the unit cell, the more bands fold in below the # waveguide band: first_wg_band = int(3 + 2 * (supcellsize - 1)) sim = TriHoles2D_Waveguide_effective_epsilon_k_dependent( epsilon_cubspline_knots=fknots, epsilon_cubspline_coeffs=fcoeffs, band_number=first_wg_band, extra_bands=10, radius=0.38, mode='te', k_steps=ksteps, supercell_size=supcellsize, resolution=16, mesh_size=7, ensure_y_parity='odd', runmode=mode, num_processors=2, save_field_patterns_kvecs=[ (x, 0, 0) for x in ksteps], plot_crop_y=False, convert_field_patterns=True, gap=(0.44090, 0.52120)) if not sim: log.error('an error occurred during simulation. See the .out file') return' ##### success! #####\n\n')
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mode=sys.argv[1] else: mode='sim' # monkey patching: # (don't output multiple tiles along y) # (x and y are switched because of -T) defaults.mpbdata_call = ( 'mpb-data -T -rn%(resolution)s ' '-y%(number_of_tiles_to_output)s ' '-o%(output_file)s ' '%(h5_file)s') defaults.number_of_tiles_to_output = 5 # defaults.add_epsilon_as_inset = True defaults.output_funcs_te = [ 'fix-hfield-phase', 'output-hfield-z', 'output-dpwr', 'output-hpwr', 'output-tot-pwr'] # the knots of the cubic spline describing the # frequency dependent epsilon function: fknots = np.array( [ 0.43606492, 0.43632591, 0.43699937, 0.43826107, 0.43987166, 0.4405708 , 0.44359142, 0.4540687 , 0.46606201, 0.47865032, 0.49139404, 0.50431241, 0.51692864, 0.53029386, 0.54260207, 0.55531914, 0.56803985]) # the coefficients of the cubic spline describing the # frequency dependent epsilon function: fcoeffs = np.array( [[ 1.05325162e+07, -7.53192904e+06, -5.34491361e+05, 7.35887805e+06, -1.78975790e+07, 1.11124611e+06, 3.50296450e+04, -7.75123125e+03, 2.52814337e+03, -7.88904847e+02, -1.88305373e+02, -3.86288083e+02, 8.09187014e+03, -2.33155197e+04, 3.20396213e+04, -1.69215816e+04], [ 2.72848411e-11, 8.24663379e+03, -6.97063083e+03, -8.99373723e+03, 2.65628394e+04, -1.09756189e+04, -9.05673628e+02, 1.95372830e+02, -8.35160080e+01, 1.19591551e+01, -1.82015878e+01, -2.54993856e+01, -4.01198768e+01, 2.84329111e+02, -5.76587375e+02, 6.45763294e+02], [ 2.43974026e+01, 2.65496888e+01, 2.74090204e+01, 7.26674591e+00, 3.55635018e+01, 4.64610694e+01, 1.05722403e+01, 3.13021818e+00, 4.47175210e+00, 3.57097220e+00, 3.49142039e+00, 2.92687487e+00, 2.09900754e+00, 5.36291884e+00, 1.76574464e+00, 2.64545990e+00], [ 2.95227326e+00, 2.95882797e+00, 2.97814765e+00, 3.00055966e+00, 3.01967836e+00, 3.05140955e+00, 3.12223419e+00, 3.17387217e+00, 3.22614445e+00, 3.27424502e+00, 3.32006195e+00, 3.36172191e+00, 3.39381359e+00, 3.43401941e+00, 3.49962690e+00, 3.49472848e+00]]) ksteps = np.linspace(0., 0.5, num=17) supcellsize = 13 # The bigger the unit cell, the more bands fold in below the # waveguide band: first_wg_band = int(3 + 2 * (supcellsize - 1)) sim = TriHoles2D_Waveguide_effective_epsilon_frequency_dependent( epsilon_cubspline_knots=fknots, epsilon_cubspline_coeffs=fcoeffs, band_number=first_wg_band, extra_bands=4, init_frequency=0.5, radius=0.38, mode='te', k_steps=ksteps, supercell_size=supcellsize, resolution=16, mesh_size=7, ensure_y_parity='odd', runmode=mode, num_processors=2, save_field_patterns_kvecs=[ (x, 0, 0) for x in ksteps], plot_crop_y=False, convert_field_patterns=True) if not sim: log.error('an error occurred during simulation. See the .out file') return' ##### success! #####\n\n')
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mode = sys.argv[1] else: mode = 'sim' # monkey patching: # (don't output multiple tiles along y) # (x and y are switched because of -T) defaults.mpbdata_call = ('mpb-data -T -rn%(resolution)s ' '-y%(number_of_tiles_to_output)s ' '-o%(output_file)s ' '%(h5_file)s') defaults.number_of_tiles_to_output = 5 # defaults.add_epsilon_as_inset = True defaults.output_funcs_te = [ 'fix-hfield-phase', 'output-hfield-z', 'output-dpwr', 'output-hpwr', 'output-tot-pwr' ] # the knots of the cubic spline describing the # frequency dependent epsilon function: fknots = np.array([ 0.43606492, 0.43632591, 0.43699937, 0.43826107, 0.43987166, 0.4405708, 0.44359142, 0.4540687, 0.46606201, 0.47865032, 0.49139404, 0.50431241, 0.51692864, 0.53029386, 0.54260207, 0.55531914, 0.56803985 ]) # the coefficients of the cubic spline describing the # frequency dependent epsilon function: fcoeffs = np.array( [[ 1.05325162e+07, -7.53192904e+06, -5.34491361e+05, 7.35887805e+06, -1.78975790e+07, 1.11124611e+06, 3.50296450e+04, -7.75123125e+03, 2.52814337e+03, -7.88904847e+02, -1.88305373e+02, -3.86288083e+02, 8.09187014e+03, -2.33155197e+04, 3.20396213e+04, -1.69215816e+04 ], [ 2.72848411e-11, 8.24663379e+03, -6.97063083e+03, -8.99373723e+03, 2.65628394e+04, -1.09756189e+04, -9.05673628e+02, 1.95372830e+02, -8.35160080e+01, 1.19591551e+01, -1.82015878e+01, -2.54993856e+01, -4.01198768e+01, 2.84329111e+02, -5.76587375e+02, 6.45763294e+02 ], [ 2.43974026e+01, 2.65496888e+01, 2.74090204e+01, 7.26674591e+00, 3.55635018e+01, 4.64610694e+01, 1.05722403e+01, 3.13021818e+00, 4.47175210e+00, 3.57097220e+00, 3.49142039e+00, 2.92687487e+00, 2.09900754e+00, 5.36291884e+00, 1.76574464e+00, 2.64545990e+00 ], [ 2.95227326e+00, 2.95882797e+00, 2.97814765e+00, 3.00055966e+00, 3.01967836e+00, 3.05140955e+00, 3.12223419e+00, 3.17387217e+00, 3.22614445e+00, 3.27424502e+00, 3.32006195e+00, 3.36172191e+00, 3.39381359e+00, 3.43401941e+00, 3.49962690e+00, 3.49472848e+00 ]]) ksteps = np.linspace(0., 0.5, num=17) supcellsize = 13 # The bigger the unit cell, the more bands fold in below the # waveguide band: first_wg_band = int(3 + 2 * (supcellsize - 1)) sim = TriHoles2D_Waveguide_effective_epsilon_frequency_dependent( epsilon_cubspline_knots=fknots, epsilon_cubspline_coeffs=fcoeffs, band_number=first_wg_band, extra_bands=4, init_frequency=0.5, radius=0.38, mode='te', k_steps=ksteps, supercell_size=supcellsize, resolution=16, mesh_size=7, ensure_y_parity='odd', runmode=mode, num_processors=2, save_field_patterns_kvecs=[(x, 0, 0) for x in ksteps], plot_crop_y=False, convert_field_patterns=True) if not sim: log.error('an error occurred during simulation. See the .out file') return' ##### success! #####\n\n')