예제 #1
def test_fft_amr():
    # Ramses data
    ioutput = 193
    ro = RamsesOutput("/data/Aquarius/output/", ioutput)
    amr = ro.amr_source(["rho"])

    # Map operator : mass-weighted density map
    up_func = lambda dset: (dset["rho"]**2 * dset.get_sizes()**3)
    down_func = lambda dset: (dset["rho"] * dset.get_sizes()**3)
    scal_func = FractionOperator(up_func, down_func)

    # Map region
    center = [0.567811, 0.586055, 0.559156]

    # Map processing
    mp = fft_projection.MapFFTProcessor(amr, ro.info)

    axname = "los"
    axis = [-0.172935, 0.977948, -0.117099]

    cam  = Camera(center=center, line_of_sight_axis=axis, up_vector="z", region_size=[5.0E-1, 4.5E-1], \
      distance=2.0E-1, far_cut_depth=2.0E-1, map_max_size=100)
    map = mp.process(scal_func, cam, surf_qty=True)

    #h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/fft_amr.h5", mode='w')
    #h5f.createArray("/", "map", map)

    h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/fft_amr.h5", mode='r')
    mapB = h5f.getNode("/map").read()

    #print map
    assert (map - mapB).all() < 10e-6
예제 #2
def test_rt_lmax():
    # Ramses data
    ioutput = 193
    ro = RamsesOutput("/data/Aquarius/output/", ioutput)

    # Map operator : max. AMR level of refinement along the line-of-sight
    scal_op = MaxLevelOperator()

    # Map region
    center = [0.567811, 0.586055, 0.559156]
    # Map processing
    rt = raytracing.RayTracer(ro, ["rho"])
    axname = "los"
    axis = [-0.172935, 0.977948, -0.117099]
    cam  = Camera(center=center, line_of_sight_axis=axis, up_vector="z", region_size=[3.0E-2, 3.0E-2], \
      distance=2.0E-2, far_cut_depth=2.0E-2, map_max_size=100)
    map = rt.process(scal_op, cam)

    #h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/rt_lmax.h5", mode='w')
    #h5f.createArray("/", "map", map)

    h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/rt_lmax.h5", mode='r')
    mapB = h5f.getNode("/map").read()

    #print map
    assert (map - mapB).all() < 10e-6
예제 #3
def test_fft_part():
    # Ramses data
    ioutput = 193
    ro = RamsesOutput("/data/Aquarius/output/", ioutput)
    parts = ro.particle_source(["mass", "level"])

    # Map operator : mass
    scal_func = ScalarOperator(lambda dset: dset["mass"])

    # Map region
    center = [0.567811, 0.586055, 0.559156]

    # Map processing
    mp = fft_projection.MapFFTProcessor(parts, ro.info)

    axname = "los"
    axis = [-0.172935, 0.977948, -0.117099]

    cam  = Camera(center=center, line_of_sight_axis=axis, up_vector="z", region_size=[5.0E-1, 4.5E-1], \
      distance=2.0E-1, far_cut_depth=2.0E-1, map_max_size=100)
    map = mp.process(scal_func, cam, surf_qty=True)

    #h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/fft_part.h5", mode='w')
    #h5f.createArray("/", "map", map)

    h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/fft_part.h5", mode='r')
    mapB = h5f.getNode("/map").read()

    #print map
    assert (map - mapB).all() < 10e-6
예제 #4
def test_slice_density():
    # RamsesOutput
    ro = RamsesOutput("/data/Aquarius/output/", 193)

    # AMR data source
    amr = ro.amr_source(["rho"])

    # Defining a Camera object
    cam = Camera(center=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
                 region_size=[1., 1.],

    # Density field access operator
    rho_op = ScalarOperator(lambda dset: dset["rho"])

    # Slice map computation
    map = SliceMap(amr, cam, rho_op, z=0.4)
    # create a density slice map at z=0.4 depth position

    map = apply_log_scale(map)

    #h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/slice_density.h5", mode='w')
    #h5f.createArray("/", "map", map)

    h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/slice_density.h5", mode='r')
    mapB = h5f.getNode("/map").read()

    #print map
    assert (map - mapB).all() < 10e-6
예제 #5
def test_rt_rho():
    # Ramses data
    ioutput = 193
    ro = RamsesOutput("/data/Aquarius/output/", ioutput)

    # Map operator : mass-weighted density map
    up_func = lambda dset: (dset["rho"]**2)
    down_func = lambda dset: (dset["rho"])
    scal_op = FractionOperator(up_func, down_func)

    # Map region
    center = [0.567811, 0.586055, 0.559156]
    # Map processing
    rt = raytracing.RayTracer(ro, ["rho"])
    axname = "los"
    axis = [-0.172935, 0.977948, -0.117099]
    cam  = Camera(center=center, line_of_sight_axis=axis, up_vector="z", region_size=[3.0E-2, 3.0E-2], \
      distance=2.0E-2, far_cut_depth=2.0E-2, map_max_size=100)
    map = rt.process(scal_op, cam)

    #h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/rt_rho.h5", mode='w')
    #h5f.createArray("/", "map", map)

    h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/rt_rho.h5", mode='r')
    mapB = h5f.getNode("/map").read()

    #print map
    assert (map - mapB).all() < 10e-6
예제 #6
def test_sph_profile():
    # Halo parameters
    halo_center = [0.567811, 0.586055, 0.559156]  # in box units
    halo_radius = 0.00075  # in box units

    # RamsesOutput
    ro = RamsesOutput("/data/Aquarius/output", 193)

    # Prepare to read the mass/epoch fields only
    source = ro.particle_source(["mass", "epoch"])

    # Sphere region
    sph = Sphere(halo_center, halo_radius)

    # Filtering particles
    point_dset = RegionFilter(sph, source)
    dm_filter = lambda dset: dset["epoch"] == 0.0
    dm_parts = PointFunctionFilter(dm_filter, point_dset)

    # Profile computation
    m_weight_func = lambda dset: dset["mass"]
    r_bins = numpy.linspace(0.0, halo_radius, 200)

    # Mass profile
    # This triggers the actual reading of the particle data files from disk.
    mass_profile = bin_spherical(dm_parts,

    # Density profile
    sph_vol = 4.0 / 3.0 * numpy.pi * r_bins**3
    shell_vol = numpy.diff(sph_vol)
    rho_profile = mass_profile / shell_vol

    # Plot
    # Geometrical midpoint of the bins
    length = ro.info["unit_length"].express(C.kpc)
    bins_centers = (r_bins[1:] + r_bins[:-1]) / 2. * length
    dens = ro.info["unit_density"].express(C.Msun / C.kpc**3)

    #h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/sph_profile.h5", mode='w')
    #h5f.createArray("/", "sph_profile", rho_profile)

    h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/sph_profile.h5", mode='r')
    rho_profileB = h5f.getNode("/sph_profile").read()

    #print rho_profile
    assert (rho_profile - rho_profileB).all() < 10e-6
예제 #7
def test_rt_Tmin():
    # Ramses data
    ioutput = 193
    ro = RamsesOutput("/data/Aquarius/output/", ioutput)

    # Map operator : minimum temperature along line-of-sight
    class MyTempOperator(Operator):
        def __init__(self):
            def invT_func(dset):
                P = dset["P"]
                rho = dset["rho"]
                r = rho / P
                #			print r[(rho<=0.0)+(P<=0.0)]
                #			r[(rho<=0.0)*(P<=0.0)] = 0.0
                return r

            d = {"invTemp": invT_func}
            Operator.__init__(self, d, is_max_alos=True)

        def operation(self, int_dict):
            map = list(int_dict.values())[0]
            mask = (map == 0.0)
            mask2 = map != 0.0
            map[mask2] = 1.0 / map[mask2]
            map[mask] = 0.0
            return map

    scal_op = MyTempOperator()

    # Map region
    center = [0.567111, 0.586555, 0.559156]
    axes = {"los": "z"}

    # Map processing
    rt = raytracing.RayTracer(ro, ["rho", "P"])

    axname = "los"
    axis = "z"
    cam  = Camera(center=center, line_of_sight_axis=axis, up_vector="y", region_size=[3.0E-3, 3.0E-3], \
      distance=1.5E-3, far_cut_depth=1.5E-3, map_max_size=100)
    map = rt.process(scal_op, cam)

    #h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/rt_min.h5", mode='w')
    #h5f.createArray("/", "map", map)

    h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/rt_min.h5", mode='r')
    mapB = h5f.getNode("/map").read()

    #print map
    assert (map - mapB).all() < 10e-6
예제 #8
def test_cyl_profile():
    # Galactic cylinder parameters
    gal_center = [0.567811, 0.586055, 0.559156]  # in box units
    gal_radius = 0.00024132905460547268  # in box units
    gal_thickn = 0.00010238202316595811  # in box units
    gal_normal = [-0.172935, 0.977948, -0.117099]  # Norm = 1

    # RamsesOutput
    ro = RamsesOutput("/data/Aquarius/output", 193)

    # Prepare to read the density field only
    source = ro.amr_source(["rho"])

    # Cylinder region
    cyl = Cylinder(gal_center, gal_normal, gal_radius, gal_thickn)

    # AMR density field point sampling
    points = cyl.random_points(1.0e6)  # 1M sampling points
    point_dset = sample_points(source, points)
    rho_weight_func = lambda dset: dset["rho"]
    r_bins = numpy.linspace(0.0, gal_radius, 200)

    # Profile computation
    rho_profile = bin_cylindrical(point_dset,

    # Plot
    # Geometrical midpoint of the bins
    length = ro.info["unit_length"].express(C.kpc)
    bins_centers = (r_bins[1:] + r_bins[:-1]) / 2. * length
    dens = ro.info["unit_density"].express(C.H_cc)

    #h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/cyl_profile.h5", mode='w')
    #h5f.createArray("/", "cyl_profile", rho_profile)

    h5f = tables.openFile("./long_tests/cyl_profile.h5", mode='r')
    rho_profileB = h5f.getNode("/cyl_profile").read()

    assert sum(rho_profile - rho_profileB) < 10e-6
예제 #9
 def _init_ramsesOutput(self):
     print "->",
     ro = RamsesOutput(self.pathName, self.outputNo)
     self.ramsesOutput = ro
     ro.define_amr_scalar_field("hydro", "rho", 0)
     ro.define_amr_vector_field("hydro", "vel", [1, 2, 3])
     ro.define_amr_vector_field("hydro", "Bl", [4, 5, 6])
     ro.define_amr_vector_field("hydro", "Br", [7, 8, 9])
     ro.define_amr_scalar_field("hydro", "P", 10)
     ro.define_amr_multivalued_field("hydro", "Er", 11, ro.info["ngrp"])
         "hydro", "J",
         [11 + ro.info["ngrp"], 12 + ro.info["ngrp"], 13 + ro.info["ngrp"]])
     ro.define_amr_scalar_field("hydro", "eint", 14 + ro.info["ngrp"])
     if ro.info["eos"]:
         ro.define_amr_scalar_field("hydro", "T", 15 + ro.info["ngrp"])
     ro.define_amr_scalar_field("grav", "phi", 0)
     ro.define_amr_vector_field("grav", "g", [1, 2, 3])
parser = OptionParser()
parser.usage = "%prog ramses_directory ramses_output_number map_max_resolution=1920"
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
    fileDir = args[0]
    outNumber = int(args[1])
    mms = int(args[2])
    # "None" leads to an automatic look for
    # a RAMSES output in the current directory
    fileDir = None
    outNumber = None
    mms = 192  #0 # 1920 <-> full HD movie
sinkParams = DrawStarsParameters(adapt_intensity=True, rgb=[0, 0, 0], PSF=True)
ro = RamsesOutput(fileDir, outNumber)
outNumber = ro.iout

op = FractionOperator(lambda dset: (dset["rho"]**2), lambda dset:
# Colormap initialisation (ran)
# the first iteration of the following "for" loop is done separately
# to save the colormap used for the whole movie
i = 0
angle = N.pi * i / nbImgRot + N.pi * .5 / 180  # add .5 to avoid grid alignment artifact problem
axe = [N.sin(angle), 0, N.cos(angle)]
center = center_init + (zoom_focus - center_init) * (i * 1. / nbImgRot)
region_size = region_size_init * ((1. / zoom_factor - 1) / nbImgRot * i + 1)
distance = distance_init * ((1. / zoom_factor - 1) / nbImgRot * i + 1)
far_cut_depth = far_cut_depth_init * (
    (1. / zoom_factor - 1) / nbImgRot * i + 1)
예제 #11
def test_amr2cube_cartesian_rt():
    # backuped referenced data :
    cubeB = numpy.array(
        [[[0.08186216, 0.03206611, 0.05075889, 0.21691999, 0.08395087],
          [0.11306132, 0.05707518, 0.03212786, 0.33522855, 0.13602483],
          [0.05632005, 0.04249893, 0.09034388, 0.1588526, 0.2080538],
          [0.06852026, 0.03090859, 0.04515618, 0.17721034, 0.23618275],
          [0.07367933, 0.11752801, 0.03341876, 0.2254721, 0.39768221]],
         [[0.05193184, 0.03975904, 0.05116311, 0.14412791, 0.21599674],
          [0.08652996, 0.07561322, 0.06104241, 0.09306177, 0.06347754],
          [0.03311921, 0.03681144, 0.04637034, 0.10137452, 0.02770789],
          [0.06000543, 0.0630374, 0.07050136, 0.08983026, 0.06849894],
          [0.11372988, 0.17594275, 0.09902632, 0.07525623, 0.10831208]],
         [[0.10366187, 0.12453692, 0.18768945, 0.16773106, 0.11033484],
          [0.1043405, 0.13150752, 0.06345165, 0.02748383, 0.05059519],
          [0.06553906, 0.07011834, 0.06567988, 0.04461206, 0.0677126],
          [0.19513314, 0.10922475, 0.04116418, 0.09346056, 0.07560843],
          [0.1156556, 0.11896267, 0.42504693, 0.14856789, 0.08862464]],
         [[0.0683512, 0.10387651, 0.08278252, 0.05064939, 0.11547664],
          [0.08297042, 0.08370349, 0.03658147, 0.02292432, 0.05400176],
          [0.14583478, 0.10265131, 0.10521284, 0.03336809, 0.05561544],
          [0.10904973, 0.05832567, 0.04876777, 0.10397124, 0.14783567],
          [0.21239959, 0.06806608, 0.28383805, 0.26950828, 0.46882107]],
         [[0.39340254, 0.21568631, 0.11401807, 0.09364021, 0.11969451],
          [0.17342993, 0.0847922, 0.02964273, 0.07289768, 0.2268799],
          [0.06048485, 0.09604769, 0.06068367, 0.06307055, 0.37759786],
          [0.09158091, 0.05048944, 0.03639829, 0.25110933, 0.32988721],
          [0.3167426, 0.17177987, 0.23479188, 0.42511884, 0.10431827]]])

    mapB = numpy.array([
        0.46555802, 0.67351774, 0.55606925, 0.55797812, 0.84778041, 0.50297864,
        0.37972491, 0.24538341, 0.35187338, 0.57226726, 0.69395413, 0.37737869,
        0.31366193, 0.51459106, 0.89685772, 0.42113625, 0.28018146, 0.44268245,
        0.46795008, 1.30263307, 0.93644163, 0.58764244, 0.65788461, 0.75946518,

    # Ramses data
    ioutput = 193
    ro = RamsesOutput("/data/Aquarius/output/", ioutput)
    cam = Camera(center=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
                 line_of_sight_axis=[0.1, 0.1, 0.9],
                 region_size=[5.0E-1, 5.0E-1],
    bb = cam.get_bounding_box()
    source = ro.amr_source(["rho"])
    from pymses.utils import misc
    misc.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES_LIMIT = 1  # amr2cube no multiprocessing test
    cube = amr2cube(source, "rho", bb.min_coords, bb.max_coords,
    print("cube", cube)
    print("cubeB", cubeB)
    assert ((cube - cubeB) < 10e-8).all()

    misc.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES_LIMIT = 8  # amr2cube with multiprocessing test
    cube = amr2cube(source, "rho", bb.min_coords, bb.max_coords,
    print("cube", cube)
    assert ((cube - cubeB) < 10e-8).all()
    # ray_trace_cartesian test
    cube_size = numpy.min(cube.shape)
    cam = Camera(center=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
                 line_of_sight_axis=[0.1, 0.1, 0.9],
                 region_size=[5.0E-1, 5.0E-1],
    (ray_vectors, ray_origins, ray_lengths) = cam.get_rays()
    map = raytracing.ray_trace.ray_trace_cartesian(cube, ray_origins,
                                                   ray_vectors, ray_lengths,
                                                   bb, cube_size)
    print("map", map)
    print("mapB", mapB)
    assert ((map - mapB) < 10e-8).all()
예제 #12
from numpy import array
import pylab
from pymses.analysis.visualization import *
from pymses import RamsesOutput
from pymses.utils import constants as C
# Ramses data
ioutput = 4
ro = RamsesOutput("Data/Sedov3d/output", ioutput)
amr = ro.amr_source(["rho", "P"])
# Map region
## center = [ 0.567811, 0.586055, 0.559156 ]
center = [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ]
# Map processin#g
#cam = Camera()
cam = Camera(center=center, line_of_sight_axis='z', up_vector="y", region_size=(1.0, 1.0), far_cut_depth=0.2, map_max_size=64, distance=0., log_sensitive=True)
from pymses.analysis.visualization import SliceMap, ScalarOperator
op = ScalarOperator(lambda dset: dset["rho"])
map = SliceMap(amr, cam, op, z=0.3) # create a density slice map at z=0.4 depth position
#factor = ro.info["unit_density"].express(C.H_cc)
#scale = ro.info["unit_length"].express(C.kpc)
# imshow(map)
# Save map into HDF5 file
#mapname = "sedov3d%5.5i"%ioutput
#h5fname = save_map_HDF5(map, cam, map_name=mapname)
# Plot map into Matplotlib figure/PIL Image
#fig = save_HDF5_to_plot(h5fname, map_unit=("H/cc",factor), axis_unit=("kpc", scale), cmap="jet")
# pil_img = save_HDF5_to_img(h5fname, cmap="jet")
# Save into PNG image file
# save_HDF5_to_plot(h5fname, map_unit=("H/cc",factor), axis_unit=("Mpc", scale), img_path="./", # save_HDF5_to_img(h5fname, img_path="./", cmap="jet")
예제 #13
center = [ 0.5000001, 0.5000001, 0.5000001 ]
angle = N.pi*.5/180 # add .5 to avoid grid alignment artifact problem
los = [0.4,N.sin(angle),N.cos(angle)]
# following test to see until which level we are going into:
#for i in range(1,nbImg):
#	zoom = zoom*0.99
#print zoom
#cam  = Camera(center=center, line_of_sight_axis=los, 
#	region_size=[.25*zoom, .140625*zoom], distance=0.2*zoom, 
#	far_cut_depth=0.2*zoom, map_max_size=mms)

if myrank == 0:time0 = time()
outnumber = 42
ro = RamsesOutput("/home/labadens", outnumber)
if myrank == 0: print("RamsesOutput time=", (time()-time0))

op = FractionOperator(lambda dset: (dset["rho"]**2), 
	lambda dset: (dset["rho"]))
# Colormap initialisation (ran)
cam  = Camera(center=center, line_of_sight_axis=los, 
	region_size=[.25*zoom, .140625*zoom], distance=0.2*zoom, 
		far_cut_depth=0.2*zoom, map_max_size=mms)

source = ro.amr_source(["rho"])
esize = 0.5**(ro.info["levelmin"]+1)
camOctSource = cam.copy()
fullOctreeDataSource = CameraOctreeDatasource(camOctSource, esize, 
	source, ngrid_max=ngrid_max, include_split_cells=True).dset
OctreeRT = OctreeRayTracer(fullOctreeDataSource)