def main(): from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter headerhelp = \ ''' MTZ2NPY converts an mtz-file to numpy readable npy file. ''' parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=headerhelp) parser.add_argument('inpath', help='The input MTZ file.') parser.add_argument('outpath', help='The output NPY file.') parser.add_argument('-z', '--gzipped', action='store_true', help='Compress the output.') parser.add_argument('-f', '--overwrite', action='store_true', help='Overwirte existing files.') args = parser.parse_args() from pymtz import read_mtz_file print("Reading ", args.inpath, end='...', flush=True) dataset = read_mtz_file(args.inpath) print("done") print("Writing ", args.outpath, end='...', flush=True) dataset.savenpy(args.outpath, fOverwrite=args.overwrite, fCompressed=args.gzipped) print("done")
def rotate_freeflag(args): mtz = read_mtz_file(args.mtzin) avlabels = mtz.GetLabels() if not in avlabels: print('Column '' not found. Check input mtz-file and test set label selection.') print('Available columns:') print(' '.join(avlabels)) return False sys.stdout.write('Rotating the free flag column by %d... ' % (args.free_shift)) mtz.RotateFreeFlag(, args.free_shift) sys.stdout.write('done\n') utils.mtzsave(mtz, args)
def rcompute(args): mtz = read_mtz_file(args.mtzin) if not args.dhigh: args.dhigh = mtz.GetHighD() avlabels = mtz.GetLabels() if not in avlabels: print('Column '' not found. Check input mtz-file and test set label selection.') print('Available columns:') print(' '.join(avlabels)) if args.fobs not in avlabels: print('Column '+args.fobs+' not found. Check input mtz-file and Fobs label selection.') print('Available columns:') print(' '.join(avlabels)) if args.fcalc not in avlabels: print('Column '+args.fcalc+' not found. Check input mtz-file and Fcalc label selection.') print('Available columns:') print(' '.join(avlabels)) else: d = array(mtz.GetResolutionColumn()) fp, fc, sigf = mtz.GetReflectionColumns([args.fobs, args.fcalc, args.sigfobs]) test_index = mtz.GetTestIndex(, True) work_index = mtz.GetWorkIndex(, True) ind = (d >= args.dhigh) * isfinite(fp) test_index = test_index[ind] work_index = work_index[ind] fp, fc, sigf = fp[ind], fc[ind], sigf[ind] fpfc = fp-fc sys.stdout.write('%9s %9s %9s %9s\n' % ('R','RWORK','RFREE','REXP')) sys.stdout.write('%9.3f ' % (100*abs(fpfc).sum()/fp.sum())) sys.stdout.write('%9.3f ' % (100*abs(fpfc[work_index]).sum()/fp[work_index].sum())) sys.stdout.write('%9.3f ' % (100*abs(fpfc[test_index]).sum()/fp[test_index].sum())) sys.stdout.write('%9.3f\n ' % (79.8*sigf.sum()/fp.sum())) dR=(abs(fpfc)*fp.sum()-abs(fpfc).sum()*fp)/((fp.sum())**2-fp*fp.sum()) indr = argsort(dR) Rc = 100*cumsum(abs(fpfc[indr]))/cumsum(fp[indr]) Rce = 79.8*cumsum(sigf[indr])/cumsum(fp[indr]) plot(Rc-Rce,'r') grid() show()
def scale_columns(args): mtz = read_mtz_file(args.mtzin) for label in args.cols.split(','): mtz.ScaleColumn(label, args.scale) utils.mtzsave(mtz, args)
def info(args): mtz = read_mtz_file(args.mtzin) print("Columns: "+','.join(mtz.GetLabels())) print("Resolution range: ",mtz.GetLowD(),mtz.GetHighD())
def filter_columns(args): mtz = read_mtz_file(args.mtzin) for label in set(mtz.GetLabels()).difference(args.cols.split(','), ['H','K','L']): mtz.DeleteColumn(label) utils.mtzsave(mtz, args)
def testset(args): mtz = read_mtz_file(args.mtzin) sys.stdout.write('Generating the free flag column (%.1f%%)... ' % (100*args.free_fraction)) mtz.GenerateFreeFlag(, args.free_fraction) sys.stdout.write('done\n') utils.mtzsave(mtz, args)
def main(): from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter headerhelp = \ ''' ''' parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=headerhelp) parser.add_argument('inpath', help='The input mTZ file.') parser.add_argument('-n', '--nobs-per-shell', type=int, default=1000, help='Number of observations per shaell target.') args = parser.parse_args() from pymtz import read_mtz_file from scipy import random, corrcoef, array, nonzero, zeros, ones from scipy.stats import spearmanr from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show print("Reading ", args.inpath, end='...', flush=True) dataset = read_mtz_file(args.inpath) print("done") Nmeas = dataset.GetReflectionNumber() print("Found %d measurements" % Nmeas) ashes = dataset.GetHKLhash() uniqhkl = set(ashes) Nunq = len(uniqhkl) Nshells = int(Nunq / args.nobs_per_shell) Ihl, shl = array(dataset.reflections).T[nonzero([ (t in ['I', 'SIGI']) for t in dataset.GetLabels() ])[0]] whl = 1 / shl**2 hkldict = dict.fromkeys(uniqhkl) for (i, ash) in enumerate(ashes): if hkldict[ash]: hkldict[ash].append(i) else: hkldict[ash] = [i] print("Found %d unique reflections" % (Nunq)) print("Will subdivide data into %d resolution shells" % Nshells) edges = dataset.GetResolutionShells(Nshells) shell_column = dataset.GetShellColumn(edges) d12, cc12, sp12, p12, Ish = [], [], [], [], [] for i in range(Nshells): Ish1, Ish2, shkl = [], [], [] shind = (shell_column == i) for ash in set(ashes[shind]): mcity = len(hkldict[ash]) if mcity > 1: Nhalf = int(mcity / 2) wr = list(ones(Nhalf)) + list(zeros(Nhalf)) if len(wr) < mcity: wr.append(random.random_integers(0, 1)) wr = random.permutation(wr) Ish1.append( sum(wr * Ihl[hkldict[ash]] * whl[hkldict[ash]]) / sum(wr * whl[hkldict[ash]])) Ish2.append( sum((1 - wr) * Ihl[hkldict[ash]] * whl[hkldict[ash]]) / sum((1 - wr) * whl[hkldict[ash]])) shkl.append(dataset.hash2hkl(ash)) cc12.append(corrcoef(Ish1, Ish2)[0][1]) sp12t, p12t = spearmanr(Ish1, Ish2) sp12.append(sp12t) p12.append(p12t) Ish.append([Ish1, Ish2, shkl]) d12.append(dataset.GetResolutionColumn()[shind].mean()) print("%4d %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %8d %5.3f %5.3f %6.3g" % (i + 1, edges[i], edges[i + 1], d12[-1], sum(shind), cc12[-1], sp12t, p12t)) Ish_fig = figure(FigureClass=KDWindow) Ish_fig.set_data([Ish, array(d12), cc12, sp12]) Ish_fig.plot() Ish_fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', Ish_fig.onkeypress) show()