예제 #1
파일: player.py 프로젝트: defgsus/thegame
    def update(self, time: float, dt: float):

        if self.move_normal is not None:
            for i, foot in enumerate(self.feet):
                #want_contact = .0 < math.sin(self.feet_rotation_movement * 10. + i / len(self.feet) * math.pi * 2)
                want_contact = .0 < foot.normal().dot(self.move_normal)

                if want_contact and not foot.world_joint:
                    #foot_world_pos = self.object.position + foot.relative_pos.rotated(self.object.rotation)
                    foot_world_pos = foot.object.position

                    info = self.space.point_query_nearest(
                        point=foot_world_pos + .1 * self.move_normal,
                        shape_filter=ShapeFilter(mask=ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS() ^ 0b1),
                    if info:
                        # print("connect", foot.object, info.point, info.shape)
                        foot.world_joint = pymunk.DampedSpring(
                            anchor_a=(0, 0),
                        foot.object.color = (1, 2, 1, 1)

                if not want_contact and foot.world_joint:
                    # print("disconnect", foot.object)
                    foot.world_joint = None
                    foot.object.color = (1, 1, 1, 1)
예제 #2
    def begin_render(self, process: ProcessTimed, view: View) -> None:
        self._surface.fill((240, 240, 240))  # set background
        # get all objects in frame
        view_position = self._view_position
        view_world_size = self._view_world_size
        # BB(left, bottom, right, top)
        shapes = process.space.bb_query(
            pymunk.BB(view_position[0], view_position[1],
                      view_position[0] + view_world_size[0],
                      view_position[1] + view_world_size[1]), ShapeFilter())

        entities = [
            shape.body.entity for shape in shapes
            if shape.body is not None and shape.body.entity is not None

        # render objects in entity type order
        # TODO: make plane ordering more sensible
        render_planes = {}
        for entity in entities:
            plane = entity.type_
            if plane in render_planes:
                render_planes[plane] = [entity]

        for plane in sorted(render_planes.keys(), reverse=True):
            for entity in render_planes[plane]:
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, mask):
        self.body = Body(0, 0, Body.STATIC)
        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = 0
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0

        #self.radius = 9 * CM_TO_PIXELS
        self.radius = 6 * CM_TO_PIXELS

        self.shape = Circle(self.body, self.radius)

        self.mask = mask
        self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(mask=ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS ^
                                        (ANY_PUCK_MASK | ROBOT_MASK),
        if mask == ARC_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 255, 0, 255
        elif mask == ENTER_ARC_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 0, 255, 0
        elif mask == EXIT_ARC_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 255, 0, 0
        elif mask == POLE_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 0, 0, 255
        elif mask == BLAST_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 255, 255, 255
            sys.exit("Unknown landmark mask: " + str(mask))
예제 #4
    def init_start_ranges(self):

        self.start_ranges = []

        # A throwaway space, so that we can place the robot within it and to
        # ray-casts without the presence of any other objects.
        temp_robot = Robot()
        temp_space = pymunk.Space()
        temp_space.add(temp_robot.body, temp_robot.shape)

        # A throwaway scan, just to get the angles to be used.
        temp_scan = RangeScan(self.range_scan_sec_name)

        # For each sensor angle we will cast a ray in from the outer limit of
        # the sensor's range inward, keeping track of the position at which the
        # robot's body is encountered.
        for sensor_angle in temp_scan.angles:
            c = cos(temp_robot.body.angle + sensor_angle)
            s = sin(temp_robot.body.angle + sensor_angle)
            x1 = int(temp_robot.body.position.x + temp_scan.OUTER_RADIUS * c)
            y1 = int(temp_robot.body.position.y + temp_scan.OUTER_RADIUS * s)
            x2 = int(temp_robot.body.position.x)
            y2 = int(temp_robot.body.position.y)

            #mask = ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS ^ 2
            shape_filter = ShapeFilter(mask=ROBOT_MASK)
            query_info = temp_space.segment_query_first((x1, y1), (x2, y2), 1, \
            assert query_info != None
            inward_range = query_info.alpha * temp_scan.OUTER_RADIUS

            self.start_ranges.append(temp_scan.OUTER_RADIUS - inward_range + 4)
예제 #5
def shapeFilter(categories, ignore=None, collide_with=None):
    __doc__ = """
    arg:: ignore         list(tuple) of collision categories that won't collide with this mask
    arg:: collide_with   list(tuple) of collision categories that will collide with this mask
    Pass only one of described args"""
    if ignore is not None and collide_with is not None:
        raise ValueError('Pass only one of provided args: "ignore" "collide_with" ')
    if not all([c in COLLISION_CATEGORIES for c in categories]):
        raise ValueError(f'Some of categories from: {categories}'
                         f' does not exist. Chose from {COLLISION_CATEGORIES.keys()}')

    # MASK
    mask = 4_294_967_295  # all 32-bit -> Collide with everything
    if ignore is not None:
        for x in ignore:
            mask -= COLLISION_CATEGORIES[x]

    elif collide_with is not None:
        mask = 0
        for x in collide_with:
            mask += COLLISION_CATEGORIES[x]

    cat = 0
    for c in categories:
        cat += COLLISION_CATEGORIES[c]

    return ShapeFilter(categories=cat, mask=mask)
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, mask, radius):
        self.body = Body(0, 0, Body.STATIC)
        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = 0
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0

        self.shape = Circle(self.body, radius)

        self.mask = mask
        self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=mask)
        if mask == ARC_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 0, 255, 0
        elif mask == POLE_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 0, 0, 255
        elif mask == BLAST_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 255, 0, 0
            sys.exit("Unknown landmark mask: " + str(mask))

        # The following is just to set the appropriate params to visualize below
        config = ConfigSingleton.get_instance()
        self.vis_range_max =  \
            config.getfloat("RangeScan:landmarks", "range_max") \
            + radius
        self.vis_inside_radius = \
            config.getfloat("LandmarkCircleController", "inside_radius") \
            + radius
        self.vis_outside_radius = \
            config.getfloat("LandmarkCircleController", "outside_radius") \
            + radius
예제 #7
    def _compute_detections(self) -> List[Detection]:

        position_body = self._anchor.pm_body.position
        angle_body = self._anchor.pm_body.angle

        points_hit = self.playground.space.point_query(

        # Filter points too close
        points_hit = [pt for pt in points_hit if pt.distance > self._min_range]

        # Filter Sensor shapes
        points_hit = [
            pt for pt in points_hit if pt.shape and not pt.shape.sensor

        # Filter Invisible shapes
        if self._invisible_elements:
            points_hit = [
                pt for pt in points_hit
                if pt.shape and self.playground.get_entity_from_shape(pt.shape)
                not in self._invisible_elements

        # Calculate angle
        detections: List[Detection] = []

        for pt in points_hit:
            angle = (pt.point - position_body).angle - angle_body - math.pi
            angle = angle % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi
            if angle < -self._fov / 2 or angle > self._fov / 2:

            assert isinstance(pt.shape, Shape)
            element_colliding = self.playground.get_entity_from_shape(
            distance = pt.distance

            detection = Detection(entity=element_colliding,

        return detections
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, kind, immobile=False):
        self.immobile = immobile
        self.mass = 0.1  # 0.1 kg

        # 0.1 meter radius, converted to pixels for display
        #self.radius = 0.1 * M_TO_PIXELS

        # Hockey puck radius = 23mm = 0.023
        self.radius = 0.023 * M_TO_PIXELS

        # Plate puck radius = 12.8cm = 0.128
        #self.radius = 0.128 * M_TO_PIXELS

        # moment of inertia for disk
        moment_inertia = moment_for_circle(self.mass, 0, self.radius)

        if not immobile:
            self.body = Body(self.mass, moment_inertia)
            self.body = Body(0, 0, Body.STATIC)

        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = 0
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0

        self.shape = Circle(self.body, self.radius)

        self.kind = kind
        if kind == 0:
            self.shape.color = 200, 100, 100
            self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=RED_PUCK_MASK)
        elif kind == 1:
            self.shape.color = 100, 200, 100
            self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=GREEN_PUCK_MASK)
        elif kind == 2:
            self.shape.color = 100, 100, 200
            self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=BLUE_PUCK_MASK)
            sys.exit("Unknown puck kind: " + kind)

        if immobile:
            self.shape.color = self.shape.color[0] / 3, self.shape.color[
                1] / 3, self.shape.color[2] / 3
예제 #9
파일: alvinsim.py 프로젝트: SiChiTong/alvin
 def create_rect_border(self):
     env_b = self.env.static_body
     walls = []
     walls.append(self.create_wall(0, 0, self.width, 0))
     walls.append(self.create_wall(self.width, 0, self.width, self.height))
     walls.append(self.create_wall(self.width, self.height, 0, self.height))
     walls.append(self.create_wall(0, self.height, 0, 0))
     for wall_shape in walls:
         wall_shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=WALL_MASK)
예제 #10
def filterDelIgnore(filter_obj, categories):
    mask = filter_obj.mask
    if isinstance(categories, tuple):
        for x in categories:
            mask += COLLISION_CATEGORIES[x]
    elif isinstance(categories, int):
        mask += categories
        raise ValueError(f'Got {type(categories)} Accepts int or tuple')
    return ShapeFilter(group=filter_obj.group, categories=filter_obj.categories, mask=mask)
예제 #11
파일: robot.py 프로젝트: gavincangan/alvin
    def __init__(self):
        self.mass = 1  # 1 kg

        # 0.1 meter radius, converted to pixels for display
        #self.radius = 0.05 * M_TO_PIXELS

        # Bupimo: 0.111 meter radius, converted to pixels for display
        self.radius = 0.111 * M_TO_PIXELS

        # moment of inertia for disk
        rob_I = moment_for_circle(self.mass, 0, self.radius)

        self.body = Body(self.mass, rob_I)
        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = 0
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0

        self.shape = Circle(self.body, self.radius)
        self.shape.color = 127, 0, 255  # a pinkish blue
        self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories = ROBOT_MASK)

        r = self.radius
        p = self.radius / 2.0 # Amount the wedge part pokes out.
        vertices = [(r+p, r),
                    (-r/3, r),
                    (-r, 0),
                    (-r/3, -r),
                    (r/3, -r) ]
        r = self.radius
        d = self.radius * 1.5 # Amount the wedge part pokes out.
        vertices = [(0, -r),
                    (d, 0),
                    (0, r)]
        # Now add the semicircular back part
        n = 3
        angles = [pi/2 + i*(pi/n) for i in range(1, n)]
        for a in angles:
            vertices.append((r*cos(a), r*sin(a)))

        vertices = vertices[::-1]

        self.shape = Poly(self.body, vertices)
        self.shape.color = 127, 0, 255  # a pinkish blue
        self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories = ROBOT_MASK)

        self.command = Twist()
예제 #12
    def __init__(self):
        self.mass = 1  # 1 kg

        # e-puck: 0.037 meter radius, converted to pixels for display
        #self.radius = 3.7 * CM_TO_PIXELS

        # Bupimo: 9 cm radius, converted to pixels for display
        self.radius = 9 * CM_TO_PIXELS

        self.circular = False;

        if self.circular:
            rob_I = moment_for_circle(self.mass, 0, self.radius)
            self.body = Body(self.mass, rob_I)
            self.shape = Circle(self.body, self.radius)
            r = self.radius
            d = self.radius * 1.5 # Amount the wedge part pokes out.
            vertices = [(0, -r),
                        (d, 0),
                        (0, r)]
            #vertices = [(0, -r),
            #            (d/4, 0),
            #            (d/2, r)]
            # Now add the semicircular back part
            n = 5
            angles = [pi/2 + i*(pi/n) for i in range(1, n)]
            for a in angles:
                vertices.append((r*cos(a), r*sin(a)))

            rob_I = moment_for_poly(self.mass, vertices)
            self.body = Body(self.mass, rob_I)
            self.shape = Poly(self.body, vertices)

            # EXPERIMENTAL: Add bristles to robot
#            rest_length = 100
#            stiffness = 500
#            damping = 10
#            self.bristle_body = pymunk.DampedSpring(self.body, body, \
#                                  (0,0), (0,0), rest_length, stiffness, damping)
#                self.sim.env.add(self.spring_body)

        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = 0
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0
        self.shape.color = 0, 255, 0
        self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories = ROBOT_MASK)

        self.command = Twist()
    def actuate(self) -> None:

        structure = self.structural_part.structure

        if structure is None:

        if self.__angle_error is None:
            angle = self.__angle
            angle = self.__angle_error(self.__angle_error)

        if self.__thrust_error is None:
            thrust = self.__thrust
            thrust = self.__thrust_error(self.__thrust)

        pos = self.structural_part.position
        if self.__pos_error is not None:
            pos = Vec2d(self.__pos_error(pos.x), self.__pos_error(pos.y))

        space = structure.space
        body = structure.body

        segment_end = Vec2d(1000, 0)
        segment_end.angle = self.structural_part.angle + angle

        collisions = space.segment_query(pos, pos + segment_end, 10,

        first_collision = next(
            (col for col in collisions if col.shape.body is not body), None)

        if first_collision is None:

        force = Vec2d(-thrust, 0)
        force.angle = self.structural_part.angle

            force, first_collision.point)

        reaction_force = -self.__reaction_pc * force

        body.apply_force_at_world_point(reaction_force, pos)
예제 #14
    def _calc_view_distance(self, space: Space, base_x: float, base_y: float) -> float:
        Calculate the distance between the base point, represented by base_x and base_y, and the furthest
        viewable object. If no object is in sight, return None.
        :param space: which holds the visible objects.
        :param base_x: x coordinate of the base point.
        :param base_y: y coordinate of the base point.
        :return: a floating point value representing the distance if object is viewable, else None.

        x, y = self._calc_ray_cast_point(base_x, base_y)

        query = space.segment_query_first((base_x, base_y), (x, y), 1, ShapeFilter())
        if query:
            return -self.sensor_half_height + distance_between_points(base_x,
            return None
예제 #15
    def read(self) -> float:

        structure = self.structural_part.structure

        if structure is None:
            return self.__max_dist

        space = structure.space
        body = structure.body

        pos = self.structural_part.position

        collisions = space.point_query(pos, self.__max_dist, ShapeFilter())

        first_collision = next((col for col in collisions
                                if col.shape.body is not body), None)

        if first_collision is None:
            return self.__max_dist

        return typingcast(float, first_collision.distance)
예제 #16
    def compute(self, env, robot):
        """ Returns a Scan taken from the given environment and robot. """

        if self.start_ranges == None:

        scan = RangeScan(self.range_scan_sec_name)

        for i in range(scan.NUMBER_POINTS):
            sensor_angle = scan.angles[i]
            c = cos(robot.body.angle + sensor_angle)
            s = sin(robot.body.angle + sensor_angle)
            start_range = self.start_ranges[i]
            x1 = int(robot.body.position.x + start_range * c)
            y1 = int(robot.body.position.y + start_range * s)
            x2 = int(robot.body.position.x + scan.OUTER_RADIUS * c)
            y2 = int(robot.body.position.y + scan.OUTER_RADIUS * s)

            #mask = ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS ^ 2
            shape_filter = ShapeFilter(mask=self.detection_mask)
            query_info = env.segment_query_first((x1, y1), (x2, y2), 1, \
            if query_info == None or query_info.shape == None:

                range_from_robot_centre = start_range + \
                               query_info.alpha * (scan.RANGE_MAX - start_range)
                object_mask = query_info.shape.filter.categories
                if object_mask & self.acceptance_mask == 0:
                    # The detected shape is not accepted, we will treat
                    # it as a wall.
                    object_mask = WALL_MASK


        return scan
예제 #17
    def read(self) -> float:

        structure = self.structural_part.structure

        if structure is None:
            return self.__max_dist

        space = structure.space
        body = structure.body

        pos = self.structural_part.position
        segment_end = Vec2d(self.__max_dist, 0)
        segment_end.angle = self.structural_part.angle + self.__angle

        collisions = space.segment_query(pos, pos + segment_end, 10,

        first_collision = next((col for col in collisions
                                if col.shape.body is not body), None)

        if first_collision is None:
            return self.__max_dist

        return typingcast(float, first_collision.point.get_distance(pos))
예제 #18
    def compute(self, env, robot, visualize=False):
        """ Returns a Scan taken from the given environment and robot. """
        scan = RangeScan(self.range_scan_sec_name, robot)

        for sensor_angle in scan.angles:
            c = cos(robot.body.angle + sensor_angle)
            s = sin(robot.body.angle + sensor_angle)
            x1 = int(robot.body.position.x + scan.INNER_RADIUS * c)
            y1 = int(robot.body.position.y + scan.INNER_RADIUS * s)
            x2 = int(robot.body.position.x + scan.OUTER_RADIUS * c)
            y2 = int(robot.body.position.y + scan.OUTER_RADIUS * s)

            #mask = ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS ^ 2
            shape_filter = ShapeFilter(mask=self.detection_mask)
            query_info = env.segment_query_first((x1, y1), (x2, y2), 1, \
            if query_info == None or query_info.shape == None:

                #if visualize:
                #    pyglet.graphics.draw(2, pyglet.gl.GL_LINES,
                #                 ('v2f', (x1, y1, x2, y2)),
                #                 ('c3B', (127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127)))
                value = query_info.alpha * scan.RANGE_MAX
                object_mask = query_info.shape.filter.categories
                if object_mask & self.acceptance_mask == 0:
                    # The detected shape is not accepted, we will treat
                    # it as a wall.
                    object_mask = WALL_MASK


                if visualize:
                    x2 = int(robot.body.position.x + \
                             (scan.INNER_RADIUS + value) * c)
                    y2 = int(robot.body.position.y + \
                             (scan.INNER_RADIUS + value) * s)
                    if object_mask == WALL_MASK:
                        pyglet.graphics.draw(2, pyglet.gl.GL_LINES,
                                             ('v2f', (x1, y1, x2, y2)),
                                              (255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 0)))
                    elif object_mask == ROBOT_MASK:
                        pyglet.graphics.draw(2, pyglet.gl.GL_LINES,
                                             ('v2f', (x1, y1, x2, y2)),
                                              (0, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255)))
                    elif object_mask == BLAST_LANDMARK_MASK:
                        pyglet.graphics.draw(2, pyglet.gl.GL_LINES,
                                             ('v2f', (x1, y1, x2, y2)),
                                              (255, 100, 100, 255, 100, 100)))
                    elif object_mask == POLE_LANDMARK_MASK:
                        pyglet.graphics.draw(2, pyglet.gl.GL_LINES,
                                             ('v2f', (x1, y1, x2, y2)),
                                              (100, 100, 255, 100, 100, 255)))
                    elif object_mask == ARC_LANDMARK_MASK:
                        pyglet.graphics.draw(2, pyglet.gl.GL_LINES,
                                             ('v2f', (x1, y1, x2, y2)),
                                              (100, 255, 100, 100, 255, 100)))
                    elif object_mask == RED_PUCK_MASK:
                        pyglet.graphics.draw(2, pyglet.gl.GL_LINES,
                                             ('v2f', (x1, y1, x2, y2)),
                                             ('c3B', (255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0)))
                    elif object_mask == GREEN_PUCK_MASK:
                        pyglet.graphics.draw(2, pyglet.gl.GL_LINES,
                                             ('v2f', (x1, y1, x2, y2)),
                                             ('c3B', (0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0)))
                    elif object_mask == BLUE_PUCK_MASK:
                        pyglet.graphics.draw(2, pyglet.gl.GL_LINES,
                                             ('v2f', (x1, y1, x2, y2)),
                                             ('c3B', (0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255)))

        #print scan.masks
        return scan
예제 #19
    def __init__(self, calib_filename, detection_mask, acceptance_mask,
        config = ConfigSingleton.get_instance()
        self.min_distance = config.getfloat("PointSampleCam", "min_distance")
        self.max_distance = config.getfloat("PointSampleCam", "max_distance")
        self.max_abs_angle = config.getfloat("PointSampleCam", "max_abs_angle")

        # The detection mask is used to indicate all types of objects that
        # the sensor should be sensitive to.  However, if a detected object
        # doesn't also match the acceptance mask then it will be treated as
        # a wall.
        self.detection_mask = detection_mask
        self.acceptance_mask = acceptance_mask

        self.calib_array = np.loadtxt(calib_filename, delimiter=',')
        self.calib_array[:, 2] *= CM_TO_PIXELS
        self.calib_array[:, 3] *= CM_TO_PIXELS

        # We will also store within calib_array the following additional
        # quantities derived from (xr, yr) so that we don't need to compute
        # these again.
        #   angle of (xr, yr) w.r.t. to X_R axis --- atan2(yr, xr)
        #   length of (xr, yr)                   --- sqrt(xr*xr + yr*yr)
        n_rows = self.calib_array.shape[0]
        # Add the two extra columns
        self.calib_array = np.append(self.calib_array,
                                     np.zeros((n_rows, 2)),
        for i in range(n_rows):
            (xr, yr) = self.calib_array[i, 2], self.calib_array[i, 3]
            self.calib_array[i, 4] = atan2(yr, xr)
            self.calib_array[i, 5] = sqrt(xr * xr + yr * yr)

        if frontal_only:
            # Delete all rows with distance outside of [min_distance,
            # max_distance] and angle outside of [-max_abs_angle, max_abs_angle]
            delete_indices = []
            for i in range(n_rows):
                angle = self.calib_array[i, 4]
                dist = self.calib_array[i, 5]
                if fabs(dist) < self.min_distance:

                if fabs(dist) > self.max_distance:

                if fabs(angle) > self.max_abs_angle:

            self.calib_array = np.delete(self.calib_array,

        # We also pre-compute the indices of the neighbours for each pixel.
        self.neighbour_array = []
        n_rows = self.calib_array.shape[0]
        for i in range(n_rows):
            #(ixi, iyi) = self.calib_array[i,0], self.calib_array[i,1]
            (ixr, iyr) = self.calib_array[i, 2], self.calib_array[i, 3]
            nghbrs = []
            for j in range(i + 1, n_rows):
                #(jxi, jyi) = self.calib_array[j,0], self.calib_array[j,1]
                (jxr, jyr) = self.calib_array[j, 2], self.calib_array[j, 3]
                """ Determining neighbourhood based on 8-adjacency
                dx = ixi - jxi
                dy = iyi - jyi
                ij_dist = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
                if ij_dist <= sqrt(2) + 0.01:

                # Determining neighbourhood based on a threshold distance
                dx = ixr - jxr
                dy = iyr - jyr
                ij_dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
                if ij_dist <= 50:


        self.shape_filter = ShapeFilter(mask=self.detection_mask)
예제 #20
파일: alvinsim.py 프로젝트: SiChiTong/alvin
 def create_wall(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
     env_b = self.env.static_body
     wall_shape = pymunk.Segment(env_b, Vec2d(x1,y1), Vec2d(x2,y2), \
     wall_shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=WALL_MASK)
     return wall_shape
예제 #21
    def __init__(self, kind, puck_shape, immobile=False):
        self.immobile = immobile
        # self.mass = 0.1  # 0.1 kg

        # Create a massless body with 0 moment of inertia.  Pymunk will figure
        # out the mass and moment of inertia based on the density (set below)
        # when the body and shape are both added to the space.
        if not immobile:
            self.body = Body(0, 0)
            self.body = Body(0, 0, Body.STATIC)

        if puck_shape == "CIRCLE":
            # Hockey puck radius = 23mm = 0.023
            #self.radius = 2.3 * CM_TO_PIXELS

            # Double hockey puck radius
            self.radius = 4.6 * CM_TO_PIXELS

            # Arbitrary radius
            #self.radius = 0.07 * M_TO_PIXELS

            # Plate puck radius = 12.8cm = 0.128
            #self.radius = 0.128 * M_TO_PIXELS

            # Objects from Gauci et al paper: 0.05 meter radius, converted to
            # pixels for display
            # self.radius = 12 * CM_TO_PIXELS

            self.shape = Circle(self.body, self.radius)

        elif puck_shape == "RANDOM_CIRCLES":
            self.radius = randint(1, 5) * CM_TO_PIXELS
            self.shape = Circle(self.body, self.radius)

        elif puck_shape == "RECTANGLE":
            length = 100
            thickness = 5
            a = Vec2d(0, 0)
            b = Vec2d(length, 0)
            self.shape = Segment(self.body, a, b, thickness)
            self.radius = length / 2

        elif puck_shape == "RANDOM_RECTANGLES":
            length = randint(10, 150)
            thickness = randint(4, 10)
            a = Vec2d(0, 0)
            b = Vec2d(length, 0)
            self.shape = Segment(self.body, a, b, thickness)
            self.radius = length / 2

        radiusForDensity = 2.3 * CM_TO_PIXELS  # hockey puck radius
        self.shape.density = 0.1 / (pi * radiusForDensity**2)

        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = uniform(-pi, pi)
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0

        self.kind = kind
        if kind == 0:
            self.shape.color = 200, 100, 100
            self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=RED_PUCK_MASK)
        elif kind == 1:
            self.shape.color = 100, 200, 100
            self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=GREEN_PUCK_MASK)
        elif kind == 2:
            self.shape.color = 100, 100, 200
            self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=BLUE_PUCK_MASK)
            sys.exit("Unknown puck kind: " + kind)

        if immobile:
            self.shape.color = self.shape.color[0] / 3, self.shape.color[
                1] / 3, self.shape.color[2] / 3