class DynamicMapDiscriminatorTestModel(Model, discriminator='Parent'): class Meta: host = 'http://localhost:8000' table_name = 'test' hash_key = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True) value = DynamicSubclassedMapAttribute(default=dict) type = DiscriminatorAttribute()
class Base(Model): class Meta: table_name = "appstore" region = "us-west-2" billing_mode = "PAY_PER_REQUEST" pk = CompoundTemplateAttribute( hash_key=True, template="$type_#$ulid", attrs=["type_", "ulid"], ) ulid = ULIDAttribute() cls = DiscriminatorAttribute(attr_name="__type") ttl = TTLAttribute(null=True) gsi1 = GSI1() gsi2 = GSI2() @property def type_(self): return self.__class__.__name__.upper() @property def created_at(self) -> datetime: """Based on a ULID `pk`, extract an aware datetime""" if ts := getattr(, "timestamp", None): return ts().datetime if ts := getattr(self.ulid, "timestamp", None): return ts().datetime
class DiscriminatorTestModel(Model, discriminator='Parent'): class Meta: host = 'http://localhost:8000' table_name = 'test' hash_key = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True) value = TypedValue() values = ListAttribute(of=TypedValue) type = DiscriminatorAttribute()
class Office(Model): class Meta: table_name = "OfficeModel" host = "http://localhost:{}".format(environ.get("DOCKER_PORT", 8000)) aws_access_key_id = "my_access_key_id" aws_secret_access_key = "my_secret_access_key" office_id = UUIDAttribute(hash_key=True) address = Location() employees = ListAttribute(of=OfficeEmployeeMap) departments = UnicodeSetAttribute() numbers = NumberSetAttribute() security_number = UnicodeAttribute(null=True) office_times = ListAttribute() cls = DiscriminatorAttribute()
class OfficeSchema(ModelSchema): """Office Schema for PynamoDB Office Model. We are overriding PynamoDB NumberSetAttribute and UnicodeSetAttribute fields to maintain list order """ numbers = fields.List(fields.Integer) departments = fields.List(fields.String) security_number = fields.Str(allow_none=True) cls = DiscriminatorAttribute() class Meta: """Schema Model Meta Class.""" model = Office host = "http://localhost:{}".format(environ.get("DOCKER_PORT", 8000)) aws_access_key_id = "my_access_key_id" aws_secret_access_key = "my_secret_access_key"
class Base(Model): """Base relational class. Use this class to add functionality to PynamoDB Base class. """ created_at = UTCDateTimeAttribute(default=get_time_now) updated_at = UTCDateTimeAttribute(default=get_time_now) cls = DiscriminatorAttribute() def __eq__(self, other): return self.uuid == other.uuid # type: ignore @classmethod def table_exists(cls) -> None: """Check if Table exists. Running only in Development. :return: None """ environment = os.getenv("ENVIRONMENT", "develop") logger.debug( f"Check if table {cls.Meta.table_name} on '{environment}' exists..." ) if environment == "develop": if not cls.exists(): logger.warning( f"Table {cls.Meta.table_name} in {environment} " # type: ignore f"does not exist. Creating...") cls.create_table(wait=True) def save(self, **kwargs): """Validate before save DynamoDB.""" self.table_exists() if self.validate(): # type: ignore self.updated_at = arrow.utcnow().datetime return super().save(**kwargs) def validate(self) -> bool: """Validate Enterprise Rules. This is a simple example. This method must run all model validations :return: Boolean """ return True def __str__(self): return ( f"<{{cookiecutter.model_name_camel}}Document(" f"uuid={getattr(self, 'uuid')}, " f"created_at={self.created_at.isoformat() if self.created_at else '-'}, " f"id={id(self)})>") class Meta: table_name = get_table_name() host = get_nosql_database_url() read_capacity_units = settings[""] write_capacity_units = settings["project.capacity.write"] connection = connection
class TypedValue(MapAttribute): _cls = DiscriminatorAttribute(attr_name = 'cls') name = UnicodeAttribute()
class TestAttribute(MapAttribute, discriminator='new_value'): cls = DiscriminatorAttribute()
class MyDocument(BaseDocument, discriminator="my_document"): status = UnicodeEnumAttribute(MyStatus, default=MyStatus.CREATED) content = UnicodeAttribute() tokens = BinarySetAttribute() version = VersionAttribute(null=True) cls = DiscriminatorAttribute()
class BaseDocument(Model): uuid = UUIDAttribute(default=uuid.uuid4) description = UnicodeAttribute(default="bar") cls = DiscriminatorAttribute()
class DiscriminatedModel(Model): hash_key = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True) _cls = DiscriminatorAttribute()