def run(self, nb_rep=10): if self.args.pretrained_path is not None: raise ValueError( 'Unset <pretrained_path> to use the EnsemblingTester') epochs_tested = self.get_epochs_to_test() folds_to_test = self.get_folds_to_test() for fold in folds_to_test: for epoch in epochs_tested[fold]: Y, Y_true = [], [] for i in range(nb_rep): pretrained_path = os.path.join( self.args.checkpoint_dir, get_chk_name( self.args.exp_name + '_ensemble_%i' % (i + 1), fold, epoch)) outfile = self.args.outfile_name or ("EnsembleTest_" + self.args.exp_name) exp_name = outfile + "_fold{}_epoch{}.pkl".format( fold, epoch) model = Base(, loss=self.loss, metrics=self.args.metrics, pretrained=pretrained_path, use_cuda=self.args.cuda) y, y_true, _, _, _ = model.test( self.manager.get_dataloader(test=True).test) Y.append(y) Y_true.append(y_true) with open(os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, exp_name), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump( { "y": np.array(Y).swapaxes(0, 1), "y_true": np.array(Y_true).swapaxes(0, 1) }, f)
def run(self): epochs_tested = self.get_epochs_to_test() folds_to_test = self.get_folds_to_test() for fold in folds_to_test: for epoch in epochs_tested[fold]: pretrained_path = self.args.pretrained_path or \ os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, get_chk_name(self.args.exp_name, fold, epoch)) for t in ["", "Intra_"]: if self.args.outfile_name is None: outfile = "%s%s" % ("Test_" + t, self.args.exp_name) else: outfile = "%s%s" % (t, self.args.outfile_name) exp_name = outfile + "_fold{}_epoch{}".format(fold, epoch) model = Base(, loss=self.loss, metrics=self.args.metrics, pretrained=pretrained_path, use_cuda=self.args.cuda) model.testing( self.manager.get_dataloader(test=(t != "Intra_"), test_intra=(t == "Intra_"), fold_index=fold), with_visuals=False, with_logit=self.args.with_logit, predict=self.args.predict, saving_dir=self.args.checkpoint_dir, exp_name=exp_name, standard_optim=getattr(, 'std_optim', True), **self.kwargs_test)
def run(self, MC=10): epochs_tested = self.get_epochs_to_test() folds_to_test = self.get_folds_to_test() if self.logger.warning( "CROSS-VALIDATION USED DURING TESTING, EVENTUAL TESTING SET IS OMIT" ) for fold in folds_to_test: for epoch in epochs_tested[fold]: pretrained_path = self.args.pretrained_path or \ os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, get_chk_name(self.args.exp_name, fold, epoch)) outfile = self.args.outfile_name or ("MCTest_" + self.args.exp_name) exp_name = outfile + "_fold{}_epoch{}.pkl".format(fold, epoch) model = Base(, loss=self.loss, metrics=self.args.metrics, pretrained=pretrained_path, use_cuda=self.args.cuda) if y, y_true = model.MC_test(self.manager.get_dataloader( validation=True, fold_index=fold).validation, MC=MC) else: y, y_true = model.MC_test( self.manager.get_dataloader(test=True).test, MC=MC) with open(os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, exp_name), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({"y": y, "y_true": y_true}, f)
def run(self): epochs_tested = self.get_epochs_to_test() folds_to_test = self.get_folds_to_test() for fold in folds_to_test: for epoch in epochs_tested[fold]: pretrained_path = self.args.pretrained_path or \ os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, get_chk_name(self.args.exp_name, fold, epoch)) outfile = self.args.outfile_name or ("SimCLRTest_" + self.args.exp_name) exp_name = outfile + "_fold{}_epoch{}.pkl".format(fold, epoch) kwargs_test = dict() if len(self.args.modalities) > 1: model_cls = MultiModalSimCLR if isinstance(, FusionDenseNet): kwargs_test["fusion"] = True else: model_cls = SimCLR model = model_cls(, loss=self.loss, metrics=self.args.metrics, pretrained=pretrained_path, use_cuda=self.args.cuda) y, y_true = model.features_avg_test( self.manager.get_dataloader(test=True).test, M=int(self.args.test_param or 1), **kwargs_test) with open(os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, exp_name), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({"y": y, "y_true": y_true}, f)
def run(self): epochs_tested = self.get_epochs_to_test() folds_to_test = self.get_folds_to_test() for fold in folds_to_test: for epoch in epochs_tested[fold]: pretrained_path = self.args.pretrained_path or \ os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, get_chk_name(self.args.exp_name, fold, epoch)) outfile = self.args.outfile_name or ("Test_CV_" + self.args.exp_name) exp_name = outfile + "_fold{}_epoch{}".format(fold, epoch) model = Base(, loss=self.loss, metrics=self.args.metrics, pretrained=pretrained_path, use_cuda=self.args.cuda) loader = self.manager.get_dataloader(validation=True, fold_index=fold) res = model.test(loader.validation, with_visuals=False, with_logit=self.args.with_logit, predict=self.args.predict, standard_optim=getattr(, 'std_optim', True)) with open( os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, exp_name + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump( { 'y_pred': res[0], 'y_true': res[1], 'loss': res[3], 'metrics': res[4] }, f)
def run(self): epochs_tested = [[self.args.nb_epochs - 1] for _ in range(self.manager.number_of_folds)] folds_to_test = self.get_folds_to_test() std_noise = [0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.20] nb_repetitions = 5 # nb of repetitions per Gaussian Noise results = {std: [] for std in std_noise} for sigma in std_noise: self.manager = BaseTrainer.build_data_manager( self.args, input_transforms=[ Crop((1, 121, 128, 121)), Padding([1, 128, 128, 128], mode='constant'), Normalize(), GaussianNoise(sigma) ]) for _ in range(nb_repetitions): for fold in folds_to_test: for epoch in epochs_tested[fold]: pretrained_path = self.args.pretrained_path or \ os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, get_chk_name(self.args.exp_name, fold, epoch)) outfile = self.args.outfile_name or ( "Test_" + self.args.exp_name) exp_name = outfile + "_fold{}_epoch{}".format( fold, epoch) model = Base(, loss=self.loss, metrics=self.args.metrics, pretrained=pretrained_path, use_cuda=self.args.cuda) y, X, y_true, l, metrics = model.testing( self.manager.get_dataloader(test=True), with_visuals=False, with_logit=self.args.with_logit, predict=self.args.predict, saving_dir=None, exp_name=exp_name, standard_optim=getattr(, 'std_optim', True)) results[sigma].append([y, y_true]) with open( os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, 'Robustness_' + self.args.exp_name + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(results, f)
def run(self): epochs_tested = self.get_epochs_to_test() folds_to_test = self.get_folds_to_test() finetuned_folds = [0] if self.args.N_train_max is None else list( range(self.args.nb_folds)) # Passes the training/testing set through the encoder and uses scikit-learn to predict # the target (either logistic regression or ridge regression if self.logger.warning( "CROSS-VALIDATION USED DURING TESTING, EVENTUAL TESTING SET IS OMIT" ) for fold in folds_to_test: ## pre-trained models fold for epoch in epochs_tested[fold]: pretrained_path = self.args.pretrained_path or \ os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, get_chk_name(self.args.exp_name, fold, epoch)) for i, net in enumerate(self.nets, start=4): for finetuned_fold in finetuned_folds: ## fine-tuning training fold outfile = self.args.outfile_name or ( "Test_" + self.args.exp_name) if len(finetuned_folds) > 1: exp_name = outfile + "_block{}_ModelFold{}_fold{}_epoch{}.pkl".format( i, fold, finetuned_fold, epoch) else: exp_name = outfile + "_block{}_fold{}_epoch{}.pkl".format( i, fold, epoch) model_cls = Base if self.args.model == "SimCLR": if len(self.args.modalities) > 1: model_cls = MultiModalSimCLR else: model_cls = SimCLR elif self.args.model == "Genesis": model_cls = Genesis model = model_cls(model=net, loss=self.loss, pretrained=pretrained_path, use_cuda=self.args.cuda) if self.args.model == "SimCLR": # 1st: passes all the training data through the model x_enc, y_train = model.features_avg_test( self.manager.get_dataloader( train=True, fold_index=finetuned_fold).train, M=int(self.args.test_param or 1)) # 2nd: passes all the testing data through the model if xt_enc, y_test = model.features_avg_test( self.manager.get_dataloader( validation=True, fold_index=finetuned_fold).validation, M=int(self.args.test_param or 1)) else: xt_enc, y_test = model.features_avg_test( self.manager.get_dataloader( test=True).test, M=int(self.args.test_param or 1)) else: # idem with MC Test x_enc, y_train = model.MC_test( self.manager.get_dataloader( train=True, fold_index=finetuned_fold).train, MC=int(self.args.test_param or 1)) if xt_enc, y_test = model.MC_test( self.manager.get_dataloader( validation=True, fold_index=finetuned_fold).validation, MC=int(self.args.test_param or 1)) else: xt_enc, y_test = model.MC_test( self.manager.get_dataloader( test=True).test, MC=int(self.args.test_param or 1)) y_train = y_train[:, 0] y_test = y_test[:, 0] x_enc = np.mean( x_enc, axis=1 ) # mean over the sampled features f_i from the same input x xt_enc = np.mean(xt_enc, axis=1) # 3rd: train scikit-learn model and save the results label = self.args.labels if label is None or len(label) > 1 or len({ 'age', 'sex', 'diagnosis', 'digit', 'mnist_digit', 'stl10_class', 'site' } & set(label)) == 0: raise ValueError( "Please correct the label to predict (got {})". format(label)) label = label[0] if label in [ 'sex', 'diagnosis', 'digit', 'mnist_digit', 'stl10_class', 'site' ]: scoring = "balanced_accuracy" if label in [ 'digit', 'mnist_digit', 'stl10_class', 'site' ] else "roc_auc" model = GridSearchCV( LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear'), cv=5, param_grid={'C': [1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 1e1]}, scoring=scoring, n_jobs=5) np.array(x_enc).reshape(len(x_enc), -1), np.array(y_train).ravel()) y_pred = model.predict_proba( np.array(xt_enc).reshape(len(xt_enc), -1)) if label == 'age': model = GridSearchCV( Ridge(), cv=5, param_grid={'alpha': [1e-1, 1, 1e1, 1e2]}, scoring='r2') np.array(x_enc).reshape(len(x_enc), -1), np.array(y_train).ravel()) y_pred = model.predict( np.array(xt_enc).reshape(len(xt_enc), -1)) with open( os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, exp_name), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({"y": y_pred, "y_true": y_test}, f)