예제 #1
def sep_battjes(eta, ot, h, x, sten, vd=True, verbose=False):
    eta     : long wave water surface elevation matrix (time,points)
    ot      : time vector [s]
    h       : water depth [m]
    x       : point location [m]
    sten    : Point averaging stencil
    vd      : Use the extension proposed by van Dongeren et al. (2007). 
              Defaults to True.
    verbose : (optional) True for some printed info
    etaInc  : incident wave time series [m]
    etaRef  : reflected wave time series [m]
    1. eta has to be sampled at the same rate for all points
    2. numpy arrays are assumed
    3. x axis should point landward (i.e. eta_inc travel with increasing x)
    4. van Dongeren et al. (2007) extended the separation method of 
       Battjes et al. (2004) by considering wave shoaling and phase speed
    Battjes, J. A., H. J. Bakkenes, T. T. Janssen, and A. R. van Dongeren, 2004:
        Shoaling of subharmonic gravity waves. Journal of Geophysical Research,
        109, C02009, doi:10.1029/2003JC001863.
    van Dongeren, A., J. Battjes, T. Janssen, J. van Noorloos, K. Steenhauer, 
        G. Steenbergen, and A. Reniers, 2007: Shoaling and shoreline 
        dissipation of low-frequency waves. Journal of Geophysical Research,
        112, C02011, doi:10.1029/2006JC003701.

    # Compute general Fourier parameters
    N = ot.shape[0]
    dt = np.mean(ot[1:] - ot[:-1])
    fN = 1.0 / (2 * dt)

    # Compute group velocities for incoming waves and shallow water propagation
    # velocities for reflected waves.
    freq = np.fft.fftfreq(N, dt)
    k = np.zeros_like(eta)
    c = np.zeros_like(eta)
    cg = np.zeros_like(eta)
    clin = np.zeros_like(eta)

    # Loop over frequencies (may take advantage of the symmetry properties)
    if verbose:
        print('Long wave incident and reflected wave separation')
        if vd:
            print('  Using the van Dongeren et al. (2007) methodology')
            print('  Using the Battjes et al. (2004) methodology')
        print('Computing phase and group velocities based on linear theory')
        print('  Be patient ...')

    # Time loop
    for aa in range(k.shape[0]):

        # Loop over points in the array
        for bb in range(k.shape[1]):

            # Compute wave number
            if np.isclose(freq[aa], 0):
                k[aa, bb] = 0.0
                c[aa, bb] = 0.0
                cg[aa, bb] = 0.0
                clin[aa, bb] = 0.0
                k[aa, bb] = _gwaves.dispersion(np.abs(1.0 / freq[aa]), h[bb])
                # Compute the wave celerity and group velocity
                  bb], n, cg[aa,
                             bb] = _gwaves.celerity(np.abs(1.0 / freq[aa]),
                # Compute celerity based on shallow water equations
                clin[aa, bb] = np.sqrt(9.81 * h[bb])

    # Equation numbers based on van Dongeren et al 2007
    # First working on equation A1 ---------------------------------------------

    # Compute the Fourier transform and arrange the frequencies
    z_mp = np.fft.fft(eta, axis=0)
    freq = np.fft.fftfreq(N, dt)

    # The reflected waves will be found by looking at finite stencils.
    eta_i_b = np.zeros_like(eta) * np.NAN
    eta_r_b = np.zeros_like(eta) * np.NAN

    # Compute where to start the counter based on the stencil and the dx
    half_sten = int((sten - 1) / 2)
    ind_min = half_sten
    ind_max = eta.shape[1] - ind_min

    # Loop over array
    for ii in range(ind_min, ind_max):

        # Progress update
        if verbose:
            print('  Point ' + np.str(ii - ind_min + 1) + ' of ' +
                  np.str(ind_max - ind_min))

        # Work on a subset of eta now
        subset_ind = np.arange(ii - half_sten, ii + half_sten + 1, 1)
        cg_work = cg[:, subset_ind].copy()
        clin_work = clin[:, subset_ind].copy()
        h_work = h[subset_ind].copy()
        x_work = x[subset_ind].copy()
        z_mp_work = z_mp[:, subset_ind].copy()

        # Equation A2 ----------------------------------------------------------
        # z_mp = q_i_mpn z_i_mRn + Q_r_mpn Z_r_mRn + e_mpn
        # The Fourier transform is considered as the sum of an incoming wave
        # component and a reflected wave component with an error term.
        # The next step is to assume that the amplitude and phase factors are
        # close to the values produced by linear wave theory.

        # Estimate the factors Q (Equations A4,A5,A6)
        freq_mat = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(freq, axis=-1),
        q_i_mp = np.zeros_like(freq_mat) * 1j
        q_r_mp = np.zeros_like(freq_mat) * 1j
        for aa in range(x_work.shape[0]):
            q_i_mp[:, aa] = np.exp(-1j * np.trapz(
                2.0 * np.pi * freq_mat[:, 0:aa + 1] / cg_work[:, 0:aa + 1],
                x_work[0:aa + 1],
            q_r_mp[:, aa] = np.exp(1j * np.trapz(
                2.0 * np.pi * freq_mat[:, 0:aa + 1] / clin_work[:, 0:aa + 1],
                x_work[0:aa + 1],

        # Solve equation A3 to estimate z_i_mR and z_r_mR by using the least
        # squares method since the system is overdetermined --------------------
        z_i_mR = np.zeros((ot.shape[0], )) * 1j
        z_r_mR = np.zeros_like(z_i_mR)

        for aa in range(ot.shape[0]):
            # Put system of equations in the form Ax = B
            q_mat = np.vstack((q_i_mp[aa, :], q_r_mp[aa, :])).T
            if np.sum(np.isnan(q_mat)) > 0:
                z_i_mR[aa] = 0.0
                z_r_mR[aa] = 0.0
                # Use least squares method to find solution
                z_i_mR[aa], z_r_mR[aa] = np.linalg.lstsq(
                    q_mat, z_mp_work[aa, :])[0]

        # So far the methodology applied is the one described in Battjes (2004).
        # If the user selected true then the modifications of
        # van Dongeren et al. (2007) will be implemented.
        if vd:

            # Correction for incident waves ------------------------------------
            # Phase correction equation (A7)
            q_i_mp *= z_mp_work / np.repeat(np.expand_dims(np.abs(z_i_mR),

            # Solve equation (A3)
            z_i_mR, z_r_mR = _vanDongeren2007A3(q_i_mp, q_r_mp, z_mp_work)

            # Correction for amplitude (A8)
            q_i_mp *= (np.abs(z_mp_work) /
                       np.repeat(np.expand_dims(np.abs(z_i_mR), axis=-1),

            # Solve equation (A3)
            z_i_mR, z_r_mR = _vanDongeren2007A3(q_i_mp, q_r_mp, z_mp_work)

            # Correction for reflected waves -----------------------------------
            # Phase correction equation (A7)
            q_r_mp *= (z_mp_work /
                       np.repeat(np.expand_dims(np.abs(z_r_mR), axis=-1),

            # Solve equation (A3)
            z_i_mR, z_r_mR = _vanDongeren2007A3(q_i_mp, q_r_mp, z_mp_work)

            # Correction for amplitude (A8)
            q_r_mp *= (np.abs(z_mp_work) /
                       np.repeat(np.expand_dims(np.abs(z_r_mR), axis=-1),

            # Solve equation (A3)
            z_i_mR, z_r_mR = _vanDongeren2007A3(q_i_mp, q_r_mp, z_mp_work)

        # Compute the inverse Fourier transform to get the time series of the
        # reflected and incident waves.
        eta_i_b[:, ii] = np.fft.ifft(z_i_mR).real
        eta_r_b[:, ii] = np.fft.ifft(z_r_mR).real

    # End of function
    return eta_i_b, eta_r_b
예제 #2
def sep_battjes(eta,ot,h,x,sten,vd=True,verbose=False):
    eta     : long wave water surface elevation matrix (time,points)
    ot      : time vector [s]
    h       : water depth [m]
    x       : point location [m]
    sten    : Point averaging stencil
    vd      : Use the extension proposed by van Dongeren et al. (2007). 
              Defaults to True.
    verbose : (optional) True for some printed info
    etaInc  : incident wave time series [m]
    etaRef  : reflected wave time series [m]
    1. eta has to be sampled at the same rate for all points
    2. numpy arrays are assumed
    3. x axis should point landward (i.e. eta_inc travel with increasing x)
    4. van Dongeren et al. (2007) extended the separation method of 
       Battjes et al. (2004) by considering wave shoaling and phase speed
    Battjes, J. A., H. J. Bakkenes, T. T. Janssen, and A. R. van Dongeren, 2004:
        Shoaling of subharmonic gravity waves. Journal of Geophysical Research,
        109, C02009, doi:10.1029/2003JC001863.
    van Dongeren, A., J. Battjes, T. Janssen, J. van Noorloos, K. Steenhauer, 
        G. Steenbergen, and A. Reniers, 2007: Shoaling and shoreline 
        dissipation of low-frequency waves. Journal of Geophysical Research,
        112, C02011, doi:10.1029/2006JC003701.
    # Compute general Fourier parameters
    N  = ot.shape[0]
    dt = np.mean(ot[1:] - ot[:-1])
    fN = 1.0/(2*dt)
    # Compute group velocities for incoming waves and shallow water propagation
    # velocities for reflected waves. 
    freq = np.fft.fftfreq(N,dt)
    k    = np.zeros_like(eta)
    c    = np.zeros_like(eta)
    cg   = np.zeros_like(eta)
    clin = np.zeros_like(eta)
    # Loop over frequencies (may take advantage of the symmetry properties)
    if verbose:
        print('Long wave incident and reflected wave separation')
        if vd:
            print('  Using the van Dongeren et al. (2007) methodology')
            print('  Using the Battjes et al. (2004) methodology')
        print('Computing phase and group velocities based on linear theory')
        print('  Be patient ...')
    # Time loop        
    for aa in range(k.shape[0]):
        # Loop over points in the array
        for bb in range(k.shape[1]):
            # Compute wave number
            if np.isclose(freq[aa],0):
                k[aa,bb]    = 0.0
                c[aa,bb]    = 0.0
                cg[aa,bb]   = 0.0
                clin[aa,bb] = 0.0
                k[aa,bb] = _gwaves.dispersion(np.abs(1.0/freq[aa]),h[bb])
                # Compute the wave celerity and group velocity
                c[aa,bb],n,cg[aa,bb] = _gwaves.celerity(np.abs(1.0/freq[aa]),
                # Compute celerity based on shallow water equations
                clin[aa,bb] = np.sqrt(9.81*h[bb])
    # Equation numbers based on van Dongeren et al 2007
    # First working on equation A1 ---------------------------------------------
    # Compute the Fourier transform and arrange the frequencies
    z_mp = np.fft.fft(eta,axis=0)
    freq = np.fft.fftfreq(N,dt)
    # The reflected waves will be found by looking at finite stencils. 
    eta_i_b = np.zeros_like(eta) * np.NAN
    eta_r_b = np.zeros_like(eta) * np.NAN
    # Compute where to start the counter based on the stencil and the dx
    half_sten = int((sten - 1)/2)
    ind_min = half_sten
    ind_max = eta.shape[1] - ind_min
    # Loop over array
    for ii in range(ind_min,ind_max):
        # Progress update
        if verbose:
            print('  Point ' + np.str(ii-ind_min+1) + ' of ' + 
        # Work on a subset of eta now
        subset_ind = np.arange(ii-half_sten,ii+half_sten+1,1)
        cg_work    = cg[:,subset_ind].copy()
        clin_work  = clin[:,subset_ind].copy()
        h_work     = h[subset_ind].copy()
        x_work     = x[subset_ind].copy()
        z_mp_work  = z_mp[:,subset_ind].copy()
        # Equation A2 ----------------------------------------------------------
        # z_mp = q_i_mpn z_i_mRn + Q_r_mpn Z_r_mRn + e_mpn
        # The Fourier transform is considered as the sum of an incoming wave
        # component and a reflected wave component with an error term. 
        # The next step is to assume that the amplitude and phase factors are 
        # close to the values produced by linear wave theory. 
        # Estimate the factors Q (Equations A4,A5,A6)
        freq_mat = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(freq,axis=-1),
        q_i_mp   = np.zeros_like(freq_mat)*1j
        q_r_mp   = np.zeros_like(freq_mat)*1j
        for aa in range(x_work.shape[0]):
            q_i_mp[:,aa] = np.exp(-1j*np.trapz(2.0*np.pi*freq_mat[:,0:aa+1]/
            q_r_mp[:,aa] = np.exp(1j*np.trapz(2.0*np.pi*freq_mat[:,0:aa+1]/
        # Solve equation A3 to estimate z_i_mR and z_r_mR by using the least
        # squares method since the system is overdetermined --------------------
        z_i_mR = np.zeros((ot.shape[0],)) * 1j
        z_r_mR = np.zeros_like(z_i_mR)
        for aa in range(ot.shape[0]):
            # Put system of equations in the form Ax = B
            q_mat = np.vstack((q_i_mp[aa,:],q_r_mp[aa,:])).T
            if np.sum(np.isnan(q_mat)) > 0:
                z_i_mR[aa] = 0.0
                z_r_mR[aa] = 0.0
                # Use least squares method to find solution
                z_i_mR[aa],z_r_mR[aa] = np.linalg.lstsq(q_mat,
        # So far the methodology applied is the one described in Battjes (2004). 
        # If the user selected true then the modifications of 
        # van Dongeren et al. (2007) will be implemented. 
        if vd:
            # Correction for incident waves ------------------------------------
            # Phase correction equation (A7) 
            q_i_mp *= z_mp_work / np.repeat(np.expand_dims(np.abs(z_i_mR),

            # Solve equation (A3)
            z_i_mR,z_r_mR = _vanDongeren2007A3(q_i_mp,q_r_mp,z_mp_work)
            # Correction for amplitude (A8)
            q_i_mp *= (np.abs(z_mp_work) / 
            # Solve equation (A3)
            z_i_mR,z_r_mR = _vanDongeren2007A3(q_i_mp,q_r_mp,z_mp_work)                     
            # Correction for reflected waves -----------------------------------
            # Phase correction equation (A7) 
            q_r_mp *= (z_mp_work / 
            # Solve equation (A3)
            z_i_mR,z_r_mR = _vanDongeren2007A3(q_i_mp,q_r_mp,z_mp_work)
            # Correction for amplitude (A8)
            q_r_mp *= (np.abs(z_mp_work) / 
            # Solve equation (A3)
            z_i_mR,z_r_mR = _vanDongeren2007A3(q_i_mp,q_r_mp,z_mp_work)
        # Compute the inverse Fourier transform to get the time series of the 
        # reflected and incident waves.
        eta_i_b[:,ii] = np.fft.ifft(z_i_mR).real
        eta_r_b[:,ii] = np.fft.ifft(z_r_mR).real
    # End of function
    return eta_i_b,eta_r_b
예제 #3
def wave_tracks_predictor(local_maxima,wave_height,ot,xInst,x,h,wp=None):
    Code to track the wave crests througout a linear instrument array using
    bathymetric data and linear wave theory as predictors

    wave_tracks = wave_tracks(local_extrema,ot_lag,twind)

    local_maxima  : Array of local maxima indices (see local_extrema)
    wave_height   : Array of wave heights (see wave_height)
    ot            : Time vector [s]
    xInst         : Instrument easting
    x             : Easting of topography/bathymetry [m]
                    Must increase landward
    h             : Water depth [m]
    wp            : (optional) Representative wave period [s]

    wave_tracks  : Best approximation of the wave position across shore.
    wave_ind     : Incides of the wave tracks for slicing local_maxima and 
    1. Do not include NANs in the x and h variables. 
    2. xInst should be within the limits of x
    3. If waves were not tracked an index of -999999 will be used.
    4. If wp is not provided, the shallow water wave celerity will be used 
       as predictor.
    # Compute the wave celerity based on linear wave theory if the wave period
    # is provided, otherwise the shallow water celerity is computed
    if wp:
        cel = np.zeros_like(h)
        for aa in range(cel.shape[0]):
            tmpCel = _gwaves.celerity(wp,h[aa])
            cel[aa] = tmpCel[0]
            del tmpCel
        cel = (9.81*h)**0.5
    # Compute time of travel
    timeTravel = np.zeros_like(x)
    timeTravel[1:] = np.cumsum(2.0/(cel[1:]+cel[:-1])*(x[1:] - x[:-1]))
    # Interpolate the location of instruments
    timeInt    = spi.interpolate.interp1d(x,timeTravel)
    timeOffset = timeInt(xInst)
    # Normalize the time travel vector
    timeOffset -= timeOffset[0]

    # Find the water depth at the instruments 
    depthInt = spi.interpolate.interp1d(x,h)
    depth    = depthInt(xInst) 
    # Expected average velocity between instrument locations
    # Forward differences of course.
    meanCel     = np.zeros_like(xInst) * np.NAN
    meanCel[1:] = np.abs(np.diff(xInst)) / np.diff(timeOffset) 
    # Loop over local maxima and preallocate the variables
    wave_tracks = np.ones((len(local_maxima[0]),xInst.shape[0]),
                          dtype=np.int64) * -999999
    wave_ind = np.copy(wave_tracks)                      
    for aa in range(wave_tracks.shape[0]):
        # Preallocate temporary variables
        # tmp_ind will be allocated into wave_tracks 
        # tmp_wave_ind will be allocated into wave_ind
        tmp_ind = np.ones((wave_tracks.shape[1],)).astype(int) * -999999
        tmp_wave_ind = np.copy(tmp_ind)
        tmp_ind[0] = local_maxima[0][aa]
        tmp_wave_ind[0] = aa
        # Loop over sensors
        for bb in range(1,tmp_ind.shape[0]):
            # Previous wave time
            tmp_ot = ot[tmp_ind[bb-1]]
            # Find the next wave based on a celerity estimate
            tmp_dt = ot[local_maxima[bb]] - tmp_ot
            tmpCel = np.abs(xInst[bb-1] - xInst[bb]) / tmp_dt
            tmp_min_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(tmpCel - meanCel[bb]))
            # Check if we are tracking well into the past based on half of the
            # time series length
            futureFlag = ((ot[local_maxima[bb][tmp_min_ind]] - tmp_ot) < 
                          (ot[0] - ot[-1])/2.0)
            if futureFlag:
            # Wave breaking flag based on saturated breaking (H=kh)
            dWH = ((wave_height[bb-1][tmp_wave_ind[bb-1]] - wave_height[bb]) /
            maxdWH = (depth[bb-1] - depth[bb])/depth[bb-1]
            # Three checks here to consider the previous wave as the correct one
            # All must be true
            # 1. If the wave moves slower than the shallow water celerity
            # 2. The new trajectory does not exceed amplitude dispersion
            # 3. The wave is not much smaller than the one it maps to  
            # Find amplitude dispersion effect
            ampDisp = (9.81*wave_height[bb-1][tmp_wave_ind[bb-1]])**0.5   
            if (tmpCel[tmp_min_ind] < meanCel[bb] and
                tmpCel[tmp_min_ind-1] < (meanCel[bb]+ampDisp) and
                tmp_min_ind -= 1
            # Check if we are tracking into the past      
            futureFlag = (ot[local_maxima[bb][tmp_min_ind]] - tmp_ot) < 0
            if futureFlag:
                tmp_min_ind += 1
            # Stand alone wave breaking flag
            if (dWH[tmp_min_ind] > maxdWH and 
                dWH[tmp_min_ind-1] < dWH[tmp_min_ind]):

                # Pick the previous wave if the speed makes sense
                dCel = (meanCel[bb] - tmpCel[tmp_min_ind-1]) / meanCel[bb]
                # Check if we are tracking into the past            
                futureFlag = ot[local_maxima[bb][tmp_min_ind-1]] > tmp_ot 
                # Negative means faster (need to do something objective here)
                if dCel > -0.5 and futureFlag:
                    tmp_min_ind -= 1       
            # Finally check for wave crossing (brute force bore capture)
            if aa > 0:
                if local_maxima[bb][tmp_min_ind] < wave_tracks[aa-1,bb]:
                    tmp_min_ind = wave_ind[aa-1,bb]                
            # Allocate in arrays
            tmp_wave_ind[bb] = tmp_min_ind
            tmp_ind[bb] = local_maxima[bb][tmp_min_ind]
        # Allocate wave data        
        wave_tracks[aa,:] = np.copy(tmp_ind)
        wave_ind[aa,:] = np.copy(tmp_wave_ind)

    # Get out
    return wave_tracks,wave_ind