예제 #1
    def load_topology_realisations(path, **args):
        Loads all model topology realisations and returns them as an array of NoddyTopology objects

         - *path* = The root directory that models should be loaded from. All models with the same base_name
                    as this class will be loaded (including subdirectoriess)
        **Optional Arguments**:
         - *load_attributes* = True if nodes and edges in the topology network should be
                                attributed with properties such as volume
                               and surface area and lithology colour. Default is True.
         - *verbose* = True if this function should write debug information to the print buffer. Default is True.

         - a list of NoddyTopology objects

        vb = args.get('verbose', True)
        attr = args.get('load_attributes', True)

        if vb:
            print "Loading models in %s" % path

        # array of topology objects
        from pynoddy.output import NoddyTopology
        topologies = []

        for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):  # walk the directory
            for f in filenames:
                if '.g23' in f:  # find all topology files
                    base = os.path.join(root, f.split('.')[0])
                    if vb:
                        print 'Loading %s' % base

                    # load & store topology

        return topologies
예제 #2
    def test_resolution(self, numTrials, **kwds):
        '''Tests the sensitivity of a model to block size by generating models of different
        resolutions and comparing them.
            - *numTrials* = the number of different model resolutions to test
        **Optional Keywords**:
            - *cleanup* = True if this function should delete any models it creates. Otherwise models of different resolutions
            are left in the same directory as the .his file they derive from. Default is True.
            - *verbose* = If true, this function sends information to the print buffer. Otherwise it runs silently. Default is False.
            - The function returns a list containing the cumulative number of model topologies
            observed, starting from the highest resolution (smallest block size) to the lowest block
            size (largest block size)
        #get args
        outFile = kwds.get("output", "")
        cleanup = kwds.get("cleanup", True)
        verbose = kwds.get("verbose", False)

        #import pynoddy bindings
        import pynoddy

        #store null volume threshold and then set to zero
        old_threshold = pynoddy.null_volume_threshold
        pynoddy.null_volume_threshold = 0

        #place to keep topologies
        self.topo_list = []
        self.res_list = []

        self.nUnique = 0  #number of unique topologies
        self.count = []  #number of differen topologies observed at each step
        self.size = []  #number of edges (relationships) observed at each step

        #run test
        step = (self.maxSize -
                self.minSize) / numTrials  #step change between resolutions
        for res in range(self.minSize, self.maxSize, step):
            if verbose:
                print(("Computing model with %d block size" % res))

            #change cube size
            print("Cube size: %d:" % self.get_cube_size())

            #store cube size

            #save history file
            basename = self.path + "_cube_size_%d" % res

            self.write_history(basename + ".his")

            #run saved history file
            if verbose:
                print(("Running resolution %d... " % res))
                print((pynoddy.compute_model(basename + ".his",
                                             basename + "_0001",
                pynoddy.compute_model(basename + ".his",
                                      basename + "_0001",

            #calculate topology
            if verbose:
                print('Computing model topologies...')
                pynoddy.compute_topology(basename, 1)

            #load and store topology output
            topo = NoddyTopology(basename + "_0001")

            #cull small nodes

            #see if this is on the list
            if topo.is_unique(self.topo_list):
                self.nUnique += 1  #increment unique topologies

            #store cumulative sequence

            #add to list of observed topologies

            #append number of edges to edges list

            if cleanup:
                import os, glob
                #remove noddy files
                for f in glob.glob(basename + "*"):

        print("Complete. A total of %d topologies were observed" %
        print("The size of the network at each step was:")

        print("The cumulative observation sequence was:")

        pynoddy.null_volume_threshold = old_threshold

        return self.count