def answer_inline(self, message, query, user_config): """ Answers the inline queryes :param message: User inline search :param query: Dict with the full query as a dict :param user_config: User configuration as a dict :return: None """ if not message: return None nom = pynominatim.Nominatim() is_rtl = user_config['lang'] in self.get_rtl_languages() search_results = nom.query(message, acceptlanguage=user_config['lang']) temp = self._get_template('') inline_query_id = query['inline_query']['id'] results = [] if search_results: for index, r in enumerate(search_results[:10]): element_type = '' if r.get('osm_type', '') == 'node': element_type = 'nod' elif r.get('osm_type', '') == 'way': element_type = 'way' elif r.get('osm_type', '') == 'relation': element_type = 'rel' osm_data = getData(r['osm_id'], geom_type=element_type) params = { 'data': osm_data, 'type': element_type, 'identifier': r['osm_id'], 'user_config': user_config, 'is_rtl': is_rtl, 'nominatim_data': r } if osm_data: text = temp.render(**params) name_lang = 'name:{}'.format(user_config['lang']) if name_lang in osm_data['tag']: results.append(InlineQueryResultArticle( id=uuid4(), title=osm_data['tag'][name_lang], description=r['display_name'], input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent( text, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN))) else: results.append(InlineQueryResultArticle( id=uuid4(), title=osm_data['tag'].get('name',r['display_name']), description=r['display_name'], input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent( text, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN))) self.telegram_api.answerInlineQuery( inline_query_id, results, is_personal=True, cache_time=86400)
import bot.user as u from bot.osmbot import OsmBot from telegram import Bot as TBot application = Flask(__name__) application.debug = True config = ConfigObj('bot.conf') if config: user = u.User(config.get('host', ''), config.get('database', ''), config.get('user', ''), config.get('password', '')) osmbot = OsmBot(config) telegram_api = TBot(config['token']) api = OsmApi() nom = pynominatim.Nominatim() osmbot_blueprint = Blueprint('osmbot', __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder='static') @osmbot_blueprint.route('/osmbot/hook/<string:token>', methods=['POST']) def attend_webhook(token): user = u.User(config['host'], config['database'], config['user'], config['password']) current_app.logger.debug('token:%s', token) osmbot.set_group(False) if token == config['token']: try:
def map_command(self, message, chat_id, user_id, user, zoom=None, imgformat='png', lat=None, lon=None): """ Answers the map command :param message: Map command with parameters :param chat_id: Chat identifier :param user_id: User identifier :param user: User object :param zoom: Zoom level for the map :param imgformat: Image format :param lat: latitude of the center of the map :param lon: longitude of the center of the map :return: """ zoom_halfside = { 1: 2000, 2: 95, 3: 70, 4: 55, 5: 50, 6: 35, 7: 25, 8: 18, 9: 14, 10: 8, 11: 6, 12: 4, 13: 2, 14: 1, 15: 0.5, 16: 0.25, 17: 0.15, 18: 0.07, 19: 0.04 } nom = pynominatim.Nominatim() message = message[4:] signature = self._get_template('').render() if lat is not None and lon is not None: if zoom: halfside = zoom_halfside[zoom] else: halfside = 0.1 bbox = genBBOX(lat, lon, halfside) try: data = download(bbox, _, imageformat=imgformat, zoom=zoom) f = BytesIO(data) except ValueError as v: self.telegram_api.sendMessage(chat_id, v.message) else: if imgformat == 'pdf': self.telegram_api.sendDocument(chat_id, f, 'map.pdf') elif imgformat == 'jpeg': self.telegram_api.sendPhoto(chat_id, f, signature) elif imgformat == 'png': self.telegram_api.sendPhoto(chat_id, f, signature) user.set_field(user_id, 'mode', 'normal') else: if re.match(" ?(png|jpg|pdf)? ?(\d?\d)?$", message): m = re.match(" ?(?P<imgformat>png|jpg|pdf)? ?(?P<zoom>\d{0,2})$", message) zoom = m.groupdict()["zoom"] imgformat = m.groupdict()["imgformat"] text = _('Please send me your location') + " \xF0\x9F\x93\x8D " +_("to receive the map") + '.\n' +_("You can do it with the Telegram paperclip button") +" \xF0\x9F\x93\x8E." self.telegram_api.sendMessage(chat_id, text, 'Markdown') if imgformat is None: imgformat = 'png' if zoom == '': zoom = 19 user.set_field(user_id, 'format', imgformat) user.set_field(user_id, 'zoom', zoom) user.set_field(user_id, 'mode', 'map') elif re.match(" -?\d+(\.\d*)?,-?\d+(\.\d*)? (png|jpg|pdf)? ?(\d?\d)?", message): m = re.match(" (?P<lat>-?\d+(\.\d*)?),(?P<lon>-?\d+(\.\d*)?) ?(?P<imgformat>png|jpeg|pdf)? ?(?P<zoom>\d{0,2})",message) lat = float(m.groupdict()['lat']) lon = float(m.groupdict()['lon']) imgformat = m.groupdict()['imgformat'] zoom = m.groupdict()['zoom'] bbox = genBBOX(lat, lon, 0.1) if imgformat is None: imgformat = 'png' if zoom == '': zoom = 19 try: user_config = user.get_user(user_id, group=False) lang = gettext.translation('messages', localedir='./bot/locales/', languages=[user_config['lang'], 'en']) data = download(bbox, lang.gettext, imageformat=imgformat, zoom=zoom) f = BytesIO(data) except ValueError as v: self.telegram_api.sendMessage(chat_id, v.message) else: if imgformat == 'pdf': self.telegram_api.sendDocument(chat_id, f, 'map.pdf') elif imgformat == 'jpeg': self.telegram_api.sendPhoto(chat_id, f, signature) elif imgformat == 'png': self.telegram_api.sendPhoto(chat_id, f, signature) elif re.match(self.re_map, message): m = re.match(" (?P<bb1>-?\d+(\.\d*)?),(?P<bb2>-?\d+(\.\d*)?),(?P<bb3>-?\d+(\.\d*)?),(?P<bb4>-?\d+(\.\d*)?) ?(?P<format>png|jpg|pdf)? ?(?P<zoom>\d{0,2})", message) if m is not None: bbox1 = m.groupdict()['bb1'] bbox2 = m.groupdict()['bb2'] bbox3 = m.groupdict()['bb3'] bbox4 = m.groupdict()['bb4'] imgformat = m.groupdict()['format'] zoom = m.groupdict()['zoom'] if imgformat is None: imgformat = 'png' if zoom == '': zoom = 19 try: data = download( [bbox1, bbox2, bbox3, bbox4], _, imgformat, zoom=zoom) f = BytesIO(data) except ValueError as v: self.telegram_api.sendMessage(chat_id, v.message) else: if imgformat == 'pdf': self.telegram_api.sendDocument(chat_id, f, 'map.pdf') elif imgformat == 'jpeg': self.telegram_api.sendPhoto( chat_id, f, signature) elif imgformat == 'png': self.telegram_api.sendPhoto( chat_id, f, signature) else: template = self._get_template('') text = template.render() self.telegram_api.sendMessage(chat_id, text, 'Markdown') else: res = nom.query(message) if res: bbox = res[0]['boundingbox'] auto_scale = getScale([bbox[0], bbox[2], bbox[1], bbox[3]]) try: data = download([bbox[2], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[1]], _, scale=auto_scale) f = BytesIO(data) except ValueError as v: self.telegram_api.sendMessage(chat_id, v.message) else: self.telegram_api.sendPhoto(chat_id, f, signature) else: temp = self._get_template('') text = temp.render() self.telegram_api.sendMessage(chat_id, text, 'Markdown')
def search_command(self, message, user_config, chat_id): """ Answers the search commands :param message: User message :param user_config: User configuration as a dict :param chat_id: Identifier of the chat :return: None """ search = message[8:].replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') nom = pynominatim.Nominatim() results = nom.query( search, acceptlanguage=user_config['lang'], addressdetails=True) if not results: template = self._get_template('') text = template.render(search=search) self.telegram_api.sendMessage(chat_id, text, parse_mode='Markdown') return None else: t = _('Results for') + ' "{0}":\n\n'.format(search) for result in results[:10]: if 'osm_id' in result: if result['osm_type'] == 'relation': element_type = 'rel' elif result['osm_type'] == 'way': element_type = 'way' elif result['osm_type'] == 'node': element_type = 'nod' try: if result['osm_type'] == 'relation': osm_data = getData(result['osm_id'], element_type) else: osm_data = getData(result['osm_id']) except Exception: osm_data = None else: osm_data = None type = result['class'] + ':' + result['type'] if 'address' in result: country = result['address'].get('country_code', '').upper() if type in typeemoji and country in emojiflag: t += emojiflag[country][0] + typeemoji[result['class'] + ':' + result['type']] + " " + result['display_name'] + '\n' elif country in emojiflag: t += emojiflag[country][0] + '\xE2\x96\xB6 ' + result['display_name'] + '\n' elif type in typeemoji: t += typeemoji[result['class'] + ':' + result['type']] + " " + result['display_name'] + '\n' else: t += '\xE2\x96\xB6 ' + result['display_name']+'\n' t += '\xF0\x9F\x93\x8D [' + _('Map') + ']({0}&maxlat={1}&minlon={2}&maxlon={3}&mlat={4}&mlon={5})\n'.format(result['boundingbox'][0],result['boundingbox'][1],result['boundingbox'][2],result['boundingbox'][3],result['lat'],result['lon']) if osm_data is not None and ('phone' in osm_data['tag'] or 'contact:phone' in osm_data['tag']): if result.get('osm_type', '') == 'node': t += _('More info') + ' /detailsnod{0}\n'.format(result['osm_id']) elif result.get('osm_type', '') == 'way': t += _('More info')+' /detailsway{0}\n'.format(result['osm_id']) elif result.get('osm_type', '') == 'relation': t += _('More info') + ' /detailsrel{0}\n'.format(result['osm_id']) else: t += '\n' + _('More info') + ' /details{0}'.format(result['osm_id']) t += _("Phone") + " /phone{0}{1}".format(element_type, result['osm_id']) + "\n\n" else: if 'osm_id' in result: if result.get('osm_type', '') == 'node': t += _('More info') + ' /detailsnod{0}\n\n'.format(result['osm_id']) elif result.get('osm_type', '') == 'way': t += _('More info')+' /detailsway{0}\n\n'.format(result['osm_id']) elif result.get('osm_type', '') == "relation": t += _('More info') + ' /detailsrel{0}\n\n'.format(result['osm_id']) else: t += _('More info') + ' /details{0}\n\n'.format(result['osm_id']) t += '\xC2\xA9' + _('OpenStreetMap contributors') + '\n' self.telegram_api.sendMessage( chat_id, t, parse_mode='Markdown', disable_web_page_preview=True)