예제 #1
    def test_NEXT_check_ltl_onepb(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            # false in the initial state
            formula = parseLTL("() a")

            # however the violation is not detected when no move is allowed
            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 0)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 1)
            self.assertEqual("Violation", status)
            self.assertEqual(1, len(trace))

            # true in the initial state
            formula = parseLTL("()() a")
            # not reachable
            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 0)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)
            # not quite yet
            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 1)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)
            # ok
            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 2)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)
            # and even for longer traces
            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 3)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)
예제 #2
    def test_EVENTUALLY_check_ltl_onepb(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            # proving a violation of this prop necessitates at least two
            # steps: flip --> flop --> flip
            formula = parseLTL("<>(a <=> b)")

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 0)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 1)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            # a loop is identified
            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 2)
            self.assertEqual("Violation", status)
            self.assertEqual(2, len(trace))

            # valid in the initial state (hence for any bound)
            formula = parseLTL("<>(a | b)")
            for k in range(10):
                status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, k)
                self.assertEqual("Ok", status)
 def test_arithmetic_unary_minus(self):
     # number can be negated
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("-12")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(- (12))", str(ast))
     # and so does a variable
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("-a")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(- (a))", str(ast))
     # or a nested expression
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("-( 6 * 8)")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(- ((6) * (8)))", str(ast))
 def test_parse_parenthesized(self):
     # no impact on vars
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("(a)")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(a)", str(ast))
     # it permits to change the side-associativity
     # can be chained (right associative)
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("(phi | psi) | chi")
     self.assertEqual("((Proposition(phi) Or Proposition(psi)) Or Proposition(chi))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("(phi & psi) & chi")
     self.assertEqual("((Proposition(phi) And Proposition(psi)) And Proposition(chi))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("(phi => psi) => chi")
     self.assertEqual("((Proposition(phi) Imply Proposition(psi)) Imply Proposition(chi))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("(phi <=> psi) <=> chi")
     self.assertEqual("((Proposition(phi) Equiv Proposition(psi)) Equiv Proposition(chi))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("([]a) & b")
     self.assertEqual("((Globally Proposition(a)) And Proposition(b))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("(<>a) & b")
     self.assertEqual("((Eventually Proposition(a)) And Proposition(b))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("([]a) U (<>b)")
     self.assertEqual("((Globally Proposition(a)) Until (Eventually Proposition(b)))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("([]a) W (<>b)")
     self.assertEqual("((Globally Proposition(a)) WeakUntil (Eventually Proposition(b)))", str(ast))
예제 #5
    def test_NEXT_check_ltl(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            status, l, trace = check.check_ltl(parseLTL("()() a"), 5)
            self.assertEqual('Ok', status)
            self.assertEqual(5, l)

            status, l, trace = check.check_ltl(parseLTL("() a"), 5)
            self.assertEqual('Violation', status)
            self.assertEqual(1, l)
예제 #6
    def test_EVENTUALLY_check_ltl(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            status, l, trace = check.check_ltl(parseLTL("<>(a <=> !b)"), 5)
            self.assertEqual('Ok', status)
            self.assertEqual(5, l)

            status, l, trace = check.check_ltl(parseLTL("<>(a & b)"), 5)
            self.assertEqual('Violation', status)
            self.assertEqual(2, l)
 def test_parse_variable_containing_FALSE(self):
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("@FALSE")
     # everything from the unknown punctuation on is discarded
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(@FALSE)", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("FALSE@")
     # everything from the unknown punctuation on is discarded
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(FALSE@)", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("FALSE.")
     # everything from the unknown punctuation on is discarded
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(FALSE.)", str(ast))
예제 #8
    def test_generate_problem_with_fairness(self):
        This test clearly shows the difference in validating a property with
        or without fairness constraint
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/philo.smv"):
            # length 0
            # nusmv has fairness always on.
            fml_node = Node.from_ptr(
                parse_ltl_spec("G (p1.waiting -> F !p1.waiting)"))
            smv = ltlspec.generate_ltl_problem(self.befsm, fml_node, 0)

            formula = parseLTL("[](p1.waiting => <>!p1.waiting)")
            unfair = gen.generate_problem(formula,

            fair = gen.generate_problem(formula,

            # length 1
            fml_node = Node.from_ptr(
                parse_ltl_spec("G (p1.waiting -> F !p1.waiting)"))
            smv = ltlspec.generate_ltl_problem(self.befsm, fml_node, 1)

            formula = parseLTL("[](p1.waiting => <>!p1.waiting)")
            unfair = gen.generate_problem(formula,

            fair = gen.generate_problem(formula,
예제 #9
    def test_GLOBALLY_check_ltl_onepb(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            formula = parseLTL("[](a <=> !b)")
            for k in range(10):
                status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, k)
                self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            # already violated in the initial state
            formula = parseLTL("[](a <=> b)")
            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 0)
            self.assertEqual("Violation", status)
            self.assertEqual(0, len(trace))
 def test_arithmetic_modulus(self):    
     # numbers 
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("6 mod 8")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((6) mod (8))", str(ast))
     # vars
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a mod b")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) mod (b))", str(ast))
     # chainable
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a mod b mod c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) mod (b) mod (c))", str(ast))
     # priority over +/-
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a + b mod c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) + ((b) mod (c)))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a mod b - c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(((a) mod (b)) - (c))", str(ast))
 def test_arithmetic_subtraction(self):
     # numbers 
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("6 - 8")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((6) - (8))", str(ast))
     # vars
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a - b")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) - (b))", str(ast))
     # chainable
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a - b - c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) - (b) - (c))", str(ast))
     # priority over <</>>
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a - b << c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(((a) - (b)) << (c))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a - b >> c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(((a) - (b)) >> (c))", str(ast))
 def test_arithmetic_multiplication(self):    
     # numbers 
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("6 * 8")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((6) * (8))", str(ast))
     # vars
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a * b")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) * (b))", str(ast))
     # chainable
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a * b * c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) * (b) * (c))", str(ast))
     # priority over +/-
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a + b * c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) + ((b) * (c)))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a * b - c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(((a) * (b)) - (c))", str(ast))
 def test_arithmetic_division(self):    
     # numbers 
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("6 / 8")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((6) / (8))", str(ast))
     # vars
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a / b")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) / (b))", str(ast))
     # chainable
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a / b / c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) / (b) / (c))", str(ast))
     # priority over +/-
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a + b / c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) + ((b) / (c)))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a / b - c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(((a) / (b)) - (c))", str(ast))
 def test_arithmetic_lshift(self):
     # numbers 
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("6 << 8")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((6) << (8))", str(ast))
     # vars
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a << b")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) << (b))", str(ast))
     # chainable
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a << b << c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) << (b) << (c))", str(ast))
     # priority over comparison
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a << b <= c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(((a) << (b)) <= (c))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a << b = c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(((a) << (b)) = (c))", str(ast))
예제 #15
    def test_UNTIL_check_ltl(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/never_b.smv"):
            status, l, trace = check.check_ltl(parseLTL("b U a"), 5)
            self.assertEqual('Ok', status)
            self.assertEqual(5, l)

            status, l, trace = check.check_ltl(parseLTL("a U b"), 5)
            self.assertEqual('Violation', status)
            self.assertEqual(1, l)

            status, l, trace = check.check_ltl(parseLTL("b W !a"), 5)
            self.assertEqual('Violation', status)
            self.assertEqual(0, l)
    def test_nnf_eventually(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            formula = parseLTL("<> a")
            not_neg = "(Eventually Proposition(a))"
            self.assertEqual(not_neg, str(formula.nnf(False)))

            negated = "(Globally (Not Proposition(a)))"
            self.assertEqual(negated, str(formula.nnf(True)))

            # when members need nnfing too
            formula = parseLTL("<> (!a)")
            not_neg = "(Eventually (Not Proposition(a)))"
            self.assertEqual(not_neg, str(formula.nnf(False)))

            negated = "(Globally Proposition(a))"
            self.assertEqual(negated, str(formula.nnf(True)))
예제 #17
    def validate_generate_problem(self, bound, custom_text, nusmv_text):
        fsm = self.befsm
        # formulae
        formula = parseLTL(custom_text)
        fml_node = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec(nusmv_text))

        # IMPORTANT NOTE: each instantiation of the problem creates new CNF
        #   literal which appears in the clauses list (even in canonical form)
        #   hence, the canonical forms of the different instantiations cannot
        #   simply be compared as there is no a priori way to know what CNF
        #   literal reconcile with what other.
        #   However, the different expressions should all have the exact same
        #   satisfiability. So, that's how this test proceeds.

        smv = ltlspec.generate_ltl_problem(fsm, fml_node, bound)
        tool = gen.generate_problem(formula, fsm, bound)
        manual  = gen.model_problem(fsm, bound) &\
                  formula.nnf(True).bounded_semantics(fsm, bound)

        sat_smv = self.satisfiability(smv)
        sat_tool = self.satisfiability(tool)
        sat_man = self.satisfiability(manual)

        self.assertEqual(sat_tool, sat_man)
        self.assertEqual(sat_tool, sat_smv)
 def test_arithmetic_rshift(self):
     # numbers 
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("6 >> 8")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((6) >> (8))", str(ast))
     # vars
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a >> b")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) >> (b))", str(ast))
     # chainable
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a >> b >> c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition((a) >> (b) >> (c))", str(ast))
     # priority over comparison
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a >> b <= c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(((a) >> (b)) <= (c))", str(ast))
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("a >> b = c")
     self.assertEqual("Proposition(((a) >> (b)) = (c))", str(ast))
    def test_nnf_next(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            formula = parseLTL("() a")
            # w/o member nnf-ing
            not_neg = "(Next Proposition(a))"
            self.assertEqual(not_neg, str(formula.nnf(False)))

            negated = "(Next (Not Proposition(a)))"
            self.assertEqual(negated, str(formula.nnf(True)))

            # w/ member nnf-ing
            formula = parseLTL("() !a")
            not_neg = "(Next (Not Proposition(a)))"
            self.assertEqual(not_neg, str(formula.nnf(False)))

            negated = "(Next Proposition(a))"
            self.assertEqual(negated, str(formula.nnf(True)))
 def test_parse_next(self):
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("() phi")
     self.assertEqual("(Next Proposition(phi))", str(ast))
     # spacing is irrelevant
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("()phi")
     self.assertEqual("(Next Proposition(phi))", str(ast))
     # can be chained
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("() () () phi")
     self.assertEqual("(Next (Next (Next Proposition(phi))))", str(ast))
     # space is irrelevant (even when chained)
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("()()()phi")
     self.assertEqual("(Next (Next (Next Proposition(phi))))", str(ast))
     # it may accept a constant
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("()TRUE")
     self.assertEqual("(Next Constant(TRUE))", str(ast))
     # it may accept a parenthesized expression
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("()(a | b)")
     self.assertEqual("(Next (Proposition(a) Or Proposition(b)))", str(ast))
     # it may accept a timed expression
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("()[]a")
     self.assertEqual("(Next (Globally Proposition(a)))", str(ast))
 def test_parse_globally(self):
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("[] phi")
     self.assertEqual("(Globally Proposition(phi))", str(ast))
     # spacing is irrelevant
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("[]phi")
     self.assertEqual("(Globally Proposition(phi))", str(ast))
     # can be chained
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("[] [] [] phi")
     self.assertEqual("(Globally (Globally (Globally Proposition(phi))))", str(ast))
     # space is irrelevant (even when chained)
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("[][][]phi")
     self.assertEqual("(Globally (Globally (Globally Proposition(phi))))", str(ast))
     # it may accept a constant
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("[]TRUE")
     self.assertEqual("(Globally Constant(TRUE))", str(ast))
     # it may accept a parenthesized expression
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("[](a | b)")
     self.assertEqual("(Globally (Proposition(a) Or Proposition(b)))", str(ast))
     # it may accept a timed expression
     ast = parsing.parseLTL("[]<>a")
     self.assertEqual("(Globally (Eventually Proposition(a)))", str(ast))
    def test_nnf_imply(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            # when the operands dont need to be nnf-ed
            formula = parseLTL("a => b")

            not_neg = "((Not Proposition(a)) Or Proposition(b))"
            self.assertEqual(not_neg, str(formula.nnf(False)))

            negated = "(Proposition(a) And (Not Proposition(b)))"
            self.assertEqual(negated, str(formula.nnf(True)))

            # when the operands need to be nnf-ed
            formula = parseLTL("a => !b")

            not_neg = "((Not Proposition(a)) Or (Not Proposition(b)))"
            self.assertEqual(not_neg, str(formula.nnf(False)))

            negated = "(Proposition(a) And Proposition(b))"
            self.assertEqual(negated, str(formula.nnf(True)))
def check(formula, args):
        parsed_fml          = parseLTL(formula.strip())
        status,length,trace = check_ltl(parsed_fml, args.bound, args.no_fairness, args.no_invariants, args.dry_run)
        if status != 'Ok':
            print("-- {} for length {}".format(status, length))
    except Exception as e:
        print("The specification contains a syntax error")
예제 #24
    def test_check_ltl_arithmetics(self):
        This tests the use of the invariants flag when performing the check.
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/numbers.smv"):
            formula = parseLTL("[] a < 7")

            status, _, trace = check.check_ltl(formula, 10, no_invar=False)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)
예제 #25
    def test_UNTIL_check_ltl_onepb(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/never_b.smv"):
            # entailed by the automaton
            formula = parseLTL("a U b")

            # not reachable
            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 0)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            # this is where U differs from W: at infinity, b must hold
            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 1)
            self.assertEqual("Violation", status)
            self.assertEqual(1, len(trace))

            # true in the initial state
            formula = parseLTL("b U a")

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 0)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 1)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 2)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 3)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            # violated right away
            formula = parseLTL("b U !a")

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 0)
            self.assertEqual("Violation", status)
            self.assertEqual(0, len(trace))
    def test_nnf_weakuntil(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            # rules of pseudo duality:
            #     (p U q) <-> (!q W (!p & !q))
            #     (p W q) <-> (!q U (!p & !q))

            # without operands nnfing
            formula = parseLTL("(p W q)")
            not_neg = "(Proposition(p) WeakUntil Proposition(q))"
            self.assertEqual(not_neg, str(formula.nnf(False)))

            negated = "((Not Proposition(q)) Until ((Not Proposition(p)) And (Not Proposition(q))))"
            self.assertEqual(negated, str(formula.nnf(True)))

            # wit operands nnfing
            formula = parseLTL("((!p) W (!q))")
            not_neg = "((Not Proposition(p)) WeakUntil (Not Proposition(q)))"
            self.assertEqual(not_neg, str(formula.nnf(False)))

            negated = "(Proposition(q) Until (Proposition(p) And Proposition(q)))"
            self.assertEqual(negated, str(formula.nnf(True)))
예제 #27
    def test_WEAKUNTIL_check_ltl_onepb(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/never_b.smv"):
            # entailed by the automaton
            formula = parseLTL("a W b")

            # not reachable
            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 0)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)
            # already looping but no counter example
            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 1)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            # true in the initial state
            formula = parseLTL("b W a")

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 0)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 1)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 2)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 3)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)

            # violated right away
            formula = parseLTL("b W !a")

            status, trace = check.check_ltl_onepb(formula, 0)
            self.assertEqual("Violation", status)
            self.assertEqual(0, len(trace))
    def validate_bounded_semantics(self, bound, custom_text, nusmv_text):
        fsm = self.befsm
        # formulae
        formula = parseLTL(custom_text)
        fml_node = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec(nusmv_text))

        tool = formula.bounded_semantics(fsm, bound)
        smv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, fml_node, bound)
        # canonical forms
        s_tool = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
        s_smv = tests.canonical_cnf(smv)

        self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_smv)
    def test_nnf_equiv(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            # when the operands dont need to be nnf-ed
            formula = parseLTL("a <=> b")

            #          (!a | b) & (!b | a)
            not_neg = "(((Not Proposition(a)) Or Proposition(b)) And ((Not Proposition(b)) Or Proposition(a)))"
            self.assertEqual(not_neg, str(formula.nnf(False)))

            #          (a & !b) | (b & !a)
            negated = "((Proposition(a) And (Not Proposition(b))) Or (Proposition(b) And (Not Proposition(a))))"
            self.assertEqual(negated, str(formula.nnf(True)))

            # when the operands need to be nnf-ed
            formula = parseLTL("a <=> !b")

            #          (!a | !b) & (b | a)
            not_neg = "(((Not Proposition(a)) Or (Not Proposition(b))) And (Proposition(b) Or Proposition(a)))"
            self.assertEqual(not_neg, str(formula.nnf(False)))

            #          (a & b) | (!b & !a)
            negated = "((Proposition(a) And Proposition(b)) Or ((Not Proposition(b)) And (Not Proposition(a))))"
            self.assertEqual(negated, str(formula.nnf(True)))
예제 #30
    def test_check_ltl_invariants(self):
        This tests the use of the invariants flag when performing the check.
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/dummy_with_invar.smv"):
            formula = parseLTL("[] v")

            # invariants enforced
            status, _, trace = check.check_ltl(formula, 10, no_invar=True)
            self.assertEqual("Violation", status)
            self.assertEqual(0, len(trace))

            # invariants enforced
            status, _, trace = check.check_ltl(formula, 10, no_invar=False)
            self.assertEqual("Ok", status)