def brand(self): """ Device brand name as a string This function maps the device code to a string representation using the following enum: NVML_BRAND_UNKNOWN = 0 NVML_BRAND_QUADRO = 1 NVML_BRAND_TESLA = 2 NVML_BRAND_NVS = 3 NVML_BRAND_GRID = 4 NVML_BRAND_GEFORCE = 5 NVML_BRAND_TITAN = 6 """ brand_enum = nv.nvmlDeviceGetBrand(self._handle) if brand_enum == 1: return 'Quadro' elif brand_enum == 2: return 'Tesla' elif brand_enum == 3: return 'NVS' elif brand_enum == 4: return 'Grid' elif brand_enum == 5: return 'GeForce' elif brand_enum == 6: return 'Titan' else: return 'Unknown'
def _get_data(self): data = {} if self.deviceCount: for i in range(self.deviceCount): gpuIdx = str(i) handle = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(i) name = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetName(handle) brand = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetBrand(handle) ### Get data ### ## Memory usage try: mem = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(handle) except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e)) mem = None ## ECC errors try: _memError = {} _eccCounter = {} eccErrors = {} eccCounterType = ['VOLATILE_ECC', 'AGGREGATE_ECC'] memErrorType = [ 'ERROR_TYPE_CORRECTED', 'ERROR_TYPE_UNCORRECTED' ] memoryLocationType = [ 'L1_CACHE', 'L2_CACHE', 'DEVICE_MEMORY', 'REGISTER_FILE', 'TEXTURE_MEMORY' ] for memoryLocation in range(5): for eccCounter in range(2): for memError in range(2): _memError[memErrorType[ memError]] = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetMemoryErrorCounter( handle, memError, eccCounter, memoryLocation) _eccCounter[eccCounterType[eccCounter]] = _memError eccErrors[ memoryLocationType[memoryLocation]] = _eccCounter except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e)) eccErrors = None ## Temperature try: temp = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetTemperature( handle, pynvml.NVML_TEMPERATURE_GPU) except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e)) temp = None ## Fan try: fanspeed = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(handle) except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e)) fanspeed = None ## GPU and Memory Utilization try: util = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(handle) gpu_util = util.gpu mem_util = util.memory except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e)) gpu_util = None mem_util = None ## Encoder Utilization try: encoder = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetEncoderUtilization(handle) enc_util = encoder[0] except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e)) enc_util = None ## Decoder Utilization try: decoder = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetDecoderUtilization(handle) dec_util = decoder[0] except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e)) dec_util = None ## Clock frequencies try: clock_core = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo( handle, pynvml.NVML_CLOCK_GRAPHICS) clock_sm = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo( handle, pynvml.NVML_CLOCK_SM) clock_mem = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo( handle, pynvml.NVML_CLOCK_MEM) * self.nvMemFactor except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e)) clock_core = None clock_sm = None clock_mem = None ### Packing data ### self.debug("Device", gpuIdx, ":", str(name)) data["device_name_" + gpuIdx] = name self.debug("Brand:", str(brand)) self.debug(str(name), "Temp :", str(temp)) data["device_temp_" + gpuIdx] = temp self.debug(str(name), "Mem total :", str(, 'bytes') data["device_mem_total_" + gpuIdx] = self.debug(str(name), "Mem used :", str(mem.used), 'bytes') data["device_mem_used_" + gpuIdx] = mem.used self.debug(str(name), "Mem free :", str(, 'bytes') data["device_mem_free_" + gpuIdx] = self.debug(str(name), "Load GPU :", str(gpu_util), '%') data["device_load_gpu_" + gpuIdx] = gpu_util self.debug(str(name), "Load MEM :", str(mem_util), '%') data["device_load_mem_" + gpuIdx] = mem_util self.debug(str(name), "Load ENC :", str(enc_util), '%') data["device_load_enc_" + gpuIdx] = enc_util self.debug(str(name), "Load DEC :", str(dec_util), '%') data["device_load_dec_" + gpuIdx] = dec_util self.debug(str(name), "Core clock:", str(clock_core), 'MHz') data["device_core_clock_" + gpuIdx] = clock_core self.debug(str(name), "SM clock :", str(clock_sm), 'MHz') data["device_sm_clock_" + gpuIdx] = clock_sm self.debug(str(name), "Mem clock :", str(clock_mem), 'MHz') data["device_mem_clock_" + gpuIdx] = clock_mem self.debug(str(name), "Fan speed :", str(fanspeed), '%') data["device_fanspeed_" + gpuIdx] = fanspeed self.debug(str(name), "ECC errors:", str(eccErrors)) if eccErrors is not None: data["device_ecc_errors_L1_CACHE_VOLATILE_CORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["L1_CACHE"]["VOLATILE_ECC"][ "ERROR_TYPE_CORRECTED"] data["device_ecc_errors_L1_CACHE_VOLATILE_UNCORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["L1_CACHE"]["VOLATILE_ECC"][ "ERROR_TYPE_UNCORRECTED"] data["device_ecc_errors_L1_CACHE_AGGREGATE_CORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["L1_CACHE"]["AGGREGATE_ECC"][ "ERROR_TYPE_CORRECTED"] data["device_ecc_errors_L1_CACHE_AGGREGATE_UNCORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["L1_CACHE"]["AGGREGATE_ECC"][ "ERROR_TYPE_UNCORRECTED"] data["device_ecc_errors_L2_CACHE_VOLATILE_CORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["L2_CACHE"]["VOLATILE_ECC"][ "ERROR_TYPE_CORRECTED"] data["device_ecc_errors_L2_CACHE_VOLATILE_UNCORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["L2_CACHE"]["VOLATILE_ECC"][ "ERROR_TYPE_UNCORRECTED"] data["device_ecc_errors_L2_CACHE_AGGREGATE_CORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["L2_CACHE"]["AGGREGATE_ECC"][ "ERROR_TYPE_CORRECTED"] data["device_ecc_errors_L2_CACHE_AGGREGATE_UNCORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["L2_CACHE"]["AGGREGATE_ECC"][ "ERROR_TYPE_UNCORRECTED"] data["device_ecc_errors_DEVICE_MEMORY_VOLATILE_CORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["DEVICE_MEMORY"][ "VOLATILE_ECC"]["ERROR_TYPE_CORRECTED"] data[ "device_ecc_errors_DEVICE_MEMORY_VOLATILE_UNCORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["DEVICE_MEMORY"]["VOLATILE_ECC"][ "ERROR_TYPE_UNCORRECTED"] data["device_ecc_errors_DEVICE_MEMORY_AGGREGATE_CORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["DEVICE_MEMORY"][ "AGGREGATE_ECC"]["ERROR_TYPE_CORRECTED"] data[ "device_ecc_errors_DEVICE_MEMORY_AGGREGATE_UNCORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["DEVICE_MEMORY"][ "AGGREGATE_ECC"]["ERROR_TYPE_UNCORRECTED"] data["device_ecc_errors_REGISTER_FILE_VOLATILE_CORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["REGISTER_FILE"][ "VOLATILE_ECC"]["ERROR_TYPE_CORRECTED"] data[ "device_ecc_errors_REGISTER_FILE_VOLATILE_UNCORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["REGISTER_FILE"]["VOLATILE_ECC"][ "ERROR_TYPE_UNCORRECTED"] data["device_ecc_errors_REGISTER_FILE_AGGREGATE_CORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["REGISTER_FILE"][ "AGGREGATE_ECC"]["ERROR_TYPE_CORRECTED"] data[ "device_ecc_errors_REGISTER_FILE_AGGREGATE_UNCORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["REGISTER_FILE"][ "AGGREGATE_ECC"]["ERROR_TYPE_UNCORRECTED"] data["device_ecc_errors_TEXTURE_MEMORY_VOLATILE_CORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["TEXTURE_MEMORY"][ "VOLATILE_ECC"]["ERROR_TYPE_CORRECTED"] data[ "device_ecc_errors_TEXTURE_MEMORY_VOLATILE_UNCORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["TEXTURE_MEMORY"][ "VOLATILE_ECC"]["ERROR_TYPE_UNCORRECTED"] data[ "device_ecc_errors_TEXTURE_MEMORY_AGGREGATE_CORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["TEXTURE_MEMORY"][ "AGGREGATE_ECC"]["ERROR_TYPE_CORRECTED"] data[ "device_ecc_errors_TEXTURE_MEMORY_AGGREGATE_UNCORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = eccErrors["TEXTURE_MEMORY"][ "AGGREGATE_ECC"]["ERROR_TYPE_UNCORRECTED"] else: data["device_ecc_errors_L1_CACHE_VOLATILE_CORRECTED_" + gpuIdx] = None ## Get unit (S-class Nvidia cards) data if self.unitCount: for i in range(self.unitCount): gpuIdx = str(i) handle = pynvml.nvmlUnitGetHandleByIndex(i) try: fan = pynvml.nvmlUnitGetFanSpeedInfo(handle) fan_speed = fan.speed # Fan speed (RPM) fan_state = fan.state # Flag that indicates whether fan is working properly except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e)) fan_speed = None fan_state = None try: psu = pynvml.nvmlUnitGetPsuInfo(handle) psu_current = psu.current # PSU current (A) psu_power = psu.power # PSU power draw (W) psu_state = psu.state # The power supply state psu_voltage = psu.voltage # PSU voltage (V) except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e)) psu_current = None psu_power = None psu_state = None psu_voltage = None try: temp_intake = pynvml.nvmlUnitGetTemperature( handle, 0) # Temperature at intake in C temp_exhaust = pynvml.nvmlUnitGetTemperature( handle, 1) # Temperature at exhaust in C temp_board = pynvml.nvmlUnitGetTemperature( handle, 2) # Temperature on board in C except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e)) temp_intake = None temp_exhaust = None temp_board = None self.debug('Unit fan speed:', str(fan_speed)) data["unit_fan_speed_" + gpuIdx] = fan_speed self.debug('Unit fan state:', str(fan_state)) data["unit_fan_state_" + gpuIdx] = fan_state self.debug('Unit PSU current:', str(psu_current)) data["unit_psu_current_" + gpuIdx] = psu_current self.debug('Unit PSU power:', str(psu_power)) data["unit_psu_power_" + gpuIdx] = psu_power self.debug('Unit PSU state:', str(psu_state)) data["unit_psu_state_" + gpuIdx] = psu_state self.debug('Unit PSU voltage:', str(psu_voltage)) data["unit_psu_voltage_" + gpuIdx] = psu_voltage self.debug('Unit temp intake:', str(temp_intake)) data["unit_temp_intake_" + gpuIdx] = temp_intake self.debug('Unit temp exhaust:', str(temp_exhaust)) data["unit_temp_exhaust_" + gpuIdx] = temp_exhaust self.debug('Unit temp board:', str(temp_board)) data["unit_temp_board_" + gpuIdx] = temp_board ## Get data via legacy mode if self.legacy: try: output, error = Popen([ "nvidia-settings", "-c", ":0", "-q", "GPUUtilization", "-q", "GPUCurrentClockFreqs", "-q", "GPUCoreTemp", "-q", "TotalDedicatedGPUMemory", "-q", "UsedDedicatedGPUMemory" ], shell=False, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() output = repr(str(output)) if len(output) < 800: raise Exception( 'Error in fetching data from nvidia-settings ' + output) self.debug(str(error), output) except Exception as e: self.error(str(e)) self.error('Setting legacy mode to False') self.legacy = False return data for i in range(self.deviceCount): gpuIdx = str(i) if data["device_temp_" + gpuIdx] is None: coreTemp = findall('GPUCoreTemp.*?(gpu:\d*).*?\s(\d*)', output)[i][1] try: data["device_temp_" + gpuIdx] = int(coreTemp) self.debug('Using legacy temp for GPU {0}: {1}'.format( gpuIdx, coreTemp)) except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e), "skipping device_temp_" + gpuIdx) if data["device_mem_used_" + gpuIdx] is None: memUsed = findall( 'UsedDedicatedGPUMemory.*?(gpu:\d*).*?\s(\d*)', output)[i][1] try: data["device_mem_used_" + gpuIdx] = int(memUsed) self.debug( 'Using legacy mem_used for GPU {0}: {1}'.format( gpuIdx, memUsed)) except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e), "skipping device_mem_used_" + gpuIdx) if data["device_load_gpu_" + gpuIdx] is None: gpu_util = findall( '(gpu:\d*).*?graphics=(\d*),.*?memory=(\d*)', output)[i][1] try: data["device_load_gpu_" + gpuIdx] = int(gpu_util) self.debug( 'Using legacy load_gpu for GPU {0}: {1}'.format( gpuIdx, gpu_util)) except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e), "skipping device_load_gpu_" + gpuIdx) if data["device_load_mem_" + gpuIdx] is None: mem_util = findall( '(gpu:\d*).*?graphics=(\d*),.*?memory=(\d*)', output)[i][2] try: data["device_load_mem_" + gpuIdx] = int(mem_util) self.debug( 'Using legacy load_mem for GPU {0}: {1}'.format( gpuIdx, mem_util)) except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e), "skipping device_load_mem_" + gpuIdx) if data["device_core_clock_" + gpuIdx] is None: clock_core = findall( 'GPUCurrentClockFreqs.*?(gpu:\d*).*?(\d*),(\d*)', output)[i][1] try: data["device_core_clock_" + gpuIdx] = int(clock_core) self.debug( 'Using legacy core_clock for GPU {0}: {1}'.format( gpuIdx, clock_core)) except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e), "skipping device_core_clock_" + gpuIdx) if data["device_mem_clock_" + gpuIdx] is None: clock_mem = findall( 'GPUCurrentClockFreqs.*?(gpu:\d*).*?(\d*),(\d*)', output)[i][2] try: data["device_mem_clock_" + gpuIdx] = int(clock_mem) self.debug( 'Using legacy mem_clock for GPU {0}: {1}'.format( gpuIdx, clock_mem)) except Exception as e: self.debug(str(e), "skipping device_mem_clock_" + gpuIdx) return data