def __init__(self, port: int = 37075, cache_size: int = 25, *args, **kwargs): """Initializes file cache. Args: port: Port for HTTP server. cache_size: Size of file cache, i.e. number of files to cache. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # add thread func self._add_thread_func(self._http, False) # init tornado web server tornado.web.Application.__init__(self, [ (r"/(.*)", MainHandler), ]) # store stuff self._io_loop = None self._cache = DataCache(cache_size) self._lock = threading.RLock() self._is_listening = False self._port = port self._cache_size = cache_size
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new base roof.""" Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # init mixins WeatherAwareMixin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) MotionStatusMixin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, telescope: Union[str, ITelescope], camera: Union[str, ICamera], filters: Union[str, IFilters], flat_fielder: Union[dict, FlatFielder], log_file: str = None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new flat fielder. Args: telescope: Name of ITelescope. camera: Name of ICamera. filters: Name of IFilters, if any. pointing: Pointing to use. log_file: Name of file to store flat field log in. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # store telescope, camera, and filters self._telescope = telescope self._camera = camera self._filters = filters self._abort = threading.Event() # flat fielder self._flat_fielder = get_object(flat_fielder, FlatFielder, vfs=self.vfs,, callback=self.callback) # init log file self._publisher = None if log_file is None else CsvPublisher(log_file)
def __init__(self, telescope: Union[str, ITelescope], camera: Union[str, ICamera], target_pixel: Tuple = None, attempts: int = 5, tolerance: float = 1, max_offset: float = 120, log_file: str = None, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new base acquisition. Args: telescope: Name of ITelescope. camera: Name of ICamera. target_pixel: (x, y) tuple of pixel that the star should be positioned on. If None, center of image is used. attempts: Number of attempts before giving up. tolerance: Tolerance in position to reach in arcsec. max_offset: Maximum offset to move in arcsec. log_file: Name of file to write log to. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # store telescope and camera self._telescope = telescope self._camera = camera # store self._target_pixel = target_pixel self._attempts = attempts self._tolerance = tolerance self._max_offset = max_offset # init log file self._publisher = CsvPublisher(log_file) # init camera settings mixin CameraSettingsMixin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, pipeline: Union[dict, Pipeline], archive: Union[dict, Archive], sources: Union[str, List[str]] = None, cache_size: int = 20, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a new image writer. Args: pipeline: Pipeline to use for reduction. archive: Used for retrieving calibration files. If None, no calibration is done. sources: List of sources (e.g. cameras) to process images from or None for all. cache_size: Size of cache for calibration files. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # stuff self._sources = [sources] if isinstance(sources, str) else sources self._queue = Queue() self._archive = None if archive is None else get_object( archive, Archive) self._pipeline = get_object(pipeline, Pipeline) self._cache = DataCache(size=cache_size) # add thread func self._add_thread_func(self._worker, True)
def __init__(self, watchpath: str = None, destinations: list = None, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new image watcher. Args: watchpath: Path to watch. destinations: Filename patterns for destinations. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # test import import pyinotify # add thread func self._add_thread_func(self._worker, True) # variables self._watchpath = watchpath self._notifier = None self._queue = Queue() # filename patterns if not destinations: raise ValueError( 'No filename patterns given for the destinations.') self._destinations = destinations
def __init__(self, min_alt: int = 30, max_alt: int = 85, num_alt: int = 8, num_az: int = 24, finish: int = 90, exp_time: float = 1., acquisition: str = 'acquisition', *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new auto focus system. Args: min_alt: Mininum altitude to use. max_alt: Maximum altidude to use. num_alt: Number of altitude points to create on grid. num_az: Number of azimuth points to create on grid. finish: When this number in percent of points have been finished, terminate mastermind. exp_time: Exposure time in secs. acquisition: IAcquisition unit to use. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # store self._min_alt = min_alt self._max_alt = max_alt self._num_alt = num_alt self._num_az = num_az self._finish = 1. - finish / 100. self._exp_time = exp_time self._acquisition = acquisition # add thread func self._add_thread_func(self._run_thread, False)
def __init__(self, url: str = None, system_init_time: int = 300, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new pyobs-weather connector. Args: url: URL to weather station system_init_time: Time in seconds the full system needs to initialize """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # store and create session self._system_init_time = system_init_time self._url = url self._session = requests.session() # current status self._is_good = None # whole status self._status: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._status_lock = threading.RLock() # add thread func self._add_thread_func(self._update, True)
def __init__(self, focuser: Union[str, IFocuser], camera: Union[str, ICamera], filters: Union[str, IFilters] = None, offset: bool = False, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new auto focus system. Args: focuser: Name of IFocuser. camera: Name of ICamera. filters: Name of IFilters, if any. offset: If True, offsets are used instead of absolute focus values. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # test import import lmfit # store focuser and camera self._focuser = focuser self._camera = camera self._filters = filters self._offset = offset self._abort = threading.Event() # storage for data self._data_lock = threading.RLock() self._data: List[Dict[str, float]] = []
def __init__(self, warn_sound: str, warn_interval: float = 1, start_sound: str = None, started_sound: str = None, stop_sound: str = None, stopped_sound: str = None, player: str = 'mpg123', trigger_file: str = None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new warning. Args: warn_sound: Name of file to play. warn_interval: Interval in seconds between sounds. start_sound: Sound to play when starting systems. started_sound: Sound to play when systems started. stop_sound: Sound to play when stopping systems. stopped_sound: Sound to play when systems stopped. trigger_file: File, which triggers to switch on-off and vice versa, when created. Will be deleted afterwards. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # store self._warn_sound = warn_sound self._warn_interval = warn_interval self._start_sound = start_sound self._started_sound = started_sound self._stop_sound = stop_sound self._stopped_sound = stopped_sound self._trigger_file = trigger_file self._player = player self._autonomous = False # threads self._add_thread_func(self._heartbeat) self._add_thread_func(self._check_autonomous) self._add_thread_func(self._check_trigger)
def __init__(self, telescope: typing.Union[str, ITelescope], pointing: typing.Union[dict, SkyFlatsBasePointing], *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new flat field pointing. Args: telescope: Telescope to point pointing: Pointing for calculating coordinates. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # store telescope and pointing self._telescope = telescope self._pointing = pointing
def __init__(self, camera: Union[str, ICamera], telescope: Union[str, ITelescope], offsets: Union[dict, BaseGuidingOffset], max_offset: float = 30, max_exposure_time: float = None, min_interval: float = 0, max_interval: float = 600, separation_reset: float = None, pid: bool = False, log_file: str = None, *args, **kwargs): """Initializes a new science frame auto guiding system. Args: telescope: Telescope to use. offsets: Auto-guider to use max_offset: Max offset in arcsec to move. max_exposure_time: Maximum exposure time in sec for images to analyse. min_interval: Minimum interval in sec between two images. max_interval: Maximum interval in sec between to consecutive images to guide. separation_reset: Min separation in arcsec between two consecutive images that triggers a reset. pid: Whether to use a PID for guiding. log_file: Name of file to write log to. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # store self._camera = camera self._telescope = telescope self._enabled = False self._max_offset = max_offset self._max_exposure_time = max_exposure_time self._min_interval = min_interval self._max_interval = max_interval self._separation_reset = separation_reset self._pid = pid self._loop_closed = False # headers of last and of reference image self._last_header = None self._ref_header = None # create auto-guiding system self._guiding_offset = get_object(offsets, BaseGuidingOffset) # init log file self._publisher = None if log_file is None else CsvPublisher(log_file)
def __init__(self, message: str = 'Hello world', interval: int = 10, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a new StandAlone object. Args: message: Message to log in the given interval. interval: Interval between messages. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # add thread func self._add_thread_func(self._message_func, True) # store self._message = message self._interval = interval
def __init__(self, flatfield: typing.Union[str, IFlatField], functions: typing.Dict[str, str], priorities: typing.Union[dict, SkyflatPriorities], min_exptime: float = 0.5, max_exptime: float = 5, timespan: float = 7200, filter_change: float = 30, count: int = 20, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new flat field scheduler. Args: flatfield: Flat field module to use functions: Dict with flat functions priorities: Class handling priorities min_exptime: Minimum exposure time [s] max_exptime: Maximum exposure time [s] timespan: Time to scheduler after start [s] filter_change: Time required for filter change [s] count: Number of flats to take per filter/binning """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # store self._flatfield = flatfield self._count = count # abort self._abort = threading.Event() # priorities prio = get_object(priorities, SkyflatPriorities) # create scheduler self._scheduler = Scheduler(functions, prio,, min_exptime=min_exptime, max_exptime=max_exptime, timespan=timespan, filter_change=filter_change, count=count)
def __init__(self, triggers: list, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new trigger module. Args: triggers: List of dictionaries defining the trigger. Must contain fields for event, module and method, may contain a sender. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # store self._running = False # store triggers and convert event strings to actual classes self._triggers = triggers for trigger in self._triggers: # get class and store it kls = get_class_from_string(trigger['event']) trigger['event'] = kls
def __init__(self, fits_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, centre: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, rotation: float = 0., flip: bool = False, filenames: str = '/cache/pyobs-{DAY-OBS|date:}-{FRAMENUM|string:04d}-{IMAGETYP|type}00.fits.gz', fits_namespaces: list = None, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a new BaseCamera. Args: fits_headers: Additional FITS headers. centre: (x, y) tuple of camera centre. rotation: Rotation east of north. flip: Whether or not to flip the image along its first axis. filenames: Template for file naming. fits_namespaces: List of namespaces for FITS headers that this camera should request """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # check if self.comm is None: log.warning('No comm module given, will not be able to signal new images!') # store self._fits_headers = fits_headers if fits_headers is not None else {} if 'OBSERVER' not in self._fits_headers: self._fits_headers['OBSERVER'] = ['pyobs', 'Name of observer'] self._centre = centre self._rotation = rotation self._flip = flip self._filenames = filenames self._fits_namespaces = fits_namespaces self._exposure_time: float = 0. self._image_type = ImageType.OBJECT # init camera self._exposure: Optional[ExposureInfo] = None self._camera_status = ICamera.ExposureStatus.IDLE # multi-threading self._expose_lock = threading.Lock() self.expose_abort = threading.Event() # night exposure number self._cache = '/pyobs/modules/%s/cache.yaml' % self._frame_num = 0
def __init__(self, tasks: Union[dict, TaskArchive], schedule_range: int = 24, safety_time: int = 60, twilight: str = 'astronomical', *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new scheduler. Args: scheduler: Scheduler to use schedule_range: Number of hours to schedule into the future safety_time: If no ETA for next task to start exists (from current task, weather became good, etc), use this time in seconds to make sure that we don't schedule for a time when the scheduler is still running twilight: astronomical or nautical """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # get scheduler self._task_archive = get_object(tasks, TaskArchive) # store self._schedule_range = schedule_range self._safety_time = safety_time self._twilight = twilight self._running = True self._need_update = False # time to start next schedule from self._schedule_start = None # ID of currently running task self._current_task_id = None # blocks self._blocks: List[ObservingBlock] = [] self._scheduled_blocks: List[ObservingBlock] = [] # update thread self._add_thread_func(self._schedule_thread, True) self._add_thread_func(self._update_thread, True)
def __init__(self, filename: str = '/archive/{FNAME}', sources: Union[str, List[str]] = None, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a new image writer. Args: filename: Pattern for filename to store images at. sources: List of sources (e.g. cameras) to process images from or None for all. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # add thread func self._add_thread_func(self._worker, True) # variables self._filename = filename self._sources = [sources] if isinstance(sources, str) else sources self._queue = Queue()
def __init__(self, fits_headers: dict = None, min_altitude: float = 10, wait_for_dome: str = None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new base telescope. Args: fits_headers: Additional FITS headers to send. min_altitude: Minimal altitude for telescope. wait_for_dome: Name of dome module to wait for. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # store self._fits_headers = fits_headers if fits_headers is not None else {} self._min_altitude = min_altitude # some multi-threading stuff self._lock_moving = threading.Lock() self._abort_move = threading.Event() # celestial status self._celestial_lock = threading.RLock() self._celestial_headers: Dict[str, Any] = {} # add thread func self._add_thread_func(self._celestial, True) # init mixins WeatherAwareMixin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) MotionStatusMixin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) WaitForMotionMixin.__init__(self, wait_for_modules=None if wait_for_dome is None else [wait_for_dome], wait_for_timeout=60000, wait_for_states=[ IMotion.Status.POSITIONED, IMotion.Status.TRACKING ])
def __init__(self, sources: Union[str, List[str]] = None, publisher: Union[Publisher, dict] = None, max_ellipticity: float = 0.2, correct_for_airmass: bool = True, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a new seeing estimator. Args: sources: List of sources (e.g. cameras) to process images from or None for all. publisher: Publisher to publish results to. max_ellipticity: Maximum ellipticity for sources to consider. correct_for_zenith: Whether to correct seeing for airmass. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # stuff self._sources = [sources] if isinstance(sources, str) else sources self._publisher = self._add_child_object(publisher, Publisher) self._max_ellipticity = max_ellipticity self._correct_for_airmass = correct_for_airmass
def __init__(self, focuser: Union[str, IFocuser], camera: Union[str, ICamera], filters: Union[str, IFilters], series: FocusSeries, offset: bool = False, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new auto focus system. Args: focuser: Name of IFocuser. camera: Name of ICamera. filters: Name of IFilters, if any. offset: If True, offsets are used instead of absolute focus values. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # store focuser and camera self._focuser = focuser self._camera = camera self._filters = filters self._offset = offset self._abort = threading.Event() # create focus series self._series: FocusSeries = get_object(series, FocusSeries) # init camera settings mixin CameraSettingsMixin.__init__(self, *args, filters=filters, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, tasks: Union[TaskArchive, dict], allowed_overrun: int = 300, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new auto focus system. Args: tasks: Task archive to use allowed_overrun: Allowed time for a task to exceed it's window in seconds """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # store self._allowed_overrun = allowed_overrun self._running = False # add thread func self._add_thread_func(self._run_thread, True) # get task archive self._task_archive: TaskArchive = get_object(tasks, object_class=TaskArchive, comm=self.comm, vfs=self.vfs, # observation name and exposure number self._task = None self._obs = None self._exp = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a new script runner.""" Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, focuser: str = None, weather: str = None, interval: int = 300, temperatures: dict = None, model: str = None, coefficients: dict = None, update: bool = False, log_file: str = None, min_measurements: int = 10, enabled: bool = True, temp_sensor: str = 'average.temp', default_filter: str = None, filter_offsets: dict = None, filter_wheel: str = None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a focus model. Args: focuser: Name of focuser. weather: Name of weather station. interval: Interval for setting focus or None, if no regular setting of focus is required. model: Focus model to use. coefficients: Coefficients in model, mainly used when updating it. update: Whether to update the model on new focus values. log_file: Path to file containing all focus measurements. min_measurements: Minimum number of measurements to update model. enabled: If False, no focus is set. temp_sensor: Name of sensor at weather station to provide ambient temperature. default_filter: Name of default filter. If None, filters are ignored. filter_offsets: Offsets for different filters. If None, they are not modeled. filter_wheel: Name of filter wheel module to use for fetching filter before setting focus. """ Module.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # check import import lmfit # add thread func if interval is not None and interval > 0: self._add_thread_func(self._run_thread, True) # store self._focuser = focuser self._weather = weather self._interval = interval self._temperatures = temperatures = {} if temperatures is None else temperatures self._focuser_ready = True self._coefficients = {} if coefficients is None else coefficients self._update_model = update self._min_measurements = min_measurements self._enabled = enabled self._temp_station, sensor = temp_sensor.split('.') self._temp_sensor = IWeather.Sensors(sensor) self._default_filter = default_filter self._filter_offsets = filter_offsets self._filter_wheel = filter_wheel'Going to fetch temperature from sensor %s at station %s.', self._temp_sensor, self._temp_station) # model parser = Parser()'Parsing model: %s', model) self._model = parser.parse(model) # coefficients if self._coefficients is not None and len(self._coefficients) > 0: 'Found coefficients: %s', ', '.join([ '%s=%.3f' % (k, v) for k, v in self._coefficients.items() ])) # variables variables = self._model.variables() for c in self._coefficients.keys(): variables.remove(c)'Found variables: %s', ', '.join(variables)) # init log file self._publisher = None if log_file is None else CsvPublisher(log_file) # update model now? if update: self._calc_focus_model()