예제 #1
파일: procs.py 프로젝트: newbrough/pyon
    def _create_process_instance(self, process_id, name, module, cls, config):
        Creates an instance of a "service", be it a Service, Agent, Stream, etc.

        @rtype BaseService
        @return An instance of a "service"
        process_instance = for_name(module, cls)
        if not isinstance(process_instance, BaseService):
            raise ContainerConfigError("Instantiated service not a BaseService %r" % process_instance)

        # Prepare service instance
        process_instance.errcause = ""
        process_instance.id = process_id
        process_instance.container = self.container
        process_instance.CFG = config
        process_instance._proc_name = name
        process_instance._proc_start_time = time.time()

        # Unless the process has been started as part of another Org, default to the container Org or the ION Org
        if config.has_key("org_name"):
            process_instance.org_name = config["org_name"]
            process_instance.org_name = CFG.get_safe("container.org_name", CFG.get_safe("system.root_org", "ION"))

        # Add stateful process operations
        if hasattr(process_instance, "_flush_state"):

            def _flush_state():
                if not hasattr(process_instance, "_proc_state"):
                    process_instance._proc_state = {}
                    process_instance._proc_state_changed = False
                process_instance.container.state_repository.put_state(process_instance.id, process_instance._proc_state)
                process_instance._proc_state_changed = False

            def _load_state():
                if not hasattr(process_instance, "_proc_state"):
                    process_instance._proc_state = {}
                    new_state = process_instance.container.state_repository.get_state(process_instance.id)
                    process_instance._proc_state_changed = False
                except Exception as ex:
                    log.warn("Process %s load state failed: %s", process_instance.id, str(ex))

            process_instance._flush_state = _flush_state
            process_instance._load_state = _load_state

        process_start_mode = get_safe(config, "process.start_mode")
        if process_start_mode == "RESTART":
            if hasattr(process_instance, "_load_state"):

        # start service dependencies (RPC clients)

        return process_instance
예제 #2
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: mkl-/scioncc
    def _make_management_call(self, url, method="get", data=None):
        Makes a call to the Rabbit HTTP management API using the passed in HTTP method.
        log.debug("Calling rabbit API management (%s): %s", method, url)

        meth = getattr(requests, method)

            mgmt_cfg_key = CFG.get_safe("container.messaging.management.server", "rabbit_manage")
            mgmt_cfg = CFG.get_safe("server." + mgmt_cfg_key)
            username = get_safe(mgmt_cfg, "username") or "guest"
            password = get_safe(mgmt_cfg, "password") or "guest"

            with gevent.timeout.Timeout(10):
                r = meth(url, auth=(username, password), data=data)

            if not r.content == "":
                content = json.loads(r.content)
                content = None

        except gevent.timeout.Timeout as ex:
            raise Timeout(str(ex))
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout as ex:
            raise Timeout(str(ex))
        except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, socket.error) as ex:
            raise ServiceUnavailable(str(ex))
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex:
            # the generic base exception all requests' exceptions inherit from, raise our
            # general server error too.
            raise ServerError(str(ex))

        return content
예제 #3
    def _create_app_instance(self, process_id, name, module, cls, config, proc_attr):
        Creates an instance of a BaseService, representing the app logic of a ION process.
        This is independent of the process type service, agent, standalone, etc.
        # APP INSTANCE.
        app_instance = for_name(module, cls)
        if not isinstance(app_instance, BaseService):
            raise ContainerConfigError("Instantiated service not a BaseService %r" % app_instance)

        # Set BaseService instance common attributes
        app_instance.errcause = ""
        app_instance.id = process_id
        app_instance.container = self.container
        app_instance.CFG = config
        app_instance._proc_name = name
        app_instance._proc_start_time = time.time()
        for att, att_val in proc_attr.iteritems():
            setattr(app_instance, att, att_val)

        # Unless the process has been started as part of another Org, default to the container Org or the ION Org
        if 'org_governance_name' in config:
            app_instance.org_governance_name = config['org_governance_name']
            app_instance.org_governance_name = CFG.get_safe('container.org_name', CFG.get_safe('system.root_org', 'ION'))

        # Add process state management, if applicable

        # Check dependencies (RPC clients)

        return app_instance
예제 #4
    def __init__(self):
        self.cont_cert = None
        self.cont_key = None
        self.root_cert = None
        self.white_list = []

        # Look for certificates and keys in "the usual places"
        certstore_path = self.certstore = CFG.get_safe('authentication.certstore', CERTSTORE_PATH)
        log.debug("certstore_path: %s" % str(certstore_path))
        keystore_path = self.certstore = CFG.get_safe('authentication.keystore', KEYSTORE_PATH)
        log.debug("keystore_path: %s" % str(keystore_path))

        if certstore_path and keystore_path:
            if certstore_path == 'directory':
                log.debug("Container.instance.directory: " % str(Container.instance.directory))
                cont_cert_path = os.path.join(certstore_path, CONTAINER_CERT_NAME)
                log.debug("cont_cert_path: %s" % cont_cert_path)
                cont_key_path = os.path.join(keystore_path, CONTAINER_KEY_NAME)
                log.debug("cont_key_path: %s" % cont_key_path)
                root_cert_path = os.path.join(certstore_path, ORG_CERT_NAME)
                log.debug("root_cert_path: %s" % root_cert_path)

                if os.path.exists(cont_cert_path) and os.path.exists(cont_key_path) and os.path.exists(root_cert_path):
                    with open(cont_cert_path, 'r') as f:
                        self.cont_cert = f.read()
                    log.debug("cont_cert: %s" % self.cont_cert)
                    self.cont_key = EVP.load_key(cont_key_path)
                    with open(root_cert_path, 'r') as f:
                        self.root_cert = f.read()
                    log.debug("root_cert: %s" % self.root_cert)
예제 #5
 def setUp(self):
     self.server_type = CFG.get_safe("container.datastore.default_server", "couchdb")
     if self.server_type.startswith("couch"):
         self.ds_class = CouchPyonDataStore
     elif self.server_type == "postgresql":
         self.ds_class = PostgresPyonDataStore
     # We're running outside of a container - configure the tracer
     CallTracer.configure(CFG.get_safe("container.tracer", {}))
예제 #6
 def configure(self, config):
     if "enabled" in config:
         self.enabled = config["enabled"]
     self.enabled = self.enabled and CFG.get_safe(
         "container.objects.validate.interceptor", True)
     self.raise_exception = CFG.get_safe(
         "container.objects.validate.interceptor_error", False) is True
     log.debug("ValidateInterceptor enabled: %s" % self.enabled)
예제 #7
        def cleanup_broker():
            # @Dave: This is maybe too brute force and there is maybe a better pattern...
            connect_str = "-q -H %s -P %s -u %s -p %s -V %s" % (CFG.get_safe('server.amqp_priv.host', CFG.get_safe('server.amqp.host', 'localhost')),
                                                                   CFG.get_safe('container.exchange.management.port', '55672'),
                                                                   CFG.get_safe('container.exchange.management.username', 'guest'),
                                                                   CFG.get_safe('container.exchange.management.password', 'guest'),

            from putil.rabbithelper import clean_by_sysname
            clean_by_sysname(connect_str, get_sys_name())
예제 #8
    def es_cleanup():
        es_host = CFG.get_safe('server.elasticsearch.host', 'localhost')
        es_port = CFG.get_safe('server.elasticsearch.port', '9200')
        es = ep.ElasticSearch(host=es_host, port=es_port, timeout=10)
        indexes = STD_INDEXES.keys()
        indexes.append('%s_resources_index' % get_sys_name().lower())
        indexes.append('%s_events_index' % get_sys_name().lower())

        for index in indexes:
            IndexManagementService._es_call(es.river_couchdb_delete, index)
            IndexManagementService._es_call(es.index_delete, index)
예제 #9
    def heartbeat(self):
        Returns a 3-tuple indicating everything is ok.

        Should only be called after the process has been started.
        Checks the following:
            - All attached endpoints are alive + listening (this means ready)
            - The control flow greenlet is alive + listening or processing

        @return 3-tuple indicating (listeners ok, ctrl thread ok, heartbeat status). Use all on it for a
                boolean indication of success.
        listeners_ok = True
        for l in self.listeners:
            if not (l in self._listener_map
                    and not self._listener_map[l].proc.dead
                    and l.get_ready_event().is_set()):
                listeners_ok = False

        ctrl_thread_ok = self._ctrl_thread.running

        # are we currently processing something?
        heartbeat_ok = True
        if self._ctrl_current is not None:
            st = traceback.extract_stack(self._ctrl_thread.proc.gr_frame)

            if self._ctrl_current == self._heartbeat_op:

                if st == self._heartbeat_stack:
                    self._heartbeat_count += 1  # we've seen this before! increment count

                    # we've been in this for the last X ticks, or it's been X seconds, fail this part of the heartbeat
                    if self._heartbeat_count > CFG.get_safe('container.timeout.heartbeat_proc_count_threshold', 30) or \
                       get_ion_ts_millis() - int(self._heartbeat_time) >= CFG.get_safe('container.timeout.heartbeat_proc_time_threshold', 30) * 1000:
                        heartbeat_ok = False
                    # it's made some progress
                    self._heartbeat_count = 1
                    self._heartbeat_stack = st
                    self._heartbeat_time = get_ion_ts()
                self._heartbeat_op = self._ctrl_current
                self._heartbeat_count = 1
                self._heartbeat_time = get_ion_ts()
                self._heartbeat_stack = st

            self._heartbeat_op = None
            self._heartbeat_count = 0

        #log.debug("%s %s %s", listeners_ok, ctrl_thread_ok, heartbeat_ok)
        return (listeners_ok, ctrl_thread_ok, heartbeat_ok)
예제 #10
파일: process.py 프로젝트: shenrie/pyon
    def heartbeat(self):
        Returns a tuple indicating everything is ok.

        Should only be called after the process has been started.
        Checks the following:
            - All attached endpoints are alive + listening (this means ready)
            - The control flow greenlet is alive + listening or processing

        @return 3-tuple indicating (listeners ok, ctrl thread ok, heartbeat status). Use all on it for a
                boolean indication of success.
        listeners_ok = True
        for l in self.listeners:
            if not (l in self._listener_map and not self._listener_map[l].proc.dead and l.get_ready_event().is_set()):
                listeners_ok = False

        ctrl_thread_ok = self._ctrl_thread.running

        # are we currently processing something?
        heartbeat_ok = True
        if self._ctrl_current is not None:
            st = traceback.extract_stack(self._ctrl_thread.proc.gr_frame)

            if self._ctrl_current == self._heartbeat_op:

                if st == self._heartbeat_stack:
                    self._heartbeat_count += 1  # we've seen this before! increment count

                    # we've been in this for the last X ticks, or it's been X seconds, fail this part of the heartbeat
                    if (
                        self._heartbeat_count > CFG.get_safe("cc.timeout.heartbeat_proc_count_threshold", 30)
                        or int(get_ion_ts()) - int(self._heartbeat_time)
                        >= CFG.get_safe("cc.timeout.heartbeat_proc_time_threshold", 30) * 1000
                        heartbeat_ok = False
                    # it's made some progress
                    self._heartbeat_count = 1
                    self._heartbeat_stack = st
                    self._heartbeat_time = get_ion_ts()
                self._heartbeat_op = self._ctrl_current
                self._heartbeat_count = 1
                self._heartbeat_time = get_ion_ts()
                self._heartbeat_stack = st

            self._heartbeat_op = None
            self._heartbeat_count = 0

        return (listeners_ok, ctrl_thread_ok, heartbeat_ok)
예제 #11
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: mkl-/scioncc
    def _get_management_url(self, *feats):
        Builds a URL to be used with the Rabbit HTTP management API.
        node = self._priv_nodes.get(ION_DEFAULT_BROKER, self.default_node)
        host = node.client.parameters.host

        mgmt_cfg_key = CFG.get_safe("container.messaging.management.server", "rabbit_manage")
        mgmt_cfg = CFG.get_safe("server." + mgmt_cfg_key)
        mgmt_port = get_safe(mgmt_cfg, "port") or "15672"
        url = "http://%s:%s/api/%s" % (host, mgmt_port, "/".join(feats))

        return url
예제 #12
    def __init__(self, target=None, listeners=None, name=None, service=None, cleanup_method=None,
                 heartbeat_secs=10, **kwargs):
        Constructs the control part of an ION process.
        Used by the container's IonProcessThreadManager, as part of spawn_process.

        @param  target          A callable to run in the PyonThread. If None (typical), will use the target method
                                defined in this class.
        @param  listeners       A list of listening endpoints attached to this thread.
        @param  name            The name of this ION process.
        @param  service         An instance of the BaseService derived class which contains the business logic for
                                the ION process.
        @param  cleanup_method  An optional callable to run when the process is stopping. Runs after all other
                                notify_stop calls have run. Should take one param, this instance.
        @param  heartbeat_secs  Number of seconds to wait in between heartbeats.
        self._startup_listeners = listeners or []
        self.listeners          = []
        self._listener_map      = {}
        self.name               = name
        self.service            = service
        self._cleanup_method    = cleanup_method

        self.thread_manager     = ThreadManager(failure_notify_callback=self._child_failed)  # bubbles up to main thread manager
        self._dead_children     = []        # save any dead children for forensics
        self._ctrl_thread       = None
        self._ctrl_queue        = Queue()
        self._ready_control     = Event()
        self._errors            = []
        self._ctrl_current      = None      # set to the AR generated by _routing_call when in the context of a call

        # processing vs idle time (ms)
        self._start_time        = None
        self._proc_time         = 0   # busy time since start
        self._proc_time_prior   = 0   # busy time at the beginning of the prior interval
        self._proc_time_prior2  = 0   # busy time at the beginning of 2 interval's ago
        self._proc_interval_num = 0   # interval num of last record

        # for heartbeats, used to detect stuck processes
        self._heartbeat_secs    = heartbeat_secs    # amount of time to wait between heartbeats
        self._heartbeat_stack   = None              # stacktrace of last heartbeat
        self._heartbeat_time    = None              # timestamp of heart beat last matching the current op
        self._heartbeat_op      = None              # last operation (by AR)
        self._heartbeat_count   = 0                 # number of times this operation has been seen consecutively

        self._log_call_exception = CFG.get_safe("container.process.log_exceptions", False)
        self._log_call_dbstats = CFG.get_safe("container.process.log_dbstats", False)
        self._warn_call_dbstmt_threshold = CFG.get_safe("container.process.warn_dbstmt_threshold", 0)

        PyonThread.__init__(self, target=target, **kwargs)
    def es_cleanup():
        es_host = CFG.get_safe('server.elasticsearch.host', 'localhost')
        es_port = CFG.get_safe('server.elasticsearch.port', '9200')
        es = ep.ElasticSearch(
        indexes = STD_INDEXES.keys()
        indexes.append('%s_resources_index' % get_sys_name().lower())
        indexes.append('%s_events_index' % get_sys_name().lower())

        for index in indexes:
예제 #14
    def start_listeners(self):
        Starts all listeners in managed greenlets.

        Usually called by the ProcManager, unless using IonProcess manually.
            # disable normal error reporting, this method should only be called from startup
            self.thread_manager._failure_notify_callback = None

            # spawn all listeners in startup listeners (from initializer, or added later)
            for listener in self._startup_listeners:

            with Timeout(seconds=CFG.get_safe(
                    'container.messaging.timeout.start_listener', 30)):
                gevent.wait([x.get_ready_event() for x in self.listeners])

        except Timeout:

            # remove failed endpoints before reporting failure above
            for listener, proc in self._listener_map.iteritems():
                if proc.proc.dead:
                    log.info("removed dead listener: %s", listener)

            raise IonProcessError(
                "start_listeners did not complete in expected time")

            self.thread_manager._failure_notify_callback = self._child_failed
예제 #15
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: ooici/pyon
    def exchange_auto_delete(self):
        # Fix OOIION-1710: Added because exchanges get deleted on broker restart
        if CFG.get_safe('container.exchange.names.durable', False):
            self._xs_auto_delete = False
            return False

        return self._xs_auto_delete
예제 #16
    def exchange_durable(self):
        # Added because exchanges get deleted on broker restart
        if CFG.get_safe('container.messaging.names.durable', False):
            self._xs_durable = True
            return True

        return self._xs_durable
예제 #17
    def create_event_xn(self, name, event_type=None, origin=None, sub_type=None, origin_type=None, pattern=None,
                        xp=None, auto_delete=None, **kwargs):
        Creates an EventExchangeName suitable for listening with an EventSubscriber.
        Pass None for the name to have one automatically generated.
        If you pass a pattern, it takes precedence over making a new one from event_type/origin/sub_type/origin_type.
        # make a name if no name exists
        name = name or create_simple_unique_id()

        # get event xp for the xs if not set
        if not xp:
            # pull from configuration
            eventxp = CFG.get_safe('exchange.core.events', DEFAULT_EVENTS_XP)
            xp = self.create_xp(eventxp)

        node = xp.node
        transport = xp._transports[0]

        xn = EventExchangeName(self, transport, node, name, xp,

        self._register_xn(name, xn, xp)

        return xn
예제 #18
    def create_event_xn(self, name, event_type=None, origin=None, sub_type=None, origin_type=None, pattern=None,
                        xp=None, auto_delete=None, **kwargs):
        Creates an EventExchangeName suitable for listening with an EventSubscriber.
        Pass None for the name to have one automatically generated.
        If you pass a pattern, it takes precedence over making a new one from event_type/origin/sub_type/origin_type.
        # make a name if no name exists
        name = name or create_simple_unique_id()

        # get event xp for the xs if not set
        if not xp:
            # pull from configuration
            eventxp = CFG.get_safe('exchange.core.events', DEFAULT_EVENTS_XP)
            xp = self.create_xp(eventxp)

        node = xp.node
        transport = xp._transports[0]

        xn = EventExchangeName(self, transport, node, name, xp,

        self._register_xn(name, xn, xp)

        return xn
예제 #19
 def start(self):
     log.debug("AppManager starting ...")
     self.max_proc_replicas = int(
         CFG.get_safe("container.process.max_replicas", 0))
     if self.use_pd:
         from ion.core.process.pd_core import ProcessDispatcherClient
         self.pd_client = ProcessDispatcherClient(self.container)
예제 #20
파일: procs.py 프로젝트: rumineykova/pyon
    def _spawned_proc_failed(self, gproc):
        log.error("ProcManager._spawned_proc_failed: %s, %s", gproc, gproc.exception)

        # for now - don't worry about the mapping, if we get a failure, just kill the container.
        # leave the mapping in place for potential expansion later.

#        # look it up in mapping
#        if not gproc in self._spawned_proc_to_process:
#            log.warn("No record of gproc %s in our map (%s)", gproc, self._spawned_proc_to_process)
#            return
        prc = self._spawned_proc_to_process.get(gproc, None)
#        # make sure prc is in our list
#        if not prc in self.procs.values():
#            log.warn("prc %s not found in procs list", prc)
#            return

        # stop the rest of the process
        if prc is not None:
                self.terminate_process(prc.id, False)
            except Exception as e:
                log.warn("Problem while stopping rest of failed process %s: %s", prc, e)
                self._call_proc_state_changed(prc, ProcessStateEnum.FAILED)
            log.warn("No ION process found for failed proc manager child: %s", gproc)

        #self.container.fail_fast("Container process (%s) failed: %s" % (svc, gproc.exception))

        # Stop the container if this was the last process
        if not self.procs and CFG.get_safe("container.processes.exit_once_empty", False):
            self.container.fail_fast("Terminating container after last process (%s) failed: %s" % (gproc, gproc.exception))
예제 #21
    def _sample_request(self, status, status_descr, msg, headers, response,
        Performs sFlow sampling of a completed/errored RPC request (if configured to).

        Makes two calls:
        1) get_sflow_manager (overridden at process level)
        2) make sample dict (the kwargs to sflow_manager.transaction, may be overridden where appropriate)

        Then performs the transact call if the manager says to do so.
        if CFG.get_safe('container.sflow.enabled', False):
            sm = self._get_sflow_manager()
            if sm and sm.should_sample:
                app_name = self._get_sample_name()
                    trans_kwargs = self._build_sample(app_name, status,
                                                      status_descr, msg,
                                                      headers, response,
                except Exception:
                    log.exception("Could not sample, ignoring")

                    "No SFlowManager or it told us not to sample this transaction"
예제 #22
    def stop(self):
        log.debug("ProcManager stopping ...")

        # Call quit on procs to give them ability to clean up in reverse order
        procs_list = sorted(self.procs.values(), key=lambda proc: proc._proc_start_time, reverse=True)
        for proc in procs_list:
            except Exception as ex:
                log.warn("Failed to terminate process (%s): %s", proc.id, ex)

        # TODO: Have a choice of shutdown behaviors for waiting on children, timeouts, etc

        if self.procs:
            log.warn("ProcManager procs not empty: %s", self.procs)
        if self.procs_by_name:
            log.warn("ProcManager procs_by_name not empty: %s", self.procs_by_name)

        # Remove Resource registration
        if self.container.has_capability(self.container.CCAP.RESOURCE_REGISTRY):
                self.container.resource_registry.delete(self.cc_id, del_associations=True)
            except NotFound:
                # already gone, this is ok

        if self.pd_enabled:

        log.debug("ProcManager stopped, OK.")
예제 #23
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: mkl-/scioncc
    def exchange_auto_delete(self):
        # Added because exchanges get deleted on broker restart
        if CFG.get_safe("container.messaging.names.durable", False):
            self._xs_auto_delete = False
            return False

        return self._xs_auto_delete
예제 #24
    def _get_execution_engine_config(self):
        ee_base_cfg = CFG.get_safe("container.execution_engine") or {}
        if ee_base_cfg.get("type", None) != "scioncc":
            raise ContainerConfigError("Execution engine config invalid: %s", ee_base_cfg)

        ee_cfg = deepcopy(ee_base_cfg)

        # If we are a child process, merge in child config override
        proc_name = multiprocessing.current_process().name
        ee_cfg["container"] = dict(child_proc_name=proc_name, is_child=False)
        child_cfgs = ee_base_cfg.get("child_configs", None) or {}
        if proc_name.startswith("Container-child-"):
            ee_cfg["container"]["is_child"] = True
            if proc_name in child_cfgs:
                log.info("Applying execution engine config override for child: %s", proc_name)
                dict_merge(ee_cfg, child_cfgs[proc_name], inplace=True)
                for cfg_name, ch_cfg in child_cfgs.iteritems():
                    pattern = ch_cfg.get("name_pattern", None)
                    if pattern and re.match(pattern, proc_name):
                        log.info("Applying execution engine config override %s for child: %s", cfg_name, proc_name)
                        dict_merge(ee_cfg, ch_cfg, inplace=True)

        ee_cfg.pop("child_configs", None)
        return ee_cfg
예제 #25
파일: cc.py 프로젝트: ateranishi/pyon
    def _load_capabilities(self):
        self._cap_initialized = []  # List of capability constants initialized in container
        self._capabilities = []     # List of capability constants active in container
        self._cap_instances = {}    # Dict mapping capability->manager instance

        self._cap_definitions = Config(["res/config/container_capabilities.yml"]).data['capabilities']

        profile_filename = CFG.get_safe("container.profile", "development")
        if not profile_filename.endswith(".yml"):
            profile_filename = "res/profile/%s.yml" % profile_filename
        log.info("Loading CC capability profile from file: %s", profile_filename)
        profile_cfg = Config([profile_filename]).data
        if not isinstance(profile_cfg, dict) or profile_cfg['type'] != "profile" or not "profile" in profile_cfg:
            raise ContainerError("Container capability profile invalid: %s" % profile_filename)

        self.cap_profile = profile_cfg['profile']

        if "capabilities" in self.cap_profile and self.cap_profile['capabilities']:
            dict_merge(self._cap_definitions, self.cap_profile['capabilities'], True)

        cap_list = self._cap_definitions.keys()
        CCAP.update(zip(cap_list, cap_list))

        if "config" in self.cap_profile and self.cap_profile['config']:
            log.info("Container CFG was changed based on profile: %s", profile_filename)
예제 #26
    def __init__(self, event_type=None, xp=None, process=None, **kwargs):
        Constructs a publisher of events for a specific type.

        @param  event_type  The name of the event type object
        @param  xp          Exchange (AMQP) name, can be none, will use events default.

        self.event_type = event_type
        self.process = process
        self._events_xp = CFG.get_safe("exchange.core.events",

        if bootstrap.container_instance and getattr(
                bootstrap.container_instance, 'event_repository', None):
            self.event_repo = bootstrap.container_instance.event_repository
            self.event_repo = None

        # generate an exchange name to publish events to
        container = (hasattr(self, '_process') and hasattr(
            self._process, 'container') and self._process.container
                     ) or BaseEndpoint._get_container_instance()
        if container and container.has_capability(
        ):  # might be too early in chain
            xp = xp or container.create_xp(self._events_xp)
            to_name = xp
            xp = xp or self.get_events_exchange_point()
            to_name = (xp, None)

        Publisher.__init__(self, to_name=to_name, **kwargs)
예제 #27
파일: process.py 프로젝트: j2project/pyon
    def start_listeners(self):
        Starts all listeners in managed greenlets.

        This must be called after starting this IonProcess. Currently, the Container's ProcManager
        will handle this for you, but if using an IonProcess manually, you must remember to call
        this method or no attached listeners will run.
            # disable normal error reporting, this method should only be called from startup
            self.thread_manager._failure_notify_callback = None

            # spawn all listeners in startup listeners (from initializer, or added later)
            for listener in self._startup_listeners:

            with Timeout(seconds=CFG.get_safe('cc.timeout.start_listener', 10)):
                waitall([x.get_ready_event() for x in self.listeners])

        except Timeout:

            # remove failed endpoints before reporting failure above
            for listener, proc in self._listener_map.iteritems():
                if proc.proc.dead:
                    log.info("removed dead listener: %s", listener)

            raise IonProcessError("start_listeners did not complete in expected time")

            self.thread_manager._failure_notify_callback = self._child_failed
예제 #28
파일: event.py 프로젝트: mkl-/scioncc
    def __init__(self, event_type=None, xp=None, process=None, **kwargs):
        Constructs a publisher of events for a specific type.

        @param  event_type  The name of the event type object
        @param  xp          Exchange (AMQP) name, can be none, will use events default.

        self.event_type = event_type
        self.process = process
        self._events_xp = CFG.get_safe("exchange.core.events", DEFAULT_EVENTS_XP)

        if bootstrap.container_instance and getattr(bootstrap.container_instance, 'event_repository', None):
            self.event_repo = bootstrap.container_instance.event_repository
            self.event_repo = None

        # generate an exchange name to publish events to
        container = (hasattr(self, '_process') and hasattr(self._process, 'container') and self._process.container) or BaseEndpoint._get_container_instance()
        if container and container.has_capability(container.CCAP.EXCHANGE_MANAGER):   # might be too early in chain
            xp = xp or container.create_xp(self._events_xp)
            to_name = xp
            xp = xp or self.get_events_exchange_point()
            to_name = (xp, None)

        Publisher.__init__(self, to_name=to_name, **kwargs)
예제 #29
    def _new_transport(self, ch_number=None):
        Creates a new AMQPTransport with an underlying Pika channel.
        amq_chan = blocking_cb(self.client.channel,
        if amq_chan is None:
                "AMQCHAN IS NONE THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, chan number requested: %s",
            from pyon.container.cc import Container
            if Container.instance is not None:
                    "AMQCHAN IS NONE, messaging has failed", True)
            raise StandardError(
                "AMQCHAN IS NONE THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, chan number requested: %s"
                % ch_number)

        transport = AMQPTransport(amq_chan)

        # return the pending in collection (lets this number be assigned again later)

        # by default, everything should have a prefetch count of 1 (configurable)
        # this can be overridden by the channel get_n related methods
            'container.messaging.endpoint.prefetch_count', 1))

        return transport
예제 #30
    def start_listeners(self):
        Starts all listeners in managed greenlets.

        Usually called by the ProcManager, unless using IonProcess manually.
            # disable normal error reporting, this method should only be called from startup
            self.thread_manager._failure_notify_callback = None

            # spawn all listeners in startup listeners (from initializer, or added later)
            for listener in self._startup_listeners:

            with Timeout(seconds=CFG.get_safe('container.messaging.timeout.start_listener', 30)):
                gevent.wait([x.get_ready_event() for x in self.listeners])

        except Timeout:

            # remove failed endpoints before reporting failure above
            for listener, proc in self._listener_map.iteritems():
                if proc.proc.dead:
                    log.info("removed dead listener: %s", listener)

            raise IonProcessError("start_listeners did not complete in expected time")

            self.thread_manager._failure_notify_callback = self._child_failed
예제 #31
    def exchange_auto_delete(self):
        # Added because exchanges get deleted on broker restart
        if CFG.get_safe('container.messaging.names.durable', False):
            self._xs_auto_delete = False
            return False

        return self._xs_auto_delete
예제 #32
파일: endpoint.py 프로젝트: swarbhanu/pyon
    def _send(self, msg, headers=None, **kwargs):

        # could have a specified timeout in kwargs
        if 'timeout' in kwargs and kwargs['timeout'] is not None:
            timeout = kwargs['timeout']
            timeout = CFG.get_safe('endpoint.receive.timeout', 10)

        #log.debug("RequestEndpointUnit.send (timeout: %s)", timeout)

        ts = time.time()

        if not self._recv_greenlet:
            self.channel.setup_listener(NameTrio(self.channel._send_name.exchange)) # anon queue

        self.response_queue = event.AsyncResult()
        self.message_received = lambda m, h: self.response_queue.set((m, h))

        BidirectionalEndpointUnit._send(self, msg, headers=headers)

            result_data, result_headers = self.response_queue.get(timeout=timeout)
        except Timeout:
            raise exception.Timeout('Request timed out (%d sec) waiting for response from %s' % (timeout, str(self.channel._send_name)))
            elapsed = time.time() - ts
#            log.info("Client-side request (conv id: %s/%s, dest: %s): %.2f elapsed", headers.get('conv-id', 'NOCONVID'),
#                                                                                     headers.get('conv-seq', 'NOSEQ'),
#                                                                                     self.channel._send_name,
#                                                                                     elapsed)

        #log.debug("Response data: %s, headers: %s", result_data, result_headers)
        return result_data, result_headers
예제 #33
    def incoming(self, invocation):

        log.debug("PolicyInterceptor.incoming: %s", invocation.get_arg_value('process', invocation))

        #If missing default to request just to be safe
        msg_performative = invocation.get_header_value('performative', 'request')

        #TODO - This should be removed once better process security is implemented
        #THis fix infers that all messages that do not specify an actor id are TRUSTED wihtin the system
        policy_loaded = CFG.get_safe('system.load_policy', False)
        if policy_loaded:
            actor_id = invocation.get_header_value('ion-actor-id', None)
            actor_id = invocation.get_header_value('ion-actor-id', 'anonymous')

        #No need to check policy for response or failure messages  - TODO - remove the last check at some point
        if msg_performative != 'inform-result' and msg_performative != 'failure' and actor_id is not None:

            #checking policy - if needed
            receiver = invocation.get_message_receiver()

            #If this is a sub RPC request to the RR service from a higher level service that has already been validated and set a token
            #then skip checking policy yet again - should help with performance and to simplify policy
            if receiver == 'resource_registry' and self.has_valid_token(invocation, ALLOW_RESOURCE_REGISTRY_SUB_CALLS):
                return invocation

            #Annotate the message has started policy checking
            invocation.message_annotations[GovernanceDispatcher.POLICY__STATUS_ANNOTATION] = GovernanceDispatcher.STATUS_STARTED

            ret = None
            if self.governance_controller is not None:

                #First check for Org boundary policies if the container is configured as such
                org_id = self.governance_controller.get_container_org_boundary_id()
                if org_id is not None:
                    ret = self.governance_controller.policy_decision_point_manager.check_resource_request_policies(invocation, org_id)

                if str(ret) != Decision.DENY_STR:
                    #Next check endpoint process specific policies
                    process_type = invocation.get_invocation_process_type()
                    if process_type == 'agent':
                        ret = self.governance_controller.policy_decision_point_manager.check_agent_request_policies(invocation)

                    elif process_type == 'service':
                        ret = self.governance_controller.policy_decision_point_manager.check_service_request_policies(invocation)

            log.debug("Policy Decision: " + str(ret))

            #Annonate the message has completed policy checking
            invocation.message_annotations[GovernanceDispatcher.POLICY__STATUS_ANNOTATION] = GovernanceDispatcher.STATUS_COMPLETE

            if ret is not None:
                if str(ret) == Decision.DENY_STR:
                elif str(ret) == Decision.PERMIT:

        return invocation
예제 #34
    def __init__(self, originating_container, actor_id, requesting_message, token):
        self.originator = originating_container
        self.actor_id = actor_id
        self.requesting_message = requesting_message
        self.token = token

        timeout = CFG.get_safe('container.messaging.timeout.receive', 30)
        self.expire_time = current_time_millis() + (timeout * 1000)  # Set the expire time to current time + timeout in ms
예제 #35
    def declare(self):
        param_kwargs = {}
        # Added because exchanges get deleted on broker restart
        if CFG.get_safe('container.messaging.names.durable', False):
            param_kwargs["durable"] = True
            param_kwargs["auto_delete"] = False

        self.declare_exchange_impl(self.exchange, **param_kwargs)
예제 #36
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: pkediyal/pyon
    def queue_durable(self):
        if self._xn_durable is not None:
            return self._xn_durable

        if CFG.get_safe('container.exchange.names.durable', False):
            return True

        return False
예제 #37
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: ooici/pyon
    def declare(self):
        param_kwargs = {}
        # Fix OOIION-1710: Added because exchanges get deleted on broker restart
        if CFG.get_safe('container.exchange.names.durable', False):
            param_kwargs["durable"] = True
            param_kwargs["auto_delete"] = False

        self.declare_exchange_impl(self.exchange, **param_kwargs)
예제 #38
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: mkl-/scioncc
    def declare(self):
        param_kwargs = {}
        # Added because exchanges get deleted on broker restart
        if CFG.get_safe("container.messaging.names.durable", False):
            param_kwargs["durable"] = True
            param_kwargs["auto_delete"] = False

        self.declare_exchange_impl(self.exchange, **param_kwargs)
예제 #39
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: mkl-/scioncc
    def queue_durable(self):
        if self._xn_durable is not None:
            return self._xn_durable

        if CFG.get_safe("container.messaging.names.durable", False):
            return True

        return False
예제 #40
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: daf/pyon
    def queue_durable(self):
        if self._xn_durable is not None:
            return self._xn_durable

        if CFG.get_safe('container.exchange.names.durable', False):
            return True

        return False
예제 #41
    def on_start(self):

        # Create an event processor
        self.event_processor = EmailEventProcessor()

        # Dictionaries that maintain information asetting_up_smtp_clientbout users and their subscribed notifications
        self.user_info = {}

        # The reverse_user_info is calculated from the user_info dictionary
        self.reverse_user_info = {}

        # Get the clients
        # @TODO: Why are these not dependencies in the service YML???
        self.discovery = DiscoveryServiceClient()
        self.process_dispatcher = ProcessDispatcherServiceClient()

        self.event_publisher = EventPublisher()
        self.datastore = self.container.datastore_manager.get_datastore(

        self.start_time = get_ion_ts()

        # Create an event subscriber for Reload User Info events

        def reload_user_info(event_msg, headers):
            Callback method for the subscriber to ReloadUserInfoEvent

            notification_id = event_msg.notification_id
                "(UNS instance received a ReloadNotificationEvent. The relevant notification_id is %s"
                % notification_id)

                self.user_info = self.load_user_info()
            except NotFound:
                log.warning("ElasticSearch has not yet loaded the user_index.")

            self.reverse_user_info = calculate_reverse_user_info(

            log.debug("(UNS instance) After a reload, the user_info: %s" %
            log.debug("(UNS instance) The recalculated reverse_user_info: %s" %

        # the subscriber for the ReloadUSerInfoEvent
        self.reload_user_info_subscriber = EventSubscriber(
예제 #42
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: pkediyal/pyon
    def _make_management_call(self,
        Makes a call to the Rabbit HTTP management API using the passed in HTTP method.
        log.debug("Calling rabbit API management (%s): %s", method, url)

        if use_ems and self._ems_available():
            log.debug("Directing call to EMS")
            content = self._ems_client.call_management(
                url, method, headers=self._build_security_headers())
            meth = getattr(requests, method)

                username = CFG.get_safe(
                    "container.exchange.management.username", "guest")
                password = CFG.get_safe(
                    "container.exchange.management.password", "guest")

                with gevent.timeout.Timeout(10):
                    r = meth(url, auth=(username, password), data=data)

                if not r.content == "":
                    content = json.loads(r.content)
                    content = None

            except gevent.timeout.Timeout as ex:
                raise Timeout(str(ex))
            except requests.exceptions.Timeout as ex:
                raise Timeout(str(ex))
            except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, socket.error) as ex:
                raise ServiceUnavailable(str(ex))
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex:
                # the generic base exception all requests' exceptions inherit from, raise our
                # general server error too.
                raise ServerError(str(ex))

        return content
예제 #43
    def __init__(self):
        classes = inspect.getmembers(interface.objects, inspect.isclass)
        for name, clzz in classes:
            model_classes[name] = clzz
        classes = inspect.getmembers(interface.messages, inspect.isclass)
        for name, clzz in classes:
            message_classes[name] = clzz

        from pyon.core.bootstrap import CFG
        self.validate_setattr = CFG.get_safe('validate.setattr', False)
예제 #44
    def __init__(self):
        classes = inspect.getmembers(interface.objects, inspect.isclass)
        for name, clzz in classes:
            model_classes[name] = clzz
        classes = inspect.getmembers(interface.messages, inspect.isclass)
        for name, clzz in classes:
            message_classes[name] = clzz

        from pyon.core.bootstrap import CFG
        self.validate_setattr = CFG.get_safe('validate.setattr', False)
예제 #45
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: daf/pyon
    def _get_management_url(self, *feats):
        Builds a URL to be used with the Rabbit HTTP management API.
        node = self._nodes.get('priviledged', self._nodes.values()[0])
        host = node.client.parameters.host

        url = "http://%s:%s/api/%s" % (host, CFG.get_safe("container.exchange.management.port", "55672"), "/".join(feats))

        return url
예제 #46
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: pkediyal/pyon
    def _get_management_url(self, *feats):
        Builds a URL to be used with the Rabbit HTTP management API.
        node = self._nodes.get('priviledged', self._nodes.values()[0])
        host = node.client.parameters.host

        url = "http://%s:%s/api/%s" % (
            host, CFG.get_safe("container.exchange.management.port",
                               "55672"), "/".join(feats))

        return url
예제 #47
    def start(self):
        if self._started:


        # Install the container tracer
        self.container.tracer = CallTracer
        self.container.tracer.configure(CFG.get_safe("container.tracer", {}))

        self._started = True
예제 #48
    def __init__(self, orgname=None, datastore_manager=None, container=None):
        self.container = container or bootstrap.container_instance
        # Get an instance of datastore configured as directory.
        datastore_manager = datastore_manager or self.container.datastore_manager
        self.dir_store = datastore_manager.get_datastore(DataStore.DS_DIRECTORY, DataStore.DS_PROFILE.DIRECTORY)

        self.orgname = orgname or CFG.system.root_org
        self.is_root = (self.orgname == CFG.system.root_org)
        self.events_enabled = CFG.get_safe("service.directory.publish_events") is True   # Publish change events?

        self.event_pub = None
        self.event_sub = None
예제 #49
파일: procs.py 프로젝트: pkediyal/pyon
    def _create_listening_endpoint(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a listening endpoint for spawning processes.

        This method exists to be able to override the type created via configuration.
        In most cases it will create a ConversationRPCServer.
        eptypestr = CFG.get_safe(
            'container.messaging.endpoint.proc_listening_type', None)
        if eptypestr is not None:
            module, cls = eptypestr.rsplit('.', 1)
            mod = __import__(module, fromlist=[cls])
            eptype = getattr(mod, cls)
            ep = eptype(**kwargs)
            conv_enabled = CFG.get_safe(
                'container.messaging.endpoint.rpc_conversation_enabled', False)
            if conv_enabled:
                ep = ConversationRPCServer(**kwargs)
                ep = ProcessRPCServer(**kwargs)
        return ep
예제 #50
    def __init__(self):
        self.cont_cert = None
        self.cont_key = None
        self.root_cert = None
        self.white_list = []

        # Look for certificates and keys in "the usual places"
        certstore_path = self.certstore = CFG.get_safe(
            'authentication.certstore', CERTSTORE_PATH)
        log.debug("certstore_path: %s" % str(certstore_path))
        keystore_path = self.certstore = CFG.get_safe(
            'authentication.keystore', KEYSTORE_PATH)
        log.debug("keystore_path: %s" % str(keystore_path))

        if certstore_path and keystore_path:
            if certstore_path == 'directory':
                log.debug("Container.instance.directory: " %
                cont_cert_path = os.path.join(certstore_path,
                log.debug("cont_cert_path: %s" % cont_cert_path)
                cont_key_path = os.path.join(keystore_path, CONTAINER_KEY_NAME)
                log.debug("cont_key_path: %s" % cont_key_path)
                root_cert_path = os.path.join(certstore_path, ORG_CERT_NAME)
                log.debug("root_cert_path: %s" % root_cert_path)

                if os.path.exists(cont_cert_path) and os.path.exists(
                        cont_key_path) and os.path.exists(root_cert_path):
                    with open(cont_cert_path, 'r') as f:
                        self.cont_cert = f.read()
                    log.debug("cont_cert: %s" % self.cont_cert)
                    self.cont_key = EVP.load_key(cont_key_path)
                    with open(root_cert_path, 'r') as f:
                        self.root_cert = f.read()
                    log.debug("root_cert: %s" % self.root_cert)
예제 #51
    def __init__(self):
        classes = inspect.getmembers(interface.objects, inspect.isclass)
        for name, clzz in classes:
            if clzz.__bases__[0].__name__ == "IonEnum":
                enum_classes[name] = clzz
                model_classes[name] = clzz
        classes = inspect.getmembers(interface.messages, inspect.isclass)
        for name, clzz in classes:
            message_classes[name] = clzz

        from pyon.core.bootstrap import CFG
        self.validate_setattr = CFG.get_safe(
            'container.objects.validate.setattr', False)
예제 #52
    def _get_node_for_xp(self, xp_name, xs_name):
        Finds a node to be used by an ExchangePoint, falling back to an ExchangeSpace if none found.

        Similar to _get_node_for_xs.
        Returns a 2-tuple of name, node.
        for broker_name, broker_cfg in CFG.get_safe('exchange.exchange_brokers', {}).iteritems():
            # Bug in DotList, contains not implemented correctly
            if xp_name in list(broker_cfg['join_xp']):
                return broker_name, self._priv_nodes.get(broker_name, self._nodes.get(broker_name, None))

        # @TODO: iterate exchange.exchange_spaces.<item>.exchange_points?

        return self._get_node_for_xs(xs_name)
예제 #53
파일: exchange.py 프로젝트: pkediyal/pyon
    def _ems_available(self):
        Returns True if the EMS is (likely) available and the auto_register CFG entry is True.

        @TODO: make a property
        if CFG.get_safe('container.exchange.auto_register',
                        False) and self.use_ems:
            # ok now make sure it's in the directory
            exchange_service = get_service_registry().is_service_available(
            if exchange_service:
                return True

        return False
예제 #54
파일: sflow.py 프로젝트: pkediyal/pyon
    def __init__(self, container):
        self._container         = container
        self._gl_counter        = None
        self._conf_last_mod     = None          # last modified time of the conf file

        sflowcfg                = CFG.get_safe('container.sflow', {})
        self._counter_interval  = CFG.get_safe('container.sflow.counter_interval', 30)          # number of seconds between counter pulses, 0 means don't do it
        self._hsflowd_addr      = CFG.get_safe("container.sflow.hsflowd_addr", "localhost")     # host where hsflowd is running
        self._hsflowd_port      = CFG.get_safe("container.sflow.hsflowd_port", 36343)           # udp port on host where hsflowd is listening for json
        self._hsflowd_conf      = CFG.get_safe("container.sflow.hsflowd_auto_file", "/etc/hsflowd.auto")    # hsflowd auto-conf file, where we poll for updates (only if addr is local)
        self._trans_sample_rate = CFG.get_safe("container.sflow.trans_sample_rate", 1)          # transaction sample rate, 1 means do everything!
예제 #55
    def exchange_durable(self):
        # TODO: Check - exchanges get deleted on broker restart
        if CFG.get_safe('container.messaging.names.durable', False):
            self._exchange_durable = True
            return True

        if self._exchange_durable is not None:
            return self._exchange_durable

        if hasattr(self, '_send_name') and hasattr(self._send_name,
            return self._send_name.exchange_durable

        if hasattr(self, '_recv_name') and hasattr(self._recv_name,
            return self._recv_name.exchange_durable

        return False
예제 #56
    def _bootstrap_default_org(self):
        Finds an Org resource to be used by create_xs.

        @TODO: create_xs is being removed, so this will not be needed
        if not self.org_id:
            # find the default Org
            root_orgname = CFG.get_safe("system.root_org", "ION")
            org_ids, _ = self._rr.find_resources(RT.Org, name=root_orgname, id_only=True)
            if not org_ids or len(org_ids) != 1:
                log.warn("Could not find ION root Org")
                return None

            self.org_id = org_ids[0]
            log.debug("Bootstrapped Container exchange manager with org id: %s", self.org_id)

        return self.org_id
    def send_batch_email(self, msg_body = None, msg_subject = None, msg_recipient = None, smtp_client = None):
        Send the email

        @param msg_body str
        @param msg_subject str
        @param msg_recipient str
        @param smtp_client object

        msg = MIMEText(msg_body)
        msg['Subject'] = msg_subject
        msg['From'] = self.ION_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS
        msg['To'] = msg_recipient
        log.debug("UNS sending batch (digest) email from %s to %s" , self.ION_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS, msg_recipient)

        smtp_sender = CFG.get_safe('server.smtp.sender')

        smtp_client.sendmail(smtp_sender, [msg_recipient], msg.as_string())
예제 #58
    def start(self):
        log.debug("Container starting...")
        if self._is_started:
            raise ContainerError("Container already started")

        start_order = self.cap_profile['start_order']
        for cap in start_order:
            if cap not in self._cap_instances:
            # First find the default enabled value if no CFG key exists
            enabled_default = self._cap_definitions.get_safe(
                "%s.enabled_default" % cap, True)
            # Then find CFG key where enabled flag is (default or override)
            enabled_config = self._cap_definitions.get_safe(
                "%s.enabled_config" % cap, "container.%s.enabled" % cap)
            # Then determine the enabled value
            enabled = CFG.get_safe(enabled_config, enabled_default)
            if enabled:
                log.debug("start(): Starting '%s'" % cap)
                    cap_obj = self._cap_instances[cap]
                except Exception as ex:
                    log.error("Container Capability %s start error: %s" %
                              (cap, ex))
                log.debug("start(): Capability '%s' disabled by config '%s'",
                          cap, enabled_config)

        if self.has_capability(CCAP.EVENT_PUBLISHER):

        self._is_started = True
        self._status = RUNNING

        log.info("Container (%s) started, OK.", self.id)
예제 #59
    def begin(self):
        self._active_queues = set()
        self._test_changes = {}
        self._queues_declared = []  # ordered list of queues declared
        self._queues = defaultdict(list)  # queue name -> list of accesses

        from pyon.ion.exchange import ExchangeManager
        from pyon.util.containers import DotDict
        from pyon.core.bootstrap import CFG
        from mock import Mock

        containermock = Mock()
        containermock.resource_registry.find_resources.return_value = ([],

        self.ex_manager = ExchangeManager(
            containermock)  # needs to be able to setattr
        self.ex_manager._nodes['priviledged'] = DotDict(client=DotDict(
                host=CFG.get_safe('server.amqp.host', 'localhost'))))