예제 #1
class ResourceAgent(BaseResourceAgent):
    A resource agent is an ION process of type "agent" that exposes the standard
    resource agent service interface.

    process_type = "agent"

    # Override in subclass to publish specific types of events
    COMMAND_EVENT_TYPE = "ResourceCommandEvent"
    # Override in subclass to set specific origin type
    ORIGIN_TYPE = "Resource"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ResourceAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # The ID of the AgentInstance subtype resource object
        self.agent_id = None
        # The ID of the AgentDefinition subtype resource object
        self.agent_def_id = None
        # The ID of the target resource object, e.g. a device id
        self.resource_id = None

    def _on_init(self):
        log.debug("Resource Agent initializing. name=%s, resource_id=%s" % (self._proc_name, self.resource_id))
        self._event_publisher = EventPublisher()

    def _on_quit(self):

    def negotiate(self, resource_id="", sap_in=None):

    def execute(self, resource_id="", command=None):
        return self._execute("rcmd_", command)

    def execute_agent(self, resource_id="", command=None):
        return self._execute("acmd_", command)

    def _execute(self, cprefix, command):
        if not command:
            raise iex.BadRequest("execute argument 'command' not present")
        if not command.command:
            raise iex.BadRequest("command not set")

        cmd_res = IonObject("AgentCommandResult", command_id=command.command_id, command=command.command)
        cmd_func = getattr(self, cprefix + str(command.command), None)
        if cmd_func:
            cmd_res.ts_execute = get_ion_ts()
                res = cmd_func(*command.args, **command.kwargs)
                cmd_res.status = 0
                cmd_res.result = res
            except iex.IonException as ex:
                # TODO: Distinguish application vs. uncaught exception
                cmd_res.status = getattr(ex, 'status_code', -1)
                cmd_res.result = str(ex)
                log.warn("Agent command %s failed with trace=%s" % (command.command, traceback.format_exc()))
            log.info("Agent command not supported: %s" % (command.command))
            ex = iex.NotFound("Command not supported: %s" % command.command)
            cmd_res.status = iex.NotFound.status_code
            cmd_res.result = str(ex)

        sub_type = "%s.%s" % (command.command, cmd_res.status)
        post_event = self._event_publisher._create_event(event_type=self.COMMAND_EVENT_TYPE,
                                origin=self.resource_id, origin_type=self.ORIGIN_TYPE,
                                sub_type=sub_type, command=command, result=cmd_res)
        post_event = self._post_execute_event_hook(post_event)
        success = self._event_publisher._publish_event(post_event, origin=post_event.origin)

        return cmd_res

    def _post_execute_event_hook(self, event):
        Hook to add additional values to the event object to be published
        @param event  A filled out even object of type COMMAND_EVENT_TYPE
        @retval an event object
        return event

    def get_capabilities(self, resource_id="", capability_types=[]):
        capability_types = capability_types or ["CONV_TYPE", "AGT_CMD", "AGT_PAR", "RES_CMD", "RES_PAR"]
        cap_list = []
        if "CONV_TYPE" in capability_types:
            cap_list.extend([("CONV_TYPE", cap) for cap in self._get_agent_conv_types()])
        if "AGT_CMD" in capability_types:
            cap_list.extend([("AGT_CMD", cap) for cap in self._get_agent_commands()])
        if "AGT_PAR" in capability_types:
            cap_list.extend([("AGT_PAR", cap) for cap in self._get_agent_params()])
        if "RES_CMD" in capability_types:
            cap_list.extend([("RES_CMD", cap) for cap in self._get_resource_commands()])
        if "RES_PAR" in capability_types:
            cap_list.extend([("RES_PAR", cap) for cap in self._get_resource_params()])
        return cap_list

    def set_param(self, resource_id="", name='', value=''):
        if not hasattr(self, "rpar_%s" % name):
            raise iex.NotFound('Resource parameter not existing: %s' % name)
        pvalue = getattr(self, "rpar_%s" % name)
        setattr(self, "rpar_%s" % name, value)
        return pvalue

    def get_param(self, resource_id="", name=''):
            return getattr(self, "rpar_%s" % name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise iex.NotFound('Resource parameter not found: %s' % name)

    def set_agent_param(self, resource_id="", name='', value=''):
        if not hasattr(self, "apar_%s" % name):
            raise iex.NotFound('Agent parameter not existing: %s' % name)
        pvalue = getattr(self, "apar_%s" % name)
        setattr(self, "apar_%s" % name, value)
        return pvalue

    def get_agent_param(self, resource_id="", name=''):
            return getattr(self, "apar_%s" % name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise iex.NotFound('Agent parameter not found: %s' % name)

    def _get_agent_conv_types(self):
        return []

    def _get_agent_params(self):
        return self._get_names(self, "apar_")

    def _get_agent_commands(self):
        return self._get_names(self, "acmd_")

    def _get_resource_params(self):
        return self._get_names(self, "rpar_")

    def _get_resource_commands(self):
        return self._get_names(self, "rcmd_")

    def _get_names(self, obj, prefix):
        return [name[len(prefix):] for name in dir(obj) if name.startswith(prefix)]