예제 #1
def test_coarse_grain_svm(ctx_factory):
    import sys
    is_pypy = '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names

    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    dev = ctx.devices[0]

    from pyopencl.characterize import has_coarse_grain_buffer_svm
    from pytest import skip
    if not has_coarse_grain_buffer_svm(queue.device):
        skip("device does not support coarse-grain SVM")

    if ("AMD" in dev.platform.name
            and dev.type & cl.device_type.CPU):
        pytest.xfail("AMD CPU doesn't do coarse-grain SVM")
    if ("AMD" in dev.platform.name
            and dev.type & cl.device_type.GPU):
        pytest.xfail("AMD GPU crashes on SVM unmap")

    n = 3000
    svm_ary = cl.SVM(cl.csvm_empty(ctx, (n,), np.float32, alignment=64))
    if not is_pypy:
        # https://bitbucket.org/pypy/numpy/issues/52
        assert isinstance(svm_ary.mem.base, cl.SVMAllocation)

    cl.enqueue_svm_memfill(queue, svm_ary, np.zeros((), svm_ary.mem.dtype))

    with svm_ary.map_rw(queue) as ary:
        orig_ary = ary.copy()

    prg = cl.Program(ctx, """
        __kernel void twice(__global float *a_g)
          a_g[get_global_id(0)] *= 2;

    prg.twice(queue, svm_ary.mem.shape, None, svm_ary)

    with svm_ary.map_ro(queue) as ary:
        assert np.array_equal(orig_ary*2, ary)

    new_ary = np.empty_like(orig_ary)

    if ctx.devices[0].platform.name != "Portable Computing Language":
        # "Blocking memcpy is unimplemented (clEnqueueSVMMemcpy.c:61)"
        # in pocl up to and including 1.0rc1.

        cl.enqueue_copy(queue, new_ary, svm_ary)
        assert np.array_equal(orig_ary*2, new_ary)
예제 #2
    f"  Coarse-grained buffer SVM: {has_coarse_grain_buffer_svm(dev)}\n"
    f"  Fine-grained buffer SVM:   {has_fine_grain_buffer_svm(dev)}\n"
    f"  Fine-grained system SVM:   {has_fine_grain_system_svm(dev)}"

prg = cl.Program(ctx, """
__kernel void twice(
    __global float *a_g)
  int gid = get_global_id(0);
  a_g[gid] = 2*a_g[gid];

if has_coarse_grain_buffer_svm(dev):
    print("Testing coarse-grained buffer SVM...", end="")

    svm_ary = cl.SVM(cl.csvm_empty(ctx, 10, np.float32))
    assert isinstance(svm_ary.mem, np.ndarray)

    with svm_ary.map_rw(queue) as ary:
        ary.fill(17)  # use from host
        orig_ary = ary.copy()

    prg.twice(queue, svm_ary.mem.shape, None, svm_ary)

    with svm_ary.map_ro(queue) as ary:
        assert(np.array_equal(orig_ary*2, ary))