예제 #1
    def __init__(self, flags, values, description=None):
        self._description = description
        if isscalarlike(flags):
            if isinstance(flags, str):
                flags = flags.split(',')
                flags = [flags]
        flags = [_.strip() for _ in flags]
        if isscalarlike(values):
            if isinstance(values, str):
                values = values.split(',')
                values = [values]
        values = [_.strip().lower() for _ in values]
        if len(flags) != len(values):
            raise ValueError('The number of policy flags is different from the'
                             ' number of policies.')

        self._policy = []
        for flag, value in zip(flags, values):
            if flag[0] == '_':
                raise ValueError('A policy flag should not start with an under'
            choices = 'keep', 'mask', 'remove'
            if value not in choices:
                raise KeyError('Invalid policy {}={!r}. Expected values are {}'
                               '.'.format(flag, value, strenum(choices)))
            setattr(self, flag, value)
        self._flags = flags
예제 #2
 def func(s, v):
     layout = PackedTable((6, 6), key=v)
     assert 'key' in layout._special_attributes
     assert isscalarlike(layout.key)
     assert_eq(layout.key, v)
     assert_eq(layout.key.shape, ())
     assert_same(layout.all.key, v, broadcasting=True)
     assert_same(layout.all.key.shape, layout.shape)
     s(layout, 'key', v)
     assert isscalarlike(layout.key)
     assert_eq(layout.key, v)
     assert_eq(layout.key.shape, ())
     assert_same(layout.all.key, v, broadcasting=True)
     assert_same(layout.all.key.shape, layout.shape)
예제 #3
 def __rmul__(self, other):
     if isscalarlike(other):
         return self * other
     other = np.asarray(other)
     if other.ndim == 1:
         return self._transpose() * other
     return NotImplemented
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, *args, **keywords):
    ptg = SamplingSpherical(n)
    ptg = SamplingSpherical(precession=, nutation=, intrinsic_rotation=)
    ptg = SamplingSpherical(precession, nutation, intrinsic_rotation)

    n : integer
        The number of samples.
    names : tuple of 3 strings
        The names of the 3 rotation angles. They are stored as Layout special
        attributes. By default, these are the proper Euler angles: precession,
        nutation and intrinsic rotation.
    degrees : boolean, optional
        If true, the input spherical coordinates are assumed to be in
        names = keywords.pop('names',
                             ('precession', 'nutation', 'intrinsic_rotation'))
        degrees = keywords.pop('degrees', False)
        if len(names) != 3:
            raise ValueError('The 3 pointing angles are not named.')

        if len(args) <= 1:
            if names[0] in keywords and names[1] not in keywords or \
               names[1] in keywords and names[0] not in keywords:
                raise ValueError('The pointing is not specified.')
            if names[0] not in keywords:
                keywords[names[0]] = None
            if names[1] not in keywords:
                keywords[names[1]] = None
            if names[2] not in keywords:
                keywords[names[2]] = 0
        elif len(args) <= 3:
            keywords[names[0]] = args[0]
            keywords[names[1]] = args[1]
            keywords[names[2]] = args[2] if len(args) == 3 else 0
            raise ValueError('Invalid number of arguments.')

        if len(args) == 1:
            if not isscalarlike(args[0]):
                raise ValueError('Invalid number of arguments.')
            shape = tointtuple(args[0])
            shape = np.broadcast(*([keywords[_] for _ in names] +
                                   [keywords.get('time', None)])).shape
        if len(shape) == 0:
            shape = (1, )
        elif len(shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError('Invalid dimension for the pointing.')
        self.names = names
        self.degrees = bool(degrees)
예제 #5
 def __rmul__(self, other):
     if isscalarlike(other):
         return self * other
     other = np.asarray(other)
     if other.ndim == 1:
         return self._transpose() * other
     return NotImplemented
예제 #6
def distance(shape, center=None, scale=1, dtype=float, out=None):
    Returns an array whose values are the distances to a given center.

    shape : tuple of integer
        dimensions of the output array. For a 2d array, the first integer
        is for the Y-axis and the second one for the X-axis.
    center : array-like, optional
        The coordinates (x0, y0, ...) of the point from which the distance is
        calculated, assuming a zero-based coordinate indexing. Default value
        is the array center.
    scale : float or array-like, optional
        Inter-pixel distance (dx, dy, ...). If scale is a Quantity, its
        unit will be carried over to the returned distance array
    dtype : np.dtype, optional
        The output data type.

    nx, ny = 3, 3
    [[ 1.41421356  1.          1.41421356]
     [ 1.          0.          1.        ]
     [ 1.41421356  1.          1.41421356]]

    shape = tointtuple(shape)
    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    unit = getattr(scale, '_unit', None)
    if out is None:
        out = np.empty(shape, dtype)
    ndim = out.ndim
    dtype = float_intrinsic_dtype(out.dtype)

    if ndim in (1, 2) and dtype != out.dtype:
        out_ = np.empty(shape, dtype)
        out_ = out
    if center is None:
        center = (np.array(shape[::-1]) - 1) / 2
        center = np.ascontiguousarray(center, dtype)
    if isscalarlike(scale):
        scale = np.resize(scale, out.ndim)
    scale = np.ascontiguousarray(scale, dtype)

    if ndim in (1, 2):
        fname = 'distance_{0}d_r{1}'.format(ndim, dtype.itemsize)
        func = getattr(flib.datautils, fname)
        if ndim == 1:
            func(out_, center[0], scale[0])
            func(out_.T, center, scale)
        if not isalias(out, out_):
            out[...] = out_
        _distance_slow(shape, center, scale, dtype, out)
    return Map(out, copy=False, unit=unit)
예제 #7
def distance(shape, center=None, scale=1, dtype=float, out=None):
    Returns an array whose values are the distances to a given center.

    shape : tuple of integer
        dimensions of the output array. For a 2d array, the first integer
        is for the Y-axis and the second one for the X-axis.
    center : array-like, optional
        The coordinates (x0, y0, ...) of the point from which the distance is
        calculated, assuming a zero-based coordinate indexing. Default value
        is the array center.
    scale : float or array-like, optional
        Inter-pixel distance (dx, dy, ...). If scale is a Quantity, its
        unit will be carried over to the returned distance array
    dtype : np.dtype, optional
        The output data type.

    nx, ny = 3, 3
    [[ 1.41421356  1.          1.41421356]
     [ 1.          0.          1.        ]
     [ 1.41421356  1.          1.41421356]]

    shape = tointtuple(shape)
    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    unit = getattr(scale, '_unit', None)
    if out is None:
        out = np.empty(shape, dtype)
    ndim = out.ndim
    dtype = float_intrinsic_dtype(out.dtype)

    if ndim in (1, 2) and dtype != out.dtype:
        out_ = np.empty(shape, dtype)
        out_ = out
    if center is None:
        center = (np.array(shape[::-1]) - 1) / 2
        center = np.ascontiguousarray(center, dtype)
    if isscalarlike(scale):
        scale = np.resize(scale, out.ndim)
    scale = np.ascontiguousarray(scale, dtype)

    if ndim in (1, 2):
        fname = 'distance_{0}d_r{1}'.format(ndim, dtype.itemsize)
        func = getattr(flib.datautils, fname)
        if ndim == 1:
            func(out_, center[0], scale[0])
            func(out_.T, center, scale)
        if not isalias(out, out_):
            out[...] = out_
        _distance_slow(shape, center, scale, dtype, out)
    return Map(out, copy=False, unit=unit)
예제 #8
 def __mul__(self, other):
     if isscalarlike(other):
         data = self.data.copy()
         data.value *= other
         return type(self)(self.shape, data=data)
     other = np.asarray(other)
     if other.ndim == 1:
         return self._matvec(other)
     return NotImplemented
예제 #9
 def func1(fmt, ra):
     args, keywords = fmt(ra)
     if len(args) > 0 and isscalarlike(args[0]):
         p = SamplingEquatorial(*args, **keywords)
         assert_equal(p.pa, 0)
     assert_raises(ValueError, SamplingEquatorial, *args, **keywords)
예제 #10
 def __mul__(self, other):
     if isscalarlike(other):
         data = self.data.copy()
         data.value *= other
         return type(self)(self.shape, data=data)
     other = np.asarray(other)
     if other.ndim == 1:
         return self._matvec(other)
     return NotImplemented
예제 #11
    def __init__(self, *args, **keywords):
    ptg = SamplingSpherical(n)
    ptg = SamplingSpherical(precession=, nutation=, intrinsic_rotation=)
    ptg = SamplingSpherical(precession, nutation, intrinsic_rotation)

    n : integer
        The number of samples.
    names : tuple of 3 strings
        The names of the 3 rotation angles. They are stored as Layout special
        attributes. By default, these are the proper Euler angles: precession,
        nutation and intrinsic rotation.
    degrees : boolean, optional
        If true, the input spherical coordinates are assumed to be in
        names = keywords.pop('names',
                             ('precession', 'nutation', 'intrinsic_rotation'))
        degrees = keywords.pop('degrees', False)
        if len(names) != 3:
            raise ValueError('The 3 pointing angles are not named.')

        if len(args) <= 1:
            if names[0] in keywords and names[1] not in keywords or \
               names[1] in keywords and names[0] not in keywords:
                raise ValueError('The pointing is not specified.')
            if names[0] not in keywords:
                keywords[names[0]] = None
            if names[1] not in keywords:
                keywords[names[1]] = None
            if names[2] not in keywords:
                keywords[names[2]] = 0
        elif len(args) <= 3:
            keywords[names[0]] = args[0]
            keywords[names[1]] = args[1]
            keywords[names[2]] = args[2] if len(args) == 3 else 0
            raise ValueError('Invalid number of arguments.')

        if len(args) == 1:
            if not isscalarlike(args[0]):
                raise ValueError('Invalid number of arguments.')
            shape = tointtuple(args[0])
            shape = np.broadcast(*([keywords[_] for _ in names] +
                                   [keywords.get('time', None)])).shape
        if len(shape) == 0:
            shape = (1,)
        elif len(shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError('Invalid dimension for the pointing.')
        Sampling.__init__(self, shape, cartesian=None, spherical=None,
                          velocity=None, **keywords)
        self.names = names
        self.degrees = bool(degrees)
예제 #12
def gaussian(shape, sigma=None, fwhm=None, center=None, dtype=float):
    Returns an array whose values are the distances to a given center.

    shape : tuple of integer
        dimensions of the output array. For a 2d array, the first integer
        is for the Y-axis and the second one for the X-axis.
    fwhm : array-like
        The Full Width Half Maximum of the gaussian (fwhm_x, fwhm_y, ...).
    sigma : array-like
        The sigma parameter (sigma_x, sigma_y, ...) in pixel units.
    center : array-like, optional
        Center (x0, y0, ...) of the gaussian, in pixel units. By
        convention, the coordinates of the center of the pixel [0, 0]
        are (0, 0). Default is the image center.
    dtype : np.dtype, optional
        The output data type.

    if sigma is None and fwhm is None:
        raise ValueError('The shape of the gaussian is not specified.')
    shape = tointtuple(shape)
    n = len(shape)
    if sigma is None:
        sigma = fwhm / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2))
    if center is None:
        center = (np.array(shape[::-1], dtype) - 1) / 2
        center = np.ascontiguousarray(center, dtype)
    if isscalarlike(sigma):
        sigma = np.resize(sigma, n).astype(dtype)
        sigma = np.ascontiguousarray(sigma, dtype)
    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    if n == 2 and dtype in (np.float32, np.float64):
        out = np.empty(shape, dtype)
        func = getattr(flib.datautils,
        func(out.T, center, sigma)
        scale = 1 / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma[::-1])
        axes = np.ogrid[[
            slice(-o * sc, (sh - 1 - o) * sc, complex(sh))
            for o, sh, sc in zip(center[::-1], shape, scale)
        out = 1 / ((2 * np.pi)**(n / 2) * product(sigma))
        for a in axes:
            out = out * np.exp(-a**2)
    return out
예제 #13
def _format_sphconv(a, b, date_obs=None, time=None):
    incoords = np.empty(np.broadcast(a, b).shape + (2,))
    incoords[..., 0] = a
    incoords[..., 1] = b
    if date_obs is None:
        return incoords
    import astropy
    if astropy.__version__ < "1":
        time = Time(date_obs if isscalarlike(time)
                             else [date_obs], scale='utc') + \
               TimeDelta(time, format='sec')
        time = Time(date_obs, scale='utc') + TimeDelta(time, format='sec')
    return incoords, time
예제 #14
def _format_sphconv(a, b, date_obs=None, time=None):
    incoords = np.empty(np.broadcast(a, b).shape + (2, ))
    incoords[..., 0] = a
    incoords[..., 1] = b
    if date_obs is None:
        return incoords
    import astropy
    if astropy.__version__ < "1":
        time = Time(date_obs if isscalarlike(time)
                    else [date_obs], scale='utc') + \
               TimeDelta(time, format='sec')
        time = Time(date_obs, scale='utc') + TimeDelta(time, format='sec')
    return incoords, time
예제 #15
def gaussian(shape, sigma=None, fwhm=None, center=None, dtype=float):
    Returns an array whose values are the distances to a given center.

    shape : tuple of integer
        dimensions of the output array. For a 2d array, the first integer
        is for the Y-axis and the second one for the X-axis.
    fwhm : array-like
        The Full Width Half Maximum of the gaussian (fwhm_x, fwhm_y, ...).
    sigma : array-like
        The sigma parameter (sigma_x, sigma_y, ...) in pixel units.
    center : array-like, optional
        Center (x0, y0, ...) of the gaussian, in pixel units. By
        convention, the coordinates of the center of the pixel [0, 0]
        are (0, 0). Default is the image center.
    dtype : np.dtype, optional
        The output data type.

    if sigma is None and fwhm is None:
        raise ValueError('The shape of the gaussian is not specified.')
    shape = tointtuple(shape)
    n = len(shape)
    if sigma is None:
        sigma = fwhm / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2))
    if center is None:
        center = (np.array(shape[::-1], dtype) - 1) / 2
        center = np.ascontiguousarray(center, dtype)
    if isscalarlike(sigma):
        sigma = np.resize(sigma, n).astype(dtype)
        sigma = np.ascontiguousarray(sigma, dtype)
    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    if n == 2 and dtype in (np.float32, np.float64):
        out = np.empty(shape, dtype)
        func = getattr(flib.datautils,
        func(out.T, center, sigma)
        scale = 1 / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma[::-1])
        axes = np.ogrid[[slice(-o * sc, (sh - 1 - o) * sc, complex(sh))
                         for o, sh, sc in zip(center[::-1], shape, scale)]]
        out = 1 / ((2*np.pi)**(n / 2) * product(sigma))
        for a in axes:
            out = out * np.exp(-a**2)
    return out
예제 #16
    def get_center(self):
        Return the average pointing direction.

        if isscalarlike(self.masked) and self.masked:
            n = 0
            coords = np.zeros((1, 3))
            coords = self.cartesian
            if not isscalarlike(self.masked):
                valid = 1 - self.masked
                coords *= valid[:, None]
                n = np.sum(valid)
                n = len(self)
        n = np.asarray(n)
        center = np.sum(coords, axis=0)
        self.comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, as_mpi(n))
        self.comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, as_mpi(center))
        if n == 0:
            raise ValueError('There is no valid pointing.')
        center /= n
        return self.cartesian2spherical(center)
예제 #17
    def get_center(self):
        Return the average pointing direction.

        if isscalarlike(self.masked) and self.masked:
            n = 0
            coords = np.zeros((1, 3))
            coords = self.cartesian
            if not isscalarlike(self.masked):
                valid = 1 - self.masked
                coords *= valid[:, None]
                n = np.sum(valid)
                n = len(self)
        n = np.asarray(n)
        center = np.sum(coords, axis=0)
        self.comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, as_mpi(n))
        self.comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, as_mpi(center))
        if n == 0:
            raise ValueError('There is no valid pointing.')
        center /= n
        return self.cartesian2spherical(center)
예제 #18
    def func(cls, v, k):
        n1 = 1 if isscalarlike(v) else len(v)
        n2 = 1 if isscalarlike(k) else len(k)
        nn = max(n1, n2)
        if not isscalarlike(v) and not isscalarlike(k) and n1 != n2:
            # the partitioned arguments do not have the same length
            assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: cls(arg1, v, arg3, mykey=k))

        op = cls(arg1, v, arg3, mykey=k)
        if nn == 1:
            v = v if isscalarlike(v) else v[0]
            k = k if isscalarlike(k) else k[0]
            func2(cls, op, v, k)
            assert op.__class__ is BlockDiagonalOperator
            assert len(op.operands) == nn
            v = nn * [v] if isscalarlike(v) else v
            k = nn * [k] if isscalarlike(k) else k
            for op_, v_, k_ in zip(op.operands, v, k):
                func2(cls, op_, v_, k_)
            input = np.ones(nn)
            output = op(input)
            assert_equal(output, v)
예제 #19
    def func(cls, v, k):
        n1 = 1 if isscalarlike(v) else len(v)
        n2 = 1 if isscalarlike(k) else len(k)
        nn = max(n1, n2)
        if not isscalarlike(v) and not isscalarlike(k) and n1 != n2:
            # the partitioned arguments do not have the same length
            assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: cls(arg1, v, arg3, mykey=k))

        op = cls(arg1, v, arg3, mykey=k)
        if nn == 1:
            v = v if isscalarlike(v) else v[0]
            k = k if isscalarlike(k) else k[0]
            func2(cls, op, v, k)
            assert op.__class__ is BlockDiagonalOperator
            assert len(op.operands) == nn
            v = nn * [v] if isscalarlike(v) else v
            k = nn * [k] if isscalarlike(k) else k
            for op_, v_, k_ in zip(op.operands, v, k):
                func2(cls, op_, v_, k_)
            input = np.ones(nn)
            output = op(input)
            assert_equal(output, v)
예제 #20
    def _normalize_selection(self, selection, shape):
        # return the selection as an array of int or bool, a slice, an Ellipsis
        # or a tuple.
        if isinstance(selection, list) and len(selection) == 0:
            return np.array([], self._dtype_index)
        if selection is None or selection is Ellipsis or \
           isinstance(selection, tuple) and len(selection) == 0:
            return Ellipsis
        if isscalarlike(selection):
            return np.asarray([selection], self._dtype_index)
        if isinstance(selection, slice):
            return self._normalize_slice(selection, product(shape))
        if isinstance(selection, (list, tuple)):
            selection_ = np.asarray(selection)
            if selection_.dtype == object:
                if len(selection) > len(shape):
                    raise ValueError('Invalid selection dimensions.')
                selection = tuple(
                    self._normalize_slice(_, s) if isinstance(_, slice) else _
                    for _, s in zip(selection, shape))
                    return selection[:ilast_is_not(selection, Ellipsis) + 1]
                except ValueError:
                    return Ellipsis
                selection = selection_
        elif not isinstance(selection, np.ndarray):
            raise TypeError('Invalid selection.')

        if selection.dtype not in (bool, int):
            raise TypeError('Invalid selection.')
        if selection.dtype == int:
            if selection.ndim != 1:
                raise ValueError('Index selection is not 1-dimensional.')
        elif selection.shape != shape:
            raise ValueError('Invalid boolean selection dimensions.')

        return selection
예제 #21
    def _normalize_selection(self, selection, shape):
        # return the selection as an array of int or bool, a slice, an Ellipsis
        # or a tuple.
        if isinstance(selection, list) and len(selection) == 0:
            return np.array([], self._dtype_index)
        if selection is None or selection is Ellipsis or \
           isinstance(selection, tuple) and len(selection) == 0:
            return Ellipsis
        if isscalarlike(selection):
            return np.asarray([selection], self._dtype_index)
        if isinstance(selection, slice):
            return self._normalize_slice(selection, product(shape))
        if isinstance(selection, (list, tuple)):
            selection_ = np.asarray(selection)
            if selection_.dtype == object:
                if len(selection) > len(shape):
                    raise ValueError('Invalid selection dimensions.')
                selection = tuple(self._normalize_slice(_, s)
                                  if isinstance(_, slice) else _
                                  for _, s in zip(selection, shape))
                    return selection[:ilast_is_not(selection, Ellipsis)+1]
                except ValueError:
                    return Ellipsis
                selection = selection_
        elif not isinstance(selection, np.ndarray):
            raise TypeError('Invalid selection.')

        if selection.dtype not in (bool, int):
            raise TypeError('Invalid selection.')
        if selection.dtype == int:
            if selection.ndim != 1:
                raise ValueError('Index selection is not 1-dimensional.')
        elif selection.shape != shape:
            raise ValueError('Invalid boolean selection dimensions.')

        return selection
예제 #22
    def imshow(self, mask=None, new_figure=True, title=None, xlabel='',
               ylabel='', interpolation='nearest', colorbar=True,
               percentile=0, **keywords):
        A graphical display method specialising matplotlib's imshow.

        mask : array-like, optional
            Data mask. True means masked.
        new_figure : boolean, optional
            If True, a new figure if created. Default is True.
        title : str, optional
            The plot title.
        xlabel : str, optional
           Plot X label.
        ylabel : str, optional
           Plot Y label.
        interpolation : str, optional
            Acceptable values are None, 'nearest', 'bilinear',
            'bicubic', 'spline16', 'spline36', 'hanning', 'hamming',
            'hermite', 'kaiser', 'quadric', 'catrom', 'gaussian',
            'bessel', 'mitchell', 'sinc', 'lanczos'
            Default is 'nearest'.
        colorbar : boolean, optional
            If True, plot an intensity color bar next to the display.
            Default is True.
        percentile : float, tuple of two floats in range [0,100]
            As a float, percentile of values to be discarded, otherwise,
            percentile of the minimum and maximum values to be displayed.
        **keywords : additional are keywords passed to matplotlib's imshow.

        import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
        if np.iscomplexobj(self):
            data = abs(self.magnitude)
            data = self.magnitude.copy()
        if isscalarlike(percentile):
            percentile = percentile / 2, 100 - percentile / 2
        unfinite = ~np.isfinite(self.magnitude)
        if mask is None:
            mask = unfinite
            mask = np.logical_or(mask, unfinite)
        data_valid = data[~mask]
        minval = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data_valid, percentile[0])
        maxval = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data_valid, percentile[1])
        data[data < minval] = minval
        data[data > maxval] = maxval
        data[mask] = np.nan

        if new_figure:
            fig = mp.figure()
            fig = mp.gcf()
        fontsize = 12. * fig.get_figheight() / 6.125

        image = mp.imshow(data, interpolation=interpolation, **keywords)
        image.set_clim(minval, maxval)

        ax = mp.gca()
        ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize)
        ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize)
        for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
        for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():

        if title is not None:
            mp.title(title, fontsize=fontsize)
        if colorbar:
            colorbar = mp.colorbar()
            for tick in colorbar.ax.get_yticklabels():

        return image
예제 #23
def create_fitsheader(naxes=None,
                      crval=(0, 0),
                      ctype=('RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN'),
    Helper to create a FITS header.

    naxes : array, optional
        (NAXIS1,NAXIS2,...) tuple, which specifies the data dimensions.
        Note that the dimensions in FITS and ndarrays are reversed.
    dtype : data-type, optional
        Desired data type for the data stored in the FITS file
    extname : None or string
        if a string is specified ('' can be used), the returned header
        type will be an Image HDU (otherwise a Primary HDU).
    crval : 2 element array, optional
        Reference pixel values (FITS convention).
    crpix : 2 element array, optional
        Reference pixel (FITS convention).
    ctype : 2 element string array, optional
        Projection types.
    cunit : string or 2 element string array
        Units of the CD matrix (default is degrees/pixel).
    cd : 2 x 2 array
        FITS parameters
            CD1_1 CD1_2
            CD2_1 CD2_2
    cdelt : float or 2 element array
        Physical increment at the reference pixel.
    pa : float
        Position angle of the Y=AXIS2 axis (=-CROTA2).
    radesys : string
        Coordinate reference frame for the RA and DEC axis columns. Default
        is 'ICRS'.
    equinox : float, optional
        Reference equinox (for non-ICRS reference frame).

    >>> from pysimulators import Map
    >>> map = Map.ones((10, 100), unit='Jy/pixel')
    >>> ny, nx = map.shape
    >>> map.header = create_fitsheader((nx, ny), cd=[[-1,0], [0,1]])

    if naxes is not None and fromdata is not None or naxes is None and \
       fromdata is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Either keyword 'naxes' or 'fromdata' must be specified.")

    if fromdata is None:
        naxes = np.array(naxes, dtype=int, ndmin=1)
        naxes = tuple(naxes)
        if len(naxes) > 8:
            raise ValueError('First argument is naxes=(NAXIS1,NAXIS2,...)')
        if dtype is not None:
            dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
            typename = dtype.name
            typename = 'float64'
        print("The keyword 'from_data' in create_fitsheader is deprecated and "
              "will be removed in an upcoming release. Use the function create"
              "_fitsheader_for instead.")
        array = np.array(fromdata, copy=False)
        naxes = tuple(reversed(array.shape))
        if dtype is not None:
            array = array.astype(dtype)
        if array.dtype.itemsize == 1:
            typename = 'uint8'
        elif array.dtype.names is not None:
            typename = None
            typename = array.dtype.name

    numaxis = len(naxes)

    header = pyfits.Header()
    if extname is None:
        header['simple'] = True  # primary header
        header['xtension'] = ('IMAGE', 'Image extension')
    if typename is not None:
        header['bitpix'] = (pyfits.DTYPE2BITPIX[typename], 'Array data type')
    header['naxis'] = (numaxis, 'Number of array dimensions')
    for dim in range(numaxis):
        header['naxis' + str(dim + 1)] = naxes[dim]
    if extname is None:
        header['extend'] = True
        header['pcount'] = (0, 'Number of parameters')
        header['gcount'] = (1, 'Number of groups')
        header['extname'] = extname

    if cd is not None:
        cd = np.asarray(cd, dtype=float)
        if cd.shape != (2, 2):
            raise ValueError('The CD matrix is not a 2x2 matrix.')
        if cdelt is None:
            return header
        cdelt = np.array(cdelt, float)
        if isscalarlike(cdelt):
            if ctype is None or len(ctype) == 2 and ctype[0] == 'RA---TAN' and\
               ctype[1] == 'DEC--TAN':
                cdelt = (-cdelt, cdelt)
                cdelt = (cdelt, cdelt)
        if pa is None:
            pa = 0.
        theta = np.deg2rad(-pa)
    cd = np.diag(cdelt).dot(
        np.array([[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)],
                  [-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]))

    crval = np.asarray(crval, float)
    if crval.size != 2:
        raise ValueError('CRVAL does not have two elements.')

    if crpix is None:
        crpix = (np.array(naxes) + 1) / 2
        crpix = np.asarray(crpix, float)
    if crpix.size != 2:
        raise ValueError('CRPIX does not have two elements.')

    if len(ctype) != 2:
        raise ValueError('CTYPE does not have two elements.')

    if isscalarlike(cunit):
        cunit = (cunit, cunit)
    if len(cunit) != 2:
        raise ValueError('CUNIT does not have two elements.')

    header['crval1'] = crval[0]
    header['crval2'] = crval[1]
    header['crpix1'] = crpix[0]
    header['crpix2'] = crpix[1]
    header['cd1_1'] = cd[0, 0]
    header['cd2_1'] = cd[1, 0]
    header['cd1_2'] = cd[0, 1]
    header['cd2_2'] = cd[1, 1]
    header['ctype1'] = ctype[0]
    header['ctype2'] = ctype[1]
    header['cunit1'] = cunit[0]
    header['cunit2'] = cunit[1]

    if ctype[0][:3] == 'RA-' and ctype[1][:3] == 'DEC':
        header['radesys'] = radesys.upper()

    if equinox is not None:
        header['equinox'] = float(equinox)

    return header
예제 #24
def create_fitsheader(naxes=None, dtype=None, fromdata=None, extname=None,
                      crval=(0, 0), crpix=None, cunit='deg',
                      ctype=('RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN'), cd=None, cdelt=None,
                      pa=None, radesys='ICRS', equinox=None):
    Helper to create a FITS header.

    naxes : array, optional
        (NAXIS1,NAXIS2,...) tuple, which specifies the data dimensions.
        Note that the dimensions in FITS and ndarrays are reversed.
    dtype : data-type, optional
        Desired data type for the data stored in the FITS file
    extname : None or string
        if a string is specified ('' can be used), the returned header
        type will be an Image HDU (otherwise a Primary HDU).
    crval : 2 element array, optional
        Reference pixel values (FITS convention).
    crpix : 2 element array, optional
        Reference pixel (FITS convention).
    ctype : 2 element string array, optional
        Projection types.
    cunit : string or 2 element string array
        Units of the CD matrix (default is degrees/pixel).
    cd : 2 x 2 array
        FITS parameters
            CD1_1 CD1_2
            CD2_1 CD2_2
    cdelt : float or 2 element array
        Physical increment at the reference pixel.
    pa : float
        Position angle of the Y=AXIS2 axis (=-CROTA2).
    radesys : string
        Coordinate reference frame for the RA and DEC axis columns. Default
        is 'ICRS'.
    equinox : float, optional
        Reference equinox (for non-ICRS reference frame).

    >>> from pysimulators import Map
    >>> map = Map.ones((10, 100), unit='Jy/pixel')
    >>> ny, nx = map.shape
    >>> map.header = create_fitsheader((nx, ny), cd=[[-1,0], [0,1]])

    if naxes is not None and fromdata is not None or naxes is None and \
       fromdata is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Either keyword 'naxes' or 'fromdata' must be specified.")

    if fromdata is None:
        naxes = np.array(naxes, dtype=int, ndmin=1)
        naxes = tuple(naxes)
        if len(naxes) > 8:
            raise ValueError('First argument is naxes=(NAXIS1,NAXIS2,...)')
        if dtype is not None:
            dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
            typename = dtype.name
            typename = 'float64'
        print("The keyword 'from_data' in create_fitsheader is deprecated and "
              "will be removed in an upcoming release. Use the function create"
              "_fitsheader_for instead.")
        array = np.array(fromdata, copy=False)
        naxes = tuple(reversed(array.shape))
        if dtype is not None:
            array = array.astype(dtype)
        if array.dtype.itemsize == 1:
            typename = 'uint8'
        elif array.dtype.names is not None:
            typename = None
            typename = array.dtype.name

    numaxis = len(naxes)

    header = pyfits.Header()
    if extname is None:
        header['simple'] = True  # primary header
        header['xtension'] = ('IMAGE', 'Image extension')
    if typename is not None:
        header['bitpix'] = (pyfits.PrimaryHDU.ImgCode[typename],
                            'Array data type')
    header['naxis'] = (numaxis, 'Number of array dimensions')
    for dim in range(numaxis):
        header['naxis' + str(dim+1)] = naxes[dim]
    if extname is None:
        header['extend'] = True
        header['pcount'] = (0, 'Number of parameters')
        header['gcount'] = (1, 'Number of groups')
        header['extname'] = extname

    if cd is not None:
        cd = np.asarray(cd, dtype=float)
        if cd.shape != (2, 2):
            raise ValueError('The CD matrix is not a 2x2 matrix.')
        if cdelt is None:
            return header
        cdelt = np.array(cdelt, float)
        if isscalarlike(cdelt):
            if ctype is None or len(ctype) == 2 and ctype[0] == 'RA---TAN' and\
               ctype[1] == 'DEC--TAN':
                cdelt = (-cdelt, cdelt)
                cdelt = (cdelt, cdelt)
        if pa is None:
            pa = 0.
        theta = np.deg2rad(-pa)
    cd = np.diag(cdelt).dot(np.array([[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)],
                                      [-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]))

    crval = np.asarray(crval, float)
    if crval.size != 2:
        raise ValueError('CRVAL does not have two elements.')

    if crpix is None:
        crpix = (np.array(naxes) + 1) / 2
        crpix = np.asarray(crpix, float)
    if crpix.size != 2:
        raise ValueError('CRPIX does not have two elements.')

    if len(ctype) != 2:
        raise ValueError('CTYPE does not have two elements.')

    if isscalarlike(cunit):
        cunit = (cunit, cunit)
    if len(cunit) != 2:
        raise ValueError('CUNIT does not have two elements.')

    header['crval1'] = crval[0]
    header['crval2'] = crval[1]
    header['crpix1'] = crpix[0]
    header['crpix2'] = crpix[1]
    header['cd1_1'] = cd[0, 0]
    header['cd2_1'] = cd[1, 0]
    header['cd1_2'] = cd[0, 1]
    header['cd2_2'] = cd[1, 1]
    header['ctype1'] = ctype[0]
    header['ctype2'] = ctype[1]
    header['cunit1'] = cunit[0]
    header['cunit2'] = cunit[1]

    if ctype[0][:3] == 'RA-' and ctype[1][:3] == 'DEC':
        header['radesys'] = radesys.upper()

    if equinox is not None:
        header['equinox'] = float(equinox)

    return header
예제 #25
    def func(cls, n, v, k):
        n1 = 1 if isscalarlike(v) else len(v)
        n2 = 1 if isscalarlike(k) else len(k)
        nn = max(n1, n2) if n is None else 1 if isscalarlike(n) else len(n)
        if not isscalarlike(v) and not isscalarlike(k) and n1 != n2:
            # the partitioned arguments do not have the same length
            assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: cls(arg1, v, arg3, mykey=k,
        if nn != max(n1, n2) and (not isscalarlike(v) or not isscalarlike(k)):
            # the partition is incompatible with the partitioned arguments
            return #XXX test assert_raises(ValueError)

        op = cls(arg1, v, arg3, mykey=k, partitionin=n)
        if nn == 1:
            v = v if isscalarlike(v) else v[0]
            k = k if isscalarlike(k) else k[0]
            func2(cls, op, v, k)
            assert op.__class__ is BlockDiagonalOperator
            assert len(op.operands) == nn
            if n is None:
                assert op.partitionin == nn * (None,)
                assert op.partitionout == nn * (None,)
            v = nn * [v] if isscalarlike(v) else v
            k = nn * [k] if isscalarlike(k) else k
            for op_, v_, k_ in zip(op.operands, v, k):
                func2(cls, op_, v_, k_)
            expected = np.hstack(n_*[v_] for n_, v_ in zip(n, v))
            input = np.ones(np.sum(n))
            output = op(input)
            assert_equal(output, expected)
예제 #26
 def func(x):
     assert not isscalarlike(x)
예제 #27
    def plot(self, map=None, header=None, title=None, new_figure=True,
             linewidth=2, percentile=0.01, **kw):
        Plot the pointings' celestial coordinates.

        map : ndarray of dim 2
            An optional map to be displayed as background.
        header : pyfits.Header
            The optional map's FITS header.
        title : str
            The figure's title.
        new_figure : boolean
            If true, the display will be done in a new window.
        linewidth : float
            The scan line width.
        percentile : float, tuple of two floats
            As a float, percentile of values to be discarded, otherwise,
            percentile of the minimum and maximum values to be displayed.

        import kapteyn.maputils as km
        import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
        if isscalarlike(self.masked) and self.masked or np.all(self.masked):
            if new_figure:
                raise ValueError('There is no valid coordinates.')
        if not isscalarlike(self.masked):
            ra = self.ra.copy()
            dec = self.dec.copy()
            ra[self.masked] = np.nan
            dec[self.masked] = np.nan
            ra = self.ra
            dec = self.dec

        if header is None:
            header = getattr(map, 'header', None)
        elif map is not None:
            map = Map(map, header=header, copy=False)

        if isinstance(map, Map) and map.has_wcs():
            image = map.imshow(title=title, new_figure=new_figure,
                               percentile=percentile, **kw)
            if header is None:
                header = self.get_map_header(naxis=1)
            fitsobj = km.FITSimage(externalheader=dict(header))
            if new_figure:
                fig = mp.figure()
                frame = fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8))
                frame = mp.gca()
            if title is not None:
            image = fitsobj.Annotatedimage(frame, blankcolor='w')

        _plot_scan(image, ra, dec, linewidth=linewidth, **kw)
        return image
예제 #28
    def imshow(self,
            import kapteyn.maputils as km
        except ImportError:
            km = None
        import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
        if mask is None and self.coverage is not None:
            mask = self.coverage <= 0

        if origin is None:
            origin = self.origin

        # check if the map has no astrometry information
        if not self.has_wcs() or km is None:
            image = super(Map, self).imshow(mask=mask,
            return image

        if np.iscomplexobj(self):
            data = abs(self.magnitude)
            data = self.magnitude.copy()
        if isscalarlike(percentile):
            percentile = percentile / 2, 100 - percentile / 2
        unfinite = ~np.isfinite(self.magnitude)
        if mask is None:
            mask = unfinite
            mask = np.logical_or(mask, unfinite)
        data_valid = data[~mask]
        minval = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data_valid, percentile[0])
        maxval = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data_valid, percentile[1])
        data[data < minval] = minval
        data[data > maxval] = maxval
        data[mask] = np.nan

        #XXX FIX ME
        colorbar = False

        fitsobj = km.FITSimage(externaldata=data,
        if new_figure:
            fig = mp.figure()
            frame = fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8))
            frame = mp.gca()
        fontsize = 12. * fig.get_figheight() / 6.125
        for tick in frame.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
        for tick in frame.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
        if title is not None:
        if colorbar:
            colorbar = mp.colorbar()
            for tick in colorbar.ax.get_yticklabels():
        annim = fitsobj.Annotatedimage(frame, blankcolor='w')
        grat = annim.Graticule()
        if colorbar:
        return annim
예제 #29
    def imshow(self,
        A graphical display method specialising matplotlib's imshow.

        mask : array-like, optional
            Data mask. True means masked.
        new_figure : boolean, optional
            If True, a new figure if created. Default is True.
        title : str, optional
            The plot title.
        xlabel : str, optional
           Plot X label.
        ylabel : str, optional
           Plot Y label.
        interpolation : str, optional
            Acceptable values are None, 'nearest', 'bilinear',
            'bicubic', 'spline16', 'spline36', 'hanning', 'hamming',
            'hermite', 'kaiser', 'quadric', 'catrom', 'gaussian',
            'bessel', 'mitchell', 'sinc', 'lanczos'
            Default is 'nearest'.
        colorbar : boolean, optional
            If True, plot an intensity color bar next to the display.
            Default is True.
        percentile : float, tuple of two floats in range [0,100]
            As a float, percentile of values to be discarded, otherwise,
            percentile of the minimum and maximum values to be displayed.
        **keywords : additional are keywords passed to matplotlib's imshow.

        import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
        if np.iscomplexobj(self):
            data = abs(self.magnitude)
            data = self.magnitude.copy()
        if isscalarlike(percentile):
            percentile = percentile / 2, 100 - percentile / 2
        unfinite = ~np.isfinite(self.magnitude)
        if mask is None:
            mask = unfinite
            mask = np.logical_or(mask, unfinite)
        data_valid = data[~mask]
        minval = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data_valid, percentile[0])
        maxval = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data_valid, percentile[1])
        data[data < minval] = minval
        data[data > maxval] = maxval
        data[mask] = np.nan

        if new_figure:
            fig = mp.figure()
            fig = mp.gcf()
        fontsize = 12. * fig.get_figheight() / 6.125

        image = mp.imshow(data, interpolation=interpolation, **keywords)
        image.set_clim(minval, maxval)

        ax = mp.gca()
        ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize)
        ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize)
        for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
        for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():

        if title is not None:
            mp.title(title, fontsize=fontsize)
        if colorbar:
            colorbar = mp.colorbar()
            for tick in colorbar.ax.get_yticklabels():

        return image
예제 #30
    def plot(self,
        Plot the pointings' celestial coordinates.

        map : ndarray of dim 2
            An optional map to be displayed as background.
        header : pyfits.Header
            The optional map's FITS header.
        title : str
            The figure's title.
        new_figure : boolean
            If true, the display will be done in a new window.
        linewidth : float
            The scan line width.
        percentile : float, tuple of two floats
            As a float, percentile of values to be discarded, otherwise,
            percentile of the minimum and maximum values to be displayed.

        import kapteyn.maputils as km
        import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
        if isscalarlike(self.masked) and self.masked or np.all(self.masked):
            if new_figure:
                raise ValueError('There is no valid coordinates.')
        if not isscalarlike(self.masked):
            ra = self.ra.copy()
            dec = self.dec.copy()
            ra[self.masked] = np.nan
            dec[self.masked] = np.nan
            ra = self.ra
            dec = self.dec

        if header is None:
            header = getattr(map, 'header', None)
        elif map is not None:
            map = Map(map, header=header, copy=False)

        if isinstance(map, Map) and map.has_wcs():
            image = map.imshow(title=title,
            if header is None:
                header = self.get_map_header(naxis=1)
            fitsobj = km.FITSimage(externalheader=dict(header))
            if new_figure:
                fig = mp.figure()
                frame = fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8))
                frame = mp.gca()
            if title is not None:
            image = fitsobj.Annotatedimage(frame, blankcolor='w')

        _plot_scan(image, ra, dec, linewidth=linewidth, **kw)
        return image
예제 #31
 def func(x):
     assert not isscalarlike(x)
예제 #32
    def imshow(self, mask=None, new_figure=True, title=None, xlabel='X',
               ylabel='Y', interpolation='nearest', origin=None, colorbar=True,
               percentile=0, **keywords):
            import kapteyn.maputils as km
        except ImportError:
            km = None
        import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
        if mask is None and self.coverage is not None:
            mask = self.coverage <= 0

        if origin is None:
            origin = self.origin

        # check if the map has no astrometry information
        if not self.has_wcs() or km is None:
            image = super(Map, self).imshow(
                mask=mask, new_figure=new_figure, title=title, xlabel=xlabel,
                ylabel=ylabel, origin=origin, colorbar=colorbar,
                percentile=percentile, **keywords)
            return image

        if np.iscomplexobj(self):
            data = abs(self.magnitude)
            data = self.magnitude.copy()
        if isscalarlike(percentile):
            percentile = percentile / 2, 100 - percentile / 2
        unfinite = ~np.isfinite(self.magnitude)
        if mask is None:
            mask = unfinite
            mask = np.logical_or(mask, unfinite)
        data_valid = data[~mask]
        minval = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data_valid, percentile[0])
        maxval = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data_valid, percentile[1])
        data[data < minval] = minval
        data[data > maxval] = maxval
        data[mask] = np.nan

        #XXX FIX ME
        colorbar = False

        fitsobj = km.FITSimage(externaldata=data,
        if new_figure:
            fig = mp.figure()
            frame = fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8))
            frame = mp.gca()
        fontsize = 12. * fig.get_figheight() / 6.125
        for tick in frame.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
        for tick in frame.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
        if title is not None:
        if colorbar:
            colorbar = mp.colorbar()
            for tick in colorbar.ax.get_yticklabels():
        annim = fitsobj.Annotatedimage(frame, blankcolor='w')
        grat = annim.Graticule()
        if colorbar:
        return annim
예제 #33
    def func(cls, n, v, k):
        n1 = 1 if isscalarlike(v) else len(v)
        n2 = 1 if isscalarlike(k) else len(k)
        nn = max(n1, n2) if n is None else 1 if isscalarlike(n) else len(n)
        if not isscalarlike(v) and not isscalarlike(k) and n1 != n2:
            # the partitioned arguments do not have the same length
                          lambda: cls(arg1, v, arg3, mykey=k, partitionin=n))
        if nn != max(n1, n2) and (not isscalarlike(v) or not isscalarlike(k)):
            # the partition is incompatible with the partitioned arguments
            return  #XXX test assert_raises(ValueError)

        op = cls(arg1, v, arg3, mykey=k, partitionin=n)
        if nn == 1:
            v = v if isscalarlike(v) else v[0]
            k = k if isscalarlike(k) else k[0]
            func2(cls, op, v, k)
            assert op.__class__ is BlockDiagonalOperator
            assert len(op.operands) == nn
            if n is None:
                assert op.partitionin == nn * (None, )
                assert op.partitionout == nn * (None, )
            v = nn * [v] if isscalarlike(v) else v
            k = nn * [k] if isscalarlike(k) else k
            for op_, v_, k_ in zip(op.operands, v, k):
                func2(cls, op_, v_, k_)
            expected = np.hstack(n_ * [v_] for n_, v_ in zip(n, v))
            input = np.ones(np.sum(n))
            output = op(input)
            assert_equal(output, expected)