예제 #1
def fix_tle_orbit(lines):
    if Orbital is None:
        logger.info("Pyorbital is missing, can't fix orbit number")
        return lines
    platform_name = lines[0]
    orb = Orbital(platform_name, line1=lines[1], line2=lines[2])
    epoch = orb.tle.epoch
    true_epoch = epoch
    # if too close from equator, fast forward to pole
    if abs(orb.get_lonlatalt(orb.tle.epoch)[1]) < 5:
        epoch += timedelta(days=1 / orb.tle.mean_motion / 4)

    orbnum = orb.get_orbit_number(epoch)

    ref_lines = get_last_valid_tle_lines(platform_name, epoch)

    ref_orb = Orbital(platform_name, line1=ref_lines[1], line2=ref_lines[2])
    ref_orbnum = ref_orb.get_orbit_number(epoch)

    if orbnum != ref_orbnum:
        logger.info("Spurious orbit number for %s: %d (should be %d)",
                    platform_name, orbnum, ref_orbnum)
        diff = ref_orbnum - orbnum

        lines[2] = lines[2][:63] + \
            "{0:05d}".format(orb.tle.orbit + diff) + lines[2][68:]
        lines[2] = append_checksum(lines[2][:-1])
    return lines
예제 #2
def create_subdirname(obstime, with_seconds=False, **kwargs):
    """Generate the pps subdirectory name from the start observation time, ex.:
    sat = kwargs.get('platform_name', 'npp')
    platform_name = PLATFORM_NAME.get(sat, sat)

    if "orbit" in kwargs:
        orbnum = int(kwargs['orbit'])
        from pyorbital.orbital import Orbital
        from cspp_runner import orbitno

            tle = orbitno.get_tle(TLE_SATNAME.get(platform_name), obstime)
            orbital_ = Orbital(tle.platform, line1=tle.line1, line2=tle.line2)
            orbnum = orbital_.get_orbit_number(obstime, tbus_style=TBUS_STYLE)
        except orbitno.NoTleFile:
            LOG.error('Not able to determine orbit number!')
            import traceback
            orbnum = 1

    if with_seconds:
        return platform_name + obstime.strftime(
            '_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_') + '%.5d' % orbnum
        return platform_name + obstime.strftime(
            '_%Y%m%d_%H%M_') + '%.5d' % orbnum
예제 #3
def get_last_valid_tle_lines(platform_name, epoch):
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(REF_DIR, platform_name)):
        with open(os.path.join(REF_DIR, platform_name)) as fd:
            ref_lines = fd.readlines()
            ref_orb = Orbital(platform_name,
            if abs(epoch - ref_orb.tle.epoch) < timedelta(days=7):
                return ref_lines
                logger.info("cached TLE too old, refreshing")

    orbit = get_valid_orbit(platform_name, epoch)

    files = sorted(get_files(), key=os.path.getctime)

    for tle_file in reversed(files):
            orb = Orbital(platform_name, tle_file=tle_file)
        except AttributeError:
        except ChecksumError:
        if orb.get_orbit_number(epoch) == orbit:
            lines = [orb.tle._platform, orb.tle._line1, orb.tle._line2]
            with open(os.path.join(REF_DIR, platform_name), "w") as fd:
            return lines
예제 #4
def get_valid_orbit(platform_name, epoch):
    orb_nums = []
    for tle_file in sorted(get_files(), reverse=True):
            orb = Orbital(platform_name, tle_file=tle_file)
        except AttributeError:
        except ChecksumError:

    return int(round(np.median(orb_nums)))
예제 #5
class NPP_Orbit:

    # Constructor of NPP_Orbit

    def __init__(self):

        self.ground_lat = EARTH_STATION_LAT
        self.ground_long = EARTH_STATION_LONG
        self.observer = ephem.Observer()
        self.observer.lat = self.ground_lat
        self.observer.long = self.ground_long
        self.observer.date = datetime.utcnow()
        self.tle = IN_TLE_FILE
        self.tles = []
        self.satellite_name = TRK_SATELLITE
        self.orb = Orbital(self.satellite_name, tle_file=self.tle)

# Functions

    def read_tle(self):
        self.tles = open(self.tle, 'r').readlines()
        self.tles = [item.strip() for item in self.tles]
        self.tles = [(self.tles[i], self.tles[i+1], self.tles[i+2]) \
                for i in xrange(0, len(self.tles)-2, 3)]

    def get_pass_num_t(self, yyyy, mm, dd, hh, mn, ss):
        indate = str(yyyy) + '-' + str(mm) + '-' +str(dd) + ' ' +\
                str(hh) + ':' + str(mn) + ':' + str(ss)
        self.observer.date = indate
        for tle in self.tles:
            if tle[0].strip() == self.satellite_name:
                sat = ephem.readtle(tle[0], tle[1], tle[2])
                rt, ra, tt, ta, st, sa = self.observer.next_pass(sat)
                num = self.orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(
                    str(tt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"),

        return num

    def __del__(self):
예제 #6
class NPP_Orbit:

# Constructor of NPP_Orbit

    def __init__(self):

        self.ground_lat     =  EARTH_STATION_LAT
        self.ground_long    =  EARTH_STATION_LONG
        self.observer       =  ephem.Observer()
        self.observer.lat   =  self.ground_lat
        self.observer.long  =  self.ground_long
        self.observer.date  =  datetime.utcnow()
        self.tle            =  IN_TLE_FILE
        self.tles           =  []
        self.satellite_name =  TRK_SATELLITE
        self.orb            =  Orbital(self.satellite_name,tle_file=self.tle)

# Functions

    def read_tle(self):
        self.tles = open(self.tle, 'r').readlines()
        self.tles = [item.strip() for item in self.tles]
        self.tles = [(self.tles[i], self.tles[i+1], self.tles[i+2]) \
                for i in xrange(0, len(self.tles)-2, 3)]

    def get_pass_num_t(self,yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mn,ss):
        indate = str(yyyy) + '-' + str(mm) + '-' +str(dd) + ' ' +\
                str(hh) + ':' + str(mn) + ':' + str(ss)
        self.observer.date  =  indate
        for tle in self.tles:
                if tle[0].strip() == self.satellite_name:
                        sat = ephem.readtle(tle[0],tle[1],tle[2])
                        rt, ra, tt, ta, st, sa = self.observer.next_pass(sat)
                        num = self.orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(tt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"),tbus_style=True)

        return num

    def __del__(self):
예제 #7
def create_subdirname(obstime, with_seconds=False, **kwargs):
    """Generate the pps subdirectory name from the start observation time, ex.:
    if "orbit" in kwargs:
        orbnum = int(kwargs['orbit'])
        from pyorbital.orbital import Orbital
        from npp_runner import orbitno

            tle = orbitno.get_tle('npp', obstime)
            orbital_ = Orbital(tle.platform, line1=tle.line1, line2=tle.line2)
            orbnum = orbital_.get_orbit_number(obstime, tbus_style=TBUS_STYLE)
        except orbitno.NoTleFile:
            LOG.error('Not able to determine orbit number!')
            import traceback
            orbnum = 1

    if with_seconds:
        return obstime.strftime('npp_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_') + '%.5d' % orbnum
        return obstime.strftime('npp_%Y%m%d_%H%M_') + '%.5d' % orbnum
예제 #8
def replace_orbitno(filename):
    stamp = get_npp_stamp(filename)

    # Correct h5 attributes
    no_date = datetime(1958, 1, 1)
    epsilon_time = timedelta(days=2)
    import h5py

    def _get_a_good_time(name, obj):
        del name
        if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset):
            date_key, time_key = ('Ending_Date', 'Ending_Time')
            if date_key in obj.attrs.keys():
                if not good_time_val_[0]:
                    time_val = datetime.strptime(
                        obj.attrs[date_key][0][0] +
                    if abs(time_val - no_date) > epsilon_time:
                        good_time_val_[0] = time_val

    def _check_orbitno(name, obj):
        del name
        if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset):
            for date_key, time_key, orbit_key in (
                ('AggregateBeginningDate', 'AggregateBeginningTime',
                ('AggregateEndingDate', 'AggregateEndingTime',
                ('Beginning_Date', 'Beginning_Time',
                if orbit_key in obj.attrs.keys():
                    time_val = datetime.strptime(
                        obj.attrs[date_key][0][0] +

                    # Check for no date (1958) problem:
                    if abs(time_val - no_date) < epsilon_time:
                        LOG.info("Start time wrong: %s",
                        LOG.info("Will use the first good end time encounter " +
                                 "in file to determine orbit number")
                        time_val = good_time_val_[0]

                    orbit_val = orbital_.get_orbit_number(time_val,
                    obj.attrs.modify(orbit_key, [[orbit_val]])
                    counter_[0] += 1

    # Correct h5 attributes
    orbital_ = Orbital(TLE_SATNAME[stamp.platform])
    orbit = orbital_.get_orbit_number(stamp.start_time, tbus_style=TBUS_STYLE)
    LOG.info("Replacing orbit number %05d with %05d",
             stamp.orbit_number, orbit)
    fp = h5py.File(filename, 'r+')
        good_time_val_ = [None]
        counter_ = [0]
        if counter_[0] == 0:
            raise IOError(
                "Failed replacing orbit number in hdf5 attributes '%s'" % filename)
        LOG.info("Replaced orbit number in %d attributes", counter_[0])

    # Correct filename
    dname, fname = os.path.split(filename)
    fname, n = _re_replace_orbitno.subn('_b%05d' % orbit, fname)
    if n != 1:
        raise IOError("Failed replacing orbit number in filename '%s'" % fname)
    return os.path.join(dname, fname), orbit
예제 #9
def get_upcoming_passes(satellite_name, passes_begin_time, passes_period):
    """Returns potential satellite pass information for input satellite and Two Line Elements over temporal period"""
    kml = simplekml.Kml()
    observer = ephem.Observer()
    observer.lat = ground_station[0]
    observer.long = ground_station[1]
    observer.horizon = observer_horizon
    swathincrement = 1
    # make a list to hold dicts of attributes for the upcoming pass information for the selected satellites
    schedule = []
    observer.date = passes_begin_time


    for tle in tles:

        if tle[0] == satellite_name:

            # Update satellite names for use in filename
            satname = get_satellite_name(tle)
            sat = ephem.readtle(tle[0], tle[1], tle[2])

            # Report currency of TLE
            twole = tlefile.read(tle[0], 'tles.txt')
            now = datetime.utcnow()
            timesinceepoch = now - twole.epoch.astype(datetime)

            print("TLE EPOCH:", twole.epoch.astype(datetime))
            print("TLE age:", timesinceepoch)

            # While lostime of next pass is less than or equal to pass_begin_time + period do something
            lostime = start  # passes_begin_time + passes_period

            while lostime <= (passes_begin_time +
                oi = float(str.split(tle[2], ' ')[3])
                orb = Orbital(tle[0], "tles.txt", tle[1], tle[2])

                rt, ra, tt, ta, st, sa = observer.next_pass(sat)

                # Confirm that observer details have been computed i.e. are not 'Null'

                if rt is None:
                    print(rt + "is none")
                        "Rise time of satellite not calculated - pass currently under way"
                    observer.date = (lostime + timedelta(minutes=90))

                    return ()
                aos_lat = sat.sublat.real * (180 / math.pi)

                los_lat = sat.sublat.real * (180 / math.pi)

                # Determine if pass descending or ascending
                oi, node = get_orbit_node(aos_lat, los_lat, oi)

                aostime = datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

                loctime = local_time(aostime, 'Australia/Sydney')
                minutesaway = ((aostime - start).seconds / 60.0) + (
                    (aostime - start).days * 1440.0)
                orad = orb.get_lonlatalt(to_datetime(rt))[2]
                orbitnumber = orb.get_orbit_number(
                    to_datetime(rt)) + orbitoffset

                # Get code version for provenance - TODO embed this in HTML
                    repo = git.Repo(os.getcwd())
                    tag = repo.tags[
                        len(repo.tags) -
                        1].tag.tag  # TODO work out if git repo, if not skip TRY
                    tag = '0.0.0'
                print("code tag             = ", tag)
                print("Satellite            = ", satname)
                print("Orbit                = ", orbitnumber)
                print("Minutes to horizon   = ", minutesaway)
                print("AOStime local        = ", loctime)
                print("AOStime UTC          = ", to_datetime(rt))
                print("LOStime UTC          = ", to_datetime(st))
                print("Transit time UTC     = ", to_datetime(tt))

                SWATH_FILENAME = os.path.join(
                    output_path, satname + "." + str(orbitnumber) + "." +
                    ground_station_name + ".orbit_swath.geojson")
                ORBIT_FILENAME = os.path.join(
                    output_path, satname + "." + str(orbitnumber) + "." +
                    ground_station_name + ".orbit_track.geojson")

                # Step from AOS to LOS by configuration timestep interval
                deltatime = to_datetime(rt)

                geoeastpoint = []
                geowestpoint = []
                geotrack = []
                # TODO - 1/10 steps out to east and west limbs of pass from track
                startpoint = True

                # TODO - confirm nextpass method works when satellite within horizon
                subsatlat1 = None
                while deltatime < to_datetime(st):
                    #if subsatlat1 is None:
                    #    subsatlat1 = sat.sublat.real * (180 / math.pi)
                    #    subsatlon1 = sat.sublong.real * (180 / math.pi)
                    #    print("got to here")


                    subsatlat = sat.sublat.real * (180 / math.pi)
                    subsatlon = sat.sublong.real * (180 / math.pi)

                    orbaltitude = orb.get_lonlatalt(to_datetime(rt))[2] * 1000

                        'lat2': subsatlat,
                        'lon2': subsatlon,
                        'alt2': orbaltitude,
                        'time': str(deltatime)

                    # Original heading calculation
                    #effectiveheading = get_effective_heading(sat, oi, subsatlat,
                    #                                       subsatlon, orad, sat._n)

                    # TODO Alternate simple heading
                    subsatlat1, subsatlon1 = get_subsat_oneincrement(
                        sat, deltatime, timestep)

                    effectiveheading = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(
                        subsatlat1, subsatlon1, subsatlat, subsatlon)['azi1']

                    eastaz = effectiveheading + 90
                    westaz = effectiveheading + 270

                    # 1/10 swath steps out to east and west limbs of pass from track start and end
                    #          <-- 1| 2 --> reverse
                    #   |   .................   |
                    #   V   .       .       .   V  reverse
                    #       .       .       .
                    #       .................
                    #          <-- 3| 4 -->
                    #  (reverse 3 append to 1) append (append 4 to reversed 2)

                    incrementtoswath = swathincrement
                    if startpoint is True:
                        # Step from sub satellite point to limb of swath with increasing step size
                        while math.pow(incrementtoswath, 5) < swath:

                            geoeastpointdict = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(
                                subsatlat, subsatlon, eastaz,
                                math.pow(incrementtoswath, 5))
                            geoeastpointdict['time'] = str(deltatime)

                            geowestpointdict = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(
                                subsatlat, subsatlon, westaz,
                                math.pow(incrementtoswath, 5))
                            geowestpointdict['time'] = str(deltatime)
                            incrementtoswath = incrementtoswath + 1
                            startpoint = False
                    # Trace the eastern limb of the swath
                    geoeastpointdict = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(
                        subsatlat, subsatlon, eastaz, swath)
                    geoeastpointdict['time'] = str(deltatime)

                    # Trace the western limb of the swath

                    geowestpointdict = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(
                        subsatlat, subsatlon, westaz, swath)
                    geowestpointdict['time'] = str(deltatime)

                    deltatime = deltatime + timestep

                # When the end of the track is reached
                # Step from sub satellite point to limb of swath with increasing step size

                geoloseastpoint = []
                geoloswestpoint = []
                incrementtoswath = swathincrement

                while math.pow(incrementtoswath, 5) < swath:

                    geodesiceastazdict = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(
                        subsatlat, subsatlon, eastaz,
                        math.pow(incrementtoswath, 5))
                    geodesiceastazdict['time'] = str(deltatime)

                    geodesicwestazdict = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(
                        subsatlat, subsatlon, westaz,
                        math.pow(incrementtoswath, 5))
                    geodesicwestazdict['time'] = str(deltatime)

                    incrementtoswath = incrementtoswath + 1

                # Append reversed geoloswestpoint to geoloseastpoint
                reversedwest = []
                for x in reversed(geoloswestpoint):

                for x in geoloseastpoint:
                for x in reversedwest:

                polypoints = []

                for x in geowestpoint:
                        'lat2': x['lat2'],
                        'lon2': x['lon2'],
                        'time': x['time']

                for x in reversed(geoeastpoint):
                        'lat2': x['lat2'],
                        'lon2': x['lon2'],
                        'time': x['time']

                if len(polypoints) > 0:
                        'lat2': geowestpoint[0]['lat2'],
                        'lon2': geowestpoint[0]['lon2'],
                        'time': geowestpoint[0]['time']

                # TODO add local solar time for AOSTime Lat Lon
                attributes = {
                    'Satellite name':
                    'Sensor code':
                    'Orbit height':
                    #'Current time': str(now),
                    'Minutes to horizon':
                    'Local time':
                    'AOS time':
                    'LOS time':
                    'Transit time':
                    (satname + "." + str(orbitnumber) + "." +
                     ground_station_name + ".orbit_swath.geojson"),
                    'Orbit filename':
                    'Orbit line':
                    'Swath filename':
                    'Swath polygon':

                # Append the attributes to the list of acquisitions for the acquisition period
                #print('ATTRIBUTES:', attributes)
                #print('SCHEDULE:', schedule)
                if not any(d['SWATH_FILENAME'] == attributes['SWATH_FILENAME']
                           for d in schedule):
                    #if not attributes in schedule:
                    # if not any((x['Satellite name'] == satname and x['Orbit'] == orbitnumber) for x in schedule):
                    if imagingnode == 'both' or imagingnode == attributes[

                        # Create swath footprint ogr output

                        get_vector_file(attributes, polypoints, 'polygon',
                                        SWATH_FILENAME, 'GeoJSON')
                        get_vector_file(attributes, geotrack, 'line',
                                        ORBIT_FILENAME, 'GeoJSON')

                            satname + "." + str(orbitnumber) + ".swath",
                            satname + "." + str(orbitnumber) + ".orbit", 'red')

                        # Create a temporal KML
                        pol = kml.newpolygon(name=satname + '_' +
                        kml_polypoints = []

                        for i in polypoints:
                            kml_polypoints.append((i['lon2'], i['lat2']))
                        rt_kml = datetime.strptime(str(rt),
                                                   "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
                        st_kml = datetime.strptime(str(st),
                                                   "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
                        pol.outerboundaryis = kml_polypoints
                        pol.style.linestyle.color = simplekml.Color.green
                        pol.style.linestyle.width = 5
                        pol.style.polystyle.color = simplekml.Color.changealphaint(
                            100, simplekml.Color.green)
                        pol.timespan.begin = rt_kml.strftime(
                        pol.timespan.end = st_kml.strftime(

                observer.date = (lostime + timedelta(minutes=90))
                lostime = (datetime.strptime(str(observer.date),
                                             "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))

                     satname + "." + ground_station_name + ".kml"))

    ## plot folium map
    foliumhtml = os.path.join(
        output_path, satname + "." + ground_station_name + ".map.html")
    folium_timespan_geojson_html(schedule, satname)

    # render the html schedule and write to file
    attributeshtml = []

    for acquisition in schedule:
        attributeshtml.append('<td>' + acquisition['Satellite name'] + '</td>'\
        '<td><a href="' + str(os.path.relpath(acquisition['Swath filename'],os.path.dirname(foliumhtml)))+ '">' + str(acquisition['Sensor code']) + '</a></td>'\
        '<td><a href="' + str(os.path.relpath(acquisition['Orbit filename'],os.path.dirname(foliumhtml))) + '">' + str(acquisition['Orbit']) + '</a></td>'\
        '<td>' + str(acquisition['Node']) + '</td>'\
        '<td>' + str(acquisition['AOS time']) + '</td>'\
        '<td>' + str(acquisition['LOS time']) + '</td>')

    satelliteslist = []
    for x in satellites:
        schedule_url = get_satellite_name(
            [x]) + "." + ground_station_name + ".schedule.html"
        satelliteslist.append([x, schedule_url])

    renderedoutput = template.render(content=attributeshtml,
                                         foliumhtml, output_path),

    with open(
                satname + "." + ground_station_name + ".schedule.html"),
            "w") as fh:

    return ()
예제 #10
# $ sudo apt_get install python_pyorbital
from pyorbital import tlefile
from pyorbital.orbital import Orbital
from datetime import datetime

# There are two ways we can track orbital elements using PyOrbital

# First we will use the TLE files created using tle_web_scraper.py
# Dont forget to change the file path to the actual location of the saved TLE files
tle = tlefile.read('NOAA 20 [+]', '/path/to/tle/files/noaa_tle_file.txt')
print tle

# The second method uses current TLEs from the internet, which we do not need to download
orb = Orbital(
    "NOAA 20"
)  # For additional satellites, subsitute "NOAA 20" with other NOAA satellites (numbered 1 - 20)
now = datetime.utcnow()

# Get normalized position and velocity of the satellite
current_position = orb.get_position(now)

# Get the longitude, latitude and altitude of the satellite
current_lonlatalt = orb.get_lonlatalt(now)

# Get the orbit number of the satellite
current_orbit_number = orb.get_orbit_number(now, tbus_style=False)
print("Current orbit:", current_orbit_number)
def getUpcomingPasses(satellite_name, tle_information, passes_begin_time, passes_period):

    observer = ephem.Observer()
    observer.lat = ground_station[0]
    observer.long = ground_station[1]
    #updatetime = 0
    period = passes_period
    #Get most recent TLE for determining upcoming passes from now
    tles = tle_information

    # make a list of dicts to hold the upcoming pass information for the selected satellites
    schedule = []
    observer.date = passes_begin_time

    while 1:

        print "---------------------------------------"
        for tle in tles:
            if tle[0] == satellite_name:
                #TODO clean up the use of pyephem versus orbital. Orbital can give a orbit number and does many of the pyephem functions
                #TODO add the individual acquisitions as layers in the same ogr output
                #TODO use an appropriate google earth icon for satellites at a visible display resolution with a name tag and minutesaway
                #TODO print output to logging
                satname = str(tle[0]).replace(" ","_")
                sat = ephem.readtle(tle[0],tle[1],tle[2])

                twole = tlefile.read(tle[0],'tles.txt')
                now = datetime.utcnow()
                #TODO check age of TLE - if older than x days get_tle()
                print "TLE EPOCH:",twole.epoch
                #if twole.epoch < now - timedelta(days=5):
                #    get_tles()
                #    satname = str(tle[0]).replace(" ","_")
                #    sat = ephem.readtle(tle[0],tle[1],tle[2])
                #    twole = tlefile.read(tle[0],'tles.txt')

                print "---------------------------------------"
                print tle[0]

                oi = float(str.split(tle[2],' ')[3])
                orb = Orbital(tle[0])

                attributes = []

                rt, ra, tt, ta, st, sa = observer.next_pass(sat)

                # Determine is pass descending or ascending
                aos_lat = sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi)
                los_lat = sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi)

                if (aos_lat > los_lat):
                    print "PASS                 = descending"
                    node = "descending"
                    print "PASS                 = ascending"
                    node = "ascending"
                    oi = 360 - oi

                AOStime = datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
                minutesaway = (AOStime-now).seconds/60.0

                print "Minutes to horizon   = ", minutesaway
                print "AOStime              = ", rt
                print "LOStime              = ", st
                print "Transit time         = ", tt

                orad = orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))[2]

                attributes = {'Satellite name': satname, 'Orbit height': orad, 'Orbit': orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")), \
                              'Current time': str(now),'Minutes to horizon': minutesaway, 'AOS time': str(rt), \
                              'LOS time': str(st), 'Transit time': str(tt), 'Node': node}

                # Append the attributes to the list of acquisitions for the acquisition period
                if not any ((x['Satellite name'] == satname and x['Orbit'] == orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))for x in schedule):

                # Step from AOS to LOS in 100 second intervals
                delta = timedelta(seconds=100)
                deltatime = datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

                geoeastpoint = []
                geowestpoint = []
                geotrack = []

                print "DELTATIME", deltatime
                print "SETTING TIME", datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

                while deltatime < datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"):

                    geotrack.append({'lat2': sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), \
                                     'lon2': sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi), \
                                     'alt2': orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))[2]*1000})

                    eastaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi), orad, sat._n)+90
                    westaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi), orad, sat._n)+270

                    #Set ground swath per satellite sensor
                    #TODO use view angle check to refine step from satellite track see IFOV
                    if tle[0] in ("LANDSAT 8","LANDSAT 7"):
                        swath = 185000/2
                    if tle[0] in ("TERRA","AQUA"):
                        swath = 2330000/2
                    if tle[0] in ("NOAA 15", "NOAA 18", "NOAA 19"):
                        swath = 1100000/2
                    if tle[0] == "SUOMI NPP":
                        swath = 2200000/2

                    geoeastpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, eastaz, swath))
                    geowestpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, westaz, swath))

                    deltatime = deltatime+delta

                # Create current location ogr output
                nowpoint = [{'lat2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[1],'lon2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[0],'alt2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[2]*1000}]
                #TODO ensure the now attributes are actually attributes for the current position of the satellite and include relevant next pass information...tricky?
                #if ((attributes['Orbit']==orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.utcnow()))and(AOStime<now)):
                now_attributes = {'Satellite name': satname, 'Orbit height': orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[2], 'Orbit': orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.utcnow()), \
                          'Current time': str(now),'Minutes to horizon': "N/A", 'AOS time': "N/A", \
                          'LOS time': "N/A", 'Transit time': "N/A", 'Node': "N/A"}
                CURRENT_POSITION_FILENAME = satname+"_current_position.kml"

                #TODO draw the current orbit forward for the passes period time from the satellite position as a long stepped ogr line

                getVectorFile(now_attributes,nowpoint,'point', CURRENT_POSITION_FILENAME, 'KML')

                polypoints = []

                for x in geowestpoint:
                for x in reversed(geoeastpoint):
                if len(polypoints)>0:

                # Create swath footprint ogr output
                SWATH_FILENAME = os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))+".ALICE.orbit_swath.kml")
                ORBIT_FILENAME = os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))+".ALICE.orbit_track.kml")
                TRACKING_SWATH_FILENAME = os.path.join(output_path,satname+"_tracking_now.kml")

                # Create currently acquiring polygon
                #TODO def this
                # Step from AOS to current time second intervals

                tkdelta = timedelta(seconds=100)
                tkrt, tkra, tktt, tkta, tkst, tksa = observer.next_pass(sat)
                tkdeltatime = datetime.utcnow()
                tkgeoeastpoint = []
                tkgeowestpoint = []
                tkgeotrack = []

                while tkdeltatime < (datetime.utcnow() or datetime.strptime(str(tkst),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")):

                    tkgeotrack.append({'lat2':sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi),'lon2':sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi),'alt2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.strptime(str(rt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))[2]})

                    tkeastaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi),orad,sat._n)+90
                    tkwestaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi),orad,sat._n)+270
                    #TODO use view angle check to refine step from satellite track see IFOV
                    if tle[0] in ("LANDSAT 8","LANDSAT 7"):
                        tkswath = 185000/2
                    if tle[0] in ("TERRA","AQUA"):
                        tkswath = 2330000/2
                    if tle[0] in ("NOAA 15", "NOAA 18", "NOAA 19"):
                        tkswath = 1100000/2
                    if tle[0] == "SUOMI NPP":
                        tkswath = 2200000/2
                    tkgeoeastpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, tkeastaz, tkswath))
                    tkgeowestpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, tkwestaz, tkswath))

                    tkdeltatime = tkdeltatime+tkdelta

                tkpolypoints = []

                for x in tkgeowestpoint:
                for x in reversed(tkgeoeastpoint):
                if len(tkpolypoints)>0:

                if not ((attributes['Node']=="ascending")and(satname not in ("AQUA"))):
                    # Create swath ogr output
                    getVectorFile(attributes,polypoints,'polygon', SWATH_FILENAME, 'KML')
                    # Create orbit track ogr output
                    getVectorFile(attributes,geotrack,'line', ORBIT_FILENAME, 'KML')
                    # Create currently acquiring ogr output
                    if ((now >= datetime.strptime(str(tkrt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) and (now <= datetime.strptime(str(tkst),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))):
                        getVectorFile(now_attributes,tkpolypoints,'polygon', TRACKING_SWATH_FILENAME, 'KML')

                if minutesaway <= period:

                    print "---------------------------------------"
                    print tle[0], 'WILL BE MAKING A PASS IN ', minutesaway, " MINUTES"
                    print ' Rise Azimuth: ', ra
                    print ' Transit Time: ', tt
                    print ' Transit Altitude: ', ta
                    print ' Set Time: ', st
                    print ' Set Azimuth: ', sa

                    for x in sorted(schedule, key=lambda k: k['AOS time']):
                        print x
                        # For dictionary entries with 'LOS time' older than now time - remove
                        if ((datetime.strptime(str(x['LOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))<(datetime.utcnow())):
                            # Delete output ogr
                            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(x['Orbit'])+".ALICE.orbit_swath.kml")):
                            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(x['Orbit'])+".ALICE.orbit_track.kml")):
                            # Delete dictionary entry for pass

                    # Unlikely - if no entries in the schedule don't try to print it
                    if len(schedule)>0:
                        print (datetime.strptime(str(schedule[0]['AOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))

                    # If the AOS time is less than now + the time delta, shift the time to the latest recorded pass LOS time
                    if ((datetime.strptime(str(schedule[len(schedule)-1]['AOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")<(datetime.utcnow()+timedelta(minutes=period)))):
                        observer.date = (datetime.strptime(str(schedule[len(schedule)-1]['LOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")+timedelta(minutes=5))
                        # Recompute the satellite position for the update time
                        print "MODIFIED OBSERVER DATE",observer.date
                        print "--------NOTHING TO MODIFY MOVING TO NEXT SATELLITE IN LIST------"
                        #TODO - write to html

                        # Exit the def if the schedule isn't able to update because there are no passes in the acquisition window
                        return ()

    return ()
예제 #12

utc_time = [datetime.strptime(date_gpm[i]+time_gpm[i][0:4],"%Y%m%d%H%M") for i in range(len(date_gpm))]

#Now lets extract the orbit number

orbits = []

write_orbit_no = "orbit_no"

for i in range(len(utc_time)):
    orbit_no = rscat.get_orbit_number(utc_time[i])
    #Write to a text file
    write_orbit_no += f"{orbit_no}\n"

w = open("orbit_no.txt", 'w')

예제 #13
def replace_orbitno(filename):
    stamp = get_npp_stamp(filename)

    # Correct h5 attributes
    no_date = datetime(1958, 1, 1)
    epsilon_time = timedelta(days=2)
    import h5py

    def _get_a_good_time(name, obj):
        del name
        if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset):
            date_key, time_key = ('Ending_Date', 'Ending_Time')
            if date_key in obj.attrs.keys():
                if not good_time_val_[0]:
                    time_val = datetime.strptime(
                        obj.attrs[date_key][0][0] + obj.attrs[time_key][0][0],
                    if abs(time_val - no_date) > epsilon_time:
                        good_time_val_[0] = time_val

    def _check_orbitno(name, obj):
        del name
        if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset):
            for date_key, time_key, orbit_key in (
                ('AggregateBeginningDate', 'AggregateBeginningTime',
                ('AggregateEndingDate', 'AggregateEndingTime',
                 'AggregateEndingOrbitNumber'), ('Beginning_Date',
                if orbit_key in obj.attrs.keys():
                    time_val = datetime.strptime(
                        obj.attrs[date_key][0][0] + obj.attrs[time_key][0][0],

                    # Check for no date (1958) problem:
                    if abs(time_val - no_date) < epsilon_time:
                        LOG.info("Start time wrong: %s",
                            "Will use the first good end time encounter " +
                            "in file to determine orbit number")
                        time_val = good_time_val_[0]

                    orbit_val = orbital_.get_orbit_number(
                        time_val, tbus_style=TBUS_STYLE)
                    obj.attrs.modify(orbit_key, [[orbit_val]])
                    counter_[0] += 1

    # Correct h5 attributes
    orbital_ = Orbital(TLE_SATNAME[stamp.platform])
    orbit = orbital_.get_orbit_number(stamp.start_time, tbus_style=TBUS_STYLE)
    LOG.info("Replacing orbit number %05d with %05d", stamp.orbit_number,
    fp = h5py.File(filename, 'r+')
        good_time_val_ = [None]
        counter_ = [0]
        if counter_[0] == 0:
            raise IOError(
                "Failed replacing orbit number in hdf5 attributes '%s'" %
        LOG.info("Replaced orbit number in %d attributes", counter_[0])

    # Correct filename
    dname, fname = os.path.split(filename)
    fname, n = _re_replace_orbitno.subn('_b%05d' % orbit, fname)
    if n != 1:
        raise IOError("Failed replacing orbit number in filename '%s'" % fname)
    return os.path.join(dname, fname), orbit
def getUpcomingPasses(satellite_name,satellite_swath,tle_information, passes_begin_time, passes_period):

    observer       = ephem.Observer()
    observer.lat   = GROUND_STATION[0]
    observer.long  = GROUND_STATION[1]
    #updatetime = 0
    period = passes_period
    #Get most recent TLE for determining upcoming passes from now
    tles = tle_information

    # make a list of dicts to hold the upcoming pass information for the selected satellites
    SCHEDULE = []
    observer.date = passes_begin_time

    while 1:

        for tle in tles:

            if tle[0].strip()== satellite_name:

                #TODO clean up the use of pyephem versus orbital. Orbital can give a orbit number and does many of the pyephem functions
                #TODO add the individual acquisitions as layers in the same ogr output
                #TODO use an appropriate google earth icon for satellites at a visible display resolution with a name tag and minutesaway
                #TODO print output to logging
                satname = str(tle[0]).replace(" ","_")
                sat = ephem.readtle(tle[0],tle[1],tle[2])

                twole = tlefile.read(tle[0],DATA_IN_DIR+'tles.txt')
                now = datetime.utcnow()
                #TODO check age of TLE - if older than x days get_tle()
#                print "TLE EPOCH:",twole.epoch
                oi = float(str.split(tle[2],' ')[3])
                orb = Orbital(tle[0])
                attributes = []
                rt, ra, tt, ta, st, sa = observer.next_pass(sat)

                # Determine is pass descending or ascending
                aos_lat = sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi)
                los_lat = sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi)

                if (aos_lat > los_lat):
#                    print "PASS                 = descending"
                    node = "descending"
#                    print "PASS                 = ascending"
                    node = "ascending"
                    oi = 360 - oi

                AOStime = datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
                minutesaway = (AOStime-now).seconds/60.0

#		print "Satellie             = ", satname
#               print "Minutes to horizon   = ", minutesaway
#               print "AOStime              = ", rt
#               print "LOStime              = ", st
#               print "Transit time         = ", tt
#	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#		This is a test routine for calculating Az, El angles
#	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                orad = orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))[2]

#               print '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'
		test_az_el_cal(orb,observer, rt, ra, tt, ta, st, sa,orad)
#               print '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'

                attributes = {'Satellite name': satname, 'Orbit height': orad, 'Orbit': orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")), \
#                attributes = {'Satellite name': satname, 'Orbit height': orad, 'Orbit': orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(tt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")), \
                              'Current time': str(now),'Minutes to horizon': minutesaway, 'AOS time': str(rt), \
                              'LOS time': str(st), 'Transit time': str(tt), 'Node': node}

                # Append the attributes to the list of acquisitions for the acquisition period
                if not any ((x['Satellite name'] == satname and x['Orbit'] == orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))for x in SCHEDULE):
#                if not any ((x['Satellite name'] == satname and x['Orbit'] == orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(tt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))for x in SCHEDULE):

                # Step from AOS to LOS in 100 second intervals
#                delta = timedelta(seconds=100)
                delta = timedelta(seconds=DELTA_TIME_STEP)
                deltatime = datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
                geoeastpoint = []
                geowestpoint = []
                geotrack = []

#                print "DELTATIME", deltatime
#                print "SETTING TIME", datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

#		Tesing for next satellite

#	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#		The following set of lines have been for testing while making comparision in seconds 
#		instead of string comparisiom
#	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#		print '================ Testing Loop starts ==========================================='
#		print 'deltatime       = ',deltatime
#		print 'Secs Time       = ', get_time_secs(str(deltatime).replace("-","/"))
#		print 'st              = ',str(datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))
#		print 'st in Secs Time = ',get_time_secs(str(datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")).replace('-','/'))
#		print '================ Testing Loop Ends   ==========================================='
#		The following if statement has ben included on the basis of dpoch seconds

		if get_time_secs(str(deltatime).replace("-","/")) >= \
			get_time_secs(str(datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")).replace('-','/')):

		print 'Delta Time = ',deltatime
		print 'date time  = ',datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")		
		print '---------------------------'

#		if deltatime >= datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"):
#			return()

                while deltatime < datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"):

                    geotrack.append({'lat2': sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), \
                                     'lon2': sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi), \
                                     'alt2': orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))[2]*1000})

                    eastaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi), orad, sat._n)+90
                    westaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi), orad, sat._n)+270

                    #Set ground swath per satellite sensor
                    #TODO use view angle check to refine step from satellite track see IFOV
		    swath = float(satellite_swath)/2.
                    geoeastpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, eastaz, swath))
                    geowestpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, westaz, swath))

                    deltatime = deltatime+delta

                # Create current location ogr output
                nowpoint = [{'lat2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[1],'lon2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[0],'alt2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[2]*1000}]
                #TODO ensure the now attributes are actually attributes for the current position of the satellite and include relevant next pass information...tricky?
                #if ((attributes['Orbit']==orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.utcnow()))and(AOStime<now)):
                now_attributes = {'Satellite name': satname, 'Orbit height': orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[2], 'Orbit': orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.utcnow()), \
                          'Current time': str(now),'Minutes to horizon': "N/A", 'AOS time': "N/A", \
                          'LOS time': "N/A", 'Transit time': "N/A", 'Node': "N/A"}
                #CURRENT_POSITION_FILENAME = satname+"_current_position.kml"

                CURRENT_POSITION_FILENAME = OUTPUT_DIR+satname+"_current_position.kml"

                #TODO draw the current orbit forward for the passes period time from the satellite position as a long stepped ogr line

                getVectorFile(now_attributes,nowpoint,'point', CURRENT_POSITION_FILENAME, 'KML')

                polypoints = []

                for x in geowestpoint:
                for x in reversed(geoeastpoint):
                if len(polypoints)>0:

                # Create swath footprint ogr output
                SWATH_FILENAME = os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))+".ALICE.orbit_swath.kml")
                ORBIT_FILENAME = os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))+".ALICE.orbit_track.kml")
                TRACKING_SWATH_FILENAME = os.path.join(output_path,satname+"_tracking_now.kml")

                # Create currently acquiring polygon
                #TODO def this
                # Step from AOS to current time second intervals


#               tkdelta = timedelta(seconds=100)

                tkdelta = timedelta(seconds=DELTA_TIME_STEP)

                tkrt, tkra, tktt, tkta, tkst, tksa = observer.next_pass(sat)
                tkdeltatime = datetime.utcnow()
                tkgeoeastpoint = []
                tkgeowestpoint = []
                tkgeotrack = []

                while tkdeltatime < (datetime.utcnow() or datetime.strptime(str(tkst),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")):

                    tkgeotrack.append({'lat2':sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi),'lon2':sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi),'alt2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.strptime(str(rt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))[2]})

                    tkeastaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi),orad,sat._n)+90
                    tkwestaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi),orad,sat._n)+270
                    #TODO use view angle check to refine step from satellite track see IFOV

		    tkswath = float(satellite_swath)/2.
                    tkgeoeastpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, tkeastaz, tkswath))
                    tkgeowestpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, tkwestaz, tkswath))

                    tkdeltatime = tkdeltatime+tkdelta

                tkpolypoints = []

                for x in tkgeowestpoint:
                for x in reversed(tkgeoeastpoint):
                if len(tkpolypoints)>0:

                if not ((attributes['Node']=="ascending")and(satname not in ("AQUA"))):
                    # Create swath ogr output
                    getVectorFile(attributes,polypoints,'polygon', SWATH_FILENAME, 'KML')
                    # Create orbit track ogr output
                    getVectorFile(attributes,geotrack,'line', ORBIT_FILENAME, 'KML')
                    # Create currently acquiring ogr output
                    if ((now >= datetime.strptime(str(tkrt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) and (now <= datetime.strptime(str(tkst),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))):
                        getVectorFile(now_attributes,tkpolypoints,'polygon', TRACKING_SWATH_FILENAME, 'KML')

                if minutesaway <= period:

#                    print tle[0], 'WILL BE MAKING A PASS IN ', minutesaway, " MINUTES"
#                    print ' Rise Azimuth: ', ra
#                    print ' Transit Time: ', tt
#                    print ' Transit Altitude: ', ta
#                    print ' Set Time: ', st
#                    print ' Set Azimuth: ', sa
#                    print '================================================='
#		    print 'Satellite Name = ',satellite_name
                    for x in sorted(SCHEDULE, key=lambda k: k['AOS time']):
#			print x
                        # For dictionary entries with 'LOS time' older than now time - remove
                        if ((datetime.strptime(str(x['LOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))<(datetime.utcnow())):
                            # Delete output ogr
                            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(x['Orbit'])+".ALICE.orbit_swath.kml")):
                            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(x['Orbit'])+".ALICE.orbit_track.kml")):
                            # Delete dictionary entry for pass

                    # Unlikely - if no entries in the SCHEDULE don't try to print it

                    if len(SCHEDULE)>0:
			print (datetime.strptime(str(SCHEDULE[0]['AOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))

                    # If the AOS time is less than now + the time delta, shift the time to the latest recorded pass LOS time

                    if ((datetime.strptime(str(SCHEDULE[len(SCHEDULE)-1]['AOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")<(datetime.utcnow()+timedelta(minutes=period)))):
                        observer.date = (datetime.strptime(str(SCHEDULE[len(SCHEDULE)-1]['LOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")+timedelta(minutes=5))
                        # Recompute the satellite position for the update time
#                        print "MODIFIED OBSERVER DATE",observer.date
#                       print "--------NOTHING TO MODIFY MOVING TO NEXT SATELLITE IN LIST------"
                        #TODO - write to html

                        # Exit the def if the SCHEDULE isn't able to update because there are no passes in the acquisition window
                        return ()

#	print 'Before Time Sleep ......'
#	print 'Loop for While .........'
	print '============================================================================='

    return ()