예제 #1
파일: test_utils.py 프로젝트: emonty/pyos
    def test_get_name(self):
        nm = utils.random_unicode()

        class ObjWithName(object):
            name = nm

        obj = ObjWithName()
        self.assertEqual(utils.get_name(obj), nm)
        self.assertEqual(utils.get_name(obj.name), nm)
        self.assertRaises(exc.MissingName, utils.get_name, object())
예제 #2
파일: test_utils.py 프로젝트: emonty/pyos
    def test_get_name(self):
        nm = utils.random_unicode()

        class ObjWithName(object):
            name = nm

        obj = ObjWithName()
        self.assertEqual(utils.get_name(obj), nm)
        self.assertEqual(utils.get_name(obj.name), nm)
        self.assertRaises(exc.MissingName, utils.get_name, object())
예제 #3
 def delete_user(self, user):
     Deletes the specified user. If no user by that name
     exists, no exception will be raised; instead, nothing at all
     is done.
     name = utils.get_name(user)
예제 #4
 def delete_database(self, name_or_obj):
     Deletes the specified database. If no database by that name
     exists, no exception will be raised; instead, nothing at all
     is done.
     name = utils.get_name(name_or_obj)
예제 #5
 def _get_db_names(self, dbs, strict=True):
     Accepts a single db (name or object) or a list of dbs, and returns a
     list of database names. If any of the supplied dbs do not exist, a
     NoSuchDatabase exception will be raised, unless you pass strict=False.
     dbs = utils.coerce_string_to_list(dbs)
     db_names = [utils.get_name(db) for db in dbs]
     if strict:
         good_dbs = self.instance.list_databases()
         good_names = [utils.get_name(good_db) for good_db in good_dbs]
         bad_names = [
             db_name for db_name in db_names if db_name not in good_names
         if bad_names:
             bad = ", ".join(bad_names)
             raise exc.NoSuchDatabase("The following database(s) were not "
                                      "found: %s" % bad)
     return db_names
예제 #6
 def _create_body(self, name, img=None, cont=None, img_format=None,
     Used to create a new task. Since tasks don't have names, the required
     'name' parameter is used for the type of task: 'import' or 'export'.
     img = utils.get_id(img)
     cont = utils.get_name(cont)
     body = {"type": name}
     if name == "export":
         body["input"] = {
                 "image_uuid": img,
                 "receiving_swift_container": cont}
         nm = "%s/%s" % (cont, utils.get_name(img))
         body["input"] = {
                 "image_properties": {"name": img_name or img},
                 "import_from": nm,
                 "import_from_format": img_format or DEFAULT_FORMAT}
     return body
예제 #7
    def revoke_user_access(self, user, db_names, strict=True):
        Revokes access to the databases listed in `db_names` for the user.

        If any of the databases do not exist, a NoSuchDatabase exception will
        be raised, unless you specify `strict=False` in the call.
        user = utils.get_name(user)
        db_names = self._get_db_names(db_names, strict=strict)
        bad_names = []
        for db_name in db_names:
            uri = "/%s/%s/databases/%s" % (self.uri_base, user, db_name)
            resp, resp_body = self.api.method_delete(uri)
예제 #8
 def list_user_access(self, user):
     Returns a list of all database names for which the specified user
     has access rights.
     user = utils.get_name(user)
     uri = "/%s/%s/databases" % (self.uri_base, user)
         resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri)
     except exc.NotFound as e:
         raise exc.NoSuchDatabaseUser("User '%s' does not exist." % user)
     dbs = resp_body.get("databases", {})
     return [CloudDatabaseDatabase(self, db) for db in dbs]
예제 #9
    def grant_user_access(self, user, db_names, strict=True):
        Gives access to the databases listed in `db_names` to the user. You may
        pass in either a single db or a list of dbs.

        If any of the databases do not exist, a NoSuchDatabase exception will
        be raised, unless you specify `strict=False` in the call.
        user = utils.get_name(user)
        uri = "/%s/%s/databases" % (self.uri_base, user)
        db_names = self._get_db_names(db_names, strict=strict)
        dbs = [{"name": db_name} for db_name in db_names]
        body = {"databases": dbs}
            resp, resp_body = self.api.method_put(uri, body=body)
        except exc.NotFound as e:
            raise exc.NoSuchDatabaseUser("User '%s' does not exist." % user)