def TestSolveOverlapSpeed(): def timeIt(func): t1 = time.time() func() t2 = time.time() Print(" Function '%s' took %4.1f s." % (func.func_name, (t2 - t1))) numSolves = 100 Print("") Print("Now testing multiple S^-1 * psi...") pyprop.Redirect.Enable(silent=True) seed(0) conf = pyprop.Load("config_eigenvalues.ini") psi = pyprop.CreateWavefunction(conf) tmpPsi = psi.Copy() Print(" Size of wavefunction is: %s" % repr(psi.GetData().shape)) #Calculate S^-1 * psi Print(" Performing %i solves..." % numSolves) def solve(): for i in range(numSolves): psi.GetRepresentation().MultiplyOverlap(tmpPsi) timeIt(solve) #finish and cleanup pypar.barrier() pyprop.Redirect.Disable() Print("\n...done!")
def TestSolveOverlapSpeed(): def timeIt(func): t1 = time.time() func() t2 = time.time() Print(" Function '%s' took %4.1f s." % (func.func_name, (t2-t1))) numSolves = 100 Print("") Print("Now testing multiple S^-1 * psi...") pyprop.Redirect.Enable(silent=True) seed(0) conf = pyprop.Load("config_eigenvalues.ini") psi = pyprop.CreateWavefunction(conf) tmpPsi = psi.Copy() Print(" Size of wavefunction is: %s" % repr(psi.GetData().shape)) #Calculate S^-1 * psi Print(" Performing %i solves..." % numSolves) def solve(): for i in range(numSolves): psi.GetRepresentation().MultiplyOverlap(tmpPsi) timeIt(solve) #finish and cleanup pypar.barrier() pyprop.Redirect.Disable() Print("\n...done!")
def wait(self, error=False): '''This method will not return until all process in the environment have called it. This is a wrapper around MPI_Barrier which handles the case where MPI is not available''' from inspect import stack if self.verbose is True: string = '(%s) Waiting at line %d of %s' % ('%H:%M:%S'), stack()[1][0].f_lineno, stack()[1][0].f_code.co_filename) self.log(string) if Environment.isParallel: import pypar pypar.barrier() #Because MPI_ABORT doesn't work in pypar if called from one process #we need a way for process to communicate to each other if an error occurred #during the code they executed before this barrier. We do a scatter/gather of #the error parameter - This isn't very efficient but it's all we can do now errors = self.combineArray([error]) if True in errors: self.exit(1) if self.verbose is True: string = '(%s) Finished waiting' % ('%H:%M:%S')) self.log(string)
def multi_proc_mutate_and_integrate(self, prmt, mutation): """subroutine to send jobs to multiple processors using pypar It send one network - and not the complete population- to each processor and explicitly we take care of synchronization. Args: prmt (dict): the inits parameters for integration mutation (list): tuple (id,mut) indicating the mutation flag of integration for each network Returns: int: the total number of mutations """ numproc = self.numproc #computes number of available proc for integration : the proc 0 is used as master proc l = len(mutation) n_mut = 0 for index_job in range(l): nproc = 1 + index_job % ( numproc - 1 ) #computes the proc number where to send the job, we start at 1, proc 0 is master proc args = { 'net': self.genus[index_job], 'prmt': prmt, 'nnetwork': index_job, 'tgeneration': self.tgeneration, 'mutation': mutation[index_job] } pypar.send(( 'net.mutate_and_integrate(prmt,nnetwork,tgeneration,mutation)', args), nproc) #send integration job to the selected proc if ((index_job + 1) % (numproc - 1) == 0): pypar.barrier( ) # every numproc jobs sent, we wait for all other processors to finish their job to synchronize results = [ pypar.receive(worker) for worker in range(1, numproc) ] #receives results from all processors for i in results: n_mut += i[0] #updates number of mutations self.genus[i[1]] = i[2] #updates mutated network self.update_fitness(i[1], i[3]) #updates fitness values #at that point, we may have jobs still running on some subset of the procs, but we only take the results from the last working processors if (l % (numproc - 1) > 0): for i in range(l % (numproc - 1), numproc - 1): pypar.send( ('0', {}), i + 1 ) #send dummy jobs to the still processors for synchornization purpose pypar.barrier() #synchronize the proc results = [pypar.receive(worker) for worker in range(1, numproc)] #only take the results we are interested in for i in range(l % (numproc - 1)): n_mut += results[i][0] self.genus[results[i][1]] = results[i][2] self.update_fitness(results[i][1], results[i][3]) #updates fitness values # Shut down workers #for worker in range(1,numproc): # pypar.send(SystemExit(),worker) return n_mut
def run(): """ Run the process, handling any parallelisation. """ import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help="Configuration file", type=str) parser.add_argument("-i", "--inputfile", help="Input DEM file (ascii format)", type=str) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Output path", type=str) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help=("Verbose output (not available when invoking" "parallel run)") ) args = parser.parse_args() logfile = 'topomult.log' loglevel = 'INFO' if args.verbose: verbose = args.verbose else: verbose = False if args.config: cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() input_file = cfg.get('Input', 'Filename') output_path = cfg.get('Output', 'Path') logfile = cfg.get('Logging', 'LogFile') loglevel = cfg.get('Logging', 'LogLevel') verbose = cfg.get('Logging', 'Verbose') if args.inputfile: input_file = args.inputfile if args.output: output_path = args.output attemptParallel() if pp.size() > 1 and pp.rank() > 0: logfile += '-' + str(pp.rank()) verbose = False # to stop output to console flStartLog(logfile, loglevel, verbose) pp.barrier() work(input_file, output_path, ['n','s','e','w','ne','nw','se','sw']) pp.barrier() pp.finalize()
def barrier(self): """ Synchronisation point. Makes processors wait until all processors have reached this point. """ if self.is_parallel is True: import pypar pypar.barrier()
def abnormalexit(reason): """this tells each worker node to exit, then kills the server process. this should only be called by the server node""" print 'abnormal exit' print reason sendtoall(('Die', 0)) pypar.barrier() pypar.finalize() sys.exit(2)
def _mpi_end_embarrass(): global _mpi_initialized if _mpi_initialized: import pypar print(pypar.rank() + 1, " of ", pypar.size(), ": BARRIER") pypar.barrier() print(pypar.rank() + 1, " of ", pypar.size(), ": FINALIZE") pypar.finalize() _mpi_initialized = False else: print("Non-MPI run : Exit without MPI_Finalize")
def SerialPrint(str, proc=-1): if ProcCount == 1: print str else: if proc==-1: procList = range(ProcCount) else: procList = [proc] for i in procList: if i == ProcId: print "Proc %4i: %s" % (ProcId, str,) sys.stdout.flush() pypar.barrier()
def CreatePath(absFileName): """Create directories in abspath """ logger = GetFunctionLogger() if pyprop.ProcId == 0: filePath = os.path.dirname(absFileName) if not os.path.exists(filePath) and len(filePath) > 0: logger.debug("Creating folder: %s" % filePath) os.makedirs(filePath) pypar.barrier()
def callback(self, prop): if self.StoreDuringPropagation: #create unique filename filename = "%s_%03i.h5" % (self.OutputFileName.strip(".h5"), self.Counter) #store current wavefunction and propagation time prop.SaveWavefunctionHDF(filename, "/wavefunction") if pyprop.ProcId == 0: with tables.openFile(filename, "r+", MAX_THREADS=1) as h5: h5.setNodeAttr("/wavefunction", "prop_time", prop.PropagatedTime) pypar.barrier() self.Counter += 1
def SerialPrint(str, proc=-1): if ProcCount == 1: print str else: if proc == -1: procList = range(ProcCount) else: procList = [proc] for i in procList: if i == ProcId: print "Proc %4i: %s" % ( ProcId, str, ) sys.stdout.flush() pypar.barrier()
def TestFindEigenvalues(): #Custom matvec product def matvec(psi, tmpPsi, t, dt): tmpPsi.Clear() potMatrix.Multiply(psi, tmpPsi) tmpPsi.GetRepresentation().SolveOverlap(tmpPsi) pyprop.PrintOut("") pyprop.PrintOut("Now testing eigenvalue computation...") #Setup problem Print(" Setting up problem...", [0]) prop = SetupProblem(config='config_eigenvalues.ini', silent = True) psi = prop.psi pyprop.Redirect.Enable(silent=True) #Setup Epetra potential and copy Tensor potential data into it Print(" Converting tensor potential to Epetra matrix...", [0]) potMatrix = EpetraPotential_3() potMatrix.Setup(psi) for pot in prop.Propagator.BasePropagator.PotentialList: localBasisPairs = pot.BasisPairs potMatrix.AddTensorPotentialData(pot.PotentialData, localBasisPairs, 0) del pot.PotentialData potMatrix.GlobalAssemble() #Setup PIRAM Print(" Setting up Piram...", [0]) prop.Config.Arpack.matrix_vector_func = matvec solver = pyprop.PiramSolver(prop) #Find eigenvalues Print(" Calculating eigenvalues...", [0]) solver.Solve() eigs = solver.GetEigenvalues() Print(" Eigenvalues = %s" % str(eigs), [0]) #Test first eigenvalue prop.psi.Clear() tmpPsi = prop.psi.Copy() solver.SetEigenvector(prop.psi, 0) prop.psi.Normalize() matvec(prop.psi, tmpPsi, 0, 0) eigRes = abs(prop.psi.InnerProduct(tmpPsi) - solver.GetEigenvalues()[0]) Print(" ||H * v - lambda * v|| = %s" % eigRes,[0]) #finish and cleanup pypar.barrier() pyprop.Redirect.Disable() pyprop.PrintOut("\n...done!")
def compute_subsample(pnt_fn, feat_fn, N): import file_utils if rank == 0: print 'Computing subsample:' file_utils.remove_if_newer(pnt_fn, [feat_fn]) file_utils.remove_if_corrupt_points(pnt_fn) if not os.path.exists(pnt_fn): subsample_db5(feat_fn, pnt_fn, N) else: print '... already exists ...' mpi.barrier()
def TestFindEigenvalues(): #Custom matvec product def matvec(psi, tmpPsi, t, dt): tmpPsi.Clear() potMatrix.Multiply(psi, tmpPsi) tmpPsi.GetRepresentation().SolveOverlap(tmpPsi) pyprop.PrintOut("") pyprop.PrintOut("Now testing eigenvalue computation...") #Setup problem Print(" Setting up problem...", [0]) prop = SetupProblem(config='config_eigenvalues.ini', silent=True) psi = prop.psi pyprop.Redirect.Enable(silent=True) #Setup Epetra potential and copy Tensor potential data into it Print(" Converting tensor potential to Epetra matrix...", [0]) potMatrix = EpetraPotential_3() potMatrix.Setup(psi) for pot in prop.Propagator.BasePropagator.PotentialList: localBasisPairs = pot.BasisPairs potMatrix.AddTensorPotentialData(pot.PotentialData, localBasisPairs, 0) del pot.PotentialData potMatrix.GlobalAssemble() #Setup PIRAM Print(" Setting up Piram...", [0]) prop.Config.Arpack.matrix_vector_func = matvec solver = pyprop.PiramSolver(prop) #Find eigenvalues Print(" Calculating eigenvalues...", [0]) solver.Solve() eigs = solver.GetEigenvalues() Print(" Eigenvalues = %s" % str(eigs), [0]) #Test first eigenvalue prop.psi.Clear() tmpPsi = prop.psi.Copy() solver.SetEigenvector(prop.psi, 0) prop.psi.Normalize() matvec(prop.psi, tmpPsi, 0, 0) eigRes = abs(prop.psi.InnerProduct(tmpPsi) - solver.GetEigenvalues()[0]) Print(" ||H * v - lambda * v|| = %s" % eigRes, [0]) #finish and cleanup pypar.barrier() pyprop.Redirect.Disable() pyprop.PrintOut("\n...done!")
def TestMultiplyOverlap(): pyprop.PrintOut("Now testing S * psi...") pyprop.Redirect.Enable(silent=True) fileName = "test_multiplyoverlap.h5" seed(0) conf = pyprop.Load("config-test.ini") psi = pyprop.CreateWavefunction(conf) initPsi = pyprop.CreateWavefunction(conf) if pyprop.ProcCount == 1: psi.GetData()[:] = random(psi.GetData().shape) print "Normalizing wavefunction..." psi.Normalize() initPsi.GetData()[:] = psi.GetData()[:] pyprop.serialization.SaveWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunction", psi, conf) psi.GetRepresentation().MultiplyOverlap(psi) pyprop.serialization.SaveWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunctionoverlap", psi, conf) else: pyprop.serialization.LoadWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunction", initPsi) pyprop.serialization.LoadWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunctionoverlap", psi) destPsi = initPsi.Copy() destPsi.Clear() tmpPsi = initPsi.Copy() tmpPsi.Clear() destPsi.GetData()[:] = initPsi.GetData()[:] destPsi.GetRepresentation().MultiplyOverlap(destPsi) Print() Print(" Proc %s: ||S * psi - S'*psi||_max = %s" % (pyprop.ProcId, numpy.max(numpy.max(psi.GetData() - destPsi.GetData())))) Print(" Proc %s: ||S * psi - S'*psi|| = %s" % (pyprop.ProcId, linalg.norm(psi.GetData() - destPsi.GetData()))) #finish and cleanup pypar.barrier() pyprop.Redirect.Disable() pyprop.PrintOut("\n...done!")
def TestEpetraMatvecSpeed(): numMatVecs = 500 Print("") Print("Now testing Epetra matvec speed...") pyprop.Redirect.Enable(silent=True) #Test conf = pyprop.Load("config_propagation.ini") psi = pyprop.CreateWavefunction(conf) Print(" Size of wavefunction is: %s" % repr(psi.GetData().shape)) #Setup problem Print(" Setting up propagator w/potentials...") prop = SetupProblem(config='config_propagation.ini') psi = prop.psi tmpPsi = psi.Copy() tmpPsi.Clear() Print(" Local size of wavefunction is: %s" % str(prop.psi.GetData().shape)) Print(" Global size of wavefunction is: %s" % str(prop.psi.GetRepresentation().GetFullShape())) #Get Epetra potential #pot = prop.Propagator.BasePropagator.PotentialList[1] Print(" Number of potentials: %s" % len(prop.Propagator.BasePropagator.PotentialList)) #Calculate S^-1 * psi Print(" Performing %i matvecs..." % numMatVecs) def matvecs(): for i in range(numMatVecs): #pot.MultiplyPotential(psi, tmpPsi, 0, 0) prop.Propagator.BasePropagator.MultiplyHamiltonianNoOverlap( psi, tmpPsi, 0, 0) #tmpPsi.GetRepresentation().SolveOverlap(tmpPsi) timeIt(matvecs) #finish and cleanup pypar.barrier() pyprop.Redirect.Disable() pyprop.PrintOut("\n...done!")
def TestInnerProduct(): pyprop.PrintOut("") pyprop.PrintOut("Now testing innerproduct...") pyprop.Redirect.Enable(silent=True) seed(0) fileName = "test_innerproduct.h5" conf = pyprop.Load("config-test.ini") psi = pyprop.CreateWavefunction(conf) tmpPsi = pyprop.CreateWavefunction(conf) if pyprop.ProcCount == 1: psi.GetData()[:] = random(psi.GetData().shape) psi.Normalize() tmpPsi.GetData()[:] = random(psi.GetData().shape) tmpPsi.Normalize() pyprop.serialization.SaveWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunction1", psi, conf) pyprop.serialization.SaveWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunction2", tmpPsi, conf) else: pyprop.serialization.LoadWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunction1", psi) pyprop.serialization.LoadWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunction2", tmpPsi) inner1 = psi.InnerProduct(tmpPsi) inner2 = psi.InnerProduct(psi) Print() Print("<psi|tmpPsi> = %s" % inner1, range(pyprop.ProcCount)) Print("<psi|psi> = %s" % inner2, range(pyprop.ProcCount)) #finish and cleanup pypar.barrier() pyprop.Redirect.Disable() pyprop.PrintOut("\n...done!")
def test_lock(Nmpi,fields,pbc_opt=None): if myrank == 0: print 'PBC : %s, start' % pbc_opt mpi.barrier() for i in xrange(len(fields)): fields[i][:,:,:6] = 1. fields[i][:,:,6:] = 0. #print 'I`m', myrank,'Field %s Direction x1 sum before = '%i,fields[i][:,:,6].sum() #print 'I`m', myrank,'Field %s Direction x2 sum before = '%i,fields[i][:,:,7].sum() #print 'I`m', myrank,'Field %s Direction y1 sum before = '%i,fields[i][:,:,8].sum() #print 'I`m', myrank,'Field %s Direction y2 sum before = '%i,fields[i][:,:,9].sum() #print 'I`m', myrank,'Field %s Direction z1 sum before = '%i,fields[i][:,:,10].sum() #print 'I`m', myrank,'Field %s Direction z2 sum before = '%i,fields[i][:,:,11].sum() mpi.barrier() if myrank != 0: targets = MPI.calc_mpitarget(Nmpi, myrank) targets_pbc = MPI.calc_mpitarget_pbc(Nmpi, myrank, pbc_opt) message_range = MPI.test_making_message_range() MPI.test_mpi_exchange(fields, Nmpi, myrank, targets, message_range) MPI.test_mpi_exchange_pbc(fields, myrank,targets_pbc, message_range, pbc_opt) for i in xrange(len(fields)): print 'I`m', myrank,'Field %s Direction x1 sum after = '%i,fields[i][:,:,6].sum() print 'I`m', myrank,'Field %s Direction x2 sum after = '%i,fields[i][:,:,7].sum() print 'I`m', myrank,'Field %s Direction y1 sum after = '%i,fields[i][:,:,8].sum() print 'I`m', myrank,'Field %s Direction y2 sum after = '%i,fields[i][:,:,9].sum() print 'I`m', myrank,'Field %s Direction z1 sum after = '%i,fields[i][:,:,10].sum() print 'I`m', myrank,'Field %s Direction z2 sum after = '%i,fields[i][:,:,11].sum() mpi.barrier() if myrank == 0: print 'PBC : %s, Done' % pbc_opt print print print
def TestEpetraMatvecSpeed(): numMatVecs = 500 Print("") Print("Now testing Epetra matvec speed...") pyprop.Redirect.Enable(silent=True) #Test conf = pyprop.Load("config_propagation.ini") psi = pyprop.CreateWavefunction(conf) Print(" Size of wavefunction is: %s" % repr(psi.GetData().shape)) #Setup problem Print(" Setting up propagator w/potentials...") prop = SetupProblem(config='config_propagation.ini') psi = prop.psi tmpPsi = psi.Copy() tmpPsi.Clear() Print(" Local size of wavefunction is: %s" % str(prop.psi.GetData().shape)) Print(" Global size of wavefunction is: %s" % str(prop.psi.GetRepresentation().GetFullShape())) #Get Epetra potential #pot = prop.Propagator.BasePropagator.PotentialList[1] Print(" Number of potentials: %s" % len(prop.Propagator.BasePropagator.PotentialList)) #Calculate S^-1 * psi Print(" Performing %i matvecs..." % numMatVecs) def matvecs(): for i in range(numMatVecs): #pot.MultiplyPotential(psi, tmpPsi, 0, 0) prop.Propagator.BasePropagator.MultiplyHamiltonianNoOverlap(psi, tmpPsi, 0, 0) #tmpPsi.GetRepresentation().SolveOverlap(tmpPsi) timeIt(matvecs) #finish and cleanup pypar.barrier() pyprop.Redirect.Disable() pyprop.PrintOut("\n...done!")
def compute_clusters(clst_fn, pnt_fn, nclusters, niters=30, ntrees=8, nchecks=512, seed=42, iters_to_output=[], pnts_step=50000, approx=True, featureWrapper= featureNoWrapper): import file_utils if rank==0: print 'Computing clusters:' sys.stdout.flush() file_utils.remove_if_newer(clst_fn, [pnt_fn]) file_utils.remove_if_corrupt_clusters(clst_fn) mpi.barrier() if not os.path.exists(clst_fn): if approx: nn_class = lambda y: nn.nn_approx(y, ntrees, nchecks, seed) else: nn_class = nn.nn dkmeans3(pnt_fn, nclusters, niters, clst_fn, nn_class=nn_class, seed=seed, iters_to_output=iters_to_output, pnts_step=pnts_step, featureWrapper= featureWrapper) else: if rank==0: print '... already exists ...'
def main(): # Ensure all Processors are ready pypar.barrier() print "Processor %d is ready" % (myid) # Connect to MySQL db db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="******", passwd="samsung", db="sat") cur = db.cursor() # Option parser from wrapper script parser = optparse.OptionParser() # PDB parser.add_option("-p", "--pdb", help="Choose all or a pdb id", dest="pdb", default="all") # PDB directory parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", help="i", dest="i", default="all") parser.add_option("-m", "--mutationList", help="Location of mutation list file", dest="m", default="ALA") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() # Run calculations do_run(opts.pdb, opts.i, cur, db, opts.m) # Finalize and exit pypar.finalize()
def main(): # Ensure all Processors are ready pypar.barrier() print "Processor %d is ready" % (myid) # Connect to MySQL db db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user = "******", passwd = "samsung", db = "sat") cur = db.cursor() # Option parser from wrapper script parser = optparse.OptionParser() # PDB parser.add_option("-p", "--pdb", help="Choose all or a pdb id", dest="pdb", default ="all") # PDB directory parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", help="i", dest="i", default ="all") parser.add_option("-m", "--mutationList", help="Location of mutation list file", dest="m", default="ALA") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() # Run calculations do_run(opts.pdb, opts.i, cur, db, opts.m) # Finalize and exit pypar.finalize()
def dkmeans3(pnts_fn, nk, niters, clst_fn, nn_class=nn.nn, seed=42, pnts_step=50000, iters_to_output=[], root_rank=0, checkpoint=True, featureWrapper=featureNoWrapper): """ Distributed k-means. """ if featureWrapper == None: featureWrapper = featureNoWrapper elif featureWrapper == 'hell': featureWrapper = toHellinger npr.seed(seed) pnts = pointsObj(pnts_fn) npnts = pnts.shape[0] ndims = pnts.shape[1] if rank == root_rank: print 'Using a (%d x %d) %s array for the datapoints' % (npnts, ndims, pnts.dtype) if rank == root_rank and ndims > npnts: raise RuntimeError, 'dodgy matrix format -- number of dimensions is greater than the number of points!' # Find preferred dtype if pnts.dtype == 'float64': pref_dtype = 'float64' else: pref_dtype = 'float32' start_iter = np.zeros((1, ), dtype='int') distortion = np.zeros((1, )) clst_data = np.empty((nk, ndims), dtype=pref_dtype) if rank == root_rank: print 'Using a (%d x %d) %s array for the clusters' % ( clst_data.shape[0], clst_data.shape[1], clst_data.dtype) checkpoint_fn = clst_fn + '.checkpoint' if os.path.exists(checkpoint_fn): start_iter[0], clst_data, distortion[0] = dkmeans3_read_clusters( checkpoint_fn) print 'Restarting from checkpoint. Start iteration = %d' % start_iter else: clst_inds = np.arange(npnts) npr.shuffle(clst_inds) clst_inds = clst_inds[:nk] clst_inds.sort() for i, ind in enumerate(clst_inds): clst_data[i] = featureWrapper(pnts[ind]) if 0 in iters_to_output: dkmeans3_save_clusters(clst_fn + '.000', clst_data, 0, niters, pnts.shape, seed, 0.0) mpi.broadcast(start_iter, root_rank) # Start iterations for iter_num in range(start_iter[0], niters): t1 = time.time() mpi.broadcast(clst_data, root_rank) # Broadcast the cluster centers to all nodes. nn_functor = nn_class(clst_data) # Build the NN functor clst_sums = np.zeros((nk, ndims), dtype=pref_dtype) # NOTE: The accumulator here is floating point to avoid a cast when used with numpy. clst_sums_n = np.zeros( nk, dtype=pref_dtype ) # Be careful here -- float32 has 24bits of integer precision. distortion = np.zeros((1, )) # Let's do nearest neighbours stack = [] if rank == root_rank: for l in range(0, npnts, pnts_step): r = min(l + pnts_step, npnts) stack.append((l, r)) stack.reverse() mpi_queue.mpi_queue(stack, dkmeans3_worker_func( pnts, nn_functor, clst_sums, clst_sums_n, distortion, pref_dtype, featureWrapper=featureWrapper), dkmeans3_result_func, queue_rank=root_rank) mpi.inplace_reduce(clst_sums, mpi.SUM, root_rank) mpi.inplace_reduce(clst_sums_n, mpi.SUM, root_rank) mpi.inplace_reduce(distortion, mpi.SUM, root_rank) if rank == root_rank: # Check for clusters with no assignments. noassign_inds = np.where(clst_sums_n == 0)[0] if len(noassign_inds): warnings.warn( 'iter %d: %d clusters have zero points assigned to them - using random points' % (iter_num, len(noassign_inds))) clst_sums_n[noassign_inds] = 1 for ind in noassign_inds: clst_sums[ind] = featureWrapper(pnts[npr.randint( 0, pnts.shape[0])]) clst_sums /= clst_sums_n.reshape(-1, 1) clst_data = clst_sums t2 = time.time() #print 'Iteration %d, sse = %g, mem = %.2fMB, took %.2fs' % (iter_num+1, distortion[0], resident()/2**20, t2-t1) print 'relja_retrival,dkmeans::cluster,%s,%d,%d,%g' % (str(, iter_num + 1, niters, distortion[0]) # Potentially save the clusters. if checkpoint: dkmeans3_save_clusters(checkpoint_fn, clst_data, iter_num + 1, niters, pnts.shape, seed, distortion[0]) if (iter_num + 1) in iters_to_output: dkmeans3_save_clusters(clst_fn + '.%03d' % (iter_num + 1), clst_data, iter_num + 1, niters, pnts.shape, seed, distortion[0]) del clst_sums del clst_sums_n if rank == root_rank: dkmeans3_save_clusters(clst_fn, clst_data, niters, niters, pnts.shape, seed, distortion[0]) if checkpoint: try: os.remove(checkpoint_fn ) # Remove the checkpoint file once we've got here. except OSError: pass del clst_data #del clst_sums #del clst_sums_n mpi.barrier() # Is this needed?
def run(): """ Run the wind multiplier calculations. This will attempt to run the calculation in parallel by tiling the domain, but also provides a sane fallback mechanism to execute in serial. """ # add subfolders into path cmd_folder = os.path.realpath( os.path.abspath( os.path.split( inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe()))[0])) if cmd_folder not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_folder) cmd_subfolder1 = pjoin(cmd_folder, "terrain") if cmd_subfolder1 not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_subfolder1) cmd_subfolder2 = pjoin(cmd_folder, "shielding") if cmd_subfolder2 not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_subfolder2) cmd_subfolder3 = pjoin(cmd_folder, "topographic") if cmd_subfolder3 not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_subfolder2) cmd_subfolder4 = pjoin(cmd_folder, "utilities") if cmd_subfolder4 not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_subfolder2) config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(), 'multiplier_conf.cfg')) root = config.get('inputValues', 'root') upwind_length = float(config.get('inputValues', 'upwind_length')) logfile = config.get('Logging', 'LogFile') logdir = dirname(realpath(logfile)) # If log file directory does not exist, create it if not isdir(logdir): try: os.makedirs(logdir) except OSError: logfile = pjoin(os.getcwd(), 'multipliers.log') loglevel = config.get('Logging', 'LogLevel') verbose = config.getboolean('Logging', 'Verbose') attempt_parallel() if pp.size() > 1 and pp.rank() > 0: logfile += '_' + str(pp.rank()) verbose = False else: pass fl_start_log(logfile, loglevel, verbose) # set input maps and output folder terrain_map = pjoin(pjoin(root, 'input'), "lc_terrain_class.img") dem = pjoin(pjoin(root, 'input'), "dems1_whole.img") cyclone_area = pjoin(pjoin(root, 'input'), "cyclone_dem_extent.img") do_output_directory_creation(root) global output_folder output_folder = pjoin(root, 'output')"get the tiles") tg = TileGrid(upwind_length, terrain_map) tiles = get_tiles(tg)'the number of tiles is {0}'.format(str(len(tiles)))) pp.barrier() multiplier = Multipliers(terrain_map, dem, cyclone_area) multiplier.parallelise_on_tiles(tiles) pp.barrier()"Successfully completed wind multipliers calculation")
def TestSolveOverlap(): pyprop.PrintOut("") pyprop.PrintOut("Now testing S^-1 * psi...") pyprop.Redirect.Enable(silent=True) seed(0) fileName = "test_solveoverlap.h5" conf = pyprop.Load("config-test.ini") psi = pyprop.CreateWavefunction(conf) initPsi = pyprop.CreateWavefunction(conf) if pyprop.ProcCount == 1: psi.GetData()[:] = random(psi.GetData().shape) psi.Normalize() initPsi.GetData()[:] = psi.GetData()[:] #Store initial (random) psi pyprop.serialization.SaveWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunction", psi, conf) #Store S^-1 * psi psi.GetRepresentation().SolveOverlap(psi) pyprop.serialization.SaveWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunctionoverlap", psi, conf) #determine overlap matrix condition number overlap = psi.GetRepresentation().GetGlobalOverlapMatrix(0) A = overlap.GetOverlapBlasBanded() B = pyprop.core.ConvertMatrixBlasBandedToFull(A) Print(" Overlap matrix condition number = %e" % cond(B)) else: pyprop.serialization.LoadWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunction", initPsi) pyprop.serialization.LoadWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunctionoverlap", psi) destPsi = initPsi.Copy() destPsi.Clear() tmpPsi = initPsi.Copy() tmpPsi.Clear() #Calculate S^-1 * psi destPsi.GetData()[:] = initPsi.GetData()[:] destPsi.GetRepresentation().SolveOverlap(destPsi) tmpPsi.GetData()[:] = destPsi.GetData()[:] #Calculate S * S^-1 * psi destPsi.GetRepresentation().MultiplyOverlap(destPsi) Print() a = numpy.max(numpy.max(psi.GetData() - tmpPsi.GetData())) Print(" Proc %s: ||S^-1 * psi - S'^-1 * psi||_max = %s" % (pyprop.ProcId, a), range(pyprop.ProcCount)) Print() b = numpy.max(numpy.max(initPsi.GetData() - destPsi.GetData())) Print(" Proc %s: ||S * S^-1 * psi - I * psi||_max = %s" % (pyprop.ProcId, b), range(pyprop.ProcCount)) c = linalg.norm(initPsi.GetData() - destPsi.GetData()) Print(" Proc %s: ||S * S^-1 * psi - I * psi|| = %s" % (pyprop.ProcId, c), range(pyprop.ProcCount)) #finish and cleanup pypar.barrier() pyprop.Redirect.Disable() pyprop.PrintOut("\n...done!")
def run(): """ Run the wind multiplier calculations. This will attempt to run the calculation in parallel by tiling the domain, but also provides a sane fallback mechanism to execute in serial. """ # add subfolders into path cmd_folder = os.path.realpath( os.path.abspath( os.path.split(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))[0])) if cmd_folder not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_folder) cmd_subfolder1 = pjoin(cmd_folder, "terrain") if cmd_subfolder1 not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_subfolder1) cmd_subfolder2 = pjoin(cmd_folder, "shielding") if cmd_subfolder2 not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_subfolder2) cmd_subfolder3 = pjoin(cmd_folder, "topographic") if cmd_subfolder3 not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_subfolder3) cmd_subfolder4 = pjoin(cmd_folder, "utilities") if cmd_subfolder4 not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_subfolder4) config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(), 'multiplier_conf.cfg')) root = config.get('inputValues', 'root') upwind_length = float(config.get('inputValues', 'upwind_length')) logfile = config.get('Logging', 'LogFile') logdir = dirname(realpath(logfile)) # If log file directory does not exist, create it if not isdir(logdir): try: os.makedirs(logdir) except OSError: logfile = pjoin(os.getcwd(), 'multipliers.log') loglevel = config.get('Logging', 'LogLevel') verbose = config.getboolean('Logging', 'Verbose') if verbose: verbose = True else: verbose = False attempt_parallel() if pp.size() > 1 and pp.rank() > 0: logfile += '_' + str(pp.rank()) verbose = False else: pass fl_start_log(logfile, loglevel, verbose) # set input maps and output folder terrain_map = pjoin(pjoin(root, 'input'), "lc_terrain_class.img") dem = pjoin(pjoin(root, 'input'), "dems1_whole.img") do_output_directory_creation(root) global output_folder output_folder = pjoin(root, 'output')"get the tiles based on the DEM") tg = TileGrid(upwind_length, dem) tiles = get_tiles(tg)'the number of tiles is {0}'.format(str(len(tiles)))) pp.barrier() multiplier = Multipliers(terrain_map, dem) multiplier.parallelise_on_tiles(tiles) pp.barrier()"Successfully completed wind multipliers calculation")
print p.rank(), res if True: v = [ 2 for i in xrange(10000000) ] res = p_dot_all(v,v) #import time #time.sleep(p.rank()*2+1) print p.rank(), res if False: s = 0 for i in xrange(100): r = p.rank() r = broadcast(r) s += (r + 1) p.barrier() print "%d %d" % ( p.rank(), s ) if False: m = None v = None if root(): m = eye_matrix(3000) v = range(3000) r = p_mv(m,v) if root(): print r if root(): end = p.time() total = end - start
def run_multiple_windfields(scenario, windfield_directory=None, hazard_output_folder=None, dircomment=None, echo=False, verbose=True): """Run volcanic ash impact model for multiple wind fields. The wind fields are assumed to be in subfolder specified by windfield_directory, have the extension *.profile and follow the format use with scenarios. This function makes use of Open MPI and Pypar to execute in parallel but can also run sequentially. """ try: import pypar except: P = 1 p = 0 processor_name = os.uname()[1] print 'Pypar could not be imported. Running sequentially on node %s' % processor_name, else: time.sleep(1) P = pypar.size() p = pypar.rank() processor_name = pypar.get_processor_name() print 'Processor %d initialised on node %s' % (p, processor_name) pypar.barrier() if p == 0: # Put logs along with the results logdir = os.path.join(hazard_output_folder, 'logs') makedir(logdir) header('Hazard modelling using multiple wind fields') print '* Wind profiles obtained from: %s' % windfield_directory print '* Scenario results stored in: %s' % hazard_output_folder print '* Log files:' t_start = time.time() # Communicate hazard output directory name to all nodes to ensure they have exactly the same time stamp. for i in range(P): pypar.send((hazard_output_folder), i) else: # Receive correctly timestamped output directory names hazard_output_folder = pypar.receive(0) logdir = os.path.join(hazard_output_folder, 'logs') try: name = os.path.splitext(scenario)[0] except: name = 'run' # Wait until log dir has been created pypar.barrier() params = get_scenario_parameters(scenario) # Start processes staggered to avoid race conditions for disk access (otherwise it is slow to get started) time.sleep(2*p) # Logging s = 'Proc %i' % p print ' %s -' % string.ljust(s, 8), AIM_logfile = os.path.join(logdir, 'P%i.log' % p) start_logging(filename=AIM_logfile, echo=False) # Get cracking basename, _ = os.path.splitext(scenario) count_local = 0 count_all = 0 for i, file in enumerate(os.listdir(windfield_directory)): count_all += 1 # Distribute jobs cyclically to processors if i%P == p: if not file.endswith('.profile'): continue count_local += 1 windfield = '%s/%s' % (windfield_directory, file) windname, _ = os.path.splitext(file) header('Computing event %i on processor %i using wind field: %s' % (i, p, windfield)) if dircomment is None: dircomment = params['eruption_comment'] # Override or create parameters derived from native Fall3d wind field params['wind_profile'] = windfield params['wind_altitudes'] = get_layers_from_windfield(windfield) # FIXME: Try to comment this out. params['Meteorological_model'] = 'profile' if hazard_output_folder is None: hazard_output_folder = basename + '_hazard_outputs' if p == 0: print 'Storing multiple outputs in directory: %s' % hazard_output_folder # Run scenario aim = _run_scenario(params, timestamp_output=True, dircomment=dircomment + '_run%i_proc%i' % (i, p)) # Make sure folder is present and can be shared by group makedir(hazard_output_folder) s = 'chmod -R g+w %s' % hazard_output_folder run(s) # Copy result file to output folder result_file = aim.scenario_name + '' newname = aim.scenario_name + '' % windname # Name after wind file s = 'cp %s/%s %s/%s' % (aim.output_dir, result_file, hazard_output_folder, newname) run(s) # Create projectionfile in hazard output if i == 0: s = 'cp %s %s/%s' % (aim.projection_file, hazard_output_folder, 'HazardMaps.res.prj') run(s) # Clean up outputs from this scenario print 'P%i: Cleaning up %s' % (p, aim.output_dir) s = '/bin/rm -rf %s' % aim.output_dir run(s) print 'Processor %i done %i windfields' % (p, count_local) print 'Outputs available in directory: %s' % hazard_output_folder pypar.barrier() if p == 0: print 'Parallel simulation finished %i windfields in %i seconds' % (count_all, time.time() - t_start) pypar.finalize()
def SaveEigenvalueSolverShiftInvert(solver, shiftInvertSolver): """ Saves the output of FindEigenvaluesNearShift, including error estimates to a hdf file. """ logger = GetFunctionLogger() conf = solver.BaseProblem.Config L = conf.AngularRepresentation.index_iterator.L assert len(L) == 1 shift = conf.Arpack.shift # generate filename filename = NameGen.GetBoundstateFilename(conf, L[0]) # Get eigenvalue error estimates errorEstimatesPIRAM = solver.Solver.GetErrorEstimates() convergenceEstimatesEig = solver.Solver.GetConvergenceEstimates() errorEstimatesGMRES = shiftInvertSolver.Solver.GetErrorEstimateList() # Get eigenvalues prop = solver.BaseProblem E = 1.0 / array(solver.GetEigenvalues()) + shift # remove file if it exists try: if os.path.exists(filename): if pyprop.ProcId == 0: os.remove(filename) except: logger.error("Could not remove %s (%s)" % (filename, sys.exc_info()[1])) # Store eigenvalues and eigenvectors"Now storing eigenvectors...") for i in range(len(E)): solver.SetEigenvector(prop.psi, i) prop.SaveWavefunctionHDF(filename, NameGen.GetEigenvectorDatasetPath(i)) if pyprop.ProcId == 0: RemoveExistingDataset(filename, "/Eig/Eigenvalues") RemoveExistingDataset(filename, "/Eig/ErrorEstimateListGMRES") RemoveExistingDataset(filename, "/Eig/ErrorEstimateListPIRAM") RemoveExistingDataset(filename, "/Eig/ConvergenceEstimateEig") h5file = tables.openFile(filename, "r+") try: # myGroup = h5file.createGroup("/", "Eig") myGroup = h5file.getNode("/Eig") h5file.createArray(myGroup, "Eigenvalues", E) h5file.createArray(myGroup, "ErrorEstimateListGMRES", errorEstimatesGMRES) h5file.createArray(myGroup, "ErrorEstimateListPIRAM", errorEstimatesPIRAM) h5file.createArray(myGroup, "ConvergenceEstimateEig", convergenceEstimatesEig) # Store config myGroup._v_attrs.configObject = prop.Config.cfgObj # PIRAM stats myGroup._v_attrs.opCount = solver.Solver.GetOperatorCount() myGroup._v_attrs.restartCount = solver.Solver.GetRestartCount() myGroup._v_attrs.orthCount = solver.Solver.GetOrthogonalizationCount() except: logger.warning("Warning: could not store eigenvalues and error estimates!") finally: h5file.close() pypar.barrier()
print p.rank(), res if True: v = [2 for i in xrange(10000000)] res = p_dot_all(v, v) #import time #time.sleep(p.rank()*2+1) print p.rank(), res if False: s = 0 for i in xrange(100): r = p.rank() r = broadcast(r) s += (r + 1) p.barrier() print "%d %d" % (p.rank(), s) if False: m = None v = None if root(): m = eye_matrix(3000) v = range(3000) r = p_mv(m, v) if root(): print r if root(): end = p.time() total = end - start
def save_eigenfunction_couplings(filename_el, nr_kept, xmin, xmax, xsize, order): """ save_eigenfunction_couplings(filename_el, nr_kept, xmin, xmax, xsize, order) This program sets up the laser interaction hamiltonian for the eigenfunction basis, and stores it in an HDF5 file. This program must be run in parallel. Example ------- To run this program on 5 processors: $ mpirun -n 5 python -c "execfile('');save_eigenstates()" """ #Retrieve the electronic energy curves. f = tables.openFile(filename_el) try: r_grid = f.root.R_grid[:] #Get number of tasks. el_basis_size = f.root.couplings.shape[0] finally: f.close() #Filter function, describing what index pairs should be included in the #calculations. def no_filter(index_pair): """ All couplings included. """ return True def symmetry_filter(index_pair): """ Only include the upper/lower triangular, since the hermeticity means that they are the same. """ i = index_pair[0] j = index_pair[1] if i >= j: return True else: return False #Make a list of the coupling indices that should be included. index_table = create_index_table(el_basis_size, no_filter) nr_tasks = len(index_table) #Initialize the B-spline_basis. spline_basis = vibrational_methods.Bspline_basis(xmin, xmax, xsize, order) vib_basis_size = spline_basis.nr_splines #Generate a filename. filename = name_gen.eigenfunction_couplings(filename_el, spline_basis) #Name of vib states. filename_vib = name_gen.vibrational_eigenstates(filename_el, spline_basis) #Parallel stuff #-------------- #Get processor 'name'. my_id = pypar.rank() #Get total number of processors. nr_procs = pypar.size() #Get a list of the indices of this processors share of R_grid. my_tasks = nice_stuff.distribute_work(nr_procs, nr_tasks, my_id) #The processors will be writing to the same file. #In order to avoid problems, the procs will do a relay race of writing to #file. This is handeled by blocking send() and receive(). #Hopefully there will not be to much waiting. #ID of the processor that will start writing. starter = 0 #ID of the processor that will be the last to write. ender = (nr_tasks - 1) % nr_procs #Buffer for the baton, i.e. the permission slip for file writing. baton = r_[0] #The processor one is to receive the baton from. receive_from = (my_id - 1) % nr_procs #The processor one is to send the baton to. send_to = (my_id + 1) % nr_procs #------------------------------- #Initializing the HDF5 file #-------------------------- if my_id == 0: f = tables.openFile(filename, 'w') g = tables.openFile(filename_vib) try: f.createArray("/", "electronicFilename", [filename_el]) #Initializing the arrays for the time dependent couplings of H. f.createCArray('/','couplings', tables.atom.FloatAtom(), (nr_kept * el_basis_size, nr_kept * el_basis_size), chunkshape=(nr_kept,nr_kept)) #Energy diagonal. Time independent part of H. energy_diagonal = zeros(nr_kept * el_basis_size) for i in range(el_basis_size): energy_diagonal[nr_kept * i: nr_kept * (i + 1)] = g.root.E[:nr_kept,i] f.createArray("/", "energyDiagonal", energy_diagonal) finally: f.close() g.close() #Save spline info. spline_basis.bsplines.save_spline_info(filename) #---------------------------------- #Setting up the hamiltonian #-------------------------- #Looping over the tasks of this processor. for i in my_tasks: #Retrieve indices. row_index, column_index = index_table[i] #Retrieve electronic couplings. f = tables.openFile(filename_el) try: el_coupling = f.root.couplings[row_index, column_index,:] finally: f.close() # #TODO REMOVE? # #Remove errors from the coupling. (A hack, unfortunately.) # r_grid_2, el_coupling_2 = remove_spikes(r_grid, el_coupling) # # #Setup potential matrix. # couplings = spline_basis.setup_potential_matrix( # r_grid_2, el_coupling_2) # #Setup potential matrix. Aij = <Bi | f(R) | Bj> bfb_matrix = spline_basis.setup_potential_matrix( r_grid, el_coupling) couplings = zeros([nr_kept, nr_kept]) #Retrieve eigensvectors. g = tables.openFile(filename_vib) try: Vr = g.root.V[:,:,row_index] Vc = g.root.V[:,:,column_index] finally: g.close() #Calculate couplings. for r_index in range(nr_kept): for c_index in range(nr_kept): couplings[r_index, c_index] = dot(Vr[:,r_index], dot(Vc[:,c_index])) #First file write. (Send, but not receive baton.) if starter == my_id: #Write to file. spline_basis.save_couplings(filename, couplings, row_index, column_index) #Avoiding this statement 2nd time around. starter = -1 #Sending the baton to the next writer. pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True) #Last file write. (Receive, but not send baton.) elif i == my_tasks[-1] and ender == my_id : #Receiving the baton from the previous writer. pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton) #Write to file. spline_basis.save_couplings(filename, couplings, row_index, column_index) #The rest of the file writes. else: #Receiving the baton from the previous writer. pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton) #Write to file. spline_basis.save_couplings(filename, couplings, row_index, column_index) #Sending the baton to the next writer. pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True) #Showing the progress of the work. if my_id == 0: nice_stuff.status_bar("Calculating couplings:", i, len(my_tasks)) #---------------------------- #Letting everyone catch up. pypar.barrier()
def save_all_eigenstates(filename_el, nr_kept, xmin, xmax, xsize, order): """ save_all_eigenstates(filename_el, nr_kept, xmin, xmax, xsize, order) This program solves the vibrational TISE for a set of energy curves, and stores them in an HDF5 file. This program must be run in parallel. Example ------- To run this program on 5 processors: $ mpirun -n 5 python -c "execfile('');save_eigenstates()" """ #Retrieve the electronic energy curves. f = tables.openFile(filename_el) try: r_grid = f.root.R_grid[:] energy_curves = f.root.E[:] finally: f.close() #Initialize the B-spline_basis. spline_basis = vibrational_methods.Bspline_basis(xmin, xmax, xsize, order) spline_basis.setup_kinetic_hamiltonian() spline_basis.setup_overlap_matrix() #Generate a filename. filename = name_gen.vibrational_eigenstates(filename_el, spline_basis) #Parallel stuff #-------------- #Get processor 'name'. my_id = pypar.rank() #Get total number of processors. nr_procs = pypar.size() #Get number of tasks. nr_tasks = len(energy_curves) #Get a list of the indices of this processors share of R_grid. my_tasks = nice_stuff.distribute_work(nr_procs, nr_tasks, my_id) #The processors will be writing to the same file. #In order to avoid problems, the procs will do a relay race of writing to #file. This is handeled by blocking send() and receive(). #Hopefully there will not be to much waiting. #ID of the processor that will start writing. starter = 0 #ID of the processor that will be the last to write. ender = (nr_tasks - 1) % nr_procs #Buffer for the baton, i.e. the permission slip for file writing. baton = r_[0] #The processor one is to receive the baton from. receive_from = (my_id - 1) % nr_procs #The processor one is to send the baton to. send_to = (my_id + 1) % nr_procs #------------------------------- #Initializing the HDF5 file #-------------------------- if my_id == 0: f = tables.openFile(filename, 'w') try: f.createArray("/", "electronicFilename", [filename_el]) f.createArray("/", "R_grid", r_grid) f.createArray("/", "overlap", spline_basis.overlap_matrix) #Initializing the arrays for the eigenvalues and states. f.createCArray('/','E', tables.atom.FloatAtom(), (nr_kept, nr_tasks), chunkshape=(nr_kept, 1)) f.createCArray('/','V', tables.atom.FloatAtom(), (spline_basis.nr_splines, nr_kept, nr_tasks), chunkshape=(spline_basis.nr_splines, nr_kept, 1)) f.createCArray('/','hamiltonian', tables.atom.FloatAtom(), (spline_basis.nr_splines, spline_basis.nr_splines, nr_tasks), chunkshape=(spline_basis.nr_splines, spline_basis.nr_splines, 1)) finally: f.close() #Save spline info. spline_basis.bsplines.save_spline_info(filename) #---------------------------------- #Solving the TISE #---------------- #Looping over the tasks of this processor. for i in my_tasks: #TODO REMOVE? #remove_spikes removes points where the diagonalization has failed. #potential_hamiltonian = spline_basis.setup_potential_matrix( # r_grid, remove_spikes(energy_curves[i,:]) + 1/r_grid) #### #Setup potential matrix. potential_hamiltonian = spline_basis.setup_potential_matrix( r_grid, energy_curves[i,:] + 1/r_grid) #The total hamiltonian. hamiltonian_matrix = (spline_basis.kinetic_hamiltonian + potential_hamiltonian) #Diagonalizing the hamiltonian. E, V = spline_basis.solve(hamiltonian_matrix, nr_kept) #First file write. (Send, but not receive baton.) if starter == my_id: #Write to file. spline_basis.save_eigenstates(filename, E, V, hamiltonian_matrix, i) #Avoiding this statement 2nd time around. starter = -1 #Sending the baton to the next writer. pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True) #Last file write. (Receive, but not send baton.) elif i == my_tasks[-1] and ender == my_id : #Receiving the baton from the previous writer. pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton) #Write to file. spline_basis.save_eigenstates(filename, E, V, hamiltonian_matrix, i) #The rest of the file writes. else: #Receiving the baton from the previous writer. pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton) #Write to file. spline_basis.save_eigenstates(filename, E, V, hamiltonian_matrix, i) #Sending the baton to the next writer. pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True) #Showing the progress of the work. if my_id == 0: nice_stuff.status_bar("Vibrational BO calculations", i, len(my_tasks)) #---------------------------- #Letting everyone catch up. pypar.barrier()
def TestPropagation(inputFile="groundstate_propagation.h5", **args): pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("Before TestPropagation") Print("") Print("Now testing propagation...") pyprop.Redirect.Enable(silent=True) #Set up propagation problem potList = [] #if not args.get("laserOff", False): # Print("Setting up new problem with laser potentials...") # potList += ["LaserPotentialVelocityDerivativeR1", "LaserPotentialVelocityDerivativeR2", "LaserPotentialVelocity"] #else: # Print("Setting up new problem WITHOUT laser potentials...") #if not args.get("absorberOff", False): # potList += ["Absorber"] # Print("Setting up new problem with absorber...") #else: # Print("Setting up new problem WITHOUT absorber...") pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("Before SetupProblem") args["config"] = args.get("config", "config_propagation_nonorthdistr.ini") #args["config"] = args.get("config", "config_propagation.ini") prop = SetupProblem(**args) Print( "Proc %i has wavefunction shape = %s" % (pyprop.ProcId, list(prop.psi.GetData().shape)), [pyprop.ProcId]) pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("After SetupProblem") #Load initial state Print("Loading intial state...") pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("Before Loading InitialState") prop.psi.Clear() pyprop.serialization.LoadWavefunctionHDF(inputFile, "/wavefunction", prop.psi) prop.psi.Normalize() initPsi = prop.psi.Copy() initialEnergyCalculated = prop.GetEnergyExpectationValue() Print("Initial State Energy = %s" % initialEnergyCalculated) pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("After Loading InitialState") Print("Done setting up problem!") #Propagate Print("Starting propagation") outputCount = args.get("outputCount", 10) startTime = time.time() for step, t in enumerate(prop.Advance(outputCount)): #calculate values norm = prop.psi.GetNorm() corr = abs(initPsi.InnerProduct(prop.psi))**2 #estimate remaining time curTime = time.time() - startTime totalTime = (curTime / t) * prop.Duration eta = totalTime - curTime #Print stats Print("t = %.2f; N = %.15f; Corr = %.10f, ETA = %s" % (t, norm, corr, FormatDuration(eta))) Print("GMRES errors = %s" % prop.Propagator.Solver.GetErrorEstimateList()) pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("At t = %s" % t) endTime = time.time() Print("Propagation time = %s" % FormatDuration(endTime - startTime)) #Final output pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("After Propagation") norm = prop.psi.GetNorm() corr = abs(initPsi.InnerProduct(prop.psi))**2 Print("Final status: N = %.10f; Corr = %.10f" % (norm, corr)) Print("") prop.Propagator.Solver.PrintStatistics() #finish and cleanup pypar.barrier() pyprop.Redirect.Disable() pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("After TestPropagation") Print("\n...done!")
def BO_dipole_couplings(self, m_list, q_list, E_lim): """ BO_dipole_couplings(m_list, q_list, E_lim) Parallel program that calculates the dipole couplings for a z-polarized laser in lenght gauge. An eigenstate basis is used, of states whose quantum numbers are in <m_list> and <q_list>, that have energies below <E_lim>. The couplings are stored to an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- m_list : list of integers, containing the m values wanted in the basis. q_list : list of integers, containing the q values wanted in the basis. E_lim : float, the upper limit of the energies wanted in the basis, for R ~ 2.0. Notes ----- I sometimes observe unnatural spikes in the couplings (as a function of R), which should be removed before the couplings are used. I don't know why they are there. Example ------- >>> filename = "el_states_m_0_nu_70_mu_25_beta_1_00_theta_0_00.h5" >>> tdse = tdse_electron.TDSE_length_z(filename = filename) >>> m = [0] >>> q = [0,1,2,3] >>> E_lim = 5.0 >>> tdse.BO_dipole_couplings(m, q, E_lim) """ #Name of the HDF5 file where the couplings will be saved. self.coupling_file = name_gen.electronic_eig_couplings_R(self, m_list, q_list, E_lim) #Parallel stuff #-------------- #Get processor 'name'. my_id = pypar.rank() #Get total number of processors. nr_procs = pypar.size() #Size of eigenstate basis. (Buffer for broadcast.) basis_size_buffer = r_[0] #Get number of tasks. f = tables.openFile(self.eigenstate_file) try: R_grid = f.root.R_grid[:] finally: f.close() nr_tasks = len(R_grid) #Get a list of the indices of this processors share of R_grid. my_tasks = nice_stuff.distribute_work(nr_procs, nr_tasks, my_id) #The processors will be writing to the same file. #In order to avoid problems, the procs will do a relay race of writing to #file. This is handeled by blocking send() and receive(). #Hopefully there will not be to much waiting. #ID of the processor that will start writing. starter = 0 #ID of the processor that will be the last to write. ender = (nr_tasks - 1) % nr_procs #Buffer for the baton, i.e. the permission slip for file writing. baton = r_[0] #The processor one is to receive the baton from. receive_from = (my_id - 1) % nr_procs #The processor one is to send the baton to. send_to = (my_id + 1) % nr_procs #------------------------------- #Initializing the HDF5 file #-------------------------- if my_id == 0: #Initialize index list. index_array = [] #Find the index of the R closest to 2.0. R_index = argmin(abs(R_grid - 2.0)) #Choose basis functions. f = tables.openFile(self.eigenstate_file) try: for m in m_list: m_group = name_gen.m_name(m) for q in q_list: q_group = name_gen.q_name(q) for i in range(self.config.nu_max + 1): if eval("f.root.%s.%s.E[%i,%i]"%(m_group, q_group, i, R_index)) > E_lim: break else: #Collect indices of the basis functions. index_array.append(r_[m, q, i]) finally: f.close() #Cast index list as an array. index_array = array(index_array) #Number of eigenstates in the basis. basis_size = len(index_array) print basis_size, "is the basis size" basis_size_buffer[0] = basis_size f = tables.openFile(self.coupling_file, 'w') try: f.createArray("/", "R_grid", R_grid) #Saving the index array. f.createArray("/", "index_array", index_array) #Initializing the arrays for the couplings and energies. f.createCArray('/', 'E', tables.atom.FloatAtom(), (basis_size, nr_tasks), chunkshape=(basis_size, 1)) f.createCArray('/', 'couplings', tables.atom.ComplexAtom(16), (basis_size, basis_size, nr_tasks), chunkshape=(basis_size, basis_size, 1)) finally: f.close() #Save config instance. self.config.save_config(self.coupling_file) #---------------------------------- #Calculating the dipole couplings #-------------------------------- #Broadcasting the basis size from processor 0. pypar.broadcast(basis_size_buffer, 0) #Initializing the index array. if my_id != 0: index_array = zeros([basis_size_buffer[0], 3], dtype=int) #Broadcasting the index array from proc. 0. pypar.broadcast(index_array, 0) #Looping over the tasks of this processor. for i in my_tasks: #Calculate the dipole couplings for one value of R. couplings, E = self.calculate_dipole_eig_R(index_array, R_grid[i]) #First file write. (Send, but not receive baton.) if starter == my_id: #Write to file. self.save_dipole_eig_R(couplings, E, R_grid[i]) #Avoiding this statement 2nd time around. starter = -1 #Sending the baton to the next writer. pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True) #Last file write. (Receive, but not send baton.) elif i == my_tasks[-1] and ender == my_id : #Receiving the baton from the previous writer. pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton) #Write to file. self.save_dipole_eig_R(couplings, E, R_grid[i]) #The rest of the file writes. else: #Receiving the baton from the previous writer. pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton) #Write to file. self.save_dipole_eig_R(couplings, E, R_grid[i]) #Sending the baton to the next writer. pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True) #Showing the progress of the work. if my_id == 0: nice_stuff.status_bar("Electronic dipole couplings:", i, len(my_tasks)) #---------------------------- #Letting everyone catch up. pypar.barrier()
def TestPropagation(inputFile = "groundstate_propagation.h5", **args): pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("Before TestPropagation") Print("") Print("Now testing propagation...") pyprop.Redirect.Enable(silent=True) #Set up propagation problem potList = [] #if not args.get("laserOff", False): # Print("Setting up new problem with laser potentials...") # potList += ["LaserPotentialVelocityDerivativeR1", "LaserPotentialVelocityDerivativeR2", "LaserPotentialVelocity"] #else: # Print("Setting up new problem WITHOUT laser potentials...") #if not args.get("absorberOff", False): # potList += ["Absorber"] # Print("Setting up new problem with absorber...") #else: # Print("Setting up new problem WITHOUT absorber...") pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("Before SetupProblem") args["config"] = args.get("config", "config_propagation_nonorthdistr.ini") #args["config"] = args.get("config", "config_propagation.ini") prop = SetupProblem(**args) Print("Proc %i has wavefunction shape = %s" % (pyprop.ProcId, list(prop.psi.GetData().shape)), [pyprop.ProcId]) pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("After SetupProblem") #Load initial state Print("Loading intial state...") pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("Before Loading InitialState") prop.psi.GetData()[:] = 0 pyprop.serialization.LoadWavefunctionHDF(inputFile, "/wavefunction", prop.psi) prop.psi.Normalize() initPsi = prop.psi.Copy() initialEnergyCalculated = prop.GetEnergyExpectationValue() Print("Initial State Energy = %s" % initialEnergyCalculated) pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("After Loading InitialState") Print("Done setting up problem!") #Propagate Print("Starting propagation") outputCount = args.get("outputCount", 10) startTime = time.time() for step, t in enumerate(prop.Advance(outputCount)): #calculate values norm = prop.psi.GetNorm() corr = abs(initPsi.InnerProduct(prop.psi))**2 #estimate remaining time curTime = time.time() - startTime totalTime = (curTime / t) * prop.Duration eta = totalTime - curTime #Print stats Print("t = %.2f; N = %.15f; Corr = %.10f, ETA = %s" % (t, norm, corr, FormatDuration(eta))) Print("GMRES errors = %s" % prop.Propagator.Solver.GetErrorEstimateList()) pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("At t = %s" % t) endTime = time.time() Print("Propagation time = %s" % FormatDuration(endTime-startTime)) #Final output pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("After Propagation") norm = prop.psi.GetNorm() corr = abs(initPsi.InnerProduct(prop.psi))**2 Print("Final status: N = %.10f; Corr = %.10f" % (norm, corr)) Print("") prop.Propagator.Solver.PrintStatistics() #finish and cleanup pypar.barrier() pyprop.Redirect.Disable() pyprop.PrintMemoryUsage("After TestPropagation") Print("\n...done!")
# bvalue = config_params[i/3]['BVAL_BEST'] # if i % 3 == 1: # bvalue = config_params[i/3]['BVAL_UPPER'] # if i % 3 == 2: # bvalue = config_params[i/3]['BVAL_LOWER'] mmin = completeness_table[0][1] print 'mmin', mmin config = { "BandWidth": 50., "Length_Limit": 3., "increment": False, "bvalue": bvalue } ystart = completeness_table[-1][0] # Call the smoothing module run_smoothing(grid_lims, config, catalogue_depth_clean, completeness_table, map_config, run, overwrite) pypar.barrier() if myid == 0: ss = int(pypar.time() - t0) h = ss / 3600 m = (ss % 3600) / 60 s = (ss % 3600) % 60 print "--------------------------------------------------------" print 'P0: Total time (%i seconds): %s:%s:%s (hh:mm:ss)' % ( ss, string.zfill(h, 2), string.zfill(m, 2), string.zfill(s, 2)) print "--------------------------------------------------------" pypar.finalize()
return node_length_x_list if __name__ == '__main__': import scipy as sc Ny = 100 Nz = 100 Ey = sc.zeros((4, Ny, Nz),'f') Ez = sc.zeros((4, Ny, Nz),'f') pbc_opt=None if myrank == server: print 'PBC : %s, start' % pbc_opt mpi.barrier() Ey[:,:,:] = 0. Ez[:,:,:] = 0. Ey[1:3,:,:] = 1. Ez[1:3,:,:] = 1. mpi.barrier() if myrank != server: target_list, mpi_func_list = calc_oddeven( myrank ) mpi_exchange( Ey, Ez, myrank, target_list, mpi_func_list ) mpi_exchange_pbc( Ey, Ez, myrank, pbc_opt ) print 'I`m', myrank,'Ey Direction x1 sum after = ', Ey[ 0,:,:].sum() print 'I`m', myrank,'Ey Direction x2 sum after = ', Ey[-1,:,:].sum()
def test(): xmax = 2. N = 5 bands = 3 dx = 2 * xmax / N #Create original matrix A = zeros((N, N), dtype=complex) for i in range(N): x = -xmax + i*dx for j in range(-bands, bands+1): if 0 <= j+i < N: A[i,j+i] = x**2 / (abs(j)+1) #Create packed matrix PackedA = zeros((N, 2*bands+1), complex) for i in range(N): for j in range(-bands, bands+1): if 0 <= j+i < N: row = i col = i+j packedRow, packedCol = MapRowColToPacked(row, col, N, bands) PackedA[packedRow, packedCol] = A[row, col] """ figure() imshow(A, interpolation="nearest") figure() imshow(PackedA, interpolation="nearest") """ #Create in-vector psi = rand(N) + 0.0j #send psi from proc0 to everyone pypar.broadcast(psi, 0) #output refOutput = dot(A, psi) #Create local vectors and matrices localSize = GetDistributedShape(N, ProcCount, ProcId) globalStartIndex = GetGlobalStartIndex(N, ProcCount, ProcId) globalEndIndex = globalStartIndex+localSize localPackedA = PackedA[globalStartIndex:globalEndIndex, :] localPsi = psi[globalStartIndex:globalEndIndex] localRefOutput = refOutput[globalStartIndex:globalEndIndex] localTestOutput = zeros(localSize, dtype=complex) for i in range(ProcCount): if i == ProcId: print "ProcId == %i" % (i) print localSize print globalStartIndex, " -> ", globalEndIndex print "" pypar.barrier() #BandedMatrixVectorMultiply(localPackedA, N, bands, localPsi, localTestOutput, ProcCount, ProcId) #BandedMatrixMultiply_Wrapper(localPackedA.reshape(localPackedA.size), 1.0, localPsi, localTestOutput, N, bands) TensorPotentialMultiply_BandedDistributed(localPackedA.reshape(localPackedA.size), 1.0, localPsi, localTestOutput, N, bands) #the verdict for i in range(ProcCount): if i == ProcId: if i == 0: print "" print refOutput print "" print "ProcId == %i" % (i) print sqrt(sum(abs(localRefOutput)**2)) print sqrt(sum(abs(localTestOutput)**2)) print sqrt(sum(abs(localRefOutput - localTestOutput)**2)) #print localTestOutput #print localRefOutput print "" pypar.barrier()
numprocs = pypar.size() myid = pypar.rank() processor_name = pypar.get_processor_name() if myid == 0: # Main process - Create message, pass on, verify correctness and log timing # print "MAXM = %d, number of processors = %d" %(MAXM, numprocs) print "Measurements are repeated %d times for reliability" %repeats if numprocs < 2: print "Program needs at least two processors - aborting\n" pypar.abort() pypar.barrier() #Synchronize all before timing print "I am process %d on %s" %(myid,processor_name) #Initialise data and timings # try: from numpy.random import uniform, seed seed(17) A = uniform(0.0,100.0,MAXM) except: print 'problem with RandomArray' from numpy import ones, Float A = ones(MAXM).astype('f')
def main(): #--------------------# # server code #--------------------# if rank == 0: print 'server running on ', procname opts = task(sys.argv) opts.printruninfo() sendtoall(('Start', sys.argv)) server = serverdata(opts) #set up the collector and generator start = time.time() collector = resultcollector(server) end = time.time() print end-start jobs = jobgenerator(server) numjobsreceived = 0 #begin distributing work for proc in xrange(1, min(numnodes, jobs.numjobs+1)): job = pypar.send(('job',job), proc, tag=OUT) while numjobsreceived < jobs.jobindex:#while any job is still running #wait for any node to send a result msg, status = pypar.receive(pypar.any_source, return_status=True, tag=RETURN) numjobsreceived += 1 proc, response = msg if jobs.hasnext(proc):#see if there is more work to be done job = pypar.send(('job',job), proc, tag=OUT)#send it to the node that just completed #combine the results *after* sending the new job #(this way the worker can proceed while the results are being combined) collector.collect(response) #all jobs collected, kill the workers sendtoall(('Done', 0)) #finish up the computation collector.finish() #--------------------# # worker code #--------------------# else: while True: start = time.time() (code, msg), status = pypar.receive(0, return_status=True, tag=OUT) end = time.time() print 'waiting', end-start if code == 'Done':#all work is done opts.printruninfo() break elif code == 'Die':#abnormal exit break elif code == 'Start': opts = task(msg) sys.stdout = open(opts.logprefix+'%02d.log'%rank, 'w') #logfile print 'client', rank, 'running on', procname else: start = time.time() jobnum, job = msg print jobnum result = opts.dojob(job)#do the job end = time.time() print 'working',msg[0], end-start start = time.time() pypar.send((rank, (jobnum, result)), 0, tag=RETURN)#return the result to the server end = time.time() print 'sending', end-start #------------------# #end of parallel code pypar.barrier() pypar.finalize()
def CreatePath(absFileName): if pyprop.ProcId == 0: filePath = os.path.dirname(absFileName) if not os.path.exists(filePath): os.makedirs(filePath) pypar.barrier()
def barrier(): pypar.barrier()
def save_electronic_eigenstates(m_max, nu_max, mu_max, R_grid, beta, theta): """ save_electronic_eigenstates(m_max, nu_max, mu_max, R_grid, beta, theta) This program solves the electronic TISE for a range of internuclear distances, given in <R_grid>, and stores them in an HDF5 file. This program must be run in parallel. Example ------- To run this program on 5 processors: $ mpirun -n 5 python """ #Parallel stuff #-------------- #Get processor 'name'. my_id = pypar.rank() #Get total number of processors. nr_procs = pypar.size() #Get number of tasks. nr_tasks = len(R_grid) #Get a list of the indices of this processors share of R_grid. my_tasks = nice_stuff.distribute_work(nr_procs, nr_tasks, my_id) #The processors will be writing to the same file. #In order to avoid problems, the procs will do a relay race of writing to #file. This is handeled by blocking send() and receive(). #Hopefully there will not be to much waiting. #ID of the processor that will start writing. starter = 0 #ID of the processor that will be the last to write. ender = (nr_tasks - 1) % nr_procs #Buffer for the baton, i.e. the permission slip for file writing. baton = r_[0] #The processor one is to receive the baton from. receive_from = (my_id - 1) % nr_procs #The processor one is to send the baton to. send_to = (my_id + 1) % nr_procs #------------------------------- #Initializing the HDF5 file #-------------------------- if my_id == 0: #Creates a config instance. my_config = config.Config(m = m_max, nu = nu_max, mu = mu_max, R = R_grid[0], beta = beta, theta = theta) #Number of basis functions. basis_size = (2 * m_max + 1) * (nu_max + 1) * (mu_max + 1) #Generate a filename. filename = name_gen.electronic_eigenstates_R(my_config) f = tables.openFile(filename, 'w') try: f.createArray("/", "R_grid", R_grid) #Looping over the m values. for m in range(-1 * m_max, m_max + 1): #Creating an m group in the file. m_group = name_gen.m_name(m) f.createGroup("/", m_group) #Looping over th q values. for q in range(mu_max + 1): #Creating a q group in the m group in the file. q_group = name_gen.q_name(q) f.createGroup("/%s/"%m_group, q_group) #Initializing the arrays for the eigenvalues and states. f.createCArray('/%s/%s/'%(m_group, q_group),'E', tables.atom.FloatAtom(), (basis_size/(mu_max + 1), nr_tasks), chunkshape=(basis_size/(mu_max + 1), 1)) f.createCArray('/%s/%s/'%(m_group, q_group),'V', tables.atom.ComplexAtom(16), (basis_size, basis_size/(mu_max + 1), nr_tasks), chunkshape=(basis_size, basis_size/(mu_max + 1), 1)) finally: f.close() #Save config instance. my_config.save_config(filename) #---------------------------------- #Solving the TISE #---------------- #Looping over the tasks of this processor. for i in my_tasks: #Creating TISE instance. tise = tise_electron.TISE_electron(m = m_max, nu = nu_max, mu = mu_max, R = R_grid[i], beta = beta, theta = theta) #Diagonalizing the hamiltonian. E,V = tise.solve() #First file write. (Send, but not receive baton.) if starter == my_id: #Write to file. tise.save_eigenfunctions_R(E, V, R_grid[i]) #Avoiding this statement 2nd time around. starter = -1 #Sending the baton to the next writer. pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True) #Last file write. (Receive, but not send baton.) elif i == my_tasks[-1] and ender == my_id : #Receiving the baton from the previous writer. pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton) #Write to file. tise.save_eigenfunctions_R(E, V, R_grid[i]) #The rest of the file writes. else: #Receiving the baton from the previous writer. pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton) #Write to file. tise.save_eigenfunctions_R(E, V, R_grid[i]) #Sending the baton to the next writer. pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True) #Showing the progress of the work. if my_id == 0: nice_stuff.status_bar("Electronic BO calculations", i, len(my_tasks)) #---------------------------- #Letting everyone catch up. pypar.barrier() #Since the sign of the eigenfunctions are completely arbitrary, one must #make sure they do not change sign from one R to another. if my_id == 0: tise.align_all_phases() #Letting 0 catch up. pypar.barrier()
def run_multiple_windfields(scenario, windfield_directory=None, hazard_output_folder=None, dircomment=None, echo=False, verbose=True): """Run volcanic ash impact model for multiple wind fields. The wind fields are assumed to be in subfolder specified by windfield_directory, have the extension *.profile and follow the format use with scenarios. This function makes use of Open MPI and Pypar to execute in parallel but can also run sequentially. """ try: import pypar except: P = 1 p = 0 processor_name = os.uname()[1] print 'Pypar could not be imported. Running sequentially on node %s' % processor_name, else: time.sleep(1) P = pypar.size() p = pypar.rank() processor_name = pypar.get_processor_name() print 'Processor %d initialised on node %s' % (p, processor_name) pypar.barrier() if p == 0: # Put logs along with the results logdir = os.path.join(hazard_output_folder, 'logs') makedir(logdir) header('Hazard modelling using multiple wind fields') print '* Wind profiles obtained from: %s' % windfield_directory print '* Scenario results stored in: %s' % hazard_output_folder print '* Log files:' t_start = time.time() # Communicate hazard output directory name to all nodes to ensure they have exactly the same time stamp. for i in range(P): pypar.send((hazard_output_folder), i) else: # Receive correctly timestamped output directory names hazard_output_folder = pypar.receive(0) logdir = os.path.join(hazard_output_folder, 'logs') try: name = os.path.splitext(scenario)[0] except: name = 'run' # Wait until log dir has been created pypar.barrier() params = get_scenario_parameters(scenario) # Start processes staggered to avoid race conditions for disk access (otherwise it is slow to get started) time.sleep(2 * p) # Logging s = 'Proc %i' % p print ' %s -' % string.ljust(s, 8), AIM_logfile = os.path.join(logdir, 'P%i.log' % p) start_logging(filename=AIM_logfile, echo=False) # Get cracking basename, _ = os.path.splitext(scenario) count_local = 0 count_all = 0 for i, file in enumerate(os.listdir(windfield_directory)): count_all += 1 # Distribute jobs cyclically to processors if i % P == p: if not file.endswith('.profile'): continue count_local += 1 windfield = '%s/%s' % (windfield_directory, file) windname, _ = os.path.splitext(file) header('Computing event %i on processor %i using wind field: %s' % (i, p, windfield)) if dircomment is None: dircomment = params['eruption_comment'] # Override or create parameters derived from native Fall3d wind field params['wind_profile'] = windfield params['wind_altitudes'] = get_layers_from_windfield( windfield) # FIXME: Try to comment this out. params['Meteorological_model'] = 'profile' if hazard_output_folder is None: hazard_output_folder = basename + '_hazard_outputs' if p == 0: print 'Storing multiple outputs in directory: %s' % hazard_output_folder # Run scenario aim = _run_scenario(params, timestamp_output=True, dircomment=dircomment + '_run%i_proc%i' % (i, p)) # Make sure folder is present and can be shared by group makedir(hazard_output_folder) s = 'chmod -R g+w %s' % hazard_output_folder run(s) # Copy result file to output folder result_file = aim.scenario_name + '' newname = aim.scenario_name + '' % windname # Name after wind file s = 'cp %s/%s %s/%s' % (aim.output_dir, result_file, hazard_output_folder, newname) run(s) # Create projectionfile in hazard output if i == 0: s = 'cp %s %s/%s' % (aim.projection_file, hazard_output_folder, 'HazardMaps.res.prj') run(s) # Clean up outputs from this scenario print 'P%i: Cleaning up %s' % (p, aim.output_dir) s = '/bin/rm -rf %s' % aim.output_dir run(s) print 'Processor %i done %i windfields' % (p, count_local) print 'Outputs available in directory: %s' % hazard_output_folder pypar.barrier() if p == 0: print 'Parallel simulation finished %i windfields in %i seconds' % ( count_all, time.time() - t_start) pypar.finalize()
def test(): xmax = 2.0 N = 5 bands = 3 dx = 2 * xmax / N # Create original matrix A = zeros((N, N), dtype=complex) for i in range(N): x = -xmax + i * dx for j in range(-bands, bands + 1): if 0 <= j + i < N: A[i, j + i] = x ** 2 / (abs(j) + 1) # Create packed matrix PackedA = zeros((N, 2 * bands + 1), complex) for i in range(N): for j in range(-bands, bands + 1): if 0 <= j + i < N: row = i col = i + j packedRow, packedCol = MapRowColToPacked(row, col, N, bands) PackedA[packedRow, packedCol] = A[row, col] """ figure() imshow(A, interpolation="nearest") figure() imshow(PackedA, interpolation="nearest") """ # Create in-vector psi = rand(N) + 0.0j # send psi from proc0 to everyone pypar.broadcast(psi, 0) # output refOutput = dot(A, psi) # Create local vectors and matrices localSize = GetDistributedShape(N, ProcCount, ProcId) globalStartIndex = GetGlobalStartIndex(N, ProcCount, ProcId) globalEndIndex = globalStartIndex + localSize localPackedA = PackedA[globalStartIndex:globalEndIndex, :] localPsi = psi[globalStartIndex:globalEndIndex] localRefOutput = refOutput[globalStartIndex:globalEndIndex] localTestOutput = zeros(localSize, dtype=complex) for i in range(ProcCount): if i == ProcId: print "ProcId == %i" % (i) print localSize print globalStartIndex, " -> ", globalEndIndex print "" pypar.barrier() # BandedMatrixVectorMultiply(localPackedA, N, bands, localPsi, localTestOutput, ProcCount, ProcId) # BandedMatrixMultiply_Wrapper(localPackedA.reshape(localPackedA.size), 1.0, localPsi, localTestOutput, N, bands) TensorPotentialMultiply_BandedDistributed( localPackedA.reshape(localPackedA.size), 1.0, localPsi, localTestOutput, N, bands ) # the verdict for i in range(ProcCount): if i == ProcId: if i == 0: print "" print refOutput print "" print "ProcId == %i" % (i) print sqrt(sum(abs(localRefOutput) ** 2)) print sqrt(sum(abs(localTestOutput) ** 2)) print sqrt(sum(abs(localRefOutput - localTestOutput) ** 2)) # print localTestOutput # print localRefOutput print "" pypar.barrier()
if a+b+c+d != 1.0: if me == 0: print "ERROR: a,b,c,d must sum to 1" sys.exit() if fraction >= 1.0: if me == 0: print "ERROR: fraction must be < 1" sys.exit() random.seed(seed+me) order = 1 << nlevels mr = mrmpi() # loop until desired number of unique nonzero entries pypar.barrier() tstart = pypar.time() niterate = 0 ntotal = (1 << nlevels) * nnonzero nremain = ntotal while nremain: niterate += 1 ngenerate = nremain/nprocs if me < nremain % nprocs: ngenerate += 1,generate,None,1) nunique = mr.collate() if nunique == ntotal: break mr.reduce(cull) nremain = ntotal - nunique
def TestSolveOverlap(): pyprop.PrintOut("") pyprop.PrintOut("Now testing S^-1 * psi...") pyprop.Redirect.Enable(silent=True) seed(0) fileName = "test_solveoverlap.h5" conf = pyprop.Load("config-test.ini") psi = pyprop.CreateWavefunction(conf) initPsi = pyprop.CreateWavefunction(conf) if pyprop.ProcCount == 1: psi.GetData()[:] = random(psi.GetData().shape) psi.Normalize() initPsi.GetData()[:] = psi.GetData()[:] #Store initial (random) psi pyprop.serialization.SaveWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunction", psi, conf) #Store S^-1 * psi psi.GetRepresentation().SolveOverlap(psi) pyprop.serialization.SaveWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunctionoverlap", psi, conf) #determine overlap matrix condition number overlap = psi.GetRepresentation().GetGlobalOverlapMatrix(0) A = overlap.GetOverlapBlasBanded() B = pyprop.core.ConvertMatrixBlasBandedToFull(A) Print(" Overlap matrix condition number = %e" % cond(B)) else: pyprop.serialization.LoadWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunction", initPsi) pyprop.serialization.LoadWavefunctionHDF(fileName, "/wavefunctionoverlap", psi) destPsi = initPsi.Copy() destPsi.Clear() tmpPsi = initPsi.Copy() tmpPsi.Clear() #Calculate S^-1 * psi destPsi.GetData()[:] = initPsi.GetData()[:] destPsi.GetRepresentation().SolveOverlap(destPsi) tmpPsi.GetData()[:] = destPsi.GetData()[:] #Calculate S * S^-1 * psi destPsi.GetRepresentation().MultiplyOverlap(destPsi) Print() a = numpy.max(numpy.max(psi.GetData() - tmpPsi.GetData())) Print( " Proc %s: ||S^-1 * psi - S'^-1 * psi||_max = %s" % (pyprop.ProcId, a), range(pyprop.ProcCount)) Print() b = numpy.max(numpy.max(initPsi.GetData() - destPsi.GetData())) Print( " Proc %s: ||S * S^-1 * psi - I * psi||_max = %s" % (pyprop.ProcId, b), range(pyprop.ProcCount)) c = linalg.norm(initPsi.GetData() - destPsi.GetData()) Print(" Proc %s: ||S * S^-1 * psi - I * psi|| = %s" % (pyprop.ProcId, c), range(pyprop.ProcCount)) #finish and cleanup pypar.barrier() pyprop.Redirect.Disable() pyprop.PrintOut("\n...done!")