예제 #1
class Bebop():
    IsOnlineBebop = True

    def __init__(self, drone_type="Bebop2"):
        Create a new Bebop object.  Assumes you have connected to the Bebop's wifi

        self.drone_connection = WifiConnection(self, drone_type=drone_type)

        # intialize the command parser
        self.command_parser = DroneCommandParser()

        # initialize the sensors and the parser
        self.sensors = BebopSensors()
        self.sensor_parser = DroneSensorParser(drone_type=drone_type)

    def update_sensors(self, data_type, buffer_id, sequence_number, raw_data,
        Update the sensors (called via the wifi or ble connection)

        :param data: raw data packet that needs to be parsed
        :param ack: True if this packet needs to be ack'd and False otherwise
        #print("data type is %d buffer id is %d sequence number is %d " % (data_type, buffer_id, sequence_number))
        sensor_list = self.sensor_parser.extract_sensor_values(raw_data)
        if (sensor_list is not None):
            for sensor in sensor_list:
                (sensor_name, sensor_value, sensor_enum, header_tuple) = sensor
                if (sensor_name is not None):
                    self.sensors.update(sensor_name, sensor_value, sensor_enum)
                        "data type %d buffer id %d sequence number %d" %
                        (data_type, buffer_id, sequence_number), "WARN")
                        "This sensor is missing (likely because we don't need it)",

        if (ack):
            self.drone_connection.ack_packet(buffer_id, sequence_number)

    def connect(self, num_retries):
        Connects to the drone and re-tries in case of failure the specified number of times.  Seamlessly
        connects to either wifi or BLE depending on how you initialized it

        :param: num_retries is the number of times to retry

        :return: True if it succeeds and False otherwise

        # special case for when the user tries to do BLE when it isn't available
        if (self.drone_connection is None):
            return False

        connected = self.drone_connection.connect(num_retries)
        return connected

    def disconnect(self):
        Disconnect the BLE connection.  Always call this at the end of your programs to
        cleanly disconnect.

        :return: void

    def ask_for_state_update(self):
        Ask for a full state update (likely this should never be used but it can be called if you want to see
        everything the bebop is storing)

        :return: nothing but it will eventually fill the sensors with all of the state variables as they arrive
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "common", "Common", "AllStates")
        return self.drone_connection.send_noparam_command_packet_ack(

    def takeoff(self):
        Sends the takeoff command to the mambo.  Gets the codes for it from the xml files.  Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Piloting", "TakeOff")

    def safe_takeoff(self, timeout):
        Sends commands to takeoff until the Bebop reports it is taking off

        :param timeout: quit trying to takeoff if it takes more than timeout seconds

        start_time = time.time()
        # take off until it really listens
        while (self.sensors.flying_state != "takingoff"
               and (time.time() - start_time < timeout)):
            if (self.sensors.flying_state == "emergency"):
            success = self.takeoff()

        # now wait until it finishes takeoff before returning
        while ((self.sensors.flying_state not in ("flying", "hovering")
                and (time.time() - start_time < timeout))):
            if (self.sensors.flying_state == "emergency"):

    def land(self):
        Sends the land command to the bebop.  Gets the codes for it from the xml files.  Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Piloting", "Landing")
        return self.drone_connection.send_noparam_command_packet_ack(

    def emergency_land(self):
        Sends the land command to the bebop on the high priority/emergency channel.
        Gets the codes for it from the xml files.  Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Piloting", "Emergency")
        return self.drone_connection.send_noparam_high_priority_command_packet(

    def is_landed(self):
        Returns true if it is landed or emergency and False otherwise
        if (self.sensors.flying_state in ("landed", "emergency")):
            return True
            return False

    def safe_land(self, timeout):
        Ensure the Bebop lands by sending the command until it shows landed on sensors
        start_time = time.time()

        while (self.sensors.flying_state not in ("landing", "landed")
               and (time.time() - start_time < timeout)):
            if (self.sensors.flying_state == "emergency"):
            color_print("trying to land", "INFO")
            success = self.land()

        while (self.sensors.flying_state != "landed"
               and (time.time() - start_time < timeout)):
            if (self.sensors.flying_state == "emergency"):

    def smart_sleep(self, timeout):
        Don't call time.sleep directly as it will mess up BLE and miss WIFI packets!  Use this
        which handles packets received while sleeping

        :param timeout: number of seconds to sleep

    def _ensure_fly_command_in_range(self, value):
        Ensure the fly direct commands are in range

        :param value: the value sent by the user
        :return: a value in the range -100 to 100
        if (value < -100):
            return -100
        elif (value > 100):
            return 100
            return value

    def fly_direct(self, roll, pitch, yaw, vertical_movement, duration):
        Direct fly commands using PCMD.  Each argument ranges from -100 to 100.  Numbers outside that are clipped
        to that range.

        Note that the xml refers to gaz, which is apparently french for vertical movements:

        :param roll:
        :param pitch:
        :param yaw:
        :param vertical_movement:

        my_roll = self._ensure_fly_command_in_range(roll)
        my_pitch = self._ensure_fly_command_in_range(pitch)
        my_yaw = self._ensure_fly_command_in_range(yaw)
        my_vertical = self._ensure_fly_command_in_range(vertical_movement)

        print("roll is %d pitch is %d yaw is %d vertical is %d" %
              (my_roll, my_pitch, my_yaw, my_vertical))
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Piloting", "PCMD")

        self.drone_connection.send_pcmd_command(command_tuple, my_roll,
                                                my_pitch, my_yaw, my_vertical,

    def flip(self, direction):
        Sends the flip command to the bebop.  Gets the codes for it from the xml files. Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.
        Valid directions to flip are: front, back, right, left

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        fixed_direction = direction.lower()
        if (fixed_direction not in ("front", "back", "right", "left")):
                "Error: %s is not a valid direction.  Must be one of %s" %
                direction, "front, back, right, or left")
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "Animations", "Flip", fixed_direction)
        # print command_tuple
        # print enum_tuple

        return self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

    def start_video_stream(self):
        Sends the start stream command to the bebop. The bebop will start streaming
        RTP packets on the port defined in wifiConnection.py (55004 by default).
        The packets can be picked up by opening an approriate SDP file in a media
        player such as VLC, MPlayer, FFMPEG or OpenCV.

        :return: nothing

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "MediaStreaming", "VideoEnable")
        param_tuple = [1]  # Enable
        param_type_tuple = ['u8']
            command_tuple, param_tuple, param_type_tuple)

    def stop_video_stream(self):
        Sends the stop stream command to the bebop. The bebop will stop streaming
        RTP packets.

        :return: nothing

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "MediaStreaming", "VideoEnable")
        param_tuple = [0]  # Disable
        param_type_tuple = ['u8']
            command_tuple, param_tuple, param_type_tuple)

    def set_video_stream_mode(self, mode='low_latency'):
        Set the video mode for the RTP stream.
        :param: mode: one of 'low_latency', 'high_reliability' or 'high_reliability_low_framerate'
        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise

        # handle case issues
        fixed_mode = mode.lower()

        if (fixed_mode not in ("low_latency", "high_reliability",
                "Error: %s is not a valid stream mode.  Must be one of %s" %
                 "low_latency, high_reliability or high_reliability_low_framerate"
            print("Ignoring command and returning")
            return False

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "MediaStreaming", "VideoStreamMode", mode)

        return self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

    def pan_tilt_camera(self, tilt_degrees, pan_degrees):
        Send the command to pan/tilt the camera by the specified number of degrees in pan/tilt

        Note, this only seems to work in small increments.  Use pan_tilt_velocity to get the camera to look
        straight downward

        :param tilt_degrees: tilt degrees
        :param pan_degrees: pan degrees
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Camera", "OrientationV2")

            param_tuple=[tilt_degrees, pan_degrees],
            param_type_tuple=['float', 'float'],

    def pan_tilt_camera_velocity(self,
        Send the command to tilt the camera by the specified number of degrees per second in pan/tilt.
        This function has two modes.  First, if duration is 0, the initial velocity is sent and
        then the function returns (meaning the camera will keep moving).  If duration is greater than 0,
        the command executes for that amount of time and then sends a stop command to the camera
        and then returns.

        :param tilt_degrees: tile change in degrees per second
        :param pan_degrees: pan change in degrees per second
        :param duration: seconds to run the command for
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Camera", "Velocity")

            param_tuple=[tilt_velocity, pan_velocity],
            param_type_tuple=['float', 'float'],

        if (duration > 0):
            # wait for the specified duration
            start_time = time.time()
            while (time.time() - start_time < duration):

            # send the stop command
                param_tuple=[0, 0],
                param_type_tuple=['float', 'float'],

    # Created by ourselfes

    def video_stabalisation_mode(self, mode):
        Set the stabalisation mode for the video stream.
        :param: mode: one of "roll, pitch, roll_pitch or none"
        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise

        # handle case issues
        fixed_mode = mode.lower()

        if (fixed_mode not in ("roll", "pitch", "roll_pitch", "none")):
            print("Error: %s is not a valid stream mode.  Must be one of %s" %
                  (mode, "roll, pitch, roll_pitch or none"))
            print("Ignoring command and returning")
            return False

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "VideoStabilizationMode", mode)

        return self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

    def video_resolution_mode(self, resolution_mode):

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "VideoResolutions",
        success1 = self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "VideoFramerate", "24_FPS")
        success2 = self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "MediaStreaming", "VideoStreamMode",
        #        (command_tuple, enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum("ardrone3", "MediaStreaming", "VideoStreamMode", "high_reliability_low_framerate")
        success3 = self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

        return success1 and success2 and success3
#        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple("ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "VideoResolutions")
#        self.drone_connection.send_param_command_packet(command_tuple, param_tuple=[mode],
#                                                        param_type_tuple=['string'], ack=False)

    def max_altitude(self, max_alt):
        Set the resolution mode for both the video stream and recording.
        :param: mode: one of "rec1080_stream480 or rec720_stream720"
        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise

        # handle case issues
        #        fixed_mode = mode.lower()
        #        if (fixed_mode not in ("rec1080_stream480", "rec720_stream720")):
        #            print("Error: %s is not a valid stream mode.  Must be one of %s" % (mode, "rec1080_stream480 or rec720_stream720"))
        #            print("Ignoring command and returning")
        #            return False

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "PilotingSettings", "MaxAltitude", max_alt)

        return self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

    #TODO dat stabalisaren grond aan?

    def SetMaxRotationSpeed(self, max_speed):

        # handle case issues
        #        fixed_mode = mode.lower()
        #        if (fixed_mode not in ("rec1080_stream480", "rec720_stream720")):
        #            print("Error: %s is not a valid stream mode.  Must be one of %s" % (mode, "rec1080_stream480 or rec720_stream720"))
        #            print("Ignoring command and returning")
        #            return False

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "SpeedSettings", "MaxRotationSpeed")


    def SetMotionDetection(self, is_set):

        # handle case issues
        #        fixed_mode = mode.lower()
        #        if (fixed_mode not in ("rec1080_stream480", "rec720_stream720")):
        #            print("Error: %s is not a valid stream mode.  Must be one of %s" % (mode, "rec1080_stream480 or rec720_stream720"))
        #            print("Ignoring command and returning")
        #            return False

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "PilotingSettings", "SetMotionDetectionMode")

예제 #2
파일: Bebop.py 프로젝트: rookie0806/drone
class Bebop():
    def __init__(self, drone_type="Bebop2", ip_address=None):
        Create a new Bebop object.  Assumes you have connected to the Bebop's wifi

        self.drone_type = drone_type

        self.drone_connection = WifiConnection(self,

        # intialize the command parser
        self.command_parser = DroneCommandParser()

        # initialize the sensors and the parser
        self.sensors = BebopSensors()
        self.sensor_parser = DroneSensorParser(drone_type=drone_type)

    def set_user_sensor_callback(self, function, args):
        Set the (optional) user callback function for sensors.  Every time a sensor
        is updated, it calls this function.

        :param function: name of the function
        :param args: tuple of arguments to the function
        :return: nothing
        self.sensors.set_user_callback_function(function, args)

    def update_sensors(self, data_type, buffer_id, sequence_number, raw_data,
        Update the sensors (called via the wifi or ble connection)

        :param data: raw data packet that needs to be parsed
        :param ack: True if this packet needs to be ack'd and False otherwise
        #print("data type is %d buffer id is %d sequence number is %d " % (data_type, buffer_id, sequence_number))
        sensor_list = self.sensor_parser.extract_sensor_values(raw_data)
        if (sensor_list is not None):
            for sensor in sensor_list:
                (sensor_name, sensor_value, sensor_enum, header_tuple) = sensor
                if (sensor_name is not None):
                    self.sensors.update(sensor_name, sensor_value, sensor_enum)
                        "data type %d buffer id %d sequence number %d" %
                        (data_type, buffer_id, sequence_number), "WARN")
                        "This sensor is missing (likely because we don't need it)",

        if (ack):
            self.drone_connection.ack_packet(buffer_id, sequence_number)

    def connect(self, num_retries):
        Connects to the drone and re-tries in case of failure the specified number of times.  Seamlessly
        connects to either wifi or BLE depending on how you initialized it

        :param: num_retries is the number of times to retry

        :return: True if it succeeds and False otherwise

        # special case for when the user tries to do BLE when it isn't available
        if (self.drone_connection is None):
            return False

        connected = self.drone_connection.connect(num_retries)
        return connected

    def disconnect(self):
        Disconnect the BLE connection.  Always call this at the end of your programs to
        cleanly disconnect.

        :return: void

    def ask_for_state_update(self):
        Ask for a full state update (likely this should never be used but it can be called if you want to see
        everything the bebop is storing)

        :return: nothing but it will eventually fill the sensors with all of the state variables as they arrive
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "common", "Common", "AllStates")
        return self.drone_connection.send_noparam_command_packet_ack(

    def flat_trim(self, duration=0):
        Sends the flat_trim command to the bebop. Gets the codes for it from the xml files.
        :param duration: if duration is greater than 0, waits for the trim command to be finished or duration to be reached
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Piloting", "FlatTrim")

        if (duration > 0):
            # wait for the specified duration
            start_time = datetime.now()
            new_time = datetime.now()
            diff = (new_time - start_time).seconds + (
                (new_time - start_time).microseconds / 1000000.0)

            while (not self.sensors.flat_trim_changed and diff < duration):

                new_time = datetime.now()
                diff = (new_time - start_time).seconds + (
                    (new_time - start_time).microseconds / 1000000.0)

    def takeoff(self):
        Sends the takeoff command to the bebop.  Gets the codes for it from the xml files.  Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Piloting", "TakeOff")

    def safe_takeoff(self, timeout):
        Sends commands to takeoff until the Bebop reports it is taking off

        :param timeout: quit trying to takeoff if it takes more than timeout seconds

        start_time = time.time()
        # take off until it really listens
        while (self.sensors.flying_state != "takingoff"
               and (time.time() - start_time < timeout)):
            if (self.sensors.flying_state == "emergency"):
            success = self.takeoff()

        # now wait until it finishes takeoff before returning
        while ((self.sensors.flying_state not in ("flying", "hovering")
                and (time.time() - start_time < timeout))):
            if (self.sensors.flying_state == "emergency"):

    def land(self):
        Sends the land command to the bebop.  Gets the codes for it from the xml files.  Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Piloting", "Landing")
        return self.drone_connection.send_noparam_command_packet_ack(

    def emergency_land(self):
        Sends the land command to the bebop on the high priority/emergency channel.
        Gets the codes for it from the xml files.  Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Piloting", "Landing")
        return self.drone_connection.send_noparam_high_priority_command_packet(

    def is_landed(self):
        Returns true if it is landed or emergency and False otherwise
        if (self.sensors.flying_state in ("landed", "emergency")):
            return True
            return False

    def safe_land(self, timeout):
        Ensure the Bebop lands by sending the command until it shows landed on sensors
        start_time = time.time()

        while (self.sensors.flying_state not in ("landing", "landed")
               and (time.time() - start_time < timeout)):
            if (self.sensors.flying_state == "emergency"):
            color_print("trying to land", "INFO")
            success = self.land()

        while (self.sensors.flying_state != "landed"
               and (time.time() - start_time < timeout)):
            if (self.sensors.flying_state == "emergency"):

    def smart_sleep(self, timeout):
        Don't call time.sleep directly as it will mess up BLE and miss WIFI packets!  Use this
        which handles packets received while sleeping

        :param timeout: number of seconds to sleep

    def _ensure_fly_command_in_range(self, value):
        Ensure the fly direct commands are in range

        :param value: the value sent by the user
        :return: a value in the range -100 to 100
        if (value < -100):
            return -100
        elif (value > 100):
            return 100
            return value

    def fly_direct(self, roll, pitch, yaw, vertical_movement, duration):
        Direct fly commands using PCMD.  Each argument ranges from -100 to 100.  Numbers outside that are clipped
        to that range.

        Note that the xml refers to gaz, which is apparently french for vertical movements:

        :param roll:
        :param pitch:
        :param yaw:
        :param vertical_movement:

        my_roll = self._ensure_fly_command_in_range(roll)
        my_pitch = self._ensure_fly_command_in_range(pitch)
        my_yaw = self._ensure_fly_command_in_range(yaw)
        my_vertical = self._ensure_fly_command_in_range(vertical_movement)

        # print("roll is %d pitch is %d yaw is %d vertical is %d" % (my_roll, my_pitch, my_yaw, my_vertical))
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Piloting", "PCMD")

        self.drone_connection.send_pcmd_command(command_tuple, my_roll,
                                                my_pitch, my_yaw, my_vertical,

    def flip(self, direction):
        Sends the flip command to the bebop.  Gets the codes for it from the xml files. Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.
        Valid directions to flip are: front, back, right, left

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        fixed_direction = direction.lower()
        if (fixed_direction not in ("front", "back", "right", "left")):
                "Error: %s is not a valid direction.  Must be one of %s" %
                direction, "front, back, right, or left")
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "Animations", "Flip", fixed_direction)
        # print command_tuple
        # print enum_tuple

        return self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

    def move_relative(self, dx, dy, dz, dradians):
        Move relative to our current position and pause until the command is done.  Note that
        EVERY time we tested flying relative up (e.g. negative z) it did additional lateral moves
        that were unnecessary.  I'll be posting this to the development board but, until then,
        I recommend only using dx, dy, and dradians which all seem to work well.

        :param dx: change in front axis (meters)
        :param dy: change in right/left (positive is right) (meters)
        :param dz: change in height (positive is DOWN) (meters)
        :param dradians: change in heading in radians

        :return: nothing

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Piloting", "moveBy")
        param_tuple = [dx, dy, dz, dradians]  # Enable
        param_type_tuple = ['float', 'float', 'float', 'float']
        #reset the bit that tells when the move ends
        self.sensors.RelativeMoveEnded = False

        # send the command
            command_tuple, param_tuple, param_type_tuple)

        # sleep until it ends
        while (not self.sensors.RelativeMoveEnded):

    def start_video_stream(self):
        Sends the start stream command to the bebop. The bebop will start streaming
        RTP packets on the port defined in wifiConnection.py (55004 by default).
        The packets can be picked up by opening an approriate SDP file in a media
        player such as VLC, MPlayer, FFMPEG or OpenCV.

        :return: nothing

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "MediaStreaming", "VideoEnable")
        param_tuple = [1]  # Enable
        param_type_tuple = ['u8']
            command_tuple, param_tuple, param_type_tuple)

    def stop_video_stream(self):
        Sends the stop stream command to the bebop. The bebop will stop streaming
        RTP packets.

        :return: nothing

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "MediaStreaming", "VideoEnable")
        param_tuple = [0]  # Disable
        param_type_tuple = ['u8']
            command_tuple, param_tuple, param_type_tuple)

    def set_video_stream_mode(self, mode='low_latency'):
        Set the video mode for the RTP stream.
        :param: mode: one of 'low_latency', 'high_reliability' or 'high_reliability_low_framerate'

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise

        # handle case issues
        fixed_mode = mode.lower()

        if (fixed_mode not in ("low_latency", "high_reliability",
                "Error: %s is not a valid stream mode.  Must be one of %s" %
                 "low_latency, high_reliability or high_reliability_low_framerate"
            print("Ignoring command and returning")
            return False

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "MediaStreaming", "VideoStreamMode", mode)

        return self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

    def pan_tilt_camera(self, tilt_degrees, pan_degrees):
        Send the command to pan/tilt the camera by the specified number of degrees in pan/tilt

        Note, this only seems to work in small increments.  Use pan_tilt_velocity to get the camera to look
        straight downward

        :param tilt_degrees: tilt degrees
        :param pan_degrees: pan degrees
        if (self.drone_type == "Bebop2"):
            command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
                "ardrone3", "Camera", "OrientationV2")

                param_tuple=[tilt_degrees, pan_degrees],
                param_type_tuple=['float', 'float'],
            command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
                "ardrone3", "Camera", "Orientation")

                param_tuple=[tilt_degrees, pan_degrees],
                param_type_tuple=['i8', 'i8'],

    def pan_tilt_camera_velocity(self,
        Send the command to tilt the camera by the specified number of degrees per second in pan/tilt.
        This function has two modes.  First, if duration is 0, the initial velocity is sent and
        then the function returns (meaning the camera will keep moving).  If duration is greater than 0,
        the command executes for that amount of time and then sends a stop command to the camera
        and then returns.

        :param tilt_degrees: tile change in degrees per second
        :param pan_degrees: pan change in degrees per second
        :param duration: seconds to run the command for
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "Camera", "Velocity")

            param_tuple=[tilt_velocity, pan_velocity],
            param_type_tuple=['float', 'float'],

        if (duration > 0):
            # wait for the specified duration
            start_time = time.time()
            while (time.time() - start_time < duration):

            # send the stop command
                param_tuple=[0, 0],
                param_type_tuple=['float', 'float'],

    def set_max_altitude(self, altitude):
        Set max altitude in meters.

        :param altitude: altitude in meters
        if (altitude < 0.5 or altitude > 150):
                "Error: %s is not valid altitude. The altitude must be between 0.5 and 150 meters"
                % altitude)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "PilotingSettings", "MaxAltitude")
            command_tuple, param_tuple=[altitude], param_type_tuple=['float'])

        while (not self.sensors.max_altitude_changed):

    def set_max_distance(self, distance):
        Set max distance between the takeoff and the drone in meters.

        :param distance: distance in meters
        if (distance < 10 or distance > 2000):
                "Error: %s is not valid altitude. The distance must be between 10 and 2000 meters"
                % distance)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "PilotingSettings", "MaxDistance")

        self.sensors.max_distance_changed = False

            command_tuple, param_tuple=[distance], param_type_tuple=['float'])

        while (not self.sensors.max_distance_changed):

    def enable_geofence(self, value):
	     If geofence is enabled, the drone won't fly over the given max distance.
         1 if the drone can't fly further than max distance, 0 if no limitation on the drone should be done.

        :param value:
        if (value not in (0, 1)):
                "Error: %s is not valid value. Valid value: 1 to enable geofence/ 0 to disable geofence"
                % value)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "PilotingSettings", "NoFlyOverMaxDistance")
            command_tuple, param_tuple=[value], param_type_tuple=['u8'])

        while (not self.sensors.no_fly_over_max_distance_changed):

    def set_max_tilt(self, tilt):
        Set max pitch/roll in degrees

        :param tilt: max tilt for both pitch and roll in degrees
        if (tilt < 5 or tilt > 30):
                "Error: %s is not valid tilt. The tilt must be between 5 and 30 degrees"
                % tilt)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "PilotingSettings", "MaxTilt")
            command_tuple, param_tuple=[tilt], param_type_tuple=['float'])

        while (not self.sensors.max_tilt_changed):

    def set_max_tilt_rotation_speed(self, speed):
        Set max pitch/roll rotation speed in degree/s

        :param speed: max rotation speed for both pitch and roll in degree/s
        if (speed < 80 or speed > 300):
                "Error: %s is not valid speed. The speed must be between 80 and 300 degree/s"
                % speed)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "SpeedSettings", "MaxPitchRollRotationSpeed")
            command_tuple, param_tuple=[speed], param_type_tuple=['float'])

        while (not self.sensors.max_pitch_roll_rotation_speed_changed):

    def set_max_vertical_speed(self, speed):
        Set max vertical speed in m/s

        :param speed: max vertical speed in m/s
        if (speed < 0.5 or speed > 2.5):
                "Error: %s is not valid speed. The speed must be between 0.5 and 2.5 m/s"
                % speed)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "SpeedSettings", "MaxVerticalSpeed")
            command_tuple, param_tuple=[speed], param_type_tuple=['float'])

        while (not self.sensors.max_vertical_speed_changed):

    def set_max_rotation_speed(self, speed):
        Set max yaw rotation speed in degree/s

        :param speed: max rotation speed for yaw in degree/s
        if (speed < 10 or speed > 200):
                "Error: %s is not valid speed. The speed must be between 10 and 200 degree/s"
                % speed)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "SpeedSettings", "MaxRotationSpeed")
            command_tuple, param_tuple=[speed], param_type_tuple=['float'])

        while (not self.sensors.max_rotation_speed_changed):

    def set_hull_protection(self, present):
        Set the presence of hull protection - this is only needed for bebop 1
       	1 if present, 0 if not present

        :param present:
        if (present not in (0, 1)):
            print("Error: %s is not valid value. The value must be 0 or 1" %
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "SpeedSettings", "HullProtection")
            command_tuple, param_tuple=[present], param_type_tuple=['u8'])

        while (not self.sensors.hull_protection_changed):

    def set_indoor(self, is_outdoor):
        Set bebop 1 to indoor mode (not used in bebop 2!!)
       	1 if outdoor, 0 if indoor

        :param present:
        if (is_outdoor not in (0, 1)):
            print("Error: %s is not valid value. The value must be 0 or 1" %
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "SpeedSettings", "Outdoor")
            command_tuple, param_tuple=[is_outdoor], param_type_tuple=['u8'])

        #while (not self.sensors.outdoor_mode_changed):
        #    self.smart_sleep(0.1)

    def set_picture_format(self, format):
        Set picture format

        :param format:
        if (format not in ('raw', 'jpeg', 'snapshot', 'jpeg_fisheye')):
                "Error: %s is not valid value. The value must be : raw, jpeg, snapshot, jpeg_fisheye"
                % format)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "PictureFormatSelection", format)
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

        while (not self.sensors.picture_format_changed):

    def set_white_balance(self, type):
        Set white balance

        :param type:
        if (type not in ('auto', 'tungsten', 'daylight', 'cloudy',
                "Error: %s is not valid value. The value must be : auto, tungsten, daylight, cloudy, cool_white"
                % type)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "AutoWhiteBalanceSelection", type)
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

        while (not self.sensors.auto_white_balance_changed):

    def set_exposition(self, value):
        Set image exposure

        :param value:
        if (value < -1.5 or value > 1.5):
                "Error: %s is not valid image exposure. The value must be between -1.5 and 1.5."
                % value)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "ExpositionSelection")
            command_tuple, param_tuple=[value], param_type_tuple=['float'])

        while (not self.sensors.exposition_changed):

    def set_saturation(self, value):
        Set image saturation

        :param value:
        if (value < -100 or value > 100):
                "Error: %s is not valid image saturation. The value must be between -100 and 100."
                % value)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "SaturationSelection")
            command_tuple, param_tuple=[value], param_type_tuple=['float'])

        while (not self.sensors.saturation_changed):

    def set_timelapse(self, enable, interval=8):
        Set timelapse mode

        :param enable:
        :param interval:
        if (enable not in (0, 1) or interval < 8 or interval > 300):
            print("Error: %s or %s is not valid value." % (enable, interval))
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "TimelapseSelection")
            param_tuple=[enable, interval],
            param_type_tuple=['u8', 'float'])

        while (not self.sensors.timelapse_changed):

    def set_video_stabilization(self, mode):
        Set video stabilization mode

        :param mode:
        if (mode not in ('roll_pitch', 'pitch', 'roll', 'none')):
                "Error: %s is not valid value. The value must be : roll_pitch, pitch, roll, none"
                % mode)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "VideoStabilizationMode", mode)
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

        while (not self.sensors.video_stabilization_changed):

    def set_video_recording(self, mode):
        Set video recording mode

        :param mode:
        if (mode not in ('quality', 'time')):
                "Error: %s is not valid value. The value must be : quality, time"
                % mode)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "VideoRecordingMode", mode)
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

        while (not self.sensors.video_recording_changed):

    def set_video_framerate(self, framerate):
        Set video framerate

        :param framerate:
        if (framerate not in ('24_FPS', '25_FPS', '30_FPS')):
                "Error: %s is not valid value. The value must be : 24_FPS, 25_FPS, 30_FPS"
                % framerate)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "VideoFramerate", framerate)
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

        while (not self.sensors.video_framerate_changed):

    def set_video_resolutions(self, type):
        Set video resolutions

        :param type:
        if (type not in ('rec1080_stream480', 'rec720_stream720')):
                "Error: %s is not valid value. The value must be : rec1080_stream480, rec720_stream720"
                % type)
            print("Ignoring command and returning")

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "ardrone3", "PictureSettings", "VideoResolutions", type)
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

        while (not self.sensors.video_resolutions_changed):
예제 #3
class Minidrone:
    def __init__(self, address="", use_wifi=False):
        If you need BLE: Initialize with its BLE address - if you don't know the address, call findMambo
        and that will discover it for you.
        You can also connect to the wifi on the FPV camera.  Do not use this if the camera is not connected.  Also,
        ensure you have connected your machine to the wifi on the camera before attempting this or it will not work.
        :param address: unique address for this mambo (can be ignored if you are using wifi)
        :param use_wifi: set to True to connect with wifi instead of BLE
        self.address = address
        self.use_wifi = use_wifi
        self.groundcam = None
        if (use_wifi):
            self.drone_connection = WifiConnection(self, drone_type="Mambo")
            # initialize groundcam
            self.groundcam = MamboGroundcam()
            if (BLEAvailable):
                self.drone_connection = BLEConnection(address, self)
                self.drone_connection = None
                    "ERROR: you are trying to use a BLE connection on a system that doesn't have BLE installed.",

        # intialize the command parser
        self.command_parser = DroneCommandParser()

        # initialize the sensors and the parser
        self.sensors = MinidroneSensors()
        self.sensor_parser = DroneSensorParser(drone_type="Minidrone")

    def set_user_sensor_callback(self, function, args):
        Set the (optional) user callback function for sensors.  Every time a sensor
        is updated, it calls this function.

        :param function: name of the function
        :param args: tuple of arguments to the function
        :return: nothing
        self.sensors.set_user_callback_function(function, args)

    def update_sensors(self, data_type, buffer_id, sequence_number, raw_data,
        Update the sensors (called via the wifi or ble connection)

        :param data: raw data packet that needs to be parsed
        :param ack: True if this packet needs to be ack'd and False otherwise

        sensor_list = self.sensor_parser.extract_sensor_values(raw_data)
        if (sensor_list is not None):
            for sensor in sensor_list:
                (sensor_name, sensor_value, sensor_enum, header_tuple) = sensor
                if (sensor_name is not None):
                    self.sensors.update(sensor_name, sensor_value, sensor_enum)
                    # print(self.sensors)
                        "data type %d buffer id %d sequence number %d" %
                        (data_type, buffer_id, sequence_number), "WARN")
                        "This sensor is missing (likely because we don't need it)",

        if (ack):
            self.drone_connection.ack_packet(buffer_id, sequence_number)

    def connect(self, num_retries):
        Connects to the drone and re-tries in case of failure the specified number of times.  Seamlessly
        connects to either wifi or BLE depending on how you initialized it

        :param: num_retries is the number of times to retry

        :return: True if it succeeds and False otherwise

        # special case for when the user tries to do BLE when it isn't available
        if (self.drone_connection is None):
            return False

        connected = self.drone_connection.connect(num_retries)
        return connected

    def takeoff(self):
        Sends the takeoff command to the mambo.  Gets the codes for it from the xml files.  Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "minidrone", "Piloting", "TakeOff")
        return self.drone_connection.send_noparam_command_packet_ack(

    def safe_takeoff(self, timeout):
        Sends commands to takeoff until the mambo reports it is taking off

        :param timeout: quit trying to takeoff if it takes more than timeout seconds

        start_time = time.time()
        # take off until it really listens
        while (self.sensors.flying_state != "takingoff"
               and (time.time() - start_time < timeout)):
            if (self.sensors.flying_state == "emergency"):
            success = self.takeoff()

        # now wait until it finishes takeoff before returning
        while ((self.sensors.flying_state not in ("flying", "hovering")
                and (time.time() - start_time < timeout))):
            if (self.sensors.flying_state == "emergency"):

    def land(self):
        Sends the land command to the mambo.  Gets the codes for it from the xml files.  Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "minidrone", "Piloting", "Landing")
        return self.drone_connection.send_noparam_command_packet_ack(

    def is_landed(self):
        Returns true if it is landed or emergency and False otherwise
        if (self.sensors.flying_state in ("landed", "emergency")):
            return True
            return False

    def safe_land(self, timeout):
        Ensure the mambo lands by sending the command until it shows landed on sensors
        start_time = time.time()

        while (self.sensors.flying_state not in ("landing", "landed")
               and (time.time() - start_time < timeout)):
            if (self.sensors.flying_state == "emergency"):
            color_print("trying to land", "INFO")
            success = self.land()

        while (self.sensors.flying_state != "landed"
               and (time.time() - start_time < timeout)):
            if (self.sensors.flying_state == "emergency"):

    def smart_sleep(self, timeout):
        Don't call time.sleep directly as it will mess up BLE and miss WIFI packets!  Use this
        which handles packets received while sleeping

        :param timeout: number of seconds to sleep

    def hover(self):
        Sends the command execute a flat trim to the mambo.  This is basically a hover command.
        Gets the codes for it from the xml files. Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "minidrone", "Piloting", "FlatTrim")
        # print command_tuple
        return self.drone_connection.send_noparam_command_packet_ack(

    def flip(self, direction):
        Sends the flip command to the mambo.  Gets the codes for it from the xml files. Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.
        Valid directions to flip are: front, back, right, left

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        fixed_direction = direction.lower()
        if (fixed_direction not in ("front", "back", "right", "left")):
            print("Error: %s is not a valid direction.  Must be one of %s" %
                  "front, back, right, or left",
            print("Ignoring command and returning", file=sys.stderr)

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "minidrone", "Animations", "Flip", fixed_direction)
        # print command_tuple
        # print enum_tuple

        return self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

    def turn_degrees(self, degrees):
        Turn the mambo the specified number of degrees (-180, 180).  Degrees must be an integere
        so it is cast to an integer here.  If you send it a float, it will be rounded according to
        the rules of int()

        This is called cap in the xml but it means degrees per

        :param degrees: degrees to turn (-180 to 180)
        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        degrees = int(degrees)
        if (degrees > 180):
            degrees = 180
            print("Degrees too large: setting to 180", file=sys.stderr)
        elif (degrees < -180):
            degrees = -180
            print("Degrees too large and negative: setting to -180",

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "minidrone", "Animations", "Cap")
        return self.drone_connection.send_turn_command(command_tuple, degrees)

    def turn_on_auto_takeoff(self):
        Turn on the auto take off (throw mode)
        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "minidrone", "Piloting", "AutoTakeOffMode")

        return self.drone_connection.send_param_command_packet(
            command_tuple, param_tuple=[1], param_type_tuple=["u8"])

    def take_picture(self):
        Ask the drone to take a picture also checks how many frames are on there, if there are ore than 35 it deletes one
        If connected via Wifi it
        If it is connected via WiFi it also deletes all frames on the Mambo once there are more than 35,
        since after there are 40 the next ones are ignored
        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        if self.use_wifi:
            list = self.groundcam.get_groundcam_pictures_names()
            if len(list
                   ) > 35:  #if more than 35 pictures on the Mambo delete all
                print("deleting", file=sys.stderr)
                for file in list:

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "minidrone", "MediaRecord", "PictureV2")
        return self.drone_connection.send_noparam_command_packet_ack(

    def ask_for_state_update(self):
        Ask for a full state update (likely this should never be used but it can be called if you want to see
        everything the mambo is storing)

        :return: nothing but it will eventually fill the MamboSensors with all of the state variables as they arrive
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "common", "Common", "AllStates")
        return self.drone_connection.send_noparam_command_packet_ack(

    def _ensure_fly_command_in_range(self, value):
        Ensure the fly direct commands are in range and also ensures the values are integers (just rounds them)

        :param value: the value sent by the user
        :return: a value in the range -100 to 100
        if (value < -100):
            return -100
        elif (value > 100):
            return 100
            return int(value)

    def fly_direct(self, roll, pitch, yaw, vertical_movement, duration=None):
        Direct fly commands using PCMD.  Each argument ranges from -100 to 100.  Numbers outside that are clipped
        to that range.

        Note that the xml refers to gaz, which is apparently french for vertical movements:

        duration is optional: if you want it to fly for a specified period of time, set this to the number of
        seconds (fractions are fine) or use None to send the command once.  Note, if you do this, you will need
        an outside loop that sends lots of commands or your drone will not fly very far.  The command is not repeated
        inside the drone.  it executes once and goes back to hovering without new commands coming in.  But the option
        of zero duration allows for smoother flying if you want to do the control loop yourself.

        :param roll: roll speed in -100 to 100
        :param pitch: pitch speed in -100 to 100
        :param yaw: yaw speed in -100 to 100
        :param vertical_movement: vertical speed in -100 to 100
        :param duration: optional: seconds for a specified duration or None to send it once (see note above)

        my_roll = self._ensure_fly_command_in_range(roll)
        my_pitch = self._ensure_fly_command_in_range(pitch)
        my_yaw = self._ensure_fly_command_in_range(yaw)
        my_vertical = self._ensure_fly_command_in_range(vertical_movement)

        #print("roll is %d pitch is %d yaw is %d vertical is %d" % (my_roll, my_pitch, my_yaw, my_vertical))
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "minidrone", "Piloting", "PCMD")

        if (duration is None):
                command_tuple, my_roll, my_pitch, my_yaw, my_vertical)
            self.drone_connection.send_pcmd_command(command_tuple, my_roll,
                                                    my_pitch, my_yaw,
                                                    my_vertical, duration)

    def open_claw(self):
        Open the claw - note not supposed under wifi since the camera takes the place of the claw

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise (can include errors or asking to do this using wifi)
        # not supposed under wifi since the camera takes the place of the claw
        if (self.use_wifi):
            return False

        # print "open claw"
         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "minidrone", "UsbAccessory", "ClawControl", "OPEN")
        # print command_tuple
        # print enum_tuple

        return self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple, self.sensors.claw_id)

    def close_claw(self):
        Close the claw - note not supposed under wifi since the camera takes the place of the claw

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise (can include errors or asking to do this using wifi)

        # not supposed under wifi since the camera takes the place of the claw
        if (self.use_wifi):
            return False

        # print "close claw"
         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "minidrone", "UsbAccessory", "ClawControl", "CLOSE")
        # print command_tuple
        # print enum_tuple

        return self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple, self.sensors.claw_id)

    def set_max_vertical_speed(self, value):
        Sets the maximum vertical speed in m/s.  Unknown what the true maximum is but
        we do ensure you only set positive values.

        :param value: maximum speed
        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise

        if (value < 0):
                "Can't set a negative max vertical speed.  Setting to 1 m/s instead.",
            value = 1

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "minidrone", "SpeedSettings", "MaxVerticalSpeed")
        param_tuple = [value]
        param_type_tuple = ['float']
        return self.drone_connection.send_param_command_packet(
            command_tuple, param_tuple, param_type_tuple)

    def set_max_tilt(self, value):
        Sets the maximum tilt in degrees.  Ensures you only set positive values.

        :param value: maximum tilt in degrees
        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise

        if (value < 0):
                "Can't set a negative max horizontal speed.  Setting to 1 m/s instead.",
            value = 1

        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "minidrone", "PilotingSettings", "MaxTilt")
        param_tuple = [value]
        param_type_tuple = ['float']
        return self.drone_connection.send_param_command_packet(
            command_tuple, param_tuple, param_type_tuple)

    def emergency(self):
        Sends the emergency command to the mambo.  Gets the codes for it from the xml files.  Ensures the
        packet was received or sends it again up to a maximum number of times.

        :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "minidrone", "Piloting", "Emergency")

    def safe_emergency(self, timeout):
        Sends emergency stop command  until the Mambo reports it is not flying anymore

        :param timeout: quit trying to emergency stop if it takes more than timeout seconds

        start_time = time.time()
        # send emergency until it really listens
        while ((self.sensors.flying_state in ("flying", "hovering"))
               and (time.time() - start_time < timeout)):
            success = self.emergency()

        # now wait until it touches ground before returning
        while ((self.sensors.flying_state != "landed")
               and (time.time() - start_time < timeout)):

    def flat_trim(self):
        Sends the flat_trim command to the mambo. Gets the codes for it from the xml files.
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "minidrone", "Piloting", "FlatTrim")

    def change_preferred_mode(self, mode='easy'):
        #Change preferred flying mode on Drone between "easy", "medium" and "difficult".

         enum_tuple) = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple_with_enum(
             "minidrone", "PilotingSettings", "PreferredPilotingMode", mode)

        return self.drone_connection.send_enum_command_packet_ack(
            command_tuple, enum_tuple)

    def change_mode(self):
        #Change between "easy" piloting mode and "preferred" piloting mode.
        #This command only works while the drone is flying.
        command_tuple = self.command_parser.get_command_tuple(
            "minidrone", "Piloting", "TogglePilotingMode")
        return self.drone_connection.send_noparam_command_packet_ack(