예제 #1
파일: sdkconfig.py 프로젝트: 1878382013/idf
class SDKConfig:
    Encapsulates an sdkconfig file. Defines grammar of a configuration entry, and enables
    evaluation of logical expressions involving those entries.

    # A configuration entry is in the form CONFIG=VALUE. Definitions of components of that grammar
    IDENTIFIER = Word(alphanums.upper() + "_")

    HEX = Combine("0x" + Word(hexnums)).setParseAction(lambda t:int(t[0], 16))
    DECIMAL = Combine(Optional(Literal("+") | Literal("-")) + Word(nums)).setParseAction(lambda t:int(t[0]))
    LITERAL = Word(printables.replace(":", ""))
    QUOTED_LITERAL = quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)


    # Operators supported by the expression evaluation
    OPERATOR = oneOf(["=", "!=", ">", "<", "<=", ">="])

    def __init__(self, kconfig_file, sdkconfig_file, env=[]):
        env = [(name, value) for (name,value) in (e.split("=",1) for e in env)]

        for name, value in env:
            value = " ".join(value.split())
            os.environ[name] = value

        self.config = kconfiglib.Kconfig(kconfig_file)

    def evaluate_expression(self, expression):
        result = self.config.eval_string(expression)

        if result == 0:  # n
            return False
        elif result == 2:  # y
            return True
        else:  # m
            raise Exception("unsupported config expression result")

    def get_expression_grammar():
        identifier = SDKConfig.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName("identifier")
        operator = SDKConfig.OPERATOR.setResultsName("operator")
        value = SDKConfig.VALUE.setResultsName("value")

        test_binary = identifier + operator + value
        test_single = identifier

        test = test_binary | test_single

        condition = Group(Optional("(").suppress() + test + Optional(")").suppress())

        grammar = infixNotation(condition, [
                                ("!", 1, opAssoc.RIGHT),
                                ("&&", 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
                                ("||",  2, opAssoc.LEFT)])

        return grammar
예제 #2
    def _parse_cut_ami(text):
        """Parse "cut ami" command using pyparsing"""

        # Word == single token
        edctoken = Word(alphanums + '_')
        withtoken = Word(printables.replace('=', ''))

        preamble = Suppress(Literal('cut') + 'ami')

        # e.g. prod-edx-exdapp. Combining into 1 token enforces lack of whitespace
        e_d_c = Combine(
            edctoken('environment') + '-' + edctoken('deployment') + '-' +

        # e.g. cut ami for prod-edx-edxapp. Subsequent string literals are converted when added to a pyparsing object.
        for_from = Suppress('for') + e_d_c('for_edc') + Suppress(
            'from') + e_d_c('from_edc')

        # e.g. with foo=bar bing=baz.
        # Group puts the k=v pairs in sublists instead of flattening them to the top-level token list.
        with_stmt = Suppress('with')
        with_stmt += OneOrMore(
            Group(withtoken('key') + Suppress('=') +

        # e.g. using ami-deadbeef
        using_stmt = Suppress('using') + Regex('ami-[0-9a-f]{8}')('ami_id')

        # 0-1 with and using clauses in any order (see Each())
        modifiers = Optional(with_stmt('with_stmt')) & Optional(

        # 0-1 verbose and noop options in any order (as above)
        options = Optional(Literal('verbose')('verbose')) & Optional(

        pattern = StringStart(
        ) + preamble + options + for_from + modifiers + StringEnd()

        parsed = pattern.parseString(text)
        return {
            'dest_env': parsed.for_edc.environment,
            'dest_dep': parsed.for_edc.deployment,
            'dest_play': parsed.for_edc.cluster,
            'source_env': parsed.from_edc.environment,
            'source_dep': parsed.from_edc.deployment,
            'source_play': parsed.from_edc.cluster,
            parsed.using_stmt.ami_id if parsed.using_stmt else None,
            {i.key: i.value
             for i in parsed.with_stmt.overrides}
            if parsed.with_stmt else None,
            'verbose': bool(parsed.verbose),
            'noop': bool(parsed.noop),
예제 #3
    def parser(self):
        This function returns a parser.
        The grammar should be like most full text search engines (Google, Tsearch, Lucene).
        - a query consists of alphanumeric words, with an optional '*' wildcard
          at the end of a word
        - a sequence of words between quotes is a literal string
        - words can be used together by using operators ('and' or 'or')
        - words with operators can be grouped with parenthesis
        - a word or group of words can be preceded by a 'not' operator
        - the 'and' operator precedes an 'or' operator
        - if an operator is missing, use an 'and' operator
        operatorOr = Forward()
        ## operatorWord = Group(Combine(Word(alphanums) + Suppress('*'))).setResultsName('wordwildcard') | \
        ##                     Group(Word(alphanums)).setResultsName('word')
        characters = printables.replace('"','').replace('*','').replace('(','').replace(')','')
        ##operatorWord = Group(Combine(Word(characters) + Suppress('*'))).setResultsName('wordwildcard') | \
        ##                     Group(Word(characters)).setResultsName('word')    # For including alphanums and punctuation
        operatorWord = Group(Combine(Suppress('*') + Word(characters) + Suppress('*'))).setResultsName('infixwordwildcard') | \
                       Group(Combine(Word(characters) + Suppress('*'))).setResultsName('suffixwordwildcard') | \
                       Group(Combine(Suppress('*') + Word(characters))).setResultsName('prefixwordwildcard') | \
                             Group(Word(characters)).setResultsName('word')    # For including alphanums and punctuation
        operatorQuotesContent = Forward()
        operatorQuotesContent << (
            (operatorWord + operatorQuotesContent) | operatorWord
        operatorQuotes = Group(
            Suppress('"') + operatorQuotesContent + Suppress('"')
        ).setResultsName("quotes") | operatorWord
        operatorParenthesis = Group(
            (Suppress("(") + operatorOr + Suppress(")"))
        ).setResultsName("parenthesis") | operatorQuotes

        operatorNot = Forward()
        operatorNot << (Group(
            Suppress(Keyword("not", caseless=True)) + operatorNot
        ).setResultsName("not") | operatorParenthesis)

        operatorAnd = Forward()
        operatorAnd << (Group(
            operatorNot + Suppress(Keyword("and", caseless=True)) + operatorAnd
        ).setResultsName("and") | Group(
            operatorNot + OneOrMore(~oneOf("and or") + operatorAnd)
        ).setResultsName("and") | operatorNot)
        operatorOr << (Group(
            operatorAnd + Suppress(Keyword("or", caseless=True)) + operatorOr
        ).setResultsName("or") | operatorAnd)
        return operatorOr.parseString
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, scr, interp, statusbar=None, idle=None):
        """Initialise the repl with, unfortunately, a curses screen passed to
        it.  This needs to be split up so the curses crap isn't in here.

        interp is a Python code.InteractiveInterpreter instance

        The optional 'idle' parameter is a function that the repl call while
        it's blocking (waiting for keypresses). This, again, should be in a
        different class"""

        self.cut_buffer = ''
        self.buffer = []
        self.scr = scr
        self.interp = interp
        self.match = False
        self.rl_hist = []
        self.stdout_hist = ''
        self.s_hist = []
        self.history = []
        self.h_i = 0
        self.in_hist = False
        self.evaluating = False
        self.do_exit = False
        self.cpos = 0
# Use the interpreter's namespace only for the readline stuff:
        self.completer = rlcompleter.Completer(self.interp.locals)
        self.statusbar = statusbar
        self.list_win = curses.newwin(1, 1, 1, 1)
        self.idle = idle
        self.f_string = ''
        self.matches = []
        self.argspec = None
        self.s = ''
        self.list_win_visible = False
        self._C = {}
        sys.stdin = FakeStdin(self)

        if not OPTS.arg_spec:

        pythonhist = os.path.expanduser('~/.pythonhist')
        if os.path.exists(pythonhist):
            self.rl_hist = open(pythonhist, 'r').readlines()

        pexp = Forward()
        chars = printables.replace('(', '')
        chars = chars.replace(')', '')
        pexpnest = (
            Optional(Word(chars)) +
            Literal("(") +
            Optional(Group(pexp)) +
        pexp << (OneOrMore(Word(chars) | pexpnest))
        self.pparser = pexp
예제 #5
class SDKConfig:
    Evaluates conditional expressions based on the build's sdkconfig and Kconfig files.
    This also defines the grammar of conditional expressions.

    # A configuration entry is in the form CONFIG=VALUE. Definitions of components of that grammar
    IDENTIFIER = Word(alphanums.upper() + '_')

    HEX = Combine('0x' + Word(hexnums)).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0], 16))
    DECIMAL = Combine(Optional(Literal('+') | Literal('-')) +
                      Word(nums)).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
    LITERAL = Word(printables.replace(':', ''))
    QUOTED_LITERAL = quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)


    # Operators supported by the expression evaluation
    OPERATOR = oneOf(['=', '!=', '>', '<', '<=', '>='])

    def __init__(self, kconfig_file, sdkconfig_file):
        self.config = kconfiglib.Kconfig(kconfig_file)

    def evaluate_expression(self, expression):
        result = self.config.eval_string(expression)

        if result == 0:  # n
            return False
        elif result == 2:  # y
            return True
        else:  # m
            raise Exception('unsupported config expression result')

    def get_expression_grammar():
        identifier = SDKConfig.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('identifier')
        operator = SDKConfig.OPERATOR.setResultsName('operator')
        value = SDKConfig.VALUE.setResultsName('value')

        test_binary = identifier + operator + value
        test_single = identifier

        test = test_binary | test_single

        condition = Group(
            Optional('(').suppress() + test + Optional(')').suppress())

        grammar = infixNotation(condition, [('!', 1, opAssoc.RIGHT),
                                            ('&&', 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
                                            ('||', 2, opAssoc.LEFT)])

        return grammar
예제 #6
def query_parser() -> ParserElement:
    # Creating the grammar
    valid_chars = printables.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace(
        ":", "").replace("\"", "")
    expr = Forward().setName("expression")

    quotes = QuotedString(
        '"', "\\").setName("quoted string").setResultsName("quotes")

    brackets = Group(Literal("(").suppress() + expr + Literal(")").suppress()) \
        .setName("bracketed expression").setResultsName("brackets")

    words = Word(valid_chars).setName("word").setResultsName("word")

    exception_elem = Group(quotes | words).setName("exception element")\
        .setResultsName("exception_element", listAllMatches=True)
    exception = Group(exception_elem | (
        Literal("(") + exception_elem +
        ZeroOrMore(pyparsing.Optional(CaselessKeyword("or")) +
                   exception_elem) +
    exception_connector = (CaselessKeyword("except") | CaselessKeyword("ignore"))\
    exception_word = words.setName("exception word").setResultsName(

    word_with_exception = Group(exception_word + exception_connector + exception) \
        .setName("word with exception").setResultsName("word_with_exception")
    word_with_exception_brackets = Literal(
        "(") + word_with_exception + Literal(")")

    field_name = Group((Literal("@").suppress() + Word(valid_chars)) | (Word(valid_chars) + Literal(":").suppress())) \
        .setName("field name").setResultsName("field_name")
    field_value = Group(quotes | word_with_exception_brackets | word_with_exception | words)\
        .setName("field value").setResultsName("field_value")
    field = Group(field_name +

    negator = Group(pyparsing.Optional(Literal("!") | Literal("-") | CaselessKeyword("not"))) \
    element = Group(quotes | brackets | field | word_with_exception | words) \
    full_element = Group(negator +
                         element).setName("full element").setResultsName(
                             "full_element", listAllMatches=True)
    connector = Group(pyparsing.Optional(CaselessKeyword("or") | CaselessKeyword("and"))) \
        .setName("connector").setResultsName("connector", listAllMatches=True)
    expr <<= full_element + ZeroOrMore(connector + full_element)
    return expr
예제 #7
def parse_column_name(string):
    """Parse column name from select query

        This assumes that every column has a name and is the last word of str

        string(str): Input string to be parsed

        result(str): column name
    # Find all words in the string
    words = Word(printables.replace('\n\r', '')).searchString(string)

    # Get the last word matched
    # TODO: Make it more complicated
    name = words.pop().asList().pop()
    return name
예제 #8
def parse_column_name(string):
    """Parse column name from select query

        This assumes that every column has a name and is the last word of str

        string(str): Input string to be parsed

        result(str): column name
    # Find all words in the string
    words = Word(printables.replace("\n\r", "")).searchString(string)

    # Get the last word matched
    # TODO: Make it more complicated
    name = words.pop().asList().pop()
    return name
예제 #9
    Suppress(Literal("*")) + SkipTo(Literal("*")) +
    Suppress(Literal("*"))).setParseAction(lambda t: [["italic", t[0]]])

# Ex: **this** is bold

bold_text = (
    Suppress(Literal("**")) + SkipTo(Literal("**")) +
    Suppress(Literal("**"))).setParseAction(lambda t: [["bold", t[0]]])

bold_italic_text = (
    Suppress(Literal("***")) + SkipTo(Literal("***")) +
    Suppress(Literal("***"))).setParseAction(lambda t: [["bold-italic", t[0]]])

link_text = (
    Suppress(Literal("[")) + (
        Optional(url) + ZeroOrMore(Word(printables.replace(
            "]", ""))).setParseAction(lambda t: "text")
        # SkipTo(Literal("]"))
    ) + Suppress(
        Literal("]") + Literal("(") + SkipTo(Literal(")")) +
        Literal(")"))).setParseAction(lambda t: [["link", t[0]]])

# Ex: this is regular

reg_text = (
        NotAny(italic_text | link_text) + Word(printables)
        | Suppress(Literal("\n")) + Word(printables))
    # SkipTo(Literal("*")) | SkipTo(Literal("\n\n"))
).setParseAction(lambda t: [["regular", " ".join(t)]])

# Note: can be either two newlines or the end of the string
예제 #10
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: marcosptf/fedora
# we need to reimplement all this junk from pyparsing because pcre's
# idea of escapable characters contains a lot more than the C-like
# thing pyparsing implements
_bslash = "\\"
_sglQuote = Literal("'")
_dblQuote = Literal('"')
_escapables = printables
_escapedChar = Word(_bslash, _escapables, exact=2)
dblQuotedString = Combine( _dblQuote + ZeroOrMore( CharsNotIn('\\"\n\r') | _escapedChar | '""' ) + _dblQuote ).streamline().setName("string enclosed in double quotes")
sglQuotedString = Combine( _sglQuote + ZeroOrMore( CharsNotIn("\\'\n\r") | _escapedChar | "''" ) + _sglQuote ).streamline().setName("string enclosed in single quotes")
quotedArg = ( dblQuotedString | sglQuotedString )

plainArgChars = printables.replace('#', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", "")
plainArg = Word(plainArgChars)

arguments = Group(ZeroOrMore(quotedArg | plainArg))
arguments = arguments.setResultsName('arguments')

# comment line.
comment = Literal('#') + restOfLine
comment = comment.suppress()

full_command = (
    | (command + arguments + Optional(comment))
예제 #11
 def _create_field_parser(self):
     self.field = Word(printables.replace(COMMENT_START, ''))
     self._config(self.field, 'field', lambda: None)
예제 #12
hexadectet = Word(hexnums, min=1, max=4)
ipv6_address_full = alphanum_word_start + Combine((hexadectet + ":") * 7 +

ipv6_shortened_word_start = copy.deepcopy(alphanum_word_start)
# the condition on the end of this grammar is designed to make sure that any shortened ipv6 addresses have '::' in them
ipv6_address_shortened = Combine(
    OneOrMore(Or([hexadectet + Word(':'), Word(':')])) +
    hexadectet).addCondition(lambda tokens: tokens[0].count('::') > 0)

ipv6_address = (Or([ipv6_address_full, ipv6_address_shortened
                    ]).addCondition(lambda tokens: tokens[0].count(':') > 1) +

complete_email_comment = Combine('(' + Word(printables.replace(')', '')) + ')')
# the complete_email_local_part grammar ignores the fact that characters like <<<(),:;<>@[\] >>> are possible in a quoted complete_email_local_part (and the double-quotes and backslash should be preceded by a backslash)
complete_email_local_part = Combine(
    Optional(complete_email_comment)('email_address_comment') +
    Word(alphanums + "!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~." + '"') +
complete_email_address = Combine(
    complete_email_local_part('email_address_local_part') + "@" +
    Or([domain_name, '[' + ipv4_address + ']', '[IPv6:' + ipv6_address +

email_local_part = Word(alphanums, bodyChars=alphanums +
email_address = alphanum_word_start + Combine(
    email_local_part('email_address_local_part') + "@" +
    Or([domain_name, '[' + ipv4_address + ']', '[IPv6:' + ipv6_address + ']'])
class BigSmilesPattern(SmilesPattern):
#### DEFINITIONS of patterns involved in BigSMILES_Bond ####
    _BigSmilesBondChar = "$<>"
    _BondDesc =  Word(_BigSmilesBondChar,exact=1).setResultsName('BigSMILES_Bondtype') + \
                ( (Word(nums,exact=1).setResultsName('BigSMILES_Bondid') | \
                  Literal('%')+Word(nums,exact=2).setResultsName('BigSMILES_Bondid') ) )*(0,1) 
#    _ladderBondDesc = Word(_bigsmilesBondChar,exact=1).setResultsName('BigSMILES_outerBondtype') + \
#                      '[' + _bondDesc + ']' + \
#                      (Word(nums,exact=1).setResultsName('BigSMILES_outerbondid') | \
#                      Literal('%')+Word(nums,exact=2).setResultsName('BigSMILES_outerbondid') ) 
#    _bigsmilesBond = _ladderBondDesc.setResultsName('BigSMILES_ladderBond') | _bondDesc.setResultsName('BigSMILES_Bond')
    _BigSmilesBond = (Literal('[') + _BondDesc.setResultsName('BigSMILES_Bond') + Literal(']') )

#### DEFINITIONS of patterns involved in Augmented_SMILES ####
    # redefinition for the elements used in parsing of Augmented SMILES strings 
    _AugmentedSmilesChar = SmilesPattern._smilesChar | _BigSmilesBond
    _AugmentedBranchContent = _AugmentedSmilesChar*(1,None)
    _AugmentedBranchContent.setParseAction(lambda toks: ''.join(toks))
    _AugmentedBranch = nestedExpr('(',')',content=_AugmentedBranchContent)
    #_AugmentedBranch.setParseAction(lambda toks: '('+''.join([str(item) for sublist in toks for item in sublist])+')')
    _AugmentedBranch.setParseAction(lambda toks: '('+''.join(flatten_list(toks,str))+')')
    # _AugmentedSmilesElement explicitly used in Augmented_SMILES()
    _AugmentedSmilesElement = _AugmentedSmilesChar | _AugmentedBranch.setResultsName('branch')

#### DEFINITIONS of stochastic object
    _StoObjSepChar = ",;"
    #_BracketedBond = (Literal('[') + _BigSmilesBond + Literal(']')).setResultsName('BigSMILES_bracketedBond')
    _TerminalBond = (Literal('[') + (_BondDesc*(0,1)).setResultsName('BigSMILES_Bond') + Literal(']')).setResultsName('BigSMILES_terminalBond')
    _opener = StringStart() + _TerminalBond
    _closer = _TerminalBond + StringEnd()
    _StoObjSep = Word(',;',exact=1)
    printableExceptCurly = printables.replace('{', '').replace('}', '')
    _StoObjContent = Word(printableExceptCurly)#.setResultsName('StoObjCont')
    _StoObjContent.setParseAction(lambda toks: ''.join(toks))
    _StoObj = nestedExpr('{','}',content=_StoObjContent)
    _StoObj.setParseAction(lambda toks: '{'+''.join(flatten_list(toks,str))+'}')
    #_StoObjDummy = (Literal('{') + Word(nums).setResultsName('StoObjId') + Literal('}')).setResultsName('BigSMILES_StoObj')
    def separateList(toks):
        L = [x for x in toks if x != ',']
        if not 'endGrp' in toks.keys():
            toks['repUnit'] = L
            toks['endGrp'] = list()
            n = L.index(';')
            toks['repUnit'] = L[:n]
            toks['endGrp'] = L[n+1:]
        toks['rawStr'] = ''.join(toks)
        return toks
    printableExceptSemicolon = printables.replace(';', '')
    printableExceptCommaSemicolon = printableExceptSemicolon.replace(',', '')
    _StoObjUnit = Word(printableExceptCommaSemicolon)
    _StoObjList = _StoObjUnit + ("," + _StoObjUnit)*(0,None)
    _StoObjLists = _StoObjList.setResultsName('repUnit') + \
                   (Literal(';') + _StoObjList.setResultsName('endGrp'))*(0,1)
#### DEFINITIONS of patterns involved in BigSMILES() ####
    _BigSmilesChar = SmilesPattern._smilesChar | _BigSmilesBond | _StoObj.setResultsName('BigSMILES_StoObj')
    _BigSmilesBranchContent = _BigSmilesChar*(1,None)
    _BigSmilesBranchContent.setParseAction(lambda toks: ''.join(toks))
    _BigSmilesBranch = nestedExpr('(',')',content=_BigSmilesBranchContent)
    _BigSmilesBranch.setParseAction(lambda toks: '('+''.join(flatten_list(toks,str))+')')
    _BigSmilesElement = _BigSmilesChar | _BigSmilesBranch.setResultsName('branch')

    # additional definition of augmented SMILES for parsing the entire augmented SMILES segments (BigSMILES Chain Objects)
#    _augBranchContent = (SmilesPattern._smilesChar | _bigsmilesBond)*(1,None)
#    _augBranch = nestedExpr('(',')',content=_augBranchContent)
#    _augBranch.setParseAction(lambda toks: '('+''.join([str(item) for sublist in toks for item in sublist])+')')
#    _augSmilesElement = SmilesPattern._smilesChar | _augBranch 
#    _bigsmilesChar = _augSmilesElement | _bigsmilesBond
#    _bigsmileschainObj = _bigsmilesChar*(1,None)
#    _bigsmileschainObj.setParseAction(lambda toks: ''.join(toks))

    # bracketed bonds and definition for starting/ending patterns for stochastic objects
    # _opener, _closer, _stoObjExactContent explicitly used in BigSMILES_StoObj()
#    _bracketedBond = (Literal('[') + _bigsmilesBond + Literal(']')).setResultsName('BigSMILES_bracketedBond')
#    _opener = StringStart()+(_bracketedBond)*(0,1)
#    _opener.setParseAction(SmilesPattern.addRawStr)
#    _closer = (_bracketedBond)*(0,1)+StringEnd()
#    _closer.setParseAction(SmilesPattern.addRawStr)
#    _stoObjSep = Word(',;',exact=1)
#    _stoObjContent = (_AugmentedSmilesChar | _stoObjSep | _bracketedBond)*(1,None)
#    _stoObjContent.setParseAction(lambda toks: ''.join(toks))
#    _stoObj = nestedExpr('{','}',content=_stoObjContent)
    #_stoObj.setParseAction(lambda toks: '{'+''.join([str(item) for sublist in toks for item in sublist])+'}')
#    _stoObj.setParseAction(lambda toks: '{'+''.join(flatten_list(toks,str))+'}')
#    _bigsmilesElement = _bigsmileschainObj.setResultsName('Augmented_SMILES') | \
#                        _stoObj.setResultsName('BigSMILES_StoObj')
#    _bigsmilesElement.setParseAction(SmilesPattern.addRawStr)
    def separateList(toks):
        L = [x for x in toks if x != ',']
        if not 'endGrp' in toks.keys():
            toks['repUnit'] = L
            toks['endGrp'] = list()
            n = L.index(';')
            toks['repUnit'] = L[:n]
            toks['endGrp'] = L[n+1:]
        toks['rawStr'] = ''.join(toks)
        return toks
예제 #14
from price_parser import Price
from pyparsing import Suppress, alphanums, Word, nums, printables, Combine, Regex, Literal, Optional

_String = Word(printables)
_Int = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda s, loc, toks: int(toks[0]))
# <@U088EGWEL> --> U088EGWEL
_User = Combine(Suppress('<@') + Word(alphanums) + Suppress('>'))
# <#C052EM50K|waterloo> --> C052EM50K
_Channel = Combine(
    Suppress('<#') + Word(alphanums) +
    Word(printables.replace('>', '')).suppress() + Suppress('>'))
# <mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]> --> [email protected]
_Email = Combine(
    Suppress('<mailto:') + Word(alphanums + '@.') +
    Word(printables.replace('>', '')).suppress() + Suppress('>'))
# :simple_smile:
_Emoji = Combine(
    Suppress(':') + Word(printables.replace(':', '')) + Suppress(':'))

_Money = Regex(r'[0-9$\.]+').setParseAction(
    lambda s, loc, toks: Price.fromstring(toks[0]).amount_float)
_RestOfInput = Regex(r'.*')
_Direction = Literal('to') | Literal('from')
_Full = Optional(Literal('full'))
_Commands = Literal('help') | Literal('ping') | Literal('pong') | Literal(
    'sw') | Literal('mmr') | Literal('record')

_help = Literal('.help')
_help_advanced = Literal('.help') + Optional('.').suppress() + _Commands
_ping = Literal('.ping')
_pong = Literal('.pong')
예제 #15
파일: io.py 프로젝트: mrihtar/orange
import Orange.misc
from Orange.core import \
     BasketFeeder, FileExampleGenerator, BasketExampleGenerator, \
     C45ExampleGenerator, TabDelimExampleGenerator, \
     registerFileType as register_file_type

import Orange.feature as variable
from Orange.feature import Descriptor
MakeStatus = Orange.feature.Descriptor.MakeStatus
make = Orange.feature.Descriptor.make

from pyparsing import (printables, originalTextFor, OneOrMore, 
     quotedString, Word, delimitedList)

# unquoted words can contain anything but a colon
printables_no_colon = printables.replace(',', '')
content = originalTextFor(OneOrMore(quotedString | Word(printables_no_colon)))

def loadARFF(filename, create_on_new=MakeStatus.Incompatible, **kwargs):
    """Return class:`Orange.data.Table` containing data from file in Weka ARFF format
       if there exists no .xml file with the same name. If it does, a multi-label
       dataset is read and returned.
    if filename[-5:] == ".arff":
        filename = filename[:-5]
    if os.path.exists(filename + ".xml") and os.path.exists(filename + ".arff"):
        xml_name = filename + ".xml"
        arff_name = filename + ".arff"
        return Orange.multilabel.mulan.trans_mulan_data(xml_name, arff_name, create_on_new)
        return loadARFF_Weka(filename, create_on_new)
예제 #16
user_agent_platform = Combine(
    alphanum_word_start + Regex('[a-zA-Z]{2,}/?').addCondition(
        lambda tokens: tokens[0].lower().strip('/') != 'mozilla') +
user_agent = Combine(
    user_agent_start + user_agent_details +
    ZeroOrMore(user_agent_platform + Optional(user_agent_details)),
    joinString=' ',

# https://github.com/fhightower/ioc-finder/issues/13
# TODO: improve the windows_file_path grammar - it is pretty naive right now... the file_ending is very basic and it would be nice to have a list of common file endings, the windows_file_path grammar assumes that a path will not have a '.' in it (other than in the file name at the end), and the windows_file_path grammar assumes that the path will have a file name at the end (it will not match directory paths well)
file_ending = Word(alphas, max=5)
windows_file_path = alphanum_word_start + Combine(
    Word(alphanums, exact=1) + ':' + Word(printables.replace('.', '') + ' ') +
    '.' + file_ending)

# we need to add '/' and '~' to the alphanum_word_start so that the grammar will match words starting with '/' and '~'
# we add ':' to the alphanum_word_start because we want to avoid parsing urls are file paths (e.g. "//twitter.com" from "https://twitter.com/")
unix_file_path_wordstart = copy.deepcopy(alphanum_word_start)

unix_file_path = unix_file_path_wordstart + Combine(
    Or(['~', '/']) + Word(printables.replace('.', '') + ' ') + '.' +
    file_ending).addCondition(lambda tokens: '//' not in tokens[0])
file_path = Or([windows_file_path, unix_file_path]) + alphanum_word_end

# be aware that the phone_number grammar assumes that the text being sent to it has been reversed
예제 #17
from pyparsing import Word, printables, nestedExpr, Group, Forward, alphas, originalTextFor, Optional, Literal

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Statically detect literal pairs')
parser.add_argument('input_file', metavar='<INPUT_FILE>', help='SMT-LIB input')
    help='SMT-LIB output -- same as input file with additional assertions')
args = parser.parse_args()

input_file = args.input_file
output_file = args.output_file

enclosed = Forward()
svar = Word(printables.replace("()", ""))
bvoneorzero = (Literal("#b1") | Literal("#b0"))
eqpat = originalTextFor(nestedExpr(content="= " + enclosed))
neqpat = originalTextFor("(not " + eqpat + ")")
enclosed << (svar
             | nestedExpr(opener='(', closer=')', content=None)) + bvoneorzero

detectneq = (eqpat | neqpat)

# tags
POSTAG = 1  # uses one to encode a positive equality
NEGTAG = 2  # uses two to encode a negated equality
BOTHTAG = 3  # three encodes both the positive and negative equalities occur (add an assertion comparing the two)

negval = {0: 1, 1: 0}
예제 #18
            if t in ('or', 'and'):  # Set the new op and go to next token
                operation = t
            elif t == '-':  # Next tokens needs to be negated
                negation = True
            else:  # Append to query the token
                if negation:
                    t = ~t
                if operation == 'or':
                    query |= t
                    query &= t
    return query

NO_BRTS = printables.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
SINGLE = Word(NO_BRTS.replace('*', ''))
WILDCARDS = Optional('*') + SINGLE + Optional('*') + WordEnd(wordChars=NO_BRTS)
QUOTED = quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)

OPER_AND = CaselessLiteral('and')
OPER_OR = CaselessLiteral('or')
OPER_NOT = '-'

TERM = Combine(
    Optional(Word(alphas).setResultsName('meta') + ':') +
    (QUOTED.setResultsName('query') | WILDCARDS.setResultsName('query')))

EXPRESSION = operatorPrecedence(
    TERM, [(OPER_NOT, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT), (OPER_OR, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
예제 #19
DQ = Suppress('"')
SP = Suppress(" ")
CD = Suppress(',')
CN = Suppress(':')

ARROW_S = Suppress('->')

MONTH = oneOf("Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec")
DAY = Word(nums)
SL_TIME = Combine(Word(nums)+":"+Word(nums)+":"+Word(nums))
FULL_HEX = Word('x'+hexnums)

PORT = Word(nums)
IP4_ADDRESS = Combine(Word(nums) + ('.' + Word(nums))*3)
IP6_ADDRESS = Word(hexnums+':')
PRINTABLES_NO_CD = printables.replace(',', '')
HOSTNAME = Word(alphanums+'.-_')("HOSTNAME")

INT = Word(nums)
HEX = Word(hexnums)
WORD = Word(alphanums)
TEXT = Group(OneOrMore(Word(printables)))
EMPTY = Empty()

SYSLOG_PROC = Combine(WORD("app") + Word("[") + INT("pid") + Word("]: "))
SYSLOG_APP = Combine(WORD("app") + Word(": "))
SYSLOG_TS = Combine(MONTH+" "+DAY+" "+SL_TIME)
USERNAME = Word(alphanums)
예제 #20
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: zhonger/aiida-core
    def parse_query_string(self, query_string):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        Function that parse the querystring, extracting infos for limit, offset,
        ordering, filters, attribute and extra projections.
        :param query_string (as obtained from request.query_string)
        :return: parsed values for the querykeys

        from pyparsing import Word, alphas, nums, alphanums, printables, \
            ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore, Suppress, Optional, Literal, Group, \
            QuotedString, Combine, \
            StringStart as SS, StringEnd as SE, \
            WordEnd as WE, \

        from pyparsing import pyparsing_common as ppc
        from dateutil import parser as dtparser
        from psycopg2.tz import FixedOffsetTimezone

        ## Define grammar
        # key types
        key = Word(f'{alphas}_', f'{alphanums}_')
        # operators
        operator = (Literal('=like=') | Literal('=ilike=') | Literal('=in=')
                    | Literal('=notin=') | Literal('=') | Literal('!=')
                    | Literal('>=') | Literal('>') | Literal('<=')
                    | Literal('<'))
        # Value types
        value_num = ppc.number
        value_bool = (
            | Literal('false')).addParseAction(lambda toks: bool(toks[0]))
        value_string = QuotedString('"', escQuote='""')
        value_orderby = Combine(Optional(Word('+-', exact=1)) + key)

        ## DateTimeShift value. First, compose the atomic values and then
        # combine
        #  them and convert them to datetime objects
        # Date
        value_date = Combine(
            Word(nums, exact=4) + Literal('-') + Word(nums, exact=2) +
            Literal('-') + Word(nums, exact=2))
        # Time
        value_time = Combine(
            Literal('T') + Word(nums, exact=2) +
            Optional(Literal(':') + Word(nums, exact=2)) +
            Optional(Literal(':') + Word(nums, exact=2)))
        # Shift
        value_shift = Combine(
            Word('+-', exact=1) + Word(nums, exact=2) +
            Optional(Literal(':') + Word(nums, exact=2)))
        # Combine atomic values
        value_datetime = Combine(
            value_date + Optional(value_time) + Optional(value_shift) +
            WE(printables.replace('&', ''))
            # To us the
            # word must end with '&' or end of the string
            # Adding  WordEnd  only here is very important. This makes atomic
            # values for date, time and shift not really
            # usable alone individually.


        def validate_time(toks):
            Function to convert datetime string into datetime object. The format is
            compliant with ParseAction requirements

            :param toks: datetime string passed in tokens
            :return: datetime object

            datetime_string = toks[0]

            # Check the precision
            precision = len(datetime_string.replace('T', ':').split(':'))

            # Parse
                dtobj = dtparser.parse(datetime_string)
            except ValueError:
                raise RestInputValidationError(
                    'time value has wrong format. The '
                    'right format is '
                    '<date>T<time><offset>, '
                    'where <date> is expressed as '
                    '[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD], '
                    '<time> is expressed as [HH]:[MM]:['
                    'SS], '
                    '<offset> is expressed as +/-[HH]:['
                    'MM] '
                    'given with '
                    'respect to UTC')
            if dtobj.tzinfo is not None and dtobj.utcoffset() is not None:
                tzoffset_minutes = int(dtobj.utcoffset().total_seconds() // 60)
                return DatetimePrecision(
                        offset=tzoffset_minutes, name=None)), precision)

            return DatetimePrecision(
                dtobj.replace(tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(offset=0, name=None)),


        # Convert datetime value to datetime object

        # More General types
        value = (value_string | value_bool | value_datetime | value_num
                 | value_orderby)
        # List of values (I do not check the homogeneity of the types of values,
        # query builder will do it somehow)
        value_list = Group(value + OneOrMore(Suppress(',') + value) +

        # Fields
        single_field = Group(key + operator + value)
        list_field = Group(key + (Literal('=in=') | Literal('=notin=')) +
        orderby_field = Group(key + Literal('=') + value_list)
        field = (list_field | orderby_field | single_field)

        # Fields separator
        separator = Suppress(Literal('&'))

        # General query string
        general_grammar = SS() + Optional(field) + ZeroOrMore(
            separator + field) + \
                          Optional(separator) + SE()

        ## Parse the query string
            fields = general_grammar.parseString(query_string)

            # JQuery adds _=timestamp a parameter to not use cached data/response.
            # To handle query, remove this "_" parameter from the query string
            # For more details check issue #789
            # (https://github.com/aiidateam/aiida-core/issues/789) in aiida-core
            field_list = [
                entry for entry in fields.asList() if entry[0] != '_'

        except ParseException as err:
            raise RestInputValidationError(
                'The query string format is invalid. '
                "Parser returned this massage: \"{"
                "}.\" Please notice that the column "
                'number '
                'is counted from '
                'the first character of the query '

        ## return the translator instructions elaborated from the field_list
        return self.build_translator_parameters(field_list)
예제 #21
파일: dbc.py 프로젝트: uincore/cantools
def _create_grammar():
    """Create the DBC grammar.


    word = Word(printables.replace(';', '').replace(':', ''))
    integer = Group(Optional('-') + Word(nums))
    positive_integer = Word(nums).setName('positive integer')
    number = Word(nums + '.Ee-+')
    colon = Suppress(Literal(':'))
    scolon = Suppress(Literal(';'))
    pipe = Suppress(Literal('|'))
    at = Suppress(Literal('@'))
    sign = Literal('+') | Literal('-')
    lp = Suppress(Literal('('))
    rp = Suppress(Literal(')'))
    lb = Suppress(Literal('['))
    rb = Suppress(Literal(']'))
    comma = Suppress(Literal(','))
    node = Word(alphas + nums + '_-').setWhitespaceChars(' ')
    frame_id = Word(nums).setName('frame id')

    version = Group(Keyword('VERSION') - QuotedString())

    symbol = Word(alphas + '_') + Suppress(LineEnd())

    symbols = Group(Keyword('NS_') - colon - Group(ZeroOrMore(symbol)))

    discard = Suppress(Keyword('BS_') - colon).setName('BS_')

    nodes = Group(Keyword('BU_') - colon - Group(ZeroOrMore(node)))

    signal = Group(
        Keyword(SIGNAL) - Group(word + Optional(word)) - colon -
        Group(positive_integer - pipe - positive_integer - at -
              positive_integer - sign) -
        Group(lp - number - comma - number - rp) -
        Group(lb - number - pipe - number - rb) - QuotedString() -

    message = Group(
        Keyword(MESSAGE) - frame_id - word - colon - positive_integer - word -

    event = Suppress(
        Keyword(EVENT) - word - colon - positive_integer - lb - number - pipe -
        number - rb - QuotedString() - number - number - word - node - scolon)

    comment = Group(
        Keyword(COMMENT) -
        ((Keyword(SIGNAL) - frame_id - word - QuotedString() -
         | (Keyword(MESSAGE) - frame_id - QuotedString() -
         | (Keyword(EVENT) - word - QuotedString() - scolon).setName(EVENT)
         | (Keyword(NODES) - word - QuotedString() - scolon).setName(NODES)
         | (QuotedString() - scolon).setName('QuotedString')))

    attribute_definition = Group(
         | (Keyword(SIGNAL)
            | Keyword(MESSAGE)
            | Keyword(EVENT)
            | Keyword(NODES)) + QuotedString()) - word -
         | (Group(ZeroOrMore(Group(
             (comma | Empty()) + QuotedString()))) + scolon)
         | (Group(ZeroOrMore(number)) + scolon)))

    attribute_definition_default = Group(
        Keyword(ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION_DEFAULT) - QuotedString() -
        (number | QuotedString()) - scolon)

    attribute = Group(
        Keyword(ATTRIBUTE) - QuotedString() - Group(
            Optional((Keyword(MESSAGE) + frame_id)
                     | (Keyword(SIGNAL) + frame_id + word)
                     | (Keyword(NODES) + word))) - (QuotedString() | number) -

    choice = Group(
        Keyword(CHOICE) - Group(Optional(frame_id)) - word -
        Group(OneOrMore(Group(integer + QuotedString()))) - scolon)

    value_table = Group(
        Keyword(VALUE_TABLE) - word -
        Group(OneOrMore(Group(integer + QuotedString()))) - scolon)

    signal_type = Group(
        Keyword(SIGNAL_TYPE) - frame_id - word - colon - positive_integer -

    signal_multiplexer_values = Group(
        Keyword(SIGNAL_MULTIPLEXER_VALUES) - frame_id - word - word - Group(
            delimitedList(positive_integer - Suppress('-') -
                          Suppress(positive_integer))) - scolon)

    message_add_sender = Group(
        Keyword(MESSAGE_TX_NODE) - frame_id - colon -
        Group(delimitedList(node)) - scolon)

    attribute_definition_rel = Group(
         | (Keyword(NODES_REL) + QuotedString())) - word -
         | (Group(ZeroOrMore(Group(
             (comma | Empty()) + QuotedString()))) + scolon)
         | (Group(ZeroOrMore(number)) + scolon)))

    attribute_definition_default_rel = Group(
        Keyword(ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION_DEFAULT_REL) - QuotedString() -
        (number | QuotedString()) - scolon)

    attribute_rel = Group(
        Keyword(ATTRIBUTE_REL) - QuotedString() - Keyword(NODES_REL) - word -
        Keyword(SIGNAL) - frame_id - word -
        (positive_integer | QuotedString()) - scolon)

    signal_group = Group(
        Keyword(SIGNAL_GROUP) - frame_id - word - integer - colon -
        OneOrMore(word) - scolon)

    entry = (message
             | comment
             | attribute
             | choice
             | attribute_definition
             | attribute_definition_default
             | attribute_rel
             | attribute_definition_rel
             | attribute_definition_default_rel
             | signal_group
             | event
             | message_add_sender
             | value_table
             | signal_type
             | signal_multiplexer_values
             | discard
             | nodes
             | symbols
             | version)

    frame_id.setParseAction(lambda _s, _l, t: int(t[0]))

    return OneOrMore(entry) + StringEnd()
예제 #22
            if t in ("or", "and"):  # Set the new op and go to next token
                operation = t
            elif t == "-":  # Next tokens needs to be negated
                negation = True
            else:  # Append to query the token
                if negation:
                    t = ~t
                if operation == "or":
                    query |= t
                    query &= t
    return query

NO_BRTS = printables.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
SINGLE = Word(NO_BRTS.replace("*", ""))
WILDCARDS = Optional("*") + SINGLE + Optional("*") + WordEnd(wordChars=NO_BRTS)
QUOTED = quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)

OPER_AND = CaselessLiteral("and")
OPER_OR = CaselessLiteral("or")
OPER_NOT = "-"

TERM = Combine(
    Optional(Word(alphas).setResultsName("meta") + ":")
    + (QUOTED.setResultsName("query") | WILDCARDS.setResultsName("query"))

EXPRESSION = operatorPrecedence(
예제 #23
def _create_grammar_6_0():
    """Create the SYM 6.0 grammar.


    word = Word(printables.replace(';', '').replace(':', ''))
    positive_integer = Word(nums)
    number = Word(nums + '.Ee-+')
    lp = Suppress(Literal('('))
    rp = Suppress(Literal(')'))
    lb = Suppress(Literal('['))
    rb = Suppress(Literal(']'))
    name = Word(alphas + nums + '_-').setWhitespaceChars(' ')
    assign = Suppress(Literal('='))
    comma = Suppress(Literal(','))
    type_ = name

    version = Group(Keyword('FormatVersion') - assign - Keyword('6.0'))

    title = Group(Keyword('Title') - assign - QuotedString('"'))

    enum_value = Group(number + assign + QuotedString('"'))

    enum = Group(
        Suppress(Keyword('Enum')) - assign - name - Suppress(lp) +
        Group(delimitedList(enum_value)) - Suppress(rp))

    sig_unit = Group(Literal('/u:') + word)
    sig_factor = Group(Literal('/f:') + word)
    sig_offset = Group(Literal('/o:') + word)
    sig_min = Group(Literal('/min:') + word)
    sig_max = Group(Literal('/max:') + word)
    sig_default = Group(Literal('/d:') + word)
    sig_long_name = Group(Literal('/ln:') + word)
    sig_enum = Group(Literal('/e:') + word)

    signal = Group(
        Suppress(Keyword('Sig')) - Suppress(assign) - name - type_ +
        Group(Optional(positive_integer)) + Group(Optional(Keyword('-m'))) +
            Optional(sig_unit) + Optional(sig_factor) + Optional(sig_offset) +
            Optional(sig_min) + Optional(sig_max) + Optional(sig_default) +
            Optional(sig_long_name) + Optional(sig_enum)))

    symbol = Group(
        Suppress(lb) - name - Suppress(rb) -
        Group(Optional(Keyword('ID') + assign + word)) -
        Group(Keyword('Len') + assign + positive_integer) + Group(
                Keyword('Mux') + assign + word + positive_integer + comma +
                positive_integer + positive_integer)) +
        Group(Optional(Keyword('CycleTime') + assign + positive_integer)) +
        Group(Optional(Keyword('Timeout') + assign + positive_integer)) +
        Group(Optional(Keyword('MinInterval') + assign + positive_integer)) +
                Keyword('Sig') + assign + name + positive_integer))))

    enums = Group(Keyword('{ENUMS}') + Group(ZeroOrMore(enum)))
    signals = Group(Keyword('{SIGNALS}') + Group(ZeroOrMore(signal)))
    send = Group(Keyword('{SEND}') + Group(ZeroOrMore(symbol)))
    receive = Group(Keyword('{RECEIVE}') + Group(ZeroOrMore(symbol)))
    sendreceive = Group(Keyword('{SENDRECEIVE}') + Group(ZeroOrMore(symbol)))

    section = (enums | signals | send | receive | sendreceive)

    grammar = (version - title + Group(OneOrMore(section)) + StringEnd())

    return grammar
예제 #24
def _create_dbc_grammar():
    """Create DBC grammar.


    # DBC file grammar.
    word = Word(printables.replace(';', '').replace(':', ''))
    integer = Group(Optional('-') + Word(nums))
    positive_integer = Word(nums)
    number = Word(nums + '.Ee-+')
    colon = Suppress(Literal(':'))
    scolon = Suppress(Literal(';'))
    pipe = Suppress(Literal('|'))
    at = Suppress(Literal('@'))
    sign = Literal('+') | Literal('-')
    lp = Suppress(Literal('('))
    rp = Suppress(Literal(')'))
    lb = Suppress(Literal('['))
    rb = Suppress(Literal(']'))
    comma = Suppress(Literal(','))
    node = Word(alphas + nums + '_-').setWhitespaceChars(' ')

    version = Group(Keyword('VERSION') + QuotedString('"', multiline=True))
    symbol = Word(alphas + '_') + Suppress(LineEnd())
    symbols = Group(Keyword('NS_') + colon + Group(ZeroOrMore(symbol)))
    discard = Suppress(Keyword('BS_') + colon)
    nodes = Group(Keyword('BU_') + colon + Group(ZeroOrMore(node)))
    signal = Group(
        Keyword(SIGNAL) + Group(word + Optional(word)) + colon +
        Group(positive_integer + pipe + positive_integer + at +
              positive_integer + sign) +
        Group(lp + number + comma + number + rp) +
        Group(lb + number + pipe + number + rb) +
        QuotedString('"', multiline=True) + Group(delimitedList(node)))
    message = Group(
        Keyword(MESSAGE) + positive_integer + word + colon + positive_integer +
        word + Group(ZeroOrMore(signal)))
    event = Suppress(
        Keyword(EVENT) + word + colon + positive_integer + lb + number + pipe +
        number + rb + QuotedString('"', multiline=True) + number + number +
        word + node + scolon)
    comment = Group(
        Keyword(COMMENT) +
        ((Keyword(MESSAGE) + positive_integer +
          QuotedString('"', multiline=True) + scolon)
         | (Keyword(SIGNAL) + positive_integer + word +
            QuotedString('"', multiline=True) + scolon)
         | (Keyword(NODES) + word + QuotedString('"', multiline=True) + scolon)
         (Keyword(EVENT) + word + QuotedString('"', multiline=True) + scolon)))
    attribute = Group(
        Keyword(ATTRIBUTE) +
        ((QuotedString('"', multiline=True))
         | (Keyword(SIGNAL) + QuotedString('"', multiline=True))
         | (Keyword(MESSAGE) + QuotedString('"', multiline=True))
         | (Keyword(EVENT) + QuotedString('"', multiline=True))
         | (Keyword(NODES) + QuotedString('"', multiline=True))) + word +
         | (Group(
                 Group((comma | Empty()) +
                       QuotedString('"', multiline=True)))) + scolon)
         | (Group(ZeroOrMore(number)) + scolon)))
    default_attr = Group(
        Keyword(DEFAULT_ATTR) + QuotedString('"', multiline=True) +
        (positive_integer | QuotedString('"', multiline=True)) + scolon)
    attr_definition = Group(
        Keyword(ATTR_DEFINITION) + QuotedString('"', multiline=True) + Group(
            Optional((Keyword(MESSAGE) + positive_integer)
                     | (Keyword(SIGNAL) + positive_integer + word)
                     | (Keyword(NODES) + word))) +
        (QuotedString('"', multiline=True) | positive_integer) + scolon)
    choice = Group(
        Keyword(CHOICE) + Optional(positive_integer) + word +
        Group(OneOrMore(Group(integer + QuotedString('"', multiline=True)))) +
    value_table = Group(
        Keyword(VALUE_TABLE) + word +
        Group(OneOrMore(Group(integer + QuotedString('"', multiline=True)))) +
    entry = (version
             | symbols
             | discard
             | nodes
             | message
             | comment
             | attribute
             | default_attr
             | attr_definition
             | choice
             | value_table
             | event)
    grammar = OneOrMore(entry) + StringEnd()

    return grammar
예제 #25
            if t in ('or', 'and'):  # Set the new op and go to next token
                operation = t
            elif t == '-':  # Next tokens needs to be negated
                negation = True
            else:  # Append to query the token
                if negation:
                    t = ~t
                if operation == 'or':
                    query |= t
                    query &= t
    return query

NO_BRTS = printables.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
SINGLE = Word(NO_BRTS.replace('*', ''))
WILDCARDS = Optional('*') + SINGLE + Optional('*') + WordEnd(wordChars=NO_BRTS)
QUOTED = quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)

OPER_AND = CaselessLiteral('and')
OPER_OR = CaselessLiteral('or')
OPER_NOT = '-'

TERM = Combine(Optional(Word(alphas).setResultsName('meta') + ':') +
               (QUOTED.setResultsName('query') |

EXPRESSION = operatorPrecedence(TERM, [
    (OPER_NOT, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT),
예제 #26
파일: rtfparser.py 프로젝트: fairsay/pytnef
import sys
from logging import critical

from pyparsing import Optional, Literal, Word, Group
from pyparsing import Suppress, Combine, replaceWith
from pyparsing import alphas, nums, printables, alphanums
from pyparsing import restOfLine, oneOf, OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore
from pyparsing import ParseException

__all__ = ("extract_html_line", "extract_html_lines", "RTFParserException", "parse", "write_html_document")

class RTFParserException(Exception):
   "indicate failed RTF parsing"

htmchars = printables.replace("<","").replace(">","").replace("\\","").replace("{","").replace("}","") + " " + "\t"

SEP = Literal(';')

BRCKT_L = Literal('{')
BRCKT_R = Literal('}')

# basic RTF control codes, ie. "\labelname3434"
CTRL_LABEL = Combine(Word(alphas + "'") + Optional(Word(nums)))
BASE_CTRL = Combine(Literal('\\') + CTRL_LABEL)

# in some rare cases (color table declarations), control has ' ;' suffix
예제 #27
_bslash = "\\"
_sglQuote = Literal("'")
_dblQuote = Literal('"')
_escapables = printables
_escapedChar = Word(_bslash, _escapables, exact=2)
dblQuotedString = Combine(
    _dblQuote + ZeroOrMore(CharsNotIn('\\"\n\r') | _escapedChar | '""') +
    _dblQuote).streamline().setName("string enclosed in double quotes")
sglQuotedString = Combine(
    _sglQuote + ZeroOrMore(CharsNotIn("\\'\n\r") | _escapedChar | "''") +
    _sglQuote).streamline().setName("string enclosed in single quotes")
quotedArg = (dblQuotedString | sglQuotedString)

plainArgChars = printables.replace('#', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", "")
plainArg = Word(plainArgChars)

arguments = Group(ZeroOrMore(quotedArg | plainArg))
arguments = arguments.setResultsName('arguments')

# comment line.
comment = Literal('#') + restOfLine
comment = comment.suppress()

full_command = (comment | (command + arguments + Optional(comment)))
예제 #28
    nums, asKeyword=True).addCondition(lambda tokens: int(tokens[0]) < 256)
# basically, the grammar below says: start any words that start with a '.' or a number; I want to match words that start with a '.' because this will fail later in the grammar and I do not want to match anything that start with a '.'
ipv4_address = alphanum_word_start + WordStart('.' + nums) + Combine(
    (ipv4_section + '.') * 3 + ipv4_section) + NotAny(
        Regex('\.\S')) + alphanum_word_end

hexadectet = Word(hexnums, min=1, max=4)
ipv6_address_full = alphanum_word_start + Combine((hexadectet + ":") * 7 +
# todo: the ipv6_address_shortened grammar needs some fine-tuning so it doesn't pull in content too broadly
ipv6_address_shortened = Combine(
    OneOrMore(Or([hexadectet + Word(':'), Word(':')])) + hexadectet)
ipv6_address = Or([ipv6_address_full, ipv6_address_shortened
                   ]) + alphanum_word_end

complete_email_comment = Combine('(' + Word(printables.replace(')', '')) + ')')
# the complete_email_local_part grammar ignores the fact that characters like <<<(),:;<>@[\] >>> are possible in a quoted complete_email_local_part (and the double-quotes and backslash should be preceded by a backslash)
complete_email_local_part = Combine(
    Optional(complete_email_comment)('email_address_comment') +
    Word(alphanums + "!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~." + '"') +
complete_email_address = Combine(
    complete_email_local_part('email_address_local_part') + "@" +
    Or([domain_name, '[' + ipv4_address + ']', '[IPv6:' + ipv6_address +

email_local_part = Word(alphanums + "+-_.")
email_address = alphanum_word_start + Combine(
    email_local_part('email_address_local_part') + "@" +
    Or([domain_name, '[' + ipv4_address + ']', '[IPv6:' + ipv6_address + ']'])