예제 #1
def swallows_exceptions(js_dest: str, exclude: list = None) -> bool:
    Search for ``catch`` blocks that are empty or only have comments.

    See `REQ.161 <https://fluidattacks.com/web/rules/161/>`_.

    See `CWE-391 <https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/391.html>`_.

    :param js_dest: Path to a JavaScript source file or package.
    :param exclude: Paths that contains any string from this list are ignored.
    # Empty() grammar matches 'anything'
    # ~Empty() grammar matches 'not anything' or 'nothing'
    classic = Suppress(Keyword('catch')) + nestedExpr(opener='(', closer=')') \
        + nestedExpr(opener='{', closer='}', content=~Empty())

    modern = Suppress('.' + Keyword('catch')) + nestedExpr(
        opener='(', closer=')', content=~Empty())

    grammar = MatchFirst([classic, modern])

        matches = lang.path_contains_grammar(grammar, js_dest, LANGUAGE_SPECS,
    except FileNotFoundError:
        show_unknown('File does not exist', details=dict(code_dest=js_dest))
        if matches:
            show_open('Code has empty "catch" blocks',
            return True
        show_close('Code does not have empty "catch" blocks',
    return False
예제 #2
파일: parsing.py 프로젝트: zitkat/soops
def create_dict_bnf(allow_tuple=False, free_word=False):
    word = word_free if free_word else word_strict
    defs = get_standard_type_defs(word)
    empty = Empty()
    empty.setParseAction( lambda toks: [{}])
    if allow_tuple:
        return defs['dict'].inner | defs['tuple'].inner | empty
        return defs['dict'].inner | empty
예제 #3
파일: parsing.py 프로젝트: rc/soops
def get_standard_type_defs(word=word_free):
    Return dict of the pyparsing base lexical elements.

    The compound types (tuple, list, dict) can contain compound types or simple
    types such as integers, floats and words.

    word : lexical element
        A custom lexical element for word.

    defs : dict
        The dictionary with the following items:

        - tuple: (..., ..., ...)
        - list: [..., ...., ...]
        - dict: {...:..., ...:..., ....} or {...=..., ...=..., ....}
        - list_item: any of preceding compound types or simple types
    tuple_str = Forward()
    list_str = Forward()
    dict_str = Forward()
    cvt_tuple = lambda toks: [tuple(toks.asList())]
    cvt_dict = lambda toks: [dict(toks.asList())]

    list_item = (none ^ boolean ^ cmplx ^ real ^ integer ^ list_str ^ tuple_str
                 ^ dict_str ^ quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes) ^ word)
    list_item2 = list_item | Empty().setParseAction(lambda: [None])

    tuple_str.inner = Empty() ^ list_of(list_item)
    list_str.inner = tuple_str.inner.copy()
    tuple_str << (lparen + tuple_str.inner + rparen)

    list_str.inner.setParseAction(lambda toks: [toks.asList()])
    list_str << (lbrack + list_str.inner + rbrack)

    dict_entry = Group(list_item + (colon | equal_sign) + list_item2)
    dict_str.inner = Empty() ^ list_of(dict_entry)
    dict_str << (lbrace +
                 (dict_str.inner | Empty().setParseAction(lambda x: [{}])) +

    defs = {
        'tuple': tuple_str,
        'list': list_str,
        'dict': dict_str,
        'list_item': list_item

    return defs
예제 #4
def get_standard_type_defs(word):
    tuple_str = Forward()
    list_str = Forward()
    dict_str = Forward()
    cvt_tuple = lambda toks: tuple(toks.asList())
    cvt_dict = lambda toks: dict(toks.asList())

    list_item = (none | boolean | real | integer | list_str | tuple_str
                 | dict_str
                 | quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)
                 | word)
    list_item2 = list_item | Empty().setParseAction(lambda: [None])

    tuple_str.inner = list_of(list_item)
    tuple_str << (lparen + tuple_str.inner + rparen)

    list_str.inner = tuple_str.inner.copy()
    list_str.inner.setParseAction(lambda toks: list(toks))
    list_str << (lbrack + list_str.inner + rbrack)

    dict_entry = Group(list_item + colon + list_item2)
    dict_str.inner = list_of(dict_entry)
    dict_str << (lbrace + Optional(dict_str.inner) + rbrace)

    return {
        'tuple': tuple_str,
        'list': list_str,
        'dict': dict_str,
        'list_item': list_item
예제 #5
def bnf():
    comment = "#" + restOfLine
    variable_name = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")
    literal = Word(nums)
    operator = Word("+-|&", max=1)
    comparsion = Literal("!=") | "<=" | "<" | ">=" | ">" | "=="

    variable_reference = Suppress("@") + variable_name("address")
    literal_reference = Suppress("@") + literal("address")

    value = Group(variable_reference
                  | variable_name
                  | literal_reference
                  | literal)
    operation = ((value("lhs") + operator("op") + value("rhs"))
                 | Group("-" + value("negative_val"))
                 | value("val"))

    command = value("name") + Suppress("=") + operation("value")
    goto = (Suppress("goto") + variable_name("target") + Optional(
        Suppress("if") + operation("value") + comparsion("cmp") +
        Suppress("0") + Optional(Suppress("else") + variable_name("elsetgt"))))
    label = value("anchor") + Suppress(":")

    return (command | label | goto | Empty()).ignore(comment)
예제 #6
    def __init__(self):
        self.locator = Empty().setParseAction(self.locator_parse_action)('location')

        import_entry = Group(Suppress(Keyword('import')) - self.locator + SkipTo(LineEnd())('path'))
        imports = ZeroOrMore(import_entry)('imports')

        array = Group(Suppress('[') + Suppress(']'))
        type_ = Group(self.locator + (Word(alphas, alphanums) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress('.') - Word(alphas, alphanums)))('name') - ZeroOrMore(array)('array'))
        identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums)

        param = Group(self.locator + type_('type') + identifier('name'))
        params_list = Group(Optional(param + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(',') + param)))
        method = Group(self.locator + type_('ret_type') + identifier('name') + Suppress('(') + params_list('params') + Suppress(');'))
        method_list = Group(ZeroOrMore(method))

        package_name = Group(identifier + ZeroOrMore(Suppress('.') + identifier))

        bases_list = type_ + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(',') + type_)
        interface = Group(self.locator + Keyword('interface')('kind') - identifier('name') + Optional(Suppress(':') - bases_list)('bases') + Suppress('{') + method_list('methods') + Suppress('}'))

        integer_constant = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: int(t[0]))
        enum_value = Group(self.locator + identifier('name') - Optional(Suppress('=') + integer_constant('value')))
        enum_values_list = Group(Optional(enum_value + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(',') + enum_value)))
        enum = Group(self.locator + Keyword('enum')('kind') - identifier('name') + Suppress('{') + enum_values_list('values') + Suppress('}'))

        struct_member = Group(self.locator + type_('type') + identifier('name') + Suppress(';'))
        struct_members_list = Group(ZeroOrMore(struct_member))
        struct = Group(self.locator + Keyword('struct')('kind') - identifier('name') + Suppress('{') + struct_members_list('members') + Suppress('}'))

        package = Suppress(Keyword('package')) + package_name('package') + Suppress('{') + Group(ZeroOrMore(interface | enum | struct))('types') + Suppress('}')

        self.grammar = imports + package
예제 #7
def _parse_data(data: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    lcur, rcur, lbrk, rbrk, comma, eq = map(Suppress, '{}[],=')

    tablekey = Regex(r'[a-z][a-z0-9_]*') | (lbrk +
                                            QuotedString(quoteChar="'") + rbrk)
    qstring = QuotedString(quoteChar='"')

    value = Forward()

    keyval = (tablekey + eq +
              value).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [(str(t[0]), t[1])])

    array_table = (
        value +
        ZeroOrMore(comma + value)).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [list(t)])
    dict_table = (keyval + ZeroOrMore(comma + keyval)
                  ).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [{k: v
                                                     for k, v in t}])

    table = lcur + (dict_table | array_table
                    | Empty().setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [None])) + rcur
    value << (qstring | table)

    root = ZeroOrMore(keyval).setParseAction(
        lambda s, l, t: {k: v
                         for k, v in t})

    return root.parseString(data, parseAll=True)[0]  # type: ignore
예제 #8
def list_dict(word=word_free):
    Return the pyparsing lexical element, that parses a string either as a list
    or as a dictionary.

    word : lexical element
        A custom lexical element for word.

    ld : lexical element
        The returned lexical element parses a string in the form
        ``..., ..., ...`` or ``key1:..., key2=..., key3: ...``
        where ``...`` is a ``list_item`` from :func:`get_standard_type_defs()`
        and interprets it as a list or a dictionary.
    defs = get_standard_type_defs(word)
    i = defs['list_item']
    arg = i.copy()
    arg.setParseAction(lambda t: (t[0],))
    narg = word_strict + (colon | equal_sign) + i
    narg.setParseAction(lambda t: (t[0], t[1]))

    ld = Group(list_of(narg ^ arg) | Empty() )
    ld.setParseAction(lambda t:  ([x[0] for x in t[0] if len(x) == 1],
                                 dict([x for x in t[0] if len(x) > 1]))
    return ld
예제 #9
def _parse_func(text, is_output=False):
    if is_output:
        text = text[text.index(FUNCTION_START):text.index(FUNCTION_END)]
    funcs = {}
    # syntax we don't want to see in the final parse tree
    LPAR, RPAR, LBRACE, RBRACE, COMMA, SEMICOLON = map(Suppress, "(){},;")
    const = Keyword("const")
    dtype = Word(alphanums + "_*")
    identifier = Word(alphanums + "_")
    argDecl = Group(
        Optional(const("const")) + dtype("dtype") +
        Optional(identifier("name")) + Optional(COMMA))
    args = Group(ZeroOrMore(argDecl))
    if not is_output:
        func = Suppress("DVZ_EXPORT")
        func = Empty()
    func = func + \
        dtype("out") + \
        identifier("name") + \
        LPAR + args("args") + RPAR + \

    for item, start, stop in func.scanString(text):
        args = []
        for i, entry in enumerate(item.args):
            args.append((entry.const, entry.dtype, entry.name))
        funcs[item.name] = (item.out, tuple(args))
    return funcs
예제 #10
def make_multiple(head, tail=None, wrap_tail=False):
    """We have a recurring need to parse citations which have a string of
    terms, e.g. section 11(a), (b)(4), and (5). This function is a shorthand
    for setting these elements up"""
    if tail is None:
        tail = head
    # Use `Empty` over `copy` as `head`/`tail` may be single-element grammars,
    # in which case we don't want to completely rename the results
    head = (head + Empty()).setParseAction(keep_pos).setResultsName("head")
    # We need to address just the matching text separately from the
    # conjunctive phrase
    tail = (tail + Empty()).setParseAction(keep_pos).setResultsName("match")
    tail = (atomic.conj_phrases + tail).setResultsName("tail",
    if wrap_tail:
        tail = Optional(Suppress('(')) + tail + Optional(Suppress(')'))
    return QuickSearchable(head + OneOrMore(tail))
예제 #11
def _create_simple_statements():
    global binary, ident, rvalue, simple_statement, semi, comp, number, slot_id, subtract_stmt, callrpc_stmt, generic_statement, streamer_stmt, stream, selector

    if simple_statement is not None:

    meta_stmt = Group(
        Literal('meta').suppress() + ident + Literal('=').suppress() + rvalue +
    require_stmt = Group(
        Literal('require').suppress() + ident + comp + rvalue +
    set_stmt = Group(
        Literal('set').suppress() - (ident | number) -
        Literal("to").suppress() - (rvalue | binary) -
        Optional(Literal('as').suppress() + config_type) +
    callrpc_stmt = Group(
        Literal("call").suppress() + (ident | number) +
        Literal("on").suppress() + slot_id +
        Optional(Literal("=>").suppress() + stream('explicit_stream')) +
    streamer_stmt = Group(
        Optional(Literal("manual")('manual')) +
        Optional(oneOf(u'encrypted signed')('security')) +
                  | Literal(u'broadcast')('broadcast'))) +
        Literal('streamer').suppress() - Literal('on').suppress() -
        selector('selector') -
        Optional(Literal('to').suppress() - slot_id('explicit_tile')) -
            Literal('with').suppress() - Literal('streamer').suppress() -
            number('with_other')) - semi).setResultsName('streamer_statement')
    copy_stmt = Group(
        Literal("copy").suppress() -
        Optional(oneOf("all count average")('modifier')) -
        Optional(stream('explicit_input') | number('constant_input')) -
        Literal("=>").suppress() - stream("output") -
    subtract_stmt = Group(
        Literal("subtract").suppress() - stream('subtract_input') -
        Literal('=>').suppress() - stream('stream') - Optional(
            Literal(",").suppress() - Literal('default') -
    trigger_stmt = Group(
        Literal("trigger") - Literal("streamer") - number('index') -

    simple_statement = meta_stmt | require_stmt | set_stmt | callrpc_stmt | streamer_stmt | trigger_stmt | copy_stmt | subtract_stmt

    # In generic statements, keep track of the location where the match started for error handling
    locator = Empty().setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: l)('location')
    generic_statement = Group(
        locator +
        Group(ZeroOrMore(Regex(u"[^{};]+")) +
예제 #12
def Quote(q):
    q = Literal(q).suppress()
    quotedStringBit = Combine(
                  | (~q +
                     Regex('[^{}]', re.S))))('stringBit').leaveWhitespace()
    quotedString = q + (OneOrMore(
        Group(item.leaveWhitespace() | source.leaveWhitespace()
              | quotedStringBit)) | Empty())('value') + q
    return quotedString
예제 #13
    def __init__(self, rule):
        self.rule = rule
        self.opener = self.rule['opener']
        self.closer = self.rule['closer']
        self.columns = self.rule.get('columns', -1)

        nested = nestedExpr(opener=self.opener, closer=self.closer,
                            content=CharsNotIn(self.opener + self.closer))
        if self.columns < 0:
            self.nested = OneOrMore(nested)
            self.nested = nested * self.columns + Or([CharsNotIn('\n'), Empty()])
예제 #14
def repeat(parser, n):

    if n < 0:
        raise ValueError, "Can't repeat less than zero times."

    if n == 0:
        # this should in principle never happen.
        return Empty()
    elif n == 1:
        return parser
        return parser + repeat(parser, n - 1)
예제 #15
def create_ast(expression_str: str) -> List[Union[str, List]]:
    """Evaluates the given expression"""
    expression = Forward()
    operand = Group(Char(alphas) + ZeroOrMore("'")) | Group(
        Group("(" + expression + ")") + ZeroOrMore("'"))

    expression <<= infixNotation(
            (Empty(), 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
            ("*", 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
            ("+", 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
    return expression.parseString(expression_str, parseAll=True).asList()
예제 #16
파일: llipy.py 프로젝트: curie71/llipy
def _prepare_parser():
    number = Regex(r'-?\d+')
    local = Regex(r'%[A-Za-z0-9._]+')
    glob = Regex(r'@[A-Za-z0-9._]+')
    meta = Regex(r'![A-Za-z0-9._]+')

    keywords = lambda keywords: MatchFirst(
        Keyword(word) for word in keywords.split())
    seplist = lambda entry: delimitedList(entry) | Empty()

    label = local + ':'

    unused_def = (keywords('target declare attributes') | '!') + restOfLine

    type_ = Forward()
    void = Keyword('void')
    scalar_type = keywords('i1 i8 i16 i32 i64') | void
    types_list = seplist(type_)
    struct_type = '{' + types_list - '}'
    array_type = '[' - number - 'x' - type_ - ']'
    type_ << (scalar_type | local | struct_type | array_type)

    type_def = local + '=' + Keyword('type') - struct_type

    value = Forward()
    typed_value = type_ + value
    value_list = seplist(typed_value)
    compound_value = '{' + value_list - '}'
    array_value = '[' + value_list - ']'
    kw_value = keywords('zeroinitializer null true false')
    value << (number | kw_value | compound_value | array_value)

    linkage = Optional(keywords('private external internal common'),
    align = Optional(',' + Keyword('align') - number)
    metas = seplist(meta + meta)
    global_tag = keywords('global constant')
    initializer = Optional(value, default='undef')
    global_def = glob - '=' - linkage - global_tag - type_ - initializer - align - metas

    definition = unused_def | type_def | global_def
    llvm = ZeroOrMore(definition)

    comment = ';' + restOfLine

    return llvm
예제 #17
    def parse(self, header):
        comment = self._comment()
        quoted = quotedString.copy().setParseAction(removeQuotes)
        string = quoted | Word(printables, excludeChars='{},%')
        enum_value = quotedString | Word(printables, excludeChars='{},%')

        relation = (Suppress(CaselessLiteral("@relation")) +
                    Optional(restOfLine, default='default_name')
                    ('rel_name').setParseAction(lambda t: t.rel_name.strip()))
        relation_part = ZeroOrMore(comment) + relation + ZeroOrMore(comment)
        nominal = (Empty().copy().setParseAction(lambda t: self.ENUM) +
                   Suppress(Literal("{")) +
                   Group(delimitedList(enum_value, delim=self._separator))
                   ("next_arg").setParseAction(self.get_values) +

        date = CaselessLiteral("date") + Optional(
        attributes_part = Forward()
        relational = CaselessLiteral(
            "relational") + attributes_part + Suppress(
                CaselessLiteral("@end")) + string
        attr_type = (CaselessLiteral("numeric") | CaselessLiteral("string")
                     | nominal | date | relational)("attr_type")
        attribute = Suppress(CaselessLiteral("@attribute")) + (
            string.copy())("attr_name") + attr_type
        attribute_line = comment | attribute
        attributes_part << (Group(OneOrMore(attribute_line)))("children")
        data_part = (CaselessLiteral("@data"))("data_start").setParseAction(
            lambda s, p, k: (lineno(p, s)))
        arff_header = relation_part + attributes_part + data_part

            result = arff_header.parseString(header, parseAll=True)
        except ParseException as e:
            raise HeaderError(FileType.ARFF, e.lineno, e.col, e.line, e)

        self._relation_name = result.rel_name
        self._data_start = result.data_start
        self._index = 0
예제 #18
    def _format_args(aStr):
        Process composed function string into nested pyparsing.ParseResults

        :param str aStr: string to parse
        :return: formatting result
        :rtype: pyparsing.ParseResults

        identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")
        integer = Combine(Optional(Literal('-')) + Word(nums))
        functor = identifier
        lparen = Literal("(").suppress()
        rparen = Literal(")").suppress()
        expression = Forward()
        arg = Group(expression) | identifier | integer | Empty()
        args = arg + ZeroOrMore("," + arg)
        expression << functor + Group(lparen + args + rparen)
        return expression.parseString(aStr)
예제 #19
파일: parse_conf.py 프로젝트: sdurve/sfepy
def create_bnf():
    cvt_int = lambda toks: int(toks[0])
    cvt_real = lambda toks: float(toks[0])
    cvt_tuple = lambda toks : tuple(toks.asList())
    cvt_dict = lambda toks: dict(toks.asList())

    # define punctuation as suppressed literals
    (lparen, rparen, lbrack, rbrack,
     lbrace, rbrace, colon) = map(Suppress,"()[]{}:")

    integer = Combine(Optional(oneOf("+ -")) + Word(nums)).setName("integer")

    real = Combine(Optional(oneOf("+ -"))+ Word(nums)
                   + "." + Optional(Word(nums))
                   + Optional("e" + Optional(oneOf("+ -"))
                              + Word(nums))).setName("real")

    tuple_str = Forward()
    list_str = Forward()
    dict_str = Forward()

    list_item = (real | integer | Group(list_str) | tuple_str | dict_str
                 | quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)
                 | Word(alphas8bit + alphas, alphas8bit + alphanums + "_"))
    list_item2 = list_item | Empty().setParseAction(lambda: [None])

    tuple_str << (Suppress("(") + Optional(delimitedList(list_item)) +
                  Optional(Suppress(",")) + Suppress(")"))

    list_str << (lbrack + Optional(delimitedList(list_item) +
                                   Optional(Suppress(","))) + rbrack)

    dict_entry = Group(list_item + colon + list_item2)
    dict_inner = delimitedList(dict_entry) + Optional(Suppress(","))

    dict_str << (lbrace + Optional(dict_inner) + rbrace)

    return dict_inner
예제 #20
파일: parsing.py 프로젝트: shxdow/EMME
    def __init_execution_parser(self):
        varname = Word(alphas + nums + T_US)
        bitup = T_OP + varname + T_CM + varname + T_CP
        trtup = T_OP + T_OP + varname + T_CM + varname + T_CP + T_CM + varname + T_CP

        birel = bitup + ZeroOrMore(T_CM + bitup)
        trrel = trtup + ZeroOrMore(T_CM + trtup)

        trrelation = (varname + T_EQ + T_OCB + (trrel) + T_CCB)(P_TRREL)
        birelation = (varname + T_EQ + T_OCB + (birel) + T_CCB)(P_BIREL)
        emrelation = (varname + T_EQ + T_OCB + (Empty()) + T_CCB)(P_EMREL)

        varassign = (T_OP + varname + T_EQ + varname + T_CP)(P_ASS)

        done = Literal(T_DONE)

        assign = trrelation | birelation | emrelation | varassign | done
        assigns = assign + ZeroOrMore(T_AND + assign)

        return assigns
예제 #21
def _create_block_bnf():
    global block_bnf, time_interval, slot_id, statement, block_id, ident, stream

    if block_bnf is not None:

    trigger_clause = Group(stream_trigger | Group(stream).setResultsName('stream_always') | Group(ident).setResultsName('identifier'))

    every_block_id = Group(Literal(u'every').suppress() - (time_interval | tick_interval)).setResultsName('every_block')
    when_block_id = Group(Literal(u'when').suppress() + Literal("connected").suppress() - Literal("to").suppress() - slot_id).setResultsName('when_block')
    latch_block_id = Group(Literal(u'when').suppress() - stream_trigger).setResultsName('latch_block')
    config_block_id = Group(Literal(u'config').suppress() - slot_id).setResultsName('config_block')
    on_block_id = Group(Literal(u'on').suppress() - trigger_clause.setResultsName('triggerA') - Optional((Literal("and") | Literal("or")) - trigger_clause.setResultsName('triggerB'))).setResultsName('on_block')

    # Keep track of the location where the match started for error handling
    locator = Empty().setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: l)('location')
    block_id = Group(locator + (every_block_id | when_block_id | latch_block_id | config_block_id | on_block_id))

    block_bnf = Forward()
    statement = generic_statement | block_bnf

    block_bnf << Group(block_id + Group(Literal(u'{').suppress() + ZeroOrMore(statement) + Literal(u'}').suppress())).setResultsName('block')
예제 #22
 def parse(self, file_path):
     string = Word(printables,
     comment = "|" + restOfLine
     delimiter = Suppress(".") | LineEnd()
     enum = (Empty().copy().setParseAction(lambda t: self.ENUM) +
                 lambda t: {'values': t.next_arg.asList()}))
     discrete = Literal("discrete") + Suppress(Word(nums))
     attr_type = (Literal("continuous") | Literal("ignore") | discrete
                  | enum)("type")
     attribute = string("name") + Suppress(":") + attr_type
     cls = string("cls")
     classes = delimitedList(cls)
     entry = attribute | classes
     parser = OneOrMore(entry + Optional(delimiter))
         parser.parseFile(file_path, parseAll=True)
     except ParseException as e:
         raise HeaderError(FileType.DATA, e.lineno, e.col, e.line, e)
예제 #23

from .sections import GDSection, GDSectionHeader
from .values import value

key = Word(alphanums + "_/").setName("key")
var = Word(alphanums + "_").setName("variable")
attribute = Group(var + Suppress("=") + value)

# [node name="Node2D"]
section_header = ((Suppress(lineStart) + Suppress("[") +
                   var.setResultsName("section_type") +
                   Optional(delimitedList(attribute, Empty())) +

# texture = ExtResource( 1 )
section_entry = Group(Suppress(lineStart) + key + Suppress("=") +
section_contents = delimitedList(section_entry,

# [node name="Sprite" type="Sprite"]
# texture = ExtResource( 1 )
section = ((section_header +
예제 #24
from pyparsing import Literal, Word, OneOrMore, Combine, nums, alphanums, oneOf, Empty

listen = Literal("listen")

ipaddr = Word(nums, min=1, max=3) + ('.' + Word(nums, min=1, max=3)) * 3
dnsname = Word(alphanums) + OneOrMore('.' + Word(alphanums))
connect = "connect" + Combine(ipaddr ^ dnsname ^ "last" ^ Empty())

quit = Literal("quit")
help = Literal("help")
nick = "nick" + Word(alphanums, max=15)
trust = "trust" + oneOf("0 1 2")
fingerprint = Literal("fingerprint")
language = "language" + oneOf("en fr")
file = "file" + (("download" + Word(nums)) ^
                 ("upload" + Word(alphanums + "-_./")))

commands = "/" + (listen ^ connect ^ quit ^ help ^ nick ^ trust ^ fingerprint
                  ^ language ^ file)
예제 #25
def parser(file_name):
    """ Parsing goes here """
    LOG.info('Parser Started')

    with open(file_name, 'r') as input_config:
        input_data = input_config.read()
        input_config.seek(0, 2)
        file_size = input_config.tell()

    # grammer def:1 source-address-list Anywhere owner System
    key = Keyword("source-address-list")
    name = Word(printables)
    system = Keyword("owner")
    system_name = Word(alphanums)
    comment_key = Keyword("comments")
    comment = quotedString | Word(printables)
    grammer1 = Group(key + name + system + system_name +
                     Optional(comment_key + comment))

    # grammer def:2 ip address
    key1 = "ip address"
    ipaddress = Combine(Word(nums) + ('.' + Word(nums)) * 3)
    ipaddress1 = Empty().addParseAction(
        replaceWith('Mask')) + Combine(Word(nums) + ('.' + Word(nums)) * 3)
    grammer2 = Group(key1 + Optional(ipaddress) + Optional(ipaddress1) +

    # grammer def:3 domain-list <name> owner System
    key = Keyword("domain-list")
    name = Word(printables)
    own = Keyword("owner")
    owner_name = Word(alphanums)
    comments = Keyword('comment')
    comment = quotedString | Word(printables)
    grammer3 = Group(key + name + own + owner_name +
                     Optional(comments + comment))

    # grammer def:4
    domain_key = Keyword("domain")
    domain_name = Word(printables)
    grammer4 = Group(domain_key + ~Literal('-') + domain_name)

    # grammer def:4 answer vip name <name> location
    # "<location>" manual-reactivation disable activate
    answer_key = Keyword("answer vip")
    ipaddress = Combine(Word(nums) + ('.' + Word(nums)) * 3)
    name_key = Keyword("name")
    name = Word(alphanums)
    location_key = Keyword("location")
    location = quotedString
    manual_reactivation_key = Keyword("manual-reactivation")
    manual_reactivation = Keyword("disable") | Keyword("enable")
    activate_key = Empty().addParseAction(
        replaceWith('Mode')) + Keyword("activate")

    grammer5 = Group(answer_key + ipaddress + name_key + name + location_key +
                     location + Optional(manual_reactivation_key) +
                     Optional(manual_reactivation) + Optional(activate_key))

    # grammer6 : keepalive type tcp port <port> ip-address <ip> <<retries>>
    #                        <<successful-probes>> <<termination>>
    #            keepalive type http-head port 80 <<path>> <<retries>>
    #                          <<successful-probes>> <<shared>> <<termination>>
    #            keepalive type icmp ip-address <ip>  <<retries>>
    #                       <<successful-probes>>
    key = Keyword('keepalive')
    tcp_key = Keyword("type tcp")
    http_key = Keyword("type http-head")
    icmp_key = Keyword("type icmp")
    port_key = Keyword("port")
    num = Word(nums)
    ip_add_key = Keyword("ip-address")
    ip_add = Combine(Word(nums) + ('.' + Word(nums)) * 3)
    retry = Optional(Keyword('retries') + num)
    probe = Optional(Keyword('successful-probes') + num)
    shared = Optional(Keyword('shared') + ip_add)
    path = Optional(Keyword('path') + ip_add)
    termination = Optional(
        Keyword('termination') + (Word('graceful') | Word('reset')))

    grammer6_1 = Group(key + tcp_key + port_key + num + ip_add_key + ip_add +
                       Optional(retry) + Optional(probe) +
    grammer6_2 = Group(key + http_key + path + port_key + num + retry + probe +
                       shared + termination)
    grammer6_3 = Group(key + icmp_key + Optional(ip_add_key + ip_add) + retry +

    grammer6 = grammer6_1 | grammer6_2 | grammer6_3

    # grammer 7: answer-group <name> owner System type vip comment "comment"
    key = Keyword("answer-group")
    key_name = Word(printables)
    owner_key = Keyword("owner")
    owner_name = Word(alphanums)
    type_key = Keyword("type")
    type_name = Word(alphas)
    comment_key = Keyword("comments")
    comments = quotedString() | Word(printables)

    grammer7 = Group(key + key_name + owner_key + owner_name + type_key +
                     type_name + Optional(comment_key + comments))

    # grammer 8: answer-add name MDC-PROD-SMTP-ACE \
    # weight 1 order 1 load-threshold 254 suspend
    key = Keyword('answer-add')
    key_ip = Combine(Word(nums) + ('.' + Word(nums)) * 3)
    name_key = Keyword('name')
    name_val = Word(printables)
    weight_key = Keyword('weight')
    weight_val = Word(nums)
    order_key = Keyword('order')
    order_val = Word(nums)
    thres_key = Keyword('load-threshold')
    thres_val = Word(nums)
    suspend_key = Empty().addParseAction(replaceWith('Mode')) + Word(alphas)

    grammer8 = Group(key + key_ip + name_key + name_val + weight_key +
                     weight_val + order_key + order_val + thres_key +
                     thres_val + suspend_key)

    # grammer9:dns rule <rule name> owner System source-address-list
    # Anywhere domain-list <dl_name> activate
    # query a
    # <sticky | sticky method> <domain | domain-list> timeout 15
    key = Keyword("dns rule")
    key_val = Word(printables)
    owner_key = Keyword("owner")
    owner_name = Word(alphas)
    saddlist_key = Keyword("source-address-list")
    saddlist_val = Word(alphanums)
    domain_key = Keyword("domain-list")
    domain_val = Word(printables)
    activate_key = Empty().addParseAction(
        replaceWith('Mode')) + Keyword("activate")
    query_key = Keyword("query")
    query_val = Word("a") | Word(printables)
    s_key = Keyword('sticky method') | Keyword('sticky')
    d_key = Keyword('domain') | Keyword('domain-list')
    t_key = Keyword('timeout')
    t_val = Word(nums)

    grammer9 = Group(key + key_val + owner_key + owner_name + saddlist_key +
                     saddlist_val + domain_key + domain_val + activate_key +
                     Optional(query_key + query_val) +
                     Optional(s_key + d_key + t_key + t_val))

    # grammer10 :
    # clause 1 vip-group <name> method ordered ttl 20 \
    # count 1 <sticky|region-sticky> enabled manual-reactivation disable activate
    key = Keyword("clause")
    key_val = Word(nums)
    vip_key = Keyword("vip-group")
    vip_val = Word(printables)
    method_key = Keyword("method")
    method_val = Word(printables)
    ttl_key = Keyword("ttl")
    ttl_val = Word(nums)
    count_key = Keyword("count")
    count_val = Word(nums)
    sticky_key = Keyword("sticky") | Keyword("region-sticky")
    sticky_val = Word("enable")
    mr_key = Keyword("manual-reactivation")
    mr_val = Word("disable")
    state_key = Empty().addParseAction(replaceWith('Mode')) + Word("activate")

    grammer10 = Group(key + key_val + vip_key + vip_val + method_key +
                      method_val + ttl_key + ttl_val + count_key + count_val +
                      Optional(sticky_key + sticky_val) + mr_key + mr_val +

    testing = Group(grammer1 + ZeroOrMore(grammer2)) | Group(
        grammer3 +
        ZeroOrMore(grammer4)) | Group(grammer5 + ZeroOrMore(grammer6)) | Group(
            grammer7 + ZeroOrMore(grammer8)) | Group(grammer9 +

    LOG.info('Grammar Generated')

    child_ref = {
        'source-address-list': 'ip address',
        'domain-list': 'domain',
        'answer vip': 'keepalive',
        'answer-group': 'answer-add',
        'dns rule': 'clause'

    excel_dict = dict()

    out_dict = {
        'source-address-list': [],
        'domain-list': [],
        'answer vip': [],
        'answer-group': [],
        'dns rule': []

    ref = ''

    print("Parsing the File ...")

    total_parse_count = 0
    c = 0

    for match, start, end in testing.scanString(input_data):

        # incrementing total object count for reporting
        total_parse_count += 1

        matched = match.asList()
        type = matched[0][0][0]
        name = matched[0][0][1]
        excel_dict[type + '-' + name] = {
            'type': type,
            'name': name,
            'status': '',
            'na': '',
            'skipped': ''
        msg = 'Parsing Entity [ ' + matched[0][0][0] + '->' +\
              matched[0][0][1] + ']'
        printProgressBar(end, file_size, msg, prefix='Progress', suffix='')

        # dictonary creation
        start = True
        for line in matched[0]:
            out = 'Parsing [ ' + line[0] + '->' + line[1] + ']'
            # print matched[0]
            if start:
                ref = line[0]
                parent = parse(line)
                start = False
                child = parse(line)
                if child_ref[ref] not in parent:
                    parent[str(child_ref[ref])] = [child]

    LOG.info('Config File Parsed')

    return out_dict, excel_dict
예제 #26
MONTH = oneOf("Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec")
DAY = Word(nums)
SL_TIME = Combine(Word(nums)+":"+Word(nums)+":"+Word(nums))
FULL_HEX = Word('x'+hexnums)

PORT = Word(nums)
IP4_ADDRESS = Combine(Word(nums) + ('.' + Word(nums))*3)
IP6_ADDRESS = Word(hexnums+':')
PRINTABLES_NO_CD = printables.replace(',', '')
HOSTNAME = Word(alphanums+'.-_')("HOSTNAME")

INT = Word(nums)
HEX = Word(hexnums)
WORD = Word(alphanums)
TEXT = Group(OneOrMore(Word(printables)))
EMPTY = Empty()

SYSLOG_PROC = Combine(WORD("app") + Word("[") + INT("pid") + Word("]: "))
SYSLOG_APP = Combine(WORD("app") + Word(": "))
SYSLOG_TS = Combine(MONTH+" "+DAY+" "+SL_TIME)
USERNAME = Word(alphanums)

APP_LOG_START = Combine(SYSLOG_TS("timestamp") + SP + HOSTNAME("syslog_host") + SP + SYSLOG_APP)
PROC_LOG_START = Combine(SYSLOG_TS("timestamp") + SP + HOSTNAME("syslog_host") + SP + SYSLOG_PROC)

REPEATED = Combine(Word('message repeated ') +
                   Word(nums)('repeated') +
                   Word(' times: [ '))
예제 #27
equal = Literal('=').suppress()
backslash = Literal('\\').suppress()

symbols = '''(){},.'"\\|'''
arg = Group(boolean | number | none | aString | expression)('args*')
kwarg = Group(argname + equal + arg)('kwargs*')

args = delimitedList(~kwarg + arg)  # lookahead to prevent failing on equals
kwargs = delimitedList(kwarg)

def setRaw(s, loc, toks):
    toks[0].raw = s[toks[0].start:toks[0].end]

call = Group(Empty().setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: l)('start') + funcname +
             leftParen + Optional(args + Optional(comma + kwargs)) +
             rightParen +
             Empty().leaveWhitespace().setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: l)

# Metric pattern (aka. pathExpression)
validMetricChars = ''.join((set(printables) - set(symbols)))
escapedChar = backslash + Word(symbols + '=', exact=1)
partialPathElem = Combine(OneOrMore(escapedChar | Word(validMetricChars)))

matchEnum = Combine(leftBrace + delimitedList(partialPathElem, combine=True) +

pathElement = Combine(
    Group(partialPathElem | matchEnum) +
예제 #28
파일: db.py 프로젝트: jpsamper2009/cantools
def create_dbc_grammar():
    """Create DBC grammar.


    # DBC file grammar
    word = Word(printables)
    integer = Optional(Literal('-')) + Word(nums)
    number = Word(nums + '.Ee-')
    colon = Suppress(Literal(':'))
    scolon = Suppress(Literal(';'))
    pipe = Suppress(Literal('|'))
    at = Suppress(Literal('@'))
    sign = Literal('+') | Literal('-')
    lp = Suppress(Literal('('))
    rp = Suppress(Literal(')'))
    lb = Suppress(Literal('['))
    rb = Suppress(Literal(']'))
    comma = Suppress(Literal(','))

    version = Group(Keyword('VERSION') + QuotedString('"', multiline=True))
    symbol = Word(alphas + '_') + Suppress(LineEnd())
    symbols = Group(Keyword('NS_') + colon + Group(ZeroOrMore(symbol)))
    discard = Suppress(Keyword('BS_') + colon)
    ecu_list = Group(
        Keyword('BU_') + colon +
        ZeroOrMore(Word(printables).setWhitespaceChars(' ')))
    signal = Group(
        Keyword(SIGNAL) + word + colon +
        Group(integer + pipe + integer + at + integer + sign) +
        Group(lp + number + comma + number + rp) +
        Group(lb + number + pipe + number + rb) +
        QuotedString('"', multiline=True) + word)
    message = Group(
        Keyword(MESSAGE) + integer + word + integer + word +
    comment = Group(
        Keyword(COMMENT) +
        ((Keyword(MESSAGE) + integer + QuotedString('"', multiline=True) +
          scolon) | (Keyword(SIGNAL) + integer + word +
                     QuotedString('"', multiline=True) + scolon)
         | (Keyword(ECU) + word + QuotedString('"', multiline=True) + scolon)))
    attribute = Group(
        Keyword(ATTRIBUTE) +
        ((QuotedString('"', multiline=True))
         | (Keyword(SIGNAL) + QuotedString('"', multiline=True))
         | (Keyword(MESSAGE) + QuotedString('"', multiline=True))) + word +
        ((scolon) | (Group(
                    (comma | Empty()) + QuotedString('"', multiline=True)))) +
                     scolon) | (Group(ZeroOrMore(integer)) + scolon)))
    default_attr = Group(
        Keyword(DEFAULT_ATTR) + QuotedString('"', multiline=True) +
        (integer | QuotedString('"', multiline=True)) + scolon)
    attr_definition = Group(
        Keyword(ATTR_DEFINITION) + QuotedString('"', multiline=True) +
        (Keyword(MESSAGE) | Keyword(SIGNAL)) + integer + integer + scolon)
    choice = Group(
        Keyword(CHOICE) + integer + word +
        Group(OneOrMore(Group(integer + QuotedString('"', multiline=True)))) +
    entry = version | symbols | discard | ecu_list | message | comment | \
            attribute | default_attr | attr_definition | choice
    grammar = OneOrMore(entry)

    return grammar
예제 #29
def _make_arabic_parser():
    escapechar = "//"
    # wordchars = printables
    # for specialchar in '*?^():"{}[] ' + escapechar:
    #    wordchars = wordchars.replace(specialchar, "")
    # wordtext = Word(wordchars)
    alephba = u"""

    wordtext = CharsNotIn(u'//*؟^():"{}[]$><%~#،,\' +-|')
    escape = Suppress( escapechar ) \
             + ( Word( printables, exact = 1 ) | White( exact = 1 ) )
    wordtoken = Combine(OneOrMore(wordtext | escape))

    # A plain old word.
    plainWord = Group(wordtoken).setResultsName("Word")

    # A wildcard word containing * or ?.
    wildchars = Word(u"؟?*")
    # Start with word chars and then have wild chars mixed in
    wildmixed = wordtoken + OneOrMore(wildchars + Optional(wordtoken))
    # Or, start with wildchars, and then either a mixture of word and wild chars
    # , or the next token
    wildstart = wildchars \
  + ( OneOrMore( wordtoken + Optional( wildchars ) ) \
   | FollowedBy( White() \
   | StringEnd() ) )
    wildcard = Group(Combine(wildmixed | wildstart)).setResultsName("Wildcard")

    # A range of terms
    startfence = Literal("[")
    endfence = Literal("]")
    rangeitem = QuotedString('"') | wordtoken
    to = Keyword( u"الى" ) \
  | Keyword( u"إلى" ) \
  | Keyword( "To" ) \
  | Keyword( "to" ) \
  | Keyword( "TO" )

    openstartrange = Group( Empty() ) \
       + Suppress( to + White() ) \
       + Group( rangeitem )

    openendrange = Group( rangeitem ) \
     + Suppress( White() + to ) \
                   + Group( Empty() )
    normalrange = Group( rangeitem ) \
     + Suppress( White() + to + White() ) \
     + Group( rangeitem )
    range = Group(
        startfence \
  + ( normalrange | openstartrange | openendrange ) \
  + endfence ).setResultsName( "Range" )

    # synonyms
    syn_symbol = Literal("~")
    synonym = Group(syn_symbol + wordtoken).setResultsName("Synonyms")

    # antonyms
    ant_symbol = Literal("#")
    antonym = Group(ant_symbol + wordtoken).setResultsName("Antonyms")

    # derivation level 1,2
    derive_symbole = Literal(u"<") | Literal(u">")
    derivation = Group(OneOrMore(derive_symbole) +

    # spellerrors
    # spellerrors=Group(QuotedString('\'')).setResultsName("Errors")
    spellerrors_symbole = Literal(u"%")
    spellerrors = Group(spellerrors_symbole +

    # shakl:must uplevel to boostable
    tashkil_symbol = Literal("'")
    tashkil = Group(
    tashkil_symbol + \
    ZeroOrMore( wordtoken | White() ) + \
    ).setResultsName( "Tashkil" )

    # tuple search (root,pattern,type)
    starttuple = Literal("{")
    endtuple = Literal("}")
    bettuple = Literal(u"،") | Literal(",")
    wordtuple = Group(Optional(wordtoken))
    tuple = Group(
    starttuple + \
     wordtuple + \
     ZeroOrMore( bettuple + wordtuple ) + \
     ).setResultsName( "Tuple" )

    # A word-like thing
    generalWord = range | wildcard | plainWord | tuple | antonym | synonym | \
        derivation | tashkil | spellerrors

    # A quoted phrase
    quotedPhrase = Group(QuotedString('"')).setResultsName("Quotes")

    expression = Forward()

    # Parentheses can enclose (group) any expression
    parenthetical = Group(
        (Suppress("(") + expression + Suppress(")"))).setResultsName("Group")

    boostableUnit = generalWord | quotedPhrase
    boostedUnit = Group(
     boostableUnit + \
     Suppress( "^" ) + \
     Word( "0123456789", ".0123456789" )
     ).setResultsName( "Boost" )

    # The user can flag that a parenthetical group, quoted phrase, or word
    # should be searched in a particular field by prepending 'fn:', where fn is
    # the name of the field.
    fieldableUnit = parenthetical | boostedUnit | boostableUnit
    fieldedUnit = Group(
     ( Word( alephba + "_" ) | Word( alphanums + "_" ) ) + \
     Suppress( ':' ) + \
     ).setResultsName( "Field" )

    # Units of content
    unit = fieldedUnit | fieldableUnit

    # A unit may be "not"-ed.
    operatorNot = Group(
     Suppress( Keyword( u"ليس" ) | Keyword( u"NOT" ) ) + \
     Suppress( White() ) + \
     ).setResultsName( "Not" )
    generalUnit = operatorNot | unit

    andToken = Keyword(u"و") | Keyword(u"AND")
    orToken = Keyword(u"أو") | Keyword(u"او") | Keyword(u"OR")
    andNotToken = Keyword(u"وليس") | Keyword(u"ANDNOT")

    operatorAnd = Group(
     ( generalUnit + \
     Suppress( White() ) + \
     Suppress( andToken ) + \
     Suppress( White() ) + \
     expression ) | \
     ( generalUnit + \
     Suppress( Literal( u"+" ) ) + \
     expression )
     ).setResultsName( "And" )

    operatorOr = Group(
     ( generalUnit + \
     Suppress( White() ) + \
     Suppress( orToken ) + \
     Suppress( White() ) + \
     expression ) | \
     ( generalUnit + \
     Suppress( Literal( u"|" ) ) + \
     expression )
     ).setResultsName( "Or" )

    operatorAndNot = Group(
      ( unit + \
      Suppress( White() ) + \
      Suppress( andNotToken ) + \
      Suppress( White() ) + \
      expression ) | \
      ( unit + \
      Suppress( Literal( u"-" ) ) + \
      expression )
      ).setResultsName( "AndNot" )

    expression <<= ( OneOrMore( operatorAnd | operatorOr | operatorAndNot | \
       generalUnit | Suppress( White() ) ) | Empty() )

    toplevel = Group(expression).setResultsName("Toplevel") + StringEnd()

    return toplevel.parseString
예제 #30
    def _parse_line(self):
        """ Parses a single line, and returns a node representing the active context
            Further lines processed are expected to be children of the active context, or children of its accestors.


            Basic grammar  is as follows:
            line = <mako>|<nemo>|<string>

            We don't parse normally parse tags, so the following info is sketchy.
            Mako tags are recognized as anythign that starts with:
                - <%
                - %>
                - %CLOSETEXT
                - </%

            Mako Control tags however are parsed, and required to adhere to the same indentation rules as Nemo tags.

            mako_control = <start>|<middle>|<end>
            start = (for|if|while)  <inner>:
            middle = (else|elif):
            end = endfor|endwhile

            nemo = % ( <mako_control>|<nemo_statement> )
            nemo_statement = .<quote><string><quote>|#<quote><string><quote>|<words>

            <quote> = '|"
                Notes: Quotes are required to be balanced.
                       Quotes preceded by a \ are ignored.
            <string> = *
            words = \w+
        #if self.debug: print '\t ' +  str(self._current_node)

        # PyParser setParseAction's actually execute during parsing,
        # So we need closures in order to change the current scope

        def depth_from_indentation(function):
            """ Set the depth as the start of the match """
            def wrap(start, values):
                #print 'Depth %d | %d %s' %(self._depth, start, values)
                #self._depth = start
                self._current_node = function(values)
                #print self._current_node
                return ''

            return wrap
        def depth_from_match(function):
            """ Set the depth as the start of the match """
            def wrap(start, values):
                #print 'Depth %d | %d %s' %(self._depth, start, values)
                #print self._current_node
                self._depth = start
                self._current_node = function(values)
                #print self._current_node
                return ''

            return wrap        

        def depth_from_nemo_tag(function):
            """ Start of the match is where the nemo tag is. Pass the other values to the wrapped function """
            def wrap(start, values):
                # print 'Depth %d | %d %s' %(self._depth, start, values)
                self._depth = start
                tokens = values[1]
                self._current_node = function(tokens)
                #print self._current_node
                return ''

            return wrap

        # Match HTML
        from pyparsing import NotAny, MatchFirst
        html = restOfLine

        # Match Mako control tags
        nemo_tag    = Literal('%')

        begin       = Keyword('for')    | Keyword('if')     | Keyword('while')
        middle      = Keyword('else')   | Keyword('elif')
        end         = Keyword('endfor') | Keyword('endif')  | Keyword('endwhile')
        control     = nemo_tag + (begin | middle | end)

        begin.setParseAction(depth_from_indentation(self._add_nesting_mako_control_node) )

        # Match Nemo tags
        argument_name = Word(alphas,alphanums+"_-:")
        argument_value = quotedString
        regular_argument = argument_name + Literal('=') + argument_value

        class_name = Literal('.').setParseAction(lambda x: 'class=')
        id_name = Literal('#').setParseAction(lambda x: 'id=')
        special_argument = (class_name | id_name) + argument_value
        argument = Combine(special_argument) | Combine(regular_argument)

        # Match single Nemo statement (Part of a multi-line)
        inline_nemo_html   = Word(alphas) + Group(ZeroOrMore(argument))

        # Match first nemo tag on the line (the one that may begin a multi-statement expression)        
        nemo_html = nemo_tag + Group(Word(alphanums+"_-:") + Group(ZeroOrMore(argument)))

        # Match a multi-statement expression. Nemo statements are seperated by |. Anything after || is treated as html
        separator   = Literal('|').suppress()
        html_separator   = Literal('||') # | Literal('|>')
        nemo_list =  nemo_html + ZeroOrMore( separator + inline_nemo_html )
        inline_html = html.copy()
        nemo_multi =  nemo_list + Optional(html_separator + inline_html)

        # Match empty Nemo statement
        empty       = nemo_tag + Empty()

        # Match unused Mako tags
        mako_tags   = Literal('<%') | Literal('%>') | Literal('%CLOSETEXT') | Literal('</%')
        mako        = mako_tags

        # Matches General
        nemo        =  (control | nemo_multi | empty)
        line        =   mako_tags | nemo | html

        # Depth Calculation (deprecated?)
        self._depth = len(self._c) - len(self._c.strip())

예제 #31
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: marado/tzmud
password_word = Word(printables)
password = password_verb + password_word('old') + password_word('new') + LineEnd()

help_verb = oneOf('help ?', caseless=True)('verb')
help = help_verb + Optional(Word(alphas)('topic')) + LineEnd()

xyzzy = CaselessLiteral('xyzzy')('verb') + LineEnd()

catchall = Word(alphanums)('verb') + Optional(words)('rest') + LineEnd()

section = Empty()('section')

if conf.talkmode:
    actions_parser = section + (info | time | take | get | drop | put | inventory | wear | remove | use | lock | listen | look | unlock | follow | exits | say | tell | shout | emote | think | recap | quit_ | who | stats | set | unset | password | xyzzy | help | go | catchall)
    actions_parser = section + (info | time | take | get | drop | put | inventory | wear | remove | use | lock | listen | look | unlock | follow | exits | say | shout | emote | think | recap | quit_ | who | stats | set | unset | password | xyzzy | help | go | catchall)

wiz = CaselessLiteral('@')('section')

info_verb = CaselessLiteral('info')('verb')
info = info_verb + Optional(objref) + LineEnd()