예제 #1
float_number = Combine(integer +
                       Optional(point + Optional(number))).setParseAction(
                           lambda t: float(t[0]))

# PV names according to app developer guide and tech-talk email thread at:
# https://epics.anl.gov/tech-talk/2019/msg01429.php
pv_name = Combine(
    Word(alphanums + '_-+:[]<>;{}') +
    Optional(Combine('.') + Word(printables)))
pv_value = (float_number | Word(printables))

pv_assignment = pv_name + pv_value

comment = Literal("#") + Regex(r".*")

macro = Group(Word(alphas) + Literal("=").suppress() + pv_name)
macros = Optional(macro + ZeroOrMore(Word(";,").suppress() + macro))

#file_include = Literal("file") + pv_name + macros
file_include = Literal("file") + \
               (file_name | ignored_quote + file_name + ignored_quote) \
               + Optional(ignored_comma) + macros

def line(contents):
    return LineStart() + ZeroOrMore(Group(contents)) + LineEnd().suppress()

req_line = line(file_include | comment.suppress() | pv_name)
req_file = OneOrMore(req_line) + StringEnd().suppress()
예제 #2
#Grab the '&', '*' or '**' type bit in (const QString & foo, int ** bar)
pointer_or_reference = oneOf('* & &&')

#The '=QString()' or '=false' bit in (int foo = 4, bool bar = false)
default_value = Literal('=') + OneOrMore(number | quotedString | input_type | parentheses_pair | angle_bracket_pair | square_bracket_pair | brace_pair | Word('|&^'))

#A combination building up the interesting bit -- the argument type, e.g. 'const QString &', 'int' or 'char*'
argument_type = Optional(qualifier, default='')("qualifier") + \
                input_type("input_type") + \
                Optional(pointer_or_reference, default='')("pointer_or_reference1") + \
                Optional('const')('const_pointer_or_reference') + \
                Optional(pointer_or_reference, default='')("pointer_or_reference2") + \

#Argument + variable name + default
argument = Group(argument_type('argument_type') + Optional(input_name) + Optional(default_value))

#List of arguments in parentheses with an optional 'const' on the end
arglist = LPAR + Optional(delimitedList(argument)('arg_list') + Optional(COMMA + '...')('var_args')) + RPAR

def normalise(symbol):
	Takes a c++ symbol or funtion and splits it into symbol and a normalised argument list.
		symbol : string
			A C++ symbol or function definition like ``PolyVox::Volume``, ``Volume::printAll() const``
		a tuple consisting of two strings: ``(qualified function name or symbol, normalised argument list)``
예제 #3
def usfmToken(key):
    return Group(Suppress(backslash) + Literal(key) + Suppress(White()))
예제 #4
class ExplicitStateUpdater(StateUpdateMethod):
    An object that can be used for defining state updaters via a simple
    description (see below). Resulting instances can be passed to the
    ``method`` argument of the `NeuronGroup` constructor. As other state
    updater functions the `ExplicitStateUpdater` objects are callable,
    returning abstract code when called with an `Equations` object.
    A description of an explicit state updater consists of a (multi-line)
    string, containing assignments to variables and a final "x_new = ...",
    stating the integration result for a single timestep. The assignments
    can be used to define an arbitrary number of intermediate results and
    can refer to ``f(x, t)`` (the function being integrated, as a function of
    ``x``, the previous value of the state variable and ``t``, the time) and
    ``dt``, the size of the timestep.
    For example, to define a Runge-Kutta 4 integrator (already provided as
    `rk4`), use::
            k1 = dt*f(x,t)
            k2 = dt*f(x+k1/2,t+dt/2)
            k3 = dt*f(x+k2/2,t+dt/2)
            k4 = dt*f(x+k3,t+dt)
            x_new = x+(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6
    Note that for stochastic equations, the function `f` only corresponds to
    the non-stochastic part of the equation. The additional function `g`
    corresponds to the stochastic part that has to be multiplied with the 
    stochastic variable xi (a standard normal random variable -- if the
    algorithm needs a random variable with a different variance/mean you have
    to multiply/add it accordingly). Equations with more than one
    stochastic variable do not have to be treated differently, the part
    referring to ``g`` is repeated for all stochastic variables automatically.
    Stochastic integrators can also make reference to ``dW`` (a normal
    distributed random number with variance ``dt``) and ``g(x, t)``, the
    stochastic part of an equation. A stochastic state updater could therefore
    use a description like::
        x_new = x + dt*f(x,t) + g(x, t) * dW
    For simplicity, the same syntax is used for state updaters that only support
    additive noise, even though ``g(x, t)`` does not depend on ``x`` or ``t``
    in that case.    
    There a some restrictions on the complexity of the expressions (but most
    can be worked around by using intermediate results as in the above Runge-
    Kutta example): Every statement can only contain the functions ``f`` and
    ``g`` once; The expressions have to be linear in the functions, e.g. you
    can use ``dt*f(x, t)`` but not ``f(x, t)**2``.
    description : str
        A state updater description (see above).
    stochastic : {None, 'additive', 'multiplicative'}
        What kind of stochastic equations this state updater supports: ``None``
        means no support of stochastic equations, ``'additive'`` means only
        equations with additive noise and ``'multiplicative'`` means
        supporting arbitrary stochastic equations.
        If the parsing of the description failed.
    Since clocks are updated *after* the state update, the time ``t`` used
    in the state update step is still at its previous value. Enumerating the
    states and discrete times, ``x_new = x + dt*f(x, t)`` is therefore
    understood as :math:`x_{i+1} = x_i + dt f(x_i, t_i)`, yielding the correct
    forward Euler integration. If the integrator has to refer to the time at
    the end of the timestep, simply use ``t + dt`` instead of ``t``. 
    See also
    euler, rk2, rk4, milstein

    # Parsing definitions
    #: Legal names for temporary variables
    TEMP_VAR = ~Literal('x_new') + Word(
        string.ascii_letters + '_', string.ascii_letters + string.digits +

    #: A single expression
    EXPRESSION = restOfLine.setResultsName('expression')

    #: An assignment statement
    STATEMENT = Group(TEMP_VAR + Suppress('=') +

    #: The last line of a state updater description
    OUTPUT = Group(Suppress(Literal('x_new')) + Suppress('=') +

    #: A complete state updater description

    def __init__(self, description, stochastic=None, custom_check=None):
        self._description = description
        self.stochastic = stochastic
        self.custom_check = custom_check

            parsed = ExplicitStateUpdater.DESCRIPTION.parseString(
                description, parseAll=True)
        except ParseException as p_exc:
            ex = SyntaxError('Parsing failed: ' + str(p_exc.msg))
            ex.text = str(p_exc.line)
            ex.offset = p_exc.column
            ex.lineno = p_exc.lineno
            raise ex

        self.statements = []
        self.symbols = SYMBOLS.copy()
        for element in parsed:
            expression = str_to_sympy(element.expression)
            # Replace all symbols used in state updater expressions by unique
            # names that cannot clash with user-defined variables or functions
            expression = expression.subs(sympy.Function('f'),
            expression = expression.subs(sympy.Function('g'),
            symbols = list(expression.atoms(sympy.Symbol))
            unique_symbols = []
            for symbol in symbols:
                if symbol.name == 'dt':
                    unique_symbols.append(_symbol('__' + symbol.name))
            for symbol, unique_symbol in zip(symbols, unique_symbols):
                expression = expression.subs(symbol, unique_symbol)

                dict(((symbol.name, symbol) for symbol in unique_symbols)))
            if element.getName() == 'statement':
                self.statements.append(('__' + element.identifier, expression))
            elif element.getName() == 'output':
                self.output = expression
                raise AssertionError('Unknown element name: %s' %

    def __repr__(self):
        # recreate a description string
        description = '\n'.join(
            ['%s = %s' % (var, expr) for var, expr in self.statements])
        if len(description):
            description += '\n'
        description += 'x_new = ' + str(self.output)
        r = "{classname}('''{description}''', stochastic={stochastic})"
        return r.format(classname=self.__class__.__name__,

    def __str__(self):
        s = '%s\n' % self.__class__.__name__

        if len(self.statements) > 0:
            s += 'Intermediate statements:\n'
            s += '\n'.join([(var + ' = ' + sympy_to_str(expr))
                            for var, expr in self.statements])
            s += '\n'

        s += 'Output:\n'
        s += sympy_to_str(self.output)
        return s

    def _latex(self, *args):
        from sympy import latex, Symbol
        s = [r'\begin{equation}']
        for var, expr in self.statements:
            expr = expr.subs(Symbol('x'), Symbol('x_t'))
            s.append(latex(Symbol(var)) + ' = ' + latex(expr) + r'\\')
        expr = self.output.subs(Symbol('x'), 'x_t')
        s.append(r'x_{t+1} = ' + latex(expr))
        return '\n'.join(s)

    def _repr_latex_(self):
        return self._latex()

    def replace_func(self,
        Used to replace a single occurance of ``f(x, t)`` or ``g(x, t)``:
        `expr` is the non-stochastic (in the case of ``f``) or stochastic
        part (``g``) of the expression defining the right-hand-side of the
        differential equation describing `var`. It replaces the variable
        `var` with the value given as `x` and `t` by the value given for
        `t`. Intermediate variables will be replaced with the appropriate
        replacements as well.

        For example, in the `rk2` integrator, the second step involves the
        calculation of ``f(k/2 + x, dt/2 + t)``.  If `var` is ``v`` and
        `expr` is ``-v / tau``, this will result in ``-(_k_v/2 + v)/tau``.

        Note that this deals with only one state variable `var`, given as
        an argument to the surrounding `_generate_RHS` function.

            s_expr = str_to_sympy(str(expr))
        except SympifyError as ex:
            raise ValueError('Error parsing the expression "%s": %s' %
                             (expr, str(ex)))

        for var in eq_symbols:
            # Generate specific temporary variables for the state variable,
            # e.g. '_k_v' for the state variable 'v' and the temporary
            # variable 'k'.
            if stochastic_variable is None:
                temp_var_replacements = dict(
                    ((self.symbols[temp_var], _symbol(temp_var + '_' + var))
                     for temp_var in temp_vars))
                temp_var_replacements = dict(
                      _symbol(temp_var + '_' + var + '_' +
                              stochastic_variable)) for temp_var in temp_vars))
            # In the expression given as 'x', replace 'x' by the variable
            # 'var' and all the temporary variables by their
            # variable-specific counterparts.
            x_replacement = x.subs(self.symbols['__x'], eq_symbols[var])
            x_replacement = x_replacement.subs(temp_var_replacements)

            # Replace the variable `var` in the expression by the new `x`
            # expression
            s_expr = s_expr.subs(eq_symbols[var], x_replacement)

        # If the expression given for t in the state updater description
        # is not just "t" (or rather "__t"), then replace t in the
        # equations by it, and replace "__t" by "t" afterwards.
        if t != self.symbols['__t']:
            s_expr = s_expr.subs(SYMBOLS['t'], t)
            s_expr = s_expr.replace(self.symbols['__t'], SYMBOLS['t'])

        return s_expr

    def _non_stochastic_part(self, eq_symbols, non_stochastic,
                             non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_variable,
                             temp_vars, var):
        non_stochastic_results = []
        if stochastic_variable is None or len(stochastic_variable) == 0:
            # Replace the f(x, t) part
            replace_f = lambda x, t: self.replace_func(x, t, non_stochastic,
                                                       temp_vars, eq_symbols)
            non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_expr.replace(
                self.symbols['__f'], replace_f)
            # Replace x by the respective variable
            non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_result.subs(
                self.symbols['__x'], eq_symbols[var])
            # Replace intermediate variables
            temp_var_replacements = dict(
                (self.symbols[temp_var], _symbol(temp_var + '_' + var))
                for temp_var in temp_vars)
            non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_result.subs(
        elif isinstance(stochastic_variable, basestring):
            # Replace the f(x, t) part
            replace_f = lambda x, t: self.replace_func(x, t, non_stochastic,
                                                       temp_vars, eq_symbols,
            non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_expr.replace(
                self.symbols['__f'], replace_f)
            # Replace x by the respective variable
            non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_result.subs(
                self.symbols['__x'], eq_symbols[var])
            # Replace intermediate variables
            temp_var_replacements = dict(
                 _symbol(temp_var + '_' + var + '_' + stochastic_variable))
                for temp_var in temp_vars)

            non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_result.subs(
            # Replace the f(x, t) part
            replace_f = lambda x, t: self.replace_func(x, t, non_stochastic,
                                                       temp_vars, eq_symbols)
            non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_expr.replace(
                self.symbols['__f'], replace_f)
            # Replace x by the respective variable
            non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_result.subs(
                self.symbols['__x'], eq_symbols[var])
            # Replace intermediate variables
            temp_var_replacements = dict(
                 reduce(operator.add, [
                     _symbol(temp_var + '_' + var + '_' + xi)
                     for xi in stochastic_variable
                 ])) for temp_var in temp_vars)

            non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_result.subs(

        return non_stochastic_results

    def _stochastic_part(self, eq_symbols, stochastic, stochastic_expr,
                         stochastic_variable, temp_vars, var):
        stochastic_results = []
        if isinstance(stochastic_variable, basestring):
            # Replace the g(x, t) part
            replace_f = lambda x, t: self.replace_func(
                x, t, stochastic.get(stochastic_variable, 0), temp_vars,
                eq_symbols, stochastic_variable)
            stochastic_result = stochastic_expr.replace(
                self.symbols['__g'], replace_f)
            # Replace x by the respective variable
            stochastic_result = stochastic_result.subs(self.symbols['__x'],
            # Replace dW by the respective variable
            stochastic_result = stochastic_result.subs(self.symbols['__dW'],
            # Replace intermediate variables
            temp_var_replacements = dict(
                 _symbol(temp_var + '_' + var + '_' + stochastic_variable))
                for temp_var in temp_vars)

            stochastic_result = stochastic_result.subs(temp_var_replacements)
            for xi in stochastic_variable:
                # Replace the g(x, t) part
                replace_f = lambda x, t: self.replace_func(
                    x, t, stochastic.get(xi, 0), temp_vars, eq_symbols, xi)
                stochastic_result = stochastic_expr.replace(
                    self.symbols['__g'], replace_f)
                # Replace x by the respective variable
                stochastic_result = stochastic_result.subs(
                    self.symbols['__x'], eq_symbols[var])

                # Replace dW by the respective variable
                stochastic_result = stochastic_result.subs(
                    self.symbols['__dW'], xi)

                # Replace intermediate variables
                temp_var_replacements = dict(
                     _symbol(temp_var + '_' + var + '_' + xi))
                    for temp_var in temp_vars)

                stochastic_result = stochastic_result.subs(
        return stochastic_results

    def _generate_RHS(self,
        Helper function used in `__call__`. Generates the right hand side of
        an abstract code statement by appropriately replacing f, g and t.
        For example, given a differential equation ``dv/dt = -(v + I) / tau``
        (i.e. `var` is ``v` and `expr` is ``(-v + I) / tau``) together with
        the `rk2` step ``return x + dt*f(x +  k/2, t + dt/2)``
        (i.e. `non_stochastic_expr` is
        ``x + dt*f(x +  k/2, t + dt/2)`` and `stochastic_expr` is ``None``),
        produces ``v + dt*(-v - _k_v/2 + I + _k_I/2)/tau``.

        # Note: in the following we are silently ignoring the case that a
        # state updater does not care about either the non-stochastic or the
        # stochastic part of an equation. We do trust state updaters to
        # correctly specify their own abilities (i.e. they do not claim to
        # support stochastic equations but actually just ignore the stochastic
        # part). We can't really check the issue here, as we are only dealing
        # with one line of the state updater description. It is perfectly valid
        # to write the euler update as:
        #     non_stochastic = dt * f(x, t)
        #     stochastic = dt**.5 * g(x, t) * xi
        #     return x + non_stochastic + stochastic
        # In the above case, we'll deal with lines which do not define either
        # the stochastic or the non-stochastic part.

        non_stochastic, stochastic = expr.split_stochastic()

        if non_stochastic_expr is not None:
            # We do have a non-stochastic part in the state updater description
            non_stochastic_results = self._non_stochastic_part(
                eq_symbols, non_stochastic, non_stochastic_expr,
                stochastic_variable, temp_vars, var)
            non_stochastic_results = []

        if not (stochastic is None or stochastic_expr is None):
            # We do have a stochastic part in the state
            # updater description
            stochastic_results = self._stochastic_part(eq_symbols, stochastic,
                                                       temp_vars, var)
            stochastic_results = []

        RHS = sympy.Number(0)
        # All the parts (one non-stochastic and potentially more than one
        # stochastic part) are combined with addition
        for non_stochastic_result in non_stochastic_results:
            RHS += non_stochastic_result
        for stochastic_result in stochastic_results:
            RHS += stochastic_result

        return sympy_to_str(RHS)

    def __call__(self, eqs, variables=None, method_options=None):
        Apply a state updater description to model equations.
        eqs : `Equations`
            The equations describing the model
        variables: dict-like, optional
            The `Variable` objects for the model. Ignored by the explicit
            state updater.
        method_options : dict, optional
            Additional options to the state updater (not used at the moment
            for the explicit state updaters).

        >>> from brian2 import *
        >>> eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / tau : volt')
        >>> print(euler(eqs))
        _v = -dt*v/tau + v
        v = _v
        >>> print(rk4(eqs))
        __k_1_v = -dt*v/tau
        __k_2_v = -dt*(0.5*__k_1_v + v)/tau
        __k_3_v = -dt*(0.5*__k_2_v + v)/tau
        __k_4_v = -dt*(__k_3_v + v)/tau
        _v = 0.166666666666667*__k_1_v + 0.333333333333333*__k_2_v + 0.333333333333333*__k_3_v + 0.166666666666667*__k_4_v + v
        v = _v
        method_options = extract_method_options(method_options, {})
        # Non-stochastic numerical integrators should work for all equations,
        # except for stochastic equations
        if eqs.is_stochastic:
            if self.stochastic is None:
                raise UnsupportedEquationsException(
                    'Cannot integrate '
                    'stochastic equations with '
                    'this state updater.')
            if (self.stochastic != 'multiplicative'
                    and eqs.stochastic_type == 'multiplicative'):
                raise UnsupportedEquationsException(
                    'Cannot integrate '
                    'equations with '
                    'multiplicative noise with '
                    'this state updater.')

        if self.custom_check:
            self.custom_check(eqs, variables)
        # The final list of statements
        statements = []

        stochastic_variables = eqs.stochastic_variables

        # The variables for the intermediate results in the state updater
        # description, e.g. the variable k in rk2
        intermediate_vars = [var for var, expr in self.statements]

        # A dictionary mapping all the variables in the equations to their
        # sympy representations
        eq_variables = dict(((var, _symbol(var)) for var in eqs.eq_names))

        # Generate the random numbers for the stochastic variables
        for stochastic_variable in stochastic_variables:
            statements.append(stochastic_variable + ' = ' + 'dt**.5 * randn()')

        substituted_expressions = eqs.get_substituted_expressions(variables)

        # Process the intermediate statements in the stateupdater description
        for intermediate_var, intermediate_expr in self.statements:

            # Split the expression into a non-stochastic and a stochastic part
            non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_expr = split_expression(

            # Execute the statement by appropriately replacing the functions f
            # and g and the variable x for every equation in the model.
            # We use the model equations where the subexpressions have
            # already been substituted into the model equations.
            for var, expr in substituted_expressions:
                for xi in stochastic_variables:
                    RHS = self._generate_RHS(eqs, var, eq_variables,
                                             intermediate_vars, expr,
                                             stochastic_expr, xi)
                    statements.append(intermediate_var + '_' + var + '_' + xi +
                                      ' = ' + RHS)
                if not stochastic_variables:  # no stochastic variables
                    RHS = self._generate_RHS(eqs, var, eq_variables,
                                             intermediate_vars, expr,
                    statements.append(intermediate_var + '_' + var + ' = ' +

        # Process the "return" line of the stateupdater description
        non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_expr = split_expression(self.output)

        # Assign a value to all the model variables described by differential
        # equations
        for var, expr in substituted_expressions:
            RHS = self._generate_RHS(eqs, var, eq_variables, intermediate_vars,
                                     expr, non_stochastic_expr,
                                     stochastic_expr, stochastic_variables)
            statements.append('_' + var + ' = ' + RHS)

        # Assign everything to the final variables
        for var, expr in substituted_expressions:
            statements.append(var + ' = ' + '_' + var)

        return '\n'.join(statements)
예제 #5
def _parse_folder_spec(spec, groups, sort_key):
    """Parse the folder specification into a nested list.

        spec (str): folder specification
        groups (dict): map of group name to list of folders in group
        sort_key (callable): map of folder name to sortable object.

        list: list of parsed tokens

        ValueError: if `spec` cannot be parsed.
    group_names = list(groups.keys())

    def convert_to_slice(parse_string, loc, tokens):
        """Convert SliceSpec tokens to slice instance."""
        parts = "".join(tokens[1:-1]).split(':')
        if len(parts) == 1:
            i = int(parts[0])
            if i == -1:
                return slice(i, None, None)
                return slice(i, i + 1, None)
            parts += [''] * (3 - len(parts))  # pad to length 3
            start, stop, step = (int(v) if len(v) > 0 else None for v in parts)
            return slice(start, stop, step)

    def convert_to_callable_filter(parse_string, loc, tokens):
        """Convert ConditionSpec to a callable filter.

        The returned filter takes a single argument `folder` and return True if
        the `folder` passes the filter.
        op, arg = tokens[0], tokens[1]

        def _filter(folder, _op, _list):
            folder = parse_version(folder)
            _list = [parse_version(v) for v in _list]
            if _op == 'in':
                return folder in _list
            elif _op == 'not in':
                return folder not in _list
            elif _op == '<=':
                return all([folder <= v for v in _list])
            elif _op == '<':
                return all([folder < v for v in _list])
            elif _op == '==':
                return all([folder == v for v in _list])
            elif _op == '!=':
                return all([folder != v for v in _list])
            elif _op == '>=':
                return all([folder >= v for v in _list])
            elif _op == '>':
                return all([folder > v for v in _list])
            else:  # pragma: nocover
                raise ValueError("Unknown operator: %r" % _op)

        if isinstance(arg, str):
            _list = [arg]
            _list = _resolve_folder_spec([arg.asList()],
        return partial(_filter, _op=op, _list=_list)

    Int = Word(nums + "-", nums)
    Colon = Literal(':')

    SliceSpec = ("[" + Optional(Int) + Optional(Colon + Optional(Int)) +
                 Optional(Colon + Optional(Int)) +

    LogicalOperator = (Literal('in')
                       | Literal('not in')
                       | Literal('<=')
                       | Literal('<')
                       | Literal('==')
                       | Literal('!=')
                       | Literal('>=')
                       | Literal('>'))

    GroupName = Group("<" + oneOf(group_names, caseless=True) + ">")
    FolderName = Word(alphanums, alphanums + ".-_+")

    ParenthesizedListSpec = Forward()
    ConditionSpec = Forward()

    ParenthesizedListSpec <<= Group("(" +
                                    delimitedList(GroupName | FolderName
                                                  | ParenthesizedListSpec) +
                                    ConditionSpec[...] + ")" +

    ConditionSpec <<= LogicalOperator + (FolderName | GroupName
                                         | ParenthesizedListSpec)
    ConditionSpec = ConditionSpec.setParseAction(convert_to_callable_filter)

    ListSpec = delimitedList(GroupName | FolderName | ParenthesizedListSpec)

    Spec = ListSpec | ParenthesizedListSpec

    if spec.strip() == '':
        return []
        return Spec.parseString(spec, parseAll=True).asList()
    except ParseException as exc:
        raise ValueError("Invalid specification (marked '*'): %r" %
예제 #6
        print("tokens.tables =",  tokens.tables)
        print("tokens.where =", tokens.where)
    except ParseException as err:
        print(" "*err.loc + "^")

# define SQL tokens
selectStmt = Forward()
selectToken = Keyword("select", caseless=True)
fromToken   = Keyword("from", caseless=True)

ident          = Word( alphas, alphanums + "_$" ).setName("identifier")
columnName     = ( delimitedList( ident, ".", combine=True ) ).addParseAction(upcaseTokens)
columnNameList = Group( delimitedList( columnName ) )
tableName      = ( delimitedList( ident, ".", combine=True ) ).addParseAction(upcaseTokens)
tableNameList  = Group( delimitedList( tableName ) )

whereExpression = Forward()
and_ = Keyword("and", caseless=True)
or_ = Keyword("or", caseless=True)
in_ = Keyword("in", caseless=True)

E = CaselessLiteral("E")
binop = oneOf("= != < > >= <= eq ne lt le gt ge", caseless=True)
arithSign = Word("+-",exact=1)
realNum = Combine( Optional(arithSign) + ( Word( nums ) + "." + Optional( Word(nums) )  |
                                                         ( "." + Word(nums) ) ) + 
            Optional( E + Optional(arithSign) + Word(nums) ) )
intNum = Combine( Optional(arithSign) + Word( nums ) + 
예제 #7
def _parse_formula(text):
    >>> formula = "p(a,b)"
    >>> print(parse_string(formula))
    ['p', (['a', 'b'], {})]

    >>> formula = "~p(a,b)"
    >>> print(parse_string(formula))
    ['~','p', (['a', 'b'], {})]

    >>> formula = "=(a,b)"
    >>> print(parse_string(formula))
    ['=', (['a', 'b'], {})]

    >>> formula = "<(a,b)"
    >>> print(parse_string(formula))
    ['<', (['a', 'b'], {})]

    >>> formula = "~p(a)"
    >>> print(parse_string(formula))
    ['~', 'p', (['a'], {})]

    >>> formula = "~p(a)|a(p)"
    >>> print(parse_string(formula))
    [(['~', 'p', (['a'], {})], {}), '|', (['a', (['p'], {})], {})]

    >>> formula = "p(a) | p(b)"
    >>> print(parse_string(formula))
    [(['p', (['a'], {})], {}), '|', (['p', (['b'], {})], {})]

    >>> formula = "~p(a) | p(b)"
    >>> print(parse_string(formula))
    [(['~', 'p', (['a'], {})], {}), '|', (['p', (['b'], {})], {})]

    >>> formula = "p(f(a)) | p(b)"
    >>> print(parse_string(formula))
    [(['p', ([(['f', (['a'], {})], {})], {})], {}), '|', (['p', (['b'], {})], {})]

    >>> formula = "p(a) | p(b) | p(c)"
    >>> print(parse_string(formula))
    [(['p', ([(['f', (['a'], {})], {})], {})], {}), '|', (['p', (['b'], {})], {})]

    left_parenthesis, right_parenthesis, colon = map(Suppress, "():")
    exists = Keyword("exists")
    forall = Keyword("forall")
    implies = Literal("->")
    or_ = Literal("|")
    and_ = Literal("&")
    not_ = Literal("~")
    equiv_ = Literal("%")

    symbol = Word(alphas + "_" + "?" + ".", alphanums + "_" + "?" + "." + "-")

    term = Forward()
    term << (Group(symbol + Group(left_parenthesis + delimitedList(term) +
                                  right_parenthesis)) | symbol)

    pred_symbol = Word(alphas + "_" + ".", alphanums + "_" + "." +
                       "-") | Literal("=") | Literal("<")
    literal = Forward()
    literal << (Group(pred_symbol + Group(
        left_parenthesis + delimitedList(term) + right_parenthesis)) | Group(
            not_ + pred_symbol +
            Group(left_parenthesis + delimitedList(term) + right_parenthesis)))

    formula = Forward()
    forall_expression = Group(forall + delimitedList(symbol) + colon + formula)
    exists_expression = Group(exists + delimitedList(symbol) + colon + formula)
    operand = forall_expression | exists_expression | literal

    formula << operatorPrecedence(operand, [(not_, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT),
                                            (and_, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
                                            (or_, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
                                            (equiv_, 2, opAssoc.RIGHT),
                                            (implies, 2, opAssoc.RIGHT)])
    result = formula.parseString(text, parseAll=True)

    return result.asList()[0]
예제 #8
파일: default.py 프로젝트: sadjous/QuranID
def _make_default_parser():
    escapechar = "\\"

    #wordchars = printables
    #for specialchar in '*?^():"{}[] ' + escapechar:
    #    wordchars = wordchars.replace(specialchar, "")
    #wordtext = Word(wordchars)

    wordtext = CharsNotIn('\\*?^():"{}[] ')
    escape = Suppress(escapechar) + (Word(printables, exact=1)
                                     | White(exact=1))
    wordtoken = Combine(OneOrMore(wordtext | escape))

    # A plain old word.
    plainWord = Group(wordtoken).setResultsName("Word")

    # A wildcard word containing * or ?.
    wildchars = Word("?*")
    # Start with word chars and then have wild chars mixed in
    wildmixed = wordtoken + OneOrMore(wildchars + Optional(wordtoken))
    # Or, start with wildchars, and then either a mixture of word and wild chars, or the next token
    wildstart = wildchars + (OneOrMore(wordtoken + Optional(wildchars))
                             | FollowedBy(White() | StringEnd()))
    wildcard = Group(Combine(wildmixed | wildstart)).setResultsName("Wildcard")

    # A range of terms
    startfence = Literal("[") | Literal("{")
    endfence = Literal("]") | Literal("}")
    rangeitem = QuotedString('"') | wordtoken
    openstartrange = Group(
        Empty()) + Suppress(Keyword("TO") + White()) + Group(rangeitem)
    openendrange = Group(rangeitem) + Suppress(White() +
                                               Keyword("TO")) + Group(Empty())
    normalrange = Group(rangeitem) + Suppress(White() + Keyword("TO") +
                                              White()) + Group(rangeitem)
    range = Group(startfence + (normalrange | openstartrange | openendrange) +

    # A word-like thing
    generalWord = range | wildcard | plainWord

    # A quoted phrase
    quotedPhrase = Group(QuotedString('"')).setResultsName("Quotes")

    expression = Forward()

    # Parentheses can enclose (group) any expression
    parenthetical = Group(
        (Suppress("(") + expression + Suppress(")"))).setResultsName("Group")

    boostableUnit = generalWord | quotedPhrase
    boostedUnit = Group(boostableUnit + Suppress("^") +
                        Word("0123456789", ".0123456789")).setResultsName(

    # The user can flag that a parenthetical group, quoted phrase, or word
    # should be searched in a particular field by prepending 'fn:', where fn is
    # the name of the field.
    fieldableUnit = parenthetical | boostedUnit | boostableUnit
    fieldedUnit = Group(Word(alphanums + "_") + Suppress(':') +

    # Units of content
    unit = fieldedUnit | fieldableUnit

    # A unit may be "not"-ed.
    operatorNot = Group(
        Suppress(Keyword("not", caseless=True)) + Suppress(White()) +
    generalUnit = operatorNot | unit

    andToken = Keyword("AND", caseless=False)
    orToken = Keyword("OR", caseless=False)
    andNotToken = Keyword("ANDNOT", caseless=False)

    operatorAnd = Group(generalUnit + Suppress(White()) + Suppress(andToken) +
                        Suppress(White()) + expression).setResultsName("And")
    operatorOr = Group(generalUnit + Suppress(White()) + Suppress(orToken) +
                       Suppress(White()) + expression).setResultsName("Or")
    operatorAndNot = Group(unit + Suppress(White()) + Suppress(andNotToken) +
                           Suppress(White()) + unit).setResultsName("AndNot")

    expression << (OneOrMore(operatorAnd | operatorOr | operatorAndNot
                             | generalUnit | Suppress(White())) | Empty())

    toplevel = Group(expression).setResultsName("Toplevel") + StringEnd()

    return toplevel.parseString
예제 #9
def input_from_blif(blif, block=None, merge_io_vectors=True, clock_name='clk'):
    """ Read an open blif file or string as input, updating the block appropriately

    Assumes the blif has been flattened and their is only a single module.
    Assumes that there is only one single shared clock and reset
    Assumes that output is generated by Yosys with formals in a particular order
    Ignores reset signal (which it assumes is input only to the flip flops)
    import pyparsing
    import six
    from pyparsing import (Word, Literal, OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore,
                           Suppress, Group, Keyword, Optional, oneOf)

    block = working_block(block)

        blif_string = blif.read()
    except AttributeError:
        if isinstance(blif, six.string_types):
            blif_string = blif
            raise PyrtlError('input_blif expecting either open file or string')

    def SKeyword(x):
        return Suppress(Keyword(x))

    def SLiteral(x):
        return Suppress(Literal(x))

    def twire(x):
        """ find or make wire named x and return it """
        s = block.get_wirevector_by_name(x)
        if s is None:
            s = WireVector(bitwidth=1, name=x)
        if isinstance(s, Output) and (merge_io_vectors or len(x) == 1):
            # To allow an output wire to be used as an argument (legal in BLIF),
            # use the intermediate wire that was created in its place. extract_outputs()
            # creates this intermediate wire.
            s = block.get_wirevector_by_name(x + '[0]')
        return s

    # Begin BLIF language definition
    signal_start = pyparsing.alphas + r'$:[]_<>\\\/?'
    signal_middle = pyparsing.alphas + pyparsing.nums + r'$:[]_<>\\\/.?'
    signal_id = Word(signal_start, signal_middle)
    header = SKeyword('.model') + signal_id('model_name')
    input_list = Group(SKeyword('.inputs') + OneOrMore(signal_id))('input_list')
    output_list = Group(SKeyword('.outputs') + OneOrMore(signal_id))('output_list')

    cover_atom = Word('01-')
    cover_list = Group(ZeroOrMore(cover_atom))('cover_list')
    namesignal_list = Group(OneOrMore(signal_id))('namesignal_list')
    name_def = Group(SKeyword('.names') + namesignal_list + cover_list)('name_def')

    # asynchronous Flip-flop
    dffas_formal = (SLiteral('C=') + signal_id('C')
                    + SLiteral('R=') + signal_id('R')
                    + SLiteral('D=') + signal_id('D')
                    + SLiteral('Q=') + signal_id('Q'))
    dffas_keyword = SKeyword('$_DFF_PN0_') | SKeyword('$_DFF_PP0_')
    dffas_def = Group(SKeyword('.subckt') + dffas_keyword + dffas_formal)('dffas_def')

    # synchronous Flip-flop
    dffs_init_val = Optional(oneOf("0 1 2 3"), default=Literal("0"))
    # TODO I think <type> and <control> ('re' and 'C') below are technically optional too
    dffs_def = Group(SKeyword('.latch')
                     + signal_id('D')
                     + signal_id('Q')
                     + SLiteral('re')
                     + signal_id('C')
                     + dffs_init_val('I'))('dffs_def')
    command_def = name_def | dffas_def | dffs_def
    command_list = Group(OneOrMore(command_def))('command_list')

    footer = SKeyword('.end')
    model_def = Group(header + input_list + output_list + command_list + footer)
    model_list = OneOrMore(model_def)
    parser = model_list.ignore(pyparsing.pythonStyleComment)

    # Begin actually reading and parsing the BLIF file
    result = parser.parseString(blif_string, parseAll=True)
    # Blif file with multiple models (currently only handles one flattened models)
    assert(len(result) == 1)
    clk_set = set([])
    ff_clk_set = set([])

    def extract_inputs(model):
        start_names = [re.sub(r'\[([0-9]+)\]$', '', x) for x in model['input_list']]
        name_counts = collections.Counter(start_names)
        for input_name in name_counts:
            bitwidth = name_counts[input_name]
            if input_name == clock_name:
            elif not merge_io_vectors or bitwidth == 1:
                block.add_wirevector(Input(bitwidth=1, name=input_name))
                wire_in = Input(bitwidth=bitwidth, name=input_name, block=block)
                for i in range(bitwidth):
                    bit_name = input_name + '[' + str(i) + ']'
                    bit_wire = WireVector(bitwidth=1, name=bit_name, block=block)
                    bit_wire <<= wire_in[i]

    def extract_outputs(model):
        start_names = [re.sub(r'\[([0-9]+)\]$', '', x) for x in model['output_list']]
        name_counts = collections.Counter(start_names)
        for output_name in name_counts:
            bitwidth = name_counts[output_name]
            if not merge_io_vectors or bitwidth == 1:
                # To allow an output wire to be used as an argument (legal in BLIF),
                # create an intermediate wire that will be used in its place. twire()
                # checks for this and uses the intermediate wire when needed
                w = WireVector(bitwidth=1, name=output_name + '[0]')
                out = Output(bitwidth=1, name=output_name)
                out <<= w
                wire_out = Output(bitwidth=bitwidth, name=output_name, block=block)
                bit_list = []
                for i in range(bitwidth):
                    bit_name = output_name + '[' + str(i) + ']'
                    bit_wire = WireVector(bitwidth=1, name=bit_name, block=block)
                wire_out <<= concat_list(bit_list)

    def extract_commands(model):
        # for each "command" (dff or net) in the model
        for command in model['command_list']:
            # if it is a net (specified as a cover)
            if command.getName() == 'name_def':
            # else if the command is a d flop flop
            elif command.getName() == 'dffas_def' or command.getName() == 'dffs_def':
                raise PyrtlError('unknown command type')

    def extract_cover(command):
        # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
        netio = command['namesignal_list']
        if len(command['cover_list']) == 0:
            output_wire = twire(netio[0])
            output_wire <<= Const(0, bitwidth=1, block=block)  # const "FALSE"
        elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['1']:
            output_wire = twire(netio[0])
            output_wire <<= Const(1, bitwidth=1, block=block)  # const "TRUE"
        elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['1', '1']:
            # Populate clock list if one input is already a clock
            if(netio[1] in clk_set):
            elif(netio[0] in clk_set):
                output_wire = twire(netio[1])
                output_wire <<= twire(netio[0])  # simple wire
        elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['0', '1']:
            output_wire = twire(netio[1])
            output_wire <<= ~ twire(netio[0])  # not gate
        elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['11', '1']:
            output_wire = twire(netio[2])
            output_wire <<= twire(netio[0]) & twire(netio[1])  # and gate
        elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['00', '1']:
            output_wire = twire(netio[2])
            output_wire <<= ~ (twire(netio[0]) | twire(netio[1]))  # nor gate
        elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['1-', '1', '-1', '1']:
            output_wire = twire(netio[2])
            output_wire <<= twire(netio[0]) | twire(netio[1])  # or gate
        elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['10', '1', '01', '1']:
            output_wire = twire(netio[2])
            output_wire <<= twire(netio[0]) ^ twire(netio[1])  # xor gate
        elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['1-0', '1', '-11', '1']:
            output_wire = twire(netio[3])
            output_wire <<= (twire(netio[0]) & ~ twire(netio[2])) \
                | (twire(netio[1]) & twire(netio[2]))   # mux
        elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['-00', '1', '0-0', '1']:
            output_wire = twire(netio[3])
            output_wire <<= (~twire(netio[1]) & ~twire(netio[2])) \
                | (~twire(netio[0]) & ~twire(netio[2]))
            raise PyrtlError('Blif file with unknown logic cover set "%s"'
                             '(currently gates are hard coded)' % command['cover_list'])

    def extract_flop(command):
        if(command['C'] not in ff_clk_set):

        # Create register and assign next state to D and output to Q
        regname = command['Q'] + '_reg'
        flop = Register(bitwidth=1, name=regname)
        flop.next <<= twire(command['D'])
        flop_output = twire(command['Q'])
        init_val = command['I']
        if init_val == "1":
            # e.g. in Verilog: `initial reg <= 1;`
            raise PyrtlError("Initializing latches to 1 is not supported. "
                             "Acceptable values are: 0, 2 (don't care), and 3 (unknown); "
                             "in any case, PyRTL will ensure all stateful elements come up 0. "
                             "For finer control over the initial value, use specialized reset "
        flop_output <<= flop

    for model in result:
예제 #10
matchStmt = Forward()
relExpr = Forward()
whereExpr = Forward()
matchToken = Keyword("match", caseless=True)
returnToken = Keyword("return", caseless=True)
pathToken = Keyword("path", caseless=True)
whereToken = Keyword("where", caseless=True)

ident = Word(alphas, alphanums).setName("identifier")
prop = Word(alphas, alphanums).setName("property")
binOp = oneOf("== != >= <= > < =~")
trOp = oneOf("- -> -> <- <-")
intNum = Word(nums)
whereVal = quotedString | intNum

whereCondition = Group((ident) + '.' + prop + binOp + whereVal)

whereExpr << whereToken + whereCondition.setResultsName("whereCond")

relExpr << '[' + Optional(
     ).setResultsName("relVar")) + ':' + ident.setResultsName("relName") + ']'

matchStmt << (matchToken + '(' +
              (ident).setResultsName("srcNode") + ')' + Optional(
                  trOp.setResultsName("firstTrOp") + Optional(relExpr) +
                  trOp.setResultsName("secondTrOp") + '(' +
                  ident.setResultsName("dstNode") + ')') +
              Optional(whereExpr) + returnToken +
              ((ident) + Optional('.' + prop)).setResultsName("returnData"))
예제 #11
# A partial implementation of a parser of Excel formula expressions.
from pyparsing import (CaselessKeyword, Suppress, Word, alphas, alphanums,
                       nums, Optional, Group, oneOf, Forward, Regex,
                       infixNotation, opAssoc, dblQuotedString, delimitedList,
                       Combine, Literal, QuotedString, ParserElement)

EQ, EXCL, LPAR, RPAR, COLON, COMMA = map(Suppress, '=!():,')
EXCL, DOLLAR = map(Literal, "!$")
sheetRef = Word(alphas, alphanums) | QuotedString("'", escQuote="''")
colRef = Optional(DOLLAR) + Word(alphas, max=2)
rowRef = Optional(DOLLAR) + Word(nums)
cellRef = Combine(
    Group(Optional(sheetRef + EXCL)("sheet") + colRef("col") + rowRef("row")))

cellRange = (Group(cellRef("start") + COLON + cellRef("end"))("range")
             | cellRef | Word(alphas, alphanums))

expr = Forward()

COMPARISON_OP = oneOf("< = > >= <= != <>")
condExpr = expr + COMPARISON_OP + expr

ifFunc = (CaselessKeyword("if") + LPAR + Group(condExpr)("condition") + COMMA +
          Group(expr)("if_true") + COMMA + Group(expr)("if_false") + RPAR)

statFunc = lambda name: Group(
    CaselessKeyword(name) + Group(LPAR + delimitedList(expr) + RPAR))
sumFunc = statFunc("sum")
예제 #12
def create_bnf(stack):
    point = Literal(".")
    e = CaselessLiteral("E")
    inumber = Word(nums)
    fnumber = Combine(
        Word("+-" + nums, nums) + Optional(point + Optional(Word(nums))) +
        Optional(e + Word("+-" + nums, nums)))
    _of = Literal('of')
    _in = Literal('in')
    _by = Literal('by')
    _copy = Literal('copy')

    _mv = Literal('-v').setParseAction(replace('OA_SubV'))
    _me = Literal('-e').setParseAction(replace('OA_SubE'))
    _mf = Literal('-f').setParseAction(replace('OA_SubF'))
    _mc = Literal('-c').setParseAction(replace('OA_SubC'))
    _ms = Literal('-s').setParseAction(replace('OA_SubS'))
    _pv = Literal('+v').setParseAction(replace('OA_AddV'))
    _pe = Literal('+e').setParseAction(replace('OA_AddE'))
    _pf = Literal('+f').setParseAction(replace('OA_AddF'))
    _pc = Literal('+c').setParseAction(replace('OA_AddC'))
    _ps = Literal('+s').setParseAction(replace('OA_AddS'))
    _inv = Literal('*v').setParseAction(replace('OA_IntersectV'))
    _ine = Literal('*e').setParseAction(replace('OA_IntersectE'))
    _inf = Literal('*f').setParseAction(replace('OA_IntersectF'))
    _inc = Literal('*c').setParseAction(replace('OA_IntersectC'))
    _ins = Literal('*s').setParseAction(replace('OA_IntersectS'))
    regop = (_mv | _me | _mf | _mc | _ms | _pv | _pe | _pf | _pc | _ps | _inv
             | _ine | _inf | _inc | _ins)

    lpar = Literal("(").suppress()
    rpar = Literal(")").suppress()

    _all = Literal('all').setParseAction(replace('KW_All'))
    vertex = Literal('vertex')
    vertices = Literal('vertices')
    cell = Literal('cell')
    cells = Literal('cells')
    group = Literal('group')
    _set = Literal('set')
    surface = Literal('surface')

    ident = Word(alphas + '_.', alphanums + '_.')
    set_name = Word(nums) | ident

    function = Word(alphas + '_', alphanums + '_')
    function = Group(function).setParseAction(join_tokens)

    region = Combine(
        Literal('r.') + Word(alphas + '_', '_' + alphas + nums + '.'))
    region = Group(Optional(_copy, default='nocopy') + region)
    region.setParseAction(replace('KW_Region', keep=True))

    coor = oneOf('x y z')
    boolop = oneOf('& |')
    relop = oneOf('< > <= >= != ==')
    bool_term = (ZeroOrMore('(') + (coor | fnumber) + relop +
                 (coor | fnumber) + ZeroOrMore(')'))
    relation = Forward()
    relation << (ZeroOrMore('(') + bool_term + ZeroOrMore(boolop + relation) +
    relation = Group(relation).setParseAction(join_tokens)

    nos = Group(vertices + _of + surface).setParseAction(replace('E_VOS'))
    nir = Group(vertices + _in + relation).setParseAction(
        replace('E_VIR', keep=True))
    nbf = Group(vertices + _by + function).setParseAction(
        replace('E_VBF', keep=True))
    ebf = Group(cells + _by + function).setParseAction(
        replace('E_CBF', keep=True))
    eog = Group(cells + _of + group + Word(nums)).setParseAction(
        replace('E_COG', keep=True))
    nog = Group(vertices + _of + group + Word(nums)).setParseAction(
        replace('E_VOG', keep=True))
    onir = Group(vertex + _in + region).setParseAction(
        replace_with_region('E_OVIR', 2))
    ni = Group(vertex + delimitedList(inumber)).setParseAction(
        replace('E_VI', keep=True))
    ei = Group(cell + delimitedList(inumber)).setParseAction(
        replace('E_CI', keep=True))
    noset = Group(vertices + _of + _set + set_name).setParseAction(
        replace('E_VOSET', keep=True))
    eoset = Group(cells + _of + _set + set_name).setParseAction(
        replace('E_COSET', keep=True))

    region_expression = Forward()

    atom1 = (_all | region | ni | onir | nos | nir | nbf
             | ei | ebf | eog | nog | noset | eoset)
    atom2 = (lpar + region_expression.suppress() + rpar)
    atom = (atom1 | atom2)

    aux = (regop + region_expression)
    region_expression << atom + ZeroOrMore(aux)
    region_expression = StringStart() + region_expression + StringEnd()

    return region_expression
예제 #13
    def parse(self):
        Parses the class's :attr:`line_contents` attribute using pyparsing.
        :rtype: pyparsing.ParseResults
        :returns: A pyparsing ParseResults instance, which can be used much
            like a dict.
        # Some generic parsing patterns.
        integer = Word(nums)
        generic_alphanum = Word(alphanums)
        alpha_or_dash = Word(alphas + "-")
        num_or_dash = Word(nums + '-')

        # S3 bucket key name. Restrictions apply.
        bucket_str = Word(alphanums + '-_.')
        # IE: +400 or -400
        time_zone_offset = Word("+-", nums)
        # Abbreviated month: Jan, Feb, etc.
        month = Word(alphas, exact=3)
        # [04/Aug/2006:22:34:02 +0000]
        server_dtime = Group(
            Suppress("[") +
            Combine(integer + "/" + month + "/" + integer + ":" + integer +
                    ":" + integer + ":" + integer) + time_zone_offset +
        ip_address = delimitedList(integer, ".", combine=True)
        # 314159b66967d86f031c7249d1d9a80 or -
        requester = Word(alphanums + "-")
        # IE: SOAP.CreateBucket or REST.PUT.OBJECT
        operation = Word(alphas + "._")
        # S3 key: /photos/2006/08/puppy.jpg
        key = Word(alphanums + "/-_.?=%&:+<>#~[]")
        # One of GET, POST, or PUT
        http_method = Word(alphas)
        # HTTP/1.1
        http_protocol = Word(alphanums + "/.")

        # "GET /mybucket/photos/2006/08/ HTTP/1.1"
        uri = Suppress('"') + \
              http_method('request_method') + \
              key("request_uri") + \
              http_protocol('http_version') + \
        dash_or_uri = ("-" | uri)

        # "http://www.amazon.com/webservices"
        referrer_uri = Suppress('"') + key + Suppress('"')
        # Referrer can be empty double quotes sometimes.
        empty_dquotes = Suppress('"') + Suppress('"')
        # Either a referrer, a dash, or empty double quotes.
        referrer_or_dash = referrer_uri | "-" | empty_dquotes

        # "curl/7.15.1"
        user_agent = Suppress('"') + \
                     Word(alphanums + "/-_.?=%&:(); ,+$@!^<>~[]'{}#*`") + \
        # User agent field can either be a user agent string or a dash.
        user_agent_or_dash = user_agent | "-" | empty_dquotes

        # The string value for each field below is what you refer to when
        # accessing the parsed values.
        log_line_bnf = (
            generic_alphanum("bucket_owner") + bucket_str("bucket") +
                self._action_dtime_parse) + ip_address("remote_ip") +
            requester("requester") + generic_alphanum("request_id") +
            operation("operation") + key("key") + dash_or_uri("request_uri") +
            integer('http_status') + alpha_or_dash('error_code') +
            num_or_dash('bytes_sent') + num_or_dash('object_size') +
            num_or_dash('total_time') + num_or_dash('turnaround_time') +
            referrer_or_dash('referrer') + user_agent_or_dash('user_agent') +
        return log_line_bnf.parseString(self.line_contents)
예제 #14
def line(contents):
    return LineStart() + ZeroOrMore(Group(contents)) + LineEnd().suppress()
예제 #15
def SPICE_BNF():
    global bnf

    if not bnf:

        # punctuation
        colon  = Literal(":").suppress()
        lbrace = Literal("{").suppress()
        rbrace = Literal("}").suppress()
        lbrack = Literal("[").suppress()
        rbrack = Literal("]").suppress()
        lparen = Literal("(").suppress()
        rparen = Literal(")").suppress()
        equals = Literal("=").suppress()
        comma  = Literal(",").suppress()
        semi   = Literal(";").suppress()

        # primitive types
        int8_      = Keyword("int8").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int8))
        uint8_     = Keyword("uint8").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint8))
        int16_     = Keyword("int16").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int16))
        uint16_    = Keyword("uint16").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint16))
        int32_     = Keyword("int32").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int32))
        uint32_    = Keyword("uint32").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint32))
        int64_     = Keyword("int64").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int64))
        uint64_    = Keyword("uint64").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint64))

        # keywords
        channel_   = Keyword("channel")
        enum32_    = Keyword("enum32").setParseAction(replaceWith(32))
        enum16_    = Keyword("enum16").setParseAction(replaceWith(16))
        enum8_     = Keyword("enum8").setParseAction(replaceWith(8))
        flags32_   = Keyword("flags32").setParseAction(replaceWith(32))
        flags16_   = Keyword("flags16").setParseAction(replaceWith(16))
        flags8_    = Keyword("flags8").setParseAction(replaceWith(8))
        channel_   = Keyword("channel")
        server_    = Keyword("server")
        client_    = Keyword("client")
        protocol_  = Keyword("protocol")
        typedef_   = Keyword("typedef")
        struct_    = Keyword("struct")
        message_   = Keyword("message")
        image_size_ = Keyword("image_size")
        bytes_     = Keyword("bytes")
        cstring_   = Keyword("cstring")
        switch_    = Keyword("switch")
        default_   = Keyword("default")
        case_      = Keyword("case")

        identifier = Word( alphas, alphanums + "_" )
        enumname = Word( alphanums + "_" )

        integer = ( Combine( CaselessLiteral("0x") + Word( nums+"abcdefABCDEF" ) ) |
                    Word( nums+"+-", nums ) ).setName("int").setParseAction(cvtInt)

        typename = identifier.copy().setParseAction(lambda toks : ptypes.TypeRef(str(toks[0])))

        # This is just normal "types", i.e. not channels or messages
        typeSpec = Forward()

        attributeValue = integer ^ identifier
        attribute = Group(Combine ("@" + identifier) + Optional(lparen + delimitedList(attributeValue) + rparen))
        attributes = Group(ZeroOrMore(attribute))
        arraySizeSpecImage = Group(image_size_ + lparen + integer + comma + identifier + comma + identifier + rparen)
        arraySizeSpecBytes = Group(bytes_ + lparen + identifier + comma + identifier + rparen)
        arraySizeSpecCString = Group(cstring_ + lparen + rparen)
        arraySizeSpec = lbrack + Optional(identifier ^ integer ^ arraySizeSpecImage ^ arraySizeSpecBytes ^arraySizeSpecCString, default="") + rbrack
        variableDef = Group(typeSpec + Optional("*", default=None) + identifier + Optional(arraySizeSpec, default=None) + attributes - semi) \

        switchCase = Group(Group(OneOrMore(default_.setParseAction(replaceWith(None)) + colon | Group(case_.suppress() + Optional("!", default="") + identifier) + colon)) + variableDef) \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.SwitchCase(toks[0][0], toks[0][1]))
        switchBody = Group(switch_ + lparen + delimitedList(identifier,delim='.', combine=True) + rparen + lbrace + Group(OneOrMore(switchCase)) + rbrace + identifier + attributes - semi) \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.Switch(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3], toks[0][4]))
        messageBody = structBody = Group(lbrace + ZeroOrMore(variableDef | switchBody)  + rbrace)
        structSpec = Group(struct_ + identifier + structBody + attributes).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.StructType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))

        # have to use longest match for type, in case a user-defined type name starts with a keyword type, like "channel_type"
        typeSpec << ( structSpec ^ int8_ ^ uint8_ ^ int16_ ^ uint16_ ^
                     int32_ ^ uint32_ ^ int64_ ^ uint64_ ^

        flagsBody = enumBody = Group(lbrace + delimitedList(Group (enumname + Optional(equals + integer))) + Optional(comma) + rbrace)

        messageSpec = Group(message_ + messageBody + attributes).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.MessageType(None, toks[0][1], toks[0][2])) | typename

        channelParent = Optional(colon + typename, default=None)
        channelMessage = Group(messageSpec + identifier + Optional(equals + integer, default=None) + semi) \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ChannelMember(toks[0][1], toks[0][0], toks[0][2]))
        channelBody = channelParent + Group(lbrace + ZeroOrMore( server_ + colon | client_ + colon | channelMessage)  + rbrace)

        enum_ = (enum32_ | enum16_ | enum8_)
        flags_ = (flags32_ | flags16_ | flags8_)
        enumDef = Group(enum_ + identifier + enumBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.EnumType(toks[0][0], toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))
        flagsDef = Group(flags_ + identifier + flagsBody + attributes  - semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.FlagsType(toks[0][0], toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))
        messageDef = Group(message_ + identifier + messageBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.MessageType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))
        channelDef = Group(channel_ + identifier + channelBody - semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ChannelType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))
        structDef = Group(struct_ + identifier + structBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.StructType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))
        typedefDef = Group(typedef_ + identifier  + typeSpec + attributes - semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.TypeAlias(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))

        definitions = typedefDef | structDef | enumDef | flagsDef | messageDef | channelDef

        protocolChannel = Group(typename + identifier +  Optional(equals + integer, default=None) + semi) \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ProtocolMember(toks[0][1], toks[0][0], toks[0][2]))
        protocolDef = Group(protocol_ + identifier + Group(lbrace + ZeroOrMore(protocolChannel) + rbrace) + semi) \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ProtocolType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2]))

        bnf = ZeroOrMore (definitions) +  protocolDef + StringEnd()

        singleLineComment = "//" + restOfLine
        bnf.ignore( singleLineComment )
        bnf.ignore( cStyleComment )

    return bnf
예제 #16
# could be extended to include where clauses etc.
# Copyright (c) 2003,2016, Paul McGuire
from pyparsing import Word, delimitedList, Optional, \
    Group, alphas, alphanums, Forward, oneOf, quotedString, \
    ZeroOrMore, restOfLine, CaselessKeyword, pyparsing_common

# define SQL tokens
selectStmt = Forward()
SELECT, FROM, WHERE = map(CaselessKeyword, "select from where".split())

ident = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_$").setName("identifier")
columnName = delimitedList(ident, ".", combine=True).setName("column name")
columnNameList = Group(delimitedList(columnName))
tableName = delimitedList(ident, ".", combine=True).setName("table name")
tableNameList = Group(delimitedList(tableName))

whereExpression = Forward()
and_, or_, in_ = map(CaselessKeyword, "and or in".split())

binop = oneOf("= != < > >= <= eq ne lt le gt ge", caseless=True)
realNum = pyparsing_common.real()
intNum = pyparsing_common.signed_integer()

columnRval = realNum | intNum | quotedString | columnName  # need to add support for alg expressions
whereCondition = Group((columnName + binop + columnRval)
                       | (columnName + in_ + "(" + delimitedList(columnRval) +
                          ")") | (columnName + in_ + "(" + selectStmt + ")")
예제 #17
and_, or_, not_, to_ = map(CaselessKeyword, "AND OR NOT TO".split())
keyword = and_ | or_ | not_ | to_

expression = Forward()

valid_word = Regex(r'([a-zA-Z0-9*_+.-]|\\\\|\\([+\-!(){}\[\]^"~*?:]|\|\||&&))+'
valid_word.setParseAction(lambda t: t[0].replace('\\\\', chr(127)).replace(
    '\\', '').replace(chr(127), '\\'))

string = QuotedString('"')

required_modifier = Literal("+")("required")
prohibit_modifier = Literal("-")("prohibit")
integer = Regex(r"\d+").setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
proximity_modifier = Group(TILDE + integer("proximity"))
number = pyparsing_common.fnumber()
fuzzy_modifier = TILDE + Optional(number, default=0.5)("fuzzy")

term = Forward()
field_name = valid_word().setName("fieldname")
incl_range_search = Group(LBRACK + term("lower") + to_ + term("upper") +
excl_range_search = Group(LBRACE + term("lower") + to_ + term("upper") +
range_search = incl_range_search("incl_range") | excl_range_search(
boost = (CARAT + number("boost"))

string_expr = Group(string + proximity_modifier) | string
word_expr = Group(valid_word + fuzzy_modifier) | valid_word
예제 #18
def parser(text):
    cvtTuple = lambda toks: tuple(toks.asList())
    cvtRaw = lambda toks: RawString(' '.join(map(str, toks.asList())))
    #cvtDict = lambda toks: dict(toks.asList())
    cvtGlobDict = lambda toks: GlobDict(toks.asList())
    cvtDict = cvtGlobDict
    extractText = lambda s, l, t: RawString(s[t._original_start:t._original_end])

    def pythonize(toks):
        s = toks[0]
        if s == 'true':
            return True
        elif s == 'false':
            return False
        elif s == 'none':
            return [None]
        elif s.isdigit():
            return int(s)
        elif re.match('(?i)^-?(\d+\.?e\d+|\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)$', s):
            return float(s)
        return toks[0]

    def noneDefault(s, loc, t):
        return t if len(t) else [RawEOL]

    # define punctuation as suppressed literals
    lbrace, rbrace = map(Suppress, "{}")

    identifier = Word(printables, excludeChars='{}"\'')
    quotedStr = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', multiline=True) | \
                QuotedString('\'', escChar='\\', multiline=True)
    quotedIdentifier = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False) | \
                       QuotedString('\'', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False)
    dictStr = Forward()
    setStr = Forward()
    objStr = Forward()

    #anyIdentifier = identifier | quotedIdentifier
    oddIdentifier = identifier + quotedIdentifier
    dictKey = dictStr | quotedStr | \

    dictValue = quotedStr | dictStr | setStr | \

        dictKey |= Combine(identifier + ZeroOrMore(White(' ') + (identifier + ~FollowedBy(Optional(White(' ')) + LineEnd()))))
        dictValue |= identifier.setParseAction(pythonize)
        dictKey |= identifier
        dictValue |= delimitedList(identifier | quotedIdentifier, delim=White(' '), combine=True).setParseAction(pythonize)

    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
    #dictEntry = Group(Combine(OneOrMore(identifier | quotedIdentifier)).setParseAction(cvtRaw) +
    dictEntry = Group(dictKey +
                      Optional(White(' ').suppress() + dictValue).setParseAction(noneDefault) +
                      Optional(White(' ').suppress()) +
    #dictEntry = Group(SkipTo(dictKey + LineEnd() + dictKey))
    dictStr << (lbrace + ZeroOrMore(dictEntry) + rbrace)
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r\n')

    setEntry = identifier.setParseAction(pythonize) | quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)
    setStr << (lbrace + delimitedList(setEntry, delim=White()) + rbrace)

    # TODO: take other literals as arguments
    blobObj = Group(((Literal('ltm') + Literal('rule') + identifier) | \
                     (Literal('rule') + identifier)).setParseAction(cvtRaw) +
                    originalTextFor(nestedExpr('{', '}')).setParseAction(extractText))

    objEntry = Group(OneOrMore(identifier | quotedIdentifier).setParseAction(cvtRaw) +
    objStr << (Optional(delimitedList(blobObj | objEntry, delim=LineEnd())))

    return objStr.parseString(text)[0]
예제 #19
                       nums, Group, Optional, ZeroOrMore, alphas, alphas8bit,

# Change these if you need more flexibility:
entry_type = kwd("article") | kwd("unpublished")
cite_key = Word(alphanums + ":/._")

LCURLY = Suppress('{')
RCURLY = Suppress('}')
COMMA = Suppress(',')
AT = Suppress('@')
EQUALS = Suppress('=')

field_val = Word(nums) | QuotedString(
    '{', endQuoteChar='}', multiline=True, convertWhitespaceEscapes=False)
title_field = Group(kwd('title') + EQUALS + field_val)
journal_field = Group(kwd('journal') + EQUALS + field_val)
year_field = Group(kwd('year') + EQUALS + field_val)
volume_field = Group(kwd('volume') + EQUALS + field_val)
pages_field = Group(kwd('pages') + EQUALS + field_val)
abstract_field = Group(kwd('abstract') + EQUALS + field_val)
doi_field = Group(kwd('doi') + EQUALS + field_val)
other_field = Group(Word(alphanums) + EQUALS + field_val)

author = OneOrMore(~kwd('and') + Word(alphas + alphas8bit + '.,-'))
author.setParseAction(lambda xx: ' '.join(str(x) for x in xx))
author_list = LCURLY + delimitedList(author, 'and') + RCURLY
author_field = Group(kwd('author') + EQUALS + Group(author_list))

entry_item = (title_field | author_field | journal_field | year_field
              | volume_field | pages_field | abstract_field | doi_field
예제 #20

class NameError(Exception):

class ParseError(Exception):

sq_string = QuotedString( quoteChar="'" )
dq_string = QuotedString( quoteChar='"' )
STRING = sq_string ^ dq_string

IDENTIFIER = Word( alphas + "_", alphanums + "_" )



def tokenize(program):
    # String literals are defined as being UTF-8;
    # skip any characters that don't decode.
    def decode(s):
        if six.PY2:
            return s.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')
            return s

        return [{'function': el[0], 'arguments': map(decode, el[1:])} for el in PROGRAM.parseString(program)]
예제 #21
VARIABLE.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Variable(ALIASES.get(t[0], t[0])))

VERSION_CMP = (L("===") | L("==") | L(">=") | L("<=") | L("!=") | L("~=")
               | L(">") | L("<"))

MARKER_OP = VERSION_CMP | L("not in") | L("in")
MARKER_OP.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Op(t[0]))

MARKER_VALUE = QuotedString("'") | QuotedString('"')
MARKER_VALUE.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Value(t[0]))

BOOLOP = L("and") | L("or")


MARKER_ITEM.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: tuple(t[0]))

LPAREN = L("(").suppress()
RPAREN = L(")").suppress()

MARKER_EXPR = Forward()

MARKER = stringStart + MARKER_EXPR + stringEnd

def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
예제 #22
check = oneOf("+ ++")
mate = Literal("#")
annotation = Word("!?", max=2)
nag = " $" + Word(nums)
decoration = check | mate | annotation | nag

variant = Forward()
half_move = (
    Combine((m3 | m1 | m2 | m4 | m5 | m6 | m7 | m8) + Optional(decoration)) +
    Optional(comment) + Optional(variant))
move = Suppress(move_number) + half_move + Optional(half_move)
variant << "(" + OneOrMore(move) + ")"
# grouping the plies (half-moves) for each move: useful to group annotations, variants...
# suggested by Paul McGuire :)
move = Group(Suppress(move_number) + half_move + Optional(half_move))
variant << Group("(" + OneOrMore(move) + ")")
game_terminator = oneOf("1-0 0-1 1/2-1/2 *")

pgnGrammar = (Suppress(ZeroOrMore(tag)) + ZeroOrMore(move) +

def parsePGN(pgn, bnf=pgnGrammar, fn=None):
        return bnf.parseString(pgn)
    except ParseException as err:
        print(" " * (err.column - 1) + "^")
예제 #23
def formula_grammar(table):
    Construct a parser for molecular formulas.


        *table* = None : PeriodicTable
             If table is specified, then elements and their associated fields
             will be chosen from that periodic table rather than the default.

        *parser* : pyparsing.ParserElement.
            The ``parser.parseString()`` method returns a list of
            pairs (*count, fragment*), where fragment is an *isotope*,
            an *element* or a list of pairs (*count, fragment*).


    # Recursive
    composite = Forward()
    mixture = Forward()

    # whitespace and separators
    space = Optional(White().suppress())
    separator = space + Literal('+').suppress() + space

    # Lookup the element in the element table
    symbol = Regex("[A-Z][a-z]*")
    symbol = symbol.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: table.symbol(t[0]))

    # Translate isotope
    openiso = Literal('[').suppress()
    closeiso = Literal(']').suppress()
    isotope = Optional(~White() + openiso + Regex("[1-9][0-9]*") + closeiso,
    isotope = isotope.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: int(t[0]) if t[0] else 0)

    # Translate ion
    openion = Literal('{').suppress()
    closeion = Literal('}').suppress()
    ion = Optional(~White() + openion + Regex("([1-9][0-9]*)?[+-]") + closeion,
    ion = ion.setParseAction(
        lambda s, l, t: int(t[0][-1] + (t[0][:-1] if len(t[0]) > 1 else '1')))

    # Translate counts
    fract = Regex("(0|[1-9][0-9]*|)([.][0-9]*)")
    fract = fract.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: float(t[0]) if t[0] else 1)
    whole = Regex("[1-9][0-9]*")
    whole = whole.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: int(t[0]) if t[0] else 1)
    count = Optional(~White() + (fract | whole), default=1)

    # Convert symbol, isotope, ion, count to (count, isotope)
    element = symbol + isotope + ion + count

    def convert_element(string, location, tokens):
        """interpret string as element"""
        #print "convert_element received", tokens
        symbol, isotope, ion, count = tokens[0:4]
        if isotope != 0:
            symbol = symbol[isotope]
        if ion != 0:
            symbol = symbol.ion[ion]
        return (count, symbol)

    element = element.setParseAction(convert_element)

    # Convert "count elements" to a pair
    implicit_group = count + OneOrMore(element)

    def convert_implicit(string, location, tokens):
        """convert count followed by fragment"""
        #print "implicit", tokens
        count = tokens[0]
        fragment = tokens[1:]
        return fragment if count == 1 else (count, fragment)

    implicit_group = implicit_group.setParseAction(convert_implicit)

    # Convert "(composite) count" to a pair
    opengrp = space + Literal('(').suppress() + space
    closegrp = space + Literal(')').suppress() + space
    explicit_group = opengrp + composite + closegrp + count

    def convert_explicit(string, location, tokens):
        """convert (fragment)count"""
        #print "explicit", tokens
        count = tokens[-1]
        fragment = tokens[:-1]
        return fragment if count == 1 else (count, fragment)

    explicit_group = explicit_group.setParseAction(convert_explicit)

    # Build composite from a set of groups
    group = implicit_group | explicit_group
    implicit_separator = separator | space
    composite << group + ZeroOrMore(implicit_separator + group)

    density = Literal('@').suppress() + count + Optional(Regex("[ni]"),
    compound = composite + Optional(density, default=None)

    def convert_compound(string, location, tokens):
        """convert material @ density"""
        #print "compound", tokens
        if tokens[-1] is None:
            return Formula(structure=_immutable(tokens[:-1]))
        elif tokens[-1] == 'n':
            return Formula(structure=_immutable(tokens[:-2]),
            return Formula(structure=_immutable(tokens[:-2]),

    compound = compound.setParseAction(convert_compound)

    partsep = space + Literal('//').suppress() + space
    percent = Literal('%').suppress()

    weight_percent = Regex("%(w((eigh)?t)?|m(ass)?)").suppress() + space
    by_weight = (count + weight_percent + mixture +
                 ZeroOrMore(partsep + count +
                            (weight_percent | percent) + mixture) + partsep +

    def convert_by_weight(string, location, tokens):
        """convert mixture by %wt or %mass"""
        #print "by weight", tokens
        piece = tokens[1:-1:2] + [tokens[-1]]
        fract = [float(v) for v in tokens[:-1:2]]
        fract.append(100 - sum(fract))
        #print piece, fract
        if len(piece) != len(fract):
            raise ValueError("Missing base component of mixture")
        if fract[-1] < 0:
            raise ValueError("Formula percentages must sum to less than 100%")
        return _mix_by_weight_pairs(zip(piece, fract))

    mixture_by_weight = by_weight.setParseAction(convert_by_weight)

    volume_percent = Regex("%v(ol(ume)?)?").suppress() + space
    by_volume = (count + volume_percent + mixture +
                 ZeroOrMore(partsep + count +
                            (volume_percent | percent) + mixture) + partsep +

    def convert_by_volume(string, location, tokens):
        """convert mixture by %vol"""
        #print "by volume", tokens
        piece = tokens[1:-1:2] + [tokens[-1]]
        fract = [float(v) for v in tokens[:-1:2]]
        fract.append(100 - sum(fract))
        #print piece, fract
        if len(piece) != len(fract):
            raise ValueError("Missing base component of mixture " + string)
        if fract[-1] < 0:
            raise ValueError("Formula percentages must sum to less than 100%")
        return _mix_by_volume_pairs(zip(piece, fract))

    mixture_by_volume = by_volume.setParseAction(convert_by_volume)

    mixture_by_layer = Forward()
    layer_thick = Group(count + Regex(LENGTH_RE) + space)
    layer_part = (layer_thick + mixture) | (opengrp + mixture_by_layer +
                                            closegrp + count)
    mixture_by_layer << layer_part + ZeroOrMore(partsep + layer_part)

    def convert_by_layer(string, location, tokens):
        """convert layer thickness '# nm material'"""
        if len(tokens) < 2:
            return tokens
        piece = []
        fract = []
        for p1, p2 in zip(tokens[0::2], tokens[1::2]):
            if isinstance(p1, Formula):
                f = p1.absthick * float(p2)
                p = p1
                f = float(p1[0]) * LENGTH_UNITS[p1[1]]
                p = p2
        total = sum(fract)
        vfract = [(v / total) * 100 for v in fract]
        result = _mix_by_volume_pairs(zip(piece, vfract))
        result.thickness = total
        return result

    mixture_by_layer = mixture_by_layer.setParseAction(convert_by_layer)

    mixture_by_absmass = Forward()
    absmass_mass = Group(count + Regex(MASS_VOLUME_RE) + space)
    absmass_part = (absmass_mass + mixture) | (opengrp + mixture_by_absmass +
                                               closegrp + count)
    mixture_by_absmass << absmass_part + ZeroOrMore(partsep + absmass_part)

    def convert_by_absmass(string, location, tokens):
        """convert mass '# mg material'"""
        if len(tokens) < 2:
            return tokens
        piece = []
        fract = []
        for p1, p2 in zip(tokens[0::2], tokens[1::2]):
            if isinstance(p1, Formula):
                p = p1
                f = p1.total_mass * float(p2)
                p = p2
                value = float(p1[0])
                if p1[1] in VOLUME_UNITS:
                    # convert to volume in liters to mass in grams before mixing
                    if p.density is None:
                        raise ValueError("Need the mass density of " + str(p))
                    f = value * VOLUME_UNITS[p1[1]] * 1000. * p.density
                    f = value * MASS_UNITS[p1[1]]

        total = sum(fract)
        mfract = [(m / total) * 100 for m in fract]
        result = _mix_by_weight_pairs(zip(piece, mfract))
        result.total_mass = total
        return result

    mixture_by_absmass = mixture_by_absmass.setParseAction(convert_by_absmass)

    ungrouped_mixture = (mixture_by_weight | mixture_by_volume
                         | mixture_by_layer | mixture_by_absmass)
    grouped_mixture = opengrp + ungrouped_mixture + closegrp + Optional(
        density, default=None)

    def convert_mixture(string, location, tokens):
        """convert (mixture) @ density"""
        formula = tokens[0]
        if tokens[-1] == 'n':
            formula.natural_density = tokens[-2]
        elif tokens[-1] == 'i':
            formula.density = tokens[-2]
        # elif tokens[-1] is None
        return formula

    grouped_mixture = grouped_mixture.setParseAction(convert_mixture)

    mixture << (compound | grouped_mixture)
    formula = (compound | ungrouped_mixture | grouped_mixture)
    grammar = Optional(formula, default=Formula()) + StringEnd()

    grammar.setName('Chemical Formula')
    return grammar
예제 #24
kwds = """message required optional repeated enum extensions extends extend 
          to package service rpc returns true false option import syntax"""
for kw in kwds.split():
    exec("%s_ = Keyword('%s')" % (kw.upper(), kw))

messageBody = Forward()

messageDefn = MESSAGE_ - ident("messageId") + LBRACE + messageBody(
    "body") + RBRACE

typespec = (oneOf("""double float int32 int64 uint32 uint64 sint32 sint64 
                    fixed32 fixed64 sfixed32 sfixed64 bool string bytes""")
            | ident)
rvalue = integer | TRUE_ | FALSE_ | ident
fieldDirective = LBRACK + Group(ident + EQ + rvalue) + RBRACK
fieldDefn = ((REQUIRED_ | OPTIONAL_ | REPEATED_)("fieldQualifier") -
             typespec("typespec") + ident("ident") + EQ + integer("fieldint") +
             ZeroOrMore(fieldDirective) + SEMI + ZeroOrMore(SEMI))

# enumDefn ::= 'enum' ident '{' { ident '=' integer ';' }* '}'
enumDefn = (ENUM_("typespec") - ident("name") + LBRACE + Dict(
        Group(ident + EQ + (hex_integer | integer) +
              ZeroOrMore(fieldDirective) + SEMI)))("values") + RBRACE)

# extensionsDefn ::= 'extensions' integer 'to' integer ';'
extensionsDefn = EXTENSIONS_ - integer + TO_ + integer + SEMI

# messageExtension ::= 'extend' ident '{' messageBody '}'
messageExtension = EXTEND_ - ident + LBRACE + messageBody + RBRACE
예제 #25
sqlString = Regex(r"\'(\'\'|\\.|[^'])*\'").addParseAction(to_string)
identString = Regex(r'\"(\"\"|\\.|[^"])*\"').addParseAction(unquote)
mysqlidentString = Regex(r'\`(\`\`|\\.|[^`])*\`').addParseAction(unquote)
ident = Combine(~RESERVED +
                               | Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_$")
                               | identString | mysqlidentString,

expr = Forward()

case = (CASE + Group(
    ZeroOrMore((WHEN + expr("when") + THEN +
                expr("then")).addParseAction(to_when_call)))("case") +
        Optional(ELSE + expr("else")) + END).addParseAction(to_case_call)

selectStmt = Forward()
compound = (
    (Keyword("not", caseless=True)("op").setDebugActions(*debug) +
     expr("params")).addParseAction(to_json_call) |
    (Keyword("distinct", caseless=True)("op").setDebugActions(*debug) +
    | Keyword("null", caseless=True).setName("null").setDebugActions(*debug)
    | case | (Literal("(").setDebugActions(*debug).suppress() + selectStmt +
              Literal(")").suppress()) |
    (Literal("(").setDebugActions(*debug).suppress() +
     Group(delimitedList(expr)) + Literal(")").suppress())
    | realNum.setName("float").setDebugActions(*debug)
예제 #26
def _tdb_grammar(): #pylint: disable=R0914
    Convenience function for getting the pyparsing grammar of a TDB file.
    int_number = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda t: [int(t[0])])
    # symbol name, e.g., phase name, function name
    symbol_name = Word(alphanums+'_:', min=1)
    ref_phase_name = symbol_name = Word(alphanums+'_-:()/', min=1)
    # species name, e.g., CO2, AL, FE3+
    species_name = Word(alphanums+'+-*/_.', min=1) + Optional(Suppress('%'))
    # constituent arrays are colon-delimited
    # each subarray can be comma- or space-delimited
    constituent_array = Group(delimitedList(Group(OneOrMore(Optional(Suppress(',')) + species_name)), ':'))
    param_types = MatchFirst([TCCommand(param_type) for param_type in TDB_PARAM_TYPES])
    # Let sympy do heavy arithmetic / algebra parsing for us
    # a convenience function will handle the piecewise details
    func_expr = (float_number | ZeroOrMore(',').setParseAction(lambda t: 0.01)) + OneOrMore(SkipTo(';') \
        + Suppress(';') + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(',')) + Optional(float_number) + \
        Suppress(Word('YNyn', exact=1) | White()))
    cmd_element = TCCommand('ELEMENT') + Word(alphas+'/-', min=1, max=2) + ref_phase_name + \
        float_number + float_number + float_number + LineEnd()
    cmd_species = TCCommand('SPECIES') + species_name + chemical_formula + LineEnd()
    cmd_typedef = TCCommand('TYPE_DEFINITION') + \
        Suppress(White()) + CharsNotIn(' !', exact=1) + SkipTo(LineEnd())
    cmd_function = TCCommand('FUNCTION') + symbol_name + \
    cmd_ass_sys = TCCommand('ASSESSED_SYSTEMS') + SkipTo(LineEnd())
    cmd_defsysdef = TCCommand('DEFINE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT') + SkipTo(LineEnd())
    cmd_defcmd = TCCommand('DEFAULT_COMMAND') + SkipTo(LineEnd())
    cmd_database_info = TCCommand('DATABASE_INFO') + SkipTo(LineEnd())
    cmd_version_date = TCCommand('VERSION_DATE') + SkipTo(LineEnd())
    cmd_reference_file = TCCommand('REFERENCE_FILE') + SkipTo(LineEnd())
    cmd_add_ref = TCCommand('ADD_REFERENCES') + SkipTo(LineEnd())
    cmd_lor = TCCommand('LIST_OF_REFERENCES') + SkipTo(LineEnd())
    cmd_templim = TCCommand('TEMPERATURE_LIMITS') + SkipTo(LineEnd())
    # PHASE
    cmd_phase = TCCommand('PHASE') + symbol_name + \
        Suppress(White()) + CharsNotIn(' !', min=1) + Suppress(White()) + \
        Suppress(int_number) + Group(OneOrMore(float_number)) + \
    cmd_constituent = TCCommand('CONSTITUENT') + symbol_name + \
        Suppress(White()) + Suppress(':') + constituent_array + \
        Suppress(':') + LineEnd()
    cmd_parameter = TCCommand('PARAMETER') + param_types + \
        Suppress('(') + symbol_name + \
        Optional(Suppress('&') + Word(alphas+'/-', min=1, max=2), default=None) + \
        Suppress(',') + constituent_array + \
        Optional(Suppress(';') + int_number, default=0) + \
        Suppress(')') + func_expr.setParseAction(_make_piecewise_ast)
    # Now combine the grammar together
    all_commands = cmd_element | \
                    cmd_species | \
                    cmd_typedef | \
                    cmd_function | \
                    cmd_ass_sys | \
                    cmd_defsysdef | \
                    cmd_defcmd | \
                    cmd_database_info | \
                    cmd_version_date | \
                    cmd_reference_file | \
                    cmd_add_ref | \
                    cmd_lor | \
                    cmd_templim | \
                    cmd_phase | \
                    cmd_constituent | \
    return all_commands
예제 #27
    return Group(
        Suppress(backslash) + Literal(key) + Suppress(White()) +
        Word(nums + '-()') + Suppress(White()))

# Define grammar
# NOTE: We separate fields like \mt and \mt1, \s and \s1
#           so that we could conceivably rewrite the file without changing the convention used
#           even though it does increase the complexity a little.

# phrase = Word(alphas + "-.,!? —–‘“”’;:()'\"[]/&%=*…{}" + nums)
phrase = CharsNotIn('\n\\')
backslash = Literal('\\')
plus = Literal('+')

textBlock = Group(Optional(NoMatch(), "text") + phrase)
unknown = Group(
    Optional(NoMatch(), "unknown") + Suppress(backslash) +
    CharsNotIn(' \n\t\\'))
escape = usfmTokenValue('\\', phrase)

id = usfmTokenValue('id', phrase)
ide = usfmTokenValue('ide', phrase)
usfmV = usfmTokenValue('usfm',
                       phrase)  # USFM version marker (new with USFM 3.0)
h = usfmTokenValue('h', phrase)

mt = usfmTokenValue('mt', phrase)
mt1 = usfmTokenValue('mt1', phrase)
mt2 = usfmTokenValue('mt2', phrase)
mt3 = usfmTokenValue('mt3', phrase)
예제 #28
 def __init__(self):
     point = Literal(".")
     e = CaselessLiteral("E")
     fnumber = Combine(
         Word("+-" + nums, nums) + Optional(point + Optional(Word(nums))) +
         Optional(e + Word("+-" + nums, nums)))
     ident = Word(alphas, alphas + nums + "_$")
     plus = Literal("+")
     minus = Literal("-")
     mult = Literal("*")
     div = Literal("/")
     lpar = Literal("(").suppress()
     rpar = Literal(")").suppress()
     addop = plus | minus
     multop = mult | div
     expop = Literal("^")
     pi = CaselessLiteral("PI")
     expr = Forward()
     atom = ((Optional(oneOf("- +")) +
              (pi | e | fnumber |
               ident + lpar + expr + rpar).setParseAction(self.push_first))
             | Optional(oneOf("- +")) +
             Group(lpar + expr + rpar)).setParseAction(self.push_uminus)
     # By defining exp as "atom [ ^ factor ]..." instead of "atom [ ^ atom ]...",
     # the exponents are parsed right-to-left exponents, instead of left-to-right
     # that is, 2^3^2 = 2^(3^2), instead of (2^3)^2.
     factor = Forward()
     factor << atom + ZeroOrMore(
         (expop + factor).setParseAction(self.push_first))
     term = factor + ZeroOrMore(
         (multop + factor).setParseAction(self.push_first))
     expr << term + ZeroOrMore(
         (addop + term).setParseAction(self.push_first))
     addop_term = (addop + term).setParseAction(self.push_first)
     general_term = term + ZeroOrMore(addop_term) | OneOrMore(addop_term)
     expr << general_term
     self.bnf = expr
     # Here the code maps operator symbols to their corresponding arithmetic operations
     # decided to go for * instead of x to be used in multiplications, for obvious reasons:
     # it is commonly used that way with computer keypads that have numbers using one hand
     # And yeah, I know where you keep the other hand... lewd!
     epsilon = 1e-12
     self.opn = {
         "+": operator.add,
         "-": operator.sub,
         "*": operator.mul,
         "/": operator.truediv,
         "^": operator.pow
     # After getting the correct operators, now to make use of strings for more advanced
     # mathematical calculations, haven't tried them all intensively, so they might break,
     # if that happens, use your phone's calculator instead, kthx.
     self.fn = {
         "sin": math.sin,
         "cos": math.cos,
         "tan": math.tan,
         "abs": abs,
         "trunc": lambda a: int(a),
         "round": round,
         "sgn": lambda a: abs(a) > epsilon and (a > 0) - (a < 0) or 0
예제 #29
def usfmBackslashToken(key):
    return Group(Literal(key))
예제 #30
class Parser(object):
    FREE_TEXT = Word(printables + ' ', excludeChars='()')
    INTEGER = Word(nums)

    ID_TEXT = Word(alphanums, alphanums + ':/_-.')

    ONTOLOGY_SUFFIX = (Keyword('ABI')
                       | Keyword('FM')
                       | Keyword('FMA')
                       | Keyword('ILX')
                       | Keyword('MA')
                       | Keyword('NCBITaxon')
                       | Keyword('UBERON'))

    IDENTIFIER = Group(Keyword('id') + Suppress('(') + ID_TEXT + Suppress(')'))
    MODELS = Group(
        Keyword('models') + Suppress('(') + ONTOLOGY_ID + Suppress(')'))


    BACKGROUND = Group(
        Keyword('background-for') + Suppress('(') + IDENTIFIER + Suppress(')'))
    DESCRIPTION = Group(
        Keyword('description') + Suppress('(') + FREE_TEXT + Suppress(')'))
        Keyword('not-selectable') | Keyword('selected') | Keyword('queryable'))
    ZOOM = Group(
        Keyword('zoom') + Suppress('(') +
        Group(INTEGER + Suppress(',') + INTEGER + Suppress(',') + INTEGER) +



    def layer_directive(s):
        result = {}
            parsed = Parser.LAYER_DIRECTIVE.parseString(s, parseAll=True)
            result['selectable'] = True
            for directive in parsed[1:]:
                if directive[0] == 'not-selectable':
                    result['selectable'] = False
                elif Parser.SELECTION_FLAGS.matches(directive[0]):
                    result[directive[0]] = True
                elif directive[0] == 'zoom':
                    result['zoom'] = [int(z) for z in directive[1]]
                    result[directive[0]] = directive[1]

        except ParseException:
            result['error'] = 'Syntax error in layer directive'
        return result


#    LABEL = Group(Keyword('label') + Suppress('(') + FREE_TEXT + Suppress(')'))
#    LAYER = Group(Keyword('layer') + Suppress('(') + ONTOLOGY_ID + Suppress(')'))
## WIP: DETAILS = Group(Keyword('details') + Suppress('(') + Suppress(')'))  ## Zoom start, slide/layer ID
## Details are positioned within polygon's boundary on a layer "above" the polygon's
## fill layer. Say positioned on an invisible place holder that is grouped with the polygon??

    CLASS = Group(Keyword('class') + Suppress('(') + ID_TEXT + Suppress(')'))
    PATH = Group(Keyword('path') + Suppress('(') + ID_TEXT + Suppress(')'))
    STYLE = Group(Keyword('style') + Suppress('(') + INTEGER + Suppress(')'))


    SHAPE_FLAGS = Group(
        | Keyword('children')
        | Keyword('closed')
        | Keyword('interior'))

    DEPRECATED_FLAGS = Group(Keyword('siblings') | Keyword('marker'))

    FEATURE_FLAGS = Group(
        | Keyword('invisible')
        | Keyword('divider')
        | Keyword('region'))

                                    | FEATURE_PROPERTIES | PATH | SHAPE_FLAGS)


    def shape_properties(name_text):
        properties = {}
            parsed = Parser.SHAPE_MARKUP.parseString(name_text, parseAll=True)
            for prop in parsed[1:]:
                if (Parser.FEATURE_FLAGS.matches(prop[0])
                        or Parser.SHAPE_FLAGS.matches(prop[0])):
                    properties[prop[0]] = True
                elif Parser.DEPRECATED_FLAGS.matches(prop[0]):
                        'warning'] = "'{}' property is deprecated".format(
                elif prop[0] == 'id':
                    # Keep separate from feature's unique id
                    properties['external-id'] = prop[1]
                    properties[prop[0]] = prop[1]
        except ParseException:
            properties['error'] = 'Syntax error in shape markup'
        return properties

    def ignore_property(name):
        return Parser.DEPRECATED_FLAGS.matches(
            name) or Parser.SHAPE_FLAGS.matches(name)


    NERVES = delimitedList(ID_TEXT)

        Suppress('(') + delimitedList(ID_TEXT) + Suppress(')'))
    PATH_LINES = delimitedList(PATH_LINES_GROUP)

        Suppress('(') + delimitedList(ID_TEXT) + Suppress(')'))


    def path_lines(line_ids):
            path_lines = Parser.PATH_LINES.parseString(line_ids, parseAll=True)
        except ParseException:
            raise ValueError(
                'Syntax error in path lines list: {}'.format(line_ids))
        return path_lines

    def route_nodes(node_ids):
            route_nodes = Parser.ROUTE_NODES.parseString(node_ids,
        except ParseException:
            raise ValueError(
                'Syntax error in route node list: {}'.format(node_ids))
        return route_nodes

    def nerves(node_ids):
            nerves = Parser.NERVES.parseString(node_ids, parseAll=True)
        except ParseException:
            raise ValueError('Syntax error in nerve list: {}'.format(node_ids))
        return nerves