예제 #1
    def test_prefixed_line(self):

        parser = ZeroOrMore(comment | empty_line) + prefixed_line(
            "Foo:") + ZeroOrMore(comment | empty_line)

        foo = prefixed_line("Foo:")
            parser.parseString("Foo: bar\n\n\n", True).asList(),
            ["bar", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>"])
            parser.parseString("Foo: bar    \n\n\n", True).asList(),
            ["bar", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>"])
            parser.parseString("Foo: bar    baz\n\n\n", True).asList(),
            ["bar    baz", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>"])
            parser.parseString("Foo: bar    \n      \n", True).asList(),
            ["bar", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>"])
            parser.parseString("Foo: bar    \n#baz\n  #spam\n", True).asList(),
            ["bar", "<COMMENT>", "<COMMENT>", "<EMPTYLINE>"])

        bar = parser + prefixed_line("Bar:") + ZeroOrMore(comment | empty_line)
            bar.parseString("Foo: bar    \n#baz\nBar: baz spam\n  #spam\n",
            ["bar", "<COMMENT>", "baz spam", "<COMMENT>", "<EMPTYLINE>"])
def parse_macro_arguments(argument_string, return_kwargs=False):
    if not argument_string:
        return None

    import re
    from pyparsing import Group, Or, QuotedString, Regex, Suppress, ZeroOrMore

    # General argument string parser
    argstring_def = ZeroOrMore(Or([ \
        QuotedString('"'),                          # long arguments
        Group(Regex('[\w]+', flags=re.UNICODE) +    # keyword arguments
          Suppress('=').leaveWhitespace() +
          Or([Regex('[\w]+'), QuotedString('"')])),
        Regex(r'\(\(.*\)\)', flags=re.UNICODE),     # nested macros
        Regex('[\S]+', flags=re.UNICODE)            # basic arguments
    args = argstring_def.parseString(argument_string).asList()

    # The keyword arguments are stored as lists in the `args' variable,
    # extract them and convert them into a dict, then return
    if return_kwargs:
        kwargs = {}
        for arg in args:
            if isinstance(arg, list):
                kwargs[str(arg[0])] = arg[1]
                args.remove(arg)                    # remove the nested list
        return args, kwargs
    return args
예제 #3
def parse_enum_defs(s, parsers=None):
    """Parse all of the enum defs in a string, and add them to a list of type parsers

        - `s`: the string to parse
        - `parsers`: the dictionary of parsers to which the new ones will be added (optional)

    @return: a list of parsers for parsing type declarations

    >>> test_string = \"""# A sample file
    ... a foo
    ... bar baz
    ... typedef enum { # a comment
    ...         START, /* another comment */
    ...         END
    ... } RUNMARK;
    ... typedef struct { 
    ...         float x; 
    ...         int y
    ... } GOO
    ... typedef enum {
    ...         OAK,
    ...         MAPLE
    ... } TREES;
    ... GOO 3.4 6
    ... \"""
    >>> parsed_defs = parse_enum_defs(test_string)
    >>> runmark_parser = parsed_defs['RUNMARK']
    >>> runmark_parser.parseString("START")[0]
    >>> runmark_parser.parseString("END")[0]
    >>> try:
    ...    runmark_parser.parseString("41")[0]
    ... except:
    ...    print "parser threw an exception"
    parser threw an exception
    >>> tree_parser = parsed_defs['TREES']
    >>> tree_parser.parseString("MAPLE")[0]
    type_parser = {} if parsers is None else parsers
    one_enum_def_parser = make_one_enum_def_parser()
    not_enum = ((value_name | struct_declaration_start | possible_type_name
                 | right_brace) + restOfLine).suppress()

    enum_def_parser = ZeroOrMore(Group(one_enum_def_parser)
                                 | not_enum) + stringEnd

    for enum in enum_def_parser.parseString(s):
        type_parser[enum['enum_name']] = oneOf(enum['values'].asList())

    return type_parser
예제 #4
def parse_weak_order(s: str) -> list:
    Convert a string representing a weak order to a list of sets.

    :param s: a string.
    :return: a list of sets, where each set is an indifference class. The first set of the list contains the top
        (= most liked) candidates, while the last set of the list contains the bottom (= most disliked) candidates.

    >>> s = 'Alice ~ Bob ~ Catherine32 > me > you ~ us > them'
    >>> parse_weak_order(s) == [{'Alice', 'Bob', 'Catherine32'}, {'me'}, {'you', 'us'}, {'them'}]

    # Build the parser
    candidate = Word(alphas.upper() + alphas.lower() + nums + '_')
    equiv_class = Group(candidate +
                        ZeroOrMore(Word('~').suppress() + candidate))
    weak_preference = equiv_class + ZeroOrMore(
        Word('>').suppress() + equiv_class)
    empty_preference = ZeroOrMore(' ')

    # if s = 'Jean ~ Titi ~ tata32 > me > you ~ us > them', then
    # parsed = [['Jean', 'Titi', 'tata32'], ['me'], ['you', 'us'], ['them']]
        parsed = empty_preference.parseString(s, parseAll=True).asList()
    except ParseException:
        parsed = weak_preference.parseString(s, parseAll=True).asList()

    # Final conversion to format [{'Jean', 'tata32', 'Titi'}, {'me'}, {'us', 'you'}, {'them'}]
    return [NiceSet(s) for s in parsed]
예제 #5
def _parse_data(data: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    lcur, rcur, lbrk, rbrk, comma, eq = map(Suppress, '{}[],=')

    tablekey = Regex(r'[a-z][a-z0-9_]*') | (lbrk +
                                            QuotedString(quoteChar="'") + rbrk)
    qstring = QuotedString(quoteChar='"')

    value = Forward()

    keyval = (tablekey + eq +
              value).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [(str(t[0]), t[1])])

    array_table = (
        value +
        ZeroOrMore(comma + value)).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [list(t)])
    dict_table = (keyval + ZeroOrMore(comma + keyval)
                  ).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [{k: v
                                                     for k, v in t}])

    table = lcur + (dict_table | array_table
                    | Empty().setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [None])) + rcur
    value << (qstring | table)

    root = ZeroOrMore(keyval).setParseAction(
        lambda s, l, t: {k: v
                         for k, v in t})

    return root.parseString(data, parseAll=True)[0]  # type: ignore
예제 #6
def parse_nested(expression: str) -> list:
    operators = oneOf("+ *")
    nested_braces = nestedExpr(
    combined = ZeroOrMore(Word(nums) | operators | nested_braces)
    return combined.parseString(expression).asList()
예제 #7
def parse_header(s, enum_def_parser, struct_def_parser, struct_parsers):
    """Create a dictionary of keyword assignments in a yanny par file

        - `s`: the string to parse
        - `enum_def_parser`: a parser that parses one enum definition
        - `struct_def_parser`: a parser that parses on struct definition
        - `struct_parsers`: a dictionary of structures that parse structure data

    @return: a dictionary with the keyword assignments

    >>> test_string = \"""# A sample file
    ... a foo
    ... bar baz goo # no more
    ... typedef enum {
    ...         START,
    ...         END
    ... } RUNMARK;
    ... typedef struct {
    ...         float x;
    ...         int y
    ... } GOO
    ... typedef enum {
    ...         OAK,
    ...         MAPLE
    ... } TREES;
    ... GOO 3.4 6
    ... \"""
    >>> enum_def_parser = make_one_enum_def_parser()
    >>> type_parsers = parse_enum_defs(test_string, base_type_parsers)
    >>> struct_def_parser = make_one_struct_def_parser(type_parsers)
    >>> structs, struct_parsers = parse_struct_defs(test_string, type_parsers)
    >>> h = parse_header(test_string, enum_def_parser, struct_def_parser, struct_parsers)
    >>> print h['a']
    >>> print h['bar']
    baz goo
    one_header_assignment_parser = make_one_header_assignment_parser(
    not_header = Or([enum_def_parser, struct_def_parser] + \
                        [struct_parsers[k] for k in struct_parsers.keys()]).suppress()

    header_parser = ZeroOrMore(not_header
                               | one_header_assignment_parser) + stringEnd
    header = {}
    for d in header_parser.parseString(s):
        header[d['name']] = d['value'].partition('#')[0].lstrip().rstrip()

    return header
예제 #8
    def test_prefixed_line(self):

        parser = ZeroOrMore(comment | empty_line) + prefixed_line("Foo:") + ZeroOrMore(comment | empty_line)

        foo = prefixed_line("Foo:")
        self.assertEqual(parser.parseString("Foo: bar\n\n\n", True).asList(),
                         ["bar", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>"])
        self.assertEqual(parser.parseString("Foo: bar    \n\n\n", True).asList(),
                         ["bar", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>"])
        self.assertEqual(parser.parseString("Foo: bar    baz\n\n\n", True).asList(),
                         ["bar    baz", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>"])
        self.assertEqual(parser.parseString("Foo: bar    \n      \n", True).asList(),
                         ["bar", "<EMPTYLINE>", "<EMPTYLINE>"])
        self.assertEqual(parser.parseString("Foo: bar    \n#baz\n  #spam\n", True).asList(),
                         ["bar", "<COMMENT>", "<COMMENT>", "<EMPTYLINE>"])
        bar = parser + prefixed_line("Bar:") + ZeroOrMore(comment | empty_line)
        self.assertEqual(bar.parseString("Foo: bar    \n#baz\nBar: baz spam\n  #spam\n", True).asList(),
                         ["bar", "<COMMENT>", "baz spam", "<COMMENT>", "<EMPTYLINE>"])
예제 #9
 def _parse_items(self, source):
     ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r')
     EOL = LineEnd().suppress()
     comment = Literal('#') + Optional( restOfLine ) + EOL
     string = CharsNotIn("\n")
     line = Group(
         Word(alphanums + '-')('key') + Literal(':').suppress() + Optional(Combine(string + ZeroOrMore(EOL + Literal(' ') + string)))("value") + EOL
     group = ZeroOrMore(line)
     return group.parseString(source, True)
예제 #10
def split_quote(s):
    r_link_ref = Regex(r'\[[^]]*\]:.*')  # match [1]:http:....
    r_link_text = Regex(r'(\[[^]]*\])+')  # match [text][1]
    r_link_url = Regex(r'\[[^]]*\]\(.*\)')  # match [text](http://)
    r_code_section = Regex(r'```')
    r_code_html = Regex(r'<[^>]*>')
    r_quote_1 = Regex(r'\'[^\']*\'')  # not split '....'
    r_quote_2 = Regex(r'"[^"]*"')
    r_quote_code = Regex(r'\`[^`]*\`')
    r_word = Regex(r'[^ ]+')
    parser = ZeroOrMore(r_link_ref | r_link_url | r_link_text | r_code_section
                        | r_code_html | r_quote_1 | r_quote_2 | r_quote_code
                        | r_word)
    return parser.parseString(s)
예제 #11
def parse_template(template_text):
    identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums + '_')

    param = Group(identifier('name') + Suppress(':') + CharsNotIn(',)')('value'))
    param_list = Group(Suppress('(') + delimitedList(param, delim=',') + Suppress(')'))

    benchmark_id = originalTextFor(identifier + '.' + identifier + '.' + identifier)
    measurement_id = Group(benchmark_id('benchmark') + Optional(param_list('params')) + Suppress('[') + identifier('local_id') + Suppress(']'))

    macro = Group(Suppress('${') + measurement_id('measurement') + Suppress('}'))
    raw_text_block = originalTextFor(CharsNotIn('$'))

    text = ZeroOrMore(Group(raw_text_block('text') | macro('macro')))('template')

    return text.parseString(template_text).asDict()
예제 #12
def guess_language(string=None, filename=None):
    Attempt to guess the language

    Do this by parsing the comments at the top of the file for the

        # language: fr


    LANG_PARSER = ZeroOrMore(
        Suppress('#') + (
            ((Suppress(Keyword('language')) + Suppress(':') +
              Word(unicodePrintables)('language')) |

        if string:
            tokens = LANG_PARSER.parseString(string)
        elif filename:
            with open(filename, 'r', 'utf-8') as fp:
                tokens = LANG_PARSER.parseFile(fp)
            raise RuntimeError("Must pass string or filename")

        code = tokens.language

        if code != '':
            return languages.Language(code=code)

    except ParseException as e:
        # try English

    return languages.English()
예제 #13
# #s = cgen.genPackFun( structList[1])
# #print(s)

# cgen.pprint()

# s = cgen.genHeader(pp.asDict())
# print(s)
# print(pp.asDict())

# cgen = OOcodeGenerator(test1)
# cgen.pprint()
# s = cgen.genAll()
# print(s)

# print(annotateDict)

# docgen = MarkdownGenerator()
# s = docgen.genAll()
# print(s)

pp = parser.parseString(test1)
pygen = OOpythonGenerator()
s = pygen.genAll()
oogen = OOcodeGenerator()
s = oogen.genAll("test.hpp", "test.cpp")
예제 #14
                 | smoothQuadraticBezierCurveto | quadraticBezierCurveto
                 | smoothCurve | curve | horizontalLine | verticalLine)

# ~ number.debug = True
moveToDrawToCommands = moveTo + ZeroOrMore(drawToCommand)

path = ZeroOrMore(moveToDrawToCommands)
path.keepTabs = True

def get_points(d):
    commands = path.parseString(d)
    points = []
    currentset = None
    for command in commands:
        if command[0] == 'M' or command[0] == 'm':
            currentset = []
        elif command[0] == 'L' or command[0] == 'l':
        elif command[0] == 'C' or command[0] == 'c':
    return points

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print path.parseString(
        "M 242.96145,653.59282 L 244.83646,650.1553 L 247.02397,649.8428 L 247.33647,650.62405 L 245.30521,653.59282 L 242.96145,653.59282 z M 252.80525,649.99905 L 258.74278,652.49906 L 260.77404,652.18656 L 262.33654,648.43654 L 261.71154,645.15528 L 257.64902,644.68653 L 253.74275,646.40528 L 252.80525,649.99905 z M 282.49289,659.6866 L 286.08665,664.99912 L 288.43041,664.68662 L 289.52417,664.21787 L 290.93042,665.46787 L 294.52419,665.31162 L 295.4617,663.90537 L 292.64918,662.18661 L 290.77417,658.59284 L 288.74291,655.15533 L 283.11789,657.96784 L 282.49289,659.6866 z M 302.02423,668.28039 L 303.27423,666.40538 L 307.8055,667.34288 L 308.43051,666.87413 L 314.36803,667.49913 L 314.05553,668.74914 L 311.55552,670.15539 L 307.33675,669.84289 L 302.02423,668.28039 z M 307.1805,673.28041 L 309.05551,677.03043 L 312.02427,675.93667 L 312.33677,674.37416 L 310.77427,672.3429 L 307.1805,672.0304 L 307.1805,673.28041 z M 313.89928,672.18665 L 316.08679,669.37414 L 320.61806,671.7179 L 324.83683,672.81166 L 329.0556,675.46792 L 329.0556,677.34293 L 325.61809,679.06169 L 320.93056,679.99919 L 318.5868,678.59293 L 313.89928,672.18665 z M 329.99311,687.18672 L 331.55561,685.93672 L 334.83688,687.49923 L 342.18066,690.93674 L 345.46193,692.968 L 347.02443,695.31176 L 348.89944,699.53053 L 352.80571,702.03054 L 352.49321,703.28055 L 348.74319,706.40556 L 344.68067,707.81182 L 343.27442,707.18682 L 340.30565,708.90557 L 337.96189,712.03059 L 335.77438,714.8431 L 334.05562,714.68685 L 330.61811,712.18684 L 330.30561,707.81182 L 330.93061,705.46806 L 329.3681,699.99928 L 327.33684,698.28052 L 327.18059,695.78051 L 329.3681,694.84301 L 331.39936,691.87425 L 331.86811,690.93674 L 330.30561,689.21798 L 329.99311,687.18672 z "
예제 #15
    def parse(self, argument):
            argument: Data to be parsed.
        # pyparsing syntax parser definition
        classQualifier = Forward()
        classQualifierRegex = Regex(r'[a-zA-Z_0-9]+::')
        classQualifier << classQualifierRegex + ZeroOrMore(classQualifier)
        className  = Optional(classQualifier) + \
                        ~(Keyword('Handle') | Keyword('shared_ptr') | \
                          Keyword('vector')) + \

        templClass = Forward()
        templClass << (className + Optional( '<' + \
                                  templClass + ZeroOrMore(',' + \
                                  templClass) + '>'))\

        handle = classQualifier + 'Handle<' + templClass + '>'
        sharedPtr = 'boost::shared_ptr<' + templClass + '>'

        allTypes = templClass | handle | sharedPtr

        vectorWord = Forward()
        vectorWord << ('std::vector<' + vectorWord + '>' | allTypes)

        variableWord = Regex(r'[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*').\

        defaultValue = ZeroOrMore(' ') + '=' + ZeroOrMore(' ') + \
        #                        Regex(r'[()a-zA-Z0-9<>:\., ]+').\
        #                              setResultsName('default_value')
        parameter = ZeroOrMore(' ') + vectorWord + variableWord + \
                        Optional( ZeroOrMore(' ') + defaultValue )

        #parse argument
        parse = None
            parse = parameter.parseString(argument, True)
        except ParseException as err:
            Logger().error('parameter parsing error "%s"' % argument)

            Logger().debug('entering conversion ...')

            #set class_name and variable_name
            self.class_name = ''
            for item in parse['class_name']:
                self.class_name = self.class_name + item.strip()
            self.variable_name = parse['variable_name'].strip()

            # analyse for handle and shared_ptr
            self.is_handle = False
            if parse.asList().count('Handle<')>=1 or \
                self.is_handle = True

            self.is_sharedptr = False
            if parse.asList().count('boost::shared_ptr<')>=1 or \
                self.is_sharedptr = True

            #sets default value
            if 'default_value' in parse.keys():
                self.default_value = parse['default_value']

            #determine dimension
            self.dimension = parse.asList().count('std::vector<')

            Logger().debug('Class      ' + self.class_name)
            Logger().debug('Variable   ' + self.variable_name)
            Logger().debug('Handle     ' + str(self.is_handle))
            Logger().debug('SharedPtr  ' + str(self.is_sharedptr))
            Logger().debug('Dimension  ' + str(self.dimension))
            Logger().debug('Default    ' + str(self.default_value))

            Logger().debug('leaving conversion ...')
            Logger().error('parameter conversion error "%s"' % argument)
예제 #16
    def parse(content, basedir=None, resolve=True):
        """parse a HOCON content

        :param content: HOCON content to parse
        :type content: basestring
        :param resolve: If true, resolve substitutions
        :type resolve: boolean
        :return: a ConfigTree or a list

        def norm_string(value):
            for k, v in ConfigParser.REPLACEMENTS.items():
                value = value.replace(k, v)
            return value

        def unescape_string(tokens):
            return ConfigUnquotedString(norm_string(tokens[0]))

        def parse_multi_string(tokens):
            # remove the first and last 3 "
            return tokens[0][3: -3]

        def convert_number(tokens):
            n = tokens[0]
                return int(n)
            except ValueError:
                return float(n)

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        SUBSTITUTION = "\$\{(?P<optional>\?)?(?P<variable>[^}]+)\}(?P<ws>\s*)"

        def create_substitution(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(SUBSTITUTION, token[0])
            variable = match.group('variable')
            ws = match.group('ws')
            optional = match.group('optional') == '?'
            substitution = ConfigSubstitution(variable, optional, ws, instring, loc)
            return substitution

        def include_config(token):
            url = None
            file = None
            if len(token) == 1:  # include "test"
                if token[0].startswith("http://") or token[0].startswith("https://") or token[0].startswith("file://"):
                    url = token[0]
                    file = token[0]
            elif len(token) == 2:  # include url("test") or file("test")
                if token[0] == 'url':
                    url = token[1]
                    file = token[1]

            if url is not None:
                logger.debug('Loading config from url %s', url)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_URL(url, resolve=False)

            if file is not None:
                path = file if basedir is None else os.path.join(basedir, file)
                logger.debug('Loading config from file %s', path)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_file(path, required=False, resolve=False)

            return ConfigInclude(obj if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items())

        ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')

        assign_expr = Forward()
        true_expr = Keyword("true", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(True))
        false_expr = Keyword("false", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(False))
        null_expr = Keyword("null", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(None))
        key = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False) | Word(alphanums + '._- ')

        eol = Word('\n\r').suppress()
        eol_comma = Word('\n\r,').suppress()
        comment = (Literal('#') | Literal('//')) - SkipTo(eol)
        comment_eol = Suppress(Optional(eol_comma) + comment)
        comment_no_comma_eol = (comment | eol).suppress()
        number_expr = Regex('[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE]\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))',

        # multi line string using """
        # Using fix described in http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/share/view/3778969
        multiline_string = Regex('""".*?"""', re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE).setParseAction(parse_multi_string)
        # single quoted line string
        quoted_string = QuotedString(quoteChar='"', escChar='\\', multiline=True)
        # unquoted string that takes the rest of the line until an optional comment
        # we support .properties multiline support which is like this:
        # line1  \
        # line2 \
        # so a backslash precedes the \n
        unquoted_string = Regex(r'(\\[ \t]*[\r\n]|[^\[\{\n\r\]\}#,=\$])+?(?=($|\$|[ \t]*(//|[\}\],#\n\r])))',
        substitution_expr = Regex('[ \t]*\$\{[^\}]+\}[ \t]*').setParseAction(create_substitution)
        string_expr = multiline_string | quoted_string | unquoted_string

        value_expr = number_expr | true_expr | false_expr | null_expr | string_expr

        include_expr = (Keyword("include", caseless=True).suppress() - (
            quoted_string | ((Keyword('url') | Keyword('file')) - Literal('(').suppress() - quoted_string - Literal(')').suppress()))) \

        dict_expr = Forward()
        list_expr = Forward()
        multi_value_expr = ZeroOrMore((Literal(
            '\\') - eol).suppress() | comment_eol | include_expr | substitution_expr | dict_expr | list_expr | value_expr)
        # for a dictionary : or = is optional
        # last zeroOrMore is because we can have t = {a:4} {b: 6} {c: 7} which is dictionary concatenation
        inside_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma))
        dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
        list_entry = ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)
        list_expr << Suppress('[') - ListParser(list_entry - ZeroOrMore(eol_comma - list_entry)) - Suppress(']')

        # special case when we have a value assignment where the string can potentially be the remainder of the line
        assign_expr << Group(
            key -
            ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) -
            (dict_expr | Suppress(Literal('=') | Literal(':')) - ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) - ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr))

        # the file can be { ... } where {} can be omitted or []
        config_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol) + (list_expr | dict_expr | inside_dict_expr) + ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol_comma)
        config = config_expr.parseString(content, parseAll=True)[0]
        if resolve:
        return config
예제 #17
verticalLine = Group(Command("V") + Arguments(coordinateSequence))

drawToCommand = (
    lineTo | moveTo | closePath | ellipticalArc | smoothQuadraticBezierCurveto |
    quadraticBezierCurveto | smoothCurve | curve | horizontalLine | verticalLine

#~ number.debug = True
moveToDrawToCommands = moveTo + ZeroOrMore(drawToCommand)

path = ZeroOrMore(moveToDrawToCommands)
path.keepTabs = True

def get_points(d):
    commands = path.parseString(d)
    points = []
    currentset = None
    for command in commands:
        if command[0] == 'M' or command[0] == 'm':
            currentset = []
        elif command[0] == 'L' or command[0] == 'l':
        elif command[0] == 'C' or command[0] == 'c':
    return points

if __name__ == "__main__":
	print path.parseString("M 242.96145,653.59282 L 244.83646,650.1553 L 247.02397,649.8428 L 247.33647,650.62405 L 245.30521,653.59282 L 242.96145,653.59282 z M 252.80525,649.99905 L 258.74278,652.49906 L 260.77404,652.18656 L 262.33654,648.43654 L 261.71154,645.15528 L 257.64902,644.68653 L 253.74275,646.40528 L 252.80525,649.99905 z M 282.49289,659.6866 L 286.08665,664.99912 L 288.43041,664.68662 L 289.52417,664.21787 L 290.93042,665.46787 L 294.52419,665.31162 L 295.4617,663.90537 L 292.64918,662.18661 L 290.77417,658.59284 L 288.74291,655.15533 L 283.11789,657.96784 L 282.49289,659.6866 z M 302.02423,668.28039 L 303.27423,666.40538 L 307.8055,667.34288 L 308.43051,666.87413 L 314.36803,667.49913 L 314.05553,668.74914 L 311.55552,670.15539 L 307.33675,669.84289 L 302.02423,668.28039 z M 307.1805,673.28041 L 309.05551,677.03043 L 312.02427,675.93667 L 312.33677,674.37416 L 310.77427,672.3429 L 307.1805,672.0304 L 307.1805,673.28041 z M 313.89928,672.18665 L 316.08679,669.37414 L 320.61806,671.7179 L 324.83683,672.81166 L 329.0556,675.46792 L 329.0556,677.34293 L 325.61809,679.06169 L 320.93056,679.99919 L 318.5868,678.59293 L 313.89928,672.18665 z M 329.99311,687.18672 L 331.55561,685.93672 L 334.83688,687.49923 L 342.18066,690.93674 L 345.46193,692.968 L 347.02443,695.31176 L 348.89944,699.53053 L 352.80571,702.03054 L 352.49321,703.28055 L 348.74319,706.40556 L 344.68067,707.81182 L 343.27442,707.18682 L 340.30565,708.90557 L 337.96189,712.03059 L 335.77438,714.8431 L 334.05562,714.68685 L 330.61811,712.18684 L 330.30561,707.81182 L 330.93061,705.46806 L 329.3681,699.99928 L 327.33684,698.28052 L 327.18059,695.78051 L 329.3681,694.84301 L 331.39936,691.87425 L 331.86811,690.93674 L 330.30561,689.21798 L 329.99311,687.18672 z ")
예제 #18
# A simple example showing the use of the implied listAllMatches=True for
# results names with a trailing '*' character.
# This example performs work similar to itertools.groupby, but without
# having to sort the input first.
from pyparsing import Word, ZeroOrMore, nums

aExpr = Word("A", nums)
bExpr = Word("B", nums)
cExpr = Word("C", nums)
grammar = ZeroOrMore(aExpr("A*") | bExpr("B*") | cExpr("C*"))

results = grammar.parseString("A1 B1 A2 C1 B2 A3")
print results.dump()
예제 #19
    def parse(cls, content, basedir=None, resolve=True, unresolved_value=DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION):
        """parse a HOCON content

        :param content: HOCON content to parse
        :type content: basestring
        :param resolve: if true, resolve substitutions
        :type resolve: boolean
        :param unresolved_value: assigned value value to unresolved substitution.
        If overriden with a default value, it will replace all unresolved value to the default value.
        If it is set to to pyhocon.STR_SUBSTITUTION then it will replace the value by its substitution expression (e.g., ${x})
        :type unresolved_value: boolean
        :return: a ConfigTree or a list

        unescape_pattern = re.compile(r'\\.')

        def replace_escape_sequence(match):
            value = match.group(0)
            return cls.REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value)

        def norm_string(value):
            return unescape_pattern.sub(replace_escape_sequence, value)

        def unescape_string(tokens):
            return ConfigUnquotedString(norm_string(tokens[0]))

        def parse_multi_string(tokens):
            # remove the first and last 3 "
            return tokens[0][3: -3]

        def convert_number(tokens):
            n = tokens[0]
                return int(n, 10)
            except ValueError:
                return float(n)

        def convert_period(tokens):

            period_value = int(tokens.value)
            period_identifier = tokens.unit

            period_unit = next((single_unit for single_unit, values
                                in cls.get_supported_period_type_map().items()
                                if period_identifier in values))

            return period(period_value, period_unit)

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN = r"\$\{(?P<optional>\?)?(?P<variable>[^}]+)\}(?P<ws>[ \t]*)"

        def create_substitution(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN, token[0])
            variable = match.group('variable')
            ws = match.group('ws')
            optional = match.group('optional') == '?'
            substitution = ConfigSubstitution(variable, optional, ws, instring, loc)
            return substitution

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        STRING_PATTERN = '"(?P<value>(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*)"(?P<ws>[ \t]*)'

        def create_quoted_string(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(STRING_PATTERN, token[0])
            value = norm_string(match.group('value'))
            ws = match.group('ws')
            return ConfigQuotedString(value, ws, instring, loc)

        def include_config(instring, loc, token):
            url = None
            file = None
            required = False

            if token[0] == 'required':
                required = True
                final_tokens = token[1:]
                final_tokens = token

            if len(final_tokens) == 1:  # include "test"
                value = final_tokens[0].value if isinstance(final_tokens[0], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[0]
                if value.startswith("http://") or value.startswith("https://") or value.startswith("file://"):
                    url = value
                    file = value
            elif len(final_tokens) == 2:  # include url("test") or file("test")
                value = final_tokens[1].value if isinstance(token[1], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[1]
                if final_tokens[0] == 'url':
                    url = value
                    file = value

            if url is not None:
                logger.debug('Loading config from url %s', url)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_URL(
            elif file is not None:
                path = file if basedir is None else os.path.join(basedir, file)
                logger.debug('Loading config from file %s', path)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_file(
                raise ConfigException('No file or URL specified at: {loc}: {instring}', loc=loc, instring=instring)

            return ConfigInclude(obj if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items())

        def set_default_white_spaces():
            default = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS
            ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')

        with set_default_white_spaces():
            assign_expr = Forward()
            true_expr = Keyword("true", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(True))
            false_expr = Keyword("false", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(False))
            null_expr = Keyword("null", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(NoneValue()))
            key = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False) | Word(alphanums + alphas8bit + '._- /')

            eol = Word('\n\r').suppress()
            eol_comma = Word('\n\r,').suppress()
            comment = (Literal('#') | Literal('//')) - SkipTo(eol | StringEnd())
            comment_eol = Suppress(Optional(eol_comma) + comment)
            comment_no_comma_eol = (comment | eol).suppress()
            number_expr = Regex(r'[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE][+\-]?\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))',

            period_types = itertools.chain.from_iterable(cls.get_supported_period_type_map().values())
            period_expr = Regex(r'(?P<value>\d+)\s*(?P<unit>' + '|'.join(period_types) + ')$'

            # multi line string using """
            # Using fix described in http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/share/view/3778969
            multiline_string = Regex('""".*?"*"""', re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE).setParseAction(parse_multi_string)
            # single quoted line string
            quoted_string = Regex(r'"(?:[^"\\\n]|\\.)*"[ \t]*', re.UNICODE).setParseAction(create_quoted_string)
            # unquoted string that takes the rest of the line until an optional comment
            # we support .properties multiline support which is like this:
            # line1  \
            # line2 \
            # so a backslash precedes the \n
            unquoted_string = Regex(r'(?:[^^`+?!@*&"\[\{\s\]\}#,=\$\\]|\\.)+[ \t]*', re.UNICODE).setParseAction(unescape_string)
            substitution_expr = Regex(r'[ \t]*\$\{[^\}]+\}[ \t]*').setParseAction(create_substitution)
            string_expr = multiline_string | quoted_string | unquoted_string

            value_expr = period_expr | number_expr | true_expr | false_expr | null_expr | string_expr

            include_content = (quoted_string | ((Keyword('url') | Keyword('file')) - Literal('(').suppress() - quoted_string - Literal(')').suppress()))
            include_expr = (
                Keyword("include", caseless=True).suppress() + (
                    include_content | (
                        Keyword("required") - Literal('(').suppress() - include_content - Literal(')').suppress()

            root_dict_expr = Forward()
            dict_expr = Forward()
            list_expr = Forward()
            multi_value_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | substitution_expr | dict_expr | list_expr | value_expr | (Literal(
                '\\') - eol).suppress())
            # for a dictionary : or = is optional
            # last zeroOrMore is because we can have t = {a:4} {b: 6} {c: 7} which is dictionary concatenation
            inside_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma))
            inside_root_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma), root=True)
            dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
            root_dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_root_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
            list_entry = ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)
            list_expr << Suppress('[') - ListParser(list_entry - ZeroOrMore(eol_comma - list_entry)) - Suppress(']')

            # special case when we have a value assignment where the string can potentially be the remainder of the line
            assign_expr << Group(
                key - ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) - (dict_expr | (Literal('=') | Literal(':') | Literal('+=')) - ZeroOrMore(
                    comment_no_comma_eol) - ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr))

            # the file can be { ... } where {} can be omitted or []
            config_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol) + (list_expr | root_dict_expr | inside_root_dict_expr) + ZeroOrMore(
                comment_eol | eol_comma)
            config = config_expr.parseString(content, parseAll=True)[0]

            if resolve:
                allow_unresolved = resolve and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION
                has_unresolved = cls.resolve_substitutions(config, allow_unresolved)
                if has_unresolved and unresolved_value is MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION:
                    raise ConfigSubstitutionException('resolve cannot be set to True and unresolved_value to MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION')

            if unresolved_value is not NO_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION:
                cls.unresolve_substitutions_to_value(config, unresolved_value)
        return config
예제 #20
def read_chain(s, struct_name, enum_def_parser, struct_def_parser,
               header_assignment_parser, struct_parsers):
    """Return a list of dictionaries with the contents of structures in a Yanny par file.

        - `s`: the string to parse
        - `struct_name`: the name of the struct to extract
        - `enum_def_parser`: a parser that parses one enum definition
        - `struct_def_parser`: a parser that parses on struct definition
        - `header_assignment_parser`: a parser that parses header assignments
        - `struct_parsers`: a dictionary of structures that parse structure data

    @return: a list of dictionaries with the contents of a chain

    >>> test_string = \"""# A sample file
    ... a foo
    ... bar baz
    ... typedef enum {
    ...         OAK,
    ...         MAPLE
    ... } TREETYPE;
    ... typedef struct {
    ...         float x;
    ...         int y
    ... } GOO
    ... typedef struct {
    ...         int i;
    ...         TREETYPE s
    ... } TREE;
    ... GOO 3.4 6
    ... TREE 42 MAPLE
    ... TREE 44 OAK
    ... TREE 3 MAPLE
    ... GOO 4.22 103
    ... \"""
    >>> enum_def_parser = make_one_enum_def_parser()
    >>> type_parsers = parse_enum_defs(test_string, base_type_parsers)
    >>> struct_def_parser = make_one_struct_def_parser(type_parsers)
    >>> structs, struct_parsers = parse_struct_defs(test_string, type_parsers)
    >>> header_assignment_parser = make_one_header_assignment_parser(struct_parsers)
    >>> trees = read_chain(test_string, 'TREE',
    ...   enum_def_parser, struct_def_parser, header_assignment_parser, struct_parsers)
    >>> print len(trees)
    >>> print trees[1]['i']
    >>> print trees[2]['s']
    struct_name = struct_name.upper()
    other_list_parsers = [
        struct_parsers[sn] for sn in struct_parsers.keys()
        if not sn == struct_name
    not_this_list_parser = Or(
        other_list_parsers +
        [enum_def_parser, header_assignment_parser, struct_def_parser]
    this_list_parser = ZeroOrMore(not_this_list_parser
                                  | struct_parsers[struct_name]) + stringEnd
    raw_results = this_list_parser.parseString(s)

    results = []
    for row_result in raw_results:
        dict_result = {}
        for field, value in row_result.items():
            dict_result[field] = value

    return results
예제 #21
class pppCompiler:
    def __init__(self):
        self.symbols = SymbolTable()

    def initBNF(self):
        indentStack = [1]
        encoding = Literal("<").suppress() + identifier("encoding") + Literal(
        constdecl = Group((const + identifier + assign + value).setParseAction(
        vardecl = Group(
            (type_("type_") + Optional(encoding) + identifier("name") +
             Optional(assign + value("value") + Optional(identifier)("unit"))
        insertdecl = Group(
            (insert + dblQuotedString + LineEnd().suppress()).setParseAction(
        procedurecall = Group((identifier + Literal("(").suppress() + Optional(
                (identifier + Optional(assign + identifier)).setParseAction(
                    self.named_param_action))) +
        condition = Group(
            (identifier("leftidentifier") + comparison("comparison") +
              | value.setParseAction(self.value_action))).setParseAction(
        pointer = Literal("*") + identifier

        rExp = Forward()
        #numexpression = Forward()

        opexpression = (identifier("operand") +
                        (Literal(">>") | Literal("<<") | Literal("+")
                         | Literal("*") | Literal("/") | Literal("-"))("op") +
        rExp << (
            procedurecall | opexpression | identifier("identifier")
            | value.setParseAction(self.value_action) |
            #Group( Suppress("(") + rExp + Suppress(")") ) |
            #Group( "+" + rExp) |
            #Group( "-" + rExp) |
            Group(Literal("not") + rExp))
        rExpCondition = Group(
            (Optional(not_)("not_") + rExp("rExp"))).setParseAction(

        assignment = ((identifier | pointer)("lval") + assign +
        addassignment = ((identifier | pointer)("lval") +
                         (Literal("+=") | Literal("-=") | Literal("*=")
                          | Literal("&=") | Literal("|=") | Literal(">>=")
                          | Literal("/=") | Literal("<<="))("op") +

        statement = Forward()
        statementBlock = indentedBlock(statement, indentStack).setParseAction(
        procedure_statement = Group(
            (Keyword("def").suppress() + identifier("funcname") +
             Literal("(").suppress() + Literal(")").suppress() +
             colon.suppress() + statementBlock).setParseAction(
        while_statement = Group(
            (Keyword("while").suppress() +
             (condition | rExpCondition)("condition") + colon.suppress() +
        if_statement = (Keyword("if") + condition + colon +
                        statementBlock("ifblock") + Optional(
                            Keyword("else").suppress() + colon +
        statement << (procedure_statement | while_statement | if_statement
                      | procedurecall | assignment | addassignment)

        decl = constdecl | vardecl | insertdecl | Group(statement)

        self.program = ZeroOrMore(decl)

    def assignment_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("assignment_action {0} {1}".format(
            lineno(loc, text), arg))
            code = [
                "# line {0} assignment {1}".format(lineno(loc, text),
                                                   line(loc, text))
            rval_code = find_and_get(arg.rval, 'code')
            if rval_code is not None:
                code += arg.rval.code
            elif arg.rval == "*P":
                code.append("  LDWI")
            elif 'identifier' in arg:
                code.append("  LDWR {0}".format(arg.identifier))
            if arg.lval == "*P":
                code.append("  STWI")
            elif arg.lval != "W":
                symbol = self.symbols.getVar(arg.lval)
                code.append("  STWR {0}".format(symbol.name))
            if 'code' in arg:
                arg['code'] = code
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def addassignement_action(self, text, loc, arg):
            "addassignement_action {0} {1}".format(lineno(loc, text), arg))
            code = [
                "# line {0}: add_assignment: {1}".format(
                    lineno(loc, text), line(loc, text))
            if arg.rval[0] == '1' and arg.op in ['+=', '-=']:
                if arg.op == "+=":
                    code.append("  INC {0}".format(arg.lval))
                    code.append("  DEC {0}".format(arg.lval))
                if 'code' in arg.rval:
                    code += arg.rval.code
                    if arg.op == "-=":
                        raise CompileException(
                            "-= with expression needs to be fixed in the compiler"
                    code.append("  {0} {1}".format(opassignmentLookup[arg.op],
                elif 'identifier' in arg.rval:
                    code.append("  LDWR {0}".format(arg.lval))
                    code.append("  {0} {1}".format(opassignmentLookup[arg.op],
            code.append("  STWR {0}".format(arg.lval))
            arg['code'] = code
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def condition_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("condition_action {0} {1}".format(
            lineno(loc, text), arg))
            code = [
                "# line {0} condition {1}".format(lineno(loc, text),
                                                  line(loc, text))
            if arg.leftidentifier != "W":
                code.append('  LDWR {0}'.format(arg.leftidentifier))
            if arg.identifier == 'NULL' and arg.comparison in jmpNullCommands:
                arg['jmpcmd'] = jmpNullCommands[arg.comparison]
                code.append('  {0} {1}'.format(
                    comparisonCommands[arg.comparison], arg.identifier))
            arg["code"] = code
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def rExp_condition_action(self, text, loc, arg):
            "rExp_condition_action {0} {1}".format(lineno(loc, text), arg))
            code = [
                "# line {0} rExp_condition {1}".format(lineno(loc, text),
                                                       line(loc, text))
            condition_code = arg.condition.rExp['code']
            if isinstance(condition_code, str):
                if 'not_' in arg['condition']:
                    code += ["  CMPEQUAL NULL"]
                    code += ["  CMPNOTEQUAL NULL"]
                arg['code'] = code
                if 'not_' in arg['condition']:
                    arg['code'] = {
                        False: condition_code[True],
                        True: condition_code[False]
                    arg['code'] = condition_code
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def named_param_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        if len(arg) == 2:
            arg[arg[0]] = arg[1]
        return arg

    def value_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        if arg[0][0:2] == '0x':
            value = int(arg[0], 16)
            value = int(arg[0])
        arg["identifier"] = self.symbols.getInlineParameter("inlinevar", value)
        return arg

    def opexpression_action(self, text, loc, arg):
                "opexpression_action {0} {1}".format(lineno(loc, text), arg))
            code = [
                "# line {0}: shiftexpression {1}".format(
                    lineno(loc, text),
                    line(loc, text)), "  LDWR {0}".format(arg.operand),
                "  {0} {1}".format(shiftLookup[arg.op],
            arg['code'] = code
                "shiftexpression generated code {0}".format(code))
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def procedurecall_action(self, text, loc, arg):
                "procedurecall_action {0} {1}".format(lineno(loc, text), arg))
            procedure = self.symbols.getProcedure(arg[0])
            code = [
                "# line {0}: procedurecall {1}".format(lineno(loc, text),
                                                       line(loc, text))
            opcode = procedure.codegen(self.symbols,
            if isinstance(opcode, list):
                code += opcode
                code = opcode
            arg['code'] = code
                "procedurecall generated code {0}".format(code))
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def rExp_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("rExp_action {0} {1}".format(
            lineno(loc, text), arg))

    def if_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("if_action {0} {1}".format(
            lineno(loc, text), arg))
            block0 = [
                "# line {0} if statement {1}".format(lineno(loc, text),
                                                     line(loc, text))
            if isinstance(arg.condition.code, list):
                block0 += arg.condition.code
                JMPCMD = arg.condition.get('jmpcmd', {False: "JMPNCMP"})[False]
                JMPCMD = arg.condition.code[True]

            if 'elseblock' in arg:
                block1 = arg.ifblock.ifblock.code
                block2 = arg.elseblock.elseblock[
                    'code'] if 'elseblock' in arg.elseblock else arg.elseblock[
                block1 = arg.ifblock.ifblock['code']
                block2 = None
            arg['code'] = [
                IfGenerator(self.symbols, JMPCMD, block0, block1, block2)
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def while_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("while_action {0} {1}".format(
            lineno(loc, text), arg))
            block0 = [
                "# line {0} while_statement {1}".format(
                    lineno(loc, text), line(loc, text))
            if 'code' in arg.condition:
                if isinstance(arg.condition.code, list):
                    block1 = arg.condition.code
                    JMPCMD = arg.condition.get('jmpcmd',
                                               {False: "JMPNCMP"})[False]
                    JMPCMD = arg.condition.code[True]
                    block1 = []
            elif 'rExp' in arg.condition and 'code' in arg.condition.rExp:
                if isinstance(arg.condition.rExp.code, list):
                    block1 = arg.condition.rExp.code
                    JMPCMD = arg.condition.rExp.get('jmpcmd', "JMPNCMP")
                    JMPCMD = arg.condition.rExp.code[True]
                    block1 = []
            block2 = arg.statementBlock.statementBlock['code']

            arg['code'] = [
                WhileGenerator(self.symbols, JMPCMD, block0, block1, block2)
            logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("while_action generated code ")
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def statementBlock_action(self, text, loc, arg):
            "statementBlock_action {0} {1} {2}".format(lineno(loc, text),
                                                       arg.funcname, arg))
            code = list()
            for command in arg[0]:
                if 'code' in command:
                    code += command['code']
                elif 'code' in command[0]:
                    code += command[0]['code']
            arg[0]['code'] = code
                "statementBlock generated code {0}".format(code))
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def def_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("def_action {0} {1} {2}".format(
            lineno(loc, text), arg.funcname, arg))
            name = arg[0]
            self.symbols[name] = FunctionSymbol(name, arg[1]['code'])
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)

    def const_action(self, text, loc, arg):
            name, value = arg
                "const_action {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(self.currentFile,
                                                      lineno(loc, text), name,
            self.symbols[name] = ConstSymbol(name, value)
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)

    def var_action(self, text, loc, arg):
            "var_action {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}".format(
                self.currentFile, lineno(loc, text), arg["type_"],
                arg.get("encoding"), arg["name"], arg.get("value"),
            type_ = arg["type_"] if arg["type_"] != "var" else None
            self.symbols[arg["name"]] = VarSymbol(type_=type_,
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)

    def insert_action(self, text, loc, arg):
            oldfile = self.currentFile
            myprogram = self.program.copy()
            self.currentFile = arg[0][1:-1]
            result = myprogram.parseFile(self.currentFile)
            self.currentFile = oldfile
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return result

    def compileFile(self, filename):
        self.currentFile = filename
        result = self.program.parseFile(self.currentFile, parseAll=True)

        allcode = list()
        for element in result:
            if not isinstance(element, str) and 'code' in element:
                allcode += element['code']
            elif not isinstance(element[0], str) and 'code' in element[0]:
                allcode += element[0]['code']
        header = self.createHeader()

        codetext = "\n".join(header + allcode)
        return codetext

    def compileString(self, programText):
        self.programText = programText
        self.currentFile = "Memory"
        result = self.program.parseString(self.programText, parseAll=True)

        allcode = list()
        for element in result:
            if not isinstance(element, str) and 'code' in element:
                allcode += element['code']
            elif not isinstance(element[0], str) and 'code' in element[0]:
                allcode += element[0]['code']
        header = self.createHeader()
        codetext = """# autogenerated 
# The file will be overwritten by the compiler
        codetext += "\n".join(header + list(generate(allcode)))
        self.reverseLineLookup = self.generateReverseLineLookup(codetext)
        return codetext

    def generateReverseLineLookup(self, codetext):
        lookup = dict()
        sourceline = None
        for codeline, line in enumerate(codetext.splitlines()):
            m = re.search('^\# line (\d+).*$', line)
            if m:
                sourceline = int(m.group(1))
                lookup[codeline + 1] = sourceline
        return lookup

    def createHeader(self):
        header = ["# const values"]
        for constval in self.symbols.getAllConst():
            header.append("const {0} {1}".format(constval.name,
        header.append("# variables ")
        for var in self.symbols.getAllVar():
            if var.type_ == "masked_shutter":
                header.append("var {0} {1}, {2}".format(
                    var.name + "_mask",
                    var.value if var.value is not None else 0, "mask"))
                header.append("var {0} {1}, {2}".format(
                    var.name, var.value if var.value is not None else 0,
                    "shutter {0}_mask".format(var.name)))
                optionals = [
                    s if s is not None else ""
                    for s in list_rtrim([var.type_, var.unit, var.encoding])
                varline = "var {0} {1}".format(
                    var.name, var.value if var.value is not None else 0)
                if len(optionals) > 0:
                    varline += ", " + ", ".join(optionals)
        header.append("# inline variables")
        #         for value, name in self.symbols.inlineParameterValues.items():
        #             header.append("var {0} {1}".format(name, value))
        header.append("# end header")
        return header
예제 #22

    t1 = '```\n+ list2\n\n> line 3 `code` word\n```\n'

    t1 = '> + list2\n>\n> line \n3 `code` word\n```\n'

    t1 = '1. list2\n2. line \n3. `code` word\n```\n'

    t1 = 'this is "hello world" \'test ddd\' `com add` <font color=red>nihao [a a a][1] [basd sd] [cd dd ]</font>\n```\nhello\nasdasd```\n'
    s = shlex.shlex(t1)
    parser = ZeroOrMore(
        Regex(r'(\[[^]]*\])+') | Regex(r'```') | Regex(r'<[^>]*>')
        | Regex(r'\[[^]]*\]') | Regex(r'\'[^"]*\'') | Regex(r'"[^"]*"')
        | Regex(r'\`[^`]*\`') | Regex(r'[^ ]+'))
    for i in parser.parseString(t1):

    t1 = '[Bug 412968][1] 1162: device level allow to save'
    p = re.compile('\[[^]]*\]')
    a = p.findall(t1)[1]
    # b = p.match(t1).group(1)
예제 #23
def parse_struct_defs(s, type_parsers=None):
    """Parse all the structure definitions in a string
        - `s`: the string to parse
        - `type_parsers`: a list of type parsers that can be used

    @return: a tuple with two dictionaries, one that describes the structs, the other stores the parsers

    >>> test_string = \"""# A sample file
    ... a foo
    ... bar baz
    ... typedef struct { # a comment
    ...         float x; /* another comment */
    ...         int y
    ... } GOO
    ... typedef enum {
    ...         START,
    ...         END
    ... } RUNMARK;
    ... typedef struct {
    ...         int i;
    ...         RUNMARK m
    ... } MOO;
    ... GOO 3.4 6
    ... \"""
    >>> type_parsers = parse_enum_defs(test_string, base_type_parsers)
    >>> structs, struct_parsers = parse_struct_defs(test_string, type_parsers)
    >>> print structs.keys()
    ['GOO', 'MOO']
    >>> print struct_parsers.keys()
    ['GOO', 'MOO']
    >>> for f in structs['GOO']:
    ...   print "Field name: %-15s type name: %s" % (f['field_name'], f['type_name'])
    Field name: x               type name: float
    Field name: y               type name: int
    >>> for f in structs['MOO']:
    ...   print "Field name: %-15s type name: %s" % (f['field_name'], f['type_name'])
    Field name: i               type name: int
    Field name: m               type name: RUNMARK
    >>> test_goo = "GOO 3.14 42"
    >>> test_parsed_goo = struct_parsers['GOO'].parseString(test_goo)
    >>> print "x: %f y: %d" % (test_parsed_goo[0]['x'], test_parsed_goo[0]['y'])
    x: 3.140000 y: 42
    >>> test_moo = "MOO 44 END"
    >>> test_parsed_moo = struct_parsers['MOO'].parseString(test_moo)
    >>> print "i: %d m: %s" % (test_parsed_moo[0]['i'], test_parsed_moo[0]['m'])
    i: 44 m: END
    if type_parsers is None:
        type_parsers = base_type_parsers

    one_struct_def_parser = make_one_struct_def_parser(type_parsers)
    not_struct = ((value_name | enum_declaration_start | possible_type_name
                   | right_brace) + restOfLine).suppress()

    struct_def_parser = ZeroOrMore(Group(one_struct_def_parser)
                                   | not_struct) + stringEnd

    struct = {}
    struct_parser = {}
    for this_struct in struct_def_parser.parseString(s):
        struct_name = this_struct['struct_name'].upper()
        struct[struct_name] = \
            [{'field_name': f['field_name'], 'type_name': f['type_name']} for f in this_struct['fields']]
        struct_parser[struct_name] = \
            Group(CaselessKeyword(this_struct['struct_name']) \
                      + And( [linecont+type_parsers[f['type_name']](f['field_name'])
                              for f in this_struct['fields']] ))

    return struct, struct_parser
예제 #24
class Parser(object):
    """Lexical and Syntax analysis"""
    def semantic_analyser(self):
        return self._AST.semantic_analyser

    def __init__(self):
        self._AST = Syntax_tree()

        # keywords
        self.int_ = Keyword('Int')
        self.false_ = Keyword('False')
        self.true_ = Keyword('True')
        self.bit_ = Combine(Optional(Literal("@")) + Keyword('Bit'))
        self.sbox_ = Keyword('Sbox')
        self.l_shift_ = Keyword('<<')
        self.r_shift_ = Keyword('>>')
        self.circ_l_shift_ = Keyword('<<<')
        self.circ_r_shift_ = Keyword('>>>')
        self.bit_val = self.false_ ^ self.true_
        self.if_ = Keyword('if')
        self.for_ = Keyword('for')
        self.return_ = Keyword('return')
        self.void_ = Keyword('void')
        self.ID = NotAny(self.sbox_ ^ self.int_ ^ self.bit_ ^ self.false_ ^ self.true_ ^ self.if_ ^ self.for_ ^ self.sbox_) + Word(alphas + '_', alphanums + '_')  # NOQA
        self.ID_ = NotAny(self.sbox_ ^ self.int_ ^ self.bit_ ^ self.false_ ^ self.true_ ^ self.if_ ^ self.for_ ^ self.sbox_) + Word(alphas + '_', alphanums + '_')
        # Other Tokens
        self.l_bracket = Literal('(')
        self.r_bracket = Literal(')')
        self.eq_set = Literal('=')("set")
        self.term_st = Literal(';')
        self.b_2_num = Combine(Literal("0b") + Word("01"))
        self.b_16_num = Combine(Literal("0x") + Word(srange("[0-9a-fA-F]")))
        self.b_10_num = Word(nums)
        self.bit_and = Literal('&')
        self.bit_or = Keyword('|')
        self.bit_xor = Keyword('^')
        self.bit_not = Literal('~')
        self.eq_compare = Literal('==')
        self.neq_compare = Literal('!=')
        self.l_brace = Literal('{')
        self.r_brace = Literal('}')
        self.bin_add = Literal('+')
        self.bin_mult = Literal('*')
        self.bin_sub = Literal('-')
        self.bin_mod = Literal('%')
        self.bin_div = Literal('/')
        self.g_than = Literal('>')
        self.ge_than = Literal('>=')
        self.l_than = Literal('<')
        self.le_than = Literal('<=')
        self.log_and = Keyword('&&')
        self.log_or = Keyword('||')
        self.l_sq_b = Literal('[')
        self.r_sq_b = Literal(']')

        # Operator Productions
        self.log_op = self.log_and ^ self.log_or
        self.comparison_op = self.g_than ^ self.ge_than ^ self.l_than ^ self.le_than ^ self.eq_compare ^ self.neq_compare
        self.arith_op = self.bin_add ^ self.bin_mult ^ self.bin_sub ^ self.bin_mod ^ self.bin_div
        self.bitwise_op = self.bit_and ^ self.bit_or ^ self.bit_xor ^ self.bit_not ^ self.l_shift_ ^ self.r_shift_ ^ self.circ_l_shift_ ^ self.circ_r_shift_

        # Grammar
        self.stmt = Forward()
        self.for_loop = Forward()
        self.cast = Forward()
        self.seq_val = Forward()
        self.int_value = self.b_2_num ^ self.b_16_num ^ self.b_10_num
        self.expr = Forward()
        self.function_call = Forward()
        self.index_select = Forward()
        self.seq_ = Forward()
        self.operand = Forward()
        self.seq_range = Forward()
        #  #######Operands

        self.sbox_call = Group((self.ID ^ self.seq_val) + ~White() + Literal(".") + ~White() + self.sbox_ + ~White() +
                               self.l_bracket + (self.ID ^ self.int_value) + self.r_bracket)

        self.operand = self.index_select | self.seq_val | self.function_call | self.ID | self.int_value | self.cast | self.bit_val
        self.seq_val.setParseAction(lambda t: ['Seq_val'] + [t.asList()])
        self.index_select.setParseAction(lambda t: ['index_select'] + [t.asList()])
        self.function_call.setParseAction(lambda t: ['function_call'] + [t.asList()])
        self.ID.setParseAction(lambda t: ['ID'] + [t.asList()])
        self.int_value.setParseAction(lambda t: ['Int_val'] + [t.asList()])
        self.cast.setParseAction(lambda t: ['cast'] + [t.asList()])
        self.bit_val.setParseAction(lambda t: ['Bit_val'] + [t.asList()])
        self.seq_range.setParseAction(lambda t: ['seq_range'] + [t.asList()])
        #  #######Expressions

        self.expr = Group(infixNotation(Group(self.operand), [(self.bitwise_op, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, self.nest_operand_pairs),
                                                              (self.comparison_op, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, self.nest_operand_pairs),
                                                              (self.log_op, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, self.nest_operand_pairs),
                                                              (self.arith_op, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, self.nest_operand_pairs)]))

        # self.expr.setParseAction(self.expr_p)
        self.int_size = Combine(Optional(Literal("@")) + self.int_)("decl") + ~White() + Suppress(self.l_bracket) + self.expr + Suppress(self.r_bracket)

        self.sbox_size = self.sbox_ + ~White() + Suppress(self.l_bracket) + self.expr + Suppress(self.r_bracket)

        self.seq_range << self.expr + Suppress(Literal(":")) + self.expr

        self.seq_val << Suppress(self.l_sq_b) + Optional(Group(delimitedList(self.expr))) + Suppress(self.r_sq_b)

        self.seq_ << (self.int_size | self.bit_ | self.sbox_size)("type") +\
            Group(OneOrMore(~White() + Suppress(self.l_sq_b) + self.expr + Suppress(self.r_sq_b)))("seq_size")

        self.function_call << self.ID("function_name") + ~White() + Suppress(self.l_bracket) +\
            Optional(Group(delimitedList(self.expr)))("param_list") + Suppress(self.r_bracket)

        self.cast << Suppress(self.l_bracket) + Group((self.seq_ | self.int_size | self.bit_)) +\
            Suppress(self.r_bracket) + (self.expr)("target")

        self.index_select << (self.ID("ID") ^ (Suppress(self.l_bracket) + self.cast + Suppress(self.r_bracket))("cast")) + ~White() +\
            Group(OneOrMore(Suppress(self.l_sq_b) + Group(delimitedList(self.expr ^ Group(Group(self.seq_range))))("index") + Suppress(self.r_sq_b)))
        #  ####### Declarations

        self.id_set = Group((Group(self.index_select) | self.ID_) + self.eq_set + self.expr)

        self.int_decl = Group(self.int_size + delimitedList(Group((self.ID_("ID") + self.eq_set + self.expr("set_value")) |
                              self.ID_("ID")))("value"))  # NOQA
        self.bit_decl = Group(self.bit_("decl") + delimitedList(Group(self.ID_("ID")) ^
                              Group(self.ID_("ID") + self.eq_set + self.expr("set_value")))("value"))
        self.seq_decl = Group(self.seq_("decl") + Group(self.ID)("ID") + Optional(self.eq_set + Group(self.expr))("value"))

        self.decl = self.bit_decl ^ self.int_decl ^ self.seq_decl

        # ###### Statements

        self.return_stmt = Group(self.return_ + self.expr)

        self.function_start = Literal("{")
        self.function_end = Literal("}")
        self.function_decl = Group((Group(self.seq_) | Group(self.int_size) | Group(self.bit_) | Group(self.void_))("return_type") + Group(self.ID)("func_ID") +
                                   Suppress(self.l_bracket) + Group(Optional(delimitedList(Group((self.seq_ | self.int_size | self.bit_) + Group(self.ID)))))("func_param") +  # NOQA
                                   Suppress(self.r_bracket) + Suppress(self.function_start) + Group(self.stmt)("body") + Suppress(self.r_brace))

        self.for_init = Literal('(')

        self.for_terminator = Literal(';')

        self.for_increment = Literal(';')

        self.terminator_expr = Group(infixNotation(Group(self.operand), [(self.log_op, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, self.nest_operand_pairs),
                                                                         (self.bitwise_op, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, self.nest_operand_pairs),
                                                                         (self.comparison_op, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, self.nest_operand_pairs),
                                                                         (self.arith_op, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, self.nest_operand_pairs)]))

        self.for_body = Literal('{')

        self.end_for = Literal('}')

        self.for_loop << Group(self.for_ + ~White() + Suppress(self.for_init) +
                               Optional(delimitedList(self.decl ^ self.id_set))("init") + Suppress(self.for_terminator) +
                               Optional(self.terminator_expr) + Suppress(self.for_increment) +
                               Optional(delimitedList(self.id_set))("increm") + Suppress(self.r_bracket) +
                               Suppress(self.for_body) + self.stmt("loop_body") + Suppress(self.end_for))

        self.if_condition = Suppress(self.l_bracket) + self.expr + Suppress(self.r_bracket)

        self.if_body_st = Literal('{')
        self.if_body_end = Literal('}')
        self.if_stmt = Group(self.if_ + self.if_condition("if_cond") + Suppress(self.if_body_st) + Group(self.stmt).setResultsName("body") + Suppress(self.if_body_end))
        self.single_expr = self.expr + Suppress(self.term_st)

        self.stmt << ZeroOrMore(self.decl + Suppress(self.term_st)
                                ^ self.function_decl
                                ^ self.id_set + Suppress(self.term_st)
                                ^ self.single_expr
                                ^ self.for_loop
                                ^ self.if_stmt
                                ^ self.return_stmt + Suppress(self.term_st)
                                ^ self.sbox_call + Suppress(self.term_st))

        self.grammar_test = self.stmt + StringEnd()  # Allows single statements to be parsed

        self.grammar = ZeroOrMore(self.function_decl
                                  ^ self.seq_decl + Suppress(self.term_st)) + StringEnd()

    def nest_operand_pairs(self, tokens):
        tokens = tokens[0]
        ret = ParseResults(tokens[:3])
        remaining = iter(tokens[3:])
        done = False
        while not done:
            next_pair = (next(remaining, None), next(remaining, None))
            if next_pair == (None, None):
                done = True
            ret = ParseResults([ret])
            ret += ParseResults(list(next_pair))
        return [ret]

    def AST(self):
        return self._AST

    def AST(self, value):
        self._AST = value

    def analyse_tree_test(self, AST):
        return self.semantic_analyser.analyse(AST)

    def parse_test_unit(self, data_in):
        """Parses single statements"""
            res = self.grammar_test.parseString(data_in)
        except ParseException as details:
            print("The following error occured:")
            return False
        if type(res[0]) is not bool:
            # print(res[0].dump())
        return [res, True]

    def parse_test_AST_semantic(self, data_in):
        """Parses single statements and returns AST"""
        except ParseException as details:
            print("The following error occured:")
            return False
        return self.AST

    def parse_test_integration(self, data_in):
        """Only Parses Statements in functions"""
            res = self.grammar.parseString(data_in)
        except ParseException as details:
            print("The following error occured:")
            return False
        # if type(res[0]) is not bool:
            # print(res[0].dump())
        return [res, True]

    def parse(self, data_in):
        """Prod parsing entry point"""
        if self.semantic_analyser.analyse(self.AST, True) is True:
            return self.semantic_analyser.IR.translate()
예제 #25
from pyparsing import Word, nums, oneOf, Suppress, restOfLine, alphas, alphanums, Group, ZeroOrMore, Optional, Keyword

# Parses Spring log lines (logs are taken from ENBD project)

log_sample = '''
2016-08-01 11:27:21.047  WARN 22458 --- [http-bio-8080-exec-24] c.m.enbd.core.AbstractEnbdController     : POST /goal/daily: User haven't defined a goal yet
2016-08-01 17:54:47.908  INFO 22458 --- [http-bio-8080-exec-27] com.monitise.enbd.core.RequestFilter     : Handling request, /version, POST
2016-08-01 17:54:47.909  INFO 22458 --- [http-bio-8080-exec-30] com.monitise.enbd.core.RequestFilter     : Handling request, /features, POST
2016-08-01 17:54:47.914  DEBUG 22458 --- [http-bio-8080-exec-30] c.m.enbd.core.AbstractEnbdController     : getting IOS features
2016-08-01 17:54:47.924  INFO 22458 --- [http-bio-8080-exec-27] c.m.enbd.core.AbstractEnbdController     : checking version for device code: 1 and device OS: 10.0 and version: 1.0.3'''

date = Word(nums + '-')
time = Word(nums + ':.')
level = Keyword('INFO') | Keyword('WARN') | Keyword('DEBUG')   # oneOf(['INFO', 'WARN', 'DEBUG'])
pid = Word(nums)
thread = Suppress('[') + Word(alphanums + '-') + Suppress(']')
source = Word(alphas + '.')
message = restOfLine

log_line = Group(date + time + level + pid + Suppress('---') + thread + source + Suppress(':') + message)
logs = ZeroOrMore(log_line)


# So, if you design log strings that can be parsed, you can actually parse them
start = site_contents.find('    ', site_contents.find('Current Cutout Values:'))
end = site_contents.find('\r\n', start)
cutout = site_contents[start:end].strip().split(' ')
cutout = [p for p in cutout if len(p) != 0]

primal_grammar = OneOrMore(Combine(Literal('Primal') + ' ' + Word(alphas)) + Word(nums+'.') * 2)
start = site_contents.find('Primal Rib')
end = site_contents.find('---', start)
primal = primal_grammar.parseString(site_contents[start:end])
primal = [primal[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(primal), 3)]

start = site_contents.find('Choice Cuts', start)
end = site_contents.find('---', start)
volume_grammar = ZeroOrMore(Combine(Word(alphas) + ' ' + ZeroOrMore(Word(alphas))) + (Word(nums + '.' + ',' ) + Suppress(Word(alphas))) * 2)
volume = volume_grammar.parseString(site_contents[start:end])
volume = [volume[i:i + 3] for i in range(0, len(volume), 3)]

choice = []
select = []
choice_select = []
ground_beef = []
blended_gb = []
beef_trimmings = []
end1 = site_contents.find('Rib,', end)-10
end2 = site_contents.find('Rib,', site_contents.find('-----', end1))-10
end3 = site_contents.find('Rib,', site_contents.find('-----', end2))-10
end4 = site_contents.find('Ground Beef 73%', end3)
end5 = site_contents.find('Blended Ground Beef', end4)
end6 = site_contents.find('Fresh 50%', end5)
end = [end1, end2, end3, end4, end5, end6]
예제 #27
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: bryant/pytoml
class TOMLParser(object):
    def __init__(self):
        key_name = Word(re.sub(r"[\[\]=\"]", "", printables))
        kgrp_name = Word(re.sub(r"[\[\]\.]", "", printables))
        basic_int = Optional("-") + ("0" | Word(nums))

        types = dict(
            string = QuotedString("\"", escChar="\\"),
            integer = Combine(basic_int),
            float = Combine(basic_int + "." + Word(nums)),
            datetime = Regex(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z"),
            boolean = Keyword("true") | Keyword("false"),
            array = Forward(),

        pure_array = Or(delimitedList(type_) for type_ in types.values())
        types["array"] << Group(Suppress("[") + Optional(pure_array) +

        value = Or(type_ for type_ in types.values())
        keyvalue = key_name + Suppress("=") + value + Suppress(LineEnd())
        keygroup_namespace = kgrp_name + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(".") + kgrp_name)
        keygroup = "[" + keygroup_namespace + "]" + LineEnd()
        comments = pythonStyleComment

        self._toplevel = ZeroOrMore(keyvalue | keygroup)

        for k, v in types.items():
            v.setParseAction(getattr(self, "_parse_"+k))

    def _parse_string(self, src, loc, toks):
        match = re.search(r"(?<!\\)(\\[^0tnr\"\\])", toks[0])
        if match:
            raise ParseException("Reserved escape sequence \"%s\"" %
                                 match.group(), loc)
        return unescape(toks[0])

    _parse_integer = lambda self, tok: int(tok[0])
    _parse_float = lambda self, tok: float(tok[0])
    _parse_boolean = lambda self, tok: bool(tok[0])

    ISO8601 = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"

    def _parse_datetime(self, src, loc, toks):
            return datetime.strptime(toks[0], self.ISO8601)
        except ValueError:
            # this informative error message will never make it out because
            # pyparsing catches ParseBaseException and reraises on its own.
            # oh well.
            raise ParseException("invalid datetime \"%s\"" % toks[0], loc)

    _parse_array = lambda self, tok: [tok[0]]

    def _parse_keyvalue(self, s, loc, toks):
        k, v = toks.asList()
        if k in self._cur:
            raise ParseException("key %s already exists" % k, loc)
        self._cur[k] = v

    def _parse_keygroup_namespace(self, s, loc, toks):
        cur = self._root
        for subname in toks:
            subspace = cur.get(subname, {})
            if not isinstance(subspace, dict):
                raise ParseException("key %s already exists" % subname, loc)
            cur = cur.setdefault(subname, subspace)
        self._cur = cur

    def parse(self, s):
        self._root = {}
        self._cur = self._root
        self._toplevel.parseString(s, parseAll=True)
        return self._root
예제 #28
def parse_imp (input):
    # parse a string into an element of the abstract representation

    # Grammar:
    # <expr> ::= <integer>
    #            true
    #            false
    #            <identifier>
    #            ( if <expr> <expr> <expr> )
    #            ( function ( <name ... ) <expr> )    
    #            ( <expr> <expr> ... )
    # <decl> ::= var name = expr ; 
    # <stmt> ::= if <expr> <stmt> else <stmt>
    #            while <expr> <stmt>
    #            name <- <expr> ;
    #            print <expr> ;
    #            <block>
    # <block> ::= { <decl> ... <stmt> ... }
    # <toplevel> ::= <decl>
    #                <stmt>

    idChars = alphas+"_+*-?!=<>+"

    QUOTE = Literal('"')
    INTERNAL_QUOTE = QUOTE.copy().leaveWhitespace()

    pIDENTIFIER = Word(idChars, idChars+"0123456789")
    pIDENTIFIER.setParseAction(lambda result: EPrimCall(oper_deref,[EId(result[0])]))

    # A name is like an identifier but it does not return an EId...
    pNAME = Word(idChars,idChars+"0123456789") #| Keyword("&\"") | Keyword("&\'")

    pNAMECON = "," + pNAME
    pNAMECON.setParseAction(lambda result: result[1])

    pNAMES = pNAME + ZeroOrMore(pNAMECON) | ZeroOrMore(pNAME)
    pNAMES.setParseAction(lambda result: [result])

    pINTEGER = Word("0123456789")
    pINTEGER.setParseAction(lambda result: EValue(VInteger(int(result[0]))))

    QUOTE = Literal("&\"") | Literal("&\'") 
    pSTRINGSTART = Literal('"') + ZeroOrMore(Word(" ")).leaveWhitespace()
    pSTRINGSTART.setParseAction(lambda result: result[1:])

    pSTRING = pSTRINGSTART + ZeroOrMore(Combine( Word(idChars+"0123456789'"+" ") | QUOTE)) + Literal('"')
    pSTRING.setParseAction(lambda result: EValue(VString(str(result[:-1]))))

    pBOOLEAN = Keyword("true") | Keyword("false")
    pBOOLEAN.setParseAction(lambda result: EValue(VBoolean(result[0]=="true")))

    pEXPR = Forward()
    pEXPR2 = Forward()
    pSTMT_BLOCK = Forward()
    pSTMT = Forward()

    pEXPRS = ZeroOrMore(pEXPR2)
    pEXPRS.setParseAction(lambda result: [result])

    pIF = pEXPR + Keyword("?") + pEXPR + Keyword(':') + pEXPR
    pIF.setParseAction(lambda result: EIf(result[0], result[2], result[4]))

    def mkFunBody (params,body):
        bindings = [ (p,ERefCell(EId(p))) for p in params ]
        return ELet(bindings,body)

    def mkLetBody (bindings,body):
        bindings = [ (p[0],ERefCell(p[1])) for p in bindings ]
        return ELet(bindings,body)

    def multiCallHelper(result, start, i, length):
        if i < length:
            start = ECall(result[1][i][0], [result[1][i][1], start])
            multiCallHelper(result, start, i + 1, length)
        return start

    def multiCall(result):
        start = ECall(result[1][0][0], [result[0], result[1][0][1]])
        return multiCallHelper(result, start, 1, len(result[1]))

    def eFunHelper(variables, expression):
        if len(variables) == 1:
            return EFunction(variables[0], expression)
            return EFunction(variables[0], eFunHelper(variables[1:], expression))

    def eFunName(result):
        varName = result[1]
        variables = result[3]
        expression = result[-1]
        print variables, expression
        return EFunction(variables, expression, varName)

    pFUN = Keyword("fun") + "(" + pNAMES + ")" + pSTMT
    pFUN.setParseAction(lambda result: EFunction(result[2],mkFunBody(result[2],result[4])))

    pFUNR = Keyword("fun") + pNAME + "(" + pNAMES + ")" + pSTMT
    # pFUNR.setParseAction(eFunName)
    pFUNR.setParseAction(lambda result: EFunction(result[3],mkFunBody(result[3],result[5]), result[1]))

    pEXPR2CAR = "," + pEXPR2
    pEXPR2CAR.setParseAction(lambda result: result[1])

    pEXPR2MULTIALL = pEXPR2 + ZeroOrMore(pEXPR2CAR) | ZeroOrMore(pEXPR2)
    pEXPR2MULTIALL.setParseAction(lambda result: [result])

    pFUNCALL = pEXPR + "(" + pEXPR2MULTIALL + ")"
    pFUNCALL.setParseAction(lambda result: ECall(result[0], result[2]))

    pBINDINGCAR = "," + pNAME + "=" + pEXPR2
    pBINDINGCAR.setParseAction(lambda result: (result[1], result[3]))
    pBINDINGCON = pNAME + "=" + pEXPR2
    pBINDINGCON.setParseAction(lambda result: (result[0], result[2]))

    pBINDINGS.setParseAction(lambda result: [result])

    pLET = Keyword("let") + "(" + pBINDINGS + ")" + pEXPR2
    pLET.setParseAction(lambda result: mkLetBody(result[2], result[4]))

    pCALLG.setParseAction(lambda result: (result[0], result[1]))

    pCALL1S = OneOrMore(pCALLG)
    pCALL1S.setParseAction(lambda result: [ result ])

    pCALL =  pEXPR + pCALL1S 

    pCALL1.setParseAction(lambda result: ECall(result[0], [result[1]]))

    pNOT = "not" + pEXPR2
    pNOT.setParseAction(lambda result: EPrimCall(oper_not, [result[1]]))

    pARRAYITEM = "," + pEXPR2
    pARRAYITEM.setParseAction(lambda result: (result[1]))

    pARRAYITEMS.setParseAction(lambda result: [result])

    pARRAY = "[" + ZeroOrMore(pEXPR2) + pARRAYITEMS + "]"
    pARRAY.setParseAction(lambda result: EArray(result[1],result[2]))

    pDICTPAIR = pNAME + ":" + pEXPR
    pDICTPAIR.setParseAction(lambda result: (result[0],result[2]))

    pDICTPAIRWITHCOMMA = "," + pNAME + ":" + pEXPR
    pDICTPAIRWITHCOMMA.setParseAction(lambda result: (result[1],result[3]))

    pDICTS.setParseAction(lambda result: [ result ])

    pDICT = "{" + pDICTPAIR + pDICTS + "}"
    pDICT.setParseAction(lambda result:EDict(result[1],result[2]))

    pEXPR2P = "(" + pEXPR2 + ")"
    pEXPR2P.setParseAction(lambda result: result[1])

    pACCESS = pNAME + "[" + pEXPR + "]"
    pACCESS.setParseAction(lambda result: EPrimCall(oper_access_arr,[EId(result[0]),result[2]]))

    pLEN = Keyword("len") + "(" + pNAME + ")"
    pLEN.setParseAction(lambda result: EPrimCall(oper_len,[EId(result[2])]))


    pEXPR2 << ( pLET | pFUN | pFUNR | pFUNCALL | pIF | pCALL | pEXPR )

    pDECL_VAR_E = "var" + pNAME + ";"
    pDECL_VAR_E.setParseAction(lambda result: (result[1], EValue(VNone)))

    pDECL_VAR = "var" + pNAME + "=" + pEXPR2 + ";"
    pDECL_VAR.setParseAction(lambda result: (result[1],result[3]))

    pDECL_PROCEDURE = "def" + pNAME + "(" + pNAMES + ")" + pSTMT
    pDECL_PROCEDURE.setParseAction(lambda result: (result[1], EProcedure(result[3], mkFunBody(result[3], result[5]))))

    # hack to get pDECL to match only PDECL_VAR (but still leave room
    # to add to pDECL later)
    pDECL = ( pDECL_VAR_E | pDECL_VAR | pDECL_PROCEDURE | NoMatch() | ";" )

    pDECLS = ZeroOrMore(pDECL)
    pDECLS.setParseAction(lambda result: [result])

    pSTMT_IF_1 = "if (" + pEXPR2 + ")" + pSTMT + "else" + pSTMT
    pSTMT_IF_1.setParseAction(lambda result: EIf(result[1],result[3],result[5]))

    pSTMT_IF_2 = "if (" + pEXPR2 + ")" + pSTMT
    pSTMT_IF_2.setParseAction(lambda result: EIf(result[1],result[3],EValue(VBoolean(True))))
    pSTMT_WHILE = "while (" + pEXPR2 + ")" + pSTMT
    pSTMT_WHILE.setParseAction(lambda result: EWhile(result[1],result[3]))

    pSTMT_FOR = "for (" + pNAME + "in" + pEXPR2 + ")" + pSTMT
    pSTMT_FOR.setParseAction(lambda result: EFor(result[1], result[3], result[5]))

    pSTMT_PRINT_STMS = "," + pEXPR2
    pSTMT_PRINT_STMS.setParseAction(lambda result: [ result[1] ])

    pSTMT_PRINT_ZERO.setParseAction(lambda result: [ result ])

    def printStmEval(result):
        newArray = []
        for i in result[2]:
        return EPrimCall(oper_print,newArray)

    pSTMT_PRINT = "print" + pEXPR2 + pSTMT_PRINT_ZERO + ";"

    pSTMT_UPDATE_ARR = pNAME + "[" + pEXPR +"]" + "=" + pEXPR + ";"
    pSTMT_UPDATE_ARR.setParseAction(lambda result: EPrimCall(oper_update_arr,[EId(result[0]),result[2],result[5]]))

    pSTMT_UPDATE = pNAME + "=" + pEXPR2 + ";"
    pSTMT_UPDATE.setParseAction(lambda result: EPrimCall(oper_update,[EId(result[0]),result[2]]))

    pSTMTS = ZeroOrMore(pSTMT)
    pSTMTS.setParseAction(lambda result: [result])

    def mkBlock (decls,stmts):
        bindings = [ (n,ERefCell(expr)) for (n,expr) in decls ]
        return ELet(bindings,EDo(stmts))
    pSTMT_BLOCK = "{" + pDECLS + pSTMTS + "}"
    pSTMT_BLOCK.setParseAction(lambda result: mkBlock(result[1],result[2]))

    pSTMT_pEXPR2 = pEXPR2 + ";"
    pSTMT_pEXPR2.setParseAction(lambda result: result[0])


    # can't attach a parse action to pSTMT because of recursion, so let's duplicate the parser
    pTOP_STMT = pSTMT.copy()
    pTOP_STMT.setParseAction(lambda result: {"result":"statement",

    pTOP_DECL = pDECL.copy()
    pTOP_DECL.setParseAction(lambda result: {"result":"declaration",

    pABSTRACT = "#abs" + pSTMT
    pABSTRACT.setParseAction(lambda result: {"result":"abstract",
    pQUIT = Keyword("#quit")
    pQUIT.setParseAction(lambda result: {"result":"quit"})

    pTOP =  ZeroOrMore(pTOP_DECL) + ZeroOrMore(pTOP_STMT) 
    return pTOP.parseString(input)
예제 #29
def from_gml(text):
    Return the list of graphs read from `text`, a string in GML format.

    This function assumes that the input follows the GML specification,
    provides unique integer ids even for isolated nodes, and
    defines one or more graphs.
    This function ignores anything other than node ids and edge endpoints.
    This means directed graphs are read as undirected graphs,
    node labels and edge weights are discarded, etc.
    If an edge endpoint (integer) is an unknown node id, the node is created.
    # Define the grammar with [pyparsing](http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com).
    # Don't use `from pyparsing import *` as it adds many constants
    # to the generated documentation.

    from pyparsing import (
        srange, oneOf, Forward, Optional, Suppress, Word, ZeroOrMore,
        dblQuotedString, pythonStyleComment

    digit = srange("[0-9]")
    sign = Optional(oneOf("+ -"))
    mantissa = Optional("E" + sign + digit)

    # `Word(x)` is a sequence of one or more characters from the set x.
    digits = Word(digit)
    integer = sign + digits
    real = sign + Optional(digits) + "." + Optional(digits) + mantissa

    # For simplicity, use pyparsing's string with double-quotes,
    # hoping that it is a generalisation of GML's definition of a string.
    string = dblQuotedString

    # A GML file is a list of key-value pairs, where a value may be a list.
    # To handle this recursive definition, we delay what a pair is.
    pair = Forward()
    list = ZeroOrMore(pair)
    # A file may have comments, which are as in Python. Ignore them.

    # `Word(x, y)` is 1 character from x followed by 0 or more from y.
    key = Word(srange("[a-zA-Z]"), srange("[a-zA-Z0-9]"))
    # `Suppress(x)` matches x but doesn't put it in the list of parsed tokens.
    listValue = Suppress("[") + list + Suppress("]")
    value = real | integer | string | listValue

    # The mandatory key-value pairs for graphs are as follows.
    graph = Suppress("graph") + listValue
    node = Suppress("node") + listValue
    anEdge = "edge" + listValue     # to avoid conflict with edge() function
    id = Suppress("id") + integer
    source = Suppress("source") + integer
    target = Suppress("target") + integer
    # First try to parse graph-specific key-value pairs; otherwise ignore pair.
    pair <<= graph | node | anEdge | id | source | target | Suppress(key+value)

    # The above suppressions lead to the GML string
    # `'graph [ node [id 1 label "ego"] edge [source 1 target 1 weight 0.5] ]'`
    # being parsed into the list of tokens
    # `["1", "edge", "1", "1"]`,
    # which is converted by the following functions into a graph.

    def to_int(text, position, tokens):
        # Convert parsed integer tokens to integers, e.g. `["1"]` to `1`.
        return int(tokens[0])

    def to_edge(text, position, tokens):
        # Assuming the above conversion was done,
        # convert `["edge", a, b]` to an edge incident to a and b.
        return edge(tokens[1], tokens[2])

    def to_graph(text, position, tokens):
        # `tokens` is now a list of integers and edges, in any order.
        nodes = set()
        edges = set()
        for token in tokens:
            # If the token is an integer, it's a node id.
            if isinstance(token, int):
        return network(edges, nodes)

    # Do the conversions as soon as the respective tokens are parsed.

    # Parse the text with the main grammar rule.
    # Return the result as a list, not as a pyparsing object.
    return list.parseString(text).asList()
예제 #30
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        self.stdout.write("Retreiving file access logs")
        s3 = boto3.resource("s3")
        bucket = s3.Bucket(settings.LOG_BUCKET)
        for item in bucket.objects.all():
            log_objects = item.get()["Body"].read().decode("utf-8").split("\n")
            for log_entry in log_objects:
                if not log_entry:

                # This here solution brought to you by Stack Overflow:
                # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27303977/split-string-at-double-quotes-and-box-brackets
                parser = ZeroOrMore(
                    Regex(r"\[[^]]*\]") | Regex(r'"[^"]*"') | Regex(r"[^ ]+")
                log = list(parser.parseString(log_entry))

                if log[4] == "AmazonS3":
                    # Internal S3 operation, can be skipped

                aws_log_entry = AWSDataFileAccessLog()
                fields = [
                for index, field_name in enumerate(fields):
                    field = aws_log_entry._meta.get_field(field_name)
                    if "IntegerField" in field.get_internal_type():
                        log_item = log[index]
                        if (log_item == "-") or (log_item == '"-"'):
                            log_item = 0
                        log[index] = int(log_item)
                    if field.get_internal_type() == "DateTimeField":
                        log[index] = datetime.strptime(
                            log[index], "[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z]"
                    if index == 17:
                        # Sometimes, aws inserts a stray '-' here, klugey workaround
                        if (log[17] == "-") and (len(log[18]) < 32):
                            # The actual Host ID is always quite long

                    setattr(aws_log_entry, field_name, log[index])

                url = aws_log_entry.request_uri.split(" ")[1]
                # Split out the key from the url
                parsed_url = urlparse(url)
                # parse_qs returns a dict with lists as values
                oh_key = parse_qs(parsed_url.query).get("x-oh-key", [""])[0]

                if oh_key == "None":
                    oh_key = None
                if oh_key:
                    oh_data_file_access_logs = NewDataFileAccessLog.objects.filter(
                    oh_data_file_access_logs = None
                data_file = DataFile.objects.filter(file=aws_log_entry.bucket_key)
                if data_file:
                    if data_file.count() == 1:
                        aws_log_entry.serialized_data_file = serialize_datafile_to_dict(

                    elif oh_data_file_access_logs:
                        aws_log_entry.serialized_data_file = serialize_datafile_to_dict(
                        aws_log_entry.serialized_data_file = None

                # Get target datafile user, if possible.
                datafile_user = AnonymousUser()
                if data_file:
                    datafile_user = data_file.user
                elif oh_data_file_access_logs:
                    user_id = oh_data_file_access_logs.get().serialized_data_file[
                    datafile_user = User.objects.get(id=user_id)

                # Abort if the feature is inactive.
                flag = FlagModel.get("datafile-access-logging")
                if not flag.is_active(request=request, subject=datafile_user):

                # Filter out things we don't care to log
                if settings.AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME in url:
                if "GET" not in str(aws_log_entry.operation):
                if any(
                    blacklist_item in url for blacklist_item in AWS_LOG_KEY_BLACKLIST

                # Associate with any potential access logs from the Open Humans end.
                if oh_data_file_access_logs:

예제 #31
    def parse(cls, content, basedir=None, resolve=True, unresolved_value=DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION):
        """parse a HOCON content

        :param content: HOCON content to parse
        :type content: basestring
        :param resolve: if true, resolve substitutions
        :type resolve: boolean
        :param unresolved_value: assigned value value to unresolved substitution.
        If overriden with a default value, it will replace all unresolved value to the default value.
        If it is set to to pyhocon.STR_SUBSTITUTION then it will replace the value by its substitution expression (e.g., ${x})
        :type unresolved_value: boolean
        :return: a ConfigTree or a list

        unescape_pattern = re.compile(r'\\.')

        def replace_escape_sequence(match):
            value = match.group(0)
            return cls.REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value)

        def norm_string(value):
            return unescape_pattern.sub(replace_escape_sequence, value)

        def unescape_string(tokens):
            return ConfigUnquotedString(norm_string(tokens[0]))

        def parse_multi_string(tokens):
            # remove the first and last 3 "
            return tokens[0][3: -3]

        def convert_number(tokens):
            n = tokens[0]
                return int(n, 10)
            except ValueError:
                return float(n)

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN = r"\$\{(?P<optional>\?)?(?P<variable>[^}]+)\}(?P<ws>[ \t]*)"

        def create_substitution(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN, token[0])
            variable = match.group('variable')
            ws = match.group('ws')
            optional = match.group('optional') == '?'
            substitution = ConfigSubstitution(variable, optional, ws, instring, loc)
            return substitution

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        STRING_PATTERN = '"(?P<value>(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*)"(?P<ws>[ \t]*)'

        def create_quoted_string(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(STRING_PATTERN, token[0])
            value = norm_string(match.group('value'))
            ws = match.group('ws')
            return ConfigQuotedString(value, ws, instring, loc)

        def include_config(instring, loc, token):
            url = None
            file = None
            required = False

            if token[0] == 'required':
                required = True
                final_tokens = token[1:]
                final_tokens = token

            if len(final_tokens) == 1:  # include "test"
                value = final_tokens[0].value if isinstance(final_tokens[0], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[0]
                if value.startswith("http://") or value.startswith("https://") or value.startswith("file://"):
                    url = value
                    file = value
            elif len(final_tokens) == 2:  # include url("test") or file("test")
                value = final_tokens[1].value if isinstance(token[1], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[1]
                if final_tokens[0] == 'url':
                    url = value
                    file = value

            if url is not None:
                logger.debug('Loading config from url %s', url)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_URL(
            elif file is not None:
                path = file if basedir is None else os.path.join(basedir, file)
                logger.debug('Loading config from file %s', path)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_file(
                raise ConfigException('No file or URL specified at: {loc}: {instring}', loc=loc, instring=instring)

            return ConfigInclude(obj if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items())

        ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')

        assign_expr = Forward()
        true_expr = Keyword("true", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(True))
        false_expr = Keyword("false", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(False))
        null_expr = Keyword("null", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(NoneValue()))
        key = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False) | Word(alphanums + alphas8bit + '._- /')

        eol = Word('\n\r').suppress()
        eol_comma = Word('\n\r,').suppress()
        comment = (Literal('#') | Literal('//')) - SkipTo(eol | StringEnd())
        comment_eol = Suppress(Optional(eol_comma) + comment)
        comment_no_comma_eol = (comment | eol).suppress()
        number_expr = Regex(r'[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE][+\-]?\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))',

        # multi line string using """
        # Using fix described in http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/share/view/3778969
        multiline_string = Regex('""".*?"*"""', re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE).setParseAction(parse_multi_string)
        # single quoted line string
        quoted_string = Regex(r'"(?:[^"\\\n]|\\.)*"[ \t]*', re.UNICODE).setParseAction(create_quoted_string)
        # unquoted string that takes the rest of the line until an optional comment
        # we support .properties multiline support which is like this:
        # line1  \
        # line2 \
        # so a backslash precedes the \n
        unquoted_string = Regex(r'(?:[^^`+?!@*&"\[\{\s\]\}#,=\$\\]|\\.)+[ \t]*', re.UNICODE).setParseAction(unescape_string)
        substitution_expr = Regex(r'[ \t]*\$\{[^\}]+\}[ \t]*').setParseAction(create_substitution)
        string_expr = multiline_string | quoted_string | unquoted_string

        value_expr = number_expr | true_expr | false_expr | null_expr | string_expr

        include_content = (quoted_string | ((Keyword('url') | Keyword('file')) - Literal('(').suppress() - quoted_string - Literal(')').suppress()))
        include_expr = (
            Keyword("include", caseless=True).suppress() + (
                include_content | (
                    Keyword("required") - Literal('(').suppress() - include_content - Literal(')').suppress()

        root_dict_expr = Forward()
        dict_expr = Forward()
        list_expr = Forward()
        multi_value_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | substitution_expr | dict_expr | list_expr | value_expr | (Literal(
            '\\') - eol).suppress())
        # for a dictionary : or = is optional
        # last zeroOrMore is because we can have t = {a:4} {b: 6} {c: 7} which is dictionary concatenation
        inside_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma))
        inside_root_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma), root=True)
        dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
        root_dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_root_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
        list_entry = ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)
        list_expr << Suppress('[') - ListParser(list_entry - ZeroOrMore(eol_comma - list_entry)) - Suppress(']')

        # special case when we have a value assignment where the string can potentially be the remainder of the line
        assign_expr << Group(
            key - ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) - (dict_expr | (Literal('=') | Literal(':') | Literal('+=')) - ZeroOrMore(
                comment_no_comma_eol) - ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr))

        # the file can be { ... } where {} can be omitted or []
        config_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol) + (list_expr | root_dict_expr | inside_root_dict_expr) + ZeroOrMore(
            comment_eol | eol_comma)
        config = config_expr.parseString(content, parseAll=True)[0]

        if resolve:
            allow_unresolved = resolve and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION
            has_unresolved = cls.resolve_substitutions(config, allow_unresolved)
            if has_unresolved and unresolved_value is MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION:
                raise ConfigSubstitutionException('resolve cannot be set to True and unresolved_value to MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION')

        if unresolved_value is not NO_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION:
            cls.unresolve_substitutions_to_value(config, unresolved_value)
        return config
예제 #32
def policy_lexer(file_name='rule.txt'):
    # defines ip_address
    ip_address = Word(nums) + ('.' + Word(nums)) * 3

    # defines identifier
    underscore_id = Word(alphas + '_', alphanums + '_')
    dashed_id = Word(alphas + '-', alphanums + '-')
    identifier = dashed_id ^ underscore_id
    # print(identifier.parseString('src-ip'))

    # defines comparision
    comp_oper = oneOf("< = > <= >= != ∉ ∈ <> ∅")
    # number = Word(nums)
    percent_number = Word(nums, nums + '%')
    term = '∅' | percent_number | identifier
    comparison_expr = term + comp_oper + term
    # print(comparison_expr.parseString('E <> ∅'))

    # define a func_call
    func_call = Forward()
    arg_expr = identifier | real | integer | dict_literal | list_literal | tuple_literal | func_call
    named_arg = identifier + '=' + arg_expr
    func_arg = named_arg | ip_address | arg_expr
    # print(delimitedList(Group(func_arg)).parseString('l, t'))

    func_call << identifier + '(' + Optional(delimitedList(
        Group(func_arg))) + ')'
    # print(func_call.parseString('Link-Flooded() '))

    # ActiveSDN Policy BNF
    # using rate > 50%
    operator = oneOf('OR or ; || && ->')
    weight = srange(1 - 10)
    action_attribution = delimitedList(Group(comparison_expr)) | identifier
    # print(action_attribution.parseString('rate > 50%'))

    # BY IDS - App
    # BY Switch < >
    # BY FIREWALL <, “admin” >
    as_using_param = identifier + '<' + delimitedList(Group(func_arg)) + '>'
    actuator_spec = identifier ^ delimitedList(Group(as_using_param))
    # print(actuator_spec.parseString('IDS-App'))
    # print(actuator_spec.parseString('Switch < >'))
    # print(actuator_spec.parseString('FIREWALL < 1, admin >'))

    # Object = oneOf('files flows links machines')
    object = identifier
    fw__actions = oneOf('ACCEPT DENY REDIRECT')
    snmp_get_action = identifier
    log_audit_action = identifier
    splunk_action = identifier
    camera_actions = identifier
    ids_actions = identifier
    ipsec_action = identifier
    proxy_action = identifier

    investigation_action = snmp_get_action | log_audit_action | splunk_action | camera_actions
    config_action = fw__actions | ids_actions | ipsec_action | proxy_action

    action = config_action | investigation_action

    outcome_value = delimitedList(
        func_arg) + operator + comparison_expr ^ func_arg
    value = delimitedList(Group(outcome_value)) | identifier
    # print(value.parseString('P,l  && P <> 0'))

    # OF(proto=ICMP or UDP in P)
    # OF E
    # OF(src_ip ∈ N)
    # OF(src_ip ∈ WHITE - LIST)
    # OF src_ip ∉ W
    multiple_flow_attributes = func_arg + operator + identifier
    single_flow_attribute = func_arg | identifier
    flow_attributes = multiple_flow_attributes | single_flow_attribute

    # OF(Reachable(L) and dport = 80)
    link_attributes = func_call + operator + func_arg | func_call | func_arg | identifier
    # print(link_attributes.parseString('Reachable(L) && dport = 80'))

    # TODO we will define them later
    file_attributes = identifier
    machine_attributes = identifier

    attributes = flow_attributes ^ file_attributes ^ link_attributes ^ machine_attributes
    attribute_values = ZeroOrMore(lparen) \
                       + (comparison_expr ^ (attributes + 'in' + identifier) ^ attributes ^ identifier) \
                       + ZeroOrMore(rparen)
    obj_attribute_values = delimitedList(Group(attribute_values))
    # print(obj_attribute_values.parseString('(Reachable(L) && dport = 80)'))

    keyword = oneOf('DO ON OF BY USING FOR OUTCOME UNTIL')
    goal = identifier
    event__exp = Forward()
    do_action = 'DO' + action
    on_object = 'ON' + object
    of_obj_attribute_values = 'OF' + obj_attribute_values
    by_actuator_spec = 'BY' + actuator_spec
    using_action_attribution = 'USING' + action_attribution
    for_goal = 'FOR' + goal
    outcome_value = 'OUTCOME' + value
    action_spec = do_action + on_object + of_obj_attribute_values + by_actuator_spec + using_action_attribution \
                  + for_goal + outcome_value
    action_spec = Group(delimitedList(action_spec))

    coas = infixNotation(action_spec, [
        (oneOf('OR ||'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
        (oneOf('&& ;'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT),

    coas_spec = Forward()
    if_then_else = 'IF' + Group(
        delimitedList(identifier ^ comparison_expr)) + 'THEN' + Group(
            delimitedList(coas_spec)) + 'ELSE' + Group(
    # coas_spec << (if_then_else ^ coas)
    coas_spec << ((coas + operator + if_then_else) ^ (if_then_else) ^ (coas))

    temp_context_exp = func_call
    config_context_exp = func_call
    dynamic_context_exp = func_call
    context_exp = Group(temp_context_exp | config_context_exp
                        | dynamic_context_exp).setName('exp')

    rule = ZeroOrMore(lparen) + context_exp + ZeroOrMore(
        rparen) + operator + Group(delimitedList(coas_spec))

    policy_string = ''
    with open(file_name) as f:
        content = f.read()
        policy_string += content
        # print(policy_string)

    parsed_policy = rule.parseString(policy_string)
    # print(parsed_policy)
    return parsed_policy
예제 #33
def bs(c): return Literal("\\" + c)
singles = bs("[") | bs("]") | bs("{") | bs("}") | bs("\\") | bs("&") | bs("_") | bs(",") | bs("#") | bs("\n") | bs(";") | bs("|") | bs("%") | bs("*") | bs("~") | bs("^")
texcmd << (singles | Word("\\", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789", min = 2)) + ZeroOrMoreAsList(arg) + ZeroOrMoreAsList(param)
def texcmdfun(s, loc, toks):
    return TexCmd(s, loc, toks)

#legal = "".join([chr(x) for x in set(range(32, 127)) - set(backslash)])
#filler = Word(legal)
document = ZeroOrMore(dollarmath | texcmd | filler) + StringEnd().suppress()

if 0:
    s = "This is \\\\ test"
    print s
    for t in document.parseString(s):
        if isinstance(t, TexCmd):
            print '====> cmd=[%s]' % t.cmd, t
            print '====>', t

selfstr = open( __file__).read()        # Own source as a string.  Used as part of hash.
hashbase = hashlib.md5(selfstr)

def tokenize(filename):
    f = open(filename, "rt")

    def uncomment(s):
        if '%' in s and not '\\%' in s:
            return s[:s.index('%')] + '\n'
예제 #34
파일: parser.py 프로젝트: saebyn/diac
option << (options_definition + ZeroOrMore(indentedBlock(response, indentStack, True))).setParseAction(Option)

dialog_begin = Literal('begin').suppress() + Group(atom + Optional(Literal('extends').suppress() + atom))
dialog_end = Literal('end').suppress()
dialog = (dialog_begin + ZeroOrMore(indentedBlock(response, indentStack, True)) + dialog_end).setParseAction(Dialog)

dialogs = ZeroOrMore(indentedBlock(dialog, indentStack, False))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print expression.parseString("1 * 2.5 * 8 * (9 + 3.12 - 1 + 4) / |(2 - -(7 - 9))")

    print dialogs.parseString("""begin testDialog
  Hello, this is a greating response!
    if player:health > 10 then
    ~ This is option A
    ~ This is option B with a response
      Option B Response
          ~ Yes
          ~ No, send event
            -> player!test,
            -> self!test2
  Another possible initial response.
    ~ Alt Option 1
    ~ Alt Option 2
begin testDialog2 extends testDialog
예제 #35
def split(s):
    if s is None or "!" in s:
        return []
    match = ZeroOrMore(Group(Word(alphas+"æøåÆØÅ") + Regex(r"[0-9/ ]*\d")))
    result = match.parseString(s.replace("%", ""))
    return result.asList()
예제 #36
class SFZParser(object):
    def __init__(self, path, text, state=None):
        self.path = path
        self.base_path = os.path.dirname(path)
        self.text = text
        self.state = state

        opcode_name = Word(alphanums + '_')
        value = Regex(r'.*?(?=\s*(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+=)|//|<[a-z]|$))',
        opcode = locatedExpr(opcode_name) + Literal('=').suppress() + value

        section_name = Literal('<').suppress() + Word(alphas) + Literal(
        section = section_name

        include = Literal('#include').suppress() + locatedExpr(

        statement = (section ^ opcode ^ include)

        self.sfz_file = ZeroOrMore(statement) + stringEnd

        comment = Literal('//') + restOfLine

    def handle_include(self, s, loc, toks):
        path = os.path.join(self.base_path, normalize_path(toks[0].value))
            with open(path) as fp:
                f = fp.read()
        except IOError as exc:
            raise IncludeException(s, loc=toks[0].locn_start, msg=str(exc))
        subparser = SFZParser(path, f, self.state)

    def handle_section(self, s, loc, toks):
        name = toks[0]
        if name == 'region':
            section = Region(self.state.instr,
        elif name == 'group':
            section = Section(self.state.instr, name)
            self.state.current_group = section
        elif name == 'control':
            section = Section(self.state.instr, name)
            self.state.current_control = section
            raise InvalidSectionException(s, loc,
                                          "Invalid section name '%s'" % name)

        self.state.current_section = section

    def handle_opcode(self, s, loc, toks):
        loc = toks[0].locn_start
        name = toks[0].value

            opdef = opmap[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise UnknownOpCodeException(s,
                                         msg="Unknown opcode '%s'" % key)

            value = opdef.parse_value(toks[1])
        except ValueError as exc:
            raise InvalidValueException(
                msg="Invalid value for opcode '%s': %s" % (key, str(exc)))

        self.state.current_section._opcodes[name] = value
        self.state.current_section._opcode_locs[name] = (s, loc)

    def parse(self):
        self.state = ParserState()
        self.state.instr = Instrument(os.path.abspath(self.path))
        for region in self.state.instr.regions:
            if not os.path.isfile(region.sample):
                s, loc = region.get_opcode_loc('sample')
                raise SampleMissingException(
                    s, loc, "Missing sample '%s'" % region.sample)
        return self.state.instr
예제 #37
ellipticalArc = Group(Command("A") + Arguments(Sequence(ellipticalArcArgument)))

smoothQuadraticBezierCurveto = Group(Command("T") + Arguments(coordinatePairSequence))

quadraticBezierCurveto = Group(Command("Q") + Arguments(coordinatePairPairSequence))

smoothCurve = Group(Command("S") + Arguments(coordinatePairPairSequence))

#curve = Group(Command("C") + Arguments(coordinatePairTripleSequence))

horizontalLine = Group(Command("H") + Arguments(coordinateSequence))
verticalLine = Group(Command("V") + Arguments(coordinateSequence))

drawToCommand = (
    lineTo | moveTo | closePath | ellipticalArc | smoothQuadraticBezierCurveto |
    quadraticBezierCurveto | smoothCurve | curve | horizontalLine | verticalLine

#~ number.debug = True
moveToDrawToCommands = moveTo + ZeroOrMore(drawToCommand)

parser = ZeroOrMore(moveToDrawToCommands)
parser.keepTabs = True

import sys
if __name__ == "__main__":
	# EX: print parser.parseString("M 242.96145,653.59282 L 244.83646,650.1553 L 247.02397,649.8428 L 247.33647,650.62405 L 245.30521,653.59282 L 242.96145,653.59282 z M 252.80525,649.99905 L 258.74278,652.49906 L 260.77404,652.18656 L 262.33654,648.43654 L 261.71154,645.15528 L 257.64902,644.68653 L 253.74275,646.40528 L 252.80525,649.99905 z M 282.49289,659.6866 L 286.08665,664.99912 L 288.43041,664.68662 L 289.52417,664.21787 L 290.93042,665.46787 L 294.52419,665.31162 L 295.4617,663.90537 L 292.64918,662.18661 L 290.77417,658.59284 L 288.74291,655.15533 L 283.11789,657.96784 L 282.49289,659.6866 z M 302.02423,668.28039 L 303.27423,666.40538 L 307.8055,667.34288 L 308.43051,666.87413 L 314.36803,667.49913 L 314.05553,668.74914 L 311.55552,670.15539 L 307.33675,669.84289 L 302.02423,668.28039 z M 307.1805,673.28041 L 309.05551,677.03043 L 312.02427,675.93667 L 312.33677,674.37416 L 310.77427,672.3429 L 307.1805,672.0304 L 307.1805,673.28041 z M 313.89928,672.18665 L 316.08679,669.37414 L 320.61806,671.7179 L 324.83683,672.81166 L 329.0556,675.46792 L 329.0556,677.34293 L 325.61809,679.06169 L 320.93056,679.99919 L 318.5868,678.59293 L 313.89928,672.18665 z M 329.99311,687.18672 L 331.55561,685.93672 L 334.83688,687.49923 L 342.18066,690.93674 L 345.46193,692.968 L 347.02443,695.31176 L 348.89944,699.53053 L 352.80571,702.03054 L 352.49321,703.28055 L 348.74319,706.40556 L 344.68067,707.81182 L 343.27442,707.18682 L 340.30565,708.90557 L 337.96189,712.03059 L 335.77438,714.8431 L 334.05562,714.68685 L 330.61811,712.18684 L 330.30561,707.81182 L 330.93061,705.46806 L 329.3681,699.99928 L 327.33684,698.28052 L 327.18059,695.78051 L 329.3681,694.84301 L 331.39936,691.87425 L 331.86811,690.93674 L 330.30561,689.21798 L 329.99311,687.18672 z ")
 print parser.parseString(sys.argv[1])
예제 #38
if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = ("M 242.96145,653.59282 L 244.83646,650.1553 L 247.02397,649.8428 "
         "L 247.33647,650.62405 L 245.30521,653.59282 L 242.96145,653.59282 z "
         "M 252.80525,649.99905 L 258.74278,652.49906 L 260.77404,652.18656 "
         "L 262.33654,648.43654 L 261.71154,645.15528 L 257.64902,644.68653 "
         "L 253.74275,646.40528 L 252.80525,649.99905 z M 282.49289,659.6866 "
         "L 286.08665,664.99912 L 288.43041,664.68662 L 289.52417,664.21787 "
         "L 290.93042,665.46787 L 294.52419,665.31162 L 295.4617,663.90537 "
         "L 292.64918,662.18661 L 290.77417,658.59284 L 288.74291,655.15533 "
         "L 283.11789,657.96784 L 282.49289,659.6866 z M 302.02423,668.28039 "
         "L 303.27423,666.40538 L 307.8055,667.34288 L 308.43051,666.87413 "
         "L 314.36803,667.49913 L 314.05553,668.74914 L 311.55552,670.15539 "
         "L 307.33675,669.84289 L 302.02423,668.28039 z M 307.1805,673.28041 "
         "L 309.05551,677.03043 L 312.02427,675.93667 L 312.33677,674.37416 "
         "L 310.77427,672.3429 L 307.1805,672.0304 L 307.1805,673.28041 z "
         "M 313.89928,672.18665 L 316.08679,669.37414 L 320.61806,671.7179 "
         "L 324.83683,672.81166 L 329.0556,675.46792 L 329.0556,677.34293 "
         "L 325.61809,679.06169 L 320.93056,679.99919 L 318.5868,678.59293 "
         "L 313.89928,672.18665 z M 329.99311,687.18672 L 331.55561,685.93672 "
         "L 334.83688,687.49923 L 342.18066,690.93674 L 345.46193,692.968 "
         "L 347.02443,695.31176 L 348.89944,699.53053 L 352.80571,702.03054 "
         "L 352.49321,703.28055 L 348.74319,706.40556 L 344.68067,707.81182 "
         "L 343.27442,707.18682 L 340.30565,708.90557 L 337.96189,712.03059 "
         "L 335.77438,714.8431 L 334.05562,714.68685 L 330.61811,712.18684 "
         "L 330.30561,707.81182 L 330.93061,705.46806 L 329.3681,699.99928 "
         "L 327.33684,698.28052 L 327.18059,695.78051 L 329.3681,694.84301 "
         "L 331.39936,691.87425 L 331.86811,690.93674 L 330.30561,689.21798 "
         "L 329.99311,687.18672 z ")
예제 #39
if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = ("M 242.96145,653.59282 L 244.83646,650.1553 L 247.02397,649.8428 "
         "L 247.33647,650.62405 L 245.30521,653.59282 L 242.96145,653.59282 z "
         "M 252.80525,649.99905 L 258.74278,652.49906 L 260.77404,652.18656 "
         "L 262.33654,648.43654 L 261.71154,645.15528 L 257.64902,644.68653 "
         "L 253.74275,646.40528 L 252.80525,649.99905 z M 282.49289,659.6866 "
         "L 286.08665,664.99912 L 288.43041,664.68662 L 289.52417,664.21787 "
         "L 290.93042,665.46787 L 294.52419,665.31162 L 295.4617,663.90537 "
         "L 292.64918,662.18661 L 290.77417,658.59284 L 288.74291,655.15533 "
         "L 283.11789,657.96784 L 282.49289,659.6866 z M 302.02423,668.28039 "
         "L 303.27423,666.40538 L 307.8055,667.34288 L 308.43051,666.87413 "
         "L 314.36803,667.49913 L 314.05553,668.74914 L 311.55552,670.15539 "
         "L 307.33675,669.84289 L 302.02423,668.28039 z M 307.1805,673.28041 "
         "L 309.05551,677.03043 L 312.02427,675.93667 L 312.33677,674.37416 "
         "L 310.77427,672.3429 L 307.1805,672.0304 L 307.1805,673.28041 z "
         "M 313.89928,672.18665 L 316.08679,669.37414 L 320.61806,671.7179 "
         "L 324.83683,672.81166 L 329.0556,675.46792 L 329.0556,677.34293 "
         "L 325.61809,679.06169 L 320.93056,679.99919 L 318.5868,678.59293 "
         "L 313.89928,672.18665 z M 329.99311,687.18672 L 331.55561,685.93672 "
         "L 334.83688,687.49923 L 342.18066,690.93674 L 345.46193,692.968 "
         "L 347.02443,695.31176 L 348.89944,699.53053 L 352.80571,702.03054 "
         "L 352.49321,703.28055 L 348.74319,706.40556 L 344.68067,707.81182 "
         "L 343.27442,707.18682 L 340.30565,708.90557 L 337.96189,712.03059 "
         "L 335.77438,714.8431 L 334.05562,714.68685 L 330.61811,712.18684 "
         "L 330.30561,707.81182 L 330.93061,705.46806 L 329.3681,699.99928 "
         "L 327.33684,698.28052 L 327.18059,695.78051 L 329.3681,694.84301 "
         "L 331.39936,691.87425 L 331.86811,690.93674 L 330.30561,689.21798 "
         "L 329.99311,687.18672 z ")
예제 #40
def parse_headers(headers):
    header =  p4_header()
    all_headers = ZeroOrMore(header)
    return all_headers.parseString(headers)
예제 #41
test_string = """
key first_key_got_gone { };
view "internal"
    zone "first_zone" {
    zone "second_zone" {
    zone "third_zone" {
key second_key
view "external"
    zone "fourth_zone" {

# pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(width=4, compact=True, indent=4)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(compact=True, indent=4)

result = clause_statements.parseString(test_string, parseAll=True)
print("\nresult:", result)
print("\nresult.asDict():", result.asDict())
예제 #42
def parse_actions(actions):
    action = p4_action()
    all_actions = ZeroOrMore(action)
    return all_actions.parseString(actions)
예제 #43
    def parse(content, basedir=None, resolve=True):
        """parse a HOCON content

        :param content: HOCON content to parse
        :type content: basestring
        :param resolve: If true, resolve substitutions
        :type resolve: boolean
        :return: a ConfigTree or a list
        def norm_string(value):
            for k, v in ConfigParser.REPLACEMENTS.items():
                value = value.replace(k, v)
            return value

        def unescape_string(tokens):
            return ConfigUnquotedString(norm_string(tokens[0]))

        def parse_multi_string(tokens):
            # remove the first and last 3 "
            return tokens[0][3:-3]

        def convert_number(tokens):
            n = tokens[0]
                return int(n)
            except ValueError:
                return float(n)

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN = "\$\{(?P<optional>\?)?(?P<variable>[^}]+)\}(?P<ws>[ \t]*)"

        def create_substitution(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN, token[0])
            variable = match.group('variable')
            ws = match.group('ws')
            optional = match.group('optional') == '?'
            substitution = ConfigSubstitution(variable, optional, ws, instring,
            return substitution

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        STRING_PATTERN = '(")(?P<value>[^"]*)\\1(?P<ws>[ \t]*)'

        def create_quoted_string(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(STRING_PATTERN, token[0])
            value = norm_string(match.group('value'))
            ws = match.group('ws')
            return ConfigQuotedString(value, ws, instring, loc)

        def include_config(token):
            url = None
            file = None
            if len(token) == 1:  # include "test"
                value = token[0].value if isinstance(
                    token[0], ConfigQuotedString) else token[0]
                if value.startswith("http://") or value.startswith(
                        "https://") or value.startswith("file://"):
                    url = value
                    file = value
            elif len(token) == 2:  # include url("test") or file("test")
                value = token[1].value if isinstance(
                    token[1], ConfigQuotedString) else token[1]
                if token[0] == 'url':
                    url = value
                    file = value

            if url is not None:
                logger.debug('Loading config from url %s', url)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_URL(url, resolve=False)

            if file is not None:
                path = file if basedir is None else os.path.join(basedir, file)
                logger.debug('Loading config from file %s', path)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_file(path,

            return ConfigInclude(obj if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items())

        ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')

        assign_expr = Forward()
        true_expr = Keyword("true",
        false_expr = Keyword("false",
        null_expr = Keyword("null", caseless=True).setParseAction(
        key = QuotedString(
            '"', escChar='\\',
            unquoteResults=False) | Word(alphanums + alphas8bit + '._- ')

        eol = Word('\n\r').suppress()
        eol_comma = Word('\n\r,').suppress()
        comment = (Literal('#') | Literal('//')) - SkipTo(eol | StringEnd())
        comment_eol = Suppress(Optional(eol_comma) + comment)
        comment_no_comma_eol = (comment | eol).suppress()
        number_expr = Regex(
            '[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE]\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))',

        # multi line string using """
        # Using fix described in http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/share/view/3778969
        multiline_string = Regex(
            re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE).setParseAction(parse_multi_string)
        # single quoted line string
        quoted_string = Regex('".*?"[ \t]*',
        # unquoted string that takes the rest of the line until an optional comment
        # we support .properties multiline support which is like this:
        # line1  \
        # line2 \
        # so a backslash precedes the \n
        unquoted_string = Regex('(?:\\\\|[^\[\{\s\]\}#,=\$])+[ \t]*'
        substitution_expr = Regex('[ \t]*\$\{[^\}]+\}[ \t]*').setParseAction(
        string_expr = multiline_string | quoted_string | unquoted_string

        value_expr = number_expr | true_expr | false_expr | null_expr | string_expr

        include_expr = (Keyword("include", caseless=True).suppress() + (
            quoted_string | (
                (Keyword('url') | Keyword('file')) - Literal('(').suppress() - quoted_string - Literal(')').suppress()))) \

        root_dict_expr = Forward()
        dict_expr = Forward()
        list_expr = Forward()
        multi_value_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr
                                      | substitution_expr | dict_expr
                                      | list_expr | value_expr
                                      | (Literal('\\') - eol).suppress())
        # for a dictionary : or = is optional
        # last zeroOrMore is because we can have t = {a:4} {b: 6} {c: 7} which is dictionary concatenation
        inside_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(
            ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma))
        inside_root_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(
            ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma),
        dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
        root_dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_root_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
        list_entry = ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)
        list_expr << Suppress('[') - ListParser(
            list_entry - ZeroOrMore(eol_comma - list_entry)) - Suppress(']')

        # special case when we have a value assignment where the string can potentially be the remainder of the line
        assign_expr << Group(key - ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) -
                             (dict_expr |
                              (Literal('=') | Literal(':') | Literal('+=')) -
                              ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) -

        # the file can be { ... } where {} can be omitted or []
        config_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol) + (
            list_expr | root_dict_expr
            | inside_root_dict_expr) + ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol_comma)
        config = config_expr.parseString(content, parseAll=True)[0]
        if resolve:
        return config
예제 #44

def texcmdfun(s, loc, toks):
    return TexCmd(s, loc, toks)


#legal = "".join([chr(x) for x in set(range(32, 127)) - set(backslash)])
#filler = Word(legal)
document = ZeroOrMore(dollarmath | texcmd | filler) + StringEnd().suppress()

if 0:
    s = "This is \\\\ test"
    print s
    for t in document.parseString(s):
        if isinstance(t, TexCmd):
            print '====> cmd=[%s]' % t.cmd, t
            print '====>', t

selfstr = open(
    __file__).read()  # Own source as a string.  Used as part of hash.
hashbase = hashlib.md5(selfstr)

def tokenize(filename):
    f = open(filename, "rt")

    def uncomment(s):
예제 #45
    def parse(cls,
        """parse a HOCON content

        :param content: HOCON content to parse
        :type content: basestring
        :param resolve: if true, resolve substitutions
        :type resolve: boolean
        :param unresolved_value: assigned value to unresolved substitution.
        If overriden with a default value, it will replace all unresolved values by the default value.
        If it is set to pyhocon.STR_SUBSTITUTION then it will replace the value by its substitution expression (e.g., ${x})
        :type unresolved_value: boolean
        :return: a ConfigTree or a list

        unescape_pattern = re.compile(r'\\.')

        def replace_escape_sequence(match):
            value = match.group(0)
            return cls.REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value)

        def norm_string(value):
            return unescape_pattern.sub(replace_escape_sequence, value)

        def unescape_string(tokens):
            return ConfigUnquotedString(norm_string(tokens[0]))

        def parse_multi_string(tokens):
            # remove the first and last 3 "
            return tokens[0][3:-3]

        def convert_number(tokens):
            n = tokens[0]
                return int(n, 10)
            except ValueError:
                return float(n)

        def convert_period(tokens):
            period_value = int(tokens.value)
            period_identifier = tokens.unit

            period_unit = next((single_unit for single_unit, values in
                                if period_identifier in values))

            return period(period_value, period_unit)

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN = r"\$\{(?P<optional>\?)?(?P<variable>[^}]+)\}(?P<ws>[ \t]*)"

        def create_substitution(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN, token[0])
            variable = match.group('variable')
            ws = match.group('ws')
            optional = match.group('optional') == '?'
            substitution = ConfigSubstitution(variable, optional, ws, instring,
            return substitution

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        STRING_PATTERN = '"(?P<value>(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*)"(?P<ws>[ \t]*)'

        def create_quoted_string(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(STRING_PATTERN, token[0])
            value = norm_string(match.group('value'))
            ws = match.group('ws')
            return ConfigQuotedString(value, ws, instring, loc)

        def include_config(instring, loc, token):
            url = None
            file = None
            required = False

            if token[0] == 'required':
                required = True
                final_tokens = token[1:]
                final_tokens = token

            if len(final_tokens) == 1:  # include "test"
                value = final_tokens[0].value if isinstance(
                    final_tokens[0], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[0]
                if value.startswith("http://") or value.startswith(
                        "https://") or value.startswith("file://"):
                    url = value
                    file = value
            elif len(final_tokens) == 2:  # include url("test") or file("test")
                value = final_tokens[1].value if isinstance(
                    final_tokens[1], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[1]
                if final_tokens[0] == 'url':
                    url = value
                elif final_tokens[0] == 'package':
                    file = cls.resolve_package_path(value)
                    file = value

            if url is not None:
                logger.debug('Loading config from url %s', url)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_URL(url,
            elif file is not None:
                path = file if basedir is None else os.path.join(basedir, file)

                def _make_prefix(path):
                    return ('<root>' if path is None else '[%s]' %
                            path).ljust(55).replace('\\', '/')

                _prefix = _make_prefix(path)

                def _load(path):
                    _prefix = _make_prefix(path)
                    logger.debug('%s Loading config from file %r', _prefix,
                    obj = ConfigFactory.parse_file(
                    logger.debug('%s Result: %s', _prefix, obj)
                    return obj

                if '*' in path or '?' in path:
                    paths = glob(path, recursive=True)
                    obj = None

                    def _merge(a, b):
                        if a is None or b is None:
                            return a or b
                        elif isinstance(a, ConfigTree) and isinstance(
                                b, ConfigTree):
                            return ConfigTree.merge_configs(a, b)
                        elif isinstance(a, list) and isinstance(b, list):
                            return a + b
                            raise ConfigException(
                                'Unable to make such include (merging unexpected types: {a} and {b}',

                    logger.debug('%s Loading following configs: %s', _prefix,
                    for p in paths:
                        obj = _merge(obj, _load(p))
                    logger.debug('%s Result: %s', _prefix, obj)

                    logger.debug('%s Loading single config: %s', _prefix, path)
                    obj = _load(path)

                raise ConfigException(
                    'No file or URL specified at: {loc}: {instring}',

            return ConfigInclude(obj if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items())

        def set_default_white_spaces():
            default = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS
            ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')

        with set_default_white_spaces():
            assign_expr = Forward()
            true_expr = Keyword("true", caseless=True).setParseAction(
            false_expr = Keyword("false", caseless=True).setParseAction(
            null_expr = Keyword("null", caseless=True).setParseAction(
            key = QuotedString(
                '"', escChar='\\',
                unquoteResults=False) | Word(alphanums + alphas8bit + '._- /')

            eol = Word('\n\r').suppress()
            eol_comma = Word('\n\r,').suppress()
            comment = (Literal('#') | Literal('//')) - SkipTo(eol
                                                              | StringEnd())
            comment_eol = Suppress(Optional(eol_comma) + comment)
            comment_no_comma_eol = (comment | eol).suppress()
            number_expr = Regex(
                r'[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE][+\-]?\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))',

            # Flatten the list of lists with unit strings.
            period_types = list(
            # `Or()` tries to match the longest expression if more expressions
            # are matching. We employ this to match e.g.: 'weeks' so that we
            # don't end up with 'w' and 'eeks'. Note that 'weeks' but also 'w'
            # are valid unit identifiers.
            # Allow only spaces as a valid separator between value and unit.
            # E.g. \t as a separator is invalid: '10<TAB>weeks'.
            period_expr = (
                Word(nums)('value') + ZeroOrMore(White(ws=' ')).suppress() +
                Or(period_types)('unit') +

            # multi line string using """
            # Using fix described in http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/share/view/3778969
            multiline_string = Regex(
                re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE).setParseAction(parse_multi_string)
            # single quoted line string
            quoted_string = Regex(
                r'"(?:[^"\\\n]|\\.)*"[ \t]*',
            # unquoted string that takes the rest of the line until an optional comment
            # we support .properties multiline support which is like this:
            # line1  \
            # line2 \
            # so a backslash precedes the \n
            unquoted_string = Regex(
                r'(?:[^^`+?!@*&"\[\{\s\]\}#,=\$\\]|\\.)+[ \t]*',
            substitution_expr = Regex(r'[ \t]*\$\{[^\}]+\}[ \t]*'
            string_expr = multiline_string | quoted_string | unquoted_string

            value_expr = period_expr | number_expr | true_expr | false_expr | null_expr | string_expr

            include_content = (quoted_string | (
                (Keyword('url') | Keyword('file') | Keyword('package')) -
                Literal('(').suppress() - quoted_string -
            include_expr = (Keyword("include", caseless=True).suppress() +
                            (include_content |
                             (Keyword("required") - Literal('(').suppress() -
                              include_content - Literal(')').suppress()))

            root_dict_expr = Forward()
            dict_expr = Forward()
            list_expr = Forward()
            multi_value_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr
                                          | substitution_expr | dict_expr
                                          | list_expr | value_expr
                                          | (Literal('\\') - eol).suppress())
            # for a dictionary : or = is optional
            # last zeroOrMore is because we can have t = {a:4} {b: 6} {c: 7} which is dictionary concatenation
            inside_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(
                ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr
                           | eol_comma))
            inside_root_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(
                ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr
                           | eol_comma),
            dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
            root_dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_root_dict_expr - Suppress(
            list_entry = ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)
            list_expr << Suppress('[') - ListParser(list_entry - ZeroOrMore(
                eol_comma - list_entry)) - Suppress(']')

            # special case when we have a value assignment where the string can potentially be the remainder of the line
            assign_expr << Group(key - ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) - (
                dict_expr | (Literal('=') | Literal(':') | Literal('+=')) -
                ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) -

            # the file can be { ... } where {} can be omitted or []
            config_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol) + (
                list_expr | root_dict_expr
                | inside_root_dict_expr) + ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol_comma)
            config = config_expr.parseString(content, parseAll=True)[0]

            if resolve:
                allow_unresolved = resolve and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION
                has_unresolved = cls.resolve_substitutions(
                    config, allow_unresolved)
                if has_unresolved and unresolved_value is MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION:
                    raise ConfigSubstitutionException(
                        'resolve cannot be set to True and unresolved_value to MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION'

            if unresolved_value is not NO_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION:
                cls.unresolve_substitutions_to_value(config, unresolved_value)
        return config
예제 #46
class SFZParser(object):
    def __init__(self, path, text, state=None):
        self.path = path
        self.base_path = os.path.dirname(path)
        self.text = text
        self.state = state

        opcode_name = Word(alphanums + '_')
        value = Regex(r'.*?(?=\s*(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+=)|//|<[a-z]|$))', re.MULTILINE)
        opcode = locatedExpr(opcode_name) + Literal('=').suppress() + value

        section_name = Literal('<').suppress() + Word(alphas) + Literal('>').suppress()
        section = section_name

        include = Literal('#include').suppress() + locatedExpr(QuotedString('"'))

        statement = (section
                     ^ opcode
                     ^ include)

        self.sfz_file = ZeroOrMore(statement) + stringEnd

        comment = Literal('//') + restOfLine

    def handle_include(self, s, loc, toks):
        path = os.path.join(self.base_path, normalize_path(toks[0].value))
            with open(path) as fp:
                f = fp.read()
        except IOError as exc:
            raise IncludeException(
                s, loc=toks[0].locn_start, msg=str(exc))
        subparser = SFZParser(path, f, self.state)

    def handle_section(self, s, loc, toks):
        name = toks[0]
        if name == 'region':
            section = Region(self.state.instr, name, group=self.state.current_group, control=self.state.current_control)
        elif name == 'group':
            section = Section(self.state.instr, name)
            self.state.current_group = section
        elif name == 'control':
            section = Section(self.state.instr, name)
            self.state.current_control = section
            raise InvalidSectionException(
                s, loc, "Invalid section name '%s'" % name)

        self.state.current_section = section

    def handle_opcode(self, s, loc, toks):
        loc = toks[0].locn_start
        name = toks[0].value

            opdef = opmap[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise UnknownOpCodeException(
                s, loc=loc, msg="Unknown opcode '%s'" % key)

            value = opdef.parse_value(toks[1])
        except ValueError as exc:
            raise InvalidValueException(
                s, loc=loc,
                msg="Invalid value for opcode '%s': %s" % (key, str(exc)))

        self.state.current_section._opcodes[name] = value
        self.state.current_section._opcode_locs[name] = (s, loc)

    def parse(self):
        self.state = ParserState()
        self.state.instr = Instrument(os.path.abspath(self.path))
        for region in self.state.instr.regions:
            if not os.path.isfile(region.sample):
                s, loc = region.get_opcode_loc('sample')
                raise SampleMissingException(
                    s, loc, "Missing sample '%s'" % region.sample)
        return self.state.instr