예제 #1
파일: memory.py 프로젝트: M-110/PyPC
 def bit(in_: bool, load: bool):
     nonlocal state
     not_load = nand(load, load)
     nand_1 = nand(in_, load)
     nand_2 = nand(not_load, state)
     state = nand(nand_1, nand_2)
     return state
예제 #2
def half_adder(a: bool, b: bool) -> (bool, bool):
    """Returns a + b in the form of a tuple of two bools representing the two
    nand_a_b = nand(a, b)
    nand_c = nand(nand_a_b, a)
    nand_d = nand(nand_a_b, b)
    high = nand(nand_a_b, nand_a_b)
    low = nand(nand_c, nand_d)
    return high, low
예제 #3
파일: memory.py 프로젝트: M-110/PyPC
 def latch(store: bool, d: bool) -> bool:
     """If store is True, the latch output will be set to d, otherwise
     the previous output will be returned"""
     nonlocal state
     not_st = nand(store, store)
     nand_1 = nand(store, d)
     nand_2 = nand(not_st, state)
     state = nand(nand_1, nand_2)
     return state
예제 #4
def demux(selector: bool, in_: bool) -> (bool, bool):
    """Demultiplexer: Returns pairs of bools (a, b) based on selector.
    If selector is True, a will equal the input.
    If selector is False, b will equal the input.
    The non-selected output will always be false."""
    not_selector = nand(selector, selector)
    nand_not_s_in = nand(not_selector, in_)
    nand_s_in = nand(selector, in_)
    a = nand(nand_s_in, nand_s_in)
    b = nand(nand_not_s_in, nand_not_s_in)
    return a, b
예제 #5
def full_adder(a: bool, b: bool, c: bool) -> (bool, bool):
    """Returns a + b + c in the form of a tuple of two bools representing the two
    Carried value is ignored.
    nand_a_b = nand(a, b)
    nand_c = nand(nand_a_b, a)
    nand_d = nand(nand_a_b, b)
    low_a_b = nand(nand_c, nand_d)
    nand_low_a_b_c = nand(low_a_b, c)
    nand_e = nand(low_a_b, nand_low_a_b_c)
    nand_f = nand(nand_low_a_b_c, c)
    high = nand(nand_a_b, nand_low_a_b_c)
    low = nand(nand_e, nand_f)
    return high, low
예제 #6
파일: memory.py 프로젝트: M-110/PyPC
 def dff(load: bool, in_: bool, clock: bool) -> bool:
     """A Data Flip-Flop component which stores and outputs a bit.
     The output only changes to the stored value when the clock
     changes from False to True.
     The stored value only changes when store is True.
     When clock is True, the store and d value do not change anything.
     nonlocal state_1, state_2
     not_cl = nand(clock, clock)
     nand_1 = nand(load, not_cl)
     not_nand_1 = nand(nand_1, nand_1)
     nand_2 = nand(not_nand_1, in_)
     nand_3 = nand(nand_1, state_1)
     state_1 = nand(nand_2, nand_3)
     nand_5 = nand(clock, state_1)
     nand_6 = nand(not_cl, state_2)
     state_2 = nand(nand_5, nand_6)
     return state_2
예제 #7
def equal_to_zero(in_: Bool16) -> bool:
    """Returns True if in_ is equal to 0."""
    # Reduce to 8
    or_01 = or_(in_[0], in_[1])
    or_23 = or_(in_[2], in_[3])
    or_45 = or_(in_[4], in_[5])
    or_67 = or_(in_[6], in_[7])
    or_89 = or_(in_[8], in_[9])
    or_1011 = or_(in_[10], in_[11])
    or_1213 = or_(in_[12], in_[13])
    or_1415 = or_(in_[14], in_[15])
    # Reduce to 4
    or_0123 = or_(or_01, or_23)
    or_4567 = or_(or_45, or_67)
    or_891011 = or_(or_89, or_1011)
    or_12131415 = or_(or_1213, or_1415)
    # Reduce to 2
    or_01234567 = or_(or_0123, or_4567)
    or_89101112131415 = or_(or_891011, or_12131415)
    # Reduce to 1
    or_result = or_(or_01234567, or_89101112131415)
    # Return inverse
    return nand(or_result, or_result)
예제 #8
 def test_nand(self):
     for a, b in self.test_pairs:
         self.assertEqual(nand(a, b), not (a and b))
예제 #9
def mux(selector: bool, a: bool, b: bool) -> bool:
    """Multiplexer: returns a if selector is True, otherwise returns b."""
    not_selector = nand(selector, selector)
    nand_s_a = nand(selector, a)
    nand_not_s_b = nand(not_selector, b)
    return nand(nand_s_a, nand_not_s_b)
예제 #10
def not_(a: bool) -> bool:
    """Return not a."""
    return nand(a, a)
예제 #11
def xor_(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool:
    """Return a xor b."""
    nand_a_b = nand(a, b)
    nand_c = nand(nand_a_b, a)
    nand_d = nand(nand_a_b, b)
    return nand(nand_c, nand_d)
예제 #12
def or_(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool:
    """Return a or b."""
    not_a = nand(a, a)
    not_b = nand(b, b)
    return nand(not_a, not_b)
예제 #13
def and_(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool:
    """Return a and b."""
    nand_a_b = nand(a, b)
    return nand(nand_a_b, nand_a_b)