def new(deck, broadcast): ''' Spawn a new PeerAssets deck. Returns the deck span txid. [deck] is deck description json. I.E. '{"name": "test", "number_of_decimals": 1, "issue_mode": "ONCE"}' ''' deck = json.loads(deck) deck["network"] = deck["production"] = Settings.production deck["version"] = Settings.deck_version #utxo = provider.select_inputs(0.02) # we need 0.02 PPC utxo = default_account_utxo(0.02) if utxo: change_address = change(utxo) else: return raw_deck = pa.deck_spawn(pa.Deck(**deck), inputs=utxo, change_address=change_address) raw_deck_spawn = hexlify(raw_deck).decode() signed = provider.signrawtransaction(raw_deck_spawn) if broadcast: txid = provider.sendrawtransaction(signed["hex"]) print("\n", txid, "\n") deck["asset_id"] = txid d = pa.Deck(**deck) pa.load_deck_p2th_into_local_node(provider, d) # subscribe to deck else: print("\nraw transaction:\n", signed["hex"], "\n")
def new_deck(provider, deck): ''' Spawn a new PeerAssets deck. pacli deck -new '{"name": "test", "number_of_decimals": 1, "issue_mode": "ONCE"}' Will return deck span txid. ''' deck = json.loads(deck) deck["network"] = utxo = provider.select_inputs(0.02) ## we need 0.02 PPC change_address = change(utxo) raw_deck = pa.deck_spawn(pa.Deck(**deck), inputs=utxo, change_address=change_address, raw_deck_spawn = hexlify(raw_deck).decode() signed = provider.signrawtransaction(raw_deck_spawn) txid = provider.sendrawtransaction(signed["hex"]) print("\n", txid, "\n") deck["asset_id"] = txid d = pa.Deck(**deck) pa.load_deck_p2th_into_local_node(provider, d) # subscribe to deck
def test_deck_spawn(): provider = Explorer(network='tppc') inputs = provider.select_inputs("mthKQHpr7zUbMvLcj8GHs33mVcf91DtN6L", 0.02) change_address = "mthKQHpr7zUbMvLcj8GHs33mVcf91DtN6L" deck = pa.Deck(name="just-testing.", number_of_decimals=1, issue_mode=1, network='tppc', production=True, version=1, asset_specific_data='') deck_spawn = pa.deck_spawn(provider, deck, inputs, change_address) assert isinstance(deck_spawn, MutableTransaction)
def __new(self, name: str, number_of_decimals: int, issue_mode: int, asset_specific_data: str = None): '''create a new deck.''' network = production = Settings.production version = Settings.deck_version new_deck = pa.Deck(name, number_of_decimals, issue_mode, network, production, version, asset_specific_data) return new_deck
def deck_spawn(): '''spawn a new, random deck''' key = pa.Kutil(wif=wif, network='peercoin-testnet') name = ''.join([ random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in range(8) ]) deck = pa.Deck(name=name, number_of_decimals=3, issue_mode=4, version=1, fee=0) unspent = provider.select_inputs(key.address, 0.02) new_deck = pa.deck_spawn(provider, key, deck, unspent, change_addr) Session.deck = deck print(new_deck)
''' Issue cards for new deck. ''' import pypeerassets as pa from binascii import hexlify import random provider = pa.RpcNode(testnet=True) change_addr = "mhPuRGwWRyhXRhzSfzgfoPPFHPXgAyZVSz" deck = pa.Deck(**deck) # use deck from example ## utxo must be owned by the deck issuer utxo = provider.select_inputs(0.02, deck.issuer) # generate 9 receiver addresses receivers = [pa.Kutil(network="tppc").address for i in range(9)] # amounts for the receivers amounts = [random.randint(1, 999) for i in range(9)] issue = pa.CardTransfer(deck, receivers, amounts) # CardTransfer instance raw_issue = hexlify(pa.card_issue(deck, issue, utxo, change_addr)).decode() signed = provider.signrawtransaction(raw_issue) provider.sendrawtransaction(signed["hex"]) # send the tx
''' Spawn new PeerAssets deck on Peercoin testnet using local testnet node. ''' import pypeerassets as pa from binascii import hexlify provider = pa.RpcNode(testnet=True) utxo = provider.select_inputs(0.02) ## we need 0.02 PPC change_addr = "mwkFUPUrh6LsXyMvBY2mz6btiJjuTxGgT8" new_deck = pa.Deck("my_new_testnet_deck", number_of_decimals=2, issue_mode="MULTI", asset_specific_data="hello world.", network="tppc") raw_tx = hexlify(pa.deck_spawn(new_deck, utxo, change_addr)).decode() signed = provider.signrawtransaction(raw_tx) provider.sendrawtransaction(signed["hex"]) # send the tx ''' Now wait for the tx confirm (1) and visit to see your assets listed. '''
# Deck Spawn print("Build, sign and send the Friendly Co. Deck spawning transaction...") rpc_node = RpcNode(testnet=True, username=RPC_USERNAME, password=RPC_PASSWORD) friendly_co_key = pa.Kutil( network="tppc", from_wif=rpc_node.dumpprivkey(FRIENDLY_CO), ) deck = pa.Deck( name="Friendly Co. Deck", number_of_decimals=0, issue_mode=IssueMode.ONCE.value, network="tppc", production=False, version=1, issuer=FRIENDLY_CO, ) deck_spawn_tx = pa.deck_spawn( provider=rpc_node, deck=deck, inputs=rpc_node.select_inputs(FRIENDLY_CO, 0.02), change_address=FRIENDLY_CO, ) deck_spawn_tx = sign_transaction(rpc_node, deck_spawn_tx, friendly_co_key) rpc_node.sendrawtransaction(deck_spawn_tx.hexlify()) print("Transaction to create the Friendly Co. Deck sent to the network!")