def plot_pianoroll(path="Sampled/4bar_samples/sample_4_0.midi"): midi = ppr.parse(path, beat_resolution=4) # get Multitrack object midi = midi.tracks[0] # get first/only track pianoroll = midi.pianoroll print(pianoroll.shape) ppr.plot(midi, filename="testppr.png", beat_resolution=4)
def plot_interpolation_sotw_to_lick(): interpolations = [] for i in range(0, 10, 3): path = "Sampled/interpolation_examples/SotW_to_lick/1/interpolate_" + str( i) + ".midi" midi = ppr.parse(path, beat_resolution=4) # get Multitrack object midi = midi.tracks[0] # get first/only track = "" if i == 0: = "start sequence" if i == 10: = "end sequence" interpolations.append(midi) mt = ppr.Multitrack(tracks=interpolations, beat_resolution=4) p, _ = ppr.plot(mt, yticklabel="off", xtick='beat', xticklabel=True, grid="both") #p.set_size_inches((8, 8), forward=True) filename = "interpolation_SotW_to_lick.png" p.savefig(filename)
def plot_interpolation_pianorolls(bars=16): interpolations = [] for i in range(0, 6, 2): path = "Sampled/" + str(bars) + "bar_interpolation/interpolate_" + str( i) + ".midi" midi = ppr.parse(path, beat_resolution=4) # get Multitrack object midi = midi.tracks[0] # get first/only track = "" if i == 0: = "start sequence" if i == 4: = "end sequence" pr = midi.pianoroll # padding to full length in case MIDI file ends earlier if pr.shape[0] != bars * 16: padding = np.zeros((bars * 16 - pr.shape[0], pr.shape[1])) pr = np.concatenate((pr, padding), axis=0) midi.pianoroll = pr interpolations.append(midi) mt = ppr.Multitrack(tracks=interpolations, beat_resolution=4) if bars == 16: p, _ = ppr.plot(mt, yticklabel="number", xtick='beat', xticklabel=False, grid="off") # there seems to be a bug in ppr, despite xticklabel=False, the plot still has the labels for each x-axis value else: p, _ = ppr.plot(mt, yticklabel="number", xtick='beat', xticklabel=True, grid="both") p.set_size_inches((8, 8), forward=True) filename = str(bars) + "bar_interpolation.png" p.savefig(filename)
def reconstruct(file_path, model, start_bar, end_bar, temperature=0.5, smooth_threshold=0): device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if model.train(): model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): sample_np = getSlicedPianorollMatrixNp(file_path) sample_np = transposeNotesHigherLower(sample_np) sample_np = cutOctaves(sample_np) sample_np = sample_np[start_bar:end_bar] sample = torch.from_numpy(sample_np).float() recon, embed, logvar = model(sample.view(-1, 1, 96, 60).to(device)) recon = torch.softmax(recon, dim=3) recon = recon.squeeze(1).cpu().numpy() # recon /= np.abs(np.max(recon)) recon[recon < (1 - temperature)] = 0 sample_play = debinarizeMidi(sample_np, prediction=False) sample_play = addCuttedOctaves(sample_play) recon = debinarizeMidi(recon, prediction=True) recon = addCuttedOctaves(recon) recon_out = recon[0] sample_out = sample_play[0] if recon.shape[0] > 1: for i in range(recon.shape[0] - 1): sample_out = np.concatenate((sample_out, sample_play[i + 1]), axis=0) recon_out = np.concatenate((recon_out, recon[i + 1]), axis=0) # plot with pypianoroll sample_plot = ppr.Track(sample_out) ppr.plot(sample_plot) recon_plot = ppr.Track(recon_out) ppr.plot(recon_plot) # smooth output smoother = NoteSmoother(recon_out, threshold=smooth_threshold) smoothed_seq = smoother.smooth() smoother_seq_plot = ppr.Track(smoothed_seq) ppr.plot(smoother_seq_plot)
def plot_loss(self): plt.plot(self.disc_loss, c='red') plt.plot(self.gen_loss, c='blue') plt.title("GAN Loss per Epoch") plt.legend(['Discriminator', 'Generator']) plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.savefig('GAN_Loss_per_Epoch_final_1000.png', transparent=True) plt.close() if __name__ == '__main__': path = "C:\\Users\\10413\\Desktop\\deep_learning\\project\\midi-lstm-gan-master\\lpd_5\\lpd_5_cleansed" # 文件夹目录 listOfFiles = getListOfFiles(path) data_train = np.empty([len(listOfFiles), 4 * 96, 128]) i = 0 for files in listOfFiles: piano_roll = pypianoroll.load(files) data = piano_roll.tracks[1].pianoroll data2 = piano_roll.tracks[1] pypianoroll.plot(data2) # 打开文件 if data.shape[0] > (4 * 96 - 1): data_train[i, 0:4 * 96 - 1, 0:127] = data[0:4 * 96 - 1, 0:127] i = i + 1 if i > 10: break gan = GAN(rows=4 * 96) gan.train(epochs=2, batch_size=32, train_data=data_train, sample_interval=1)