예제 #1
파일: arsciexp.py 프로젝트: adwasser/PYPIT
    def MasterStandard(self, scidx, fitsdict):
        Generate Master Standard frame for a given detector
        and generates a sensitivity function
        Currently only uses first standard star exposure
        Currently takes brightest source on the mosaic

        fitsdict : dict
          Contains relevant information from fits header files

        boolean : bool

        if len(self._msstd[0]) != 0:
            msgs.info("Using existing standard frame")
            return False
        msgs.info("Preparing the standard")
        # Get all of the pixel flat frames for this science frame
        ind = self._idx_std
        msgs.warn("Taking only the first standard frame for now")
        ind = [ind[0]]
        # Extract
        all_specobj = []
        for kk in xrange(self._spect['mosaic']['ndet']):
            det = kk+1
            # Load the frame(s)
#            set_trace()
            frame = arload.load_frames(self, fitsdict, ind, det, frametype='standard',
#            msgs.warn("Taking only the first standard frame for now")
#            ind = ind[0]
            sciframe = frame[:, :, 0]
            # Save RA/DEC
            if kk == 0:
                self._msstd[det-1]['RA'] = fitsdict['ra'][ind[0]]
                self._msstd[det-1]['DEC'] = fitsdict['dec'][ind[0]]
            arproc.reduce_frame(self, sciframe, ind[0], fitsdict, det, standard=True)

            all_specobj += self._msstd[det-1]['spobjs']
#        debugger.set_trace()
        # If standard, generate a sensitivity function
        sensfunc = arflux.generate_sensfunc(self, scidx, all_specobj, fitsdict)
        # Set the sensitivity function
        self.SetMasterFrame(sensfunc, "sensfunc", None, copy=False)
        return True
예제 #2
def ARMLSD(argflag, spect, fitsdict, reuseMaster=False):
    Automatic Reduction and Modeling of Long Slit Data

    argflag : dict
      Arguments and flags used for reduction
    spect : dict
      Properties of the spectrograph.
    fitsdict : dict
      Contains relevant information from fits header files
    reuseMaster : bool
      If True, a master frame that will be used for another science frame
      will not be regenerated after it is first made.
      This setting comes with a price, and if a large number of science frames are
      being generated, it may be more efficient to simply regenerate the master
      calibrations on the fly.

    status : int
      Status of the reduction procedure
      0 = Successful execution
      1 = ...
    status = 0

    # Create a list of science exposure classes
    sciexp = armbase.SetupScience(argflag, spect, fitsdict)
    numsci = len(sciexp)

    # Create a list of master calibration frames
    masters = armasters.MasterFrames(spect['mosaic']['ndet'])

    # Use Masters?  Requires setup file
    setup_file = argflag['out']['sorted'] + '.setup'
        calib_dict = ltu.loadjson(setup_file)
        msgs.info("No setup file {:s} for MasterFrames".format(setup_file))
        calib_dict = {}
        argflag['masters']['setup_file'] = setup_file

    # Start reducing the data
    for sc in range(numsci):
        slf = sciexp[sc]
        scidx = slf._idx_sci[0]
        msgs.info("Reducing file {0:s}, target {1:s}".format(
            fitsdict['filename'][scidx], slf._target_name))
        msgs.sciexp = slf  # For QA writing on exit, if nothing else.  Could write Masters too
        # Loop on Detectors
        for kk in xrange(slf._spect['mosaic']['ndet']):
            det = kk + 1  # Detectors indexed from 1
            slf.det = det
            # Get amplifier sections
            arproc.get_ampsec_trimmed(slf, fitsdict, det, scidx)
            # Setup
            setup = arsort.calib_setup(slf,
            slf._argflag['masters']['setup'] = setup
            # Generate master bias frame
            update = slf.MasterBias(fitsdict, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
                armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="bias")
            # Generate a bad pixel mask (should not repeat)
            update = slf.BadPixelMask(fitsdict, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
                armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc")
            # Generate a master arc frame
            update = slf.MasterArc(fitsdict, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
                armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc")
            # Determine the dispersion direction (and transpose if necessary)
            slf.GetDispersionDirection(fitsdict, det, scidx)
            if slf._bpix[
                    det -
                    1] is None:  # Needs to be done here after nspec is set
                    np.zeros((slf._nspec[det - 1], slf._nspat[det - 1])), det)
            # Estimate gain and readout noise for the amplifiers
            msgs.work("Estimate Gain and Readout noise from the raw frames...")
            update = slf.MasterRN(fitsdict, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
                armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="readnoise")
            # Generate a master trace frame
            update = slf.MasterTrace(fitsdict, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
            # Generate an array that provides the physical pixel locations on the detector
            # Determine the edges of the spectrum (spatial)
            if 'trace' + slf._argflag['masters']['setup'] not in slf._argflag[
                # Determine the edges of the spectrum (spatial)
                lordloc, rordloc, extord = artrace.trace_orders(
                    slf._mstrace[det - 1],
                    pcadesc="PCA trace of the slit edges")
                slf.SetFrame(slf._lordloc, lordloc, det)
                slf.SetFrame(slf._rordloc, rordloc, det)

                # Convert physical trace into a pixel trace
                    "Converting physical trace locations to nearest pixel")
                pixcen = artrace.phys_to_pix(
                    0.5 * (slf._lordloc[det - 1] + slf._rordloc[det - 1]),
                    slf._pixlocn[det - 1], 1)
                pixwid = (slf._rordloc[det - 1] -
                          slf._lordloc[det - 1]).mean(0).astype(np.int)
                lordpix = artrace.phys_to_pix(slf._lordloc[det - 1],
                                              slf._pixlocn[det - 1], 1)
                rordpix = artrace.phys_to_pix(slf._rordloc[det - 1],
                                              slf._pixlocn[det - 1], 1)
                slf.SetFrame(slf._pixcen, pixcen, det)
                slf.SetFrame(slf._pixwid, pixwid, det)
                slf.SetFrame(slf._lordpix, lordpix, det)
                slf.SetFrame(slf._rordpix, rordpix, det)
                # Save QA for slit traces
                                   slf._mstrace[det - 1],
                                   slf._lordpix[det - 1],
                                   slf._rordpix[det - 1],
                                   desc="Trace of the slit edges")

            # Prepare the pixel flat field frame
            update = slf.MasterFlatField(fitsdict, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
            # Generate the 1D wavelength solution
            update = slf.MasterWaveCalib(fitsdict, sc, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
            # Derive the spectral tilt
            if slf._tilts[det - 1] is None:
                if slf._argflag['masters']['use']:
                    mstilt_name = armasters.master_name(
                        slf._argflag['run']['masterdir'], 'tilts',
                        tilts, head = arload.load_master(mstilt_name,
                    except IOError:
                        slf.SetFrame(slf._tilts, tilts, det)
                            'tilts' + slf._argflag['masters']['setup'])
                if 'tilts' + slf._argflag['masters'][
                        'setup'] not in slf._argflag['masters']['loaded']:
                    # First time tilts are derived for this arc frame --> derive the order tilts
                    tilts, satmask, outpar = artrace.model_tilt(
                        slf, det, slf._msarc[det - 1])
                    slf.SetFrame(slf._tilts, tilts, det)
                    slf.SetFrame(slf._satmask, satmask, det)
                    slf.SetFrame(slf._tiltpar, outpar, det)

            # Generate/load a master wave frame
            update = slf.MasterWave(fitsdict, sc, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:

            # Check if the user only wants to prepare the calibrations only
            msgs.info("All calibration frames have been prepared")
            if slf._argflag['run']['preponly']:
                msgs.info("If you would like to continue with the reduction," +
                          msgs.newline() + "disable the run+preponly command")

            # Write setup
            setup = arsort.calib_setup(slf,
            # Write MasterFrames (currently per detector)
            armasters.save_masters(slf, det, setup)

            # Load the science frame and from this generate a Poisson error frame
            msgs.info("Loading science frame")
            sciframe = arload.load_frames(slf,
                                          fitsdict, [scidx],
                                          msbias=slf._msbias[det - 1],
            sciframe = sciframe[:, :, 0]
            # Extract
            msgs.info("Processing science frame")
            arproc.reduce_frame(slf, sciframe, scidx, fitsdict, det)

            #msgs.error("UP TO HERE")
            # Perform a velocity correction
            if (slf._argflag['reduce']['heliocorr'] == True) & False:
                if slf._argflag['science']['load']['extracted'] == True:
                        "Heliocentric correction will not be applied if an extracted science frame exists, and is used"
                msgs.work("Perform a full barycentric correction")
                    "Include the facility to correct for gravitational redshifts and time delays (see Pulsar timing work)"
                msgs.info("Performing a heliocentric correction")
                # Load the header for the science frame
                slf._waveids = arvcorr.helio_corr(slf, scidx[0])
                msgs.info("A heliocentric correction will not be performed")

            # Using model sky, calculate a flexure correction

        # Close the QA for this object

        # Flux
        # Standard star (is this a calibration, e.g. goes above?)
        msgs.info("Processing standard star")
        msgs.info("Assuming one star per detector mosaic")
        msgs.info("Waited until last detector to process")

        msgs.work("Need to check for existing sensfunc")
        update = slf.MasterStandard(scidx, fitsdict)
        if update and reuseMaster:
            armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, 0, ftype="standard")
        msgs.work("Consider using archived sensitivity if not found")
        msgs.info("Fluxing with {:s}".format(slf._sensfunc['std']['name']))
        for kk in xrange(slf._spect['mosaic']['ndet']):
            det = kk + 1  # Detectors indexed from 1
            arflux.apply_sensfunc(slf, det, scidx, fitsdict)

        # Write 1D spectra
        # Write 2D images for the Science Frame
        # Free up some memory by replacing the reduced ScienceExposure class
        sciexp[sc] = None
    return status
예제 #3
파일: armlsd.py 프로젝트: adwasser/PYPIT
def ARMLSD(argflag, spect, fitsdict, reuseMaster=False):
    Automatic Reduction and Modeling of Long Slit Data

    argflag : dict
      Arguments and flags used for reduction
    spect : dict
      Properties of the spectrograph.
    fitsdict : dict
      Contains relevant information from fits header files
    reuseMaster : bool
      If True, a master frame that will be used for another science frame
      will not be regenerated after it is first made.
      This setting comes with a price, and if a large number of science frames are
      being generated, it may be more efficient to simply regenerate the master
      calibrations on the fly.

    status : int
      Status of the reduction procedure
      0 = Successful execution
      1 = ...
    status = 0

    # Create a list of science exposure classes
    sciexp = armbase.SetupScience(argflag, spect, fitsdict)
    numsci = len(sciexp)

    # Create a list of master calibration frames
    masters = armasters.MasterFrames(spect['mosaic']['ndet'])

    # Use Masters?  Requires setup file
    setup_file = argflag['out']['sorted']+'.setup'
        calib_dict = ltu.loadjson(setup_file)
        msgs.info("No setup file {:s} for MasterFrames".format(setup_file))
        calib_dict = {}
        argflag['masters']['setup_file'] = setup_file

    # Start reducing the data
    for sc in range(numsci):
        slf = sciexp[sc]
        scidx = slf._idx_sci[0]
        msgs.info("Reducing file {0:s}, target {1:s}".format(fitsdict['filename'][scidx], slf._target_name))
        msgs.sciexp = slf  # For QA writing on exit, if nothing else.  Could write Masters too
        # Loop on Detectors
        for kk in xrange(slf._spect['mosaic']['ndet']):
            det = kk + 1  # Detectors indexed from 1
            slf.det = det
            # Get amplifier sections
            arproc.get_ampsec_trimmed(slf, fitsdict, det, scidx)
            # Setup
            setup = arsort.calib_setup(slf, sc, det, fitsdict, calib_dict, write=False)
            slf._argflag['masters']['setup'] = setup
            # Generate master bias frame
            update = slf.MasterBias(fitsdict, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
                armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="bias")
            # Generate a bad pixel mask (should not repeat)
            update = slf.BadPixelMask(fitsdict, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
                armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc")
            # Generate a master arc frame
            update = slf.MasterArc(fitsdict, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
                armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc")
            # Determine the dispersion direction (and transpose if necessary)
            slf.GetDispersionDirection(fitsdict, det, scidx)
            if slf._bpix[det-1] is None:  # Needs to be done here after nspec is set
                slf.SetFrame(slf._bpix, np.zeros((slf._nspec[det-1], slf._nspat[det-1])), det)
            # Estimate gain and readout noise for the amplifiers
            msgs.work("Estimate Gain and Readout noise from the raw frames...")
            update = slf.MasterRN(fitsdict, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
                armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="readnoise")
            # Generate a master trace frame
            update = slf.MasterTrace(fitsdict, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
                armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="trace")
            # Generate an array that provides the physical pixel locations on the detector
            # Determine the edges of the spectrum (spatial)
            if 'trace'+slf._argflag['masters']['setup'] not in slf._argflag['masters']['loaded']:
                # Determine the edges of the spectrum (spatial)
                lordloc, rordloc, extord = artrace.trace_orders(slf, slf._mstrace[det-1], det, singleSlit=True, pcadesc="PCA trace of the slit edges")
                slf.SetFrame(slf._lordloc, lordloc, det)
                slf.SetFrame(slf._rordloc, rordloc, det)

                # Convert physical trace into a pixel trace
                msgs.info("Converting physical trace locations to nearest pixel")
                pixcen = artrace.phys_to_pix(0.5*(slf._lordloc[det-1]+slf._rordloc[det-1]), slf._pixlocn[det-1], 1)
                pixwid = (slf._rordloc[det-1]-slf._lordloc[det-1]).mean(0).astype(np.int)
                lordpix = artrace.phys_to_pix(slf._lordloc[det-1], slf._pixlocn[det-1], 1)
                rordpix = artrace.phys_to_pix(slf._rordloc[det-1], slf._pixlocn[det-1], 1)
                slf.SetFrame(slf._pixcen, pixcen, det)
                slf.SetFrame(slf._pixwid, pixwid, det)
                slf.SetFrame(slf._lordpix, lordpix, det)
                slf.SetFrame(slf._rordpix, rordpix, det)
                # Save QA for slit traces
                arqa.slit_trace_qa(slf, slf._mstrace[det-1], slf._lordpix[det-1], slf._rordpix[det-1], extord, desc="Trace of the slit edges")

            # Prepare the pixel flat field frame
            update = slf.MasterFlatField(fitsdict, det)
            if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="pixflat")
            # Generate the 1D wavelength solution
            update = slf.MasterWaveCalib(fitsdict, sc, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
                armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc", chktype="trace")
            # Derive the spectral tilt
            if slf._tilts[det-1] is None:
                if slf._argflag['masters']['use']:
                    mstilt_name = armasters.master_name(slf._argflag['run']['masterdir'],
                                                        'tilts', slf._argflag['masters']['setup'])
                        tilts, head = arload.load_master(mstilt_name, frametype="tilts")
                    except IOError:
                        slf.SetFrame(slf._tilts, tilts, det)
                if 'tilts'+slf._argflag['masters']['setup'] not in slf._argflag['masters']['loaded']:
                    # First time tilts are derived for this arc frame --> derive the order tilts
                    tilts, satmask, outpar = artrace.model_tilt(slf, det, slf._msarc[det-1])
                    slf.SetFrame(slf._tilts, tilts, det)
                    slf.SetFrame(slf._satmask, satmask, det)
                    slf.SetFrame(slf._tiltpar, outpar, det)

            # Generate/load a master wave frame
            update = slf.MasterWave(fitsdict, sc, det)
            if update and reuseMaster:
                armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc", chktype="wave")

            # Check if the user only wants to prepare the calibrations only
            msgs.info("All calibration frames have been prepared")
            if slf._argflag['run']['preponly']:
                msgs.info("If you would like to continue with the reduction,"
                          +msgs.newline()+"disable the run+preponly command")

            # Write setup
            setup = arsort.calib_setup(slf, sc, det, fitsdict, calib_dict, write=True)
            # Write MasterFrames (currently per detector)
            armasters.save_masters(slf, det, setup)

            # Load the science frame and from this generate a Poisson error frame
            msgs.info("Loading science frame")
            sciframe = arload.load_frames(slf, fitsdict, [scidx], det,
            sciframe = sciframe[:, :, 0]
            # Extract
            msgs.info("Processing science frame")
            arproc.reduce_frame(slf, sciframe, scidx, fitsdict, det)

            #msgs.error("UP TO HERE")
            # Perform a velocity correction
            if (slf._argflag['reduce']['heliocorr'] == True) & False:
                if slf._argflag['science']['load']['extracted'] == True:
                    msgs.warn("Heliocentric correction will not be applied if an extracted science frame exists, and is used")
                msgs.work("Perform a full barycentric correction")
                msgs.work("Include the facility to correct for gravitational redshifts and time delays (see Pulsar timing work)")
                msgs.info("Performing a heliocentric correction")
                # Load the header for the science frame
                slf._waveids = arvcorr.helio_corr(slf, scidx[0])
                msgs.info("A heliocentric correction will not be performed")

            # Using model sky, calculate a flexure correction

        # Close the QA for this object

        # Flux
        # Standard star (is this a calibration, e.g. goes above?)
        msgs.info("Processing standard star")
        msgs.info("Assuming one star per detector mosaic")
        msgs.info("Waited until last detector to process")

        msgs.work("Need to check for existing sensfunc")
        update = slf.MasterStandard(scidx, fitsdict)
        if update and reuseMaster:
            armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, 0, ftype="standard")
        msgs.work("Consider using archived sensitivity if not found")
        msgs.info("Fluxing with {:s}".format(slf._sensfunc['std']['name']))
        for kk in xrange(slf._spect['mosaic']['ndet']):
            det = kk + 1  # Detectors indexed from 1
            arflux.apply_sensfunc(slf, det, scidx, fitsdict)

        # Write 1D spectra
        # Write 2D images for the Science Frame
        # Free up some memory by replacing the reduced ScienceExposure class
        sciexp[sc] = None
    return status