# We use a config.json file to manage the robot and a lot of stuff like limits or offsets on the motors
    with closing(pypot.robot.from_json('config.json')) as megabot:
        for m in megabot.motors:
            m.compliant = False
        #Initialisation of the differents legs of the robot
        leg1 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg1, 0)
        leg2 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg2, -65)
        leg3 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg3, -115)
        leg4 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg4, -180)
        leg5 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg5, 115)
        leg6 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg6, 65)
        #Initialisation of the robot
        robot = corrected_robot([leg1, leg2, leg3, leg4, leg5, leg6],
                                [leg1, leg3, leg5], [leg2, leg4, leg6])
        #Initialisation of all the running variables
        robot.goto([0, 0, 0])  #Position
        Continue = True  #Do we have to continu ?
        Gaz = False  #Deplacement
        circle = False  #Rotation

        Joy_X_Axis = 0
        Joy_Y_Axis = 0
        Speed_Axis = 0.0  # Throttle axis
        Alt_Axis = 0

        while Continue:

            if Is_Joystick:
                Joy_X_Axis = joystick.get_axis(0)
                Joy_Y_Axis = joystick.get_axis(1)
                Abs_Speed_Axis = joystick.get_axis(2)
	#On va maintenant utiliser un fichier de configuration
	#Il nous permettra de limiter nos demandes aux angles valides
	with closing(pypot.robot.from_json('config.json')) as megabot:
		for m in megabot.motors : 
			m.compliant = False;

		leg1 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg1, 0)
		leg2 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg2, -90)
		leg3 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg3, -90)
		leg4 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg4, -180)
		leg5 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg5, 90)
		leg6 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg6, 90)
		robot = corrected_robot([leg1, leg2, leg3, leg4, leg5, leg6])

		robot.goto([0, 0])
		continuer = 1
		while continuer:
			for event in pygame.event.get():	#Attente des evenements
				if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE):
					continuer = 0
				if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: #Si mouvement de souris
					#On change les coordonnees du Reticule
					Reticulte_x = event.pos[0]-L_Reticule/2
					Reticulte_y = event.pos[1]-H_Reticule/2
				if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_SPACE) :
						gaz = not(gaz)
						if gaz == 1 :
	# We use a config.json file to manage the robot and a lot of stuff like limits or offsets on the motors
	with closing(pypot.robot.from_json('config.json')) as megabot:
		for m in megabot.motors :
			m.compliant = False;
		#Initialisation of the differents legs of the robot
		leg1 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg1, 0)
		leg2 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg2, -65)
		leg3 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg3, -115)
		leg4 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg4, -180)
		leg5 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg5, 115)
		leg6 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg6, 65)
		#Initialisation of the robot
		robot = corrected_robot([leg1, leg2, leg3, leg4, leg5, leg6], [leg1, leg3, leg5], [leg2, leg4, leg6])
		#Initialisation of all the running variables
		robot.goto([0, 0, 0])	#Position
		Continue = True			#Do we have to continu ?
		Gaz=False				#Deplacement
		circle = False			#Rotation

		Joy_X_Axis = 0
		Joy_Y_Axis = 0
		Speed_Axis = 0.0		# Throttle axis
		Alt_Axis = 0

		while Continue:

			if Is_Joystick :
				Joy_X_Axis = joystick.get_axis(0)
				Joy_Y_Axis = joystick.get_axis(1)
				Abs_Speed_Axis = joystick.get_axis(2)
예제 #4
    #On va maintenant utiliser un fichier de configuration
    #Il nous permettra de limiter nos demandes aux angles valides
    with closing(pypot.robot.from_json('config.json')) as megabot:
        for m in megabot.motors:
            m.compliant = False

        leg1 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg1, 0)
        leg2 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg2, -90)
        leg3 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg3, -90)
        leg4 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg4, -180)
        leg5 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg5, 90)
        leg6 = corrected_leg(megabot.leg6, 90)

        robot = corrected_robot([leg1, leg2, leg3, leg4, leg5, leg6])

        robot.goto([0, 0])

        continuer = 1
        gaz = False
        while continuer:
            for event in pygame.event.get():  #Attente des evenements
                if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN
                                          and event.key == K_ESCAPE):
                    continuer = 0
                if event.type == MOUSEMOTION:  #Si mouvement de souris
                    #On change les coordonnees du Reticule
                    Reticulte_x = event.pos[0] - L_Reticule / 2
                    Reticulte_y = event.pos[1] - H_Reticule / 2
                if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or (event.type == KEYDOWN
                                                     and event.key == K_SPACE):
                    gaz = not (gaz)