예제 #1
def makePTDF(baseMVA, bus, branch, slack=None):
    """Builds the DC PTDF matrix for a given choice of slack.

    Returns the DC PTDF matrix for a given choice of slack. The matrix is
    C{nbr x nb}, where C{nbr} is the number of branches and C{nb} is the
    number of buses. The C{slack} can be a scalar (single slack bus) or an
    C{nb x 1} column vector of weights specifying the proportion of the
    slack taken up at each bus. If the C{slack} is not specified the
    reference bus is used by default.

    For convenience, C{slack} can also be an C{nb x nb} matrix, where each
    column specifies how the slack should be handled for injections
    at that bus.

    @see: L{makeLODF}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    ## use reference bus for slack by default
    if slack is None:
        slack = find(bus[:, BUS_TYPE] == REF)
        slack = slack[0]

    ## set the slack bus to be used to compute initial PTDF
    if isscalar(slack):
        slack_bus = slack
        slack_bus = 0      ## use bus 1 for temp slack bus

    nb = bus.shape[0]
    nbr = branch.shape[0]
    noref = arange(1, nb)      ## use bus 1 for voltage angle reference
    noslack = find(arange(nb) != slack_bus)

    ## check that bus numbers are equal to indices to bus (one set of bus numbers)
    if any(bus[:, BUS_I] != arange(nb)):
        stderr.write('makePTDF: buses must be numbered consecutively')

    ## compute PTDF for single slack_bus
    Bbus, Bf, _, _ = makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch)
    Bbus, Bf = Bbus.todense(), Bf.todense()
    H = zeros((nbr, nb))
    H[:, noslack] = solve( Bbus[ix_(noslack, noref)].T, Bf[:, noref].T ).T
    #             = Bf[:, noref] * inv(Bbus[ix_(noslack, noref)])

    ## distribute slack, if requested
    if not isscalar(slack):
        if len(slack.shape) == 1:  ## slack is a vector of weights
            slack = slack / sum(slack)   ## normalize weights

            ## conceptually, we want to do ...
            ##    H = H * (eye(nb, nb) - slack * ones((1, nb)))
            ## ... we just do it more efficiently
            v = dot(H, slack)
            for k in range(nb):
                H[:, k] = H[:, k] - v
            H = dot(H, slack)

    return H
예제 #2
def userfcn_iflims_formulation(om, *args):
    """This is the 'formulation' stage userfcn callback that defines the
    user costs and constraints for interface flow limits. It expects to
    find an 'if' field in the ppc stored in om, as described above. The
    optional args are not currently used.
    ## initialize some things
    ppc = om.get_ppc()
    baseMVA, bus, branch = ppc['baseMVA'], ppc['bus'], ppc['branch']
    ifmap = ppc['if']['map']
    iflims = ppc['if']['lims']

    ## form B matrices for DC model
    _, Bf, _, Pfinj = makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch)
    n = Bf.shape[1]  ## dim of theta

    ## form constraints
    ifidx = unique(iflims[:, 0])  ## interface number list
    nifs = len(ifidx)  ## number of interfaces
    Aif = lil_matrix((nifs, n))
    lif = zeros(nifs)
    uif = zeros(nifs)
    for k in range(nifs):
        ## extract branch indices
        br = ifmap[ifmap[:, 0] == ifidx[k], 1]
        if len(br) == 0:
                'userfcn_iflims_formulation: interface %d has no in-service branches\n'
                % k)

        d = sign(br)
        br = abs(br)
        Ak = sparse((1, n))  ## Ak = sum( d(i) * Bf(i, :) )
        bk = 0  ## bk = sum( d(i) * Pfinj(i) )
        for i in range(len(br)):
            Ak = Ak + d[i] * Bf[br[i], :]
            bk = bk + d[i] * Pfinj[br[i]]

        Aif[k, :] = Ak
        lif[k] = iflims[k, 1] / baseMVA - bk
        uif[k] = iflims[k, 2] / baseMVA - bk

    ## add interface constraint
    om.add_constraints('iflims', Aif, lif, uif, ['Va'])  ## nifs

    return om
예제 #3
def userfcn_iflims_formulation(om, *args):
    """This is the 'formulation' stage userfcn callback that defines the
    user costs and constraints for interface flow limits. It expects to
    find an 'if' field in the ppc stored in om, as described above. The
    optional args are not currently used.
    ## initialize some things
    ppc = om.get_ppc()
    baseMVA, bus, branch = ppc['baseMVA'], ppc['bus'], ppc['branch']
    ifmap = ppc['if']['map']
    iflims = ppc['if']['lims']

    ## form B matrices for DC model
    _, Bf, _, Pfinj = makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch)
    n = Bf.shape[1]                    ## dim of theta

    ## form constraints
    ifidx = unique(iflims[:, 0])   ## interface number list
    nifs = len(ifidx)              ## number of interfaces
    Aif = lil_matrix((nifs, n))
    lif = zeros(nifs)
    uif = zeros(nifs)
    for k in range(nifs):
        ## extract branch indices
        br = ifmap[ifmap[:, 0] == ifidx[k], 1]
        if len(br) == 0:
            stderr.write('userfcn_iflims_formulation: interface %d has no in-service branches\n' % k)

        d = sign(br)
        br = abs(br)
        Ak = sparse((1, n))              ## Ak = sum( d(i) * Bf(i, :) )
        bk = 0                           ## bk = sum( d(i) * Pfinj(i) )
        for i in range(len(br)):
            Ak = Ak + d[i] * Bf[br[i], :]
            bk = bk + d[i] * Pfinj[br[i]]

        Aif[k, :] = Ak
        lif[k] = iflims[k, 1] / baseMVA - bk
        uif[k] = iflims[k, 2] / baseMVA - bk

    ## add interface constraint
    om.add_constraints('iflims',  Aif, lif, uif, ['Va'])      ## nifs

    return om
예제 #4
def runpf(casedata=None, ppopt=None, fname='', solvedcase=''):
    """Runs a power flow.

    Runs a power flow [full AC Newton's method by default] and optionally
    returns the solved values in the data matrices, a flag which is C{True} if
    the algorithm was successful in finding a solution, and the elapsed
    time in seconds. All input arguments are optional. If C{casename} is
    provided it specifies the name of the input data file or dict
    containing the power flow data. The default value is 'case9'.

    If the ppopt is provided it overrides the default PYPOWER options
    vector and can be used to specify the solution algorithm and output
    options among other things. If the 3rd argument is given the pretty
    printed output will be appended to the file whose name is given in
    C{fname}. If C{solvedcase} is specified the solved case will be written
    to a case file in PYPOWER format with the specified name. If C{solvedcase}
    ends with '.mat' it saves the case as a MAT-file otherwise it saves it
    as a Python-file.

    If the C{ENFORCE_Q_LIMS} options is set to C{True} [default is false] then
    if any generator reactive power limit is violated after running the AC
    power flow, the corresponding bus is converted to a PQ bus, with Qg at
    the limit, and the case is re-run. The voltage magnitude at the bus
    will deviate from the specified value in order to satisfy the reactive
    power limit. If the reference bus is converted to PQ, the first
    remaining PV bus will be used as the slack bus for the next iteration.
    This may result in the real power output at this generator being
    slightly off from the specified values.

    Enforcing of generator Q limits inspired by contributions from Mu Lin,
    Lincoln University, New Zealand (1/14/05).

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    ## default arguments
    if casedata is None:
        casedata = join(dirname(__file__), 'case9')
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt)

    ## options
    verbose = ppopt["VERBOSE"]
    qlim = ppopt["ENFORCE_Q_LIMS"]  ## enforce Q limits on gens?
    dc = ppopt["PF_DC"]  ## use DC formulation?

    ## read data
    ppc = loadcase(casedata)

    ## add zero columns to branch for flows if needed
    if ppc["branch"].shape[1] < QT:
        ppc["branch"] = c_[ppc["branch"],
                                  QT - ppc["branch"].shape[1] + 1))]

    ## convert to internal indexing
    ppc = ext2int(ppc)
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch = \
        ppc["baseMVA"], ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc["branch"]

    ## get bus index lists of each type of bus
    ref, pv, pq = bustypes(bus, gen)

    ## generator info
    on = find(gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0)  ## which generators are on?
    gbus = gen[on, GEN_BUS].astype(int)  ## what buses are they at?

    ##-----  run the power flow  -----
    t0 = time()
    if verbose > 0:
        v = ppver('all')
        stdout.write('PYPOWER Version %s, %s' % (v["Version"], v["Date"]))

    if dc:  # DC formulation
        if verbose:
            stdout.write(' -- DC Power Flow\n')

        ## initial state
        Va0 = bus[:, VA] * (pi / 180)

        ## build B matrices and phase shift injections
        B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj = makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch)

        ## compute complex bus power injections [generation - load]
        ## adjusted for phase shifters and real shunts
        Pbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus,
                        gen).real - Pbusinj - bus[:, GS] / baseMVA

        ## "run" the power flow
        Va = dcpf(B, Pbus, Va0, ref, pv, pq)

        ## update data matrices with solution
        branch[:, [QF, QT]] = zeros((branch.shape[0], 2))
        branch[:, PF] = (Bf * Va + Pfinj) * baseMVA
        branch[:, PT] = -branch[:, PF]
        bus[:, VM] = ones(bus.shape[0])
        bus[:, VA] = Va * (180 / pi)
        ## update Pg for slack generator (1st gen at ref bus)
        ## (note: other gens at ref bus are accounted for in Pbus)
        ##      Pg = Pinj + Pload + Gs
        ##      newPg = oldPg + newPinj - oldPinj
        refgen = zeros(len(ref), dtype=int)
        for k in range(len(ref)):
            temp = find(gbus == ref[k])
            refgen[k] = on[temp[0]]
            PG] = gen[refgen, PG] + (B[ref, :] * Va - Pbus[ref]) * baseMVA

        success = 1
    else:  ## AC formulation
        alg = ppopt['PF_ALG']
        if verbose > 0:
            if alg == 1:
                solver = 'Newton'
            elif alg == 2:
                solver = 'fast-decoupled, XB'
            elif alg == 3:
                solver = 'fast-decoupled, BX'
            elif alg == 4:
                solver = 'Gauss-Seidel'
                solver = 'unknown'
            print(' -- AC Power Flow (%s)\n' % solver)

        ## initial state
        # V0    = ones(bus.shape[0])            ## flat start
        V0 = bus[:, VM] * exp(1j * pi / 180 * bus[:, VA])
        V0[gbus] = gen[on, VG] / abs(V0[gbus]) * V0[gbus]

        if qlim:
            ref0 = ref  ## save index and angle of
            Varef0 = bus[ref0, VA]  ##   original reference bus(es)
            limited = []  ## list of indices of gens @ Q lims
            fixedQg = zeros(gen.shape[0])  ## Qg of gens at Q limits

        repeat = True
        while repeat:
            ## build admittance matrices
            Ybus, Yf, Yt = makeYbus(baseMVA, bus, branch)

            ## compute complex bus power injections [generation - load]
            Sbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen)

            ## run the power flow
            alg = ppopt["PF_ALG"]
            if alg == 1:
                V, success, _ = newtonpf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, ref, pv, pq, ppopt)
            elif alg == 2 or alg == 3:
                Bp, Bpp = makeB(baseMVA, bus, branch, alg)
                V, success, _ = fdpf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, Bp, Bpp, ref, pv, pq,
            elif alg == 4:
                V, success, _ = gausspf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, ref, pv, pq, ppopt)
                stderr.write('Only Newton'
                             's method, fast-decoupled, and '
                             'Gauss-Seidel power flow algorithms currently '

            ## update data matrices with solution
            bus, gen, branch = pfsoln(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, Ybus, Yf, Yt,
                                      V, ref, pv, pq)

            if qlim:  ## enforce generator Q limits
                ## find gens with violated Q constraints
                gen_status = gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0
                qg_max_lim = gen[:, QG] > gen[:, QMAX]
                qg_min_lim = gen[:, QG] < gen[:, QMIN]

                mx = find(gen_status & qg_max_lim)
                mn = find(gen_status & qg_min_lim)

                if len(mx) > 0 or len(
                        mn) > 0:  ## we have some Q limit violations
                    # No PV generators
                    if len(pv) == 0:
                        if verbose:
                            if len(mx) > 0:
                                    'Gen %d [only one left] exceeds upper Q limit : INFEASIBLE PROBLEM\n'
                                    % mx + 1)
                                    'Gen %d [only one left] exceeds lower Q limit : INFEASIBLE PROBLEM\n'
                                    % mn + 1)

                        success = 0

                    ## one at a time?
                    if qlim == 2:  ## fix largest violation, ignore the rest
                        k = argmax(r_[gen[mx, QG] - gen[mx, QMAX],
                                      gen[mn, QMIN] - gen[mn, QG]])
                        if k > len(mx):
                            mn = mn[k - len(mx)]
                            mx = []
                            mx = mx[k]
                            mn = []

                    if verbose and len(mx) > 0:
                        for i in range(len(mx)):
                            print('Gen ' + str(mx[i] + 1) +
                                  ' at upper Q limit, converting to PQ bus\n')

                    if verbose and len(mn) > 0:
                        for i in range(len(mn)):
                            print('Gen ' + str(mn[i] + 1) +
                                  ' at lower Q limit, converting to PQ bus\n')

                    ## save corresponding limit values
                    fixedQg[mx] = gen[mx, QMAX]
                    fixedQg[mn] = gen[mn, QMIN]
                    mx = r_[mx, mn].astype(int)

                    ## convert to PQ bus
                    gen[mx, QG] = fixedQg[mx]  ## set Qg to binding
                    for i in range(
                    ):  ## [one at a time, since they may be at same bus]
                            GEN_STATUS] = 0  ## temporarily turn off gen,
                        bi = gen[mx[i], GEN_BUS]  ## adjust load accordingly,
                        bus[bi, [PD, QD]] = (bus[bi, [PD, QD]] -
                                             gen[mx[i], [PG, QG]])

                    if len(ref) > 1 and any(bus[gen[mx, GEN_BUS],
                                                BUS_TYPE] == REF):
                        raise ValueError('Sorry, PYPOWER cannot enforce Q '
                                         'limits for slack buses in systems '
                                         'with multiple slacks.')

                    bus[gen[mx, GEN_BUS].astype(int),
                        BUS_TYPE] = PQ  ## & set bus type to PQ

                    ## update bus index lists of each type of bus
                    ref_temp = ref
                    ref, pv, pq = bustypes(bus, gen)
                    if verbose and ref != ref_temp:
                        print('Bus %d is new slack bus\n' % ref)

                    limited = r_[limited, mx].astype(int)
                    repeat = 0  ## no more generator Q limits violated
                repeat = 0  ## don't enforce generator Q limits, once is enough

        if qlim and len(limited) > 0:
            ## restore injections from limited gens [those at Q limits]
            gen[limited, QG] = fixedQg[limited]  ## restore Qg value,
            for i in range(
                        )):  ## [one at a time, since they may be at same bus]
                bi = gen[limited[i], GEN_BUS]  ## re-adjust load,
                    [PD, QD]] = bus[bi, [PD, QD]] + gen[limited[i], [PG, QG]]
                gen[limited[i], GEN_STATUS] = 1  ## and turn gen back on

            if ref != ref0:
                ## adjust voltage angles to make original ref bus correct
                bus[:, VA] = bus[:, VA] - bus[ref0, VA] + Varef0

    ppc["et"] = time() - t0
    ppc["success"] = success

    ##-----  output results  -----
    ## convert back to original bus numbering & print results
    ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc["branch"] = bus, gen, branch
    results = int2ext(ppc)

    ## zero out result fields of out-of-service gens & branches
    if len(results["order"]["gen"]["status"]["off"]) > 0:
                           [PG, QG])] = 0

    if len(results["order"]["branch"]["status"]["off"]) > 0:
                              [PF, QF, PT, QT])] = 0

    if fname:
        fd = None
            fd = open(fname, "a")
        except Exception as detail:
            stderr.write("Error opening %s: %s.\n" % (fname, detail))
            if fd is not None:
                printpf(results, fd, ppopt)
        printpf(results, stdout, ppopt)

    ## save solved case
    if solvedcase:
        savecase(solvedcase, results)

    return results, success
예제 #5
def opf_setup(ppc, ppopt):
    """Constructs an OPF model object from a PYPOWER case dict.

    Assumes that ppc is a PYPOWER case dict with internal indexing,
    all equipment in-service, etc.

    @see: L{opf}, L{ext2int}, L{opf_execute}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    @author: Richard Lincoln

    Modified by University of Kassel (Friederike Meier): Bugfix in line 110
    ## options
    dc  = ppopt['PF_DC']        ## 1 = DC OPF, 0 = AC OPF
    alg = ppopt['OPF_ALG']
    verbose = ppopt['VERBOSE']

    ## data dimensions
    nb = ppc['bus'].shape[0]    ## number of buses
    nl = ppc['branch'].shape[0] ## number of branches
    ng = ppc['gen'].shape[0]    ## number of dispatchable injections
    if 'A' in ppc:
        nusr = ppc['A'].shape[0]    ## number of linear user constraints
        nusr = 0

    if 'N' in ppc:
        nw = ppc['N'].shape[0]      ## number of general cost vars, w
        nw = 0

    if dc:
        ## ignore reactive costs for DC
        ppc['gencost'], _ = pqcost(ppc['gencost'], ng)

        ## reduce A and/or N from AC dimensions to DC dimensions, if needed
        if nusr or nw: # pragma: no cover
            acc = r_[nb + arange(nb), 2 * nb + ng + arange(ng)]   ## Vm and Qg columns

            if nusr and (ppc['A'].shape[1] >= 2*nb + 2*ng):
                ## make sure there aren't any constraints on Vm or Qg
                if ppc['A'][:, acc].nnz > 0:
                    stderr.write('opf_setup: attempting to solve DC OPF with user constraints on Vm or Qg\n')

                # FIXME: delete sparse matrix columns
                bcc = delete(arange(ppc['A'].shape[1]), acc)
                ppc['A'] = ppc['A'].tolil()[:, bcc].tocsr()           ## delete Vm and Qg columns

            if nw and (ppc['N'].shape[1] >= 2*nb + 2*ng):
                ## make sure there aren't any costs on Vm or Qg
                if ppc['N'][:, acc].nnz > 0:
                    ii, _ = nonzero(ppc['N'][:, acc])
                    _, ii = unique(ii, return_index=True)    ## indices of w with potential non-zero cost terms from Vm or Qg
                    if any(ppc['Cw'][ii]) | ( ('H' in ppc) & (len(ppc['H']) > 0) &
                            any(any(ppc['H'][:, ii])) ):
                        stderr.write('opf_setup: attempting to solve DC OPF with user costs on Vm or Qg\n')

                # FIXME: delete sparse matrix columns
                bcc = delete(arange(ppc['N'].shape[1]), acc)
                ppc['N'] = ppc['N'].tolil()[:, bcc].tocsr()               ## delete Vm and Qg columns

    ## convert single-block piecewise-linear costs into linear polynomial cost
    pwl1 = find((ppc['gencost'][:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR) & (ppc['gencost'][:, NCOST] == 2))
    # p1 = array([])
    if len(pwl1) > 0:
        x0 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST]
        y0 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST + 1]
        x1 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST + 2]
        y1 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST + 3]
        m = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)
        b = y0 - m * x0
        ppc['gencost'][pwl1, MODEL] = POLYNOMIAL
        ppc['gencost'][pwl1, NCOST] = 2
        ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST:COST + 2] = r_['1',m.reshape(len(m),1), b.reshape(len(b),1)] # changed from ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST:COST + 2] = r_[m, b] because we need to make sure, that m and b have the same shape, resulted in a value error due to shape mismatch before

    ## create (read-only) copies of individual fields for convenience
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, gencost, _, lbu, ubu, ppopt, \
            _, fparm, H, Cw, z0, zl, zu, userfcn, _ = opf_args(ppc, ppopt)

    ## warn if there is more than one reference bus
    refs = find(bus[:, BUS_TYPE] == REF)
    if len(refs) > 1 and verbose > 0:
        errstr = '\nopf_setup: Warning: Multiple reference buses.\n' + \
            '           For a system with islands, a reference bus in each island\n' + \
            '           may help convergence, but in a fully connected system such\n' + \
            '           a situation is probably not reasonable.\n\n'

    ## set up initial variables and bounds
    gbus = gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)
    Va   = bus[:, VA] * (pi / 180.0)
    Vm   = bus[:, VM].copy()
    Vm[gbus] = gen[:, VG]   ## buses with gens, init Vm from gen data
    Pg   = gen[:, PG] / baseMVA
    Qg   = gen[:, QG] / baseMVA
    Pmin = gen[:, PMIN] / baseMVA
    Pmax = gen[:, PMAX] / baseMVA
    Qmin = gen[:, QMIN] / baseMVA
    Qmax = gen[:, QMAX] / baseMVA

    if dc:               ## DC model
        ## more problem dimensions
        nv    = 0            ## number of voltage magnitude vars
        nq    = 0            ## number of Qg vars
        q1    = array([])    ## index of 1st Qg column in Ay

        ## power mismatch constraints
        B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj = makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch)
        neg_Cg = sparse((-ones(ng), (gen[:, GEN_BUS], arange(ng))), (nb, ng))   ## Pbus w.r.t. Pg
        Amis = hstack([B, neg_Cg], 'csr')
        bmis = -(bus[:, PD] + bus[:, GS]) / baseMVA - Pbusinj

        ## branch flow constraints
        il = find((branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) & (branch[:, RATE_A] < 1e10))
        nl2 = len(il)         ## number of constrained lines
        lpf = -Inf * ones(nl2)
        upf = branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA - Pfinj[il]
        upt = branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA + Pfinj[il]

        user_vars = ['Va', 'Pg']
        ycon_vars = ['Pg', 'y']
    else:                ## AC model
        ## more problem dimensions
        nv    = nb           ## number of voltage magnitude vars
        nq    = ng           ## number of Qg vars
        q1    = ng           ## index of 1st Qg column in Ay

        ## dispatchable load, constant power factor constraints
        Avl, lvl, uvl, _  = makeAvl(baseMVA, gen)

        ## generator PQ capability curve constraints
        Apqh, ubpqh, Apql, ubpql, Apqdata = makeApq(baseMVA, gen)

        user_vars = ['Va', 'Vm', 'Pg', 'Qg']
        ycon_vars = ['Pg', 'Qg', 'y']

    ## voltage angle reference constraints
    Vau = Inf * ones(nb)
    Val = -Vau
    Vau[refs] = Va[refs]
    Val[refs] = Va[refs]

    ## branch voltage angle difference limits
    Aang, lang, uang, iang  = makeAang(baseMVA, branch, nb, ppopt)

    ## basin constraints for piece-wise linear gen cost variables
    if alg == 545 or alg == 550:     ## SC-PDIPM or TRALM, no CCV cost vars # pragma: no cover
        ny = 0
        Ay = None
        by = array([])
        ipwl = find(gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR)  ## piece-wise linear costs
        ny = ipwl.shape[0]   ## number of piece-wise linear cost vars
        Ay, by = makeAy(baseMVA, ng, gencost, 1, q1, 1+ng+nq)

    if any((gencost[:, MODEL] != POLYNOMIAL) & (gencost[:, MODEL] != PW_LINEAR)):
        stderr.write('opf_setup: some generator cost rows have invalid MODEL value\n')

    ## more problem dimensions
    nx = nb+nv + ng+nq  ## number of standard OPF control variables
    if nusr: # pragma: no cover
        nz = ppc['A'].shape[1] - nx  ## number of user z variables
        if nz < 0:
            stderr.write('opf_setup: user supplied A matrix must have at least %d columns.\n' % nx)
        nz = 0               ## number of user z variables
        if nw:               ## still need to check number of columns of N
            if ppc['N'].shape[1] != nx:
                stderr.write('opf_setup: user supplied N matrix must have %d columns.\n' % nx)

    ## construct OPF model object
    om = opf_model(ppc)
    if len(pwl1) > 0:
        om.userdata('pwl1', pwl1)

    if dc:
        om.userdata('Bf', Bf)
        om.userdata('Pfinj', Pfinj)
        om.userdata('iang', iang)
        om.add_vars('Va', nb, Va, Val, Vau)
        om.add_vars('Pg', ng, Pg, Pmin, Pmax)
        om.add_constraints('Pmis', Amis, bmis, bmis, ['Va', 'Pg']) ## nb
        om.add_constraints('Pf',  Bf[il, :], lpf, upf, ['Va'])     ## nl
        om.add_constraints('Pt', -Bf[il, :], lpf, upt, ['Va'])     ## nl
        om.add_constraints('ang', Aang, lang, uang, ['Va'])        ## nang
        om.userdata('Apqdata', Apqdata)
        om.userdata('iang', iang)
        om.add_vars('Va', nb, Va, Val, Vau)
        om.add_vars('Vm', nb, Vm, bus[:, VMIN], bus[:, VMAX])
        om.add_vars('Pg', ng, Pg, Pmin, Pmax)
        om.add_vars('Qg', ng, Qg, Qmin, Qmax)
        om.add_constraints('Pmis', nb, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('Qmis', nb, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('Sf', nl, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('St', nl, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('PQh', Apqh, array([]), ubpqh, ['Pg', 'Qg'])   ## npqh
        om.add_constraints('PQl', Apql, array([]), ubpql, ['Pg', 'Qg'])   ## npql
        om.add_constraints('vl',  Avl, lvl, uvl,   ['Pg', 'Qg'])   ## nvl
        om.add_constraints('ang', Aang, lang, uang, ['Va'])        ## nang

    ## y vars, constraints for piece-wise linear gen costs
    if ny > 0:
        om.add_vars('y', ny)
        om.add_constraints('ycon', Ay, array([]), by, ycon_vars)          ## ncony

    ## add user vars, constraints and costs (as specified via A, ..., N, ...)
    if nz > 0: # pragma: no cover
        om.add_vars('z', nz, z0, zl, zu)

    if nusr: # pragma: no cover
        om.add_constraints('usr', ppc['A'], lbu, ubu, user_vars)      ## nusr

    if nw: # pragma: no cover
        user_cost = {}
        user_cost['N'] = ppc['N']
        user_cost['Cw'] = Cw
        if len(fparm) > 0:
            user_cost['dd'] = fparm[:, 0]
            user_cost['rh'] = fparm[:, 1]
            user_cost['kk'] = fparm[:, 2]
            user_cost['mm'] = fparm[:, 3]

#        if len(H) > 0:
        user_cost['H'] = H

        om.add_costs('usr', user_cost, user_vars)

    ## execute userfcn callbacks for 'formulation' stage
    run_userfcn(userfcn, 'formulation', om)

    return om
예제 #6
파일: runpf.py 프로젝트: Anastien/PYPOWER
def runpf(casedata=None, ppopt=None, fname='', solvedcase=''):
    """Runs a power flow.

    Runs a power flow [full AC Newton's method by default] and optionally
    returns the solved values in the data matrices, a flag which is C{True} if
    the algorithm was successful in finding a solution, and the elapsed
    time in seconds. All input arguments are optional. If C{casename} is
    provided it specifies the name of the input data file or dict
    containing the power flow data. The default value is 'case9'.

    If the ppopt is provided it overrides the default PYPOWER options
    vector and can be used to specify the solution algorithm and output
    options among other things. If the 3rd argument is given the pretty
    printed output will be appended to the file whose name is given in
    C{fname}. If C{solvedcase} is specified the solved case will be written
    to a case file in PYPOWER format with the specified name. If C{solvedcase}
    ends with '.mat' it saves the case as a MAT-file otherwise it saves it
    as a Python-file.

    If the C{ENFORCE_Q_LIMS} options is set to C{True} [default is false] then
    if any generator reactive power limit is violated after running the AC
    power flow, the corresponding bus is converted to a PQ bus, with Qg at
    the limit, and the case is re-run. The voltage magnitude at the bus
    will deviate from the specified value in order to satisfy the reactive
    power limit. If the reference bus is converted to PQ, the first
    remaining PV bus will be used as the slack bus for the next iteration.
    This may result in the real power output at this generator being
    slightly off from the specified values.

    Enforcing of generator Q limits inspired by contributions from Mu Lin,
    Lincoln University, New Zealand (1/14/05).

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    ## default arguments
    if casedata is None:
        casedata = join(dirname(__file__), 'case9')
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt)

    ## options
    verbose = ppopt["VERBOSE"]
    qlim = ppopt["ENFORCE_Q_LIMS"]  ## enforce Q limits on gens?
    dc = ppopt["PF_DC"]             ## use DC formulation?

    ## read data
    ppc = loadcase(casedata)

    ## add zero columns to branch for flows if needed
    if ppc["branch"].shape[1] < QT:
        ppc["branch"] = c_[ppc["branch"],
                                  QT - ppc["branch"].shape[1] + 1))]

    ## convert to internal indexing
    ppc = ext2int(ppc)
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch = \
        ppc["baseMVA"], ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc["branch"]

    ## get bus index lists of each type of bus
    ref, pv, pq = bustypes(bus, gen)

    ## generator info
    on = find(gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0)      ## which generators are on?
    gbus = gen[on, GEN_BUS].astype(int)    ## what buses are they at?

    ##-----  run the power flow  -----
    t0 = time()
    if verbose > 0:
        v = ppver('all')
        stdout.write('PYPOWER Version %s, %s' % (v["Version"], v["Date"]))

    if dc:                               # DC formulation
        if verbose:
            stdout.write(' -- DC Power Flow\n')

        ## initial state
        Va0 = bus[:, VA] * (pi / 180)

        ## build B matrices and phase shift injections
        B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj = makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch)

        ## compute complex bus power injections [generation - load]
        ## adjusted for phase shifters and real shunts
        Pbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen).real - Pbusinj - bus[:, GS] / baseMVA

        ## "run" the power flow
        Va = dcpf(B, Pbus, Va0, ref, pv, pq)

        ## update data matrices with solution
        branch[:, [QF, QT]] = zeros((branch.shape[0], 2))
        branch[:, PF] = (Bf * Va + Pfinj) * baseMVA
        branch[:, PT] = -branch[:, PF]
        bus[:, VM] = ones(bus.shape[0])
        bus[:, VA] = Va * (180 / pi)
        ## update Pg for slack generator (1st gen at ref bus)
        ## (note: other gens at ref bus are accounted for in Pbus)
        ##      Pg = Pinj + Pload + Gs
        ##      newPg = oldPg + newPinj - oldPinj
        refgen = zeros(len(ref), dtype=int)
        for k in range(len(ref)):
            temp = find(gbus == ref[k])
            refgen[k] = on[temp[0]]
        gen[refgen, PG] = gen[refgen, PG] + (B[ref, :] * Va - Pbus[ref]) * baseMVA

        success = 1
    else:                                ## AC formulation
        alg = ppopt['PF_ALG']
        if verbose > 0:
            if alg == 1:
                solver = 'Newton'
            elif alg == 2:
                solver = 'fast-decoupled, XB'
            elif alg == 3:
                solver = 'fast-decoupled, BX'
            elif alg == 4:
                solver = 'Gauss-Seidel'
                solver = 'unknown'
            print(' -- AC Power Flow (%s)\n' % solver)

        ## initial state
        # V0    = ones(bus.shape[0])            ## flat start
        V0  = bus[:, VM] * exp(1j * pi/180 * bus[:, VA])
        V0[gbus] = gen[on, VG] / abs(V0[gbus]) * V0[gbus]

        if qlim:
            ref0 = ref                         ## save index and angle of
            Varef0 = bus[ref0, VA]             ##   original reference bus(es)
            limited = []                       ## list of indices of gens @ Q lims
            fixedQg = zeros(gen.shape[0])      ## Qg of gens at Q limits

        repeat = True
        while repeat:
            ## build admittance matrices
            Ybus, Yf, Yt = makeYbus(baseMVA, bus, branch)

            ## compute complex bus power injections [generation - load]
            Sbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen)

            ## run the power flow
            alg = ppopt["PF_ALG"]
            if alg == 1:
                V, success, _ = newtonpf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, ref, pv, pq, ppopt)
            elif alg == 2 or alg == 3:
                Bp, Bpp = makeB(baseMVA, bus, branch, alg)
                V, success, _ = fdpf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, Bp, Bpp, ref, pv, pq, ppopt)
            elif alg == 4:
                V, success, _ = gausspf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, ref, pv, pq, ppopt)
                stderr.write('Only Newton''s method, fast-decoupled, and '
                             'Gauss-Seidel power flow algorithms currently '

            ## update data matrices with solution
            bus, gen, branch = pfsoln(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, Ybus, Yf, Yt, V, ref, pv, pq)

            if qlim:             ## enforce generator Q limits
                ## find gens with violated Q constraints
                gen_status = gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0
                qg_max_lim = gen[:, QG] > gen[:, QMAX]
                qg_min_lim = gen[:, QG] < gen[:, QMIN]
                mx = find( gen_status & qg_max_lim )
                mn = find( gen_status & qg_min_lim )
                if len(mx) > 0 or len(mn) > 0:  ## we have some Q limit violations
                    # No PV generators
                    if len(pv) == 0:
                        if verbose:
                            if len(mx) > 0:
                                print('Gen %d [only one left] exceeds upper Q limit : INFEASIBLE PROBLEM\n' % mx + 1)
                                print('Gen %d [only one left] exceeds lower Q limit : INFEASIBLE PROBLEM\n' % mn + 1)

                        success = 0

                    ## one at a time?
                    if qlim == 2:    ## fix largest violation, ignore the rest
                        k = argmax(r_[gen[mx, QG] - gen[mx, QMAX],
                                      gen[mn, QMIN] - gen[mn, QG]])
                        if k > len(mx):
                            mn = mn[k - len(mx)]
                            mx = []
                            mx = mx[k]
                            mn = []

                    if verbose and len(mx) > 0:
                        for i in range(len(mx)):
                            print('Gen ' + str(mx[i] + 1) + ' at upper Q limit, converting to PQ bus\n')

                    if verbose and len(mn) > 0:
                        for i in range(len(mn)):
                            print('Gen ' + str(mn[i] + 1) + ' at lower Q limit, converting to PQ bus\n')

                    ## save corresponding limit values
                    fixedQg[mx] = gen[mx, QMAX]
                    fixedQg[mn] = gen[mn, QMIN]
                    mx = r_[mx, mn].astype(int)

                    ## convert to PQ bus
                    gen[mx, QG] = fixedQg[mx]      ## set Qg to binding 
                    for i in range(len(mx)):            ## [one at a time, since they may be at same bus]
                        gen[mx[i], GEN_STATUS] = 0        ## temporarily turn off gen,
                        bi = gen[mx[i], GEN_BUS]   ## adjust load accordingly,
                        bus[bi, [PD, QD]] = (bus[bi, [PD, QD]] - gen[mx[i], [PG, QG]])
                    if len(ref) > 1 and any(bus[gen[mx, GEN_BUS], BUS_TYPE] == REF):
                        raise ValueError('Sorry, PYPOWER cannot enforce Q '
                                         'limits for slack buses in systems '
                                         'with multiple slacks.')
                    bus[gen[mx, GEN_BUS].astype(int), BUS_TYPE] = PQ   ## & set bus type to PQ

                    ## update bus index lists of each type of bus
                    ref_temp = ref
                    ref, pv, pq = bustypes(bus, gen)
                    if verbose and ref != ref_temp:
                        print('Bus %d is new slack bus\n' % ref)

                    limited = r_[limited, mx].astype(int)
                    repeat = 0 ## no more generator Q limits violated
                repeat = 0     ## don't enforce generator Q limits, once is enough

        if qlim and len(limited) > 0:
            ## restore injections from limited gens [those at Q limits]
            gen[limited, QG] = fixedQg[limited]    ## restore Qg value,
            for i in range(len(limited)):               ## [one at a time, since they may be at same bus]
                bi = gen[limited[i], GEN_BUS]           ## re-adjust load,
                bus[bi, [PD, QD]] = bus[bi, [PD, QD]] + gen[limited[i], [PG, QG]]
                gen[limited[i], GEN_STATUS] = 1           ## and turn gen back on
            if ref != ref0:
                ## adjust voltage angles to make original ref bus correct
                bus[:, VA] = bus[:, VA] - bus[ref0, VA] + Varef0

    ppc["et"] = time() - t0
    ppc["success"] = success

    ##-----  output results  -----
    ## convert back to original bus numbering & print results
    ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc["branch"] = bus, gen, branch
    results = int2ext(ppc)

    ## zero out result fields of out-of-service gens & branches
    if len(results["order"]["gen"]["status"]["off"]) > 0:
        results["gen"][ix_(results["order"]["gen"]["status"]["off"], [PG, QG])] = 0

    if len(results["order"]["branch"]["status"]["off"]) > 0:
        results["branch"][ix_(results["order"]["branch"]["status"]["off"], [PF, QF, PT, QT])] = 0

    if fname:
        fd = None
            fd = open(fname, "a")
        except Exception as detail:
            stderr.write("Error opening %s: %s.\n" % (fname, detail))
            if fd is not None:
                printpf(results, fd, ppopt)
        printpf(results, stdout, ppopt)

    ## save solved case
    if solvedcase:
        savecase(solvedcase, results)

    return results, success
예제 #7
def opf_setup(ppc, ppopt):
    """Constructs an OPF model object from a PYPOWER case dict.

    Assumes that ppc is a PYPOWER case dict with internal indexing,
    all equipment in-service, etc.

    @see: L{opf}, L{ext2int}, L{opf_execute}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ## options
    dc  = ppopt['PF_DC']        ## 1 = DC OPF, 0 = AC OPF
    alg = ppopt['OPF_ALG']
    verbose = ppopt['VERBOSE']

    ## data dimensions
    nb = ppc['bus'].shape[0]    ## number of buses
    nl = ppc['branch'].shape[0] ## number of branches
    ng = ppc['gen'].shape[0]    ## number of dispatchable injections
    if 'A' in ppc:
        nusr = ppc['A'].shape[0]    ## number of linear user constraints
        nusr = 0

    if 'N' in ppc:
        nw = ppc['N'].shape[0]      ## number of general cost vars, w
        nw = 0

    if dc:
        ## ignore reactive costs for DC
        ppc['gencost'], _ = pqcost(ppc['gencost'], ng)

        ## reduce A and/or N from AC dimensions to DC dimensions, if needed
        if nusr or nw:
            acc = r_[nb + arange(nb), 2 * nb + ng + arange(ng)]   ## Vm and Qg columns

            if nusr and (ppc['A'].shape[1] >= 2*nb + 2*ng):
                ## make sure there aren't any constraints on Vm or Qg
                if ppc['A'][:, acc].nnz > 0:
                    stderr.write('opf_setup: attempting to solve DC OPF with user constraints on Vm or Qg\n')

                # FIXME: delete sparse matrix columns
                bcc = delete(arange(ppc['A'].shape[1]), acc)
                ppc['A'] = ppc['A'].tolil()[:, bcc].tocsr()           ## delete Vm and Qg columns

            if nw and (ppc['N'].shape[1] >= 2*nb + 2*ng):
                ## make sure there aren't any costs on Vm or Qg
                if ppc['N'][:, acc].nnz > 0:
                    ii, _ = nonzero(ppc['N'][:, acc])
                    _, ii = unique(ii, return_index=True)    ## indices of w with potential non-zero cost terms from Vm or Qg
                    if any(ppc['Cw'][ii]) | ( ('H' in ppc) & (len(ppc['H']) > 0) &
                            any(any(ppc['H'][:, ii])) ):
                        stderr.write('opf_setup: attempting to solve DC OPF with user costs on Vm or Qg\n')

                # FIXME: delete sparse matrix columns
                bcc = delete(arange(ppc['N'].shape[1]), acc)
                ppc['N'] = ppc['N'].tolil()[:, bcc].tocsr()               ## delete Vm and Qg columns

    ## convert single-block piecewise-linear costs into linear polynomial cost
    pwl1 = find((ppc['gencost'][:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR) & (ppc['gencost'][:, NCOST] == 2))
    # p1 = array([])
    if len(pwl1) > 0:
        x0 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST]
        y0 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST + 1]
        x1 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST + 2]
        y1 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST + 3]
        m = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)
        b = y0 - m * x0
        ppc['gencost'][pwl1, MODEL] = POLYNOMIAL
        ppc['gencost'][pwl1, NCOST] = 2
        ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST:COST + 2] = r_[m, b]

    ## create (read-only) copies of individual fields for convenience
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, gencost, _, lbu, ubu, ppopt, \
            _, fparm, H, Cw, z0, zl, zu, userfcn, _ = opf_args(ppc, ppopt)

    ## warn if there is more than one reference bus
    refs = find(bus[:, BUS_TYPE] == REF)
    if len(refs) > 1 and verbose > 0:
        errstr = '\nopf_setup: Warning: Multiple reference buses.\n' + \
            '           For a system with islands, a reference bus in each island\n' + \
            '           may help convergence, but in a fully connected system such\n' + \
            '           a situation is probably not reasonable.\n\n'

    ## set up initial variables and bounds
    gbus = gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)
    Va   = bus[:, VA] * (pi / 180.0)
    Vm   = bus[:, VM].copy()
    Vm[gbus] = gen[:, VG]   ## buses with gens, init Vm from gen data
    Pg   = gen[:, PG] / baseMVA
    Qg   = gen[:, QG] / baseMVA
    Pmin = gen[:, PMIN] / baseMVA
    Pmax = gen[:, PMAX] / baseMVA
    Qmin = gen[:, QMIN] / baseMVA
    Qmax = gen[:, QMAX] / baseMVA

    if dc:               ## DC model
        ## more problem dimensions
        nv    = 0            ## number of voltage magnitude vars
        nq    = 0            ## number of Qg vars
        q1    = array([])    ## index of 1st Qg column in Ay

        ## power mismatch constraints
        B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj = makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch)
        neg_Cg = sparse((-ones(ng), (gen[:, GEN_BUS], arange(ng))), (nb, ng))   ## Pbus w.r.t. Pg
        Amis = hstack([B, neg_Cg], 'csr')
        bmis = -(bus[:, PD] + bus[:, GS]) / baseMVA - Pbusinj

        ## branch flow constraints
        il = find((branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) & (branch[:, RATE_A] < 1e10))
        nl2 = len(il)         ## number of constrained lines
        lpf = -Inf * ones(nl2)
        upf = branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA - Pfinj[il]
        upt = branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA + Pfinj[il]

        user_vars = ['Va', 'Pg']
        ycon_vars = ['Pg', 'y']
    else:                ## AC model
        ## more problem dimensions
        nv    = nb           ## number of voltage magnitude vars
        nq    = ng           ## number of Qg vars
        q1    = ng           ## index of 1st Qg column in Ay

        ## dispatchable load, constant power factor constraints
        Avl, lvl, uvl, _  = makeAvl(baseMVA, gen)

        ## generator PQ capability curve constraints
        Apqh, ubpqh, Apql, ubpql, Apqdata = makeApq(baseMVA, gen)

        user_vars = ['Va', 'Vm', 'Pg', 'Qg']
        ycon_vars = ['Pg', 'Qg', 'y']

    ## voltage angle reference constraints
    Vau = Inf * ones(nb)
    Val = -Vau
    Vau[refs] = Va[refs]
    Val[refs] = Va[refs]

    ## branch voltage angle difference limits
    Aang, lang, uang, iang  = makeAang(baseMVA, branch, nb, ppopt)

    ## basin constraints for piece-wise linear gen cost variables
    if alg == 545 or alg == 550:     ## SC-PDIPM or TRALM, no CCV cost vars
        ny = 0
        Ay = None
        by = array([])
        ipwl = find(gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR)  ## piece-wise linear costs
        ny = ipwl.shape[0]   ## number of piece-wise linear cost vars
        Ay, by = makeAy(baseMVA, ng, gencost, 1, q1, 1+ng+nq)

    if any((gencost[:, MODEL] != POLYNOMIAL) & (gencost[:, MODEL] != PW_LINEAR)):
        stderr.write('opf_setup: some generator cost rows have invalid MODEL value\n')

    ## more problem dimensions
    nx = nb+nv + ng+nq;  ## number of standard OPF control variables
    if nusr:
        nz = ppc['A'].shape[1] - nx  ## number of user z variables
        if nz < 0:
            stderr.write('opf_setup: user supplied A matrix must have at least %d columns.\n' % nx)
        nz = 0               ## number of user z variables
        if nw:               ## still need to check number of columns of N
            if ppc['N'].shape[1] != nx:
                stderr.write('opf_setup: user supplied N matrix must have %d columns.\n' % nx)

    ## construct OPF model object
    om = opf_model(ppc)
    if len(pwl1) > 0:
        om.userdata('pwl1', pwl1)

    if dc:
        om.userdata('Bf', Bf)
        om.userdata('Pfinj', Pfinj)
        om.userdata('iang', iang)
        om.add_vars('Va', nb, Va, Val, Vau)
        om.add_vars('Pg', ng, Pg, Pmin, Pmax)
        om.add_constraints('Pmis', Amis, bmis, bmis, ['Va', 'Pg']) ## nb
        om.add_constraints('Pf',  Bf[il, :], lpf, upf, ['Va'])     ## nl
        om.add_constraints('Pt', -Bf[il, :], lpf, upt, ['Va'])     ## nl
        om.add_constraints('ang', Aang, lang, uang, ['Va'])        ## nang
        om.userdata('Apqdata', Apqdata)
        om.userdata('iang', iang)
        om.add_vars('Va', nb, Va, Val, Vau)
        om.add_vars('Vm', nb, Vm, bus[:, VMIN], bus[:, VMAX])
        om.add_vars('Pg', ng, Pg, Pmin, Pmax)
        om.add_vars('Qg', ng, Qg, Qmin, Qmax)
        om.add_constraints('Pmis', nb, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('Qmis', nb, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('Sf', nl, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('St', nl, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('PQh', Apqh, array([]), ubpqh, ['Pg', 'Qg'])   ## npqh
        om.add_constraints('PQl', Apql, array([]), ubpql, ['Pg', 'Qg'])   ## npql
        om.add_constraints('vl',  Avl, lvl, uvl,   ['Pg', 'Qg'])   ## nvl
        om.add_constraints('ang', Aang, lang, uang, ['Va'])        ## nang

    ## y vars, constraints for piece-wise linear gen costs
    if ny > 0:
        om.add_vars('y', ny)
        om.add_constraints('ycon', Ay, array([]), by, ycon_vars)          ## ncony

    ## add user vars, constraints and costs (as specified via A, ..., N, ...)
    if nz > 0:
        om.add_vars('z', nz, z0, zl, zu)

    if nusr:
        om.add_constraints('usr', ppc['A'], lbu, ubu, user_vars)      ## nusr

    if nw:
        user_cost = {}
        user_cost['N'] = ppc['N']
        user_cost['Cw'] = Cw
        if len(fparm) > 0:
            user_cost['dd'] = fparm[:, 0]
            user_cost['rh'] = fparm[:, 1]
            user_cost['kk'] = fparm[:, 2]
            user_cost['mm'] = fparm[:, 3]

#        if len(H) > 0:
        user_cost['H'] = H

        om.add_costs('usr', user_cost, user_vars)

    ## execute userfcn callbacks for 'formulation' stage
    run_userfcn(userfcn, 'formulation', om)

    return om
예제 #8
def _runpf(casedata=None, init='flat', ac=True, Numba=True, ppopt=None):
    """Runs a power flow.

    Similar to runpf() from pypower. See Pypower documentation for more information.

    Changes by University of Kassel (Florian Schaefer):
        Numba can be used for pf calculations.
        Changes in structure (AC as well as DC PF can be calculated)

    ## default arguments
    if casedata is None:
        casedata = join(dirname(__file__), 'case9')
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt)

    ## options
    verbose = ppopt["VERBOSE"]

    ## read data
    ppci = loadcase(casedata)

    # get data for calc
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch = \
        ppci["baseMVA"], ppci["bus"], ppci["gen"], ppci["branch"]

    ## get bus index lists of each type of bus
    ref, pv, pq = bustypes(bus, gen)

    ## generator info
    on = find(gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0)  ## which generators are on?
    gbus = gen[on, GEN_BUS].astype(int)  ## what buses are they at?

    ##-----  run the power flow  -----
    t0 = time()

    if not ac or (ac and init == 'dc'):  # DC formulation
        if verbose:
            print(' -- DC Power Flow\n')

        ## initial state
        Va0 = bus[:, VA] * (pi / 180)

        ## build B matrices and phase shift injections
        B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj = makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch)

        ## compute complex bus power injections [generation - load]
        ## adjusted for phase shifters and real shunts
        Pbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen) - Pbusinj - bus[:, GS] / baseMVA

        ## "run" the power flow
        Va = dcpf(B, Pbus, Va0, ref, pv, pq)

        ## update data matrices with solution
        branch[:, [QF, QT]] = zeros((branch.shape[0], 2))
        branch[:, PF] = (Bf * Va + Pfinj) * baseMVA
        branch[:, PT] = -branch[:, PF]
        bus[:, VM] = ones(bus.shape[0])
        bus[:, VA] = Va * (180 / pi)
        ## update Pg for slack generator (1st gen at ref bus)
        ## (note: other gens at ref bus are accounted for in Pbus)
        ##      Pg = Pinj + Pload + Gs
        ##      newPg = oldPg + newPinj - oldPinj

        refgen = zeros(len(ref), dtype=int)
        for k in range(len(ref)):
            temp = find(gbus == ref[k])
            refgen[k] = on[temp[0]]
            PG] = gen[refgen, PG] + (B[ref, :] * Va - Pbus[ref]) * baseMVA
        success = 1

        if ac and init == 'dc':
            # get results from DC powerflow for AC powerflow
            ppci["bus"], ppci["gen"], ppci["branch"] = bus, gen, branch

    if ac:  ## AC formulation
        # options
        qlim = ppopt["ENFORCE_Q_LIMS"]  ## enforce Q limits on gens?

        ## check if numba is available and the corresponding flag
            from numba import _version as nb_version

            # get Numba Version (in order to use it it must be > 0.25)
            nbVersion = float(nb_version.version_version[:4])

            if nbVersion < 0.25:
                    'Warning: Numba version too old -> Upgrade to a version > 0.25. Numba is disabled\n'
                Numba = False

        except ImportError:
            # raise UserWarning('Numba cannot be imported. Call runpp() with Numba=False!')
                'Warning: Numba cannot be imported. Numba is disabled. Call runpp() with Numba=False!\n'
            Numba = False

        if Numba:
            from pandapower.pypower_extensions.makeYbus import makeYbus
            from pypower.makeYbus import makeYbus

        alg = ppopt['PF_ALG']
        if verbose > 0:
            if alg == 1:
                solver = 'Newton'
            elif alg == 2:
                solver = 'fast-decoupled, XB'
            elif alg == 3:
                solver = 'fast-decoupled, BX'
            elif alg == 4:
                solver = 'Gauss-Seidel'
                solver = 'unknown'
            print(' -- AC Power Flow (%s)\n' % solver)

        ## initial state
        # V0    = ones(bus.shape[0])            ## flat start
        V0 = bus[:, VM] * exp(1j * pi / 180 * bus[:, VA])
        V0[gbus] = gen[on, VG] / abs(V0[gbus]) * V0[gbus]

        if qlim:
            ref0 = ref  ## save index and angle of
            Varef0 = bus[ref0, VA]  ##   original reference bus(es)
            limited = []  ## list of indices of gens @ Q lims
            fixedQg = zeros(gen.shape[0])  ## Qg of gens at Q limits

        repeat = True
        while repeat:
            ## build admittance matrices
            Ybus, Yf, Yt = makeYbus(baseMVA, bus, branch)

            ## compute complex bus power injections [generation - load]
            Sbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen)

            ## run the power flow
            alg = ppopt["PF_ALG"]
            if alg == 1:
                V, success, _ = newtonpf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, ref, pv, pq, ppopt,
            elif alg == 2 or alg == 3:
                Bp, Bpp = makeB(baseMVA, bus, branch, alg)
                V, success, _ = fdpf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, Bp, Bpp, ref, pv, pq,
            elif alg == 4:
                V, success, _ = gausspf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, ref, pv, pq, ppopt)
                raise ValueError(
                    'Only Newton'
                    's method, fast-decoupled, and '
                    'Gauss-Seidel power flow algorithms currently '

            ## update data matrices with solution
            bus, gen, branch = pfsoln(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, Ybus, Yf, Yt,
                                      V, ref, pv, pq)

            if qlim:  ## enforce generator Q limits
                ## find gens with violated Q constraints
                gen_status = gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0
                qg_max_lim = gen[:, QG] > gen[:, QMAX]
                qg_min_lim = gen[:, QG] < gen[:, QMIN]

                mx = find(gen_status & qg_max_lim)
                mn = find(gen_status & qg_min_lim)

                if len(mx) > 0 or len(
                        mn) > 0:  ## we have some Q limit violations
                    # No PV generators
                    if len(pv) == 0:
                        if verbose:
                            if len(mx) > 0:
                                    'Gen %d [only one left] exceeds upper Q limit : INFEASIBLE PROBLEM\n'
                                    % mx + 1)
                                    'Gen %d [only one left] exceeds lower Q limit : INFEASIBLE PROBLEM\n'
                                    % mn + 1)

                        success = 0

                    ## one at a time?
                    if qlim == 2:  ## fix largest violation, ignore the rest
                        k = argmax(r_[gen[mx, QG] - gen[mx, QMAX],
                                      gen[mn, QMIN] - gen[mn, QG]])
                        if k > len(mx):
                            mn = mn[k - len(mx)]
                            mx = []
                            mx = mx[k]
                            mn = []

                    if verbose and len(mx) > 0:
                        for i in range(len(mx)):
                            print('Gen ' + str(mx[i] + 1) +
                                  ' at upper Q limit, converting to PQ bus\n')

                    if verbose and len(mn) > 0:
                        for i in range(len(mn)):
                            print('Gen ' + str(mn[i] + 1) +
                                  ' at lower Q limit, converting to PQ bus\n')

                    ## save corresponding limit values
                    fixedQg[mx] = gen[mx, QMAX]
                    fixedQg[mn] = gen[mn, QMIN]
                    mx = r_[mx, mn].astype(int)

                    ## convert to PQ bus
                    gen[mx, QG] = fixedQg[mx]  ## set Qg to binding
                    for i in range(
                    ):  ## [one at a time, since they may be at same bus]
                            GEN_STATUS] = 0  ## temporarily turn off gen,
                        bi = gen[mx[i], GEN_BUS]  ## adjust load accordingly,
                        bus[bi, [PD, QD]] = (bus[bi, [PD, QD]] -
                                             gen[mx[i], [PG, QG]])

                    if len(ref) > 1 and any(bus[gen[mx, GEN_BUS].astype(int),
                                                BUS_TYPE] == REF):
                        raise ValueError('Sorry, PYPOWER cannot enforce Q '
                                         'limits for slack buses in systems '
                                         'with multiple slacks.')

                    bus[gen[mx, GEN_BUS].astype(int),
                        BUS_TYPE] = PQ  ## & set bus type to PQ

                    ## update bus index lists of each type of bus
                    ref_temp = ref
                    ref, pv, pq = bustypes(bus, gen)
                    if verbose and ref != ref_temp:
                        print('Bus %d is new slack bus\n' % ref)

                    limited = r_[limited, mx].astype(int)
                    repeat = 0  ## no more generator Q limits violated
                repeat = 0  ## don't enforce generator Q limits, once is enough

        if qlim and len(limited) > 0:
            ## restore injections from limited gens [those at Q limits]
            gen[limited, QG] = fixedQg[limited]  ## restore Qg value,
            for i in range(
                        )):  ## [one at a time, since they may be at same bus]
                bi = gen[limited[i], GEN_BUS]  ## re-adjust load,
                    [PD, QD]] = bus[bi, [PD, QD]] + gen[limited[i], [PG, QG]]
                gen[limited[i], GEN_STATUS] = 1  ## and turn gen back on

                #            if ref != ref0:
                #                ## adjust voltage angles to make original ref bus correct
                #                bus[:, VA] = bus[:, VA] - bus[ref0, VA] + Varef0

    ppci["et"] = time() - t0
    ppci["success"] = success

    ##-----  output results  -----
    ppci["bus"], ppci["gen"], ppci["branch"] = bus, gen, branch
    results = ppci

    return results, success