예제 #1
def get_valid():
    ''' This function returns:
            A list of lists ('valid_primes') where all primes in each sub-list
            are valid and have the same number of digits (starting at 1 digit
            in index 0). All valid primes are contained within the lists
            A dictionary ('valid_digits') with primes as keys and the number of
            digits in the corresponding keys as values.
            A dictionary ('valid_bits') with primes as keys and a bit
            representation of which digits (1-9) are in the corresponding key
            as values. A 1 in the nth bit means the key contains the digit n+1
        A prime is considered valid if it is < 10**8 and has no zeroes or
        repeating digits. '''
    primes = primes_to(10**8)
    valid_digits = defaultdict(int)
    valid_bits = defaultdict(int)
    valid_primes = [[] for _ in range(8)]
    shifts = [(1<<n) for n in range(10)]
    for n in primes:
        found = 0
        orig = n
        digits = 0
        while n:
            n, d = divmod(n, 10)
            if d == 0 or (shifts[d-1] & found):
            found |= shifts[d-1]
            digits += 1
            valid_primes[digits-1] += [orig]
            valid_digits[orig] = digits
            valid_bits[orig] = found
    return valid_primes, valid_digits, valid_bits
예제 #2
def main():
    ''' Driver function '''
    total = 0
    mult = {1: 3, 3: 1, 5: 7, 7: 5}
    for p in primes_to(10**8)[2:]:
        total += (mult[p % 8] * p - 3) // 8
예제 #3
def semiprime_below(end):
    ''' Determine how many semiprimes are below 'end' '''
    total = 0
    primes = primes_to(end)
    for i, p in enumerate(primes[:bisect(primes, int(end**0.5))]):
        total += bisect(primes, end // p) - i
    return total
예제 #4
def main():
    ''' Driver function '''
    end = 10**1
    mod = 10**9 + 7
    primes = primes_to(end)
    pi = prime_count(primes, end)
    values = k_values(pi, set(primes), end)
    print(product(values, mod))
예제 #5
def main():
    ''' Driver function '''
    total = 3
    end = int(1e8)
    primes = set(primes_to(end))
    total += check_lines(6, end, 36, primes)
    total += check_lines(30, end, 36, primes)
    total += check_lines(10, end, 12, primes)
예제 #6
def main():
    ''' Driver function '''
    end = 10**5
    primes = primes_to(2 * end + 1)
    points = point_primes(end, primes)
    vals = [[n**2 + 1, 1] for n in range(end)]
    for n in range(10**2):
        result = find_point(vals, points, n)
        if not result:
예제 #7
def main():
    ''' Driver function '''
    end = 10**7
    primes = primes_to(end // 2)
    total = 0
    for i, p1 in enumerate(primes):
        if p1**2 > end:
        for p2 in primes[i + 1:]:
            if p1 * p2 > end:
            total += M(p1, p2, end)
예제 #8
def get_cube_fill_bases(end):
    ''' Returns the set of all possible prime factorizations (disregarding
    exponents) for cube-filled numbers up to 'end' '''
    primes = primes_to(int(end**(1 / 3)) + 1)
    all_bases = cur_bases = {(p, ) for p in primes}
    while any(cur_bases):
        new_bases = set()
        for factors in cur_bases:
            start = bisect(primes, factors[-1])
            highest_val = int(end**(1 / 3) / reduce(mul, factors, 1))
            stop = bisect(primes, highest_val)
            new_bases |= {factors + (p, ) for p in primes[start:stop]}
        cur_bases = new_bases
        all_bases |= new_bases
    return all_bases
예제 #9
def all_S_to(n):
    ''' Returns a list S such that S[x] equals S(x) (mod 10**9) in the above
    definition of S for all x <= n '''
    primes = primes_to(n)
    S = [0 for _ in range(n + 1)]
    S[0] = 1
    mod = 10**9
    # Dynamic programming solution based on finding the number of solutions to
    # a linear equation given the coefficients of the variables. Primes are
    # coefficients, the value of a variable in a given solution is the exponent
    # of its prime coefficient in the prime factorization of the number encoded
    # by the solution
    for p in primes:
        for i in range(p, n + 1):
            # If p*S[i-p] were changed to just S[i-p], this would count the
            # number of solutions to the linear equation
            S[i] = (S[i] + p * S[i - p]) % mod
    return S
예제 #10
def sum_S_to(n):
    ''' Returns the sum of values of S (as described in the problem) for all
    consecutive primes p1 and p2, p2 > p1 and 5 <= p1 <= n '''
    total = 0
    primes = primes_to(n)
    # Get p2 for last p1
    primes += [primes_nth(len(primes) + 1)]
    # The lowest positive value of n that satisfies both n = 0 (mod p2) and
    # n = p1 (mod 10**k) (k being the number of digits in p1) is S for that
    # pair of primes. The function (easily derived from modular relations)
    #    n(x) = pow_10*(x*p2 - p1*pow_10_mult_inv) + p1
    # (pow_10 is 10**k and pow_10_mult_inv is the multiplicative inverse of
    # 10**k mod p2) produces all valid values of n for a given p1,p2 pair
    for p1, p2 in zip(primes[2:-1], primes[3:]):
        p1_digits = int(log(p1, 10)) + 1
        pow_10 = 10**p1_digits
        pow_10_mult_inv = pow(pow_10, -1, p2)
        # Find the lowest value of x for which n(x) is positive
        x = int((-p1 / pow_10 + p1 * pow_10_mult_inv) / p2) + 1
        total += pow_10 * (x * p2 - p1 * pow_10_mult_inv) + p1
    return total
예제 #11
def S(n):
    ''' Implementation of the S(n) function described above '''
    n_sqr = n * n
    total = 0
    primes = primes_to(n)
    primes_set = set(primes)
    for i, a in enumerate(primes):
        # m is an integer such that if f(x) = (x*m)**2 for any natural x, f(x)
        # returns the xth perfect square divisible by a+1
        # From: https://math.stackexchange.com/a/4084884/530956
        m = 1
        for p, e in factorize(a + 1):
            m *= p**(ceil(e / 2))
        m_sqr = m * m
        x = a // n
        val = m_sqr // (a + 1)
        c = x * x * val - 1
        while (c := c + val * (2 * x + 1)) < n:
            x += 1
            if (c in primes_set) and ((b := x * m - 1)
                                      in primes_set) and (a < b < c):
                total += a + b + c