def plot_into_subplot(self, subplot): res =, 40, 8, 0, 0.1, 0.009, 1, 3, 0.01, 30, 0, 10, 0, pyprosail.Planophile) data_series = ProSAILSeries("ProSAIL Output", xdata=res[:,0], ydata=res[:,1]) subplot.add_data_series(data_series) return True
def update_plot(self, evnt): """ Event handler for frequency slider change events. """ ewt = self.sliders['EWT'].GetValue() chloro = self.sliders['Chloro'].GetValue() carot = self.sliders['Carot'].GetValue() N = self.sliders['N'].GetValue() res =, chloro, carot, 0, ewt, 0.009, 1, 3, 0.01, 30, 0, 10, 0, pyprosail.Planophile) #change the data in the series object self.series.set_xy_data(xdata=res[:,0], ydata=res[:,1]) #draw our changes on the display self.series.update()
def GetReflectance(N, chloro, caroten, brown, EWT, LMA, psoil, LAI, hot_spot, solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, view_zenith, view_azimuth, LIDF): spectrum =, chloro, caroten, brown, EWT, LMA, psoil, LAI, hot_spot, solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, view_zenith, view_azimuth, LIDF) #spectrum =, chloro, 8, 0, 0.01, .009, 1, LAI, 0.01, 30, 0, 10, 0, pyprosail.Planophile) #spectrum =, chloro, 8, 0, 0.01, .009, 1, 3, 0.01, 30, 0, 10, 0, pyprosail.Planophile) ''' arguments N - Structure co-efficient chloro - Chlorophyll content (ug per cm^2) caroten - Carotenoid content (ug per cm^2) brown - Brown pigment content (arbitrary units) EWT - Equivalent Water Thickness (cm) LMA - Leaf Mass per unit area (g per cm^2) soil_reflectance - Soil reflectance: wet soil = 0, dry soil = 1 LAI - Leaf Area Index hot_spot - Hot spot parameter solar_zenith - Solar zenith angle (degrees) solar_azimuth - Solar azimuth angle (degrees) view_zenith - View zenith angle (degrees) view_azimuth - View azimuth angle (degrees) LIDF - Leaf distibution function parameter(s) (see below) ''' return spectrum
def electrons_in_pixel(wavelength_qe, b_qe, g_qe, r_qe, nir_qe, integration_time, const, detector_pixel_width, focal_length, diameter_obscuration, diameter_apreture, scene_albedo, atmospheric_transmission, gain, gain_step, hr_from_noon, latitude, bit_depth, full_well_e, dark_current_e_per_s, read_noise_e, temperature, dark_noise_2x_temperature, dark_noise_measure_temperature): pixel_e = [] pixel_e_per_10nm = numpy.zeros((len(wavelength_qe),4)) solar_radiance = numpy.zeros(len(wavelength_qe)) # pixel_etendue_center_field # detector_pixel_width = 0.009 # mm focal_length = 1368 # mm diameter_obscuration = 29.0 # mm diameter_apreture = 89.0 # mm area_of_optics = ( diameter_apreture ** 2 - diameter_obscuration ** 2 ) / 4 * math.pi solid_angle_FOV = ( numpy.arctan( detector_pixel_width / ( 2 * focal_length ) ) * 2 ) ** 2 # steradians pixel_etendue_center_field = solid_angle_FOV * area_of_optics / 100 # sr-cm^2 print 'pixel etendue, center of field: \t', pixel_etendue_center_field, ' sr-cm2' gain_multiplier = ( 10 ** ( gain_step / 20 ) ) ** gain print 'gain: \t\t\t\t', gain, '\ngain multiplier: \t\t', gain_multiplier optics_transmission = .9 # 0-1 for w in range(0,len(wavelength_qe)): source_spectral_radiance = solar_blackbody(wavelength_qe[w]) * ( wavelength_qe[1] - wavelength_qe[0] ) * ( const[1] / const[2] ) ** 2 # W/cm2/sr/10nm spectral_radiance = source_spectral_radiance * optics_transmission * 1000.0 # mW/cm2-sr-10nm total_photon_power = spectral_radiance * pixel_etendue_center_field # mW/10nm power_per_photon = const[3] * const[0] / ( wavelength_qe[w] *1e-6) * 1000 # mW/photon/sec or mJ/photon photon_flux = total_photon_power / power_per_photon # photons/sec/10nm reflectance = crop_reflectance_vector(, chloro, caroten, brown, EWT, LMA, psoil, LAI, hot_spot, solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, view_zenith, view_azimuth, LIDF), wavelength_qe[w]) replaced_with_prosail = atmospheric_transmission * reflectance * numpy.cos( latitude * math.pi / 180.0 ) * numpy.cos( math.pi * hr_from_noon / 12.0 ) # all the reflectance modeling that PROSAIL does; careful here! Prosail may use latitude and LToD to calculate reflectance only and not take into account illumination photons_at_pixel = photon_flux * ( integration_time / 1000000.0 ) * replaced_with_prosail # photons/10nm # print 'photons in the pixel: ' + str(photons_at_pixel) # print b_qe pixel_e_per_10nm[w,0] = b_qe[w] * photons_at_pixel pixel_e_per_10nm[w,1] = g_qe[w] * photons_at_pixel pixel_e_per_10nm[w,2] = r_qe[w] * photons_at_pixel pixel_e_per_10nm[w,3] = nir_qe[w] * photons_at_pixel sum_e = numpy.zeros(4) for i in range(0, len(sum_e)): sum_e[i] = sum(pixel_e_per_10nm[:,i]) # sum_e = sum(pixel_e_per_10nm[:,0]) # sum_e = sum(pixel_e_per_10nm[:,1]) # sum_e = sum(pixel_e_per_10nm[:,2]) # sum_e = sum(pixel_e_per_10nm[:,3]) int_sum_e = [int(f) for f in sum_e] print "b,g,r,n e-: \t\t\t", int_sum_e # DN = sum_e * gain_multiplier DN = e_to_DN(sum_e * gain_multiplier, full_well_e, bit_depth) int_DN = [int(f) for f in DN] print "b,g,r,n DN: \t\t\t", int_DN # print "green e-: \t", int(sum_g) # print "red e-: \t", int(sum_r) # print "NIR e-: \t", int(sum_n) max_b = max(pixel_e_per_10nm[:,0]) max_g = max(pixel_e_per_10nm[:,1]) max_r = max(pixel_e_per_10nm[:,2]) max_n = max(pixel_e_per_10nm[:,3]) max_y = max(max_b, max_g, max_r, max_n) ''' fit_plotting(wavelength_qe, pixel_e_per_10nm[:,0], 'photons at pixel', 'wavelength [um]', 'blue photons', 'b-', max_y) fit_plotting(wavelength_qe, pixel_e_per_10nm[:,1], 'photons at pixel', 'wavelength [um]', 'green photons', 'g-', max_y) fit_plotting(wavelength_qe, pixel_e_per_10nm[:,2], 'photons at pixel', 'wavelength [um]', 'red photons', 'r-', max_y) fit_plotting(wavelength_qe, pixel_e_per_10nm[:,3], 'photons at pixel', 'wavelength [um]', 'NIR photons', 'k-', max_y) ''' # pixel_e_total = numpy.asarray() # max_y = max(solar_radiance) # fit_plotting(wavelength_qe, solar_radiance, 'solar radiance', 'wavelength [um]', 'W/cm2/sr/10nm', 'b-', max_y) # descretization_noise_e = ( full_well_e / gain_multiplier / 2 ** bit_depth ) / ( 12 ** 0.5 ) print 'Descretization Noise, e-: \t', descretization_noise_e dark_noise = dark_current_e_per_s * ( integration_time / 1000000.0 ) * 2 ** ( ( temperature -dark_noise_measure_temperature ) / dark_noise_2x_temperature ) print 'Dark Noise, e-: \t\t', dark_noise ** 0.5 print 'Read Noise, e-: \t\t', read_noise_e print 'Shot Noise, e-: \t\t', sum_e ** 0.5 noise_e = ( sum_e + dark_noise + descretization_noise_e ** 2 + read_noise_e ** 2 ) ** 0.5 # root-sum-squared noise noise_DN = e_to_DN(noise_e * gain_multiplier, full_well_e, bit_depth) print "b,g,r,n noise, DN: \t\t", noise_DN bar_plot_DN(DN, noise_DN) snr_DN = DN / noise_DN plt.annotate('SNR = ' + str(round(snr_DN[0],2)), xy=(0.25, 2), xytext=(0.25, 1),) plt.annotate('SNR = ' + str(round(snr_DN[1],2)), xy=(0.25, 2), xytext=(1.25, 1),) plt.annotate('SNR = ' + str(round(snr_DN[2],2)), xy=(0.25, 2), xytext=(2.25, 1),) plt.annotate('SNR = ' + str(round(snr_DN[3],2)), xy=(0.25, 2), xytext=(3.25, 1),) snr_DN = DN / noise_DN # bar_plot_SNR(snr_DN, 0) print "b,g,r,n SNR, DN: \t\t", snr_DN name = 'NDVI' index_DN = get_index(name, DN) index_noise = get_index_noise(name, noise_DN, index_DN, DN) # must send the standard deviation index_ann = name + ': ' + str(round(index_DN,3)) index_noise_ann = name + ' noise: ' + str(round(index_noise,3)) index_snr_ann = name + ' SNR: ' + str(round(index_DN / index_noise,2)) print index_ann print index_noise_ann print index_snr_ann plt.annotate( index_ann + '\n' + index_noise_ann + '\n' + index_snr_ann, xy=(0.25, 2), xytext=(0.1, 100),) plt.savefig('NDVI' + '_' + str(chloro) + '_' + str(LAI) + '_test.png') return
def GetReflectance(N, chloro, caroten, brown, EWT, LMA, psoil, LAI, hot_spot, solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, view_zenith, view_azimuth, LIDF): spectrum =, chloro, caroten, brown, EWT, LMA, psoil, LAI, hot_spot, solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, view_zenith, view_azimuth, LIDF) #spectrum =, chloro, 8, 0, 0.01, .009, 1, LAI, 0.01, 30, 0, 10, 0, pyprosail.Planophile) #spectrum =, chloro, 8, 0, 0.01, .009, 1, 3, 0.01, 30, 0, 10, 0, pyprosail.Planophile) return spectrum
### ITERATE PROSAIL MODELLING FOR EACH PIXEL IN THE DATA FILE. IT READS THE LAI, CHLORO AND EWT TRAIT COMBINATIONS FROM THE FILE ### ### GENERATES SPECTRA USING PROSAIL. COMPARES WITH THE ACTUAL SPECTRA FROM THE SENTINEL-2 SCENCE USING SPECTRAL ANGLE MAPPER ### ### OPTIONS TO PLOT, PAUSE AND PRINT RESULTS ARE CURRENTLY COMMENTED ### for irow in range(np.shape(data)[0]): rowvars = data.iloc[irow] if rowvars['flagsbyfiveall_1'] == 1: if rowvars['B8A_1'] > 0.1: LAI = rowvars['LAI_1'] chloro = rowvars['CAB_1'] * rowvars['LAI_1'] EWT = rowvars['CWC_1'] * rowvars['LAI_1'] solar_zenith = rowvars['sun_zenith_1'] solar_azimuth = rowvars['sun_azimuth_1'] view_zenith = rowvars['view_zenith_mean_1'] view_azimuth = rowvars['view_azimuth_mean_1'] specout =, chloro, caroten, brown, EWT, LMA, psoil, LAI, hot_spot, solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, view_zenith, view_azimuth, LIDF) # print LAI, chloro, EWT, solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, view_zenith, view_azimuth s2out = pd.DataFrame(columns={ 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7', 'B8A', 'B11', 'B12' }) s2outt = np.array([[520, 560, 665, 705, 740, 783, 865, 1610, 2190], np.zeros(9)]) for ib, band in enumerate(bandslist): weigthedvalue = 0 bandname = 'S2A_SR_AV_' + band sumvalue = np.sum(s2sens[bandname]) for ix in np.where(s2sens[bandname] != 0)[0]: iwl = np.where( (specout[:, 0] * 1000) == int(s2sens['SR_WL'].iloc[ix]))[0][0]
hot_spot = [] LAD_inclination = [] LAD_bimodality = [] s_az = [] s_za = [] v_az = [] v_za = [] nir_v = [] brightness = [] # set the wavelengths to use in calculating nir_v red_wl = 0.680 nir_wl = 0.800 # set a dummy run of prosail to find the index for each wavelength spec =, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) red_band = np.where(spec[:,0] == red_wl)[0][0] nir_band = np.where(spec[:,0] == nir_wl)[0][0] # create a function to calculate nir_v def calc_nir_v(red, nir): return nir * (nir - red) / (nir + red) # and some functions to optimize linear and logistic fits for plotting later def func_sigmoid(x, x0, k, a, c): return a / (1 + np.exp(-k * (x - x0))) + c def func_linear(x, m, b): return m * x + b def func_fit(x, y, function):
s.atmos_profile = AtmosProfile.PredefinedType(atmos_profile[atmos_profile_ind[i]]) s.aot550 = aot[i] geo.solar_a = solar_a[i] geo.solar_z = solar_z[i] geo.view_a = view_a[i] geo.view_z = view_z[i] s.geometry = geo ground_refl = ground_reflectance[ground_reflectance_ind[i]] # loop through each veg / wood / soil bundle for j in range(n_bundles): # load prosail and run the canopy model LIDF = (LAD_inclination[j], LAD_bimodality[j]) spectrum =[j], chloro[j], caroten[j], brown[j], EWT[j], LMA[j], soil_reflectance[j], LAI[j], hot_spot[j], solar_z_prosail, solar_a_prosail, view_z_prosail, view_a_prosail, LIDF) # set the prosail modeled spectrum as ground spectrum in sixs s.ground_reflectance = ground_refl(spectrum) # generate the output spectrum if target_sensor == 'custom': wavelengths, results = run_sixs_params(s, wl, output_name = output_type) else: wavelengths, results = run_sixs_params(s, output_name = output_type) # convert output to array for ease of output results = np.asarray(results) # add the modeled spectrum to the output array
import pyprosail res =, 40, 8, 0, 0.01, 0.009, 1, 3, 0.01, 30, 0, 10, 0, pyprosail.Planophile) print res