예제 #1
def cluster_on_extra_high_voltage(network, busmap, with_time=True):
    """ Create a new clustered pypsa.Network given a busmap mapping all busids
    to other busids of the same set.

    network : pypsa.Network
        Container for all network components.
    busmap : dict
        Maps old bus_ids to new bus_ids.
    with_time : bool
        If true time-varying data will also be aggregated.

    network : pypsa.Network
        Container for all network components.

    network_c = Network()

    buses = aggregatebuses(network, busmap, {
        'x': _leading(busmap, network.buses),
        'y': _leading(busmap, network.buses)

    # keep attached lines
    lines = network.lines.copy()
    mask = lines.bus0.isin(buses.index)
    lines = lines.loc[mask, :]

    # keep attached transformer
    transformers = network.transformers.copy()
    mask = transformers.bus0.isin(buses.index)
    transformers = transformers.loc[mask, :]

    io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, buses, "Bus")
    io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, lines, "Line")
    io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, transformers, "Transformer")

    if with_time:
        network_c.snapshots = network.snapshots

    # dealing with generators
    network.generators.control = "PV"
    network.generators['weight'] = 1
    new_df, new_pnl = aggregategenerators(network, busmap, with_time)
    io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, new_df, 'Generator')
    for attr, df in iteritems(new_pnl):
        io.import_series_from_dataframe(network_c, df, 'Generator', attr)

    # dealing with all other components
    aggregate_one_ports = components.one_port_components.copy()

    for one_port in aggregate_one_ports:
        new_df, new_pnl = aggregateoneport(network,
        io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, new_df, one_port)
        for attr, df in iteritems(new_pnl):
            io.import_series_from_dataframe(network_c, df, one_port, attr)


    return network_c
예제 #2
    def construct_partial_network(self, cluster, scenario):
        Compute the partial network that has been merged into a single cluster.
        The resulting network retains the external cluster buses that
        share some line with the cluster identified by `cluster`.
        These external buses will be prefixed by self.id_prefix in order to
        prevent name clashes with buses in the disaggregation

        :param cluster: Index of the cluster to disaggregate
        :return: Tuple of (partial_network, external_buses) where
        `partial_network` is the result of the partial decomposition
        and `external_buses` represent clusters adjacent to `cluster` that may
        be influenced by calculations done on the partial network.

        #Create an empty network
        partial_network = Network()

        # find all lines that have at least one bus inside the cluster
        busflags = (self.buses['cluster'] == cluster)

        def is_bus_in_cluster(conn):
            return busflags[conn]

        # Copy configurations to new network
        partial_network.snapshots = self.original_network.snapshots
        partial_network.snapshot_weightings = (
        partial_network.carriers = self.original_network.carriers

        # Collect all connectors that have some node inside the cluster

        external_buses = pd.DataFrame()

        line_types = ['lines', 'links', 'transformers']
        for line_type in line_types:
            # Copy all lines that reside entirely inside the cluster ...
                partial_network, line_type,
                    getattr(self.original_network, line_type),

            # ... and their time series
            # TODO: These are all time series, not just the ones from lines
            #       residing entirely in side the cluster.
            #       Is this a problem?
            setattr(partial_network, line_type + '_t',
                    getattr(self.original_network, line_type + '_t'))

            # Copy all lines whose `bus0` lies within the cluster
            left_external_connectors = filter_left_external_connector(
                getattr(self.original_network, line_type), is_bus_in_cluster)

            if not left_external_connectors.empty:
                f = lambda x: self.idx_prefix + self.clustering.busmap.loc[x]
                ca_option = pd.get_option('mode.chained_assignment')
                pd.set_option('mode.chained_assignment', None)
                left_external_connectors.loc[:, 'bus0'] = (
                    left_external_connectors.loc[:, 'bus0'].apply(f))
                pd.set_option('mode.chained_assignment', ca_option)
                external_buses = pd.concat(
                    (external_buses, left_external_connectors.bus0))

            # Copy all lines whose `bus1` lies within the cluster
            right_external_connectors = filter_right_external_connector(
                getattr(self.original_network, line_type), is_bus_in_cluster)
            if not right_external_connectors.empty:
                f = lambda x: self.idx_prefix + self.clustering.busmap.loc[x]
                ca_option = pd.get_option('mode.chained_assignment')
                pd.set_option('mode.chained_assignment', None)
                right_external_connectors.loc[:, 'bus1'] = (
                    right_external_connectors.loc[:, 'bus1'].apply(f))
                pd.set_option('mode.chained_assignment', ca_option)
                external_buses = pd.concat(
                    (external_buses, right_external_connectors.bus1))

        # Collect all buses that are contained in or somehow connected to the
        # cluster

        buses_in_lines = self.buses[busflags].index

        bus_types = [
            'loads', 'generators', 'stores', 'storage_units',

        # Copy all values that are part of the cluster
        partial_network.buses = self.original_network.buses[

        # Collect all buses that are external, but connected to the cluster ...
        externals_to_insert = self.clustered_network.buses[
                map(lambda x: x[0][len(self.idx_prefix):],

        # ... prefix them to avoid name clashes with buses from the original
        # network ...

        # .. and insert them as well as their time series
        partial_network.buses = (
        partial_network.buses_t = self.original_network.buses_t

        # TODO: Rename `bustype` to on_bus_type
        for bustype in bus_types:
            # Copy loads, generators, ... from original network to network copy
                partial_network, bustype,
                filter_buses(getattr(self.original_network, bustype),

            # Collect on-bus components from external, connected clusters
            buses_to_insert = filter_buses(
                getattr(self.clustered_network, bustype),
                map(lambda x: x[0][len(self.idx_prefix):],

            # Prefix their external bindings
            buses_to_insert.loc[:, 'bus'] = (self.idx_prefix +
                                             buses_to_insert.loc[:, 'bus'])

            setattr(partial_network, bustype,
                    getattr(partial_network, bustype).append(buses_to_insert))

            # Also copy their time series
            setattr(partial_network, bustype + '_t',
                    getattr(self.original_network, bustype + '_t'))
            # Note: The code above copies more than necessary, because it
            #       copies every time series for `bustype` from the original
            #       network and not only the subset belonging to the partial
            #       network. The commented code below tries to filter the time
            #       series accordingly, but there must be bug somewhere because
            #       using it, the time series in the clusters and sums of the
            #       time series after disaggregation don't match up.
            series = getattr(self.original_network, bustype + '_t')
            partial_series = type(series)()
            for s in series:
                partial_series[s] = series[s].loc[
                        getattr(partial_network, bustype)
            setattr(partial_network, bustype + '_t', partial_series)

        # Just a simple sanity check
        # TODO: Remove when sure that disaggregation will not go insane anymore
        for line_type in line_types:
            assert (getattr(partial_network, line_type).bus0.isin(
            assert (getattr(partial_network, line_type).bus1.isin(

        return partial_network, external_buses