예제 #1
파일: nicolas.py 프로젝트: tbetcke/PyPWDG
def bubblematerial(c=1, N=20, dt=0.05, gridpoints=100, plotoutput=True):
    """ Calculate first arrival times for a wave travelling through NicolasBubble using a wavefront method
        that is then interpolated onto a grid
            c: baseline wave speed
            N: number of points to put on initial wavefront
            dt: timestep (the wavefront implementation uses forward Euler)
            gridpoints: number of points to resolve on the grid
            plotoutput: whether to display output
            A 2D array containing the first arrival times at the points on the grid
    bounds = [[0, 1], [0, 1]]  # The x-axis and y-axis bounds for the domain
    npoints = [gridpoints, gridpoints]  # The number of points to (eventually) resolve in the grid

    speed = NicolasBubble()
    if plotoutput:
        pom.output2dfn(bounds, speed, npoints, show=False)  # plot the speed function
    slowness = lambda x: 1 / speed(x)
    gradslowness = prw.gradient(slowness, 1e-6)  # A very crude numerical gradient

    #    These two lines would initialise a plane wave entering the domain
    #    x0 = np.vstack((np.linspace(0,1,N), np.zeros(N))).T
    #    p0 = np.vstack((np.zeros(N), np.ones(N))).T

    #    These three lines initialise a source
    angles = np.linspace(-1e-2, math.pi + 1e-2, N)
    p0 = np.vstack((np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles))).T
    x0 = np.array([0.5, 0]) + dt * p0

    #    Perform the wavefront tracking
    wfs, idxs = prw.wavefront(x0, p0, slowness, gradslowness, dt, 1.25 / c, 0.1)
    if plotoutput:
        erw.plotwavefront(wfs, idxs, bounds)  # plot the wavefronts

    #    Use SciPy's interpolation (which doesn't work well when there are multiple arrival times)
    #    phasefn = interpolatephase(wfs, dt)
    #    pom.output2dfn(bounds, phasefn, npoints, show=False, type='contour')

    #    Home-brew interpolation:
    sp = pug.StructuredPoints(np.array(bounds).T, npoints)  # Define the points onto which we're going to interpolate
    initialbox = [[0.4, 0], [0.6, 0.1]]  # The vertices of a box that contain (some of) the first wave front
    pointinfo = prw.StructuredPointInfo(
        sp, sp.getPoints(initialbox)[0]
    )  # Obtain the indices of the points that are in the initial box
    h = np.max((sp.upper - sp.lower) / sp.npoints)  # The (maximum) grid spacing
    _, phases = prw.nodesToDirsAndPhases(
        wfs, idxs, pointinfo, lookback=int(math.ceil(h / (c * dt)))
    )  # perform the interpolation

    firstphase = (
        np.array([p[0] if len(p) > 0 else -1 for p in phases]) * dt
    )  # We only care about the first phase found per point

    #    pom.image(firstphase, (M+1,M+1), np.array(bounds))
    if plotoutput:
        pom.contour(pointinfo.points, firstphase, npoints)
    return firstphase.reshape(npoints)
예제 #2
def getetob(wavefronts, forwardidxs, mesh, bdys):
    vtods, _ = prw.nodesToDirsAndPhases(wavefronts, forwardidxs, mesh, bdys)
    etods = etodsfromvtods(mesh, vtods)
    etob = [[pcb.PlaneWaves(ds, k=10)] if len(ds) else [] for ds in etods]
    return etob