예제 #1
 def testStructureVectorMul(self):
     blocks = [np.array([[1], [2]]), np.array([[3], [4]]), np.array([[1], [2], [3]])]
     indices = np.array([0, 2, 2], dtype=int)
     indptr = np.array([0, 2, 2, 3], dtype=int)
     bsizei = [2, 2, 3]
     bsizej = [1, 1, 1]
     M = pus.vbsr_matrix(blocks, indices, indptr, bsizei, bsizej)
     v = M * np.array([1, 3, 2])
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(v, M.tocsr().todense() * np.mat([1, 3, 2]).transpose()))
예제 #2
 def setUp(self):
     # VS1 is an example variable size block matrix
     blocks = [np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), np.array([[1], [2]]), np.array([[1], [2], [3]])]
     indices = np.array([0, 1, 1], dtype=int)
     indptr = np.array([0, 2, 3], dtype=int)
     bsizei = [2, 3]
     bsizej = [2, 1]
     self.VS1 = pus.vbsr_matrix(blocks, indices, indptr, bsizei, bsizej)
     self.VS1D = self.VS1.tocsr().todense()
예제 #3
    def testMul(self):
        from scipy.sparse import eye, csr_matrix

        block = np.array([[1.0, 2], [3, 4]])
        indices = np.array([0, 1], dtype=int)
        indptr = np.array([0, 1, 2], dtype=int)
        bsizei = [2, 2]
        bsizej = [2, 2]
        # Construct a 2x2 block matrix of 2x2 blocks
        b = pus.vbsr_matrix([block, block], indices, indptr, bsizei, bsizej)
        # Multiply by the identity at the block level
        bi = b * eye(2, 2)
        self.assertTrue((b.tocsr().todense() == bi.tocsr().todense()).all())

        # Try the same things with VS1
        VS1i = self.VS1 * eye(2, 2)
        self.assertTrue((self.VS1D == VS1i.tocsr().todense()).all())

        # Repeat the identity tests with left multiplication
        ib = b.__rmul__(eye(2, 2))
        self.assertTrue((b.tocsr().todense() == ib.tocsr().todense()).all())

        iVS1 = self.VS1.__rmul__(eye(2, 2))
        self.assertTrue((self.VS1D == iVS1.tocsr().todense()).all())

        # Now try summing some rows
        x = csr_matrix(np.mat([[1], [1]]))
        bx = b * x
        self.assertTrue((bx.tocsr().todense() == np.bmat([[block], [block]])).all())

        # Check that this won't work on the matrix with variable (and incompatible) block sizes
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: self.VS1 * x)

        # Sum some columns:
        xb = b.__rmul__(x.transpose())
        self.assertTrue((xb.tocsr().todense() == np.bmat([[block, block]])).all())