예제 #1
def test_get_osfhandle():
    fid = open(str(udir.join('validate_test.txt')), 'w')
    fd = fid.fileno()
    raises(OSError, rwin32.get_osfhandle, fd)
예제 #2
    def win32_fstat_llimpl(fd):
        handle = rwin32.get_osfhandle(fd)
        filetype = win32traits.GetFileType(handle)
        if filetype == win32traits.FILE_TYPE_CHAR:
            # console or LPT device
            return make_stat_result(
                (win32traits._S_IFCHR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
        elif filetype == win32traits.FILE_TYPE_PIPE:
            # socket or named pipe
            return make_stat_result(
                (win32traits._S_IFIFO, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
        elif filetype == win32traits.FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
            error = rwin32.GetLastError()
            if error != 0:
                raise WindowsError(error, "os_fstat failed")
            # else: unknown but valid file

        # normal disk file (FILE_TYPE_DISK)
        info = lltype.malloc(win32traits.BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION,
            res = win32traits.GetFileInformationByHandle(handle, info)
            if res == 0:
                raise WindowsError(rwin32.GetLastError(), "os_fstat failed")
            return by_handle_info_to_stat(info)
            lltype.free(info, flavor='raw')
예제 #3
    def win32_fstat_llimpl(fd):
        handle = rwin32.get_osfhandle(fd)
        filetype = win32traits.GetFileType(handle)
        if filetype == win32traits.FILE_TYPE_CHAR:
            # console or LPT device
            return make_stat_result((win32traits._S_IFCHR,
                                     0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                     0, 0, 0, 0))
        elif filetype == win32traits.FILE_TYPE_PIPE:
            # socket or named pipe
            return make_stat_result((win32traits._S_IFIFO,
                                     0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                     0, 0, 0, 0))
        elif filetype == win32traits.FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
            error = rwin32.GetLastError()
            if error != 0:
                raise WindowsError(error, "os_fstat failed")
            # else: unknown but valid file

        # normal disk file (FILE_TYPE_DISK)
        info = lltype.malloc(win32traits.BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION,
                             flavor='raw', zero=True)
            res = win32traits.GetFileInformationByHandle(handle, info)
            if res == 0:
                raise WindowsError(rwin32.GetLastError(), "os_fstat failed")
            return by_handle_info_to_stat(info)
            lltype.free(info, flavor='raw')
예제 #4
 def ftruncate_win32(fd, size):
     curpos = os.lseek(fd, 0, 1)
         # move to the position to be truncated
         os.lseek(fd, size, 0)
         # Truncate.  Note that this may grow the file!
         handle = get_osfhandle(fd)
         if not SetEndOfFile(handle):
             raise WindowsError(GetLastError(), "Could not truncate file")
         # we restore the file pointer position in any case
         os.lseek(fd, curpos, 0)
예제 #5
파일: streamio.py 프로젝트: Debug-Orz/Sypy
 def ftruncate_win32(fd, size):
     curpos = os.lseek(fd, 0, 1)
         # move to the position to be truncated
         os.lseek(fd, size, 0)
         # Truncate.  Note that this may grow the file!
         handle = get_osfhandle(fd)
         if not SetEndOfFile(handle):
             raise WindowsError(GetLastError(),
                                "Could not truncate file")
         # we restore the file pointer position in any case
         os.lseek(fd, curpos, 0)
예제 #6
    def mmap(fileno, length, tagname="", access=_ACCESS_DEFAULT, offset=0):
        # XXX flags is or-ed into access by now.
        flags = 0
        # check size boundaries
        map_size = length
        if offset < 0:
            raise RValueError("negative offset")

        flProtect = 0
        dwDesiredAccess = 0
        fh = NULL_HANDLE

        if access == ACCESS_READ:
            flProtect = PAGE_READONLY
            dwDesiredAccess = FILE_MAP_READ
        elif access == _ACCESS_DEFAULT or access == ACCESS_WRITE:
            flProtect = PAGE_READWRITE
            dwDesiredAccess = FILE_MAP_WRITE
        elif access == ACCESS_COPY:
            flProtect = PAGE_WRITECOPY
            dwDesiredAccess = FILE_MAP_COPY
            raise RValueError("mmap invalid access parameter.")

        # assume -1 and 0 both mean invalid file descriptor
        # to 'anonymously' map memory.
        if fileno != -1 and fileno != 0:
            fh = rwin32.get_osfhandle(fileno)
            # Win9x appears to need us seeked to zero
            # SEEK_SET = 0
            # libc._lseek(fileno, 0, SEEK_SET)

            # check file size
                low, high = _get_file_size(fh)
            except OSError:
                pass  # ignore non-seeking files and errors and trust map_size
                if not high and low <= sys.maxint:
                    size = low
                    # not so sure if the signed/unsigned strictness is a good idea:
                    high = rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, high)
                    low = rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, low)
                    size = (high << 32) + low
                    size = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, size)
                if map_size == 0:
                    if offset > size:
                        raise RValueError(
                            "mmap offset is greater than file size")
                    map_size = int(size - offset)
                    if map_size != size - offset:
                        raise RValueError("mmap length is too large")
                elif offset + map_size > size:
                    raise RValueError("mmap length is greater than file size")

        m = MMap(access, offset)
        m.file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE
        m.map_handle = INVALID_HANDLE
        if fh:
            # it is necessary to duplicate the handle, so the
            # Python code can close it on us
            handle_ref = lltype.malloc(LPHANDLE.TO, 1, flavor='raw')
            handle_ref[0] = m.file_handle
                res = DuplicateHandle(
                    GetCurrentProcess(),  # source process handle
                    fh,  # handle to be duplicated
                    GetCurrentProcess(),  # target process handle
                    handle_ref,  # result
                    0,  # access - ignored due to options value
                    False,  # inherited by child procs?
                    DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)  # options
                if not res:
                    raise rwin32.lastWindowsError()
                m.file_handle = handle_ref[0]
                lltype.free(handle_ref, flavor='raw')

            if not map_size:
                low, high = _get_file_size(fh)
                if _64BIT:
                    map_size = (low << 32) + 1
                    if high:
                        # file is too large to map completely
                        map_size = -1
                        map_size = low

        if tagname:
            m.tagname = tagname

        # DWORD is a 4-byte int. If int > 4-byte it must be divided
        if _64BIT:
            size_hi = (map_size + offset) >> 32
            size_lo = (map_size + offset) & 0xFFFFFFFF
            offset_hi = offset >> 32
            offset_lo = offset & 0xFFFFFFFF
            size_hi = 0
            size_lo = map_size + offset
            offset_hi = 0
            offset_lo = offset

        flProtect |= flags
        m.map_handle = CreateFileMapping(m.file_handle, NULL, flProtect,
                                         size_hi, size_lo, m.tagname)

        if m.map_handle:
            data = MapViewOfFile(m.map_handle, dwDesiredAccess, offset_hi,
                                 offset_lo, length)
            if data:
                # XXX we should have a real LPVOID which must always be casted
                charp = rffi.cast(LPCSTR, data)
                m.setdata(charp, map_size)
                return m
        winerror = rwin32.lastWindowsError()
        if m.map_handle:
        m.map_handle = INVALID_HANDLE
        raise winerror
예제 #7
파일: rmmap.py 프로젝트: Debug-Orz/Sypy
    def mmap(fileno, length, tagname="", access=_ACCESS_DEFAULT, offset=0):
        # XXX flags is or-ed into access by now.
        flags = 0
        # check size boundaries
        map_size = length
        if offset < 0:
            raise RValueError("negative offset")

        flProtect = 0
        dwDesiredAccess = 0
        fh = NULL_HANDLE

        if access == ACCESS_READ:
            flProtect = PAGE_READONLY
            dwDesiredAccess = FILE_MAP_READ
        elif access == _ACCESS_DEFAULT or access == ACCESS_WRITE:
            flProtect = PAGE_READWRITE
            dwDesiredAccess = FILE_MAP_WRITE
        elif access == ACCESS_COPY:
            flProtect = PAGE_WRITECOPY
            dwDesiredAccess = FILE_MAP_COPY
            raise RValueError("mmap invalid access parameter.")

        # assume -1 and 0 both mean invalid file descriptor
        # to 'anonymously' map memory.
        if fileno != -1 and fileno != 0:
            fh = rwin32.get_osfhandle(fileno)
            # Win9x appears to need us seeked to zero
            # SEEK_SET = 0
            # libc._lseek(fileno, 0, SEEK_SET)

            # check file size
                low, high = _get_file_size(fh)
            except OSError:
                pass     # ignore non-seeking files and errors and trust map_size
                if not high and low <= sys.maxint:
                   size = low
                    # not so sure if the signed/unsigned strictness is a good idea:
                    high = rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, high)
                    low = rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, low)
                    size = (high << 32) + low
                    size = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, size)
                if map_size == 0:
                    if offset > size:
                        raise RValueError(
                            "mmap offset is greater than file size")
                    map_size = int(size - offset)
                    if map_size != size - offset:
                        raise RValueError("mmap length is too large")
                elif offset + map_size > size:
                    raise RValueError("mmap length is greater than file size")

        m = MMap(access, offset)
        m.file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE
        m.map_handle = INVALID_HANDLE
        if fh:
            # it is necessary to duplicate the handle, so the
            # Python code can close it on us
            handle_ref = lltype.malloc(LPHANDLE.TO, 1, flavor='raw')
            handle_ref[0] = m.file_handle
                res = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), # source process handle
                                      fh, # handle to be duplicated
                                      GetCurrentProcess(), # target process handle
                                      handle_ref, # result
                                      0, # access - ignored due to options value
                                      False, # inherited by child procs?
                                      DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) # options
                if not res:
                    raise rwin32.lastWindowsError()
                m.file_handle = handle_ref[0]
                lltype.free(handle_ref, flavor='raw')

            if not map_size:
                low, high = _get_file_size(fh)
                if _64BIT:
                    map_size = (low << 32) + 1
                    if high:
                        # file is too large to map completely
                        map_size = -1
                        map_size = low

        if tagname:
            m.tagname = tagname

        # DWORD is a 4-byte int. If int > 4-byte it must be divided
        if _64BIT:
            size_hi = (map_size + offset) >> 32
            size_lo = (map_size + offset) & 0xFFFFFFFF
            offset_hi = offset >> 32
            offset_lo = offset & 0xFFFFFFFF
            size_hi = 0
            size_lo = map_size + offset
            offset_hi = 0
            offset_lo = offset

        flProtect |= flags
        m.map_handle = CreateFileMapping(m.file_handle, NULL, flProtect,
                                         size_hi, size_lo, m.tagname)

        if m.map_handle:
            data = MapViewOfFile(m.map_handle, dwDesiredAccess,
                                 offset_hi, offset_lo, length)
            if data:
                # XXX we should have a real LPVOID which must always be casted
                charp = rffi.cast(LPCSTR, data)
                m.setdata(charp, map_size)
                return m
        winerror = rwin32.lastWindowsError()
        if m.map_handle:
        m.map_handle = INVALID_HANDLE
        raise winerror