예제 #1
def test_call_classes():
    class A: pass
    class B(A): pass
    def f(i):
        if i == 1:
            cls = B
            cls = A
        return cls()
    res = interpret(f, [0], type_system='ootype')
    assert ootype.dynamicType(res)._name.split(".")[-1] == 'A'
    res = interpret(f, [1], type_system='ootype')
    assert ootype.dynamicType(res)._name.split(".")[-1] == 'B'
예제 #2
파일: gencl.py 프로젝트: TheDunn/flex-pypy
 def declare_constant_instance(self, const):
     # const.concretetype is Instance
     if const in self.declarations:
         return self.declarations[const][0]
     name = "+const" + str(self.constcount) + "+"
     INST = dynamicType(const.value)
     inst = oodowncast(INST, const.value)
     cls = clrepr(INST)
     const_declaration = []
     const_declaration.append("(defvar %s nil)" % clrepr(name, True))
     const_declaration.append("(setf %s (make-instance %s))" % (clrepr(name, True),
                                                                clrepr(cls, True)))
     fields = INST._allfields()
     for fieldname in fields:
         fieldvalue = getattr(inst, fieldname)
         if isinstance(fieldvalue, _class):
         fieldvaluerepr = clrepr(getattr(inst, fieldname))
         ### XXX
         const_declaration.append("(setf (slot-value %s '%s) %s)" % (clrepr(name, True),
                                                                     clrepr(fieldname, True),
                                                                     clrepr(fieldvaluerepr, True)))
     const_declaration = "\n".join(const_declaration)
     self.declarations[const] = (name, const_declaration)
     self.constcount += 1
     return name
예제 #3
파일: inline.py 프로젝트: njues/Sypy
def _find_exception_type(block):
    #XXX slightly brittle: find the exception type for simple cases
    #(e.g. if you do only raise XXXError) by doing pattern matching
    currvar = block.exits[0].args[1]
    ops = block.operations
    i = len(ops) - 1
    while True:
        if isinstance(currvar, Constant):
            value = currvar.value
            if isinstance(typeOf(value), ootype.Instance):
                TYPE = ootype.dynamicType(value)
                TYPE = typeOf(normalizeptr(value))
            return TYPE, block.exits[0]
        if i < 0:
            return None, None
        op = ops[i]
        i -= 1
        if op.opname in ("same_as", "cast_pointer", "ooupcast",
                         "oodowncast") and op.result is currvar:
            currvar = op.args[0]
        elif op.opname == "malloc" and op.result is currvar:
            return Ptr(op.args[0].value), block.exits[0]
        elif op.opname == "new" and op.result is currvar:
            return op.args[0].value, block.exits[0]
예제 #4
파일: node.py 프로젝트: TheDunn/flex-pypy
    def render(self):
        codef = CodeFormatter(self.gen)
        # XXX use CodeFormatter throughout here
        yield self.render_fileout_header(
                "%s class" % self._class_name, "internals")
        message = Message("setupConstants")
        yield codef.format(message.with_args([]))
        yield "    Constants := Dictionary new."
        for const, const_id in self.constants.iteritems():
            INST = dynamicType(const.value)
            inst = oodowncast(INST, const.value)
            field_names = INST._allfields().keys()
            field_values = [getattr(inst, f) for f in field_names]
            new = Message("new").send_to(INST, [])
            init_message = Message("fieldInit").send_to(new, field_values)
            yield "    Constants at: '%s' put: %s." \
                    % (const_id, codef.format(init_message))
        yield "! !"
        yield ""

        yield self.render_fileout_header(
                "%s class" % self._class_name, "internals")
        arg = CustomVariable("constId")
        get_message = Message("getConstant")
        yield codef.format(get_message.with_args([arg]))
        yield "    ^ Constants at: constId"
        yield "! !"
예제 #5
파일: test_oopbc.py 프로젝트: njues/Sypy
def test_call_classes():
    class A:

    class B(A):

    def f(i):
        if i == 1:
            cls = B
            cls = A
        return cls()

    res = interpret(f, [0], type_system='ootype')
    assert ootype.dynamicType(res)._name.split(".")[-1] == 'A'
    res = interpret(f, [1], type_system='ootype')
    assert ootype.dynamicType(res)._name.split(".")[-1] == 'B'
예제 #6
파일: inline.py 프로젝트: TheDunn/flex-pypy
def _find_exception_type(block):
    #XXX slightly brittle: find the exception type for simple cases
    #(e.g. if you do only raise XXXError) by doing pattern matching
    currvar = block.exits[0].args[1]
    ops = block.operations
    i = len(ops)-1
    while True:
        if isinstance(currvar, Constant):
            value = currvar.value
            if isinstance(typeOf(value), ootype.Instance):
                TYPE = ootype.dynamicType(value)
                TYPE = typeOf(normalizeptr(value))
            return TYPE, block.exits[0]
        if i < 0:
            return None, None
        op = ops[i]
        i -= 1
        if op.opname in ("same_as", "cast_pointer", "ooupcast", "oodowncast") and op.result is currvar:
            currvar = op.args[0]
        elif op.opname == "malloc" and op.result is currvar:
            return Ptr(op.args[0].value), block.exits[0]
        elif op.opname == "new" and op.result is currvar:
            return op.args[0].value, block.exits[0]
예제 #7
파일: tool.py 프로젝트: antoine1fr/pygirl
 def read_attr(self, value, attr):
     value = ootype.oodowncast(ootype.dynamicType(value), value)
     return getattr(value, "o" + attr)
예제 #8
파일: tool.py 프로젝트: antoine1fr/pygirl
 def class_name(self, value):
     return ootype.dynamicType(value)._name.split(".")[-1] 
예제 #9
 def read_attr(self, value, attr):
     value = ootype.oodowncast(ootype.dynamicType(value), value)
     return getattr(value, "o" + attr)
예제 #10
 def class_name(self, value):
     return ootype.dynamicType(value)._name.split(".")[-1]
예제 #11
파일: node.py 프로젝트: TheDunn/flex-pypy
 def dependencies(self):
     # Important: Field initializers for the *runtime* type
     return [FieldInitializerNode(self.gen, dynamicType(c.value))
         for c in self.constants.iterkeys()] + \
         [ClassNode(self.gen, self.CONSTANTS, class_vars=["Constants"])]
예제 #12
파일: node.py 프로젝트: TheDunn/flex-pypy
 def render_block(self, block):
     if self.loops.has_key(block):
         if not self.loops[block]:
             yield '"skip1"'
         yield "["
     if block.exitswitch is c_last_exception:
         yield "["
     formatter = OpFormatter(self.gen, self)
     for op in block.operations:
         yield "%s." % formatter.format(op)
     if len(block.exits) == 0:
         for line in self.render_return(block.inputargs):
             yield line
     elif block.exitswitch is None:
         # single-exit block
         assert len(block.exits) == 1
         for line in self.render_link(block.exits[0]):
             yield line
     elif block.exitswitch is c_last_exception:
         # exception branching
         # wuah. ugly!
         codef = formatter.codef
         exc_var = self.gen.unique_name(("var", "exception"), "exception")
         yield "] on: %s do: [:%s |" \
                 % (codef.format(self.OPERATION_ERROR), exc_var)
         exc_exits = []
         non_exc_exit = None
         for exit in block.exits:
             if exit.exitcase is None:
                 non_exc_exit = exit
         for exit in exc_exits:
             yield "(%s type isKindOf: %s) ifTrue: [" \
                     % (exc_var, codef.format(dynamicType(exit.llexitcase)))
             if exit.last_exception is not None:
                 yield "%s := %s type." \
                         % (codef.format(exit.last_exception), exc_var)
             if exit.last_exc_value is not None:
                 yield "%s := %s value." \
                         % (codef.format(exit.last_exc_value), exc_var)
             for line in self.render_link(exit):
                 yield line
             yield "] ifFalse: ["
         for exit in exc_exits:
             yield "]"
         yield "]."
         for line in self.render_link(non_exc_exit):
             yield line
         if self.loops.has_key(block):
             if self.loops[block]:
                 self.loops[block] = False
                 yield "%s] whileTrue: [" % self.codef.format(block.exitswitch)
                 for line in self.render_link(block.exits[True]):
                     yield "    %s" % line
                 yield "]."
                 for line in self.render_link(block.exits[False]):
                     yield "%s" % line
             yield "%s ifTrue: [" % self.codef.format(block.exitswitch)
             for line in self.render_link(block.exits[True]):
                 yield "    %s" % line
             yield "] ifFalse: [" 
             for line in self.render_link(block.exits[False]):
                 yield "    %s" % line
             yield "]"