예제 #1
def test_get_formatted_iterable_nested():
    """Straight deepish copy with no formatting."""
    # dict containing dict, list, dict-list-dict, tuple, dict-tuple-list
    input_obj = {
        'k4': [
            1, 2, '3here', {
                'key4.1': 'value4.1',
                'key4.2': 'value4.2',
                'key4.3': {
                    '4.3.1': '4.3.1value',
                    '4.3.2': '4.3.2value'
        'k5': {
            'key5.1': 'value5.1',
            'key5.2': 'value5.2'
        'k6': ('six6.1', False, [0, 1, 2], 77, 'sixend'),
        'simple string to close 7'

    context = Context({
        'ctx1': 'ctxvalue1',
        'ctx2': 'ctxvalue2',
        'ctx3': 'ctxvalue3'

    output = context.get_formatted_iterable(input_obj)

    assert output == input_obj
    assert output is not context
    # verify this was a deep copy - obj refs has to be different for nested
    assert id(output['k4']) != id(input_obj['k4'])
    assert id(output['k4'][3]['key4.3']) != id(input_obj['k4'][3]['key4.3'])
    assert id(output['k5']) != id(input_obj['k5'])
    assert id(output['k6']) != id(input_obj['k6'])
    assert id(output['k6'][2]) != id(input_obj['k6'][2])
    assert id(output['k7']) == id(input_obj['k7'])

    # and proving the theory: mutating output does not touch input
    assert output['k4'][1] == 2
    output['k4'][1] = 88
    assert input_obj['k4'][1] == 2
    assert output['k4'][1] == 88
예제 #2
def test_get_formatted_iterable_set():
    """Simple set"""
    input_obj = {'k1', 'k2', '{ctx3}', True, False, 44}

    context = Context({
        'ctx1': 'ctxvalue1',
        'ctx2': 'ctxvalue2',
        'ctx3': 'ctxvalue3'

    output = context.get_formatted_iterable(input_obj)

    assert output is not input_obj
    assert len(output) == len(input_obj)
    diffs = output - input_obj
    assert len(diffs) == 1
    assert 'ctxvalue3' in diffs
예제 #3
def test_get_formatted_iterable_tuple():
    """Simple tuple"""
    input_obj = ('k1', 'k2', '{ctx3}', True, False, 44)

    context = Context({
        'ctx1': 'ctxvalue1',
        'ctx2': 'ctxvalue2',
        'ctx3': 'ctxvalue3'

    output = context.get_formatted_iterable(input_obj)

    assert output is not input_obj
    assert output[0] == 'k1'
    assert output[1] == 'k2'
    assert output[2] == 'ctxvalue3'
    assert output[3]
    assert not output[4]
    assert output[5] == 44
예제 #4
def test_get_formatted_iterable_with_memo():
    """Straight deepish copy with formatting."""

    arb_dict = {
        'key4.1': 'value4.1',
        '{ctx2}_key4.2': 'value_{ctx3}_4.2',
        'key4.3': {
            '4.3.1': '4.3.1value',
            '4.3.2': '4.3.2_{ctx1}_value'

    arb_list = [0, 1, 2]

    arb_string = 'arb string'

    arb_string_with_formatting = 'a {ctx1} string'

    input_obj = {
        'k1': arb_string,
        'k2': 'v2_{ctx1}',
        'k3': arb_list,
        'k4': [arb_dict, 2, '3_{ctx4}here', arb_dict],
        'k5': {
            'key5.1': arb_string,
            'key5.2': arb_string_with_formatting
        'k6': ('six6.1', False, arb_list, 77, 'six_{ctx1}_end'),
        'k7': 'simple string to close 7',
        'k8': arb_string_with_formatting

    context = Context({
        'ctx1': 'ctxvalue1',
        'ctx2': 'ctxvalue2',
        'ctx3': 'ctxvalue3',
        'ctx4': 'ctxvalue4'

    output = context.get_formatted_iterable(input_obj)

    # same obj re-used at different levels of the hierarchy
    assert id(input_obj['k3']) == id(input_obj['k6'][2])
    assert id(input_obj['k4'][0]) == id(input_obj['k4'][3])

    assert output != input_obj

    # verify formatted strings
    assert input_obj['k2'] == 'v2_{ctx1}'
    assert output['k2'] == 'v2_ctxvalue1'

    assert input_obj['k4'][2] == '3_{ctx4}here'
    assert output['k4'][2] == '3_ctxvalue4here'

    assert input_obj['k4'][3]['{ctx2}_key4.2'] == 'value_{ctx3}_4.2'
    assert output['k4'][3]['ctxvalue2_key4.2'] == 'value_ctxvalue3_4.2'

    assert input_obj['k4'][3]['key4.3']['4.3.2'] == '4.3.2_{ctx1}_value'
    assert output['k4'][3]['key4.3']['4.3.2'] == '4.3.2_ctxvalue1_value'

    assert input_obj['k6'][4] == 'six_{ctx1}_end'
    assert output['k6'][4] == 'six_ctxvalue1_end'

    # verify this was a deep copy - obj refs has to be different for nested
    assert id(output['k4']) != id(input_obj['k4'])
    assert id(output['k4'][3]['key4.3']) != id(input_obj['k4'][3]['key4.3'])
    assert id(output['k5']) != id(input_obj['k5'])
    assert id(output['k6']) != id(input_obj['k6'])
    assert id(output['k6'][2]) != id(input_obj['k6'][2])
    assert id(output['k7']) == id(input_obj['k7'])
    output['k7'] = 'mutate 7 on new'
    assert input_obj['k7'] == 'simple string to close 7'
    assert input_obj['k8'] == arb_string_with_formatting
    assert output['k8'] == 'a ctxvalue1 string'

    # memo did object re-use so same obj re-used at different levels of the
    # hierarchy
    assert id(output['k3']) == id(output['k6'][2])
    assert id(output['k4']) != id(input_obj['k4'])
    assert id(output['k4'][0]) == id(output['k4'][3])
    assert output['k5']['key5.1'] == input_obj['k5']['key5.1'] == arb_string
    assert id(output['k5']['key5.1']) == id(
        input_obj['k5']['key5.1']) == id(arb_string)
    assert id(output['k8']) == id(output['k5']['key5.2'])
    assert id(output['k8']) != id(arb_string_with_formatting)
예제 #5
def test_get_formatted_iterable_nested_with_sic():
    """Straight deepish copy with formatting."""
    # dict containing dict, list, dict-list-dict, tuple, dict-tuple-list, bytes
    input_obj = {
        bytes('v3{ctx1}', encoding='utf-8'),
        'k4': [
            1, 2, '3_{ctx4}here', {
                'key4.1': 'value4.1',
                '{ctx2}_key4.2': '[sic]"value_{ctx3}_4.2"',
                'key4.3': {
                    '4.3.1': '4.3.1value',
                    '4.3.2': '4.3.2_{ctx1}_value'
        'k5': {
            'key5.1': 'value5.1',
            'key5.2': 'value5.2'
        'k6': ('six6.1', False, [0, 1, 2], 77, 'six_{ctx1}_end'),
        'simple string to close 7'

    context = Context({
        'ctx1': 'ctxvalue1',
        'ctx2': 'ctxvalue2',
        'ctx3': 'ctxvalue3',
        'ctx4': 'ctxvalue4'

    output = context.get_formatted_iterable(input_obj)

    assert output != input_obj

    # verify formatted strings
    assert input_obj['k2'] == 'v2_{ctx1}'
    assert output['k2'] == 'v2_ctxvalue1'

    assert input_obj['k3'] == b'v3{ctx1}'
    assert output['k3'] == b'v3{ctx1}'

    assert input_obj['k4'][2] == '3_{ctx4}here'
    assert output['k4'][2] == '3_ctxvalue4here'

    assert input_obj['k4'][3]['{ctx2}_key4.2'] == '[sic]"value_{ctx3}_4.2"'
    assert output['k4'][3]['ctxvalue2_key4.2'] == 'value_{ctx3}_4.2'

    assert input_obj['k4'][3]['key4.3']['4.3.2'] == '4.3.2_{ctx1}_value'
    assert output['k4'][3]['key4.3']['4.3.2'] == '4.3.2_ctxvalue1_value'

    assert input_obj['k6'][4] == 'six_{ctx1}_end'
    assert output['k6'][4] == 'six_ctxvalue1_end'

    # verify this was a deep copy - obj refs has to be different for nested
    assert id(output['k4']) != id(input_obj['k4'])
    assert id(output['k4'][3]['key4.3']) != id(input_obj['k4'][3]['key4.3'])
    assert id(output['k5']) != id(input_obj['k5'])
    assert id(output['k6']) != id(input_obj['k6'])
    assert id(output['k6'][2]) != id(input_obj['k6'][2])
    # strings are interned in python, so id is the same
    assert id(output['k7']) == id(input_obj['k7'])
    output['k7'] = 'mutate 7 on new'
    assert input_obj['k7'] == 'simple string to close 7'
    assert output['k7'] == 'mutate 7 on new'