예제 #1
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: 0shape/pyqrcode
    def png(self,
            module_color=(0, 0, 0, 255),
            background=(255, 255, 255, 255),
        """This method writes the QR code out as an PNG image. The resulting
        PNG has a bit depth of 1. The file parameter is used to specify where
        to write the image to. It can either be an writable stream or a
        file path.

        .. note::
            This method depends on the pypng module to actually create the
            PNG file.

        This method will write the given *file* out as a PNG file. The file
        can be either a string file path, or a writable stream. The file
        will not be automatically closed if a stream is given.

        The *scale* parameter sets how large to draw a single module. By
        default one pixel is used to draw a single module. This may make the
        code too small to be read efficiently. Increasing the scale will make
        the code larger. Only integer scales are usable. This method will
        attempt to coerce the parameter into an integer (e.g. 2.5 will become 2,
        and '3' will become 3). You can use the :py:meth:`get_png_size` method
        to calculate the actual pixel size of the resulting PNG image.

        The *module_color* parameter sets what color to use for the encoded
        modules (the black part on most QR codes). The *background* parameter
        sets what color to use for the background (the white part on most
        QR codes). If either parameter is set, then both must be
        set or a ValueError is raised. Colors should be specified as either
        a list or a tuple of length 3 or 4. The components of the list must
        be integers between 0 and 255. The first three member give the RGB
        color. The fourth member gives the alpha component, where 0 is
        transparent and 255 is opaque. Note, many color
        combinations are unreadable by scanners, so be judicious.

        The *quiet_zone* parameter sets how wide the quiet zone around the code
        should be. According to the standard this should be 4 modules. It is
        left settable because such a wide quiet zone is unnecessary in many
        applications where the QR code is not being printed.

            >>> code = pyqrcode.create('Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?')
            >>> code.png('swallow.png', scale=5)
            >>> code.png('swallow.png', scale=5,
                         module_color=(0x66, 0x33, 0x0),      #Dark brown
                         background=(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x88)) #50% transparent white
        builder._png(self.code, self.version, file, scale, module_color,
                     background, quiet_zone)
예제 #2
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: gltn/stdm
    def png(self, file, scale=1, module_color=(0, 0, 0, 255),
            background=(255, 255, 255, 255), quiet_zone=4):
        """This method writes the QR code out as an PNG image. The resulting
        PNG has a bit depth of 1. The file parameter is used to specify where
        to write the image to. It can either be an writable stream or a
        file path.

        .. note::
            This method depends on the pypng module to actually create the
            PNG file.

        This method will write the given *file* out as a PNG file. The file
        can be either a string file path, or a writable stream. The file
        will not be automatically closed if a stream is given.

        The *scale* parameter sets how large to draw a single module. By
        default one pixel is used to draw a single module. This may make the
        code too small to be read efficiently. Increasing the scale will make
        the code larger. Only integer scales are usable. This method will
        attempt to coerce the parameter into an integer (e.g. 2.5 will become 2,
        and '3' will become 3). You can use the :py:meth:`get_png_size` method
        to calculate the actual pixel size of the resulting PNG image.

        The *module_color* parameter sets what color to use for the encoded
        modules (the black part on most QR codes). The *background* parameter
        sets what color to use for the background (the white part on most
        QR codes). If either parameter is set, then both must be
        set or a ValueError is raised. Colors should be specified as either
        a list or a tuple of length 3 or 4. The components of the list must
        be integers between 0 and 255. The first three member give the RGB
        color. The fourth member gives the alpha component, where 0 is
        transparent and 255 is opaque. Note, many color
        combinations are unreadable by scanners, so be judicious.

        The *quiet_zone* parameter sets how wide the quiet zone around the code
        should be. According to the standard this should be 4 modules. It is
        left settable because such a wide quiet zone is unnecessary in many
        applications where the QR code is not being printed.

            >>> code = pyqrcode.create('Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?')
            >>> code.png('swallow.png', scale=5)
            >>> code.png('swallow.png', scale=5,
                         module_color=(0x66, 0x33, 0x0),      #Dark brown
                         background=(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x88)) #50% transparent white
        builder._png(self.code, self.version, file, scale,
                     module_color, background, quiet_zone)
예제 #3
    def png(self, file, scale=1, module_color=(0, 0, 0, 255),
            background=(255, 255, 255, 255), quiet_zone=4):
        """这个实例方法是把二维码写成一个 PNG 图片文件。
        作为 PNG 结果会有1个深度。
        其中 `file` 位置参数是用来描述图片存储到哪里,参数值即可以是

        .. note::
            这个方法的使用要依赖 `pypng` 模块,所以要安装模块后才能真正建立 PNG 文件。

        这个方法会把给出的 *file* 参数值写成一个 PNG 文件。
        如果使用流数据的话,参数 `file` 不会自动关闭。

        其中 *scale* 参数是设置对一个数据块要绘制多大。
        导致无法有效读取二维码。增加 `scale` 参数值会让二维码变大。
        你可以使用 :py:meth:`get_png_size` 方法来计算 PNG 图片的实际像素大小。

        其中 *module_color* 参数是设置用什么颜色来对数据块进行编码。
        其中 *background* 参数是设置背景色(大部分二维码用白色)。
        否则会抛出 `ValueError` 例外错误。颜色值应该描述成列表或元组,
        三个元素长度的参数值是 RGB 色,四个元素长度的参数值 RGBA 色,
        增加了一个透明度,alpha 成份,0表示透明,255表示不透明。

        其中 *quiet_zone* 无噪点区域参数是设置二维码周围的宽度。

            >>> code = pyqrcode.create('Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?')
            >>> code.png('swallow.png', scale=5)
            >>> code.png('swallow.png', scale=5,
                         module_color=(0x66, 0x33, 0x0),      #Dark brown
                         background=(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x88)) #50% transparent white
        builder._png(self.code, self.version, file, scale,
                     module_color, background, quiet_zone)
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, data, filename):

        version = 19
        mode = 'binary'
        error = 'M'
        """See :py:class:`pyqrcode.QRCode` for information on the parameters."""
        #Set what data we are going to use to generate
        #the QR code
        self.data = data

        #Check that the user passed in a valid mode
        if mode in tables.modes:
            self.mode = tables.modes[mode]
            raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid mode.'.format(mode))

        #Check that the user passed in a valid error level
        if error in tables.error_level:
            self.error = tables.error_level[error]
            raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid error '

        if 1 <= version <= 40:
            self.version = version
            raise ValueError("Illegal version {0}, version must be between "
                             "1 and 40.".format(version))

        #Look up the proper row for error correction code words
        self.error_code_words = tables.eccwbi[version][self.error]

        #This property will hold the binary string as it is built
        self.buffer = io.StringIO()

        #Create the binary data block
        cleaned = bytes.hex(bytes.fromhex(data))
        bytestream = ('{0:0' + str(len(cleaned) * 4) + 'b}').format(
            int(cleaned, 16))

        data = [
            int(''.join(x), 2) for x in self.grouper(8, self.buffer.getvalue())

        #This is the error information for the code
        error_info = tables.eccwbi[self.version][self.error]

        #This will hold our data blocks
        data_blocks = []

        #This will hold our error blocks
        error_blocks = []

        #Some codes have the data sliced into two different sized blocks
        #for example, first two 14 word sized blocks, then four 15 word
        #sized blocks. This means that slicing size can change over time.
        data_block_sizes = [error_info[2]] * error_info[1]
        if error_info[3] != 0:
            data_block_sizes.extend([error_info[4]] * error_info[3])

        #For every block of data, slice the data into the appropriate
        #sized block
        current_byte = 0
        for n_data_blocks in data_block_sizes:
            data_blocks.append(data[current_byte:current_byte + n_data_blocks])
            current_byte += n_data_blocks

        #I am not sure about the test after the "and". This was added to
        #fix a bug where after delimit_words padded the bit stream, a zero
        #byte ends up being added. After checking around, it seems this extra
        #byte is supposed to be chopped off, but I cannot find that in the
        #standard! I am adding it to solve the bug, I believe it is correct.
        if current_byte < len(data):
            raise ValueError('Too much data for this code version.')

        #DEBUG CODE!!!!
        #Print out the data blocks
        #print('Data Blocks:\n{0}'.format(data_blocks))

        #Calculate the error blocks
        for n, block in enumerate(data_blocks):
            error_blocks.append(self.make_error_block(block, n))

        #DEBUG CODE!!!!
        #Print out the error blocks
        #print('Error Blocks:\n{0}'.format(error_blocks))

        #Buffer we will write our data blocks into
        data_buffer = io.StringIO()

        #Add the data blocks
        #Write the buffer such that: block 1 byte 1, block 2 byte 1, etc.
        largest_block = max(error_info[2], error_info[4]) + error_info[0]
        for i in range(largest_block):
            for block in data_blocks:
                if i < len(block):
                    data_buffer.write(self.binary_string(block[i], 8))

        #Add the error code blocks.
        #Write the buffer such that: block 1 byte 1, block 2 byte 2, etc.
        for i in range(error_info[0]):
            for block in error_blocks:
                data_buffer.write(self.binary_string(block[i], 8))

        self.buffer = data_buffer

        #Create the actual QR code

        _png(self.code, version, filename, 6, (0, 0, 0, 255),
             (255, 255, 255, 255), 4)