def mouseMoved(self, pos): self.q = self._item.mapFromScene(pos) self._lastPos = self.q if (pg.Qt.QtVersion.startswith('4')): message = QtCore.QString() else: message = str() if type(message) != str: message.append("X: ") message.append("{0:.1f}".format(self.q.x())) else: message += "X: " message += "{0:.1f}".format(self.q.x()) if type(message) != str: message.append(", Y: ") message.append("{0:.1f}".format(self.q.y())) else: message += ", Y: " message += "{0:.1f}".format(self.q.y()) # print message # if self.q.x() > 0 and self.q.x() < self._geometry.wRange(self._plane): # if self.q.y() > 0 and self.q.y() < self._geometry.tRange(): self._statusBar.showMessage(message)
def mouseMoved(self, pos): self.q = self._item.mapFromScene(pos) self._lastPos = self.q offset = 0 for i in range(self._geometry.nTPCs() * self._geometry.nCryos(), 0, -1): if self.q.y() > i * (self._geometry.tRange() + self._geometry.cathodeGap()): offset = -i * (self._geometry.tRange() + self._geometry.cathodeGap()) break if (pg.Qt.QT_LIB == 'PyQt4'): message = QtCore.QString() else: message = str() if self._cmSpace: if type(message) != str: message.append("X: ") message.append("{0:.1f}".format(self.q.x() * self._geometry.wire2cm())) else: message += "X: " message += "{0:.1f}".format(self.q.x() * self._geometry.wire2cm()) else: if type(message) != str: message.append("W: ") message.append(str(int(self.q.x()))) else: message += "W: " message += str(int(self.q.x())) if self._cmSpace: if type(message) != str: message.append(", Y: ") message.append( "{0:.1f}".format((self.q.y() + offset) * self._geometry.time2cm() - self._geometry.offset(self._plane))) else: message += ", Y: " message += "{0:.1f}".format((self.q.y() + offset) * self._geometry.time2cm() - self._geometry.offset(self._plane)) else: if type(message) != str: message.append(", T: ") message.append(str(int(self.q.y() + offset))) else: message += ", T: " message += str(int(self.q.y() + offset)) max_trange = self._geometry.tRange() * self._geometry.nTPCs() if self.q.x() > 0 and self.q.x() < self._geometry.wRange(self._plane): if self.q.y() > 0 and self.q.y() < max_trange: self._statusBar.showMessage(message)
def get_control_file(self): """ Method that opens a QFileDialog to load the control file """ dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(directory=QtCore.QString('./')) dialog.setFileMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.AnyFile) dialog.setFilter('Python Files (*.py)') if dialog.exec_(): filenames = dialog.selectedFiles() self.form.lineEdit_control.setText(filenames[0]) if not self.launch_file == filenames[0]: self.control_file = filenames[0] self.check_control_file()
def get_launch_file(self): """ Method that opens a QFileDialog to load the launch file """ dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(directory=QtCore.QString('./examples')) dialog.setFileMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.AnyFile) dialog.setFilter('Launch Files (*.launch)') if dialog.exec_(): filenames = dialog.selectedFiles() self.form.lineEdit_launch.setText(filenames[0]) if not self.launch_file == filenames[0]: self.remove_drone_tabs() self.launch_file = filenames[0] self.check_launch_file() self.set_drone_tabs() self.set_signals_tabs()
def test_types(): paramSpec = [ dict(name='float', type='float'), dict(name='int', type='int'), dict(name='str', type='str'), dict(name='list', type='list', values=['x','y','z']), dict(name='dict', type='list', values={'x':1, 'y':3, 'z':7}), dict(name='bool', type='bool'), dict(name='color', type='color'), ] param = pt.Parameter.create(name='params', type='group', children=paramSpec) tree = pt.ParameterTree() tree.setParameters(param) all_objs = { 'int0': 0, 'int':7, 'float': -0.35, 'bigfloat': 1e129, 'npfloat': np.float(5), 'npint':,'npinf': np.inf, 'npnan': np.nan, 'bool': True, 'complex': 5+3j, 'str': 'xxx', 'unicode': asUnicode('µ'), 'list': [1,2,3], 'dict': {'1': 2}, 'color': pg.mkColor('k'), 'brush': pg.mkBrush('k'), 'pen': pg.mkPen('k'), 'none': None } if hasattr(QtCore, 'QString'): all_objs['qstring'] = QtCore.QString('xxxµ') # float types = ['int0', 'int', 'float', 'bigfloat', 'npfloat', 'npint', 'npinf', 'npnan', 'bool'] check_param_types(param.child('float'), float, float, 0.0, all_objs, types) # int types = ['int0', 'int', 'float', 'bigfloat', 'npfloat', 'npint', 'bool'] inttyps = int if sys.version[0] >= '3' else (int, long) check_param_types(param.child('int'), inttyps, int, 0, all_objs, types) # str (should be able to make a string out of any type) types = all_objs.keys() strtyp = str if sys.version[0] >= '3' else unicode check_param_types(param.child('str'), strtyp, asUnicode, '', all_objs, types) # bool (should be able to make a boolean out of any type?) types = all_objs.keys() check_param_types(param.child('bool'), bool, bool, False, all_objs, types) # color types = ['color', 'int0', 'int', 'float', 'npfloat', 'npint', 'list'] init = QtGui.QColor(128, 128, 128, 255) check_param_types(param.child('color'), QtGui.QColor, pg.mkColor, init, all_objs, types)
def mouseMoved(self, pos): self.q = self._item.mapFromScene(pos) self._lastPos = self.q if (pg.Qt.QT_LIB == 'PyQt4'): message = QtCore.QString() else: message = str() if self._cmSpace: if type(message) != str: message.append("X: ") message.append("{0:.1f}".format(self.q.x() * self._geometry.wire2cm())) else: message += "X: " message += "{0:.1f}".format(self.q.x() * self._geometry.wire2cm()) else: if type(message) != str: message.append("W: ") message.append(str(int(self.q.x()))) else: message += "W: " message += str(int(self.q.x())) if self._cmSpace: if type(message) != str: message.append(", Y: ") message.append( "{0:.1f}".format(self.q.y() * self._geometry.time2cm() - self._geometry.offset(self._plane))) else: message += ", Y: " message += "{0:.1f}".format(self.q.y() * self._geometry.time2cm() - self._geometry.offset(self._plane)) else: if type(message) != str: message.append(", T: ") message.append(str(int(self.q.y()))) else: message += ", T: " message += str(int(self.q.y())) # print message if self.q.x() > 0 and self.q.x() < self._geometry.wRange(self._plane): if self.q.y() > 0 and self.q.y() < self._geometry.tRange(): self._statusBar.showMessage(message)
def onMove(self, pos): act_pos = self.mapFromScene(pos) p1 = self.pointsAt(act_pos) # print ('onMove, act_pos', act_pos, 'p1', p1) if len(p1) != 0: opdet_id = p1[0].data()['id'] opdet_name = self._opdets_name[opdet_id] if (pg.Qt.QT_LIB == 'PyQt4'): message = QtCore.QString() else: message = str() if type(message) != str: message.append("OpDetName: ") message.append(opdet_name) message.append("; X: ") message.append("{0:.1f}".format(self._opdets_x[opdet_id])) message.append("; Y: ") message.append("{0:.1f}".format(self._opdets_y[opdet_id])) message.append("; Z: ") message.append("{0:.1f}".format(self._opdets_z[opdet_id])) message.append("; OpCh: ") message.append("{0:.0f}".format(opdet_id)) else: message += "OpDetName: " message += opdet_name message += "; X: " message += "{0:.1f}".format(self._opdets_x[opdet_id]) message += "; Y: " message += "{0:.1f}".format(self._opdets_y[opdet_id]) message += "; Z: " message += "{0:.1f}".format(self._opdets_z[opdet_id]) message += "; OpCh: " message += "{0:.0f}".format(opdet_id) self._statusBar.showMessage(message)
def load_assignment(assignment): print "Loading assignment " + # Update current assignment and exercise global current_assignment current_assignment = assignment global current_exercise current_exercise = assignment.exercises[0] # Load relevant instructions and background. Exercise 1 is loaded by default instructions.load( QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile( os.getcwd() + os.sep + current_exercise.instructions_url)) background.load( QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile(os.getcwd() + os.sep + assignment.background_url)) # Update info label label.setText( + ': ' + current_exercise.description) # Generate exercise drop down menu menubar = win.menuBar() exerciseMenu = menubar.addMenu('&Exercises') # Add exercises to menu for e in assignment.exercises: load_exercise_action = QtGui.QAction( QtCore.QString(, exerciseMenu) load_exercise_action.setStatusTip('Load exercise ' + # What happens when we load an exercise from the drop down menu def loadExercise(ex): #Set info label label.setText( + ': ' + ex.description) # Set instructions instructions.load( QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile(os.getcwd() + os.sep + ex.instructions_url)) # Set window title win.setWindowTitle('Sci edu ' + VERSION_ID + ": " + load_exercise_action.triggered.connect( partial(loadExercise, e)) exerciseMenu.addAction(load_exercise_action) # fileMenu.addAction(exitAction) viewMenu = menubar.addMenu('&View') # fileMenu.addAction(exitAction) helpMenu = menubar.addMenu('&Help') # Hide load window and show main window win.setWindowTitle('Sci edu ' + VERSION_ID + ": " + win.showMaximized() load_window.hide()
def open_project(self): self.pmanager = ProjectManager(); self.ui.plotWidget.clear() self.ui.plotWidget.reset_annotation() #MGM(V0.2): For erasing annotations which have been loaded for previous files. filter_pname=QtCore.QString() #MGM(V0.2): The name of filter changed to filter_pname for removing the warning pname= str(QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open Project', 'Projects','*.prj',filter_pname)) # pass to project manager if pname: self.ui.markFinishButton.setDisabled(True) self.project_directory = os.path.dirname(pname) os.chdir(self.project_directory) # read the project # ask for username and "login" the user (or add it the list of users or close the project) while 1==1: text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Input Dialog','Enter your user-name:') if ok: username=str(text); if username in self.pmanager.usernames or self.pmanager.project_info["add_new_user"] == True: self.status = "project_open" else: self.status = "project_close" break; else: choice = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Message',"Do you want to continue?", QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes |QtGui.QMessageBox.No, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if choice == QtGui.QMessageBox.No: self.status="project_close" break; # return if the project is not open if self.status == "project_close": return if username in self.pmanager.usernames: choice = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Message',"Are you "+self.pmanager.users[username]+"?", QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes |QtGui.QMessageBox.No, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if choice == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: self.status="project_open" else: self.status="project_close" elif self.pmanager.project_info["add_new_user"]: while 1==1: text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Input Dialog','Please, enter your first and last names:') if ok: self.pmanager.add_user(username,str(text)) break; else: choice = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Message',"Do you want to continue?", QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes |QtGui.QMessageBox.No, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if choice == QtGui.QMessageBox.No: self.status="project_close" break; if self.status == "project_close": return; self.current_user = username; # Now that user logged in successfully continue: # Create (if not existed) necessary directory structure (project_dir/username/root) and copy needed files self.pmanager.create_dir_structure(self.current_user) self.edfListUpdate();