def __init__(self, group_name, button_name, default_path=None, stdout=False, filter="yaml (*.yaml)"): ''' ex: PathSelector('plot.yaml', 'select', '/path/to/default/plot.yaml') :param widget parent: parent widget :param str group_name: name of this item displayed on left up :param str button_name: name displayed on button :param str default_path: default path to file ''' self.path = str(default_path) QtGui.QVBoxLayout.__init__(self, group_name) # make layouts vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() # label and button self.label = QtGui.QLabel(self.path) self.button = QtGui.QPushButton() self.button.setText(button_name) self.button.setAutoDefault(True) # set parents hbox.addWidget(self.button) hbox.addWidget(self.label) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.setLayout(vbox) self.button.clicked.connect(functools.partial(self.select_path, filter))
def warningbox(self,message): if message == 'KMS' : self.kmswarning = QtGui.QMessageBox() self.kmswarning.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning) self.kmswarning.setText('System has halted due to Kmirror E-Stop. Please standby for user reset...') self.kmswarning.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) self.kmswarning.setWindowTitle('KMirror System Emergency Stopped!') #self.kmswarning.buttonClicked.connect(self.on_warningbutton_clicked) self.kmswarning.exec_() elif message == 'tel' : self.telwarning = QtGui.QMessageBox() self.telwarning.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning) self.telwarning.setText('The telescope has unexpectedly halted normal operations. Software must be reset by user.') self.telwarning.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) self.telwarning.setWindowTitle('Telescope Emergency Stop') #self.telwarning.buttonClicked.connect(self.on_warningbutton_clicked) self.telwarning.exec_() elif message == 'hk' : self.hkwarning = QtGui.QMessageBox() self.hkwarning.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning) self.hkwarning.setText('Housekeeping as reported an error. No files are being created.') self.hkwarning.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) self.hkwarning.setWindowTitle('Housekeeping Error') #self.hkwarning.buttonClicked.connect(self.on_warningbutton_clicked) self.hkwarning.exec_()
def initheatmap(self,z1): #casts z as array for creating heatmap # z1 = np.asarray(z1) #z2 = np.asarray(self.z2) #recasting data in z as integers # z1.astype(int) #z2.astype(int) self.heatmapplot = pg.PlotItem() self.heatmapplot.setLabel('bottom', 'Row') self.heatmapplot.setLabel('left', 'Channel') self.heatmapplot.setTitle('MCE RMS Channel Noise') self.heatmap = pg.ImageView(view= self.heatmapplot) self.heatmap.setPredefinedGradient('thermal') self.heatmap.autoLevels() self.heatmap.setImage(z1) #changes levels for heatmap to create gradient at depending on the data rate self.avggrad = int(np.average(z1)) self.stddevgrad = int(np.std(z1)) # self.heatmap.setLevels(self.avggrad - (3 * self.stddevgrad), self.avggrad + (3 * self.stddevgrad)) # self.grid.addWidget(self.heatmap, 3, 2, 2, 3) # create new window for hk and fft data self.heatmapwindow = QtGui.QWidget() self.heatmapwindow.setWindowTitle('MCE RMS Noise Map') self.heatgrid = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.heatgrid.addWidget(self.heatmap, 3, 2, 2, 3) self.heatmapwindow.setGeometry(10, 10, 1920, 1080) self.heatmapwindow.setLayout(self.heatgrid)
def generatePicture(self): self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() p = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) p.setPen(pg.mkPen('w')) p = self._generate(p) p.end()
def generatePicture(self): # pre-computing a QPicture object allows paint() to run much more quickly, # rather than re-drawing the shapes every time. self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() p = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) for bi in if bi.biType == 'up': p.setPen(pg.mkPen('r')) p.drawLine( QtCore.QPointF( chan.chanBars[bi.barIndex1].closeIndex, chan.lowBar[chan.chanBars[bi.barIndex1].closeIndex]), QtCore.QPointF( chan.chanBars[bi.barIndex2].closeIndex, chan.highBar[chan.chanBars[bi.barIndex2].closeIndex])) else: p.setPen(pg.mkPen('g')) p.drawLine( QtCore.QPointF( chan.chanBars[bi.barIndex1].closeIndex, chan.highBar[chan.chanBars[bi.barIndex1].closeIndex]), QtCore.QPointF( chan.chanBars[bi.barIndex2].closeIndex, chan.lowBar[chan.chanBars[bi.barIndex2].closeIndex])) p.end()
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) width = self.width() height = self.height() top, bottom = height * .1, height * .8 left, right = width * .1, width * .8 rect = QtCore.QRect(left, top, right, bottom) painter.fillRect(rect, QtGui.QColor('black')) #painter.setWindow(rect) dist = bottom - top relval = self.threshold.signal.buffer[-1] / self.MAX relval = min(1.0, relval) reltop = (1.0 - relval) * bottom + top relbottom = height * 0.9 - reltop rect = QtCore.QRect(left, reltop, right, relbottom) color = QtGui.QColor( 'green' if self.threshold.passfail.buffer[-1] else 'red') painter.fillRect(rect, color) thr_height = self.threshold.threshold / self.MAX thr_top = (1.0 - thr_height) * bottom + top rect = QtCore.QRect(left, thr_top, right, 2) painter.fillRect(rect, QtGui.QColor('white'))
def generatePicture(self): ## pre-computing a QPicture object allows paint() to run much more quickly, ## rather than re-drawing the shapes every time. global last_pf self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() p = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) w = 1.0/3 #([1][0] -[0][0]) / 3. #last_pf =[0][2] first = True for (t, open, close, min, max, pf) in if open > close: #p.setBrush(pg.mkBrush('g')) p.setPen(pg.mkPen('g')) elif open < close: #p.setBrush(pg.mkBrush('r')) p.setPen(pg.mkPen('r')) else: p.setPen(pg.mkPen('w')) if min < max: p.drawLine(QtCore.QPointF(t, min), QtCore.QPointF(t, max)) p.drawRect(QtCore.QRectF(t-w, open, w*2, close-open)) p.setPen(pg.mkPen('y', width=1.5, style=QtCore.Qt.DashLine)) if not first: p.drawLine(QtCore.QPointF(t-1, last_pf), QtCore.QPointF(t, pf)) first = False last_pf = pf p.end()
def addVisItem(self, name, visitem): print "[detector display] received visitem=", name self.user_items[name] = visitem self.user_item_checkboxes[name] = QtGui.QCheckBox('') self.map_user_checkboxes2name[self.user_item_checkboxes[name]] = name self.user_item_checkboxes[name].setChecked(True) # connect to signal # multiple sub-objects! if type(visitem) is list: self.user_subitem_cbxs[name] = [] for ix, subitem in enumerate(visitem): self.user_subitem_cbxs[name].append(QtGui.QCheckBox('')) self.user_subitem_cbxs[name][ix].setChecked(True) # make tree widget item item = pg.TreeWidgetItem(['', name]) item.setWidget(0, self.user_item_checkboxes[name]) self.user_item_tree.addTopLevelItem(item) if type(visitem) is list: for ix in range(0, len(visitem)): subitem = visitem[ix] if hasattr(subitem, "uservisname"): subname = subitem.uservisname + "_%d" % (ix) else: subname = name + "_%d" % (ix) subitem = pg.TreeWidgetItem([subname]) item.addChild(subitem) self.user_item_tree.setItemWidget( subitem, 1, self.user_subitem_cbxs[name][ix])
def initUI(self): self.sld = QtGui.QSlider(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, self) self.lcd = QtGui.QLCDNumber(self) self.combo = QtGui.QComboBox(self) self.btn = QtGui.QPushButton('Click2') self.btn.setText("Sinogram") self.btn2 = QtGui.QPushButton("shift data") self.btn3 = QtGui.QPushButton("X 10") self.btn4 = QtGui.QPushButton("/ 10") hb = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hb.addWidget(self.btn3) hb.addWidget(self.btn4) self.btn3.setVisible(False) self.btn4.setVisible(False) self.lbl = QtGui.QLabel() self.lbl.setText("") vb = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vb.addWidget(self.combo) vb.addWidget(self.btn) vb.addWidget(self.btn2) vb.addWidget(self.lcd) vb.addWidget(self.sld) vb.addWidget(self.lbl) vb.addLayout(hb) self.setLayout(vb)
def plot_data(self, *args): #ipdb.set_trace() color_pts =[0][1]) brush = [QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(*color_pts))] self.scatter.addPoints(x=[args[0][0][0]], y=[args[0][0][1]], brush=brush)
def generatePicture(self): self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) painter.setFont(QtGui.QFont('times', 50)) painter.scale(1, -1) paint_discovered(painter, distances=self.distances, walls=self.walls) painter.end()
def init_gui(self): """ General GUI setup, if it was more complex we might want to use a ui file built in Qt Creator. """ # Create a vbox to hold the text box and both charts vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() # The hbox will keep the charts side by side. hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() # Create a text box and connect the changed signal to a slot # it would be trivial to add a 'browse' dialog, but not required for # a demo self.txt_file_path = pg.QtGui.QLineEdit() self.txt_file_path.textChanged[str].connect(self.set_file_path) # Chart specific setup self.setup_time_series_charts() self.setup_histogram_chart() # Build up the GUI vbox.addWidget(self.txt_file_path) hbox.addWidget(self.time_series_widget) hbox.addWidget(self.histogram_widget) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.central_widget = QtGui.QWidget(self) self.setCentralWidget(self.central_widget) self.central_widget.setLayout(vbox) return None
def generatePicture(self): self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() p = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) p.setPen(pg.mkPen('w', width=1 / 2.)) for (t, v) in p.drawLine(QtCore.QPointF(t, v - 2), QtCore.QPointF(t, v + 2)) p.end()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- parent : QObject """ super(ReconstructedHologramViewer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.amplitude_viewer = pg.ImageView(parent=self, name='Reconstructed amplitude') self.phase_viewer = pg.ImageView(parent=self, name='Reconstructed phase') self.fourier_mask_viewer = pg.ImageView( parent=self, name='Reconstruction Fourier mask') self.tabs = QtGui.QTabWidget() self.tabs.addTab(self.amplitude_viewer, 'Amplitude') self.tabs.addTab(self.phase_viewer, 'Phase') self.tabs.addTab(self.fourier_mask_viewer, 'Fourier mask') self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.layout.addWidget(self.tabs) self.setLayout(self.layout) # Set to maximal size, since this is the star of the show self.resize(self.maximumSize())
def __init__(self, num_processes, ip, port, ifc): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("CUWB Monitor - Network Discovery") self.central = QtGui.QWidget() self.central.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.central_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.central.setLayout(self.central_layout) self.setCentralWidget(self.central) self.network_discovery = CuwbNetworkInformationReceiver() # Save available networks to check if there are changes # when trying to refresh the list self.previous_cuwb_nets = set( self.network_discovery.available_networks.values()) self.num_processes = num_processes self.stream_idx = 0 # All CDP StreamInformation objects indexed by self.stream_idx self.cdp_streams = dict() # All QCheckBoxes for each CDP StreamInformation objects indexed by self.stream_idx self.stream_checkboxes = dict() # Addresses (ListeningAddrInfo objects) that we are currently listening on self.active_addresses = set() self.active_any_interface_streams = set() # All SocketProcessing and CdpProcess threads indexed by ListeningAddrInfo objects, # the values are lists of threads self.rx_threads = dict() # Add new connection if command line arguments were provided if (ip is not None) or (port is not None) or (ifc is not None): self.add_manual_connection(ip, port, ifc) self.display_cuwb_networks() self.timer = self.startTimer(1000)
def getPath(self): if self.path is None: if is None or len( < 2: self.path = [QtGui.QPainterPath(), QtGui.QPainterPath()] else: redBars = QtGui.QPainterPath() greenBars = QtGui.QPainterPath() self.step =[1][0] -[0][0] w = self.step / 3.0 for data in if not np.isnan(data).any(): t, o, h, l, c = data if o > c: redBars.moveTo(QtCore.QPointF(t, l)) redBars.lineTo(QtCore.QPointF(t, h)) redBars.addRect( QtCore.QRectF(t - w, o, w * 2, c - o)) else: greenBars.moveTo(QtCore.QPointF(t, l)) greenBars.lineTo(QtCore.QPointF(t, h)) greenBars.addRect( QtCore.QRectF(t - w, o, w * 2, c - o)) self.path = [redBars, greenBars] return self.path
def generatePicture(self): ## pre-computing a QPicture object allows paint() to run much more quickly, ## rather than re-drawing the shapes every time. self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() p = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) p.setPen(pg.mkPen('w')) # w = ([1][0] -[0][0]) / 3. x = self.xdat[:5] y = self.ydat[:5] self.path = pg.arrayToQPath(self.xdat, self.ydat, self.connect) # self.path = pg.arrayToQPath(np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 1]), np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 1])) p2 = QtGui.QPainterPath(self.path) p.fillPath(p2, pg.mkBrush((100, 100, 100))) # for (t, open, close, min, max) in # p.drawLine(QtCore.QPointF(t, min), QtCore.QPointF(t, max)) # self.path = pg.arrayToQPath(np.array([0, 1, 2, 1]), np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])) # # self.path = self.generatePath([0, 1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]) # p2 = QtGui.QPainterPath(self.path) # p.fillPath(p2, pg.mkBrush((100, 100, 100))) # if open > close: # p.setBrush(pg.mkBrush('r')) # else: # p.setBrush(pg.mkBrush('g')) # p.drawRect(QtCore.QRectF(t - w, open, w * 2, close - open)) # p.drawPolygon(QtCore.) # p.drawLine(QtCore.QPointF(*pts[i][0]), QtCore.QPointF(*pts[i][1])) p.end()
def createWidgets(self): """ Create some widgets to be placed inside """ self.btn = QtGui.QPushButton('press me') self.text = QtGui.QLineEdit('enter text') self.listw = QtGui.QListWidget() self.plot = pg.PlotWidget()
def __init__(self, cg): super(WatchlistWindow, self).__init__() = cg self.ui = watchlist_ui.Ui_WatchlistWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) for c, col in enumerate(WatchlistModel.columns + WatchlistModel.multiColumns): checkbox = QtGui.QCheckBox(col) checkbox.clicked.connect(self.onSelectColumns) self.ui.showColumns.layout().addWidget(checkbox) setattr(self.ui, col + '_checkbox', checkbox)# for guiSave() self.sortedMarkets = [] self.sortColumns = {} self.recalcSortKeys = False self.selectedMarket = None self.ui.tableView.setAlternatingRowColors(True) header = self.ui.tableView.horizontalHeader() header.sectionClicked.connect(self.onHeaderSectionClicked) header.setResizeMode(QtGui.QHeaderView.Stretch) self.ui.tableView.mouseMoveEvent = self.listMouseMoveEvent self.ui.tableView.setMouseTracking(True) for i in range(len(ALL_TIMEFRAMES)): self.ui.showCharts.addItem(', '.join(ALL_TIMEFRAMES[:i+1])) for i in range(-len(ALL_TIMEFRAMES)+1, 0): self.ui.showCharts.addItem(', '.join(ALL_TIMEFRAMES[i:])) self.loadWatchlists() firstOne = None for name,watchlist in sorted(self.watchlists.items()): item = name if len(watchlist): item += ' (%i)' % len(watchlist) firstOne = item if name == 'Builtin' else firstOne self.ui.watchlistName.addItem(item) guiRestore(self.ui, gSettings) # Set the default selected item #self.ui.watchlistName.setCurrentIndex(self.ui.watchlistName.findText(firstOne)) self.procRefresh = None self.ui.watchlistName.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onWatchlistSelected) def onFilter(): self.ui.filterEdit.setFocus() self.ui.filterEdit.selectAll() QtGui.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence('Ctrl+F'), self, onFilter) self.ui.filterEdit.textChanged.connect(self.onSelectColumns) self.model = WatchlistModel(self) self.ui.tableView.setModel(self.model) selectionModel = self.ui.tableView.selectionModel() selectionModel.selectionChanged.connect(self.listSelectionChanged)
def __init__(self, parent=None, language='Python'): super(Editor, self).__init__(parent) self.setIndentationsUseTabs(False) self.setIndentationWidth(4) # Set the default font font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily('DejaVu Sans Mono') font.setFixedPitch(True) font.setPointSize(10) self.setFont(font) self.setMarginsFont(font) self.zoomIn() # Margin 0 is used for line numbers fontmetrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font) self.setMarginsFont(font) self.setMarginWidth(0, fontmetrics.width("000") + 6) self.setMarginLineNumbers(0, True) self.setMarginsBackgroundColor(QtGui.QColor("#cccccc")) self._marker = None # Clickable margin 1 for showing markers #self.setMarginSensitivity(1, True) #self.connect(self, # SIGNAL('marginClicked(int, int, Qt::KeyboardModifiers)'), # self.on_margin_clicked) self.markerDefine(QsciScintilla.RightArrow, self.ARROW_MARKER_NUM) self.setMarkerBackgroundColor(QtGui.QColor("#ee1111"), self.ARROW_MARKER_NUM) # Brace matching: enable for a brace immediately before or after # the current position # self.setBraceMatching(QsciScintilla.SloppyBraceMatch) # Current line visible with special background color self.setCaretLineVisible(True) self.setCaretLineBackgroundColor(QtGui.QColor("#ffe4e4")) # Set Python lexer # Set style for Python comments (style number 1) to a fixed-width # courier. # lexer = getattr(Qsci, 'QsciLexer' + language)() lexer.setDefaultFont(font) self.setLexer(lexer) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLESETFONT, 1, b'Courier') # Don't want to see the horizontal scrollbar at all # Use raw message to Scintilla here (all messages are documented # here: self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_SETHSCROLLBAR, 0) self.setWrapMode(QsciScintilla.WrapWord) self.setEolMode(QsciScintilla.EolUnix)
def _construct_tabs(self): """ Constructs Qt.Gui.QWidgets (tabs) places widgets in corresponding tabs :return: """ modelTab = QtGui.QWidget() self.modelTabLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(modelTab) self.tabsWidget.addTab(modelTab, "Model")
def __init__(self, datasrc): super().__init__() self.datasrc = datasrc self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() self.painter = QtGui.QPainter() self.dirty = True # generate picture visibleRect = QtCore.QRectF(self.datasrc.init_x0, 0, self.datasrc.init_x1-self.datasrc.init_x0, 0) self._generate_picture(visibleRect)
def plot_data(self, *args): #ipdb.set_trace() color_pts =[0][1][0]) brush = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(*color_pts)) self.brushes[args[0][1][1] % self.n_points] = brush self.pos[args[0][1][1] % self.n_points, 0] = args[0][0][0] self.pos[args[0][1][1] % self.n_points, 1] = args[0][0][1] #self.scatter.addPoints(x=self.x_pos, y=self.y_pos, brush=self.brushes) self.scatter.setData(pos=self.pos, brush=self.brushes)
def update_picture(self): self._picture = QtGui.QPicture() pen = QtGui.QPainter(self._picture) pen.setPen(pg.mkPen(self._border_color)) pen.setBrush(pg.mkBrush(self._color_bar)) width = 1 / 3. for ind, bar in enumerate(self._data): pen.drawRect(QtCore.QRectF(ind - width, 0, width * 2, bar[0])) pen.end() self.update()
def _get_line_chart(self): """Return QPicture() with line chart by self._data""" picture = QtGui.QPicture() pen = QtGui.QPainter(picture) pen.setPen(pg.mkPen(self.border_color)) for ind in range(0, len(self._data) - 1): pen.drawLine(QtCore.QPointF(ind, self._data[ind][3]), QtCore.QPointF(ind + 1, self._data[ind + 1][3])) pen.end() return picture
def set_up_tabs(self): """Initiate two tabs for UI""" _2D_maps_tab = QtGui.QWidget() _3D_maps_tab = QtGui.QWidget() self._2D_maps_tab_placement = QtGui.QGridLayout(_2D_maps_tab) self._3D_maps_tab_placement = QtGui.QGridLayout(_3D_maps_tab) self.tab_widget.addTab(_2D_maps_tab, "2D Maps") self.tab_widget.addTab(_3D_maps_tab, "3D Maps")
def createMessageWidget(self): '''create message box widget. return group ''' GridStartVal = '2' vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hbox2 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.lbl = QtGui.QLineEdit("Step 1) Open configuration file", self) self.lbl2 = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.lbl2.setText(os.getcwd()) self.directoryButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Change Directory") hbox.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Message")) hbox.addWidget(self.lbl) hbox2.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Set Directory")) hbox2.addWidget(self.lbl2) hbox2.addWidget(self.directoryButton) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addLayout(hbox2) messageGroup = QtGui.QGroupBox("Message Box") messageGroup.setLayout(vbox) if self.tab_widget.currentIndex() == 1: self.lbl.setText("click hotspot, press n or press S to skip frame") else: self.lbl.setText("") return messageGroup
def __init__(self, image, parent=None): super(SystemState, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self) self.image = QtGui.QPixmap(image).scaledToHeight(120) self.imageLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self) self.imageLabel.setPixmap(self.image) self.bbinfo = BBInfo() self.layout.addWidget(self.imageLabel) self.layout.addWidget(self.bbinfo)
def generatePicture(self): # pre-computing a QPicture object allows paint() to run much more quickly, # rather than re-drawing the shapes every time. self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() p = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) p.setPen(pg.mkPen('w',width=15)) p.setPen(pg.mkColor("#FF0000")) p.setBrush(pg.mkBrush(None)) for i in p.drawPoint(i, chan.closeBar[i]) p.end()
def generatePicture(self): """generatePicture(self) -> None generate items for box plot """ self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() self.p = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) self.p.setPen(pg.mkPen('#FFFFFF')) for row in self.draw(row) self.p.end()
def makeIm(): spectroWidth=1000 spectroHeight=1000 a= np.random.random(spectroHeight * spectroWidth) * 255 a=np.reshape(a, (spectroHeight, spectroWidth)) a=np.require(a, np.uint8, 'C') COLORTABLE=[] for i in range(256): COLORTABLE.append(QtGui.qRgb(old_div(i,4),i,old_div(i,2))) a=np.roll(a, -5) QI = QtGui.QImage(, spectroWidth, spectroHeight, QtGui.QImage.Format_Indexed8) QI.setColorTable(COLORTABLE) return QI
def init(self, name): self.FS = 250 epoch_samples = int(self.FS * self.epoch) self.signal = Signal(buffer_size=epoch_samples) self.passfail = Signal() self.threshold = 1.0 self.high_threshold = 0.0 self.calc_cnt = 0 = QtGui.QProgressBar(orientation=QtCore.Qt.Vertical) self.slider = QtGui.QSlider() self.slider.setRange(0, 17), 17) self.pass_palette = if isinstance(self.input.color, QtGui.QColor): self.color = self.input.color else: self.color = QtGui.QColor(QtGui.qRgb(*self.input.color))""" QProgressBar::chunk { background: red; } QProgressBar::chunk[pass='******'] { background: %s ; } """ % self.button = QtGui.QPushButton("config") self.button.clicked.connect(self.configure_traits)