예제 #1
파일: qvm.py 프로젝트: rsln-s/pyquil
    def __init__(self,
        Constructor for QVMConnection. Sets up any necessary security, and establishes the noise
        model to use.

        :param Device device: The optional device, from which noise will be added by default to all
                              programs run on this instance.
        :param sync_endpoint: The endpoint of the server for running small jobs
        :param async_endpoint: The endpoint of the server for running large jobs
        :param api_key: The key to the Forest API Gateway (default behavior is to read from config file)
        :param user_id: Your userid for Forest (default behavior is to read from config file)
        :param bool use_queue: Disabling this parameter may improve performance for small, quick programs.
                               To support larger programs, set it to True. (default: False)
                               *_async methods will always use the queue
                               See https://go.rigetti.com/connections for more information.
        :param int ping_time: Time in seconds for how long to wait between polling the server for updated status
                              information on a job. Note that this parameter doesn't matter if use_queue is False.
        :param int status_time: Time in seconds for how long to wait between printing status information.
                                To disable printing of status entirely then set status_time to False.
                                Note that this parameter doesn't matter if use_queue is False.
        :param gate_noise: A list of three numbers [Px, Py, Pz] indicating the probability of an X,
                           Y, or Z gate getting applied to each qubit after a gate application or
                           reset. (default None)
        :param measurement_noise: A list of three numbers [Px, Py, Pz] indicating the probability of
                                  an X, Y, or Z gate getting applied before a a measurement.
                                  (default None)
        :param random_seed: A seed for the QVM's random number generators. Either None (for an
                            automatically generated seed) or a non-negative integer.
        if (device is not None and device.noise_model is not None) and \
                (gate_noise is not None or measurement_noise is not None):
            raise ValueError("""
You have attempted to supply the QVM with both a device noise model
(by having supplied a device argument), as well as either gate_noise
or measurement_noise. At this time, only one may be supplied.

To read more about supplying noise to the QVM, see http://pyquil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/noise_models.html#support-for-noisy-gates-on-the-rigetti-qvm.

        if device is not None and device.noise_model is None:
You have supplied the QVM with a device that does not have a noise model. No noise will be added to
programs run on this QVM.

        self.noise_model = device.noise_model if device is not None else None
        self.compiler = CompilerConnection(
            device=device) if device is not None else None

        self.async_endpoint = async_endpoint
        self.sync_endpoint = sync_endpoint
        self.session = get_session(api_key, user_id)

        self.use_queue = use_queue
        self.ping_time = ping_time
        self.status_time = status_time

        self.gate_noise = gate_noise
        self.measurement_noise = measurement_noise

        if random_seed is None:
            self.random_seed = None
        elif isinstance(random_seed, integer_types) and random_seed >= 0:
            self.random_seed = random_seed
            raise TypeError("random_seed should be None or a non-negative int")
예제 #2
파일: qvm.py 프로젝트: rsln-s/pyquil
class QVMConnection(object):
    Represents a connection to the QVM.
    def __init__(self,
        Constructor for QVMConnection. Sets up any necessary security, and establishes the noise
        model to use.

        :param Device device: The optional device, from which noise will be added by default to all
                              programs run on this instance.
        :param sync_endpoint: The endpoint of the server for running small jobs
        :param async_endpoint: The endpoint of the server for running large jobs
        :param api_key: The key to the Forest API Gateway (default behavior is to read from config file)
        :param user_id: Your userid for Forest (default behavior is to read from config file)
        :param bool use_queue: Disabling this parameter may improve performance for small, quick programs.
                               To support larger programs, set it to True. (default: False)
                               *_async methods will always use the queue
                               See https://go.rigetti.com/connections for more information.
        :param int ping_time: Time in seconds for how long to wait between polling the server for updated status
                              information on a job. Note that this parameter doesn't matter if use_queue is False.
        :param int status_time: Time in seconds for how long to wait between printing status information.
                                To disable printing of status entirely then set status_time to False.
                                Note that this parameter doesn't matter if use_queue is False.
        :param gate_noise: A list of three numbers [Px, Py, Pz] indicating the probability of an X,
                           Y, or Z gate getting applied to each qubit after a gate application or
                           reset. (default None)
        :param measurement_noise: A list of three numbers [Px, Py, Pz] indicating the probability of
                                  an X, Y, or Z gate getting applied before a a measurement.
                                  (default None)
        :param random_seed: A seed for the QVM's random number generators. Either None (for an
                            automatically generated seed) or a non-negative integer.
        if (device is not None and device.noise_model is not None) and \
                (gate_noise is not None or measurement_noise is not None):
            raise ValueError("""
You have attempted to supply the QVM with both a device noise model
(by having supplied a device argument), as well as either gate_noise
or measurement_noise. At this time, only one may be supplied.

To read more about supplying noise to the QVM, see http://pyquil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/noise_models.html#support-for-noisy-gates-on-the-rigetti-qvm.

        if device is not None and device.noise_model is None:
You have supplied the QVM with a device that does not have a noise model. No noise will be added to
programs run on this QVM.

        self.noise_model = device.noise_model if device is not None else None
        self.compiler = CompilerConnection(
            device=device) if device is not None else None

        self.async_endpoint = async_endpoint
        self.sync_endpoint = sync_endpoint
        self.session = get_session(api_key, user_id)

        self.use_queue = use_queue
        self.ping_time = ping_time
        self.status_time = status_time

        self.gate_noise = gate_noise
        self.measurement_noise = measurement_noise

        if random_seed is None:
            self.random_seed = None
        elif isinstance(random_seed, integer_types) and random_seed >= 0:
            self.random_seed = random_seed
            raise TypeError("random_seed should be None or a non-negative int")

    def ping(self):
        raise DeprecationWarning("ping() function is deprecated")

    def run(self,
        Run a Quil program multiple times, accumulating the values deposited in
        a list of classical addresses.

        :param Program quil_program: A Quil program.
        :param list|range classical_addresses: A list of addresses.
        :param int trials: Number of shots to collect.
        :param bool needs_compilation: If True, preprocesses the job with the compiler.
        :param ISA isa: If set, compiles to this target ISA.
        :return: A list of lists of bits. Each sublist corresponds to the values
                 in `classical_addresses`.
        :rtype: list
        if not classical_addresses:
            classical_addresses = get_classical_addresses_from_program(

        payload = self._run_payload(quil_program, classical_addresses, trials,
                                    needs_compilation, isa)
        if self.use_queue or needs_compilation:
            if needs_compilation and not self.use_queue:
                    'Synchronous QVM connection does not support compilation preprocessing. Running this job over the asynchronous endpoint, as if use_queue were set to True.'

            response = post_json(self.session, self.async_endpoint + "/job", {
                "machine": "QVM",
                "program": payload
            job = self.wait_for_job(get_job_id(response))
            return job.result()
            response = post_json(self.session, self.sync_endpoint + "/qvm",
            return response.json()

    def run_async(self,
        Similar to run except that it returns a job id and doesn't wait for the program to be executed.
        See https://go.rigetti.com/connections for reasons to use this method.
        if not classical_addresses:
            classical_addresses = get_classical_addresses_from_program(

        payload = self._run_payload(quil_program, classical_addresses, trials,
                                    needs_compilation, isa)
        response = post_json(self.session, self.async_endpoint + "/job", {
            "machine": "QVM",
            "program": payload
        return get_job_id(response)

    def _run_payload(self, quil_program, classical_addresses, trials,
                     needs_compilation, isa):
        if not quil_program:
            raise ValueError(
                "You have attempted to run an empty program."
                " Please provide gates or measure instructions to your program."

        if not isinstance(quil_program, Program):
            raise TypeError("quil_program must be a Quil program object")
        if not isinstance(trials, integer_types):
            raise TypeError("trials must be an integer")
        if needs_compilation and not isa:
            raise TypeError(
                "ISA cannot be None if program needs compilation preprocessing."

        if self.noise_model is not None:
            compiled_program = self.compiler.compile(quil_program)
            quil_program = apply_noise_model(compiled_program,

        payload = {
            "type": TYPE_MULTISHOT,
            "addresses": list(classical_addresses),
            "trials": trials
        if needs_compilation:
            payload["uncompiled-quil"] = quil_program.out()
            payload["target-device"] = {"isa": isa.to_dict()}
            payload["compiled-quil"] = quil_program.out()


        return payload

    def run_and_measure(self,
        Run a Quil program once to determine the final wavefunction, and measure multiple times.

        :note: If the execution of ``quil_program`` is **non-deterministic**, i.e., if it includes
            measurements and/or noisy quantum gates, then the final wavefunction from which the
            returned bitstrings are sampled itself only represents a stochastically generated sample
            and the outcomes sampled from *different* ``run_and_measure`` calls *generally sample
            different bitstring distributions*.

        :param Program quil_program: A Quil program.
        :param list|range qubits: A list of qubits.
        :param int trials: Number of shots to collect.
        :param bool needs_compilation: If True, preprocesses the job with the compiler.
        :param ISA isa: If set, compiles to this target ISA.
        :return: A list of a list of bits.
        :rtype: list
        payload = self._run_and_measure_payload(quil_program, qubits, trials,
                                                needs_compilation, isa)
        if self.use_queue or needs_compilation:
            if needs_compilation and not self.use_queue:
                    'Synchronous QVM connection does not support compilation preprocessing. Running this job over the asynchronous endpoint, as if use_queue were set to True.'

            response = post_json(self.session, self.async_endpoint + "/job", {
                "machine": "QVM",
                "program": payload
            job = self.wait_for_job(get_job_id(response))
            return job.result()
            response = post_json(self.session, self.sync_endpoint + "/qvm",
            return response.json()

    def run_and_measure_async(self,
        Similar to run_and_measure except that it returns a job id and doesn't wait for the program to be executed.
        See https://go.rigetti.com/connections for reasons to use this method.
        payload = self._run_and_measure_payload(quil_program, qubits, trials,
                                                needs_compilation, isa)
        response = post_json(self.session, self.async_endpoint + "/job", {
            "machine": "QVM",
            "program": payload
        return get_job_id(response)

    def _run_and_measure_payload(self, quil_program, qubits, trials,
                                 needs_compilation, isa):
        if not quil_program:
            raise ValueError(
                "You have attempted to run an empty program."
                " Please provide gates or measure instructions to your program."

        if not isinstance(quil_program, Program):
            raise TypeError("quil_program must be a Quil program object")
        if not isinstance(trials, integer_types):
            raise TypeError("trials must be an integer")
        if needs_compilation and not isa:
            raise TypeError(
                "ISA cannot be None if QVM program needs compilation preprocessing."

        if self.noise_model is not None:
            compiled_program = self.compiler.compile(quil_program)
            quil_program = apply_noise_model(compiled_program,

        payload = {
            "type": TYPE_MULTISHOT_MEASURE,
            "qubits": list(qubits),
            "trials": trials
        if needs_compilation:
            payload["uncompiled-quil"] = quil_program.out()
            payload["target-device"] = {"isa": isa.to_dict()}
            payload["compiled-quil"] = quil_program.out()


        return payload

    def wavefunction(self,
        Simulate a Quil program and get the wavefunction back.

        :note: If the execution of ``quil_program`` is **non-deterministic**, i.e., if it includes
            measurements and/or noisy quantum gates, then the final wavefunction from which the
            returned bitstrings are sampled itself only represents a stochastically generated sample
            and the wavefunctions returned by *different* ``wavefunction`` calls *will generally be

        :param Program quil_program: A Quil program.
        :param list|range classical_addresses: An optional list of classical addresses.
        :param needs_compilation: If True, preprocesses the job with the compiler.
        :param isa: If set, compiles to this target ISA.
        :return: A tuple whose first element is a Wavefunction object,
                 and whose second element is the list of classical bits corresponding
                 to the classical addresses.
        :rtype: Wavefunction
        if classical_addresses is None:
            classical_addresses = []

        if self.use_queue or needs_compilation:
            if needs_compilation and not self.use_queue:
                    'Synchronous QVM connection does not support compilation preprocessing. Running this job over the asynchronous endpoint, as if use_queue were set to True.'

            payload = self._wavefunction_payload(quil_program,
                                                 needs_compilation, isa)
            response = post_json(self.session, self.async_endpoint + "/job", {
                "machine": "QVM",
                "program": payload
            job = self.wait_for_job(get_job_id(response))
            return job.result()
            payload = self._wavefunction_payload(quil_program,
                                                 needs_compilation, isa)
            response = post_json(self.session, self.sync_endpoint + "/qvm",
            return Wavefunction.from_bit_packed_string(response.content,

    def wavefunction_async(self,
        Similar to wavefunction except that it returns a job id and doesn't wait for the program to be executed.
        See https://go.rigetti.com/connections for reasons to use this method.
        if classical_addresses is None:
            classical_addresses = []

        payload = self._wavefunction_payload(quil_program, classical_addresses,
                                             needs_compilation, isa)
        response = post_json(self.session, self.async_endpoint + "/job", {
            "machine": "QVM",
            "program": payload
        return get_job_id(response)

    def _wavefunction_payload(self, quil_program, classical_addresses,
                              needs_compilation, isa):
        if not isinstance(quil_program, Program):
            raise TypeError("quil_program must be a Quil program object")
        if needs_compilation and not isa:
            raise TypeError(
                "ISA cannot be None if QVM program requires compilation preprocessing."

        payload = {
            'type': TYPE_WAVEFUNCTION,
            'addresses': list(classical_addresses)

        if needs_compilation:
            payload['uncompiled-quil'] = quil_program.out()
            payload['target-device'] = {"isa": isa.to_dict()}
            payload['compiled-quil'] = quil_program.out()


        return payload

    def expectation(self,
        Calculate the expectation value of operators given a state prepared by

        :note: If the execution of ``quil_program`` is **non-deterministic**, i.e., if it includes
            measurements and/or noisy quantum gates, then the final wavefunction from which the
            expectation values are computed itself only represents a stochastically generated
            sample. The expectations returned from *different* ``expectation`` calls *will then
            generally be different*.

        To measure the expectation of a PauliSum, you probably want to
        do something like this::

                progs, coefs = hamiltonian.get_programs()
                expect_coeffs = np.array(cxn.expectation(prep_program, operator_programs=progs))
                return np.real_if_close(np.dot(coefs, expect_coeffs))

        :param Program prep_prog: Quil program for state preparation.
        :param list operator_programs: A list of Programs, each specifying an operator whose expectation to compute.
            Default is a list containing only the empty Program.
        :param bool needs_compilation: If True, preprocesses the job with the compiler.
        :param ISA isa: If set, compiles to this target ISA.
        :return: Expectation values of the operators.
        :rtype: List[float]
        if isinstance(operator_programs, Program):
                "You have provided a Program rather than a list of Programs. The results from expectation "
                "will be line-wise expectation values of the operator_programs.",
        if needs_compilation:
            raise TypeError(
                "Expectation QVM programs do not support compilation preprocessing."
                "  Make a separate CompilerConnection job first.")
        if self.use_queue:
            payload = self._expectation_payload(prep_prog, operator_programs)
            response = post_json(self.session, self.async_endpoint + "/job", {
                "machine": "QVM",
                "program": payload
            job = self.wait_for_job(get_job_id(response))
            return job.result()
            payload = self._expectation_payload(prep_prog, operator_programs)
            response = post_json(self.session, self.sync_endpoint + "/qvm",
            return response.json()

    def pauli_expectation(self, prep_prog, pauli_terms):
        Calculate the expectation value of Pauli operators given a state prepared by prep_program.

        If ``pauli_terms`` is a ``PauliSum`` then the returned value is a single ``float``,
        otherwise the returned value is a list of ``float``s, one for each ``PauliTerm`` in the

        :note: If the execution of ``quil_program`` is **non-deterministic**, i.e., if it includes
            measurements and/or noisy quantum gates, then the final wavefunction from which the
            expectation values are computed itself only represents a stochastically generated
            sample. The expectations returned from *different* ``expectation`` calls *will then
            generally be different*.

        :param Program prep_prog: Quil program for state preparation.
        :param Sequence[PauliTerm]|PauliSum pauli_terms: A list of PauliTerms or a PauliSum.
        :return: If ``pauli_terms`` is a PauliSum return its expectation value. Otherwise return
          a list of expectation values.
        :rtype: float|List[float]

        is_pauli_sum = False
        if isinstance(pauli_terms, PauliSum):
            progs, coeffs = pauli_terms.get_programs()
            is_pauli_sum = True
            coeffs = [pt.coefficient for pt in pauli_terms]
            progs = [pt.program for pt in pauli_terms]

        bare_results = self.expectation(prep_prog,
        results = [c * r for c, r in zip(coeffs, bare_results)]
        if is_pauli_sum:
            return sum(results)
        return results

    def expectation_async(self,
        Similar to expectation except that it returns a job id and doesn't wait for the program to be executed.
        See https://go.rigetti.com/connections for reasons to use this method.
        if needs_compilation:
            raise TypeError(
                "Expectation QVM programs do not support compilation preprocessing.  Make a separate CompilerConnection job first."

        payload = self._expectation_payload(prep_prog, operator_programs)
        response = post_json(self.session, self.async_endpoint + "/job", {
            "machine": "QVM",
            "program": payload
        return get_job_id(response)

    def _expectation_payload(self, prep_prog, operator_programs):
        if operator_programs is None:
            operator_programs = [Program()]

        if not isinstance(prep_prog, Program):
            raise TypeError("prep_prog variable must be a Quil program object")

        payload = {
            'type': TYPE_EXPECTATION,
            'state-preparation': prep_prog.out(),
            'operators': [x.out() for x in operator_programs]


        return payload

    def get_job(self, job_id):
        Given a job id, return information about the status of the job

        :param str job_id: job id
        :return: Job object with the status and potentially results of the job
        :rtype: Job
        response = get_json(self.session,
                            self.async_endpoint + "/job/" + job_id)
        return Job(response.json(), 'QVM')

    def wait_for_job(self, job_id, ping_time=None, status_time=None):
        Wait for the results of a job and periodically print status

        :param job_id: Job id
        :param ping_time: How often to poll the server.
                          Defaults to the value specified in the constructor. (0.1 seconds)
        :param status_time: How often to print status, set to False to never print status.
                            Defaults to the value specified in the constructor (2 seconds)
        :return: Completed Job
        def get_job_fn():
            return self.get_job(job_id)

        return wait_for_job(get_job_fn,
                            ping_time if ping_time else self.ping_time,
                            status_time if status_time else self.status_time)

    def _maybe_add_noise_to_payload(self, payload):
        Set the gate noise and measurement noise of a payload.
        if self.measurement_noise is not None:
            payload["measurement-noise"] = self.measurement_noise
        if self.gate_noise is not None:
            payload["gate-noise"] = self.gate_noise

    def _add_rng_seed_to_payload(self, payload):
        Add a random seed to the payload.
        if self.random_seed is not None:
            payload['rng-seed'] = self.random_seed