def test_wavefunction(forest: ForestConnection):
    # The forest fixture (argument) to this test is to ensure this is
    # skipped when a forest web api key is unavailable. You could also
    # pass it to the constructor of WavefunctionSimulator() but it is not
    # necessary.
    wfnsim = WavefunctionSimulator()
    bell = Program(
        CNOT(0, 1),
    wfn = wfnsim.wavefunction(bell)
                               1 / np.sqrt(2) * np.array([1, 0, 0, 1]))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(wfn.probabilities(), [0.5, 0, 0, 0.5])
    assert wfn.pretty_print() == "(0.71+0j)|00> + (0.71+0j)|11>"

    bitstrings = wfn.sample_bitstrings(1000)
    parity = np.sum(bitstrings, axis=1) % 2
    assert np.all(parity == 0)
예제 #2
def test_copy():
    prog1 = Program(
        CNOT(0, 1),
    prog2 = prog1.copy().measure_all()
    assert prog1.out() == '\n'.join([
        'H 0',
        'CNOT 0 1',
    assert prog2.out() == '\n'.join([
        'H 0',
        'CNOT 0 1',
        'DECLARE ro BIT[2]',
        'MEASURE 0 ro[0]',
        'MEASURE 1 ro[1]',
예제 #3
def test_unsupported_ops():
    target = Label("target")
    base_prog = Program(
        Declare('reg1', 'BIT'),
        Declare('reg2', 'BIT'),
        CNOT(0, 1))

    bad_ops = [WAIT,
               MOVE(MemoryReference('reg1'), MemoryReference('reg2'))]

    assert to_latex(base_prog)

    for op in bad_ops:
        prog = base_prog + op
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            _ = to_latex(prog)
예제 #4
def test_alloc():
    p = Program()

    p.inst(H(0))  # H 0

    q1 = p.alloc()  # q1 = 1
    q2 = p.alloc()  # q2 = 3

    p.inst(CNOT(q1, q2))  # CNOT 1 3


    q3 = p.alloc()  # q3 = 4

    p.inst(X(q3))  # X 4

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
        _ = p.out()
    assert e.match(r'Qubit q\d+ has not been assigned an index')
def test_transform_with_post_transformation_hooks(
        bell_circuit_with_qids: Tuple[cirq.Circuit, List[cirq.Qid]]) -> None:
    """test that a user can transform a `cirq.Circuit` to a `pyquil.Program`
    functionally with explicit physical qubit address mapping.
    bell_circuit, qubits = bell_circuit_with_qids

    def reset_hook(program, measurement_id_map):
        program._instructions.insert(0, Reset())
        return program, measurement_id_map

    reset_hook_spec = create_autospec(reset_hook, side_effect=reset_hook)

    pragma = Pragma('INTIAL_REWIRING', freeform_string='GREEDY')

    def rewire_hook(program, measurement_id_map):
        program._instructions.insert(0, pragma)
        return program, measurement_id_map

    rewire_hook_spec = create_autospec(rewire_hook, side_effect=rewire_hook)
    transformer =
        post_transformation_hooks=[reset_hook_spec, rewire_hook_spec])
    program, _ = transformer(circuit=bell_circuit)

    assert 1 == reset_hook_spec.call_count
    assert Reset() in program.instructions, "hook should add reset"

    assert 1 == rewire_hook_spec.call_count
    assert pragma in program.instructions, "hook should add pragma"

    assert H(0) in program.instructions, "bell circuit should include Hadamard"
    assert CNOT(0,
                1) in program.instructions, "bell circuit should include CNOT"
    assert (
        DECLARE("m0", memory_size=2)
        in program.instructions), "executable should declare a read out bit"
    assert (
        MEASURE(0, ("m0", 0)) in program.instructions
    ), "executable should measure the first qubit to the first read out bit"
    assert (
        MEASURE(1, ("m0", 1)) in program.instructions
    ), "executable should measure the second qubit to the second read out bit"
예제 #6
def teleport(start_index, end_index, ancilla_index):
    """Teleport a qubit from start to end using an ancilla qubit
    p = make_bell_pair(end_index, ancilla_index)

    # do the teleportation
    p.inst(CNOT(start_index, ancilla_index))

    # measure the results and store them in classical registers [0] and [1]
    p.measure(start_index, 0)
    p.measure(ancilla_index, 1)

    p.if_then(1, X(2))
    p.if_then(0, Z(2))

    p.measure(end_index, 2)

    return p
예제 #7
def test_qc_expectation_larger_lattice(
        client_configuration: QCSClientConfiguration,
        dummy_compiler: DummyCompiler):
    qc = QuantumComputer(name="testy!",

    q0 = 2
    q1 = 3

    # bell state program
    p = Program()
    p += RESET()
    p += H(q0)
    p += CNOT(q0, q1)

    # XX, YY, ZZ experiment
    sx = ExperimentSetting(in_state=_pauli_to_product_state(sZ(q0) * sZ(q1)),
                           out_operator=sX(q0) * sX(q1))
    sy = ExperimentSetting(in_state=_pauli_to_product_state(sZ(q0) * sZ(q1)),
                           out_operator=sY(q0) * sY(q1))
    sz = ExperimentSetting(in_state=_pauli_to_product_state(sZ(q0) * sZ(q1)),
                           out_operator=sZ(q0) * sZ(q1))

    e = Experiment(settings=[sx, sy, sz], program=p)

    results = qc.run_experiment(e)

    # XX expectation value for bell state |00> + |11> is 1
    assert np.isclose(results[0].expectation, 1)
    assert np.isclose(results[0].std_err, 0)
    assert results[0].total_counts == 40

    # YY expectation value for bell state |00> + |11> is -1
    assert np.isclose(results[1].expectation, -1)
    assert np.isclose(results[1].std_err, 0)
    assert results[1].total_counts == 40

    # ZZ expectation value for bell state |00> + |11> is 1
    assert np.isclose(results[2].expectation, 1)
    assert np.isclose(results[2].std_err, 0)
    assert results[2].total_counts == 40
예제 #8
파일: 프로젝트: tocheng/pyquil
def test_qubit_placeholder():
    p = Program()

    p.inst(H(0))  # H 0

    q1 = QubitPlaceholder()  # q1 = 1
    q2 = QubitPlaceholder()  # q2 = 3

    p.inst(CNOT(q1, q2))  # CNOT 1 3


    q3 = QubitPlaceholder()  # q3 = 4

    p.inst(X(q3))  # X 4

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
        _ = p.out()
    assert e.match(r"Qubit q\d+ has not been assigned an index")
예제 #9
파일: 프로젝트: tocheng/pyquil
def test_qubit_placeholder_2():
    p = Program()

    p.inst(H(0))  # H 0

    q1 = QubitPlaceholder()  # q1 = 1
    q2 = QubitPlaceholder()  # q2 = 3

    p.inst(CNOT(q1, q2))  # CNOT 1 3


    q3 = QubitPlaceholder()  # q3 = 4

    p.inst(X(q3))  # X 4
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        _ = address_qubits(p, {q1: 1, q2: 3, q3: 4})

    assert e.match("Your program mixes instantiated qubits with placeholders")
예제 #10
def run_bell_high_level(n_shots=1000):
    # Step 1. Get a device. Either a QVM or a QPU
    qc = get_qc('9q-generic-qvm')
    q = [4, 5]  # qubits

    # Step 2. Construct your program
    program = Program(H(q[0]), CNOT(q[0], q[1]))

    # Step 3. Run
    bitstrings = qc.run_and_measure(program, trials=n_shots)

    # Bincount bitstrings
    basis = np.array([2**i for i in range(len(q))])
    ints = np.sum(bitstrings * basis, axis=1)
    print('bincounts', np.bincount(ints))

    # Check parity
    parities = np.sum(bitstrings, axis=1) % 2
    print('avg parity', np.mean(parities))
예제 #11
def test_qc_expectation_larger_lattice(forest):
    device = NxDevice(nx.complete_graph(4))
    qc = QuantumComputer(name='testy!',

    q0 = 2
    q1 = 3

    # bell state program
    p = Program()
    p += RESET()
    p += H(q0)
    p += CNOT(q0, q1)

    # XX, YY, ZZ experiment
    sx = ExperimentSetting(in_state=sZ(q0) * sZ(q1),
                           out_operator=sX(q0) * sX(q1))
    sy = ExperimentSetting(in_state=sZ(q0) * sZ(q1),
                           out_operator=sY(q0) * sY(q1))
    sz = ExperimentSetting(in_state=sZ(q0) * sZ(q1),
                           out_operator=sZ(q0) * sZ(q1))

    e = TomographyExperiment(settings=[sx, sy, sz], program=p)

    results = qc.experiment(e)

    # XX expectation value for bell state |00> + |11> is 1
    assert np.isclose(results[0].expectation, 1)
    assert np.isclose(results[0].std_err, 0)
    assert results[0].total_counts == 40

    # YY expectation value for bell state |00> + |11> is -1
    assert np.isclose(results[1].expectation, -1)
    assert np.isclose(results[1].std_err, 0)
    assert results[1].total_counts == 40

    # ZZ expectation value for bell state |00> + |11> is 1
    assert np.isclose(results[2].expectation, 1)
    assert np.isclose(results[2].std_err, 0)
    assert results[2].total_counts == 40
예제 #12
def test_dagger():
    # these gates are their own inverses
    p = Program().inst(I(0), X(0), Y(0), Z(0),
                       H(0), CNOT(0,1), CCNOT(0,1,2),
                       SWAP(0,1), CSWAP(0,1,2))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'CSWAP 0 1 2\nSWAP 0 1\n' \
                      'CCNOT 0 1 2\nCNOT 0 1\nH 0\n' \
                      'Z 0\nY 0\nX 0\nI 0\n'

    # these gates require negating a parameter
    p = Program().inst(PHASE(pi, 0), RX(pi, 0), RY(pi, 0),
                       RZ(pi, 0), CPHASE(pi, 0, 1),
                       CPHASE00(pi, 0, 1), CPHASE01(pi, 0, 1),
                       CPHASE10(pi, 0, 1), PSWAP(pi, 0, 1))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'PSWAP(-3.141592653589793) 0 1\n' \
                               'CPHASE10(-3.141592653589793) 0 1\n' \
                               'CPHASE01(-3.141592653589793) 0 1\n' \
                               'CPHASE00(-3.141592653589793) 0 1\n' \
                               'CPHASE(-3.141592653589793) 0 1\n' \
                               'RZ(-3.141592653589793) 0\n' \
                               'RY(-3.141592653589793) 0\n' \
                               'RX(-3.141592653589793) 0\n' \
                               'PHASE(-3.141592653589793) 0\n'

    # these gates are special cases
    p = Program().inst(S(0), T(0), ISWAP(0, 1))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'PSWAP(1.5707963267948966) 0 1\n' \
                               'RZ(0.7853981633974483) 0\n' \
                               'PHASE(-1.5707963267948966) 0\n'

    # must invert defined gates
    G = np.array([[0, 1], [0+1j, 0]])
    p = Program().defgate("G", G).inst(("G", 0))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'DEFGATE G-INV:\n' \
                               '    0.0+-0.0i, 0.0-1.0i\n' \
                               '    1.0+-0.0i, 0.0+-0.0i\n\n' \
                               'G-INV 0\n'

    # can also pass in a list of inverses
    inv_dict = {"G":"J"}
    p = Program().defgate("G", G).inst(("G", 0))
    assert p.dagger(inv_dict=inv_dict).out() == 'J 0\n'
예제 #13
def test_exhaustive_state_dfe_noiseless_qvm(qvm, benchmarker):
    qvm.qam.random_seed = 1
    state_exp = generate_state_dfe_experiment(Program([RX(pi / 2, 0)]),
    data, cal = acquire_dfe_data(
    est = direct_fidelity_estimate(data, cal, 'state')
    assert est.fid_point_est == 1.0
    assert est.fid_var_est == 0.0
    assert all([exp == 1.0 for exp in data.expectation])
    assert all(np.abs(cal) == 1.0 for cal in cal.expectation)

    state_exp = generate_state_dfe_experiment(Program([H(0),
                                                       CZ(0, 1)]),
    data, cal = acquire_dfe_data(
    est = direct_fidelity_estimate(data, cal, 'state')
    assert est.fid_point_est == 1.0
    assert est.fid_var_est == 0.0
    assert all([exp == 1.0 for exp in data.expectation])
    assert all(np.abs(cal) == 1.0 for cal in cal.expectation)

    state_exp = generate_state_dfe_experiment(Program([H(0), CNOT(0, 1)]),
    data, cal = acquire_dfe_data(
    est = direct_fidelity_estimate(data, cal, 'state')
    assert est.fid_point_est == 1.0
    assert est.fid_var_est == 0.0
    assert all([exp == 1.0 for exp in data.expectation])
    assert all(np.abs(cal) == 1.0 for cal in cal.expectation)
예제 #14
파일: 프로젝트: tocheng/pyquil
def test_qubit_placeholder_new():
    p = Program()

    q0 = QubitPlaceholder()
    p.inst(H(q0))  # H 0

    q1 = QubitPlaceholder()
    q2 = QubitPlaceholder()

    p.inst(CNOT(q1, q2))  # CNOT 1 3

    qxxx = QubitPlaceholder()

    q3 = QubitPlaceholder()

    p.inst(X(q3))  # X 4
    p = address_qubits(p, {q1: 1, q2: 3, q3: 4, q0: 0, qxxx: 2})

    assert p.out() == "H 0\nCNOT 1 3\nH 2\nX 4\n"
예제 #15
def test_diffusion_operator():
    Checks that the diffusion operator outputs the correct operation
    created = decomposed_diffusion_program(qubits[:2])
    desired = pq.Program()
    for def_gate in created.defined_gates:
        desired.defgate(, def_gate.matrix)
    qubit0 = qubits[0]
    qubit1 = qubits[1]
    desired.inst(RZ(-np.pi, qubit0))
    desired.inst(CNOT(qubit0, qubit1))
    desired.inst(RZ(-np.pi, qubit0))
    assert desired == created
예제 #16
def create_singlet_state():
    """ Returns quantum program that constructs a Singlet state of two spins """

    p = Program()

    # Start by constructing a Triplet state of two spins (Bell state)
    # 10|> + 01|>
    p.inst(CNOT(1, 0))

    # Convert to Singlet
    # 01|> - 10|>

    return p
예제 #17
def test_alloc():
    p = Program()

    p.inst(H(0))  # H 0

    q1 = p.alloc()  # q1 = 1
    q2 = p.alloc()  # q2 = 3

    p.inst(CNOT(q1, q2))  # CNOT 1 3


    q3 = p.alloc()  # q3 = 4

    p.inst(X(q3))  # X 4

    assert p.out() == "H 0\n" \
                      "CNOT 1 3\n" \
                      "H 2\n" \
                      "X 4\n"
예제 #18
def nCU1(axis, angle, ctrls, target) -> Program:
    :param axis: {'x', 'y', 'z'}
    :param angle: REAL
    :param ctrls: list(int)
    :param target: int
    :return: Program

    nCU1_program = Program()
    n_ctrls = len(ctrls)

    if n_ctrls == 1:
        if axis == 'x':
            nCU1_program.inst(RX(angle / 2, target))
            nCU1_program.inst(CNOT(ctrls[0], target))
            nCU1_program.inst(RX(-angle / 2, target))
            nCU1_program.inst(CNOT(ctrls[0], target))
        elif axis == 'y':
            nCU1_program.inst(RY(angle / 2, target))
            nCU1_program.inst(CNOT(ctrls[0], target))
            nCU1_program.inst(RY(-angle / 2, target))
            nCU1_program.inst(CNOT(ctrls[0], target))
        elif axis == 'z':
            nCU1_program.inst(RZ(angle / 2, target))
            nCU1_program.inst(CNOT(ctrls[0], target))
            nCU1_program.inst(RZ(-angle / 2, target))
            nCU1_program.inst(CNOT(ctrls[0], target))
            raise Exception(ValueError('Invalid axis value!'))
    elif n_ctrls > 1:
        nCU1_program.inst(nCU1(axis, angle / 2, ctrls[1:], target))
        nCU1_program.inst(CNOT(ctrls[0], target))
        nCU1_program.inst(nCU1(axis, -angle / 2, ctrls[1:], target))
        nCU1_program.inst(CNOT(ctrls[0], target))
        raise Exception(ValueError('Missing control qubits!'))

    return nCU1_program
예제 #19
def Z_syndrome_extraction(dual_qubits: List[QubitPlaceholder]) -> Program:
    """ Runs the syndrome extraction circuit for the Z-stabilizers.
    Detects bit-flip errors on the lattice.

    :param dual_qubits: List of ancilla and data qubits for the extraction.
    Assumed to have an identical format to the "primal_qubits" parameter
    in "X_syndrome_extraction" above. Note that the ancilla qubits live on the
    nodes of the dual graph (plaquette faces of the primal graph). Also
    we assume the ancilla is initialized to |0>.
    :returns: +/- 1 to indicate whether an error has been detected
    pq = Program()
    ro_Z = pq.declare('ro', 'BIT', 1)

    # Perform the circuit
    for i in range(1, len(dual_qubits)):
        pq += CNOT(dual_qubits[i], dual_qubits[0])
    # Measure in the Z-basis
    pq += MEASURE(dual_qubits[0], ro_Z[0])
    return pq
예제 #20
def test_is_protoquil():
    prog = Program(
        Declare('ro', 'BIT'),
        MEASURE(1, MemoryReference("ro", 0)),
    assert prog.is_protoquil()

    prog = Program(Declare('ro', 'BIT'), H(0), Y(1), CNOT(0, 1)) \
        .measure(0, MemoryReference("ro", 0)) \
        .if_then(MemoryReference("ro", 0), Program(X(0)), Program())
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    assert not prog.is_protoquil()

    prog = Program(Declare('ro', 'BIT'), ClassicalNot(MemoryReference("ro", 0)))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    assert not prog.is_protoquil()
예제 #21
def _construct_deutsch_jozsa_circuit(
    qubits, computational_qubits, ancillas, unitary_matrix
    """ Builds the Deutsch-Jozsa circuit. Which can determine
        whether a function f mapping
        `\{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}` is constant or balanced,
        provided that it is one of them.

        qubits: list of qubits
        computational_qubits: list of qubits whose results matter
        ancillas: list of ancillary qubits
        unitary_matrix: the oracle's unitary_matrix

        A program corresponding to the desired instance of
        Deutsch Jozsa's Algorithm.
    dj_prog = Program()

    # Put the first ancilla qubit (query qubit) into minus state
    dj_prog.inst(X(ancillas[0]), H(ancillas[0]))

    # Apply Hadamard, Oracle, and Hadamard again
    dj_prog.inst([H(qubit) for qubit in computational_qubits])

    # Build the oracle
    oracle_prog = Program()
    oracle_prog.defgate(ORACLE_GATE_NAME, unitary_matrix)

    scratch_bit = ancillas[1]
    qubits_for_funct = [scratch_bit] + computational_qubits
    oracle_prog.inst(tuple([ORACLE_GATE_NAME] + qubits_for_funct))
    dj_prog += oracle_prog

    # Here the oracle does not leave the computational qubits unchanged, so we use a CNOT to
    # to move the result to the query qubit, and then we uncompute with the dagger.
    dj_prog.inst(CNOT(qubits[0], ancillas[0]))
    dj_prog += oracle_prog.dagger()
    dj_prog.inst([H(qubit) for qubit in computational_qubits])
    return dj_prog
예제 #22
def create_ghz_program(tree: nx.DiGraph):
    Create a Bell/GHZ state with CNOTs described by tree.

    :param tree: A tree that describes the CNOTs to perform to create a bell/GHZ state.
    :return: the program
    assert nx.is_tree(tree), 'Needs to be a tree'
    nodes = list(nx.topological_sort(tree))
    n_qubits = len(nodes)
    program = Program(H(nodes[0]))

    for node in nodes:
        for child in tree.successors(node):
            program += CNOT(node, child)

    ro = program.declare('ro', 'BIT', n_qubits)
    for i, q in enumerate(nodes):
        program += MEASURE(q, ro[i])

    return program
예제 #23
def teleport(start_index, end_index, ancilla_index):
    """Teleport a qubit from start to end using an ancilla qubit
    program = make_bell_pair(end_index, ancilla_index)

    ro = program.declare('ro', memory_size=3)

    # do the teleportation
    program.inst(CNOT(start_index, ancilla_index))

    # measure the results and store them in classical registers [0] and [1]
    program.measure(start_index, ro[0])
    program.measure(ancilla_index, ro[1])

    program.if_then(ro[1], X(2))
    program.if_then(ro[0], Z(2))

    program.measure(end_index, ro[2])

    return program
예제 #24
def test_qc_calibration_2q(client_configuration: QCSClientConfiguration):
    # noise model with 95% symmetrized readout fidelity per qubit
    noise_model = asymmetric_ro_model([0, 1], 0.945, 0.955)
    qc = get_qc("2q-qvm", client_configuration=client_configuration)
    qc.qam.noise_model = noise_model

    # bell state program (doesn't matter)
    p = Program()
    p += RESET()
    p += H(0)
    p += CNOT(0, 1)

    # ZZ experiment
    sz = ExperimentSetting(in_state=_pauli_to_product_state(sZ(0) * sZ(1)), out_operator=sZ(0) * sZ(1))
    e = Experiment(settings=[sz], program=p)

    results = qc.calibrate(e)

    # ZZ expectation should just be (1 - 2 * readout_error_q0) * (1 - 2 * readout_error_q1)
    np.isclose(results[0].expectation, 0.81, atol=0.01)
    assert results[0].total_counts == 40000
예제 #25
def test_qc_calibration_1q(forest):
    # noise model with 95% symmetrized readout fidelity per qubit
    noise_model = asymmetric_ro_model([0], 0.945, 0.955)
    qc = get_qc("1q-qvm")
    qc.qam.noise_model = noise_model

    # bell state program (doesn't matter)
    p = Program()
    p += RESET()
    p += H(0)
    p += CNOT(0, 1)

    # Z experiment
    sz = ExperimentSetting(in_state=sZ(0), out_operator=sZ(0))
    e = Experiment(settings=[sz], program=p)

    results = qc.calibrate(e)

    # Z expectation value should just be 1 - 2 * readout_error
    np.isclose(results[0].expectation, 0.9, atol=0.01)
    assert results[0].total_counts == 20000
예제 #26
def run_bell_low_level(n_shots=1000):
    # Step 1. Get some device components
    qc = get_qc('9q-generic-qvm')
    compiler = qc.compiler
    qam = qc.qam
    del qc

    q = [4, 5]  # qubits

    # Step 2. Construct your program
    program = Program()
    program += H(q[0])
    program += CNOT(q[0], q[1])

    # Step 2.1. Manage read-out memory
    ro = program.declare('ro', memory_type='BIT', memory_size='2')
    program += MEASURE(q[0], ro[0])
    program += MEASURE(q[1], ro[1])

    # Step 2.2. Run the program in a loop
    program = program.wrap_in_numshots_loop(n_shots)

    # Step 3. Compile and run
    nq_program = compiler.quil_to_native_quil(program)
    executable = compiler.native_quil_to_executable(nq_program)
    bitstrings = qam.load(executable) \
        .run() \
        .wait() \

    # Bincount bitstrings
    basis = np.array([2**i for i in range(len(q))])
    ints = np.sum(bitstrings * basis, axis=1)
    print('bincounts', np.bincount(ints))

    # Check parity
    parities = np.sum(bitstrings, axis=1) % 2
    print('avg parity', np.mean(parities))
def test_expectation(forest: ForestConnection):
    # The forest fixture (argument) to this test is to ensure this is
    # skipped when a forest web api key is unavailable. You could also
    # pass it to the constructor of WavefunctionSimulator() but it is not
    # necessary.
    wfnsim = WavefunctionSimulator()
    bell = Program(
        CNOT(0, 1),
    expects = wfnsim.expectation(bell, [
        sZ(0) * sZ(1),
        sX(0) * sX(1),
    assert expects.size == 4
    np.testing.assert_allclose(expects, [1, 0, 0, 1])

    pauli_sum = PauliSum([sZ(0) * sZ(1)])
    expects = wfnsim.expectation(bell, pauli_sum)
    assert expects.size == 1
    np.testing.assert_allclose(expects, [1])
예제 #28
def test_get_flipped_program():
    program = Program()
    ro = program.declare('ro', memory_type='BIT', memory_size=2)
    program += Program([
        RX(2.3, 1),
        CNOT(0, 1),
        MEASURE(0, ro[0]),
        MEASURE(1, ro[1]),

    flipped_program = get_flipped_program(program)

    lines = flipped_program.out().splitlines()
    matched = 0
    for l1, l2 in zip(lines, lines[1:]):
        ma = re.match(r'MEASURE (\d) ro\[(\d)\]', l2)
        if ma is not None:
            matched += 1
            assert int( == int(
            assert l1 == 'RX(pi) {}'.format(int(

    assert matched == 2
예제 #29
파일: 프로젝트: nvoitek/QC
def CCZ():
    t_gate_1 = Program(T(1)).dagger()
    t_gate_2 = Program(T(2)).dagger()
    ccz = Program()
    ccz += CNOT(1,2)
    ccz += t_gate_2
    ccz += CNOT(0,2)
    ccz += T(2)
    ccz += CNOT(1,2)
    ccz += t_gate_2
    ccz += CNOT(0,2)
    ccz += T(1)
    ccz += T(2)
    ccz += CNOT(0,1)
    ccz += T(0)
    ccz += t_gate_1
    ccz += CNOT(0,1)
    return ccz
예제 #30
파일: 프로젝트: tocheng/pyquil
def test_is_protoquil():
    prog = Program(Declare("ro", "BIT"), MEASURE(1, MemoryReference("ro", 0)),
                   H(1), RESET())
    assert prog.is_protoquil()

    prog = (Program(Declare("ro", "BIT"), H(0), Y(1), CNOT(0, 1)).measure(
        0, MemoryReference("ro", 0)).if_then(MemoryReference("ro", 0),
                                             Program(X(0)), Program()))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    assert not prog.is_protoquil()

    prog = Program(Declare("ro", "BIT"), ClassicalNot(MemoryReference("ro",
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    assert not prog.is_protoquil()

    prog = Program(DefCalibration("I", [], [Qubit(0)], []), I(0))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    assert not prog.is_protoquil()
    assert prog.is_protoquil(quilt=True)