def main(): """ """ # parse the arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Entry to Pyrad processing framework') # positional arguments parser.add_argument('proc_cfgfile', type=str, help='name of main configuration file') parser.add_argument('days', nargs='+', type=str, help='Dates to process. Format YYYY-MM-DD') # keyword arguments parser.add_argument('--trtbase', type=str, default='/store/msrad/radar/trt/', help='name of folder containing the TRT cell data') parser.add_argument( '--radarbase', type=str, default='/store/msrad/radar/pyrad_products/rad4alp_hydro_PHA/', help='name of folder containing the radar data') parser.add_argument('--cfgpath', type=str, default=os.path.expanduser('~') + '/pyrad/config/processing/', help='configuration file path') parser.add_argument( '--datatypes', type=str, default='hydro,KDPc,dBZc,RhoHVc,TEMP,ZDRc', help='Name of the polarimetric moments to process. Coma separated') parser.add_argument( '--datasets', type=str, default='hydroclass,KDPc,reflectivity,RhoHVc,temperature,ZDRc', help='Name of the directory containing the datasets') parser.add_argument('--hres', type=float, default=250., help='Height resolution') args = parser.parse_args() print("====== PYRAD TRT data processing started: %s" % datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) atexit.register(_print_end_msg, "====== PYRAD TRT data processing finished: ") print('config path: ' + args.cfgpath) print('config file: ' + args.proc_cfgfile) print('trt path: ' + args.trtbase) print('radar data path: ' + args.radarbase) cfgfile_proc = args.cfgpath + args.proc_cfgfile trajtype = 'trt' time_dir_list = args.days datatype_list = args.datatypes.split(',') dataset_list = args.datasets.split(',') if np.size(datatype_list) != np.size(dataset_list): warn( str(np.size(datatype_list)) + ' datatypes but ' + str(np.size(dataset_list)) + ' dataset directories. Their number must be equal') return # Find all TRT files in directory trt_list = [] for time_dir in time_dir_list: trt_list.extend( glob.glob(args.trtbase + time_dir + '/TRTC_cell_plots/All/*.trt')) trt_list.extend( glob.glob(args.trtbase + time_dir + '/TRTC_cell_plots/Some/*.trt')) # Pyrad data processing trt_cell_id_list = [] trt_file_list = [] for fname in trt_list: print('processing TRT cell file ' + fname) try: infostr = os.path.basename(fname).split('.')[0] pyrad_main(cfgfile_proc, trajfile=fname, infostr=infostr, trajtype=trajtype) trt_cell_id_list.append(infostr) trt_file_list.append(fname) except ValueError: print(ValueError) # plot time series and get altitude of graupel column if 'hydro' in datatype_list: cell_ID_list = np.asarray([], dtype=int) time_list = np.asarray([], dtype=datetime.datetime) lon_list = np.asarray([], dtype=float) lat_list = np.asarray([], dtype=float) area_list = np.asarray([], dtype=float) rank_list = np.asarray([], dtype=float) rm_hmin_list =[], dtype=float) rm_hmax_list =[], dtype=float) for i, trt_cell_id in enumerate(trt_cell_id_list): print('\n\nPost-processing cell: ' + trt_cell_id) dt_str = trt_cell_id[0:12] dt_cell = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str, "%Y%m%d%H%M") time_dir = dt_cell.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for j, datatype in enumerate(datatype_list): dataset = dataset_list[j] file_base2 = args.radarbase + time_dir + '/' + dataset + '_trt_traj/' field_name = get_fieldname_pyart(datatype) field_dict = get_metadata(field_name) titl = 'TRT cell ' + trt_cell_id + '\n' + get_field_name( field_dict, field_name) # plot time-height flist = glob.glob(file_base2 + 'PROFILE/*_' + trt_cell_id + '_rhi_profile_*_' + datatype + '_hres' + str(int(args.hres)) + '.csv') if not flist: warn('No profile files found in ' + file_base2 + 'PROFILE/ for TRT cell ' + trt_cell_id + ' with resolution ' + str(args.hres)) else: labels = [ '50.0-percentile', '25.0-percentile', '75.0-percentile' ] if datatype == 'RhoHVc': labels = [ '80.0-percentile', '65.0-percentile', '95.0-percentile' ] elif datatype == 'hydro': labels = [ 'Mode', '2nd most common', '3rd most common', '% points mode', '% points 2nd most common', '% points 3rd most common' ] elif datatype == 'entropy' or 'prop' in datatype: labels = ['Mean', 'Min', 'Max'] tbin_edges, hbin_edges, _, data_ma, start_time = ( read_profile_ts(flist, labels, hres=args.hres)) basepath_out = os.path.dirname(flist[0]) fname = (basepath_out + '/' + trt_cell_id + '_trt_TIME_HEIGHT_' + datatype + '_hres' + str(args.hres) + '.png') vmin = vmax = None if datatype == 'RhoHVc': vmin = 0.95 vmax = 1.00 xlabel = ('time (s from ' + start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ')') _plot_time_range(tbin_edges, hbin_edges, data_ma, field_name, [fname], titl=titl, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel='height (m MSL)', figsize=[10, 8], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, dpi=72) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname) # Get min and max altitude of graupel/hail area if datatype == 'hydro': (traj_ID, yyyymmddHHMM, lon, lat, _, _, _, area, _, _, _, RANKr, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) = read_trt_traj_data(trt_file_list[i]) hmin, hmax = get_graupel_column(tbin_edges, hbin_edges, data_ma, start_time, yyyymmddHHMM) cell_ID_list = np.append(cell_ID_list, traj_ID) time_list = np.append(time_list, yyyymmddHHMM) lon_list = np.append(lon_list, lon) lat_list = np.append(lat_list, lat) area_list = np.append(area_list, area) rank_list = np.append(rank_list, RANKr) rm_hmin_list =, hmin) rm_hmax_list =, hmax) # plot time-hist flist = glob.glob(file_base2 + 'HISTOGRAM/*_' + trt_cell_id + '_histogram_*_' + datatype + '.csv') if not flist: warn('No histogram files found in ' + file_base2 + 'HISTOGRAM/ for TRT cell ' + trt_cell_id) else: tbin_edges, bin_edges, data_ma, start_time = read_histogram_ts( flist, datatype) basepath_out = os.path.dirname(flist[0]) fname = (basepath_out + '/' + trt_cell_id + '_trt_HISTOGRAM_' + datatype + '.png') data_ma[data_ma == 0.] = xlabel = ('time (s from ' + start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ')') _plot_time_range(tbin_edges, bin_edges, data_ma, 'frequency_of_occurrence', [fname], titl=titl, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=get_colobar_label( field_dict, field_name), vmin=0., vmax=np.max(data_ma), figsize=[10, 8], dpi=72) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname) # plot quantiles flist = glob.glob(file_base2 + 'QUANTILES/*_' + trt_cell_id + '_quantiles_*_' + datatype + '.csv') if not flist: warn('No quantiles files found in ' + file_base2 + 'QUANTILES/ for TRT cell ' + trt_cell_id) continue tbin_edges, qbin_edges, data_ma, start_time = read_quantiles_ts( flist, step=5., qmin=0., qmax=100.) basepath_out = os.path.dirname(flist[0]) fname = (basepath_out + '/' + trt_cell_id + '_trt_QUANTILES_' + datatype + '.png') vmin = vmax = None if datatype == 'RhoHVc': vmin = 0.95 vmax = 1.00 xlabel = ('time (s from ' + start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ')') _plot_time_range(tbin_edges, qbin_edges, data_ma, field_name, [fname], titl=titl, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel='Quantile', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, figsize=[10, 8], dpi=72) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname) if 'hydro' in datatype_list: fname = args.trtbase + 'cell_rimmed_particles_column.csv' write_trt_cell_lightning(cell_ID_list, time_list, lon_list, lat_list, area_list, rank_list, rm_hmin_list, rm_hmax_list, fname) print("----- written to '%s'" % fname)
def main(): """ """ # parse the arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Entry to Pyrad processing framework') # positional arguments parser.add_argument( 'proc_cfgfile', type=str, help='name of main configuration file') parser.add_argument( 'starttime', type=str, help=('starting time of the data to be processed. ' + 'Format ''YYYYMMDDhhmmss''')) parser.add_argument( 'endtime', type=str, help='end time of the data to be processed. Format ''YYYYMMDDhhmmss''') # keyword arguments parser.add_argument( '--cfgpath', type=str, default=os.path.expanduser('~')+'/pyrad/config/processing/', help='configuration file path') parser.add_argument( '--storepath', type=str, default='/store/msrad/radar/pyrad_products/rad4alp_birds_PHA/', help='Base data storing path') parser.add_argument( '--hres', type=int, default=200, help='Height resolution [m]') args = parser.parse_args() print("====== PYRAD data processing started: %s" % datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) atexit.register(_print_end_msg, "====== PYRAD data processing finished: ") print('config path: '+args.cfgpath) print('config file: '+args.proc_cfgfile) print('start time: '+args.starttime) print('end time: '+args.endtime) proc_starttime = datetime.datetime.strptime( args.starttime, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') proc_endtime = datetime.datetime.strptime( args.endtime, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') cfgfile_proc = args.cfgpath+args.proc_cfgfile pyrad_main(cfgfile_proc, starttime=proc_starttime, endtime=proc_endtime) # Plot time-height file_base = args.storepath hres = args.hres datatype_list = [ 'dBZc', 'eta_h', 'bird_density', 'WIND_SPEED', 'WIND_DIRECTION', 'wind_vel_h_u', 'wind_vel_h_v', 'wind_vel_v'] startdate = proc_starttime.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) enddate = proc_endtime.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) ndays = int((enddate-startdate).days)+1 for datatype in datatype_list: flist = [] for i in range(ndays): time_dir = ( proc_starttime+datetime.timedelta(days=i)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') filepath = ( file_base+time_dir+'/VAD/PROFILE_WIND/' + '*_wind_profile_VAD_WIND_hres'+str(hres)+'.csv') labels = [ 'u_wind', 'std_u_wind', 'np_u_wind', 'v_wind', 'std_v_wind', 'np_v_wind', 'w_wind', 'std_w_wind', 'np_w_wind', 'mag_h_wind', 'dir_h_wind'] label_nr = 0 if datatype == 'dBZc': filepath = ( file_base+time_dir+'/velFilter/PROFILE_dBZc/' + '*_rhi_profile_*_dBZc_hres'+str(hres)+'.csv') labels = [ '50.0-percentile', '25.0-percentile', '75.0-percentile'] # dBZ mean data # filepath = ( # file_base+time_dir+'/velFilter/PROFILE_dBZc_mean/' + # '*_rhi_profile_*_dBZc_hres'+str(hres)+'.csv') # labels = [ # 'Mean', 'Min', 'Max'] # dBZ linear mean data # filepath = ( # file_base+time_dir+'/velFilter/PROFILE_dBZc_linear_mean/' + # '*_rhi_profile_*_dBZc_hres'+str(hres)+'.csv') # labels = [ # 'Mean', 'Min', 'Max'] # dBZ before filtering with fitted velocity # filepath = ( # file_base+time_dir+'/echoFilter/PROFILE_dBZc/' + # '*_rhi_profile_*_dBZc_hres'+str(hres)+'.csv') # labels = [ # '50.0-percentile', '25.0-percentile', '75.0-percentile'] # # dBZ before filtering with fitted velocity. Linear mean # filepath = ( # file_base+time_dir+'/echoFilter/PROFILE_dBZc_linear_mean/' + # '*_rhi_profile_*_dBZc_hres'+str(hres)+'.csv') # labels = [ # 'Mean', 'Min', 'Max'] elif datatype == 'eta_h': filepath = ( file_base+time_dir+'/vol_refl/PROFILE/' + '*_rhi_profile_*_eta_h_hres'+str(hres)+'.csv') labels = [ '50.0-percentile', '25.0-percentile', '75.0-percentile'] # mean data # filepath = ( # file_base+time_dir+'/vol_refl/PROFILE_mean/' + # '*_rhi_profile_*_eta_h_hres'+str(hres)+'.csv') # labels = [ # 'Mean', 'Min', 'Max'] elif datatype == 'bird_density': filepath = ( file_base+time_dir+'/bird_density/PROFILE/' + '*_rhi_profile_*_bird_density_hres'+str(hres)+'.csv') labels = [ '50.0-percentile', '25.0-percentile', '75.0-percentile'] # mean data # filepath = ( # file_base+time_dir+'/bird_density/PROFILE_mean/' + # '*_rhi_profile_*_bird_density_hres'+str(hres)+'.csv') # labels = [ # 'Mean', 'Min', 'Max'] elif datatype == 'WIND_SPEED': label_nr = 9 elif datatype == 'WIND_DIRECTION': label_nr = 10 elif datatype == 'wind_vel_h_u': label_nr = 0 elif datatype == 'wind_vel_h_v': label_nr = 3 elif datatype == 'wind_vel_v': label_nr = 6 flist_aux = glob.glob(filepath) if not flist_aux: warn('No profile files found in '+filepath) continue flist.extend(flist_aux) if not flist: warn('No profile files found') continue flist.sort() field_name = get_fieldname_pyart(datatype) field_dict = get_metadata(field_name) titl = 'bird retrieval '+args.starttime+'\n'+get_field_name( field_dict, field_name) tbin_edges, hbin_edges, np_ma, data_ma, t_start = read_profile_ts( flist, labels, hres=hres, label_nr=label_nr) basepath_out = os.path.dirname(flist[0]) fname = ( basepath_out+'/'+args.starttime+'_TIME_HEIGHT_' + datatype+'_hres'+str(hres)+'.png') vmin = vmax = None _plot_time_range( tbin_edges, hbin_edges/1000., data_ma, field_name, [fname], titl=titl, figsize=[10, 8], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, dpi=72) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname) # Plot number of points field_dict = get_metadata('number_of_samples') titl = 'bird retrieval '+args.starttime+'\n'+get_field_name( field_dict, 'number_of_samples') fname = ( basepath_out+'/'+args.starttime+'_TIME_HEIGHT_' + datatype+'nsamples_hres'+str(hres)+'.png') vmin = vmax = None _plot_time_range( tbin_edges, hbin_edges/1000., np_ma, 'number_of_samples', [fname], titl=titl, figsize=[10, 8], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, dpi=72) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname)
def main(): """ """ file_base = '/store/msrad/radar/pyrad_products/rad4alp_hydro_PHA/' time_dir_list = ['2017-06-29'] trt_cell_id = '2017062913000174' hres = 250 datatype_list = ['dBZc', 'ZDRc', 'RhoHVc', 'KDPc', 'TEMP', 'hydro'] dataset_list = [ 'reflectivity', 'ZDRc', 'RhoHVc', 'KDPc', 'temperature', 'hydroclass' ] print("====== Plot time-height started: %s" % datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) atexit.register(_print_end_msg, "====== Plot time-height finished: ") for time_dir in time_dir_list: for i, datatype in enumerate(datatype_list): labels = ['50.0-percentile', '25.0-percentile', '75.0-percentile'] if datatype == 'RhoHVc': labels = [ '80.0-percentile', '65.0-percentile', '95.0-percentile' ] elif datatype == 'hydro': labels = [ 'Mode', '2nd most common', '3rd most common', '% points mode', '% points 2nd most common', '% points 3rd most common' ] dataset = dataset_list[i] file_path = file_base + time_dir + '/' + dataset + '_trt_traj/PROFILE/' flist = glob.glob(file_path + '*_' + trt_cell_id + '_rhi_profile_*_' + datatype + '_hres' + str(hres) + '.csv') if not flist: warn('No profile files found in ' + file_path + ' for TRT cell ' + trt_cell_id + ' with resolution ' + str(hres)) continue tbin_edges, hbin_edges, data_ma = read_profile_ts(flist, labels, hres=hres) basepath_out = os.path.dirname(flist[0]) fname = (basepath_out + '/' + trt_cell_id + '_trt_TIME_HEIGHT_' + datatype + '_hres' + str(hres) + '.png') field_name = get_fieldname_pyart(datatype) field_dict = get_metadata(field_name) titl = 'TRT cell ' + trt_cell_id + '\n' + get_field_name( field_dict, field_name) vmin = vmax = None if datatype == 'RhoHVc': vmin = 0.95 vmax = 1.00 _plot_time_range(tbin_edges, hbin_edges, data_ma, field_name, [fname], titl=titl, figsize=[10, 8], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, dpi=72) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname)