def make_gemini_frame_mosaic(filename, overwrite=False, outputDir = None, deleteFits = False, makePDF = False, outputDirPDF = None): dataDir, fname = os.path.split(filename) if outputDir is not None: dataDir = outputDir mosaicName = os.path.join(dataDir,'m'+fname) if ( (not os.path.isfile(mosaicName)) or (overwrite) ): gmos.gmosaic(filename, outimages=mosaicName) # 2017-12-12 do not interpolate when creating the mosoaic # see # gmos.gmosaic(filename, outimages=mosaicName, geointer="nearest") if makePDF: if outputDirPDF is not None: saveFile = os.path.join(outputDirPDF,'m'+fname).replace('.fits','.pdf'); else: saveFile = mosaicName.replace('.fits','.pdf'); if ( (not os.path.isfile(saveFile)) or (overwrite == 1) ): fig = pl.figure(figsize=(7, 7),facecolor='w', edgecolor='k'); pl.clf(); gc = aplpy.FITSFigure(mosaicName, figure=fig) gc.show_grayscale(invert = False) if (('mbias.pdf' in saveFile) | ('mflat.pdf' in saveFile)): gc.hide_ytick_labels() gc.hide_xtick_labels(), dpi=300); if deleteFits: os.remove(mosaicName)
def calibrate_standard_images(qd, dbFile, std_name, biasfilename='MCbias', overwrite=True): print("=== Processing Science Images ===") prefix = 'rg' cur_dir = os.getcwd() iraf.chdir(data_dir) # Set task parameters. # Employ the imaging Static BPM for this set of detectors. gmos.gireduce.unlearn() sciFlags = { 'fl_over': 'yes', 'fl_trim': 'yes', 'fl_bias': 'yes', 'fl_dark': 'no', 'fl_flat': 'yes', 'logfile': 'gireduceLog.txt', 'rawpath': '', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', #####'bpm':'bpm_gmos-s_EEV_v1_2x2_img_MEF.fits', 'verbose': 'no' } gemtools.gemextn.unlearn() # disarms a bug in gmosaic gmos.gmosaic.unlearn() mosaicFlags = { 'fl_paste': 'no', 'fl_fixpix': 'no', 'fl_clean': 'yes', 'geointer': 'nearest', 'logfile': 'gmosaicLog.txt', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'fl_fulldq': 'yes', 'verbose': 'no' } # Reduce the science images, then mosaic the extensions in a loop filters = ['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i'] for f in filters: print(" Processing science images for: %s" % (f)) qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%' flatFile = 'MCflat_' + f sql_query = '''SELECT file FROM obslog WHERE Object='{}' AND Filter2 LIKE '{}%' '''.format( std_name, f) sciFiles = run_query(sql_query, dbFile) sciFiles = [x[0] for x in sciFiles] if len(sciFiles) > 0: gmos.gireduce(','.join(str(x) for x in sciFiles), bias=biasfilename, flat1=flatFile, **sciFlags) for file in sciFiles: gmos.gmosaic(prefix + file, **mosaicFlags) iraf.chdir(cur_dir)
def make_gemini_frame_mosaic_PDF(filename, overwrite=0, outputDir=None, deleteFits=True): dataDir, fname = os.path.split(filename) if outputDir is not None: dataDir = outputDir mosaicName = os.path.join(dataDir,'m'+fname) saveFile = mosaicName.replace('.fits','.pdf'); if ( (not os.path.isfile(saveFile)) or (overwrite == 1) ): gmos.gmosaic(filename,outimages=mosaicName) fig = pl.figure(figsize=(7, 7),facecolor='w', edgecolor='k'); pl.clf(); gc = aplpy.FITSFigure(mosaicName, figure=fig) gc.show_grayscale(invert = False) if (('mbias.pdf' in saveFile) | ('mflat.pdf' in saveFile)): gc.hide_ytick_labels() gc.hide_xtick_labels(), dpi=300); if deleteFits: os.remove(mosaicName)
def gmos_img_proc2( dbFile="./raw/obsLog.sqlite3", qd={ 'use_me': 1, 'Instrument': 'GMOS-S', 'CcdBin': '2 2', 'RoI': 'Full', 'Object': 'M8-%', 'DateObs': '2006-09-01:2006-10-30' }, bias_dateobs="2006-09-01:2006-10-30", biasFlags={ 'logfile': 'biasLog.txt', 'rawpath': './raw/', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'verbose': 'yes' }, flat_dateobs='2006-09-10:2006-10-10', flatFlags={ 'fl_scale': 'yes', 'sctype': 'mean', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'rawpath': './raw/', 'logfile': 'giflatLog.txt', 'verbose': 'yes' }, filters=['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i'], sciFlags={ 'fl_over': 'yes', 'fl_trim': 'yes', 'fl_bias': 'yes', 'fl_dark': 'no', 'fl_flat': 'yes', 'logfile': 'gireduceLog.txt', 'rawpath': './raw/', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'bpm': bpm_gmos, 'verbose': 'yes' }, mosaicFlags={ 'fl_paste': 'no', 'fl_fixpix': 'no', 'fl_clean': 'yes', 'geointer': 'nearest', 'logfile': 'gmosaicLog.txt', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'fl_fulldq': 'yes', 'verbose': 'yes' }, coaddFlags={ 'fwhm': 3, 'datamax': 6.e4, 'geointer': 'nearest', 'logfile': 'imcoaddLog.txt' }, targets=['M8-1', 'M8-2', 'M8-3'], clean_files=False): """ Parameters ---------- dbFile : str Filename containing the SQL sqlite3 database created by It must be placed in the ./raw/ directory Default is `./raw/obsLog.sqlite3` qd : dictionary Query Dictionary of essential parameter=value pairs. Select bias exposures within ~2 months of the target observations e.g. qd= {'use_me': 1, 'Instrument': 'GMOS-S', 'CcdBin': '2 2', 'RoI': 'Full', 'Object': 'M8-%', 'DateObs': '2006-09-01:2006-10-30' } bias_dateobs : str String representing the bias search Obsdate e.g. bias_dateobs = `2006-09-01:2006-10-30` biasFlags : dict Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gbias() function flat_dateobs : str String representing the flat search Obsdate e.g. flat_dateobs = `2006-09-10:2006-10-10` flatFlags : dict Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.giflat() function e.g. flatFlags = {'fl_scale': 'yes', 'sctype': 'mean', 'fl_vardq': 'yes','rawpath': './raw/', 'logfile': 'giflatLog.txt', 'verbose': 'yes'} filters : list List of filter names to perform reduction e.g. filters=['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i'] sciFlags : dict Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gireduce() function mosaicFlags : dict Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gimosaic() function coaddFlags : dict Dictionary for the keyword flags of gemtools.imcoadd() function targets : list List of names of target observations for the co-addition e.g. targets = ['M8-1', 'M8-2', 'M8-3'] clean_files : bool Whether to clean intermediate files from reduction process Returns ------- Reduce GMOS imaging based on tutorial example. """ print("### Begin Processing GMOS/MOS Images ###") print("###") print("=== Creating MasterCals ===") # From the work_directory: # Create the query dictionary of essential parameter=value pairs. # Select bias exposures within ~2 months of the target observations: print(" --Creating Bias MasterCal--") qd.update({'DateObs': bias_dateobs}) # Set the task parameters. gmos.gbias.unlearn() # The following SQL generates the list of files to process. SQL = fs.createQuery('bias', qd) biasFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qd) # The str.join() function is needed to transform a python list into a string # filelist that IRAF can understand. if len(biasFiles) > 1: files_all = ','.join(str(x) for x in biasFiles) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gmos.gbias(files_all, 'MCbias.fits', **biasFlags) # Clean up year_obs = qd['DateObs'].split('-')[0] if clean_files: iraf.imdel('gS{}*.fits'.format(year_obs)) ask_user( "MC Bias done. Would you like to continue to proceed with Master Flats? (y/n): ", ['y', 'yes']) print(" --Creating Twilight Imaging Flat-Field MasterCal--") # Select flats obtained contemporaneously with the observations. qd.update({'DateObs': flat_dateobs}) # Set the task parameters. gmos.giflat.unlearn() #filters = ['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i'] for f in filters: print " Building twilight flat MasterCal for filter: %s" % (f) # Select filter name using a substring of the official designation. qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%' mcName = 'MCflat_%s.fits' % (f) flatFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('twiFlat', qd), qd) if len(flatFiles) > 0: files_all = ','.join(str(x) for x in flatFiles) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gmos.giflat(files_all, mcName, bias='MCbias', **flatFlags) if clean_files: iraf.imdel('gS{}*.fits,rgS{}*.fits'.format(year_obs, year_obs)) ask_user( "MC Flats done. Would you like to continue to proceed with processing Science Images? (y/n): ", ['yes', 'y']) print("=== Processing Science Images ===") # Remove restriction on date range qd['DateObs'] = '*' prefix = 'rg' gmos.gireduce.unlearn() gemtools.gemextn.unlearn() # disarms a bug in gmosaic gmos.gmosaic.unlearn() # Reduce the science images, then mosaic the extensions in a loop for f in filters: print " Processing science images for filter: %s" % (f) qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%' flatFile = 'MCflat_' + f + '.fits' SQL = fs.createQuery('sciImg', qd) sciFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qd) if len(sciFiles) > 0: # Make sure BPM table is in sciFlags for employing the imaging Static BPM for this set of detectors. # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() all_files = ','.join(str(x) for x in sciFiles) gmos.gireduce(all_files, bias='MCbias', flat1=flatFile, **sciFlags) for file in sciFiles: gmos.gmosaic(prefix + file, **mosaicFlags) else: print("No Science images found for filter {}. Check database.". format(f)) import pdb pdb.set_trace() if clean_files: iraf.imdelete('gS{}*.fits,rgS{}*.fits'.format(year_obs, year_obs)) ask_user( "Science Images done. Would you like to continue to proceed with image co-addition? (y/n): ", ['y', 'yes']) ## Co-add the images, per position and filter. print(" -- Begin image co-addition --") # Use primarily the default task parameters. gemtools.imcoadd.unlearn() prefix = 'mrg' for f in filters: print " - Co-addding science images in filter: %s" % (f) qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%' for t in targets: qd['Object'] = t + '%' print " - Co-addding science images for position: %s" % (t) outImage = t + '_' + f + '.fits' coAddFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciImg', qd), qd) all_files = ','.join(prefix + str(x) for x in coAddFiles) if all_files == '': print( 'No files available for co-addition. Check that the target names are written correctly.' ) import pdb pdb.set_trace() gemtools.imcoadd(all_files, outimage=outImage, **coaddFlags) ask_user( "Co-addition done. Would you like to clean the latest intermediate reduction files? (y/n): ", ['y', 'yes']) if clean_files: iraf.delete("*_trn*,*_pos,*_cen") iraf.imdelete("*,*_med.fits,*_mag.fits") # iraf.imdelete ("mrgS*.fits") print("=== Finished Calibration Processing ===")
'fl_fulldq': 'yes', 'verbose': 'no' } # Reduce the science images, then mosaic the extensions in a loop for f in filters: print " Processing science images for: %s" % (f) qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%' flatFile = 'MCflat_' + f + '.fits' sciFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciImg', qd), qd) if len(sciFiles) > 0: gmos.gireduce(','.join(str(x) for x in sciFiles), bias='MCbias', flat1=flatFile, **sciFlags) for file in sciFiles: gmos.gmosaic(prefix + file, **mosaicFlags) iraf.imdelete('gS2006*.fits,rgS2006*.fits') ## Co-add the images, per position and filter. print(" -- Begin image co-addition --") # Use primarily the default task parameters. gemtools.imcoadd.unlearn() coaddFlags = { 'fwhm': 3, 'datamax': 6.e4, 'geointer': 'nearest', 'logfile': 'imcoaddLog.txt' } targets = ['M8-1', 'M8-2', 'M8-3']
def gmos_img_proc2(dbFile="./raw/obsLog.sqlite3", qd={'use_me': 1,'Instrument': 'GMOS-S', 'CcdBin': '2 2', 'RoI': 'Full', 'Object': 'M8-%', 'DateObs': '2006-09-01:2006-10-30'}, bias_dateobs="2006-09-01:2006-10-30", biasFlags={'logfile': 'biasLog.txt', 'rawpath': './raw/', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'verbose': 'yes'}, flat_dateobs='2006-09-10:2006-10-10', flatFlags = {'fl_scale': 'yes', 'sctype': 'mean', 'fl_vardq': 'yes','rawpath': './raw/', 'logfile': 'giflatLog.txt', 'verbose': 'yes'}, filters = ['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i'], sciFlags={'fl_over': 'yes', 'fl_trim': 'yes', 'fl_bias':'yes', 'fl_dark': 'no','fl_flat': 'yes', 'logfile':'gireduceLog.txt', 'rawpath': './raw/','fl_vardq': 'yes','bpm':bpm_gmos, 'verbose': 'yes'}, mosaicFlags = {'fl_paste': 'no', 'fl_fixpix': 'no', 'fl_clean': 'yes', 'geointer': 'nearest', 'logfile': 'gmosaicLog.txt', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'fl_fulldq': 'yes', 'verbose': 'yes'}, coaddFlags = {'fwhm': 3, 'datamax': 6.e4, 'geointer': 'nearest', 'logfile': 'imcoaddLog.txt'}, targets = ['M8-1', 'M8-2', 'M8-3'], clean_files = False ): """ Parameters ---------- dbFile : str Filename containing the SQL sqlite3 database created by It must be placed in the ./raw/ directory Default is `./raw/obsLog.sqlite3` qd : dictionary Query Dictionary of essential parameter=value pairs. Select bias exposures within ~2 months of the target observations e.g. qd= {'use_me': 1, 'Instrument': 'GMOS-S', 'CcdBin': '2 2', 'RoI': 'Full', 'Object': 'M8-%', 'DateObs': '2006-09-01:2006-10-30' } bias_dateobs : str String representing the bias search Obsdate e.g. bias_dateobs = `2006-09-01:2006-10-30` biasFlags : dict Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gbias() function flat_dateobs : str String representing the flat search Obsdate e.g. flat_dateobs = `2006-09-10:2006-10-10` flatFlags : dict Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.giflat() function e.g. flatFlags = {'fl_scale': 'yes', 'sctype': 'mean', 'fl_vardq': 'yes','rawpath': './raw/', 'logfile': 'giflatLog.txt', 'verbose': 'yes'} filters : list List of filter names to perform reduction e.g. filters=['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i'] sciFlags : dict Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gireduce() function mosaicFlags : dict Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gimosaic() function coaddFlags : dict Dictionary for the keyword flags of gemtools.imcoadd() function targets : list List of names of target observations for the co-addition e.g. targets = ['M8-1', 'M8-2', 'M8-3'] clean_files : bool Whether to clean intermediate files from reduction process Returns ------- Reduce GMOS imaging based on tutorial example. """ print ("### Begin Processing GMOS/MOS Images ###") print ("###") print ("=== Creating MasterCals ===") # From the work_directory: # Create the query dictionary of essential parameter=value pairs. # Select bias exposures within ~2 months of the target observations: print (" --Creating Bias MasterCal--") qd.update({'DateObs': bias_dateobs}) # Set the task parameters. gmos.gbias.unlearn() # The following SQL generates the list of files to process. SQL = fs.createQuery('bias', qd) biasFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qd) # The str.join() function is needed to transform a python list into a string # filelist that IRAF can understand. if len(biasFiles) > 1: files_all = ','.join(str(x) for x in biasFiles) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gmos.gbias(files_all, 'MCbias.fits', **biasFlags) # Clean up year_obs = qd['DateObs'].split('-')[0] if clean_files: iraf.imdel('gS{}*.fits'.format(year_obs)) ask_user("MC Bias done. Would you like to continue to proceed with Master Flats? (y/n): ",['y','yes']) print (" --Creating Twilight Imaging Flat-Field MasterCal--") # Select flats obtained contemporaneously with the observations. qd.update({'DateObs': flat_dateobs}) # Set the task parameters. gmos.giflat.unlearn() #filters = ['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i'] for f in filters: print " Building twilight flat MasterCal for filter: %s" % (f) # Select filter name using a substring of the official designation. qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%' mcName = 'MCflat_%s.fits' % (f) flatFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('twiFlat', qd), qd) if len(flatFiles) > 0: files_all = ','.join(str(x) for x in flatFiles) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gmos.giflat(files_all, mcName, bias='MCbias', **flatFlags) if clean_files: iraf.imdel('gS{}*.fits,rgS{}*.fits'.format(year_obs, year_obs)) ask_user("MC Flats done. Would you like to continue to proceed with processing Science Images? (y/n): ", ['yes','y']) print ("=== Processing Science Images ===") # Remove restriction on date range qd['DateObs'] = '*' prefix = 'rg' gmos.gireduce.unlearn() gemtools.gemextn.unlearn() # disarms a bug in gmosaic gmos.gmosaic.unlearn() # Reduce the science images, then mosaic the extensions in a loop for f in filters: print " Processing science images for filter: %s" % (f) qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%' flatFile = 'MCflat_' + f + '.fits' SQL = fs.createQuery('sciImg', qd) sciFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qd) if len(sciFiles) > 0: # Make sure BPM table is in sciFlags for employing the imaging Static BPM for this set of detectors. # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() all_files = ','.join(str(x) for x in sciFiles) gmos.gireduce(all_files, bias='MCbias', flat1=flatFile, **sciFlags) for file in sciFiles: gmos.gmosaic(prefix + file, **mosaicFlags) else: print("No Science images found for filter {}. Check database.".format(f)) import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if clean_files: iraf.imdelete('gS{}*.fits,rgS{}*.fits'.format(year_obs,year_obs)) ask_user("Science Images done. Would you like to continue to proceed with image co-addition? (y/n): ", ['y','yes']) ## Co-add the images, per position and filter. print (" -- Begin image co-addition --") # Use primarily the default task parameters. gemtools.imcoadd.unlearn() prefix = 'mrg' for f in filters: print " - Co-addding science images in filter: %s" % (f) qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%' for t in targets: qd['Object'] = t + '%' print " - Co-addding science images for position: %s" % (t) outImage = t + '_' + f + '.fits' coAddFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciImg', qd), qd) all_files = ','.join(prefix + str(x) for x in coAddFiles) if all_files == '': print('No files available for co-addition. Check that the target names are written correctly.') import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gemtools.imcoadd(all_files, outimage=outImage, **coaddFlags) ask_user("Co-addition done. Would you like to clean the latest intermediate reduction files? (y/n): ", ['y','yes']) if clean_files: iraf.delete("*_trn*,*_pos,*_cen") iraf.imdelete("*,*_med.fits,*_mag.fits") # iraf.imdelete ("mrgS*.fits") print ("=== Finished Calibration Processing ===")
gmos.gmosaic.unlearn() mosaicFlags = { 'fl_paste':'no','fl_fixpix':'no','fl_clean':'yes','geointer':'nearest', 'logfile':'gmosaicLog.txt','fl_vardq':'yes','fl_fulldq':'yes','verbose':'no' } # Reduce the science images, then mosaic the extensions in a loop for f in filters: print " Processing science images for: %s" % (f) qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%' flatFile = 'MCflat_' + f + '.fits' sciFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciImg', qd), qd) if len(sciFiles) > 0: gmos.gireduce (','.join(str(x) for x in sciFiles), bias='MCbias', flat1=flatFile, **sciFlags) for file in sciFiles: gmos.gmosaic (prefix+file, **mosaicFlags) iraf.imdelete('gS2006*.fits,rgS2006*.fits') ## Co-add the images, per position and filter. print (" -- Begin image co-addition --") # Use primarily the default task parameters. gemtools.imcoadd.unlearn() coaddFlags = { 'fwhm':3,'datamax':6.e4,'geointer':'nearest','logfile':'imcoaddLog.txt' } targets = ['M8-1', 'M8-2', 'M8-3'] prefix = 'mrg' for f in filters: print " - Co-addding science images in filter: %s" % (f)
print("=== gswavelength finished ===") print("=== Running QE correction on Flat ===") gmos.gqecorr.unlearn() Flags = {'fl_correct': 'yes', 'fl_keep': 'yes', 'verbose': 'no'} gmos.gqecorr(flat, corrimages='QEcorr', refimages=arc, **Flags) flat = 'q' + flat print("=== gqecorr finished ===") print("=== Mosaic Flat ===") gmos.gmosaic.unlearn() gmos.gmosaic(flat) flat = 'm' + flat print("=== gmosaic finished ===") print("=== Creating Master Flat ===") gmos.gsflat.unlearn() Flags = { 'fl_over': 'no', 'fl_trim': 'no', 'fl_bias': 'no', 'fl_dark': 'no', 'fl_qecorr': 'no', 'fl_fixpix': 'no',
def calibrate_science_images(qd, dbFile, data_dir, biasfilename='MCbias', overwrite=True): ''' despite the fact that it looks like this can be run from outside the raw directory, it can't be. #Bad pixel maps live in /Users/bostroem/anaconda/envs/geminiconda/iraf_extern/gemini/gmos/data #You can find this directory with pyraf; cd gmos; cd data; pwd ''' print("=== Processing Science Images ===") cur_dir = os.getcwd() iraf.chdir(data_dir) prefix = 'rg' # Set task parameters. # Employ the imaging Static BPM for this set of detectors. gmos.gireduce.unlearn() sciFlags = { 'fl_over': 'yes', #Overscan subtraction 'fl_trim': 'yes', #Overscan region trimmed 'fl_bias': 'yes', #Subtract Bias residual 'fl_dark': 'no', #Subtract Dark 'fl_flat': 'yes', #Subtract flat 'logfile': 'gireduceLog.txt', 'rawpath': '', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', #Propagate VAR and DQ extensions 'verbose': 'no' } if qd['Instrument'] == 'GMOS-N': sciFlags['bpm'] = 'gmos$data/gmos-n_bpm_HAM_22_12amp_v1.fits' else: sciFlags['bpm'] = 'gmos$data/gmos-s_bpm_HAM_22_12amp_v1.fits' gemtools.gemextn.unlearn() # disarms a bug in gmosaic gmos.gmosaic.unlearn() mosaicFlags = { 'fl_paste': 'no', 'fl_fixpix': 'no', 'fl_clean': 'yes', 'geointer': 'nearest', 'logfile': 'gmosaicLog.txt', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'fl_fulldq': 'yes', 'verbose': 'no' } # Reduce the science images, then mosaic the extensions in a loop filters = ['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i'] for f in filters: print(" Processing science images for: %s" % (f)) qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%' flatFile = 'MCflat_' + f sciFiles = fileSelect.fileListQuery( dbFile, fileSelect.createQuery('sciImg', qd), qd) if len(sciFiles) > 0: gmos.gireduce(','.join(str(x) for x in sciFiles), bias=biasfilename, flat1=flatFile, **sciFlags) #Combine multi-extension images into one image for file in sciFiles: gmos.gmosaic(prefix + file, **mosaicFlags) iraf.chdir(cur_dir)