def get_cal_spec_line(filename1, filename2): print 'Run get_cal_spec_line, apall...' outname = 'a' + filename1 if os.path.isfile(outname): print outname, 'is already exist' else: print 'display %s 1' % filename1 iraf.display(image = filename1, frame = 1) iraf.apall(input = filename1 , output = outname, apertures = '', format = 'multispec' , references = filename2, profiles = '', interactive = True , find = False, recenter = False, resize = False , edit = False, trace = False, fittrace = False , extract = True, extras = False, review = True , line = 'INDEF', nsum = 10, lower = -15.0 , upper = 15.0, apidtable = '', b_function = 'chebyshev' , b_order = 1, b_sample = '-30:-20,20:30', b_naverage = -3 , b_niterate = 0, b_low_reject = 3.0, b_high_reject = 3.0 , b_grow = 0.0, width = 5.0, radius = 10.0 , threshold = 0.0, nfind = 1, minsep = 5.0 , maxsep = 1000.0, order = 'increasing', aprecenter = '' , npeaks = 'INDEF', shift = True, llimit ='INDEF' , ulimit = 'INDEF', ylevel = 0.1, peak = True , bkg = True, r_grow = 0.0, avglimits = False , t_nsum = 10, t_step = 10, t_nlost = 3, t_function = 'spline3' , t_order = 3, t_sample = '*', t_naverage = 1 , t_niterate = 0, t_low_reject = 3.0, t_high_reject = 3.0 , t_grow = 0.0, background = 'none', skybox = 1 , weights = 'none', pfit = 'fit1d', clean = False , saturation = 'INDEF', readnoise = 9.4, gain = 0.35 , lsigma = 4.0, usigma = 4.0, nsubaps = 1) print 'splot %s' % outname iraf.splot(images = outname) return outname
def lris_standard(standards, xcorr=yes): '''Extract standard stars and calculate sensitivity functions.''' for ofile, nstd in standards: shutil.copy(ofile, "%s.fits" % nstd) # Extract standard if get_head("%s.fits" % nstd, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(nstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none") else: iraf.apall(nstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit") if xcorr: # Cross correlate to tweak wavelength iraf.xcsao("" % nstd, templates=XCTEMPLATE, correlate="wavelength", logfiles="%s.xcsao" % ofile) # If a solution was found, apply shift try: xcsaof = open("%s.xcsao" % ofile) shift = float(xcsaof.readlines()[6].split()[14]) except: shift = 0.0 iraf.specshift("" % nstd, -shift) # Create telluric iraf.splot("" % nstd) # Remove telluric and absorption, save as iraf.sarith("" % nstd, "/", "" % nstd, "telluric.%s.fits" % nstd) iraf.imreplace("telluric.%s.fits" % nstd, 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.splot("telluric.%s.fits" % nstd) # Remove stellar features and resave # Create smoothed standard iraf.gauss("[*,1,1]" % nstd, "" % nstd, 5.0) iraf.sarith("" % nstd, "/", "" % nstd, "" % nstd) # Apply telluric correction iraf.telluric("" % nstd, "" % nstd, "telluric.%s.fits" % nstd, xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='4000:4010,6850:6975,7150:7350,7575:7725,8050:8400,8900:9725') # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation obj=get_head("%s.fits" % nstd, "OBJECT") iraf.standard("" % nstd, "%s.std" % nstd, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', caldir='home$standards/', observatory='Keck', interac=yes, star_name=obj, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % nstd, '%s.sens' % nstd, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Keck', function='legendre', order=4, interactive=yes) return
def red_science(image, flats, spath, object=None, arc='Arc-Red.fits', smooth='BD284211.smooth.fits', telluric='telluric.fits', sens='BD284211.sens', biassec=REDBIAS, trimsec=REDTRIM, outflat='Flat-Red.fits', gain=REDGAIN, rdnoise=REDRDNOISE): '''Full reduction of KAST science spectra on red CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first redbias(image, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(flats, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) # Create and apply flat-field make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc(image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Cosmic ray rejection #iraf.lacos_spec(image[0], 'c%s' % image[0], 'cm%s' % image[0], # gain=gain, readn=rdnoise, xorder=9, yorder=3, # sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.5, objlim=1.0, niter=3) # Extract spectrum if object==None: object=get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Apply wavelength solution to standard shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, arc), '.') shutil.copy('%s/database/id%s' % (spath, arc.rstrip('.fits')), 'database') iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Smooth shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, smooth), '.') iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', smooth, '%s.s' % object) # Create and apply telluric correction shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, telluric), '.') iraf.telluric('%s.s' % object, '%s.t' % object, telluric, xcorr=yes, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Flux calibration shutil.copy('%s/%s.0001.fits' % (spath, sens), '.') iraf.calibrate('%s.t' % object, '%s.f' % object, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', observatory='Lick', sensitivity=sens, airmass='', exptime='') return
def reference_arc(image, output, reference, coordlist='home$linelists/licklinelist.dat'): '''Construct reference wavelength solution from arc lamps''' iraf.apall(image, output=output, references=reference, interactive=no, find=no, recenter=no, resize=no, edit=no, trace=no, fittrace=no, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='none') iraf.identify(output, coordlist=coordlist) return
def apall(images, out_images, data_path='.', params={}): """ Run iraf apall to extract 1d spectrum. Parameters ---------- images : str Images to transform. out_images : str Output image file names. data_path : str Directory that contains the data. params : dict Iraf apall parameters. """ _check_working_dir(data_path)'running iraf apall') iraf.apall.unlearn() iraf.apall.format = params.pop('format', 'onedspec') iraf.apall.interactive = params.pop('interactive', 'yes') iraf.apall.find = params.pop('find', 'yes') iraf.apall.recenter = params.pop('recenter', 'no') iraf.apall.resize = params.pop('resize', 'no') iraf.apall.edit = params.pop('edit', 'yes') iraf.apall.trace = params.pop('trace', 'yes') iraf.apall.fittrace = params.pop('fittrace', 'yes') iraf.apall.extract = params.pop('extract', 'yes') iraf.apall.extras = params.pop('extras', 'no') = params.pop('review', 'no') = params.pop('background', 'no') # aperture iraf.apall.line = params.pop('line', 3500) iraf.apall.nsum = params.pop('nsum', 500) iraf.apall.lower = params.pop('lower', -20) iraf.apall.upper = params.pop('upper', 20) # trace iraf.apall.t_nsum = params.pop('t_nsum', 300) iraf.apall.t_step = params.pop('t_step', 10) iraf.apall.t_nlost = params.pop('t_nlost', 10) # aperture centering iraf.apall.width = params.pop('width', 20.0) iraf.apall.radius= params.pop('radius', 10.0) iraf.apall.readnoise = params.pop('readnoise', 2.5) iraf.apall.gain= params.pop('gain', 2.5) iraf.apall(input=images, output=out_images)
def blue_science(image, spath, object=None, flat='Flat-Blue.fits', arc='Arc-Blue.fits', smooth='BD284211.smooth.fits', sens='BD284211.sens', biassec1=BLUEBIAS1, trimsec1=BLUETRIM1, biassec2=BLUEBIAS2, trimsec2=BLUETRIM2, gain=BLUEGAIN, rdnoise=BLUERDNOISE): '''Full reduction of KAST science spectra on blue CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first bluebias(image, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) # Apply flat-field shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, flat), '.') iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=flat) # Cosmic ray rejection #iraf.lacos_spec('j%s' % image[0], 'cj%s' % image[0], 'cmj%s' % image[0], # gain=gain, readn=rdnoise, xorder=9, yorder=3, # sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.5, objlim=1.0, niter=3) # Extract spectrum if object==None: object=get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('j%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Apply wavelength solution to standard shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, arc), '.') shutil.copy('%s/database/id%s' % (spath, arc.rstrip('.fits')), 'database') iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Smooth shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, smooth), '.') iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', smooth, '%s.s' % object) # Flux calibration shutil.copy('%s/%s.0001.fits' % (spath, sens), '.') iraf.calibrate('%s.s' % object, '%s.f' % object, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', observatory='Lick', sensitivity=sens, airmass='', exptime='') return
def extractComps(assignments, dorefspec=1): '''This task takes a dictionary 'assignments' which has keywords equal to the objects spectrum and value equal to the comparison spectrum which should be used for the object spectrum. You could use closest_time_pos() to figure this out, for example. The apertures of each comp are then extracted using apall and the object's spectrum as a reference. Finally, the object's headers are updated using the REFSPEC1 keyword (unless dorefspec=0).''' iraf.noao() iraf.imred() iraf.echelle() # First things first, we save the old paramter list. iraf.apall.saveParList(filename='temp.apall.par') # iraf.apall.unlearn() iraf.apall.format = 'echelle' # now, get the associated list of references and comps: stuff = assignments for ref in stuff.keys(): print 'extracting %s using %s as reference' % (stuff[ref], ref) comp = stuff[ref] if iraf.imaccess(re.sub('\.fits', '.ec.fits', comp)): print 'Extracted comparison exists, skipping...' else: iraf.apall(input=comp, references=re.sub('\.ec', '', ref), interactive=0, find=0, recenter=0, resize=0, edit=0, trace=0, fittrace=0, extract=1, extras=0, review=0) # Now, since we've used them to extract the spectra, we can assign # them using refspec: # print "now assigning reference spectrum" if dorefspec: iraf.hedit(images=ref, fields='REFSPEC1', value=re.sub('\.fits', '.ec', comp), add=1, addonly=1, verify=0, show=1) iraf.apall.setParList(ParList='temp.apall.par')
def apall(lstfile): iraf.noao() iraf.twodspec() iraf.apextract(dispaxis = 2, database = 'database') f = open(lstfile) l = f.readlines() f.close() l = [tmp.split('\n')[0] for tmp in l] path = os.getcwd() for i in l: infile = 'wftbo' + i outfile = 'awftbo' + i while True: if os.path.isfile(outfile): print('remove ' + outfile) os.remove(outfile) delfile = path + os.sep + 'database/ap' + infile[0:-5] if os.path.isfile(delfile): print('remove ' + delfile) os.remove(delfile) iraf.apall(input = infile , output = outfile, apertures = 2, format = 'multispec' , references = '', profiles = '', interactive = True , find = True, recenter = True, resize = False , edit = True, trace = True, fittrace = True , extract = True, extras = True, review = True , line = 'INDEF', nsum = 10, lower = -15.0 , upper = 15.0, apidtable = '', b_function = 'chebyshev' , b_order = 2, b_sample = '-50:-26,26:50', b_naverage = -25 , b_niterate = 1, b_low_reject = 3.0, b_high_reject = 3.0 , b_grow = 0.0, width = 5.0, radius = 10.0 , threshold = 0.0, nfind = 2, minsep = 5.0 , maxsep = 100000.0, order = 'increasing', aprecenter = '' , npeaks = 'INDEF', shift = True, llimit ='INDEF' , ulimit = 'INDEF', ylevel = 0.1, peak = True , bkg = True, r_grow = 0.0, avglimits = False , t_nsum = 20, t_step = 10, t_nlost = 3, t_function = 'legendre' , t_order = 7, t_sample = '*', t_naverage = 1 , t_niterate = 1, t_low_reject = 3.0, t_high_reject = 3.0 , t_grow = 0.0, background = 'fit', skybox = 1 , weights = 'variance', pfit = 'fit1d', clean = True , saturation = 'INDEF', readnoise = 9.4, gain = 0.35 , lsigma = 4.0, usigma = 4.0, nsubaps = 1) iraf.flpr() sspecplot.sspecplot(outfile) getval = raw_input('Are you need repeat apall,may be clean should be close(r/n)') if getval != 'r': break
def do_apall_for_real(WORK_DIR): print '\n + Doing apall for real\n' #do apall for real with background and all #This tracing will be used from now on. Pay attention to the background subtraction. You will have to verify each tracing on each reference image (first images in the log.txt). try: shutil.copy(observations[WORK_DIR]['REF_AP'], 'database/' + observations[WORK_DIR]['REF_AP'].split('/')[-1]) except: pass for obj in observations[WORK_DIR]['objects']: if observations[WORK_DIR]['REF_AP']: ref = observations[WORK_DIR]['REF_AP'].split('/')[-1].replace('ap', '') else: ref = obj iraf.apall(input=obj, referen=ref, format='echelle', interac='yes', find='yes', recente='yes', resize='yes', edit='yes', trace='yes', fittrac='yes', extract='no', extras='no', review='no', line=600, nsum=30, lower=-6, upper=6, width=11, radius=11, thresho=0.15, nfind=35, minsep=10, maxsep=255, t_func='chebyshev', t_order=9, t_niter=5, backgro='median', b_order=1, b_sampl=AP_LIM[observations[WORK_DIR]['ap_position']][2], ylevel='INDEF', llimit=-5, ulimit=5, weights='none', clean='yes', order='increasing')#, apidtable='apert.txt')
def apall(ilst, olst): iraf.noao() iraf.twodspec() iraf.apextract(dispaxis=1, database='database') for i, infile in enumerate(ilst): outfile = olst[i] laper, raper, back_samp = -7, 7, '-30:-15,15:30' while True: if os.path.isfile(outfile): print('remove ' + outfile) os.remove(outfile) delfile = os.getcwd()+os.sep+'database/ap'+infile[0:-5] if os.path.isfile(delfile): print('remove ' + delfile) os.remove(delfile) iraf.apall(input=infile, output=outfile, apertures=2, format='multispec', references='', profiles='', interactive=True, find=True, recenter=True, resize=False, edit=True, trace=True, fittrace=True, extract=True, extras=True, review=True, line='INDEF', nsum=10, lower=laper, upper=raper, apidtable='', b_function='chebyshev', b_order=2, b_sample=back_samp, b_naverage=-25, b_niterate=1, b_low_reject=3.0, b_high_reject=3.0, b_grow=0.0, width=5.0, radius=10.0, threshold=0.0, nfind=2, minsep=5.0, maxsep=100000.0, order='increasing', aprecenter='', npeaks='INDEF', shift=True, llimit='INDEF', ulimit='INDEF', ylevel=0.1, peak=True, bkg=True, r_grow=0.0, avglimits=False, t_nsum=20, t_step=10, t_nlost=3, t_function='legendre', t_order=12, t_sample='*', t_naverage=1, t_niterate=1, t_low_reject=3.0, t_high_reject=3.0, t_grow=0.0, background='median', skybox=1, weights='none', pfit='fit1d', clean=True, saturation='INDEF', readnoise='CCDRON', gain='CCDGAIN', lsigma=4.0, usigma=4.0, nsubaps=1) iraf.flpr() getval = raw_input(('Are you need repeat apall,' 'may be clean should be close(r/n)')) if getval != 'r': break
def rssstdred(self, obj, arc): rt.rmexist([obj[0].sensout,obj[0].sensout+'.fits']) for std in obj: self.reduce2d(std, arc, do_error=False) rt.loadparam(self.rssconfig, ['iraf.apall']) std_data = self.caldir+'/'+std.object+".dat" rt.rmexist([std.oned,std.oned0]) while not os.path.isfile(std_data): print("Cannot find file ", std_data) std_data = raw_input('Enter a star database: ') iraf.apall(std.bkg, b_niterate=5, b_sample='-100:-40,40:100', b_high_reject=1.5, b_low_reject=2) os.system('mv %s %s' % (std.oned0,std.oned)) if not rt.header(std.oned,'AIRMASS'): rt.rssairmass(std.oned) iraf.standard(input=std.oned, output=std.sensout, caldir=self.caldir, interact='yes', star_name=std.object, extinct=self.extinction) # Sensitivity files iraf.sensfunc(std.sensout, std.sensout+'.fits', interactive= 'yes', extinct=self.extinction, newextinction='extinct.dat') rt.getsh('cp %s %s' % (std.sensout+'.fits',self.rssdatadir)) return std.sensout+'.fits'
def do_ref_apall(WORK_DIR): print '\n + Doing apall for a reference to the masterflat\n' #do quick apall #This will serve as the reference where the apertures are in the process of creating a flat. 30 apertures are found automatically, including the red-most aperture that goes off the image. Change the position of apertures if needed. It is assumed that the object is positioned at roughly 1/3 from the left edge of the slit (1/3 from the right edge of the aperture). # d - briši aperturo # m - dodaj aperturo # o - posortiraj aperture po vrsti na novo # z - odstrani interval fitanja # s - levo in desno, dodaj interval fitanja iraf.unlearn('apall') try: os.remove(observations[WORK_DIR]['objects'][0]+'.fits') except: pass iraf.imcopy(input=observations[WORK_DIR]['ORIG_DIR']+observations[WORK_DIR]['objects'][0], output=observations[WORK_DIR]['objects'][0]) iraf.apall(input=observations[WORK_DIR]['objects'][0], referen='', format='echelle', interac='yes', find='yes', recente='yes', resize='no', edit='yes', trace='yes', fittrac='yes',extract='no', extras='no', review='no', line=550, nsum=10, lower=-6, upper=6, width=11, radius=11, thresho=0.1, nfind=32, minsep=20, maxsep=155, t_func='chebyshev', t_order=4, t_sampl='51:2098', t_niter=5, backgro='none', ylevel='INDEF', llimit=AP_LIM[observations[WORK_DIR]['ap_position']][0], ulimit=AP_LIM[observations[WORK_DIR]['ap_position']][1]) iraf.apresize(input=observations[WORK_DIR]['objects'][0], interac='no', find='no', recente='no', resize='yes', edit='yes', ylevel='INDEF', llimit=AP_LIM[observations[WORK_DIR]['ap_position']][0], ulimit=AP_LIM[observations[WORK_DIR]['ap_position']][1])
def apply_apall(WORK_DIR): print '\n + Applying apall to rest of the objects and arcs\n' for obj in observations[WORK_DIR]['objects']: print ' - Processing image %s \n' % obj try: os.remove(obj+'.ec.fits') os.remove(obj+'.ec.nosky.fits') except: pass for j in [['.ec', 'median'], ['.ec.nosky', 'none']]: iraf.apall(input=obj, output=obj+j[0], format='echelle', referen=obj, interac='no', find='yes', recente='no', resize='no', edit='yes', trace='no', fittrac='no', extract='yes', extras='no', review='no', line=600, nsum=30, lower=-5, upper=5, width=8, radius=10, thresho=0.1, nfind=35, minsep=10, maxsep=255, t_func='chebyshev', t_order=9, t_niter=5, backgro=j[1], b_order=1, b_sampl=AP_LIM[observations[WORK_DIR]['ap_position']][2], ylevel='INDEF', llimit=-5, ulimit=5, weights='none', clean='yes', order='increasing')#, apidtable='apert.txt') for i, cal in enumerate(observations[WORK_DIR]['calibs']): print ' - Processing arc %s \n' % cal try: os.remove(cal+'.ec.fits') except: pass print ' input:',cal,' referen:',observations[WORK_DIR]['objects'][i] iraf.apall(input=cal, format='echelle', referen=observations[WORK_DIR]['objects'][i], interac='no', find='no', recente='no', resize='no', edit='no',trace='no', fittrac='no', extract='yes', extras='no', review='no', line=600, nsum=30, lower=-5, upper=5, width=8, radius=10, thresho=0.1, nfind=35, minsep=10, maxsep=255, t_func='chebyshev', t_order=9, t_niter=5, backgro='none', ylevel='INDEF', llimit=-5, ulimit=5, order='increasing')#, apidtable='apert.txt')
def salt_apall(obj): outname = string.split(obj, sep='.')[0] + "1d.fits" iraf.apall(input=obj, output=' ') os.system('mv ' + string.split(obj, sep='.')[0] + '.0001.fits ' + outname) err_obj = string.split(obj, sep='.')[0] + '_var.fits' err_obj1d = string.split(obj, sep='.')[0] + '1d_var.fits' if os.path.isfile(err_obj): iraf.apall.references = obj iraf.apall.interactive = 'no' iraf.apall.find = 'no' iraf.apall.recenter = 'no' iraf.apall.resize = 'no' iraf.apall.edit = 'no' iraf.apall.trace = 'no' iraf.apall.fittrace = 'no' iraf.apall.extract = 'yes' iraf.apall.extras = 'no' = 'no' iraf.apall(input=err_obj, output=err_obj1d) os.system('mv ' + string.split(obj, sep='.')[0] + '1d_var.0001.fits ' + err_obj1d)
def produce_thar(filelist_new, thar_reference): current_directory = os.getcwd() thar_directory = os.path.dirname(filelist_new[0]) filelistText = open(os.path.join(thar_directory, "ThAr.extracted.lis"), "w") for i in range(len(filelist_new)): trim = trim_remove_bias(filelist_new[i]) extracted = trim.replace(".trim_will_be_removed.fits", ".extracted.fits") iraf.apall(trim, output=extracted, references="find_orders.fits", profiles="find_orders.fits", apertures="1-51") os.remove(trim) extracted_without_path = extracted.replace( os.path.join(thar_directory, ""), "") filelistText.write(extracted_without_path + "\n") filelistText.close() os.chdir(thar_directory) thar_reference_short = thar_reference.replace(".fits", "") iraf.ecreidentify("@ThAr.extracted.lis", reference=thar_reference_short, shift="INDEF") os.chdir(current_directory) print("Success! Produced ThAr reference files.")
def deimos_extract(science, standard, dostandard=yes): '''Extract and flux calibrate DEIMOS spectra (assuming they have been processed into 2D images using deimos_pipe above).''' if dostandard: deimos_standard(standard) for source in science: images = iraffiles("%s_??_B.fits" % source) joinstr = "" for image in images: bimage = image.split(".")[0]; rimage = bimage[:-1] + "R" update_head(bimage, "FLUX_OBJ", standard) update_head(rimage, "FLUX_OBJ", standard) # Extract 1D spectra if get_head("%s.fits" % bimage, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(bimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none", reference="%s_01_B" % standard) iraf.apall(rimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none", reference="%s_01_R" % standard) else: iraf.apall(bimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit", reference="%s_01_B" % standard) iraf.apall(rimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit", reference="%s_01_R" % standard) # Normalize by the standard continuua iraf.sarith("" % bimage, "/", "" % standard, "" % bimage) iraf.sarith("" % rimage, "/", "" % standard, "" % rimage) # Telluric correct bstd = "%s_01_B" % standard; rstd = "%s_01_R" % standard iraf.telluric("" % bimage, "" % bimage, "telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') iraf.telluric("" % rimage, "" % rimage, "telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Flux calibration iraf.calibrate("" % bimage, "" % bimage, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction="home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat", observatory="Keck", sensitivity="%s.B.sens" % standard, airmass='', exptime='') iraf.calibrate("" % rimage, "" % rimage, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction="home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat", observatory="Keck", sensitivity="%s.R.sens" % standard, airmass='', exptime='') joinstr += ",," % (bimage, rimage) # Combine iraf.scombine(joinstr[:-1], "" % source, combine="average", reject="avsigclip", w1=INDEF, w2=INDEF, dw=INDEF, nw=INDEF, scale="none", zero="none", weight="none", lsigma=3.0, hsigma=3.0, gain=CCDGAIN, rdnoise=CCDRNOISE) # Plot to enable final tweaks iraf.splot("" % source) return
def red_standard(image, arcs, flats, object=None, biassec=REDBIAS, trimsec=REDTRIM, outflat='Flat-Red.fits', gain=REDGAIN, rdnoise=REDRDNOISE, arc='Arc-Red.fits', caldir='home$standards/'): '''Reduce and calibrate standard star observation with red CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first redbias(image, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(arcs, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(flats, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) # Create and apply flat-field make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc(image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) arcimages=','.join(arcs) iraf.ccdproc(arcs, ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Extract spectrum of standard if object==None: object=get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall(image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Extract arc and fit wavelength solution iraf.imarith(arcs[0], '+', arcs[1], 'Arc-Sum.fits') reference_arc('Arc-Sum.fits', arc, image[0]) # Apply wavelength solution to standard iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Remove absorption features and smooth iraf.splot('%s.w' % object, 1, 1) iraf.gauss('temp1[*,1,1]', '%s.smooth' % object, 3.0) iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', '%s.smooth' % object, '%s.s' % object) # Create and apply telluric correction iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', 'temp1', 'telluric') iraf.splot('telluric', 1, 1) iraf.telluric('%s.s' % object, '%s.t' % object, 'telluric', xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard('%s.t' % object, '%s.std' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', caldir=caldir, observatory='Lick', interact=yes, star_name=object, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % object, '%s.sens' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Lick', function='legendre', order=3, interactive=yes) return
def extract(fs=None):'work') if fs is None: fs = glob('fix/*fix*.fits') if len(fs) == 0: print "WARNING: No fixpixed images available for extraction."'..') return if not os.path.exists('x1d'): os.mkdir('x1d') print "Note: No continuum? Make nsum small (~-5) with 'line' centered on an emission line." for f in fs: # Get the output filename without the ".fits" outbase = f.replace('fix', 'x1d')[:-5] # Get the readnoise, right now assume default value of 5 but we could # get this from the header readnoise = 5 # If interactive open the rectified, background subtracted image in ds9 ds9display(f.replace('fix', 'bkg')) # set dispaxis = 1 just in case pyfits.setval(f, 'DISPAXIS', extname='SCI', value=1) iraf.unlearn(iraf.apall) iraf.flpr() iraf.apall(input=f + '[SCI]', output=outbase, interactive='yes', review='no', line='INDEF', nsum=-1000, lower=-5, upper=5, b_function='legendre', b_order=5, b_sample='-400:-200,200:400', b_naverage=-10, b_niterate=5, b_low_reject=3.0, b_high_reject=3.0, nfind=1, t_nsum=15, t_step=15, t_nlost=100, t_function='legendre', t_order=5, t_niterate=5, t_low_reject=3.0, t_high_reject=3.0, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', clean='no', readnoise=readnoise, gain=1.0, lsigma=4.0, usigma=4.0, mode='hl') # Copy the CCDSUM keyword into the 1d extraction pyfits.setval(outbase + '.fits', 'CCDSUM', value=pyfits.getval(f, 'CCDSUM')) # Extract the corresponding arc arcname = glob('nrm/arc' + f.split('/')[1][3:8] + '*.fits')[0] # set dispaxis = 1 just in case pyfits.setval(arcname, 'DISPAXIS', extname='SCI', value=1) iraf.unlearn(iraf.apsum) iraf.flpr() iraf.apsum(input=arcname + '[SCI]', output='auxext_arc', references=f[:-5] + '[SCI]', interactive='no', find='no', edit='no', trace='no', fittrace='no', extras='no', review='no', background='no', mode='hl') # copy the arc into the 5 column of the data cube arcfs = glob('auxext_arc*.fits') for af in arcfs: archdu = scihdu = + '.fits', mode='update') d = scihdu[0].data.copy() scihdu[0].data = np.zeros((5, d.shape[1], d.shape[2])) scihdu[0].data[:-1, :, :] = d[:, :, :] scihdu[0].data[-1::, :] = archdu[0].data.copy() scihdu.flush() scihdu.close() archdu.close() os.remove(af) # Add the airmass, exptime, and other keywords back into the # extracted spectrum header kws = ['AIRMASS','EXPTIME', 'PROPID','PROPOSER','OBSERVER','OBSERVAT','SITELAT','SITELONG', 'INSTRUME','DETSWV','RA','PM-RA','DEC','PM-DEC','EQUINOX', 'EPOCH','DATE-OBS','TIME-OBS','UTC-OBS','TIMESYS','LST-OBS', 'JD','MOONANG','OBSMODE','DETMODE','SITEELEV','BLOCKID','PA', 'TELHA','TELRA','TELDEC','TELPA','TELAZ','TELALT','DECPANGL', 'TELTEM','PAYLTEM','MASKID','MASKTYP','GR-ANGLE','GRATING', 'FILTER'] for kw in kws: pyfits.setval(outbase + '.fits', kw, value=pyfits.getval(f,kw))'..')
iraf.apall(input="J105829_250_3500_4_Grism_7_2015_06_17_yf170018bfc.fits", output="J105829_250_3500_4_Grism_7_2015_06_17_yf170018bfcap.fits", apertures="", format="multispec", references="", profiles="", interactive="yes", find="yes", recenter="yes", resize="yes", edit="yes", trace="yes", fittrace="yes", extract="yes", extras="yes", review="yes", line="INDEF", nsum=20, lower=-5., upper=5., apidtable="", b_function="chebyshev", b_order=1, b_sample="-10:-6,6:10", b_naverage=-3, b_niterate=0, b_low_reject=3., b_high_rejec=3., b_grow=0., width=5., radius=10., threshold=0., minsep=5., maxsep=1000., order="increasing", aprecenter="", npeaks="INDEF", shift="yes", llimit="INDEF", ulimit="INDEF", ylevel=0.1, peak="yes", bkg="yes", r_grow=0., avglimits="no", t_nsum=10, t_step=10, t_nlost=3, t_function="legendre", t_order=2, t_sample="*", t_naverage=1, t_niterate=0, t_low_reject=3., t_high_rejec=3., t_grow=0., background="fit", skybox=1, weights="variance", pfit="fit1d", clean="yes", saturation="INDEF", readnoise=4.8, gain=1.22, lsigma=4., usigma=4., nsubaps=1)
def blue_standard(image, arcs, flats, object=None, biassec1=BLUEBIAS1, trimsec1=BLUETRIM1, biassec2=BLUEBIAS2, trimsec2=BLUETRIM2, outflat='Flat-Blue.fits', gain=BLUEGAIN, rdnoise=BLUERDNOISE, arc='Arc-Blue.fits', caldir='home$standards/'): '''Reduce and calibrate standard star observation with blue CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first bluebias(image, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) bluebias(arcs, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) bluebias(flats, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) # Create and apply flat-field for i in range(len(flats)): flats[i]='j%s' % flats[i] make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % arcs[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Extract spectrum of standard if object==None: object=get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('j%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Extract arc and fit wavelength solution reference_arc('j%s' % arcs[0], arc, 'j%s' % image[0]) # Apply wavelength solution to standard iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Remove absorption features and smooth iraf.splot('%s.w' % object, 1, 1) iraf.gauss('temp1[*,1,1]', '%s.smooth' % object, 3.0) iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', '%s.smooth' % object, '%s.s' % object) # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard('%s.s' % object, '%s.std' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', caldir=caldir, observatory='Lick', interact=yes, star_name=object, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % object, '%s.sens' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Lick', function='legendre', order=3, interactive=yes) return
def extract(arcs, objs,ccd,mode=1): """ mode=1: 1D extraction mode=2: 2D extraction """ #apall na vseh luckah print " + identifing arcs" for i in arcs: iraf.hedit(images='tmp/arcs/'+i[1], fields='DISPAXIS', value=1, add='yes', verify='no', update='yes',Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.apall(input='tmp/arcs/%s' % (i[1]), referen='tmp/masterflat.fits', format='multispec', interac='no', find='no', recenter='no', resize='no', edit='no', trace='no', fittrac='no', extract='yes', extras='no', review='yes', lower=-3.0, upper=3.0, nsubaps=7, pfit="fit1d", Stdout="/dev/null") if mode==1: pass else:"tmp/arcs") geometry_prep(arcs,ccd) os.system("cp transformations* ../objs/") #sys.exit(0)"../..") for i in arcs: os.system("rm tmp/arcs/" % (i[1][:-5])) os.system("rm tmp/arcs/%s_cut*.fits" % (i[1][:-5])) os.system("rm tmp/arcs/%s_t*.fits" % (i[1][:-5])) pass os.system("rm tmp/arcs/calibrations/idarcs_cut*") os.system("rm tmp/arcs/arcs_cut*") #extract 2d arcs and objects for i in arcs: iraf.hedit(images='tmp/arcs/'+i[1], fields='DISPAXIS', value=1, add='yes', verify='no', update='yes',Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.apall(input='tmp/arcs/%s' % (i[1]), referen='tmp/masterflat.fits', format='multispec', interac='no', find='no', recenter='no', resize='no', edit='no', trace='no', fittrac='no', extract='yes', extras='no', review='yes', lower=-3.0, upper=3.0, nsubaps=7, pfit="fit1d", Stdout="/dev/null") #forget apertures for j in range(8,1000): iraf.hedit(images='tmp/arcs/' % (i[1][:-5]), fields="APNUM%s" % (str(j)), value='', delete="yes", verify="no", Stdout="/dev/null") for i in objs: iraf.hedit(images='tmp/objs/'+i[1], fields='DISPAXIS', value=1, add='yes', verify='no', update='yes',Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.apall(input='tmp/objs/%s' % (i[1]), referen='tmp/masterflat.fits', format='multispec', interac='no', find='no', recenter='no', resize='no', edit='no', trace='no', fittrac='no', extract='yes', extras='no', review='yes', lower=-3.0, upper=3.0, nsubaps=7, pfit="fit1d", Stdout="/dev/null") #forget apertures for j in range(8,1000): iraf.hedit(images='tmp/objs/' % (i[1][:-5]), fields="APNUM%s" % (str(j)), value='', delete="yes", verify="no", Stdout="/dev/null")"tmp/arcs") for ii in arcs: geometry_transform(ii)"../..")"tmp/objs") for ii in objs: geometry_transform(ii)"../..") #make normal 1d extraction and copy results into it for i in arcs: os.system("rm -f tmp/arcs/%s" % (i[1][:-5]+".ms.fits")) iraf.apall(input='tmp/arcs/%s' % (i[1]), referen='tmp/masterflat.fits', format='multispec', interac='no', find='no', recenter='no', resize='no', edit='no', trace='no', fittrac='no', extract='yes', extras='no', review='yes', lower=-3.0, upper=3.0, nsubaps=1, pfit="fit1d", Stdout="/dev/null") os.system("cp tmp/arcs/%s" % (i[1][:-5])+".ms.fits tmp/arcs/%s" % (i[1][:-5])+".ms2.fits") if mode==1: pass else: for j in range(1,393): os.system("rm -f tmp/copy_tmp.fits") try: iraf.blkavg(input="tmp/arcs/"+i[1][:-5]+"_t%s.fits" % (str(j)), output="tmp/copy_tmp", option='sum', b1=1, b2=7, Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.imcopy(input="tmp/copy_tmp", output="tmp/arcs/"+i[1][:-5]+".ms.fits[*,%s]" % (j), Stdout="/dev/null") except: pass for i in objs: os.system("rm -f tmp/objs/%s" % (i[1][:-5]+".ms.fits")) iraf.apall(input='tmp/objs/%s' % (i[1]), referen='tmp/masterflat.fits', format='multispec', interac='no', find='no', recenter='no', resize='no', edit='no', trace='no', fittrac='no', extract='yes', extras='no', review='yes', lower=-3.0, upper=3.0, nsubaps=1, pfit="fit1d", Stdout="/dev/null") os.system("cp tmp/objs/%s" % (i[1][:-5])+".ms.fits tmp/objs/%s" % (i[1][:-5])+".ms2.fits") if mode==1: pass else: for j in range(1,393): os.system("rm -f tmp/copy_tmp.fits") try: iraf.blkavg(input="tmp/objs/"+i[1][:-5]+"_t%s.fits" % (str(j)), output="tmp/copy_tmp", option='sum', b1=1, b2=7, Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.imcopy(input="tmp/copy_tmp", output="tmp/objs/"+i[1][:-5]+".ms.fits[*,%s]" % (j), Stdout="/dev/null") except: pass
def combine(do_cti=False, doreduce=True, doshifts=True): if do_cti: os.system('stis_cti --crds_update') if doreduce: # Defringing didn't seem to converge because of the low S/N stistools.ocrreject.ocrreject('oc0102070_flc.fits','oc0102070_crc.fits') iraf.normspflat(inflat='oc0102070_crc.fits',outflat='oc0102070_nsp.fits', do_cal='no') iraf.imcalc(input='oc0102070_nsp.fits', output='temp_nsp.fits', equals='if(x .lt. 250) then 1 else im1') iraf.imcopy('temp_nsp.fits[1][1:250,*]', 'oc0102070_nsp.fits[1][1:250,*]') #iraf.defringe('oc0102060_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_nsp.fits', 'oc0102060_dfr.fits') #for each image for im in ['oc0102050_flc','oc0102060_flc']: outbase = 'blue' if im[:-4] == 'oc0102060': outbase = 'red' #reset the aperture table to the newer file (we maybe should check this) pyfits.setval(im +'.fits','APERTAB',value='oref$y2r1559to_apt.fits') pyfits.setval(im +'.fits', 'SPTRCTAB', value='oref$qa31608go_1dt.fits') # fixpix any negative values. In principle some of this noise # could be real, but I have found that is often not the case hdu = '.fits') mask1 = hdu[1].data < -20 mask2 = hdu[4].data < -20 hdu.close() fits.writeto(outbase+'mask1.fits', mask1.astype('i'), clobber=True) fits.writeto(outbase+'mask2.fits', mask2.astype('i'), clobber=True) iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im+'[1]', outbase+'mask1.fits') iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im+'[4]', outbase+'mask2.fits') # Subtract off the median value hdu = '.fits', mode='update') hdu[1].data -= np.median(hdu[1].data) hdu[4].data -= np.median(hdu[4].data) readnoise1 = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(hdu[1].data)) readnoise2 = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(hdu[4].data)) # Cosmic ray reject both images using scrappy # Make sure to treat the noise in a sensible way crmask1, clean1 = detect_cosmics(hdu[1].data, readnoise=readnoise1, sigclip=5, objlim=5, sigfrac=0.8, fsmode='median', psfmodel='gaussy', psffwhm=2., cleantype='idw') crmask2, clean2 = detect_cosmics(hdu[4].data, readnoise=readnoise2, sigclip=5, objlim=5, sigfrac=0.8, fsmode='median', psfmodel='gaussy', psffwhm=2., cleantype='idw') hdu.flush() hdu.close() fits.writeto(outbase + '_crmask1.fits', crmask1.astype('i'), clobber=True) fits.writeto(outbase + '_crmask2.fits', crmask2.astype('i'), clobber=True) # Run fixpix on the frames iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im+'[1]', outbase+'_crmask1.fits') iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im+'[4]', outbase+'_crmask2.fits') if outbase=='red': iraf.mkfringeflat('oc0102060_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_nsp.fits', 'oc0102070_frr.fits', beg_scale=0.6, end_scale=1.5, scale_step=0.01, beg_shift=-3.0, end_shift=3.0,shift_step=0.05) iraf.defringe('oc0102060_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_frr.fits', 'oc0102060_dfr.fits') #Run x2d on the flt frame stistools.x2d.x2d(input='oc0102060_dfr.fits',output=im[:-4]+'x2d.fits') else: stistools.x2d.x2d(input='oc0102050_flc.fits',output=im[:-4]+'x2d.fits') h =[:-4]+'x2d.fits', mode='update') #Replace all of the bad pixels in the image by -666 based on the DQ array #save them to a new file #Throw away bad reference file pixels and saturated pixels. None of the other error codes #were in the first file so I haven't included them here, but we might want to d = h[3].data badpix = logical_and(bitwise_and(d,256) == 256,bitwise_and(d,512) == 512) h[1].data[badpix] = -10000 d = h[6].data badpix = logical_and(bitwise_and(d,256) == 256,bitwise_and(d,512) == 512) h[4].data[badpix] = -10000 h.flush() # Trim the images for i in range(1,7): h[i].data = h[i].data[100:-100, 100:-100] h[i].header['CRPIX1'] -= 100 h[i].header['CRPIX2'] -= 100 h.flush() h.close() # Combine the images iraf.unlearn(iraf.imcombine) iraf.imcombine(input=im[:-4]+'x2d[1],'+im[:-4]+'x2d[4]', output=outbase+'_com.fits', reject='crreject') hdu = +'_com.fits') mask = hdu[0].data == 0.0 hdu.close() fits.writeto(outbase+'_mask.fits', mask.astype('i'), clobber=True) iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(outbase+'_com.fits', outbase+'_mask.fits') iraf.unlearn(iraf.apall) iraf.apall(input=outbase+'_com',output='13dh_'+outbase, review='no', nsum = -500, b_order = 1, b_function='legendre',b_niterate=30, b_naverage = -21, nfind=1,t_order=3,background='median',weights='variance', skybox=100 ) iraf.splot(outbase+'[SCI]')
def apall(imlist_name, reference=''): """ Extract 1d spectrum by tracing column of 2d data. Interactive mode is turned on by default. On the interactive mode; (1) Aperture selection :w -> e1, e2 : Zoom in :w -> a : Zoom out :m : Select aperture :l -> Click left of the aper. : Set lower limit of the aperture. :u -> Click right of the aper. : Set upper limit of the aperture. (2) Background selection :z : Delete previously-selected background region. :b : Enter the background mode :s1, s2 (on the left part of bkg) : Set the region of left bkg. :s3, s4 (on the right part of bkg) : Set the region of right bkg. And then enter q --> Yes, Yes (3) Fitting mode :d : Exclude a point :function : Change the fitting function. ("legendre" by default) :order=15 : Change the function order into 15. :niterate : Cliping iteration (3 times by default) :f : Go fitting :q : Confirm And the enter q --> Yes, Yes Output image will be saved as "" reference='' : Not using specified aperture used. reference='??.ms' : Use the same aperture of ??.ms. Do copy of database of the reference into the same location of input image*** """ import glob import os, sys from pyraf import iraf iraf.noao() iraf.twodspec() iraf.apextract() imlist = glob.glob(imlist_name) imlist.sort() for i in range(len(imlist)): inim = imlist[i] print('1d extraction for ' + inim + '...') if reference == '': iraf.apall(input=inim, apertures='', interactive='yes', find='no', t_function="legendre", t_order=15, t_niterate=3, t_low_reject=3, t_high_reject=3.) elif reference != '': iraf.apall(input=inim, apertures='', reference=reference, interactive='no', find='no', recenter='no', trace='no', t_function="legendre", t_order=15, t_niterate=3, t_low_reject=3, t_high_reject=3.) print('Done.')
def reduce_data(filelist_new, filelist_masterflats, filelist_masterthars): if len(filelist_new) == 0: print("Please, choose science files to reduce first!") elif len(filelist_masterflats) == 0: print("Please, choose masterflat files first!") elif len(filelist_masterthars) == 0: print("Please, choose Thorium-Argon reference files first!") else: print("Starting reduction process...") extracted_science_files = [] current_directory = os.getcwd() years = [ '{:04d}'.format(year) for year in range(2005, + 1) ] month = ['{:02d}'.format(mon) for mon in range(1, 13)] for i in range(len(filelist_new)): trim = trim_remove_bias(filelist_new[i]) chosen_masterflat = None dummyI = trim.replace(".trim_will_be_removed.fits", ".dummyI.fits") dummyII = trim.replace(".trim_will_be_removed.fits", ".dummyII.fits") if os.path.exists(dummyI): os.remove(dummyI) if os.path.exists(dummyII): os.remove(dummyII) for y in years: for mon in month: date_check_1 = y + "_" + mon date_check_2 = y + "-" + mon if ((date_check_1 in trim) or (date_check_2 in trim)) == True: for masterflat in filelist_masterflats: if ((date_check_1 in masterflat) or (date_check_2 in masterflat)) == True: chosen_masterflat = masterflat if chosen_masterflat is None: print("Masterflat File not found!!") continue iraf.imarith(trim, "/", chosen_masterflat, dummyI) iraf.apscatter(dummyI, output=dummyII, interactive="No", apertures="1-51", references="find_orders.fits") clean = trim.replace(".trim_will_be_removed.fits", ".clean.fits") mask = trim.replace(".trim_will_be_removed.fits", ".mask.fits") mean_image = iraf.imstat(dummyII, Stdout=1, fields="mean", format="no") print(mean_image) if float(mean_image[0]) > 5000: array, header = cosmics.fromfits(dummyII) sigclip = 50.0 objlim = 50.0 c = cosmics.cosmicsimage(array, gain=0.368, readnoise=3.7, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=10.0, objlim=objlim) cosmics.tofits(clean, c.cleanarray, header) cosmics.tofits(mask, c.mask, header) elif 5000 > float(mean_image[0]) > 1000: array, header = cosmics.fromfits(dummyII) sigclip = 20.0 objlim = 20.0 c = cosmics.cosmicsimage(array, gain=0.368, readnoise=3.7, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=4.0, objlim=objlim) cosmics.tofits(clean, c.cleanarray, header) cosmics.tofits(mask, c.mask, header) else: array, header = cosmics.fromfits(dummyII) sigclip = 5.0 objlim = 5.0 c = cosmics.cosmicsimage(array, gain=0.368, readnoise=3.7, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=1.8, objlim=objlim) cosmics.tofits(clean, c.cleanarray, header) cosmics.tofits(mask, c.mask, header) extract = trim.replace(".trim_will_be_removed.fits", ".extracted.fits") extracted_science_files.append(extract) iraf.apall(clean, output=extract, references="find_orders", profiles="find_orders", apertures="1-51") # iraf.apall(clean, output=extract, references= "find_orders", profiles= "find_orders", apertures = "3-50" ) # iraf.apall(clean, output=extract, references= "find_orders", profiles= "find_orders", apertures = "3-50" ) os.remove(dummyI) os.remove(dummyII) os.remove(trim) write_reftable(filelist_new, filelist_masterthars) thar_directory = os.path.dirname(filelist_masterthars[0]) if thar_directory == os.path.dirname(filelist_new[0]): pass else: remove_file(thar_directory, "science.lis") remove_file(thar_directory, "reftable.dat") shutil.move("science.lis", thar_directory) shutil.move("reftable.dat", thar_directory) os.chdir(thar_directory) iraf.refspectra("@science.lis", references="reftable.dat", ignoreaps="Yes", sort="", group="", override="yes", confirm="no", assign="yes") iraf.dispcor("@science.lis", output="@science.lis") if thar_directory == os.path.dirname(filelist_new[0]): pass else: remove_file(current_directory, "science.lis") remove_file(current_directory, "reftable.dat") shutil.move("science.lis", current_directory) shutil.move("reftable.dat", current_directory) os.chdir(current_directory) normalize_and_merge(extracted_science_files) print("Success! Reduction process complete.")
str_v = data_dir + ('[0]' + ',' + data_dir).join(v) + '[0]' str_v_mod = temp_dir + (',' + temp_dir).join(np.array(v_mod)) iraf.imarith(str_v, '-', cal_dir + 'master_dark.fits', str_v_mod) star_file = star.replace('*', '') + '.fits' print "**** combine star files ****" iraf.imcombine(str_v_mod, temp_dir + star_file, combine="sum", reject="sigclip") print "**** trace the stars orders ****" iraf.apall(temp_dir + star_file, extract='no', nfind=62, interactive="no", find="yes") #print "**** flatten spectra ****" #v_mod_norm =SRP.ouputnames(v,'tnrm') #str_v_mod_flats=temp_dir+(','+temp_dir).join(v_mod_norm)+'' #for j,x in enumerate(v_mod): # iraf.apflatten(cal_dir+'master_flat.fits',output=temp_dir+v_mod_norm[j],reference=temp_dir+star_file,clobber=True) iraf.reset(use_new_imt="no") iraf.flpr("0") #print "trace the stars orders" #iraf.apall(temp_dir+star_file,extract='no',nfind=62,interactive="no",find="yes")
#adds DISPAXIS=1 to the header iraf.hedit(images=flat, fields='DISPAXIS', value=1, add='yes', verify='no', update='yes',Stdout="/dev/null") # <codecell> iraf.unlearn('apall') #restores initial paramenters to apall # <codecell> shift_master(ap_ref[ccd], "database/ap%s" % ap_ref[ccd][:-5]) # <codecell> check=iraf.apall(input=flat, format='multispec', referen=flat, interac='no', find='no', recenter='yes', resize='no', edit='yes', trace='yes', fittrac='yes', extract='yes', extras='no', review='yes', line=2000, lower=-2, upper=2, nfind=392, maxsep=45, minsep=3, width=5, radius=2, ylevel=0.3, shift='yes', t_order=7, t_niter=10, t_low_r=3, t_high_r=3, t_sampl='1:4095', t_nlost=1, npeaks=392, bkg='no', b_order=7, nsum=-10,Stdout=1) # <codecell> flat # <codecell> #create flats with different aperture widths iraf.apall(input=flat, output='flat_1', referen=flat, format='multispec', interac='no', find='no', recenter='no', resize='yes', edit='no', trace='no', fittrac='no', extract='yes', extras='no', review='no', line=2000, lower=-1, upper=1, bkg='no', nsum=-10, ylevel="INDEF", llimit=-1, ulimit=1,Stdout="/dev/null") # iraf.apall(input='tmp/masterflat.fits', output='tmp/flat_2', referen='tmp/masterflat.fits', format='multispec', interac='no', find='no', recenter='no', resize='yes', edit='no', trace='no', fittrac='no', extract='yes', extras='no', review='no', line=2000, lower=-2, upper=2, bkg='no', nsum=-10, ylevel="INDEF", llimit=-2, ulimit=2,Stdout="/dev/null") # iraf.apall(input='tmp/masterflat.fits', output='tmp/flat_3', referen='tmp/masterflat.fits', format='multispec', interac='no', find='no', recenter='no', resize='yes', edit='no', trace='no', fittrac='no', extract='yes', extras='no', review='no', line=2000, lower=-3, upper=3, bkg='no', nsum=-10, ylevel="INDEF", llimit=-3, ulimit=3,Stdout="/dev/null") # <codecell>
#multispec ptfsn1ms = '' ptfsn2ms = '' ptfstar1ms = '' ptfstar2ms = '' #Reduce with apall iraf.apall(input=ptfsn1cr, out=ptfsn1ms, nfind=1, interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, t_nsum=50, t_nlost=50, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=yes, background='fit') iraf.apall(input=ptfsn2cr, out=ptfsn2ms, nfind=1, interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes,
def deimos_standard(standard): '''Extract standard star and calculate sensitivit function.''' bstd = "%s_01_B" % standard rstd = "%s_01_R" % standard # Extract standard if get_head("%s.fits" % bstd, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(bstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none") iraf.apall(rstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none") else: iraf.apall(bstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit") iraf.apall(rstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit") # Fit the continuum #iraf.continuum("" % bstd, output="" % bstd, lines=1, bands=1, # type="fit", sample="*", naverage=1, function="chebyshev", # order=15, low_reject=3.0, high_reject=5.0, niterate=10, grow=1.0, # interac=yes) #iraf.continuum("" % rstd, output="" % rstd, lines=1, bands=1, # type="fit", sample="*", naverage=1, function="chebyshev", # order=15, low_reject=3.0, high_reject=5.0, niterate=10, grow=1.0, # interac=yes) # Create telluric iraf.splot("" % bstd) # Remove telluric and absorption, save as iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd) iraf.imreplace("telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd, 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.splot("telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd) # Remove stellar features and resave iraf.splot("" % rstd) # Remove telluric and absorption, save as iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd) iraf.imreplace("telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd, 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.splot("telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd) # Remove stellar features and resave # Create smoothed standard iraf.gauss("[*,1,1]" % bstd, "" % bstd, 5.0) iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "" % bstd) iraf.gauss("[*,1,1]" % rstd, "" % rstd, 5.0) iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "" % rstd) # Divide through by smoothed standard #iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "" % bstd) #iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "" % rstd) # Create and apply telluric correction #iraf.splot("" % bstd) # Remove telluric, save as #iraf.splot("" % rstd) # Remove telluric, save as #iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "telluric.B.fits") #iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "telluric.R.fits") #iraf.imreplace("telluric.B.fits", 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) #iraf.imreplace("telluric.R.fits", 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.telluric("" % bstd, "" % bstd, "telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd, xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') iraf.telluric("" % rstd, "" % rstd, "telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd, xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard("" % bstd, "%s.B.std" % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', caldir='home$standards/', observatory='Keck', interac=yes, star_name=standard, airmass='', exptime='') iraf.standard("" % rstd, "%s.R.std" % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', caldir='home$standards/', observatory='Keck', interac=yes, star_name=standard, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.B.std' % standard, '%s.B.sens' % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Keck', function='legendre', order=4, interactive=yes) iraf.sensfunc('%s.R.std' % standard, '%s.R.sens' % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Keck', function='legendre', order=4, interactive=yes) return
def deimos_extract(science, standard, dostandard=yes): '''Extract and flux calibrate DEIMOS spectra (assuming they have been processed into 2D images using deimos_pipe above).''' if dostandard: deimos_standard(standard) for source in science: images = iraffiles("%s_??_B.fits" % source) joinstr = "" for image in images: bimage = image.split(".")[0] rimage = bimage[:-1] + "R" update_head(bimage, "FLUX_OBJ", standard) update_head(rimage, "FLUX_OBJ", standard) # Extract 1D spectra if get_head("%s.fits" % bimage, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(bimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none", reference="%s_01_B" % standard) iraf.apall(rimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none", reference="%s_01_R" % standard) else: iraf.apall(bimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit", reference="%s_01_B" % standard) iraf.apall(rimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit", reference="%s_01_R" % standard) # Normalize by the standard continuua iraf.sarith("" % bimage, "/", "" % standard, "" % bimage) iraf.sarith("" % rimage, "/", "" % standard, "" % rimage) # Telluric correct bstd = "%s_01_B" % standard rstd = "%s_01_R" % standard iraf.telluric("" % bimage, "" % bimage, "telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') iraf.telluric("" % rimage, "" % rimage, "telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Flux calibration iraf.calibrate("" % bimage, "" % bimage, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction="home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat", observatory="Keck", sensitivity="%s.B.sens" % standard, airmass='', exptime='') iraf.calibrate("" % rimage, "" % rimage, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction="home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat", observatory="Keck", sensitivity="%s.R.sens" % standard, airmass='', exptime='') joinstr += ",," % (bimage, rimage) # Combine iraf.scombine(joinstr[:-1], "" % source, combine="average", reject="avsigclip", w1=INDEF, w2=INDEF, dw=INDEF, nw=INDEF, scale="none", zero="none", weight="none", lsigma=3.0, hsigma=3.0, gain=CCDGAIN, rdnoise=CCDRNOISE) # Plot to enable final tweaks iraf.splot("" % source) return
def deimos_standard(standard): '''Extract standard star and calculate sensitivit function.''' bstd = "%s_01_B" % standard; rstd = "%s_01_R" % standard # Extract standard if get_head("%s.fits" % bstd, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(bstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none") iraf.apall(rstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none") else: iraf.apall(bstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit") iraf.apall(rstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit") # Fit the continuum #iraf.continuum("" % bstd, output="" % bstd, lines=1, bands=1, # type="fit", sample="*", naverage=1, function="chebyshev", # order=15, low_reject=3.0, high_reject=5.0, niterate=10, grow=1.0, # interac=yes) #iraf.continuum("" % rstd, output="" % rstd, lines=1, bands=1, # type="fit", sample="*", naverage=1, function="chebyshev", # order=15, low_reject=3.0, high_reject=5.0, niterate=10, grow=1.0, # interac=yes) # Create telluric iraf.splot("" % bstd) # Remove telluric and absorption, save as iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd) iraf.imreplace("telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd, 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.splot("telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd) # Remove stellar features and resave iraf.splot("" % rstd) # Remove telluric and absorption, save as iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd) iraf.imreplace("telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd, 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.splot("telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd) # Remove stellar features and resave # Create smoothed standard iraf.gauss("[*,1,1]" % bstd, "" % bstd, 5.0) iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "" % bstd) iraf.gauss("[*,1,1]" % rstd, "" % rstd, 5.0) iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "" % rstd) # Divide through by smoothed standard #iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "" % bstd) #iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "" % rstd) # Create and apply telluric correction #iraf.splot("" % bstd) # Remove telluric, save as #iraf.splot("" % rstd) # Remove telluric, save as #iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "telluric.B.fits") #iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "telluric.R.fits") #iraf.imreplace("telluric.B.fits", 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) #iraf.imreplace("telluric.R.fits", 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.telluric("" % bstd, "" % bstd, "telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd, xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') iraf.telluric("" % rstd, "" % rstd, "telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd, xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard("" % bstd, "%s.B.std" % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', caldir='home$standards/', observatory='Keck', interac=yes, star_name=standard, airmass='', exptime='') iraf.standard("" % rstd, "%s.R.std" % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', caldir='home$standards/', observatory='Keck', interac=yes, star_name=standard, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.B.std' % standard, '%s.B.sens' % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Keck', function='legendre', order=4, interactive=yes) iraf.sensfunc('%s.R.std' % standard, '%s.R.sens' % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Keck', function='legendre', order=4, interactive=yes) return
def oned_extract(object_b_fn, object_b_fn_ec, order_def, colour): # Import IRAF modules: iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.twodspec(_doprint=0) iraf.apextract(_doprint=0) # Check input file and reference extraction exist before proceeding: if os.path.isfile(object_b_fn) == True: if os.path.isfile(order_def) == True: # Extract one dimensional spectrum from bias- and background scatter-subtracted # normalized flat-fielded red object frame using IRAF task apall: if colour == 'red': parList = "r_oned_extraction_apall.par" if os.path.isfile(parList) == True: iraf.apall.setParList(ParList = "r_oned_extraction_apall.par") iraf.apall(input=object_b_fn, output=object_b_fn_ec, references=order_def) print ' ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print 'One dimensional spectral extraction of bias- and ' print 'background-subtracted, normalized flat-fielded ' print 'red object ' + object_b_fn print 'to create ' + object_b_fn_ec + '.' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print ' ' else: print ' ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print 'One dimensional extraction IRAF .par file ' print str(parList) print 'does not exist. Exiting script. ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print ' ' print ' ' sys.exit() # Extract one dimensional spectrum from bias- and background scatter-subtracted # normalized flat-fielded blue object frame using IRAF task apall: if colour == 'blue': parList = "b_oned_extraction_apall.par" if os.path.isfile(parList) == True: iraf.apall.setParList(ParList = "b_oned_extraction_apall.par") iraf.apall(input=object_b_fn, output=object_b_fn_ec, references=order_def) print ' ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print 'One dimensional spectral extraction of bias- and ' print 'background-subtracted, normalized flat-fielded ' print 'blue object ' + object_b_fn print 'to create ' + object_b_fn_s + '.' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print ' ' else: print ' ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print 'One dimensional extraction IRAF .par file ' print str(parList) print 'does not exist. Exiting script. ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print ' ' print ' ' sys.exit() else: print ' ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print 'Order definition frame ' print str(order_def) print 'does not exist. Exiting script. ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print ' ' print ' ' sys.exit() else: print ' ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print 'Input frame ' print str(object_b_fn) print 'does not exist. Exiting script. ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print ' ' print ' ' sys.exit()
if False: # for testing input = calfns[0] output = redfns[0] else: input = '@tempjunkcal' output = '@tempjunkred' if len(calfns)==0: input = None if doextract and (input is None): print "Beginning spectral extraction, but no valid files found for extraction." elif doextract: print "Beginning spectral extraction for %i files" % (len(calfns)) for fniter in range(nfiles): iraf.apall(input+('%i'%fniter), output=output+('%i'%fniter), format='onedspec', recenter='YES',resize='YES',extras='yes', nfind=1, nsubaps=1, minsep=100, weights='variance', bkg='yes', b_function='chebyshev', b_order=1, b_naverage=-3, b_niterate=2, t_order=4, t_niterate=3, t_naverage=t_naverage, background='fit', clean='yes', interactive=True, review=False, b_sample='-40:-15,15:40', trace='YES',edit='YES',fittrace='YES',extract='YES', find='YES', t_sample=horizsamp) print "... and we're done!\n" print "Verify that all datasets were correctly matched up:\n" for dataset in datasets: datfns = [fn.replace('.fits', '.0001.fits') for fn in dataset[0]] ra, dec, oo = [], [], [] for fn in datfns: if os.path.isfile(fn): ra.append(pyfits.getval(fn, 'RA')) dec.append(pyfits.getval(fn, 'DEC'))
def combine(do_cti=False, doreduce=True, doshifts=True): if do_cti: os.system('stis_cti --crds_update') if doreduce: # Defringing didn't seem to converge because of the low S/N stistools.ocrreject.ocrreject('oc0102070_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_crc.fits') iraf.normspflat(inflat='oc0102070_crc.fits', outflat='oc0102070_nsp.fits', do_cal='no') iraf.imcalc(input='oc0102070_nsp.fits', output='temp_nsp.fits', equals='if(x .lt. 250) then 1 else im1') iraf.imcopy('temp_nsp.fits[1][1:250,*]', 'oc0102070_nsp.fits[1][1:250,*]') #iraf.defringe('oc0102060_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_nsp.fits', 'oc0102060_dfr.fits') #for each image for im in ['oc0102050_flc', 'oc0102060_flc']: outbase = 'blue' if im[:-4] == 'oc0102060': outbase = 'red' #reset the aperture table to the newer file (we maybe should check this) pyfits.setval(im + '.fits', 'APERTAB', value='oref$y2r1559to_apt.fits') pyfits.setval(im + '.fits', 'SPTRCTAB', value='oref$qa31608go_1dt.fits') # fixpix any negative values. In principle some of this noise # could be real, but I have found that is often not the case hdu = + '.fits') mask1 = hdu[1].data < -20 mask2 = hdu[4].data < -20 hdu.close() fits.writeto(outbase + 'mask1.fits', mask1.astype('i'), clobber=True) fits.writeto(outbase + 'mask2.fits', mask2.astype('i'), clobber=True) iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im + '[1]', outbase + 'mask1.fits') iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im + '[4]', outbase + 'mask2.fits') # Subtract off the median value hdu = + '.fits', mode='update') hdu[1].data -= np.median(hdu[1].data) hdu[4].data -= np.median(hdu[4].data) readnoise1 = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(hdu[1].data)) readnoise2 = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(hdu[4].data)) # Cosmic ray reject both images using scrappy # Make sure to treat the noise in a sensible way crmask1, clean1 = detect_cosmics(hdu[1].data, readnoise=readnoise1, sigclip=5, objlim=5, sigfrac=0.8, fsmode='median', psfmodel='gaussy', psffwhm=2., cleantype='idw') crmask2, clean2 = detect_cosmics(hdu[4].data, readnoise=readnoise2, sigclip=5, objlim=5, sigfrac=0.8, fsmode='median', psfmodel='gaussy', psffwhm=2., cleantype='idw') hdu.flush() hdu.close() fits.writeto(outbase + '_crmask1.fits', crmask1.astype('i'), clobber=True) fits.writeto(outbase + '_crmask2.fits', crmask2.astype('i'), clobber=True) # Run fixpix on the frames iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im + '[1]', outbase + '_crmask1.fits') iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im + '[4]', outbase + '_crmask2.fits') if outbase == 'red': iraf.mkfringeflat('oc0102060_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_nsp.fits', 'oc0102070_frr.fits', beg_scale=0.6, end_scale=1.5, scale_step=0.01, beg_shift=-3.0, end_shift=3.0, shift_step=0.05) iraf.defringe('oc0102060_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_frr.fits', 'oc0102060_dfr.fits') #Run x2d on the flt frame stistools.x2d.x2d(input='oc0102060_dfr.fits', output=im[:-4] + 'x2d.fits') else: stistools.x2d.x2d(input='oc0102050_flc.fits', output=im[:-4] + 'x2d.fits') h =[:-4] + 'x2d.fits', mode='update') #Replace all of the bad pixels in the image by -666 based on the DQ array #save them to a new file #Throw away bad reference file pixels and saturated pixels. None of the other error codes #were in the first file so I haven't included them here, but we might want to d = h[3].data badpix = logical_and( bitwise_and(d, 256) == 256, bitwise_and(d, 512) == 512) h[1].data[badpix] = -10000 d = h[6].data badpix = logical_and( bitwise_and(d, 256) == 256, bitwise_and(d, 512) == 512) h[4].data[badpix] = -10000 h.flush() # Trim the images for i in range(1, 7): h[i].data = h[i].data[100:-100, 100:-100] h[i].header['CRPIX1'] -= 100 h[i].header['CRPIX2'] -= 100 h.flush() h.close() # Combine the images iraf.unlearn(iraf.imcombine) iraf.imcombine(input=im[:-4] + 'x2d[1],' + im[:-4] + 'x2d[4]', output=outbase + '_com.fits', reject='crreject') hdu = + '_com.fits') mask = hdu[0].data == 0.0 hdu.close() fits.writeto(outbase + '_mask.fits', mask.astype('i'), clobber=True) iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(outbase + '_com.fits', outbase + '_mask.fits') iraf.unlearn(iraf.apall) iraf.apall(input=outbase + '_com', output='13dh_' + outbase, review='no', nsum=-500, b_order=1, b_function='legendre', b_niterate=30, b_naverage=-21, nfind=1, t_order=3, background='median', weights='variance', skybox=100) iraf.splot(outbase + '[SCI]')
def extractSpectra(): """ Extract 1D spectra using IRAF interactively Interpolate across the two arcs either side to get the most accurate wavelength solution TODO: Finish docstring Add method of using super arc for inital identify """ # load IRAF from the location of the file here = os.getcwd() os.chdir(loginCl_location) from pyraf import iraf os.chdir(here) time.sleep(2) # make a list of the science images to be analysed templist = g.glob('i_s*') # import IRAF packages for spectroscopy iraf.imred(_doprint=0) iraf.kpnoslit(_doprint=0) # apall parameters iraf.apall.setParam('format', 'multispec') iraf.apall.setParam('interac', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('find', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('recen', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('resize', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('trace', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('fittrac', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('extract', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('extras', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('review', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('line', 'INDEF') iraf.apall.setParam('nsum', '12') iraf.apall.setParam('lower', '-6') iraf.apall.setParam('upper', '6') iraf.apall.setParam('b_funct', 'chebyshev') iraf.apall.setParam('b_order', '1') iraf.apall.setParam('b_sampl', '-25:-15,15:25') iraf.apall.setParam('b_naver', '-100') iraf.apall.setParam('b_niter', '0') iraf.apall.setParam('b_low_r', '3') iraf.apall.setParam('b_high', '3') iraf.apall.setParam('b_grow', '0') iraf.apall.setParam('width', '10') iraf.apall.setParam('radius', '10') iraf.apall.setParam('threshold', '0') iraf.apall.setParam('nfind', '1') iraf.apall.setParam('t_nsum', '10') iraf.apall.setParam('t_step', '10') iraf.apall.setParam('t_nlost', '3') iraf.apall.setParam('t_niter', '7') iraf.apall.setParam('t_funct', 'spline3') iraf.apall.setParam('t_order', '3') iraf.apall.setParam('backgro', 'fit') iraf.apall.setParam('skybox', '1') iraf.apall.setParam('weights', 'variance') iraf.apall.setParam('pfit', 'fit1d') iraf.apall.setParam('clean', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('saturat', SATURATION) iraf.apall.setParam('readnoi', RDNOISE) iraf.apall.setParam('gain', GAIN) iraf.apall.setParam('lsigma', '4.0') iraf.apall.setParam('usigma', '4.0') iraf.apall.setParam('nsubaps', '1') iraf.apall.saveParList(filename="") # make reference arc for reidentify if '.' in args.refarc: args.refarc = args.refarc.split('.')[0] refarc = "a_s_{}_t.fits".format(args.refarc) refarc_out = "a_s_{}".format(args.refarc) # loop over all the the spectra for i in range(0, len(templist)): hdulist =[i]) prihdr = hdulist[0].header target_id = prihdr['CAT-NAME'] spectrum_id = int(templist[i].split('_')[2].split('r')[1]) if args.ds9: os.system('xpaset fuckingds9 fits < {}'.format(templist[i])) # extract the object spectrum print("[{}/{}] Extracting spectrum of {} from image {}".format(i+1, len(templist), target_id, templist[i])) print("[{}/{}] Check aperture and background. Change if required".format(i+1, len(templist))) print("[{}/{}] AP: m = mark aperture, d = delete aperture".format(i+1, len(templist))) print("[{}/{}] SKY: s = mark sky, t = delete sky, f = refit".format(i+1, len(templist))) print("[{}/{}] q = continue".format(i+1, len(templist))) iraf.apall(input=templist[i]) print("Spectrum extracted!") # find the arcs either side of the object arclist = [] arc1 = "a_s_r{0:d}_t.fits".format(spectrum_id-1) arc2 = "a_s_r{0:d}_t.fits".format(spectrum_id+1) arc1_out = "a_s_r{0:d}".format(spectrum_id-1) arc2_out = "a_s_r{0:d}".format(spectrum_id+1) # predict the arc names print("\nPredicting arcs names...") print("Arc1: {}".format(arc1)) print("Arc2: {}".format(arc2)) # setup a reference filename for the arc conditions in database reffile = templist[i].split('.fits')[0] # extract the arcs print("\nExtracting arcs under the same conditions...") if os.path.exists(arc1): iraf.apall(input=arc1, reference=reffile, recente="no", trace="no", backgro="no", interac="no") print("Arc1 {} extracted".format(arc1)) arclist.append(arc1_out) else: print("\n\nArc1 {} FILE NOT FOUND\n\n".format(arc1)) if os.path.exists(arc2): iraf.apall(input=arc2, reference=reffile, recente="no", trace="no", backgro="no", interac="no") print("Arc2 {} extracted".format(arc2)) arclist.append(arc2_out) else: print("\n\nArc2 {} FILE NOT FOUND\n\n".format(arc2)) # get a list of the extracted arcs and objects spectrum_out = "i_s_r{0:d}".format(spectrum_id) if i == 0: # extract the master reference arc print("\nExtracting master arc {} under the same conditions...".format(refarc)) iraf.apall(input=refarc, reference=reffile, recente="no", trace="no", backgro="no", interac="no") print("Reference arc {} extracted".format(refarc)) # identify the lines in it print("\nIdentify arc lines:") print("Enter the following in the splot window") print("\t:thres 500") print("\t:order 1, max = 3") print("\tfwidth 2") print("Select 3-5 arc lines from line atlas") print("Press 'm' to mark, then enter wavelength") print("Then press 'l' to automatically ID the other lines") print("Press 'f' to fit the dispersion correction") print("Use 'd' to remove bad points, 'f' to refit") print("'q' from fit, then 'q' from identify to continue\n") iraf.identify(images=refarc_out, coordlist=lineList_location) # use the refarc to ID all the subsequent arcs for arc in arclist: print("\nReidentifying arclines from {}".format(arc)) iraf.reidentify(reference=refarc_out, images=arc) # add the refspec keywords to the image header for dispcor # refspec_factor tells IRAF how to interpolate the arcs refspec_factor = round((1./len(arclist)), 1) for i in range(0, len(arclist)): refspec = "{} {}".format(arclist[i].split(".fits")[0], refspec_factor) print("REFSPEC{}: {}".format(i+1, refspec)) iraf.hedit(images=spectrum_out, fields="REFSPEC{}".format(i+1), value=refspec, add="yes", verify="no", show="yes") print("Headers updated!\n") # apply the dispersion correction print("Applying the dispersion correction") iraf.dispcor(input=spectrum_out, output=spectrum_out, lineari="yes", databas="database", table="") print("Correction applied!") # normalize the spectrum using continuum normspec_out = "{}".format(spectrum_out.split('.ms')[0]) iraf.continuum(input=spectrum_out, output=normspec_out, logfile="logfile", interac="yes", functio="spline3", order="5", niterat="10", markrej="yes") print("\n\n")
# Extract raw spectral data from the echelle images ir.imdelete('@' + speccal) ir.apall('@' + proccal, output='@' + speccal, format='echelle', recenter='yes', resize='yes', extras='yes', nfind=n_ap, nsubaps=1, minsep=10, weights='variance', bkg='yes', b_function=bfunc, b_order=bord, b_sample=bsamp, b_naverage=-3, b_niterate=2, t_order=3, t_sample=horizsamp, t_niterate=3, t_naverage=3, background='fit', clean='yes', interactive=interactive, nsum=-10, t_function='chebyshev') if verbose: print "Done extracting spectra from cal stars!"
def lris_extract(science, standards, dostandard=yes): '''Extract and flux calibrate LRIS spectra (assuming they have been processed into 2D images using LRIS_pipe above).''' if dostandard: lris_standard(standards) for src in science: bimages = iraffiles("%s_??_B.fits" % src) rimages = iraffiles("%s_??_R.fits" % src) joinstr = "" for bimage in bimages: bimage = bimage.split(".")[0] # Find appropriate standard for this image bstd = get_head("%s.fits" % bimage, "STDNAME") # Extract 1D spectra if get_head("%s.fits" % bimage, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(bimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none", reference=bstd) else: iraf.apall(bimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit", reference=bstd) # Normalize by the standard continuua iraf.sarith("" % bimage, "/", "../standards/" % bstd, "" % bimage, w1=INDEF, w2=INDEF) # Telluric correct iraf.telluric("" % bimage, "" % bimage, "../standards/telluric.%s.fits" % bstd, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700,8750:9925') # Flux calibration iraf.calibrate("" % bimage, "" % bimage, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction="home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat", observatory="Keck", sens="../standards/%s.sens" % bstd, airmass='', exptime='') joinstr += "," % bimage for rimage in rimages: rimage = rimage.split(".")[0] # Find appropriate standard for this image rstd = get_head("%s.fits" % rimage, "STDNAME") # Extract 1D spectra if get_head("%s.fits" % rimage, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(rimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none", reference=rstd) else: iraf.apall(rimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit", reference=rstd) # Normalize by the standard continuua iraf.sarith("" % rimage, "/", "../standards/" % rstd, "" % rimage, w1=5500, w2=INDEF) # Telluric correct iraf.telluric("" % rimage, "" % rimage, "../standards/telluric.%s.fits" % rstd, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Flux calibration iraf.calibrate("" % rimage, "" % rimage, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction="home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat", observatory="Keck", sens="../standards/%s.sens" % rstd, airmass='', exptime='') joinstr += "," % rimage # Combine iraf.scombine(joinstr[:-1], "" % src, combine="average", reject="avsigclip", w1=INDEF, w2=INDEF, dw=INDEF, nw=INDEF, scale="median", zero="none", weight="none", sample="5450:5600", lsigma=3.0, hsigma=3.0, gain=RCCDGAIN, rdnoise=RCCDRNOISE) # Plot to enable final tweaks iraf.splot("" % src) return
file1 = open('listafinal', 'w') file1.writelines(["%s\n" % item for item in final]) file1.close() f = open('listafinal') i = 1 for item in f: file = item.split('\n')[0] shutil.copy(file, 'spec'+str(i)+'.fits') i += 1 #FROM NOW -> iraf iraf.noao.twodspec.apextract iraf.apall('spec*.fits') #assign dispersion solution - from now IRAF shutil.copy('./arc/database/','./database/.') for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): if file.endswith('ms.fits'): iraf.hedit(file,fields="REFSPEC1",value="",add='yes',ver='no',show='yes') #wavelength calinration for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): if file.endswith('ms.fits'): iraf.dispcor(file, 'd'+file) #flux calibration
def extract_spectrum(targetdir, trace, arcspec, refspec, t_nsum, t_step, line, ylevel, interactive): """ Extract spectrum Must be in target directory. """ iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.onedspec(_doprint=0) iraf.twodspec(_doprint=0) iraf.apextract(_doprint=0) basedir = '/data/lc585/WHT_20150331/OBS/' targetdir = os.path.join(basedir,targetdir,'Reduced') print 'Target directory is ' + targetdir print 'Extracting spectrum...' if os.path.exists( os.path.join(targetdir, '') ): os.remove( os.path.join( targetdir, '') ) print 'Removing file ' + os.path.join( targetdir, '') # If can't fit trace use trace from nearby object if trace == 'no': dest = os.path.join(targetdir,'database') if not os.path.exists(dest): os.makedirs(dest) db = os.path.join(basedir,refspec,'Reduced','database','ap_data_lc585_WHT_20150331_OBS_'+refspec+'_Reduced_imcomb') shutil.copy(db,dest) iraf.apall.setParam('references',os.path.join(basedir,refspec,'Reduced','')) # List of aperture reference images print 'Using trace from reference spectra ' + refspec # Since frame is averaged I think we need to scale down read nosie but gain will stay the same. names = [] for n in os.listdir(targetdir): if (n.endswith('.fit')) & (n.startswith('r')): names.append(n) nframes = float(len(names)) # Doesn't seem to work if I give it absolute path to input! iraf.apall.setParam('input','') # List of input images iraf.apall.setParam('output','') # List of output spectra iraf.apall.setParam('apertur','') # Apertures iraf.apall.setParam('format','multispec') # Extracted spectra format iraf.apall.setParam('referen','') # List of aperture reference images iraf.apall.setParam('profile','') # List of aperture profile images iraf.apall.setParam('interac',interactive) # Run task interactively? iraf.apall.setParam('find','no') # Find apertures? iraf.apall.setParam('recente','no') # Recenter apertures? iraf.apall.setParam('resize','no') # Resize apertures? iraf.apall.setParam('edit','yes') # Edit apertures? iraf.apall.setParam('trace',trace) # Trace apertures? iraf.apall.setParam('fittrac',interactive) # Fit the traced points interactively? iraf.apall.setParam('extract','yes') # Extract spectra? iraf.apall.setParam('extras','yes') # Extract sky, sigma, etc.? iraf.apall.setParam('review',interactive) # Review extractions? iraf.apall.setParam('line',line) # Dispersion line iraf.apall.setParam('nsum',20) # Number of dispersion lines to sum or median # DEFAULT APERTURE PARAMETERS iraf.apall.setParam('lower',-5.) # Lower aperture limit relative to center iraf.apall.setParam('upper',5.) # Upper aperture limit relative to center iraf.apall.setParam('apidtab','') # Aperture ID table (optional) # DEFAULT BACKGROUND PARAMETERS # Background is now a constant at each wavelength iraf.apall.setParam('b_funct','chebyshev') # Background function iraf.apall.setParam('b_order',1) # Background function order iraf.apall.setParam('b_sampl','-10:-6,6:10') # Background sample regions iraf.apall.setParam('b_naver',-3) # Background average or median iraf.apall.setParam('b_niter',2) # Background rejection iterations iraf.apall.setParam('b_low_r',3.) # Background lower rejection sigma iraf.apall.setParam('b_high_',3.) # Background upper rejection sigma iraf.apall.setParam('b_grow',0.) # Background rejection growing radius # APERTURE CENTERING PARAMETERS iraf.apall.setParam('width',5.) # Profile centering width iraf.apall.setParam('radius',10.) # Profile centering radius iraf.apall.setParam('thresho',0.) # Detection threshold for profile centering # AUTOMATIC FINDING AND ORDERING PARAMETERS iraf.apall.setParam('nfind','') # Number of apertures to be found automatically iraf.apall.setParam('minsep',5.) # Minimum separation between spectra iraf.apall.setParam('maxsep',100000.) # Maximum separation between spectra iraf.apall.setParam('order','increasing') # Order of apertures # RECENTERING PARAMETERS iraf.apall.setParam('aprecen','') # Apertures for recentering calculation iraf.apall.setParam('npeaks','INDEF') # Select brightest peaks iraf.apall.setParam('shift','yes') # Use average shift instead of recentering? # RESIZING PARAMETERS iraf.apall.setParam('llimit','INDEF') # Lower aperture limit relative to center iraf.apall.setParam('ulimit','INDEF') # Upper aperture limit relative to center iraf.apall.setParam('ylevel',0.2) # Fraction of peak or intensity for automatic widt iraf.apall.setParam('peak','yes') # Is ylevel a fraction of the peak? iraf.apall.setParam('bkg','yes') # Subtract background in automatic width? iraf.apall.setParam('r_grow',0.) # Grow limits by this factor iraf.apall.setParam('avglimi','no') # Average limits over all apertures? # TRACING PARAMETERS iraf.apall.setParam('t_nsum',20) # Number of dispersion lines to sum iraf.apall.setParam('t_step', 20) # Tracing step iraf.apall.setParam('t_nlost',3) # Number of consecutive times profile is lost befo iraf.apall.setParam('t_funct','spline3') # Trace fitting function iraf.apall.setParam('t_order',2) # Trace fitting function order iraf.apall.setParam('t_sampl','*') # Trace sample regions iraf.apall.setParam('t_naver',1) # Trace average or median iraf.apall.setParam('t_niter',2) # Trace rejection iterations iraf.apall.setParam('t_low_r',3.) # Trace lower rejection sigma iraf.apall.setParam('t_high_',3.) # Trace upper rejection sigma iraf.apall.setParam('t_grow',0.) # Trace rejection growing radius # EXTRACTION PARAMETERS iraf.apall.setParam('backgro','none') # Background to subtract iraf.apall.setParam('skybox',1) # Box car smoothing length for sky iraf.apall.setParam('weights','variance') # Extraction weights (none|variance) iraf.apall.setParam('pfit','fit1d') # Profile fitting type (fit1d|fit2d) iraf.apall.setParam('clean','yes') # Detect and replace bad pixels? iraf.apall.setParam('saturat',300000.) # Saturation level # iraf.apall.setParam('readnoi',17.0) iraf.apall.setParam('readnoi',17./np.sqrt(nframes)) # Read out noise sigma (photons) iraf.apall.setParam('gain',4.) # Photon gain (photons/data number) iraf.apall.setParam('lsigma',4.) # Lower rejection threshold iraf.apall.setParam('usigma',4.) # Upper rejection threshold iraf.apall.setParam('nsubaps',1) # Number of subapertures per aperture iraf.apall.setParam('mode','q') # h = hidden, q = query, l = learn iraf.apall() # Now extract arc through same aperture for wavelength calibration print '\n' '\n' '\n' print 'Extracting Arc through same aperture...' if os.path.exists( os.path.join(targetdir,'aimcomb.fits')): os.remove( os.path.join(targetdir, 'aimcomb.fits') ) print 'Removing file ' + os.path.join(targetdir, 'aimcomb.fits') arcspec = os.path.join(basedir,arcspec) iraf.apall.setParam('input', arcspec) iraf.apall.setParam('output', 'aimcomb') iraf.apall.setParam('references', '' ) iraf.apall.setParam('recenter','no') iraf.apall.setParam('trace','no') iraf.apall.setParam('background','no') iraf.apall.setParam('interactive','no') iraf.apall() if os.path.exists( os.path.join(targetdir, '') ): os.remove( os.path.join( targetdir, '') ) print 'Removing file ' + os.path.join( targetdir, '') iraf.apall.setParam('input','') # List of input images iraf.apall.setParam('output','') # List of output spectra iraf.apall.setParam('referen','') # List of aperture reference images iraf.apall.setParam('interac','yes') # Run task interactively? iraf.apall.setParam('find','yes') # Find apertures? iraf.apall.setParam('recenter','no') # Recenter apertures? iraf.apall.setParam('resize','no') # Resize apertures? iraf.apall.setParam('edit','yes') # Edit apertures? iraf.apall.setParam('trace','no') # Trace apertures? iraf.apall.setParam('fittrac',interactive) # Fit the traced points interactively? iraf.apall.setParam('extract','yes') # Extract spectra? iraf.apall.setParam('extras','yes') # Extract sky, sigma, etc.? iraf.apall.setParam('review','yes') # Review extractions? # DEFAULT BACKGROUND PARAMETERS # Background is now a constant at each wavelength iraf.apall.setParam('b_funct','chebyshev') # Background function iraf.apall.setParam('b_order',1) # Background function order iraf.apall.setParam('b_sampl','-10:-6,6:10') # Background sample regions iraf.apall.setParam('b_naver',-3) # Background average or median iraf.apall.setParam('b_niter',2) # Background rejection iterations iraf.apall.setParam('b_low_r',3.) # Background lower rejection sigma iraf.apall.setParam('b_high_',3.) # Background upper rejection sigma iraf.apall.setParam('b_grow',0.) # Background rejection growing radius # EXTRACTION PARAMETERS # before i wasn't dividing by the square root of the frames, but surely this must be true if I'm taking the average iraf.apall.setParam('backgro','median') # Background to subtract iraf.apall.setParam('skybox',1) # Box car smoothing length for sky iraf.apall.setParam('weights','variance') # Extraction weights (none|variance) iraf.apall.setParam('pfit','fit1d') # Profile fitting type (fit1d|fit2d) iraf.apall.setParam('clean','yes') # Detect and replace bad pixels? iraf.apall.setParam('saturat',300000.) # Saturation level # iraf.apall.setParam('readnoi',17.0) iraf.apall.setParam('readnoi',17.0/np.sqrt(nframes)) # Read out noise sigma (photons) iraf.apall.setParam('gain',4.) # Photon gain (photons/data number) iraf.apall.setParam('lsigma',4.) # Lower rejection threshold iraf.apall.setParam('usigma',4.) # Upper rejection threshold iraf.apall.setParam('nsubaps',1) # Number of subapertures per aperture iraf.apall() hdulist =, '')) sigma = hdulist[0].data[3,0,:] hdulist.close() hdulist =, ''), mode='update') hdulist[0].data[2,0,:] = sigma hdulist.flush() hdulist.close() return None
iraf.apall( input = "t"+im_slice+"_"+file_name, \ output = "",\ format = "multispec",\ references = "",\ apertures = 1,\ interactive = interact, \ find = 1,\ recenter = 1,\ resize = 1,\ edit =interact,\ trace = 1,\ fittrace = 0,\ extract = 1,\ extras = 1,\ review = 0,\ line = "INDEF",\ nsum = -100,\ lower = -10.0,\ upper = 10.0,\ b_sample = "-15:-8,8:15",\ b_order = 1,\ b_naverage = -5,\ b_niterate = 0,\ b_low_reject = 3.0,\ b_high_reject = 3.0,\ b_grow = 0.0,\ width = 5.0,\ radius = 10.0,\ threshold = 0.0,\ nfind = 1,\ ylevel = 0.3,\ peak = 1,\ bkg = 1,\ t_nsum = 40,\ t_step = 5,\ t_nlost = 3,\ t_function = "spline3",\ t_order = 5,\ t_naverage = -10,\ t_niterate = 5,\ t_low_reject = 2.0,\ t_high_reject = 2.0,\ t_grow = 0.0,\ background = "fit",\ weights = "variance",\ clean = 1,\ lsigma = 20.0,\ usigma = 3.0,\ saturation = 64000,\ readnoise = 3.8,\ gain = 0.9)
def combine(doreduce=True, doshifts=True): if doreduce: ims = glob('oc01020[1-4]*_raw.fits') ims += glob('oc016*_raw.fits') # for each image for im in ims: print im stistools.basic2d.basic2d(im, im.replace('raw', 'flt')) im = im.replace('raw', 'flt') print im # Update the target position at 0.0 for i in range(4): pyfits.setval(im, 'POSTARG2', value=0.0, ext=i) # reset the aperture table to the newer file (we maybe should check this) pyfits.setval(im, 'APERTAB', value='oref$y2r1559to_apt.fits') # Reset the wcs to have CRPIX2 along the trace # Run x2d on the flt frame stistools.x2d.x2d(input=im, output=im.replace('flt', 'x2d')) h ='flt', 'x2d'), mode='update') # Replace all of the bad pixels in the image by -10000 based on the DQ array # save them to a new file # Throw away bad reference file pixels and saturated pixels. None of the other error codes # were in the first file so I haven't included them here, but we might want to d = h[3].data badpix = logical_and( bitwise_and(d, 256) == 256, bitwise_and(d, 512) == 512) h[1].data[badpix] = -10000 h.flush() # Trim the image for i in range(1, 4): h[i].data = h[i].data[100:-100, 120:-100] h[i].header['CRPIX1'] -= 120 h[i].header['CRPIX2'] -= 100 h.close() ims = glob('oc01020[1-4]*_x2d.fits') ims += glob('oc01610[1-2]*_x2d.fits') if doshifts: init_guesses = [501, 542, 522, 523, 541, 524] centroids = [] for i, im in enumerate(ims): print(im) h = d = average(h[1].data[:, 915:925], axis=1) popt, _pcov = curve_fit(gauss, arange(len(d)), d, p0=[10, init_guesses[i], 1.5, 0]) centroids.append(popt[1]) shift = centroids[0] - popt[1] from matplotlib import pyplot as pl pl.ion() pl.clf() pl.plot(arange(len(d)), d) pl.plot(arange(len(d)), gauss(arange(len(d)), popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3])) _w = raw_input('Press return to continue') # watch the sign convention # This gives what you need to shift the input image by to get to the reference image iraf.unlearn(iraf.imshift) iraf.imshift(im + '[1]', im[:-8] + 'shift1.fits', 0.0, shift, interp_type='drizzle') # Run imcombine on the rectified (but not flux scaled) images with crreject iraf.unlearn(iraf.imcombine) imlist = '' for im in ims: imlist += im[:-8] + 'shift1.fits,' # drop the last comma imlist = imlist[:-1] iraf.imcombine(input=imlist, output='13dh_uv_com.fits', reject='none', lthreshold=-20, hthreshold=300) # run apall on the combined flux scaled image iraf.unlearn(iraf.apall) iraf.apall(input='13dh_uv_com.fits', output='13dh_uv', review='no', line=1024, nsum=-50, b_order=2, b_function='legendre', b_niterate=30, b_naverage=-21, nfind=1, t_order=2, background='fit', weights='variance')
def process(root,dir='./',verbose=True) : # setup imred.setup(root,dir=dir,idet=16) # create bias frames biases = imred.getfiles('zero',verbose=verbose) bias = imred.combine(biases,verbose=verbose) # create flat field flats = imred.getfiles('flat',filter='Open',verbose=verbose) flat = imred.combine(flats,bias=bias,trim=True,verbose=verbose) flats = imred.getfiles('flat',filter='Blue',verbose=verbose) flat += imred.combine(flats,bias=bias,trim=True,verbose=verbose) hdu=fits.PrimaryHDU(flat) hdu.writeto('flat.fits',clobber=True) # create normalized 1D flat field for file in ['flat_mag.fits','','',''] : if os.path.isfile(file) : os.remove(file) iraf.magnify(input='flat.fits',output='flat_mag.fits',xmag=1,ymag=4) iraf.hedit('flat_mag.fits',fields='CCDSEC',value='[200:1850,1:8189]', add=no,addonly=no,delete=no,verify=no,show=yes,update=yes) iraf.hedit('flat_mag.fits','dispaxis','1',add=yes,verify=no,show=yes,update=yes) if verbose: print( 'Modeling and extracting the superflat...') iraf.apall(input='flat_mag.fits',ref='echtrace130522',format='echelle', interactive=no,find=no,recenter=yes,resize=yes,edit=no,trace=yes, fittrace=no,extract=yes,extras=no,review=no,line=825,nsum=10, lower=-14.0,upper=14.0,b_function='chebyshev',b_order=2, b_niterate=3,b_naverage=-3,b_sample='-22:-15,15:22',width=18.0, radius=18.0,npeaks=INDEF,shift=no,ylevel=.05,t_nsum=5,t_step=1, t_function='legendre',t_order=5,t_naverage=3,t_niterate=3, t_low_reject=2.5,t_high_reject=2.5,t_nlost=3,t_sample='*', background='fit',weights='none',clean=no,saturation=40000.0)'')[0].data specflat = imred.specflat(flat,indiv=True) hdu=fits.PrimaryHDU(specflat) hdu.writeto('',clobber=True) #iraf.sfit (input="",output="",type="ratio", # replace=no,wavesca=no,logscal=no,override=yes,interac=no,sample="*", # naverag=1,funct="spline3",order=5,low_rej=2,high_rej=0,niterate=10,grow=1) pdb.set_trace() # arcs arcs = imred.getfiles('comp',verbose=verbose,listfile='arcs.lis') for arc in arcs : if verbose: print('arc: ', arc) data=imred.reduce(arc,bias=bias,trim=True) arcfile='arc.{:04d}.fits'.format(arc) outfile='arc.{:04d}.ec.fits'.format(arc) data.writeto(arcfile,clobber=True) if verbose: print('Resampling the arc by a factor of 4 in the y direction...') iraf.magnify(input=arcfile,output=arcfile,xmag=1,ymag=4) iraf.hedit(images=arcfile,fields='CCDSEC',value='[200:1850,1:8189]',add=no, addonly=no,delete=no,verify=no,show=yes,update=yes) iraf.hedit(arcfile,'dispaxis','1',add=yes,verify=no,show=yes,update=yes) if verbose: print('Applying model apertures to the arc and extracting spectra...') if os.path.isfile(outfile) : os.remove(outfile) iraf.apall(input=arcfile,output=outfile,reference='flat_mag',format='echelle', interactive=no,find=no,recenter=no,resize=no,edit=no, trace=no,fittrace=no,extract=yes,extras=no,review=no, shift=no,background='none',weights='none') iraf.ecreidentify(outfile,reference='', shift=INDEF,cradius=2,threshold=45,refit=yes) pdb.set_trace() # loop over objects objs = imred.getfiles('object',verbose=verbose) for obj in objs : data=imred.reduce(obj,bias=bias,flat=specflat,trim=True) pdb.set_trace()
def extract(fs=None):'work') if fs is None: fs = glob('fix/*fix*.fits') if len(fs) == 0: print "WARNING: No fixpixed images available for extraction."'..') return if not os.path.exists('x1d'): os.mkdir('x1d') print "Note: No continuum? Make nsum small (~-5) with 'line' centered on an emission line." for f in fs: # Get the output filename without the ".fits" outbase = f.replace('fix', 'x1d')[:-5] # Get the readnoise, right now assume default value of 5 but we could # get this from the header readnoise = 5 # If interactive open the rectified, background subtracted image in ds9 ds9display(f.replace('fix', 'bkg')) # set dispaxis = 1 just in case pyfits.setval(f, 'DISPAXIS', extname='SCI', value=1) iraf.unlearn(iraf.apall) iraf.flpr() iraf.apall(input=f + '[SCI]', output=outbase, interactive='yes', review='no', line='INDEF', nsum=-1000, lower=-5, upper=5, b_function='legendre', b_order=5, b_sample='-200:-100,100:200', b_naverage=-10, b_niterate=5, b_low_reject=3.0, b_high_reject=3.0, nfind=1, t_nsum=15, t_step=15, t_nlost=200, t_function='legendre', t_order=5, t_niterate=5, t_low_reject=3.0, t_high_reject=3.0, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit2d', clean='no', readnoise=readnoise, gain=1.0, lsigma=4.0, usigma=4.0, mode='hl') # Copy the CCDSUM keyword into the 1d extraction pyfits.setval(outbase + '.fits', 'CCDSUM', value=pyfits.getval(f, 'CCDSUM')) # Extract the corresponding arc arcname = glob('nrm/arc' + f.split('/')[1][3:8] + '*.fits')[0] # set dispaxis = 1 just in case pyfits.setval(arcname, 'DISPAXIS', extname='SCI', value=1) iraf.unlearn(iraf.apsum) iraf.flpr() iraf.apsum(input=arcname + '[SCI]', output='auxext_arc', references=f[:-5] + '[SCI]', interactive='no', find='no', edit='no', trace='no', fittrace='no', extras='no', review='no', background='no', mode='hl') # copy the arc into the 5 column of the data cube arcfs = glob('auxext_arc*.fits') for af in arcfs: archdu = scihdu = + '.fits', mode='update') d = scihdu[0].data.copy() scihdu[0].data = np.zeros((5, d.shape[1], d.shape[2])) scihdu[0].data[:-1, :, :] = d[:, :, :] scihdu[0].data[-1::, :] = archdu[0].data.copy() scihdu.flush() scihdu.close() archdu.close() os.remove(af) # Add the airmass, exptime, and other keywords back into the # extracted spectrum header kws = ['AIRMASS','EXPTIME', 'PROPID','PROPOSER','OBSERVER','OBSERVAT','SITELAT','SITELONG', 'INSTRUME','DETSWV','RA','PM-RA','DEC','PM-DEC','EQUINOX', 'EPOCH','DATE-OBS','TIME-OBS','UTC-OBS','TIMESYS','LST-OBS', 'JD','MOONANG','OBSMODE','DETMODE','SITEELEV','BLOCKID','PA', 'TELHA','TELRA','TELDEC','TELPA','TELAZ','TELALT','DECPANGL', 'TELTEM','PAYLTEM','MASKID','MASKTYP','GR-ANGLE','GRATING', 'FILTER'] for kw in kws: pyfits.setval(outbase + '.fits', kw, value=pyfits.getval(f,kw))'..')
def processEachTarg(i, input_list, output_list, apall_kws): ir.apall(input_list[i], output=output_list[i], **apall_kws) if saveCorrectedImg == False: ir.imdelete(input_list[i])
#Reduce with apall for imname in objects_pars.keys(): print(imname, imname + 'ms') templlist = list(objects_pars[imname]) templlist.append(imname + 'ms') objects_pars[imname] = templlist for imname in objects_pars.keys(): iraf.apall(input=imname, out=imname + 'ms', nfind=1, interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, t_nsum=50, t_nlost=50, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=yes, background='fit') l.write('extracted=yes') for imname in objects_pars.keys(): if 'ztfstar' in imname: print(objects_pars[imname][4]) iraf.standard(input=objects_pars[imname][4], output='std_' + imname,
def apall_std(stdlist): irf_prm.set_apall_std(iraf.apall) for std in stdlist: iraf.apall(input=std,output = 's'+std,nfind=0)#,interactive='no') return
masterbias.shape[0] * .97) iraf.apall(masterfn, output=masterfn.replace('.fits', '_spec.fits'), format='onedspec', recenter='YES', resize='YES', extras='yes', nfind=1, nsubaps=1, minsep=100, weights='variance', bkg='yes', b_function='chebyshev', b_order=1, b_naverage=-3, b_niterate=2, t_order=7, t_niterate=4, t_naverage=t_naverage, background='fit', clean='yes', interactive=True, review=False, b_sample='-30:-10,10:30', trace='YES', edit='YES', fittrace='YES', extract='YES', find='YES', t_sample=horizsamp)
iraf.apall(input='flat_fid_mag.fits', ref='echtrace130522', format='echelle', interactive=no, find=no, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=no, trace=yes, fittrace=no, extract=yes, extras=no, review=no, line=825, nsum=10, lower=-14.0, upper=14.0, b_function='chebyshev', b_order=2, b_niterate=3, b_naverage=-3, b_sample='-22:-15,15:22', width=18.0, radius=18.0, npeaks=INDEF, shift=no, ylevel=.05, t_nsum=5, t_step=1, t_function='legendre', t_order=5, t_naverage=3, t_niterate=3, t_low_reject=2.5, t_high_reject=2.5, t_nlost=3, t_sample='*', background='fit', weights='variance', clean=no, saturation=INDEF, gain='GAIN', readnoise='RDNOISE', pfit='fit2d', apertures='6-96')
if doextract: # Construct a MASTER FRAME, and trace it:: if os.path.isfile(_proc + 'masterframe_override.fits'): masterfn = _proc + 'masterframe_override.fits' else: sci_fns = [] for d in datasets: sci_fns+= d[0] for ii in range(len(sci_fns)): sci_fns[ii] = sci_fns[ii].replace('_spec.fits', '.fits') sumframe = np.zeros(pyfits.getdata(sci_fns[0]).shape, dtype=float) for fn in sci_fns: sumframe += pyfits.getdata(fn) masterfn = _proc + 'masterframe.fits' pyfits.writeto(masterfn, sumframe, clobber=clobber) horizsamp='%i:%i' % (masterbias.shape[0]*.02, masterbias.shape[0]*.97) iraf.apall(masterfn, output=masterfn.replace('.fits', '_spec.fits'), format='onedspec', recenter='YES',resize='YES',extras='yes', nfind=1, nsubaps=1, minsep=100, weights='variance', bkg='yes', b_function='chebyshev', b_order=1, b_naverage=-3, b_niterate=2, t_order=7, t_niterate=4, t_naverage=t_naverage, background='fit', clean='yes', interactive=True, review=False, b_sample='-30:-10,10:30', trace='YES',edit='YES',fittrace='YES',extract='YES', find='YES', t_sample=horizsamp) # Use the master-trace aperture to extract all spectra (even faint ones!) if clobber: for fn in redfns: fn2 = fn.replace('spec.fits', 'spec.0001.fits') if os.path.isfile(fn2): os.remove(fn2) iraf.apall('@tempjunkcal', output='@tempjunkred', format='onedspec', recenter='NO',resize='NO',extras='yes', nfind=1, nsubaps=1, minsep=100, weights='variance', bkg='yes', b_function='chebyshev', b_order=1, b_naverage=-3, b_niterate=2, t_order=3, t_niterate=4, t_naverage=t_naverage, background='fit', clean='yes', interactive=True, review=False, b_sample='-30:-10,10:30', trace='NO',edit='NO',fittrace='NO',extract='YES', find='NO', references='last', t_sample=horizsamp) #Clobber existing output image /Users/ianc/proj/mdwarfs/data/proc/20150821/EFOSC.2015-08-22T03:07:43.730_spec.0001? ('no'): y os.chdir(dir0) print "... and we're done!" print "Generating plots..."
with open('filenames.pickle') as f: # Python 3: open(..., 'rb') dataset, target, filename,extracted_filename, calibrated_filename, crval, dispersion = pickle.load(f) # Delete some directories/files from previous runs: os.system("rm -rf database pyraf uparm") # Delete previous results. os.system("rm "+extracted_filename+" "+calibrated_filename) # Run the spectral extraction program. iraf.apextract.setParam("dispaxis", "1") iraf.apall(input=filename, find="No", recenter="No", resize="No",interactive="Yes") # Make sure that the dispersion axis is in the header. iraf.hedit(images=[filename], fields=["DISPAXIS"], value=["1"], add="Yes") iraf.identify(filename[:-5], coordli=home+"/Downloads/HgNe(1).dat", section="line 105 125", crval=crval, cdelt=dispersion, fwidth=5) # Tell the extracted spectrum what the wavelength solutions are. iraf.hedit(images=[extracted_filename],
def lris_standard(standards, xcorr=yes): '''Extract standard stars and calculate sensitivity functions.''' for ofile, nstd in standards: shutil.copy(ofile, "%s.fits" % nstd) # Extract standard if get_head("%s.fits" % nstd, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(nstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none") else: iraf.apall(nstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit") if xcorr: # Cross correlate to tweak wavelength iraf.xcsao("" % nstd, templates=XCTEMPLATE, correlate="wavelength", logfiles="%s.xcsao" % ofile) # If a solution was found, apply shift try: xcsaof = open("%s.xcsao" % ofile) shift = float(xcsaof.readlines()[6].split()[14]) except: shift = 0.0 iraf.specshift("" % nstd, -shift) # Create telluric iraf.splot("" % nstd) # Remove telluric and absorption, save as iraf.sarith("" % nstd, "/", "" % nstd, "telluric.%s.fits" % nstd) iraf.imreplace("telluric.%s.fits" % nstd, 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.splot("telluric.%s.fits" % nstd) # Remove stellar features and resave # Create smoothed standard iraf.gauss("[*,1,1]" % nstd, "" % nstd, 5.0) iraf.sarith("" % nstd, "/", "" % nstd, "" % nstd) # Apply telluric correction iraf.telluric( "" % nstd, "" % nstd, "telluric.%s.fits" % nstd, xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='4000:4010,6850:6975,7150:7350,7575:7725,8050:8400,8900:9725' ) # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation obj = get_head("%s.fits" % nstd, "OBJECT") iraf.standard("" % nstd, "%s.std" % nstd, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', caldir='home$standards/', observatory='Keck', interac=yes, star_name=obj, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % nstd, '%s.sens' % nstd, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Keck', function='legendre', order=4, interactive=yes) return
extracted_filename = '' calibrated_filename = 'vega_9.3narrow.calib.fits' # Delete previous results. os.system("rm "+extracted_filename+" "+calibrated_filename) # Make sure that the dispersion axis is in the header. iraf.hedit(images=[filename], fields=["DISPAXIS"], value=["1"], add="Yes") # Run the spectral extraction program. iraf.apextract.setParam("dispaxis", "1") iraf.apall(input=filename, find="No", recenter="No", resize="No") # Now identify the spectral lines in the arc lamps. Need to replace l1 l2 # with the range of rows that have the spectral lines. iraf.identify(filename, section="line 265 285") # Tell the extracted spectrum what the wavelength solutions are. iraf.hedit(images=[extracted_filename], fields=["REFSPEC1"], \ value=[filename], add="Yes") iraf.dispcor(input=extracted_filename, output=calibrated_filename) # Plot the extracted spectrum?
def combine(doreduce=True, doshifts=True): if doreduce: ims = glob('oc01020[1-4]*_raw.fits') ims += glob('oc016*_raw.fits') # for each image for im in ims: print im stistools.basic2d.basic2d(im, im.replace('raw','flt')) im = im.replace('raw', 'flt') print im # Update the target position at 0.0 for i in range(4): pyfits.setval(im, 'POSTARG2', value=0.0, ext=i) # reset the aperture table to the newer file (we maybe should check this) pyfits.setval(im, 'APERTAB', value='oref$y2r1559to_apt.fits') # Reset the wcs to have CRPIX2 along the trace # Run x2d on the flt frame stistools.x2d.x2d(input=im, output=im.replace('flt','x2d') ) h ='flt','x2d'), mode='update') # Replace all of the bad pixels in the image by -10000 based on the DQ array # save them to a new file # Throw away bad reference file pixels and saturated pixels. None of the other error codes # were in the first file so I haven't included them here, but we might want to d = h[3].data badpix = logical_and(bitwise_and(d, 256) == 256, bitwise_and(d, 512) == 512) h[1].data[badpix] = -10000 h.flush() # Trim the image for i in range(1,4): h[i].data = h[i].data[100:-100, 120:-100] h[i].header['CRPIX1'] -= 120 h[i].header['CRPIX2'] -= 100 h.close() ims = glob('oc01020[1-4]*_x2d.fits') ims += glob('oc01610[1-2]*_x2d.fits') if doshifts: init_guesses = [501, 542, 522, 523, 541, 524] centroids = [] for i, im in enumerate(ims): print(im) h = d = average(h[1].data[:, 915:925], axis=1) popt, _pcov = curve_fit(gauss, arange(len(d)), d, p0=[10, init_guesses[i], 1.5, 0]) centroids.append(popt[1]) shift = centroids[0] - popt[1] from matplotlib import pyplot as pl pl.ion() pl.clf() pl.plot(arange(len(d)), d) pl.plot(arange(len(d)), gauss(arange(len(d)), popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3])) _w = raw_input('Press return to continue') # watch the sign convention # This gives what you need to shift the input image by to get to the reference image iraf.unlearn(iraf.imshift) iraf.imshift(im + '[1]', im[:-8] + 'shift1.fits', 0.0, shift, interp_type='drizzle') # Run imcombine on the rectified (but not flux scaled) images with crreject iraf.unlearn(iraf.imcombine) imlist = '' for im in ims: imlist += im[:-8] + 'shift1.fits,' # drop the last comma imlist = imlist[:-1] iraf.imcombine(input=imlist, output='13dh_uv_com.fits', reject='none', lthreshold=-20, hthreshold=300) # run apall on the combined flux scaled image iraf.unlearn(iraf.apall) iraf.apall(input='13dh_uv_com.fits', output='13dh_uv', review='no', line=1024, nsum=-50, b_order=2, b_function='legendre', b_niterate=30, b_naverage=-21, nfind=1, t_order=2, background='fit', weights='variance')