def getSize(self, file): ''' This function can be used to get the size of the image. It actually returns a simple information found from the image header, however, when parsed correctly the image size is available. ''' self.file = file head = I.imheader(self.file, Stdout=1) return head
def get_image_size(images): result = iraf.imheader(images=images, longheader=0, Stdout=1) if result[0] == '': return None array = {} for item in result: res ='(.*)\[([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]', item) array[] = [int(, int(] if len(array.keys()) == 1: return array[array.keys()[0]] else: return array
def find_param_with_comment(filename, comment): header_long = iraf.imheader(filename, lo=True, Stdout=True) for header_val in header_long: trimmed = header_val.replace(' = ', '!^!^!').replace(' / ', '!^!^!').split('!^!^!') if len(trimmed) < 3: continue elif trimmed[2] == comment: return trimmed[0] else: pass return 'NullReturn'
def get_comment(filename, paramname): header_long = iraf.imheader(filename, lo=True, Stdout=True) for header_val in header_long: trimmed = header_val.replace(' = ', '!^!^!').replace(' / ', '!^!^!').split('!^!^!') if len(trimmed) < 3: continue elif trimmed[1].strip() == paramname: return trimmed[2].strip() else: pass return 'NullReturn'
def getCenter(imgs): ''' getCenter: Uses the Iraf imcntr task to find the centers of a list of objects Inputs: a list of image filenames <imgs> (see getIter()) to find the centers of. Outputs: a numpy array with shape (len(imgs), 3), of the form ... ... ... <img_name> <center_x> <center_y> ... ... ... where all three fields are strings. ''' out = np.full((len(imgs),3),"-1",dtype=object) shape_re = re.compile(r"\[(?P<rows>\d+),(?P<cols>\d+)\]") center_re = re.compile(r"x:\s+(?P<center_x>\d+\.\d*)\s+y:\s+(?P<center_y>\d+\.\d*)") for i in range(0,len(imgs)): header_string = iraf.imheader(imgs[i],Stdout=1)[0] shape = rows,cols = -1,-1 if shape: rows = int("rows")) cols = int("cols")) else: sys.exit(1) #end if center_string = iraf.imcntr(imgs[i],rows/2,cols/2,cboxsize=31, Stdout=1)[0] center = center_x,center_y = "-1","-1" if center: center_x = str(int(float("center_x")))) center_y = str(int(float("center_y")))) else: sys.exit(1) #end if out[i,0] = imgs[i] out[i,1] = center_x out[i,2] = center_y #end loop return out
z22 = float(z22) _z11, _z22, goon = agnkey.util.display_image( 'original.fits', 1, z11, z22, False) answ = raw_input(">>>>> Cuts OK [y/n] [y]?") if not answ: answ = 'y' elif answ == 'no': answ = 'n' z11 = float(_z11) z22 = float(_z22) # else: # z11=float(_z11) # z22=float(_z22) if not _interactive and xx0: _dimension = string.split((string.split( iraf.imheader('original', Stdout=1)[0], ']')[0]), '[')[1] aa, bb = string.split(_dimension, ',') aa, bb = float(aa) / 2, float(bb) / 2 _vec = str(aa) + ' ' + str(bb) + ' 1' vector = [_vec] ff = open('tmplabel', 'w') for i in vector: ff.write(i + ' \n') ff.close() if _show: iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmplabel', autol='no', mark="circle", radii=10, inter='no', label='no', number='yes', \ pointsize=20, txsize=2, color=204) os.system('cp tmplabel ' + img + '.sn.coo') else:
def extract(image,trace,sigma,bk): if sigma < 1.: sigma = 1. #sigma = sigma*2 #print sigma,"sigma" original_file = original_header = iraf.imheader(images=image,longheader=1,Stdout=1) image = pyfits.getdata(image) image = transpose(image) line = [] peak = [] step = 200 i = 0 while i < len(image): crop = image[i] bk_i = [] signal_i = [] ### uncomment this to see where the extraction is taking place # plt.plot(crop) # plt.axvline(x=trace[i]) # x = arange(0,len(crop)+0.1-1,0.1) y = interpolate.interp1d(arange(0,len(crop)),crop) y = y(x) weights = [] for j in range(len(x)): for n in bk: if x[j] > n[0] and x[j] < n[1]: bk_i.append(y[j]) if x[j] > trace[i] - sigma and x[j] < trace[i] + sigma: signal_i.append(y[j]) weights.append(gaussian([1,trace[i],sigma,0],x[j])) if len(bk_i) > 0: bk_i = median(bk_i) else: bk_i = 0 if len(signal_i) > 0: pass else: signal_i = [0] weights = [1] signal_i = array(signal_i) weights = array(weights) line.append(i+1) peak.append(sum(signal_i)-bk_i*len(signal_i)) #peak.append(sum(signal_i*weights)-sum(bk_i*weights)) i = i + 1 ### Uncomment to plot spectrum # plt.clf() # plt.plot(line,peak) # data = transpose(array([line,peak])) f = open("spectrum.flux","w") functions.write_table(data,f) f.close() os.system("rm spectrum.fits") iraf.rspectext( input = "spectrum.flux",\ output = "spectrum.fits",\ title = "",\ flux = 0,\ dtype = "interp") update_fitsheader(original_header,original_file,"spectrum.fits") original_file.close()
iraf.hedit('master$dark', 'EXPTIME,EXPOSURE', 1, update='yes', ver='no') ############################################################################### # Make comment if not noReduce: iraf.hedit('master$dark', 'OBS_I', 'Combined darks, bias removed', add='yes', ver='no') ############################################################################### # Show what we have done print iraf.imstat.unlearn() iraf.imstat.setParam('fields', 'image,npix,mean,midpt,mode,stddev,min,max') iraf.imstat('RAW$@list$dark,T$@list$dark,master$dark-uns,master$dark') ############################################################################### # Dump the relevant information to the log sys.stdout = open('log/3.log', 'w') print 'darkcombine parameters' print iraf.ccdred.darkcombine.lParam() print iraf.imheader('master$dark', longheader='yes')
iraf.ccdred.zerocombine('RAW$@list$bias', output='master$bias') ############################################################################### # Make comment iraf.hedit('master$bias', 'OBS_I', 'Combined biases 1, 2 and 3', add='yes', ver='no') ############################################################################### # Show what we have done print iraf.imstat.unlearn() iraf.imstat.setParam('fields', 'image,npix,mean,midpt,mode,stddev,min,max') iraf.imstat('RAW$@list$bias,master$bias') ############################################################################### # Dump the relevant information to the log sys.stdout = open('log/2.log', 'w') print print 'zerocombine parameters' print iraf.ccdred.zerocombine.lParam() print iraf.imheader('master$bias', longheader='yes')
########################################################################### # Make comment if not config.noReduce: iraf.hedit('master$norm-flat-' + filter, 'OBS_I', 'Combined flats, bias removed', add='yes', ver='no') ########################################################################### print iraf.imstat('RAW$@list$flat-' + filter + ',' + 'T$@list$flat-' + filter + ',' + 'master$flat-' + filter + ',' + 'master$norm-flat-' + filter, fields='image,npix,mean,midpt,mode,stddev,min,max') ########################################################################### # Dump the relevant information to the log sys.stdout = open('log/4.' + filter + '.log', 'w') print 'flatcombine parameters' print iraf.ccdred.flatcombine.lParam() print iraf.imheader('master$norm-flat-' + filter, longheader='yes') sys.stdout = oldstdout
z22 = _z22 else: z22 = float(z22) _z11, _z22, goon = agnkey.util.display_image('original.fits', 1, z11, z22, False) answ = raw_input(">>>>> Cuts OK [y/n] [y]?") if not answ: answ = 'y' elif answ == 'no': answ = 'n' z11 = float(_z11) z22 = float(_z22) # else: # z11=float(_z11) # z22=float(_z22) if not _interactive and xx0: _dimension = string.split((string.split(iraf.imheader('original', Stdout=1)[0], ']')[0]), '[')[1] aa, bb = string.split(_dimension, ',') aa, bb = float(aa) / 2, float(bb) / 2 _vec = str(aa) + ' ' + str(bb) + ' 1' vector = [_vec] ff = open('tmplabel', 'w') for i in vector: ff.write(i + ' \n') ff.close() if _show: iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmplabel', autol='no', mark="circle", radii=10, inter='no', label='no', number='yes', \ pointsize=20, txsize=2, color=204) os.system('cp tmplabel ' + img + '.sn.coo') else: answ0 = 'n'
""" This file is meant to be run by itself, demonstrating the Python-to-IRAF API for use in testing, starting with the very simplest of function calls. This test is useful in special installations, such as one without IRAF. """ import sys print("Simple #1 - about to: from pyraf import iraf ...") from pyraf import iraf print("Simple #2 - about to import pyraf ...") # should be essentially a no-op import pyraf print("Simple #3 - ver is ...") print(pyraf.__version__) print("Simple #4 - pwd is ...") iraf.pwd() # will print print("Simple #5 - has IRAF is ...") from pyraf import irafinst print(str(irafinst.EXISTS)) if not irafinst.EXISTS: sys.exit(0) print("Simple #6 - files output is ... (the rest require IRAF)") iraf.files('file_a.txt,file-b.txt,file.c.txt,,filed.txt') print("Simple #7 - loading imutil") iraf.images(_doprint=0) # load images iraf.imutil(_doprint=0) # load imutil print("Simple #8 - imaccess to dev$pix is ...") print(iraf.imaccess("dev$pix")) print("Simple #9 - imheader of dev$pix is ...") iraf.imheader("dev$pix") sys.exit(0)
ref = open(config.root + 'list/' + fn).readline().rstrip() print print "Aligning science frames for " + fn + " relto " + ref + "..." iraf.imdelete("OUT$@list$" + fn) iraf.imalign(input='INP$@list$' + fn, reference='INP$' + ref, coords='align$' + fn + '.coords', output='OUT$@list$' + fn, shifts='align$' + fn + '.shift', niterate=config.align_niter, trimimages=config.align_trim, boxsize=config.align_boxsize, bigbox=config.align_bigbox, interp_type=config.align_interp) ############################################################################### # Show what we have done sys.stdout = open('log/5.log', 'w') print 'imalign parameters' print iraf.imalign.lParam() print iraf.imheader('OUT$*', longheader='yes') sys.stdout = oldstdout